Examples of motivation for children in dow. Motivation as a form of work with children in the organization of directly educational activities. Game motivation in various activities methodological development on the topic What is game motivation

Game motivation is a special methodological technique designed to help manage people's activities in a game form. Despite the fact that in the not so distant past, game motivation was used mainly when working with children, today this method is practiced in most areas of human life, and it is applicable to people of various age categories. And in gamification, game motivation plays one of the most important roles, which is why we decided to devote the first lesson of our course to this issue.

As it should be assumed, game motivation is most directly related to the concept of motivation in general. With her detailed description and features you can get acquainted in one of the lessons (lesson ""); here we will only briefly recall what motivation is in general, why it needs to be managed, and what are the advantages of game motivation.

What is motivation

Speaking in a common language, motivation can be described as the internal impulses of a person that encourage him to perform any action; a special inner feeling that makes you do something. Moreover, this can concern absolutely everything, from getting up in the early morning and ending with the achievement of specific goals, life results, etc. Motivation is the basis of any action taken by a person.

It would not be superfluous to note that if there were no motivation, life around, most likely, would simply stop, because nothing in the world, except motivation, can force a person to work to implement changes both in the world around him and inside his personality. If we project it specifically on a personal level, then the lack of motivation nullifies any progress in any area of ​​life. interpersonal interaction, financial well-being, career, health status, self-realization - the development of any of these components (and many others) will stand still if it is not supported by internal incentives. And just here it is appropriate to mention the management of motivation.

Why Motivation Requires Management

Each of us achieves success in certain areas of life. Each of our days is filled with various events and activities. The reason for all this is, as it has already become clear, nothing more than motivation. However, in this whole picture there is one important point which needs to be given attention.

The fact is that stimulation, forcing a person to perform actions, in most cases is not used to the maximum, as many are convinced. As a rule, the mechanism of stimulation operates automatically, mechanistically, or, so to speak, on autopilot, which is why it is not able to bring all the benefits, advantages and rewards that it can.

But if we ask ourselves the question of controlling our internal states and impulses and begin to study this topic, we will be able to make such changes in any area of ​​​​our life that we could not even imagine until now. When a person knows exactly what to do and what to avoid, power over himself appears in his arsenal of methods for creating change - a tool that can force him to do everything necessary to achieve what he dreams of and make life the way he wants .

Maintaining an active state in oneself, the desire to act, create and move forward - this is the management of motivation. And at present, psychologists and other specialists in the field of personality study have developed quite a lot of ways to control people's activities. Among them are financial incentives, coercion, standards, recognition, satisfaction of needs, etc. But, unfortunately, not all of these methods affect a person and his motivation equally effectively: if, for example, the same recognition is important for one, it may be indifferent to another; if by means of coercion one group of people can be forced to work, on the other it can cause the exact opposite result, and so on. Therefore, it is recommended to choose more universal methods for managing activities, through which it is realistic to influence not only not only the majority of people individually, but also in large numbers. That is what gaming motivation is all about.

The most effective form of activity management

So what are the benefits of gaming motivation? This issue requires, albeit small, but separate consideration.

If we turn to the history of development, we can immediately understand the most important function of the game, which lies in the spontaneous and most efficient way learning. When a child plays, he masters the world around him. Initially, this is the world of objects (the child manipulates cubes, balls, designer parts, etc.), and then the social world (interaction with other people begins). It is the game method of learning that has proven its effectiveness and ease of use over many years of practice, because it is very easy to use. It is also interesting that for the most part children are very fond of playing, and the skills that they receive are not only fixed, but remain with them for life.

As a person grows older, games begin to leave his life, and even if it does not sound grandiloquent, it becomes no longer so interesting. However, the game, even in adulthood, can always be returned. Remember at least business games, trainings, team building - even in the life of "big and important uncles and aunts" the game approach to learning is extremely effective, which is proved not only by the achievements of people, but also by the prevalence of game methods today.

