Presentation trip to the autumn forest preparatory group. Summary of GCD in the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Autumn

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Intellectual development of children and the development of their cognitive interests


1. To form a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

2. Development of all components of oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech). verbal imagination.

3. Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, help them draw conclusions, highlight signs.


  1. Knowledge
  2. Social and personal development
  3. Communication
  4. Artistic and aesthetic development


Notebook, interactive device"MIMIO"

Sets of cards "Perception and attention to the palette"

Magnetic poster "Natural community"

Magnetic poster "Birds in winter"

Developing game "Sensi Bar"

Educational game "Sensino"


1. Examination of reproductions, illustrations about autumn

2. Reading poems, riddles, stories, signs, proverbs

3. Didactic games on the topic.


1 PART. Reading a poem about autumn by a teacher or a child:

Between thinning tops

The blue appeared

Noisy at the edges

bright yellow foliage,

Birds are not heard. Crack small

broken knot,

And tail, flickering, squirrel

Easy makes a jump.

The spruce in the forest became more noticeable

Protects deep shade

Boletus last

He pushed his hat to one side.

Slideshow of autumn nature with musical accompaniment.

Educator: The beautiful autumn has come, you are now admiring autumn colors that gave us autumn, you collected bouquets autumn leaves, you have already learned a lot, and you yourself can tell each other what happens in the autumn season.

Gloomy morning slide

Educator: Choose words for the mood of autumn weather


Autumn is crying

then laughs

then smiles.

Educator: Yes, the weather is unstable

Slide Falling leaves

Educator: Look what elegant trees become in autumn

Game: "Know the tree", "Pick up a leaf to the tree"

Children on the screen with a stylus point to trees, find leaves.

The arrival of the Dunno:

  • I also know a lot about autumn, listen to my story:

After spring came autumn.

A warm breeze is blowing. It rains infrequently, the buds have blossomed on the trees. Animals run and frolic. They have no worries, the birds do not fly south to them, and people sunbathe and swim so well.

Educator: Guys, did you like Dunno's story? Did he say everything about autumn correctly?

Let's make a story about autumn together according to the scheme on the screen, and let Dunno listen to him.

Children make up a complex story.

Educator: - And now we will show you Dunno which birds fly away and which ones remain.

Game "Find migratory birds» – display on the inter screen.

Educator: Dunno, children not only know about birds, they can also show us what animals live in the forest and where they can find shelter in winter.

Game "Sensino"

Educator: - Guys, autumn not only changed the lives of birds and animals, but also brought us some gifts, tell me?

Children name (fruits, vegetables, mushrooms)

Round dance game "Garden"

Educator: - And now, I want to know if the children will guess what gifts we have in the basket that autumn gave us.

Children play the game "Sensi Bar"

Selected fruits - apple and pear

vegetables - cabbage and cucumber.

Children are blindfolded and they take it in turns to determine by smell what kind of fruit or vegetable it is.

Final part.

Educator: Today we admired autumn scenery, we played a lot of games, and now we will sing a song. "Autumn, Autumn"


  1. The sun is shining
  2. Clouds, rain
  3. Trees fall from the tree
  4. Mushrooms in the forest
  5. Squirrel, hedgehog, bunny
  6. The birds are flying
  7. People wear warm clothes
  8. Do you love autumn?

Tatyana Shakharova
Presentation "Autumn in the forest"

Target: To create a joyful mood in children. Cause emotional responsiveness, promote the development of interest in the world around.


To expand children's ideas about the changes taking place in nature with the advent of autumn

Develop logical thinking

Develop an aesthetic perception of the world, curiosity

To educate the ecological culture of children.

The main change in inanimate nature - cooling - entails changes in wildlife.

One of the most interesting activities at this time of the year is the assembly of a herbarium.

Quiet, warm, gentle autumn

wilted leaves spread everywhere,

paints in lemon, orange color ...

(A. Starikov).

Sounds and colors autumn around us.

Signs autumn.

Beasts autumn.

Pictures of wolf and hedgehog.

How do animals prepare for winter?

Poem by E. Golovin.

Gathered and flew

Ducks on a long journey.

Where butterflies disappear in autumn.

Birds autumn.

Pictures of wintering birds.

Pictures of wintering birds.

14,15,16 slides.

Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland (M. Prishvin).

Related publications:

So what is autumn for each of us? A dull time, eye charm or a leaf decorated with gold, a beautiful fall of leaves, a rainy day ?.

At night, both the beast and the bird sleep, Only she alone cannot sleep, - All the forest people know: Everything is the other way around for her. But the owl alone knows why and what.

