Migratory and wintering birds. Presentation - domestic and wild birds Educational presentation "Such different birds" for children of younger preschool

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Wild and domestic birds

Educational objectives: Learn to name and distinguish between domestic and wild birds; exercise children in comparing and classifying birds; introduce the crossbill on illustrative material (appearance, features); Developmental tasks: To develop the ability to guess and compose riddles; recognize birds by voice; Educational tasks: Education of respect for animals; Preliminary work: Conversation on the topic: “What are the birds”; Materials: Mnemotables. Photographs and illustrations of various wild and domestic birds. Bird figurines.

The content of the work on the topic: "Wild and domestic birds". Directions of development Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Educational areas Communication Cognition Reading art. lit. Socialization Labor Safety Hood. creative Music Fizkult. Health Types D.i. "Wild Birds", "Fowlers", "One is Many"; S.r.i. "Birds"; Di. "Whose chick"; Di. "Name and tell." Talk about the meaning of birds. Memorizing the poem by A. Fet “The swallows are gone”; Fairy tales: "Geese swans", "Gray neck", "Ugly duckling"; S.r.i. "Bird market";, "Bird yard"; Di. “Whose voice”, “Say it right”, “Birds of different countries”; Accustom diligently, accurately carry out instructions; Conversation "Danger of contacts with sick and inadequate birds"; Conversation "You must not destroy bird nests"; Modeling: "Cockerel with family"; Drawing: "White Swan"; Application: "Chicken"; Chicken, music E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova Musical game: with singing "Cat Vaska", music. G. Lobacheva, sl. N. Frenkel; Outdoor games: "Owl", "Birdcatcher", "Cranes - Cranes"; Hardening according to the scheme. Wellness physical. cult. Minute.

wild birds

Stork Once in a winter time, Knocking on the door, Asked to come home to us Black and white stork

Swallow Under the roof of the house, the shadow of a swift bird flashes all day long. Happy swallows are built by the Domishko family for themselves.

Starling And this bird is a parodist, Depicts both crying and whistling. Spring will come, and we will let him out the window. A tenant will move into the birdhouse.

Rook He is in black clothes, But still a doctor. Rescues fields from pests rooks.

Crane Cranes - cranes broke away from the ground. They raised their wings to the sky, They left the dear land. Cranes began to chirp in the distance - cranes!

Swan White swans, you fly away As a couple to the azure heights... With a flap of wings you betroth forever Feelings that were born in us!


Kura Kvohchet, kvohchet, He calls the children, He gathers everyone under his wing

Turkey He is busy since the morning: Care after care! The head of the poultry yard is the red-bearded turkey.

Duck Tuki - tuki - dots - Duck - on a hummock, And ducklings in the reeds They hurry to catch duckweed!

Goose Long neck, Red paws, Pinching at the heels, Run without looking back.

Rooster I wake everyone on time, Even though I don’t start the clock.

Thank you for your attention.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Slides captions:

titmouse Yellow belly - sparrow's girlfriend.

sparrow This little bird Wears a gray shirt, Picks up the crumbs quickly And escapes from the cat.

dove Look at the balcony: He's been cooing here since morning. This bird is a postman, It will fly any route.

woodpecker All the trees with interest The doctor of the forest studies. If a tree is eaten by a beetle, the Doctor immediately: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!

magpie Chatty bird - no doubt, Will tell the news and the secret! Beautiful in appearance, white-sided Who? - Longtail...

Rooks Along with this black bird Spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping on the arable land?

bullfinch Every year I fly to you, I want to spend the winter with you. And even redder in winter My bright red tie.

swallow Like at home, on the ledge A bird stuck from below A nest, like a vase This bird - ...

the owl flies all night - it gets mice. And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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In spring, a black bird, like a raven, rushes towards us from the south. For our trees, the doctor - Eats various insects ...


The children built the house. And nailed to a tree. The singer settled in it. What is his name? ...