As for the advantages of gaming motivation, there are several of them. Firstly, it activates human emotions, and they, in turn, color any, even the most seemingly boring and routine process. bright colors. Secondly, it immerses a person in the state of a child (in a good and healthy sense of the word): creative potential is revealed, a feeling of rivalry appears, a desire to win, to appear outside the box, to apply original solutions, avoiding clichés and patterns. Thirdly, there is freedom from stereotypes and. And, finally, there is almost 100% involvement in what is happening when a person lives in the “now” moment, feeling its value. Game motivation gives rise to a deep need in a person to find a solution to a problem or task, and this is accompanied by states of lightness and joy from what he is doing. And another obvious advantage of game motivation is that it is applicable to any sphere of life. But let's recap the above.

If we bring everything we have said to a common denominator, we get the following advantages of game motivation and activity:

  • Aligning the goals of the game with the needs of the people involved
  • The absence of contradictions between the abstract nature of the game and the real problems that need to be solved
  • The ability to connect a wide range of problems with the depth of their understanding
  • Compliance of the game with the logic of activity
  • Availability social interaction able to prepare for professional communication
  • High degree of participant involvement
  • The presence of high content feedback
  • Opportunity for a person to show their maximum qualities
  • Activation of reflexive processes, contributing to the interpretation and comprehension of the results obtained
  • Formation of the ability to overcome stereotypes
  • Formation of installations professional activity
  • The opportunity for a person to objectively evaluate himself and his capabilities and, as a result,

The use of game motivation allows you to get such an experience that can be much more productive than any other, including those obtained in professional field activities. This happens due to an increase in the scope of reality, a visual representation of the consequences decisions taken and the ability to test alternative solutions. The information that a person operates in the real world is inaccurate and incomplete, and in the game he can be guided by albeit incomplete, but accurate data. This allows you to be confident in the results and stimulate the process of taking responsibility for your actions. The advantages indicated by us, in fact, determine the success and effectiveness of gaming motivation.

Despite all of the above, to understand gamification and its features, as well as the intricacies of applying in practice, knowledge of game motivation alone may not be enough, because the topic of motivation is generally very voluminous. With this in mind, here are a few theories of motivation and their main points - this information will help you better understand how to use game approaches in non-game processes.

Theories of motivation as a key to understanding and applying gamification

  • Motivation - a person desires to perform an action
  • Ability - a person can perform an action without problems
  • Push - a person receives a signal that directs him to perform an action

The most important among these factors is precisely the first one - motivation, and specialists, in particular psychologists, show maximum interest in it, as can be judged by the number of created models that describe what motivates people and why it acts the way it does.

Naturally, it is simply impossible to cover and consider them all within the framework of one lesson, and we will only talk about three theories of motivation that, in our opinion, will be more useful in studying gamification and for its customization and application.

These include:

  • "Drive" by Daniel Pink
  • Radical Burres Frederick Skinner

Learn more about each of the theories.

Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs

The theory of motivation, now known as Abraham Maslow's Pyramid of Needs, is considered not only one of the most famous, but also one of the earliest in the history of psychology - it was developed in 1943. It is likely that you are already familiar with it, but if not, then you can read about it in detail.

According to Maslow's Pyramid, there are five basic levels of needs (from lowest to highest):

  • Physiological needs: sexual desire, thirst, hunger, etc.
  • Existential needs: security, confidence in the future, constancy of living conditions, etc.
  • Social needs: caring for others, attention to oneself, communication, social connections, etc.
  • Prestigious needs: career growth, social recognition, self-respect, etc.
  • Spiritual needs: self-expression, self-actualization, etc.

Schematically, the Pyramid is shown in Figure No. 1:

The researcher believes that the needs presented are what makes people do what they do. If you dig deeper, people's behavior is influenced by the desire to satisfy their physical and psychological needs. The first four levels of needs are easy to understand - according to Maslow, these are scarcity needs, i.e. need for what is missing. But the fifth level raises questions - how to understand the need for self-realization?

In his numerous writings, Abraham Maslow, referring to this fifth level, interprets it as meta-needs or the needs of being. It is a combination of many motivators the highest degree, also called meta-motivators - non-material benefits that a person strives for. It is meta-motivators that play the main role in the process of gamification.

At the same time, along with Maslow's classical theory of motivation, a more modern one can be distinguished - the so-called "Drive" by Daniel Pink.