NOD with children of the first junior group "Autumn in the forest" Program content: Educational area"Knowledge": 1. Form ideas about primary colors (red, blue, yellow) Educational.

Presentation "Autumn in riddles" The riddle is short description an object or phenomenon, often in a poetic form, containing an intricate task in the form of an explicit (direct).

Presentation of outdoor switchgear "Walking in the forest" Presentation for an entertaining warm-up "Walking in the forest" for children 4 years old. Visual material. For an entertaining warm-up "Walk.

Presentation "Autumn" A presentation about Autumn was created to familiarize children of a group of 4-5 years old with what autumn is, what signs of autumn exist, what are the months.

Presentation "Autumn has come to us" Presented the presentation directly educational activities on the development of speech on the topic "Autumn has come to us." Autumn is the most charming.

Svetlana Greshkova
Methodical development of a lesson for children of the senior preparatory group "Journey to the autumn forest"

Target: expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic « Autumn» ; learn children draw with plasticine flagella on a cardboard base.

Software content.

Educational tasks:

Learn children to distinguish the leaves of trees, to distinguish and name birds.

Learn children use single words.

To consolidate the skill of forming an adjective from a noun.

Development tasks:

Develop oral speech, memory, thinking through games and game exercises.

Develop fine motor skills.

Learn children lay out on cardboard the silhouette of a tree from plasticine flagella (sausages).

To consolidate the ability to twist plasticine flagella.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a sense of love and respect for nature, the ability to admire nature autumn.

Cultivate interest and accuracy in work.

Materials and equipment: Presentation « Journey to the autumn forest» ; tree leaves; cardboard with tree blanks, plank, stack, plasticine flagella different color, wet wipes for every child.

preliminary work: observations and conversations with children about autumn, the image of trees in the technique of plasticineography on a cardboard basis.

Course progress.

AT: Guys let's greet our guests (Hello)

AT: Do you know what that means? Magic word "Hello"(Be healthy, when we greet someone, it means we wish these people well)

AT: And let's play a game now, which is called "Hello" (children perform movements in the course of words together with the teacher)

The game "Hello"

AT: Hello legs!

D: Hello! (Hands on the belt, march in place, raising the knees high and pulling the sock on each syllable)

AT: Hello, palms!

D: Hello! (clap hands for each syllable, simultaneously with the words).

AT: Hello cheeks!

D: Hello! (head turns right to left)

AT: Hello sponges!

D:Hello! (air kisses to each other)

AT: Well done! And let's go to travel, in the forest. Look at the multi-colored bouquet she gave us autumn.

Music sounds, the teacher reads a poem and lays out the leaves on the floor.

Autumn came to visit us

Rain and wind brought

It plucks leaves from branches.

Leaves swirl in the wind

And lie under our feet

Well, we'll go for a walk

And pick up the leaves...

The game “We walked through the forest, we found a leaf ...”

Children stand in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find a piece of paper that is mentioned in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found an oak leaf ....

... a linden leaf was found ...

... they found a leaf from a birch ...

…we Maple Leaf found!

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga A: Oh, you are not good children! They woke me up! Yeah, so you don't love me! Do you want to be friends with me?

Then I will avenge you for this! I'll take it and turn you into some stumps and snags. No, no, I'd rather send you all to the enchanted forest. And you will never get out of there.

Children sit down. Baba Yaga runs around children and whispers spells. A picture appears on the screen - a forest of late autumn. Baba Yaga runs away, losing a letter from the forester, the children open their eyes. The teacher pays attention children on the screen.

Guys! Look, but Baba Yaga really sent us to the enchanted forest. But what to do? How can we get out of the forest? Ouch! Guys look what is this? (the teacher draws attention children on the envelope) .

AT: Sit down on the chairs, let's read it.

Hello guys, I heard everything and I will be glad to help you, but a lot depends on you. This forest is not easy and to get out of it you need to complete tasks. If you do them correctly, sit down on the chairs. Listen carefully to the first task. What is the weather like in the forest?

The game "Weather autumn» (word formation).

If it's raining - rainy;

The wind is blowing - windy;

Cold - cold;

If cloudy - cloudy;

If gloomy - gloomy;

If damp - raw;

If it's sunny, it's sunny;

If clear - clear;

If frost - frosty.

AT: Well done with the first task, listen to the next task

What are the birds that fly to warmer climes called? (migratory)

Why do they fly away (It is difficult to find food in winter)

Pay attention to the screen, pictures with migratory birds will appear on it, and you must recognize and name them.

Presentation « Journey to the autumn forest»

Guys! If we name these migratory birds affectionately, we will help them fly to warmer climes.