I am agile, light-winged. The tail is forked like a pitchfork. If I fly low ... It means rain

somewhere close!


He lives on the roof of the house

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He is flying


to the swamp...


He is in the spring

sings beautifully, loudly, cheerfully, playfully! Guess what bird it is?

In the sky they mutter merrily, They call to the sky behind them. For a long time they beckon us away ... Who can tell? ...



Spatula spout, Red

paws, swims, dives, quack


On the grass he

it is important to walk, out of the water

comes out dry, wears

red boots, Gift

soft feathers.

and pulls his neck, no, probably

birds are bolder. But I'm not afraid of him. Who is this? It…


under the clouds, above the fields

and meadows, as if fluttering out of sleep, the Song starts ...


I bitten a fish

in the pond. Tsap! - and no.

Keep in mind! On the nose

a drop remains. What is the name of that bird?


Yellow-breasted, black-winged

in the lindens the bird started up.

Fussing whistled,

Whistled everyone....


The bird floats slowly, Like a white ship. Proud and beautiful, Patient and shy.


The air is cut

effortlessly, like sickles

crooked wings. Will flash -

you can't see it, it only flies


It is decorated with a tuft,

in a hollow dry.

Knows everything

forest people,

What is his name...

At the end of August in Russia it is already getting colder for cuckoos They are the first to leave our area. Swifts and swallows are next in line. They usually fly away in the very first days of September. At the beginning of September they also fly away thrushes, finches, wagtails, starlings. They prefer to experience the winter in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Ducks, cranes and waders, also flying away during this period, live near the Nile; hoopoes, flycatchers and corostels go to Africa; snipes prefer the Caucasus. Mid September - departure time mallard ducks. They fly to the Caspian, Black, Azov and Mediterranean seas. geese begin to leave their homeland in mid-September, but the mass flight occurs at the end of this month. They like to winter in the Crimea.

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The presentation was prepared by the teacher Agapenkova Irina Aleksandrovna

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Purpose: To introduce children to wild and domestic birds. Learn to recognize and correctly name birds and their cubs (chicks). Continue to enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children. Develop creativity, thinking, imagination, memory. Cultivate love, respect for the natural world.

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There are a lot of birds on earth and they are all different - beautiful, nondescript, singing, voiceless, large, small, migratory and sedentary ... Wild birds live in nests, birdhouses, on rocks, on the ground.

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How to help birds in winter? Simple - you need to arrange canteens for wintering birds - feeders. And be sure to feed these birds in winter.

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The owl has a large head, large round eyes in front of the head, a short, predatory beak. It hunts at night, the plumage is soft, the flight is silent, the claws are long and sharp. Owls are settled all over the world, they can be found everywhere: on the seashore, and in the mountains, and in the desert, and in the steppe, and even in cities. Most owls live in forests or wooded areas.
OWL Not easy, alas, in a thunderstorm. To hunt in the woods, For grumbling words An owl will not find in any way.

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The bullfinch is a forest bird. It is slightly larger than a sparrow in size, with a dense physique. According to the color of the feathers, the bird is bluish-gray with black wings, a cap, chin and tail. The breast and cheeks are red or red-pink. Bullfinches are distributed throughout the forest zone. Bullfinches live in forests with dense undergrowth, often found in gardens and parks. They feed mainly on berries, buds and seeds. Bullfinches eat out only seeds from berries, and discard the pulp of the fruit.
SNEGIRI Sits on the snow, shining. Flock of red-breasted birds. Admire the handsome bullfinches as soon as possible!

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This bird lives in the neighborhood of a human dwelling and is well recognizable both in appearance and in its characteristic chirp. Sparrow chicks are called sparrow chicks or simply chicks.
"Sparrow" Sparrow in a puddle Jumping and spinning. He ruffled his feathers, fluffed his tail. The weather is good! Chil-chil-chil! A. Barto

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This bird is called a titmouse. The tit is distinguished by its black head and neck, conspicuous white cheeks, olive tops and yellow underparts. Sparrow chicks are called tit chicks or simply chicks.
TIT This bird with willpower, A hundred times a day is in the field. The bird has no time to be lazy. The chick carries food for the chicks.