"Drive" by Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink's book "" was published in 2009. The author, based on modern experience and modern data, says that in today's society, where Maslow's low levels of needs are already more or less satisfied, the main motivation for people is the upper levels - internal motivators. Curiously, these motivators are absolutely identical to Abraham Maslow's meta-motivators, located at the level of the spiritual needs of his scheme. Pink, in turn, concentrates exclusively on them.

Thus, Daniel Pink highlights:

  • autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Meaning

This is where we come to the fact that most motivators, like needs, are remarkably similar to game mechanics and dynamics. For example, the management of Zynga, realizing that the vast majority of people have a gaming personality type “party-goer” (we will look at the types of players in lesson 4) and need to satisfy the need for, developed the FarmVille game on the Facebook social network. This game is a real-time farm management simulation and satisfies people's need for social approval and social cohesion.

Giving people titles, statuses, achievements, etc. considered one of the most common game mechanics, however, in real life all this is a disguised satisfaction of the need for respect.

Figure 2 will help you visually see the parallels between Maslow's Pyramid of Needs and Pink's Drive:

It is obvious that spiritual needs, such as self-actualization, self-realization, the meaning of life, etc., are of primary importance in Pink's Drive. But it would be a mistake to be guided only by these data, because there are theories that speak of opposite things, for example, the behaviorism of Burres Frederick Skinner.

The Radical Behaviorism of Burres Frederick Skinner

Skinner's radical behaviorism is a completely different psychological school. Its main premise is that human behavior is the result of a complex impact on his personality of external conditions through reinforcement (influencing behavior with the help of incentives) and learning. Skinner's theory ignores innate needs and takes into account only external environment and reinforcements for shaping and managing human behavior. In fact, the reinforcers learned by a person eventually become his motivators. In gamification, reinforcements can be described as points (points and points will be discussed in Lesson 2).

Quite a lot of game techniques have been created using the principles proposed by Skinner, which is why their core is a point system. But points can only become a reward if they are applied correctly, and this already depends on the schedule of reinforcements (rewards), i.e. on how often, in what quantity and when points are issued.

Among other things, Burres Frederick Skinner has characterized the impact of different reward schedules on player responsiveness and presented the actions that different schedules can induce. For example, a schedule based on fixed reward intervals is ideal for increasing activity on the eve of a deadline (the deadline by which work must be completed). And the schedule with a fixed proportion of rewards, as well as the previous schedule, can be used to teach a person new behavioral patterns. The variable interval chart has been most effective in situations where it is required to reinforce already learned behaviors. In turn, a variable proportion plot should be used to preserve the behavior, as in many respects it is based on gambling addiction. The last graph indicates how important "surprises" are in the gamification process. By the way, it serves as the basis of the lottery game mechanics and some other motivators belonging to the preliminary category.

Summing up the conversation about motivation and theories of motivation in terms of gamification, it will be extremely useful if we also touch on one more concept, knowledge of which will help to get closer to understanding gamification in general. This concept of “flow” is well known from the work of the famous American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

The state of the flow and its essence in gamification

As Mihaly Csikkszentmihalyi described it, it is the most optimal state of intrinsic motivation, being in which people are completely immersed in what they are doing. Sometimes it is also called the state of passion, experiencing which a person, as it were, abstracts from physical sensations and time, and also loses his ego for some period.

Although flow is described as a highly desirable mental state, it is not easy to achieve it. Part of the reason is that people have internal conflicts about what they really want. So, speaking at the 2006 TED conference, dedicated to the dissemination of original and unusual ideas on the topics of art, science, design, culture, business, politics and others, a well-known author of books on motivation spoke about six emotional needs of people. The first of them concerned precisely certainty, and the second, no matter how strange it may sound, uncertainty, which completely contradicts the first.

It may seem that people are very inconsistent, but in reality there is a very thin line between certainty and uncertainty. This boundary is the state of flow we are considering and presented by Csikszentmihalyi.

In a huge number of situations, people prefer a state of control that gives them a sense of security and safety. But, at the same time, people chronically "do not digest" boredom. However, along with the acquisition of any skills for a long time, people sink into a state of boredom if they are not given a more difficult task. And it is things like variety, surprises, unforeseen circumstances, trials, and so on that act as motivators for most people.