Nightingale - nightingale;

Starling - starling;

Crane - crane;

Duck - duck;

Swan - swan;

Cuckoo - cuckoo;

Visual gymnastics:

We are gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

One left, two right

Three up, four down.

We strengthen the muscles of the eye.

We'll see better right away.

What are the names of birds that do not fly to warmer climes? (wintering).

We coped with the tasks, and left the dense forest.

Well done! Look at the screen, what beautiful, elegant trees autumn. Lesovichok writes in a letter that Baba Yaga does not want to say goodbye to autumn, she wants the trees to remain as elegant and beautiful. You and I know what winter comes in autumn, and all the leaves from the trees crumble. But, so that Baba Yaga does not feel sad, let's make her happy, dress our trees in bright, autumn outfit. (Let's).

But first, let's warm up a bit.

Fizminutka "We are the leaves autumn» .

We are the leaves autumn,

They sat on the branches.

The wind blew, they flew.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind picked up again.

And lifted all the leaves.

Turned them round and round.

And dropped to the ground.

Children imitate actions "leaves" in accordance with the text poems: squat down, fly around the room, sit down again quietly, rise, circle and sit down again.

Come, guys, to the tables, everything is already prepared for you there.

Look, I take a yellow plasticine flagellum and twist it, I got such a spiral, now I will take a red flagellum and twist it into a spiral in the same way. This is how we decorate the crown of our trees with the help of twisting the flagella. If desired, children can supplement their picture with grass, mushrooms, clouds, the sun, etc.

But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Spider" (to the music).

A spider is flying along a branch, and all the children are crawling behind it

Rain suddenly poured from the sky, washed spiders to the ground

The sun began to warm, the spiders crawl again.

After completing the work, all the children get up, consider the work done. The teacher praises children, draws attention to those guys who showed creativity in their work (they depicted clouds, the sun, grass, mushrooms, a caravan of birds, etc.)

Outcome: The teacher asks questions:

Did you guys like it travel?

Who are we talking about today?

And who sent us to the dense forest?

And now guys. Let's tell our guests. How do you live?

The game "How do you live"

How do you live? - Like this! (show thumb)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk with knees high)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this! (They put their hand under the cheek, and put their head on them)

How do you take? - Like this! (Make grasping movements with hands.)

Do you give? - Like this! (They make movements with their hands, as if they are giving something)

How are you kidding? - Like this! (Puff out their cheeks and lightly slap them with their palms)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (threatens finger at their neighbor)

How are you friends? - Like this! (hugs)

AT: Well done guys, let's take our work, in group and we will get a forest of autumn trees. And when Baba Yaga comes to us again and sees our forest, she will be delighted and will not be angry with us!

Synopsis of GCD in senior group on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest"

This material will be useful to educators when conducting classes in the older group. It was held with pupils as part of the thematic week "Golden Autumn".

Synopsis of directly educational activity "A walk in the autumn forest" in the senior group

Compiled and hosted by: Aksenova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher 1 qualification category municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten general developing species No. 95 "Rostochek" of the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region
Program content: To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world. To form ideas about what is environmentally friendly for a person environment is a health factor. To give knowledge about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to name distinctive features trees and shrubs. Build respect for nature. To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.
Preliminary work. Conversation, reading works of art about nature. Didactic games. Solving riddles. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest. Learning physical education minutes "Our forest is so good!".
Material and equipment: notebook; media projector; slides depicting forests, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries and herbaceous plants; path plan

GCD progress:
An audio recording of the sounds of the forest sounds. The teacher makes a riddle:
The house is open on all sides.
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it. (Children: Forest)

caregiver: That's right, today we will remember everything we know about the forest kingdom. Why does a person need a forest? (children's answers)
The teacher draws attention to the media projector screen, which depicts a forest. Sums up.: “We came to the forest with you. The forest friendly and affable welcomes everyone in its domain: it protects from the scorching rays of the sun, reveals many mysteries, treats with forest gifts. The forest is the habitat of many forest animals and birds. This is their home, where they breed, find food and protection. The forest is man's true friend. Walking in the forest is very important for people's health. The forest is the home of animals and plants. The forest is a farmer's friend. The forest is the decoration of the planet!

He draws the attention of the children to the fact that on the stump lies a letter addressed to them from the old man Lesovichka.
Reading the letter aloud:
“Dear seniors! The old Lesovichok is writing to you. I live in the forest and I will be very glad if you come to visit me. I love the forest very much and I am always glad to see guests! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
Invites children to remember the rules of behavior in the forest and go for a walk.Educator: I have special characters. I will show cards with signs, and you tell me how to behave in the forest.
- You can't make noise in the forest.
- You can't litter in the forest.
- You can't make fire.
- Don't destroy bird nests.
- Do not uproot plants.
- Do not break tree branches.
- In the forest, you need to walk along the paths, looking under your feet.