In real life, everything that goes beyond the ordinary plunges a person into a state of excitement, because it is almost always quite problematic for him to find tasks with the level of complexity that will best suit his skills. As a result, the tasks are either too simple, i.e. boring, or very difficult, i.e. frustrating. Based on this, the whole paradox of human motivation in reality lies in his desire to find this barely perceptible boundary between the state of certainty and uncertainty.

Figure 3 shows Csikszentmihalyi's diagram, which allows you to better understand the essence of our explanations:

Now we can draw a full conclusion.

Turning to the ideas of Abraham Maslow (and also Daniel Pink), we can understand what people want, and these inner needs are theirs for them. driving force. On the other hand, Burres Frederick Skinner tells us that if we take appropriate reinforcements (rewards) into the work, people's internal needs can be bypassed, and instead of satisfying them, just reward them with points, as a result of which they will learn and be in a motivated state. only thanks to the accumulation of these very points. However, in the long term, it is extremely inefficient to distribute points “stupidly”; people will quickly begin to "die" of boredom. Gamification, if we are talking about success in this matter, must be adapted to the skills that people have. In other words, it should be such that the boundary between certainty and uncertainty is found in it, allowing one to enter the state of passion or flow, which Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi spoke about - the state of internal motivation.

Of course, there are a huge number of other psychological theories of motivation, and this topic we have considered is far from exhaustive. But we sincerely hope that the information provided will allow you to get closer to understanding gamification as a process of applying gaming methods to non-gaming activities. In the future, we recommend that you take into account the information received and build your personal gamification based on psychological aspects motivation of human activity (of course, coupled with the knowledge that you will receive after completing the entire course).

In the next lesson, we will talk about the main game elements of gamification - points, ratings and badges, and also talk about the Pyramid of elements created by professionals in the presented field - Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

Victoria Kalugina
Formation of initiative and independence in older preschoolers in play activities

Modern Primary School makes high demands on the level of readiness of children preschool age for schooling. Kindergarten, being the first step in the education system, performs an important function of preparing children for school. Because of how high quality and timely preschooler will be prepared for school, the success of his further education largely depends.

Among the qualities of a future student, researchers highlight independence of the child, because it contributes to the development of his personality as a whole. AT recent times established "humanistic" development approach child: he was recognized the right to be a person. BUT independence- Faithful companion of personal development.

What is independence? It would seem that the answer lies on the surface, but everyone understands it differently.

This is an action that a person performs on his own, without the prompting and help of others;

The ability to rely only on one's own strength;

Freedom of expression of their feelings, creative ideas;

Ability to manage yourself and your time;

Ability to take on new challenges and solve them himself.

It is difficult to object to these definitions. They clearly point to human independence. What is included in the concept « independent activity» .

« Independent activity» most fully determined by A.I. Zimnyaya. By her definition, independent activity is presented as purposeful, internally motivated, structured by the object itself in the totality of the actions performed and corrected by it according to the process and result activities. Its implementation requires a sufficiently high level self-awareness, reflectivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, gives the child satisfaction as a process self-improvement and self-knowledge».

In this way," independent activity, or amateur performance"is a subjective, actually individual self-managed activity, with personally conditioned components: goal, leading need, motivation and ways of implementation.

On the independence affects the child's intelligence, emotional state, physiological and individual characteristics, a large place is given to inventory.

With a concept « independent activity» closely related concept « self-activation» is subjectively correlated intrinsic motivation activities.

Of particular importance for development in preschool age has stimulation and maximum use of the motivation to achieve success in educational, labor and children's play activities.

The actual process independent activity presented in the form triads: motive - plan (action)- result.

The motive encourages the child to activities. It can be created in different conditions:

– enrichment of the arsenal of skills;

- encouraging children through changing conditions;

- setting new tasks.

The value of the game in the development and upbringing of the personality is unique, since the game allows each child to feel like a subject, to show and develop his personality, subjectivity, initiative.

The process of interaction of children in the game is a means of developing their independence.

Usage game techniques and methods, their sequence and interrelation will contribute to solving this problem.

To determine the level of manifestation initiatives in children at home, we conducted a survey of parents.

The results of data processing showed that the level initiative in the game is not formed enough. The graph in the presentation shows that only 10% of children know how to play on one's own without the help of an adult. Only 30% of children have a game preparation phase, which shows us the inability of most children to set a goal in the game, and this is one of the main components independent activity. But on the other side most of children (60 and 70%) comes into contact with initiative in play with children and adults.

All children show imagination in the game, which indicates formation the initial stages of the plot gaming activity.

So, according to the results of this survey of parents, those difficulties were identified that were worked out with the help of organizing role-playing games in the kindergarten group. BUT exactly: development of the ability to set the goal of the game, game task, develop game plot, performing a series of sequential actions, take on a variety of roles, activate the cognitive activity of children, achieve performance in the game. All this was realized with the help of competent guidance of role-playing games for children. senior preschool age .

As a result of the implementation of this direction of pedagogical influence, the following data:

From the data of the graph one can see an unambiguous positive dynamics: ability to play on one's own, without the help of an adult was detected in 50% of children (an increase of 40%, a phase of preparation for play appeared in 60% of children (an increase of 30%, an increase of 20% in the number of children who come into contact with peers in initiative in the game.

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn that the conditions development of independence and initiative, as well as social gaming experience are:

1. Game teacher, i.e. carrier gaming experience.

2. Use in games different kind, special emphasis is placed on role-playing games.

4. The interests and desires of children are the starting point for the plots of games.

5. Good management and leadership children's play activities: designing role-playing games; preparation of a subject-developing environment; monitoring the development of skills gaming activity, as well as social skills: autonomy and initiative.

An important task is the formation of the ability to independently distribute roles using different draws.

When guiding role-playing games, we used the following techniques (usually indirect):

1. Straight:

introduction of attributes that do not require special training,

taking on the role of a hint during the game,

adding a new attribute

direction of the game in the right direction,

switching attention to another game situation.

2. Indirect:

reading excerpts from newspapers and magazines,

viewing pictures and posters,

production of attributes in the classroom for labor,

conversations, acquaintance with the work of adults.

Sometimes, when distributing roles, an adult can assign roles, guided by a specific pedagogical task (encouraging a newcomer, including a timid one in the game, or joining the game himself.


Holding role-playing game "Polyclinic"


Enrich gaming and personal experience children, to expand the understanding of the surrounding reality.

Use works of art as a source information and impressions.

- form interest in classical music.

Activate in speech and clarify the name of the instruments, medical professions to learn to understand the purpose of professional actions.

Develop children's social relationships through understanding the professional adult activities.

Enrich ideas about the work of doctors in different areas (pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist, nurse etc.).

Learn to call and pass in the game professional activities medical workers.

- form the grammatical structure of speech, the culture of communication, the ability to explain, answer questions.

- Form a dialogic form of speech.

Raise respect for the work of the medical profession.

Contribute to the expansion of the range of role-playing activities.

To teach to perform the actions provided for by the role, to coordinate them with the interests of comrades.

Use your knowledge and experience in the game, mutual assistance.

Promote formation communication skills.

- Formation friendly and caring attitude towards each other.

Preparing for the game:

1. Manufacture of attributes:

Making certificates from paper;

Production of tablets and vitamins from plasticine;

Collection of empty medicine and vitamin boxes;

Production of medical cards.

2. Enrichment of impressions:

Examination of illustrations for the work of A. Barto “Tamara and I are orderlies”;

Listening to a piece of music by P. Tchaikovsky "Doll Disease";

Consideration of the plot picture "At the doctor";

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Aibolit";

Excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten;

Reading an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky "Who to be";

Invite parents with children to go on an excursion to the clinic;

Didactic game "Magic box";

Have a conversation at the end of the tour.

3. Training game techniques:

Learn how to use attributes

Learn to lay out attributes;

To teach children who have taken on the role of a doctor, to give recommendations "sick".

Learn to unite in the game and use dialogues.

Antonina Zhukova
Creation of game motivation at different age stages

MDOU "Kindergarten "Friendship"

Report on topic:

« Creation of game motivation on

different age stages»

caregiver: Zhukova A. A.

The themes of the OOD, its purpose and course, provide for a creative approach. I try to use as many resources as possible so that educational activities are interesting, educational and educational in nature! Children are very affectionate, trusting, inquisitive. Each activity opens something new for them, which then becomes their own, familiar, understandable, close to them. They do not like monotony, they cannot listen for a long time, sit quietly. They are very fond of playing. Therefore, in the learning process, I include games. During OOD we play serious and smart games. But we play not for the sake of the game, but for the sake of awakening the spark of inquisitive curiosity in all children. People come to us and we invite famous heroes of children's fairy tales, cartoons, funny and funny people to visit. They ask children "cunning" questions, bring letters with requests, tasks, puzzles, etc.