Child 1:
If you came to the forest to walk, Breathe fresh air,
Run, jump and play, Just mind you, don't forget
that you can't make noise in the forest. even sing very loudly!
the little animals will be frightened, they will run away from the forest edge.
do not break spruce branches. and more often remember:
Child 2:
Clean up trash from grass! no need to pick flowers!
do not shoot from a slingshot, you did not come to kill!
let the butterflies fly, Well, who do they interfere with?
there is no need to catch everyone, Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest. Here the owner is spruce and elk.
Take care of their peace, After all, they are not our enemies!

Educator: Guys, today I propose to go for a walk in the forest. - Wear down jackets, hats with earflaps. - What? (We do not have down jackets, warm hats.). - Why? (Warm). - What should we wear? (Jackets, knitted hats). - What clothes? (Autumn). - From shoes? (Rubber boots, sneakers). - And boots, for what season? (For winter). Well, what are you wearing? (Yes). What is the best way to get into the forest? (There is a discussion of the problem. We come to the conclusion that a bicycle is the best transport for a walk, because it is silent, does not pollute the air, and it is easy to go around obstacles.) We sit on bicycles. (Children imitate cycling movements). A picture of the forest is projected onto the screen. The teacher reads:
Our forest is so good!
You won't find a better forest!
We have things to do in the forest,
We are nowhere without a forest.
We will protect the forest and help everyone together,
Both animals and birds will need help.
You grow up for the joy of people
We will be friends with you
Good forest, mighty forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Educator: Notice how beautiful and quiet the forest is. Let's walk along the paths. First, let's go with our eyes along the blue path, then along the red one, turn and go along the green one.

He asks what is the name of the forest where birches, maples, oaks, mountain ash grow? Summarizes the children's responses:“Such a forest is called deciduous because deciduous trees and shrubs grow in it.”
Deciduous trees on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks what other types of trees the children know. Summarizes the children's responses:
“Coniferous trees are pine, cedar, spruce, fir and others. Such a forest is called coniferous.
Coniferous trees on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher asks:
“What is the name of the forest in which deciduous and coniferous trees grow? What forest are we walking in? Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in a mixed forest, we walk in a mixed forest. The teacher leads the children to understand that by keeping the forest clean and tidy, we thereby help plants and animals.
A picture of a mixed forest is projected onto the screen.
Walking in the forest is very beneficial for health. Let's take a walk in the field.

We'll take baskets
Let's go to the forest for berries. (Children walk in a circle one after another.)
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's look for berries. (They stop, perform a “spring”, clap their hands.)
Let's run along the path (Run in circles.)
Let's jump over puddles. (Jumping on two legs.)
We look under the leaves (They sit down.)
Gather berries for dinner: (Imitate picking berries.)
Blackberries and raspberries,
Blueberries and viburnum. (They walk in place.)
Clusters of ripe lingonberries
And some strawberries. (Perform "spring", clap their hands.)

Bushes on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
How are trees different from shrubs? It is true that a tree has one trunk from the root, and a shrub has several rather thin stems - stems. What shrubs do you know? Tell us about the shrubs - hawthorn, blackberry, sea buckthorn, lilac, wild rose and others. (Children's answers.) Raspberries and currants are also shrubs. They grow both in the forest and in the country. The fruits (berries) of these shrubs are very tasty and healthy. What other berries grow in the forest? (Strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries.)

The teacher asks: What other plants are there in the forest? That's right, mushrooms. Mushrooms are edible and inedible. Mushroom pickers carefully cut them with a knife so as not to damage the root (mycelium). Then mushrooms will grow in this place. Mushrooms feed on people and forest dwellers. Especially loves squirrel mushrooms. She even dries them for the winter and puts them in a hollow.”
There are berries and mushrooms on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
What other plants are there in the forest? (Children's answers.) In herbaceous plants, dandelion, plantain, bluebell, the stems are soft, juicy. There are many beautiful herbaceous plants in the forest that bloom very beautifully!”
Herbaceous plants on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher draws the attention of the children that there is again a letter from the old man Lesovichok on the stump, and reads it out:
"Guys! How you pleased me - you observed all the rules of behavior in the forest. I want to give you pictures of forest plants. I propose to color all the plants and, together with adults, draw up the book "Plants of the Forest". This book will help you get to know wonderful world nature. And I always look forward to your visit. Walking in the forest is very useful for children and adults! All the best! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
The teacher invites children to color pictures of plants in their free time and make a collage "Autumn Forest".