Someone went to visit the children, to those who correctly explained the path of movement from kindergarten to their home.

Why did the little guy always come with difficult questions. He is very knowledgeable and knows a lot. He is upset if few of the children can answer his questions. After all, interesting, mysterious things are remembered for a long time.

The children were very fond of when Pinocchio appeared in the classroom, they loved to correct his mistakes. Dunno was also interesting to them.

That's how, using the elements of the game, I taught my children a lot. Their mental stress and fatigue disappeared. They completed all tasks quickly and with great willingness.

So, a serious, purposeful game helped to consolidate the knowledge of children, sum up the lesson, and relieve mental stress.

Playing in preschool age is one of my favorite activities.

That's why game method occupies an important place in teaching preschoolers. Creation of gaming situations allows you to attract the involuntary attention of children. In the conditions of the game, it is easier for the educator to activate the attention of children, keep him on the proposed content, and form an interest in working in a team environment.

The opportunity to develop creative abilities in preschoolers in the game and attracts the attention of the educator - teacher to this type of activity of children, allows him to use games in the classroom.

When conducting games, children's knowledge, interest, know and take into account children's play experience, represent what specific tasks are solved during the OOD when using one or another game technique.

The game is offered by the teacher, and in this it differs from the free game. The game should be like real game. One of the signs game reception is a game task is to determine the purpose of the upcoming gaming actions of the teacher or children.

Game matching age, gives children incomparable joy and allows adults to effectively manage their actions.

In order to arouse and maintain in children the interest of activities aimed at mastering elementary knowledge and skills, at the development of cognitive activity, are widely used game techniques. Often the entire lesson is carried out in the form of a game.

1. Tell the children that some gaming characters something happened. As a result, they urgently need those objects that can be molded, painted, built, etc.

The characters themselves cannot do this, but they have heard that there are very kind and skillful children in this group who will help them.

2. Ask the children if they are willing to help (wait for an answer - consent).

3. Invite children to teach them to do it very well (also wait for an answer - consent).

4. During work, each child should have his own ward toy character, who is nearby and rejoices along the way, expresses his wishes, etc.

5. These toys are also used by the educator to evaluate the work of children, which is given on behalf of the toys, as if from their position.

6. At the end of the work, children must be given the opportunity to play with their wards, using the resulting product if desired.

expedient so that the same characters mostly act in the stories of the educator. Then the children will love them, acquire a steady interest in their lives and the events that happen to them.

The favorite of the children was the bear cub Misha, the character of the puppet theater. He knows how to speak, pat on the head of the most distinguished, shake his head and regret if something didn’t work out for someone or someone is upset about something. Misha congratulated the children on their birthday. Looked into children's work and "whispered" words of approval. Sometimes he got angry with someone and went back to the forest. The forest is quiet, no one makes noise, does not bother him. The children were interested in him, tried not to offend him so that he would not leave. They believe that Misha, like them, can think, get angry, rejoice. After all, children have no boundaries between the real and the imaginary.

Need in creating game motivation is also preserved in senior group preschool age.

Gaming techniques are used to arouse preschoolers' interest in the proposed tasks.

Already on the new program content, solving new educational tasks, the educator continues to present children with tasks that are difficult for them in game form, introduces motives encouraging preschoolers to do quality work.

AT preparatory group also used game learning techniques, but their share is significantly reduced, giving way to other methods that allow children to form a conscious attitude to the educational task.

In the senior, preparatory group appropriate it is not easy to include didactic games, but to unite them with a single theme, plot. For example: travel (to the forest, circus, space, etc.).

Game forms OOD: performance, fairy tale, meeting, etc.

Every time we prepare for OOD, we repeatedly find it difficult. How to start? Why? To keep the kids interested. Our children are very fond of traveling, so I spend OOD in the form of travel.

I travel the most various:

"To the land of fairy tales".

"To the Land of the Curious".

"To Fantasy Island".

"Journey to the square "Arts" where we will get acquainted with architectural monuments”.

"Space flight on a rocket". Etc.

I will give an example (construction).

Guys, are you ready for our next trip?

Check if you have everything with you. And did not forget to take fantasy, fiction, good mood with you on the road?

Before we map out the itinerary of today's journey, listen to one story.

Once in the museum, an old envelope was accidentally discovered that had fallen behind a rack. Its edges were heavily frayed. The appearance of the mysterious envelope testified that he had experienced a lot in his lifetime. The envelope attracted the attention of museum workers, and it was immediately opened. There lay a piece of a letter yellowed by time. In all likelihood, it belonged to some traveler. This envelope is with me now. Let's read it.

“On the map, I depicted the location of the island, but, unfortunately, I cannot convey to you the beauty of its castles, palaces, towers, which was told to me by a person who visited this island and took part in its development. He also noted that all structures were built from blocks of rectangular, square and triangular shapes of various sizes.

It is a pity that this fabulous beauty of the island no longer exists.

Guys, what do you think was written next, what did the traveler dream about? (The traveler dreamed of restoring these buildings of marvelous beauty).

So we'll take to the street "Builders", where we have to prepare construction details, plan structures.

Let me give you an example of mathematical travel by train.

Now we will go on a mathematical journey, where we will solve problems, examples, and count. Let's learn ourselves and teach others.

Our train is unusual - mathematical. (I expose a locomotive and several wagons.)

And our familiar train brought us interesting tasks.

OOD can start from a surprise moment (someone sent a telegram, a meeting with literary hero, invitation letter, meeting with different little animals, puppets).

OOD can be started by listening to a piece of music, by guessing riddles, by inventing a fairy tale, by having a conversation, by reading an excerpt from a poem, by an invitation card, by viewing a picture, etc.

When conducting OD according to FEMP, when getting acquainted with the concept "order" you can use this method.

When studying the concept "order" it is useful to line up children in accordance with some in order: by height, by age, in numerical order, etc. Can be counted forward and backward various items. For example: suggest questions from the pictures and tasks: (Pictures: boy, fish, cat, hare, butterfly, wolf, chicken, bird, moth, bee).

Count everyone in order (the first is a boy, the second is a fish, etc.).

What is the value of a bunny? Wolf?

Who is located next to the butterfly? Before her? After her?

What is the value of the kitten from the end?

Children love developmental games attention: they close their eyes, and the teacher changes the order of objects or removes some object. We need to restore order.

By FEMP. "The study of the number 7 and the composition of 7".

The number is illustrated on a numerical segment as a result of adding 1 to the number 6. The composition of the number 7 is shown.

The number 7 played a big role in ancient mythology. (7 Roman gods, seven wonders of the world in ancient Greece, etc.) and retained this role in the literature. Recall 7 gnomes from the tale of "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", you can read an excerpt from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin "About the dead princess and 7 heroes". Everyone knows proverbs and sayings in which the word occurs "seven": "Seven do not wait for one", "Seven times measure cut once", "Seven troubles - one answer", "One with a bipod - seven with a spoon" etc. In these proverbs and sayings, the word "seven" acts as a word "a lot of". We can remember that we use the seven-day week, we are talking about the seven colors of the rainbow.

motivation I consider it obligatory and one of the main elements in the upbringing and education of preschool children. Otherwise, we risk ruining our children's childhood. Whatever preschoolers do within the walls of our kindergarten, they must do it with interest, so that their eyes shine, so that children enjoy communicating with us. Otherwise it will be hard work. We will develop the head of the child, but his soul has suffered.

Theme "Transport". Synopsis of the integrated educational activities in the second junior group

Activity progress. There are toys on the teacher’s table: a train, an airplane, a boat (a boat, a car. The teacher asks:

Guys, what is on my table?

Children's answers.

Correctly. This is transport. What is transport for?

Children's answers (ride, fly, swim, travel).

And right again. Transport helps people move and travel. Do you love to travel?

Children's answers (yes).

Today we will try to travel on all these modes of transport. And traveling is better with friends, it's fun. Do you remember "Song of Friends"?

Children's answers.

To remind, the teacher hums the beginning:

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

Let's get on the train and go, and along the way we will sing this funny song.

The mobile game "Train" is organized.

The teacher says: "You will be trailers, and I will be a steam locomotive!" Children stand one after another. The steam locomotive gives a whistle. The train starts moving. The locomotive must move slowly so that the wagons do not lag behind. Children sing while moving.

Suddenly the teacher stops:

Children's answers (gasoline, steam locomotive, wheels, rails).

Correctly! But Railway ended, there are no more rails, which means that the train does not go further, and our journey must continue on something else. But on what? Guess the riddle:

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight.

Man controls it

What is this?. (airplane)

Correctly! But in order for such a big iron "bird" to fly, you need a magic motor.

Exercise for training nasal breathing, closing lips "Motor".

The teacher shows the children: straighten their backs, close their lips, put the index finger of the left hand on the side of the nose, tightly pressing the left nostril, inhale deeply with the right nostril (mouth closed) and say (exhale) "mmm", while patting the index finger of the right hand on the right nostril. The result is a long chanted exhalation. The sound "mmm" should be directed to the nose, it should be sonorous.

Children will repeat. The teacher monitors the correct execution of the exercise.

An outdoor game "Aircraft". Children stand on one side of the room. The teacher says: "Get ready for the flight! Start the motors! "After the teacher's signal," Let's fly! "spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - they scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator," Landing! "they go to their places. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Each time the "motors" are started with a change in the closed nostril.


Well, they flew. Liked?

Children's answers.


Guys, our journey ends, it's time for us to Kindergarten! Guess the riddle (V Stepanov):

Drinks petrol like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people.

Of course you know her.

Children's answers (machine).

Correctly! Tell me, if the car carries cargo, is it -. (cargo). And if the car carries people?

Answers of children (car, taxi).

Mobile game "Taxi". Children get inside a large hoop (1 m in diameter, hold it in their hands down: one is on one side of the rim, the other is on the opposite side, one after another. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. The children move around the room. The teacher watches, so that they don't collide, after a while they switch roles.


Well, our journey has come to an end. What, guys, helped us to travel?

Children's answers (airplane, car, boat, train).

How can you call it in one word?

Summary of modeling lessons

Topic: "Modeling a car"

Material: salty dough, soft toy cat Murzik, napkins, napkins for modeling.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Surprise moment.

Knock on the door. Guys, someone came to visit us, I'll go and see. The cat Murzik comes in.

Say hello to the guys! What a beautiful cat, fluffy, soft.

Murzik you are so scared, who scared you so? Guys, when I was walking towards you, I saw something like that on the street, they are buzzing, driving fast, fast, beeping (beeping), I was so scared, what was it?

Educator: Children, what do you think, what scared our cat so much?

kids: cars

Murzik, you sit and listen, the children will tell you everything they know about cars.

There are car toys on the table.

Educator: Children, what do you see on the table? These are cars, how many are there?

Children: A lot.

Educator: This is a passenger car, here it has wheels, windows, a steering wheel.

What car is this?

Children: Big.

Educator: Do you know what this car is called?

This is a truck, it has a body, windows, a steering wheel. The truck can carry

different cargoes in your body. Ask one of the children to take the cubes and unload them.

Can we transport cubes in a small car?

(children's answers)

Murzik, now you know what cars are, what kind of cars there are.

Guys, when Murzik goes home, how can he cross the road? Are there cars there?

(children's answers)

Physical education minute

While the music is playing, you drive like cars, as soon as the music stops playing, you stop.

Murzik, and now guys, they will show you how you can make small cars from salt dough at home.

II. Main part.

Getting to know the subject. Machine show.

Demonstration of the sequence of actions and modeling techniques.

To mold a passenger car, you first need to roll one large ball, roll it between your palms into an oval shape. Roll four small balls from black dough - these will be wheels and attach from below. Then you can attach the lights, polka dots and windows.

III. Lesson summary.

consideration finished works. Cat Murzik, praises the children for the completed machines.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world "Transport"

GCD progress:

1. Mobile game "Airplanes".

The planes buzzed

The planes flew

They sat quietly in the meadow

Yes, they flew again.

Children “fly up” to the image of the plane.

Motivation for independent activity of children.

Look who came to visit us. (Airplane.)

Where is the plane flying? (High in the sky.).