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Crow is very smart and quick-witted. The crow has adapted to live next to a person. Crow chicks are called crows.

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Pigeons live next to a person and nest next to him. Everyone knows this kind bird walking along our sidewalks.

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Magpie is a very smart bird and gets used to captivity well. A magpie grown from a chick becomes completely tame. She can learn to imitate the voices of many animals, the creak of a door, other sounds, and also the voice of a person. In general, in addition to chirping, magpies also have a real song. It is quiet, and only males sing it in springtime.

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The woodpecker is a smart bird. Knocking on wood, he locates insects by sound and carefully removes them from under the bark. Tree insects, larvae, ants are the favorite prey of this bird. The woodpecker has a very long (for birds) tongue. Why does he need this? The woodpecker is not a talker! With his tongue, from all corners, he pulls out insects that harm the tree. It's not for nothing that he is called the "doctor of the forest."

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The wild duck is a partially migratory bird. It lives near fresh and slightly saline water bodies. They usually winter here. They feed by choosing plants and small animals from the water. The basis of the diet of a wild duck is insects, small invertebrates, small fish, tadpoles, crustaceans, and sometimes frogs. Wild ducks that live in water bodies near settlements are often fed by humans.
Wild duck lives near various water bodies, regardless of the salinity of their water. She lives in shallow waters. During the period of hatching, the wild morning prefers water bodies in which there are a lot of reeds, the salinity of the water is low, the bird can live in swamps. In this area, it can be found quite often.

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The white stork is a large bird. All its plumage is white, only the flight feathers of the bird, long shoulder feathers, as well as part of the wing coverts are black. The beak and legs are red, as is the iris of the eye. Instead of singing, the birds click their beak loudly, while they tilt their heads back. The nest is arranged by storks on the ruins of buildings, on the roofs of wooden buildings, on trees. In the latter case, the nest is located either on dry branches at a relatively low height from the ground (3-5 meters) or high on the top of a tree, which was broken, but only on the sunny side.

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The swan is an unusually graceful, majestic and beautiful bird. In nature, there are swans of three types of plumage color - white, gray and black. The swan acquires its elegance due to the long neck. Swans spend most of their lives on the water. When they get out onto land, their gait gives the impression of being clumsy - swans have short legs. swans are caring parents - they take care of their cubs for about a year after they are born.
Distributed in the northern tundra and forest regions. Wintering. Winters on coasts of the seas, sometimes on non-freezing lakes of the south of Russia.

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Starling songbird. In the south and west of Europe, it leads a sedentary lifestyle, and in its northern and eastern parts it is migratory, migrating south in the winter months. Outwardly (in size, with a yellow beak and dark plumage), it slightly resembles blackbirds, but unlike them, it walks on the ground, and does not jump.
STARLING We made a birdhouse for the birds, we must protect them. Well, when will the starling finally settle in it?

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The city swallow is widely distributed in Europe, North Africa and temperate latitudes of Asia. Initially inhabitant of the rocks, easily adapted to life in urban environments. Migratory, winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It keeps in flocks along the banks of rivers, on the slopes of mountains, meadows, cities with stone buildings - often flocks of these birds can be seen sitting on wires. It feeds on flying insects that it catches in the air.

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All birds used to be wild, and man tamed them because of the benefits brought by birds. Birds are called domestic because they live next to a person, he takes care of them (builds a dwelling, feeds, cares for chicks), and birds benefit a person for this: they give eggs, meat and feathers.

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Domestic ducks are birds that were among the first to be domesticated by humans. Domestic duck, male - drake, chicks - ducklings - a waterfowl bred by man, one of the numerous and common types of poultry. It flies badly, close. It originates from an ordinary wild duck. Over the long history of human domestication, various breeds of ducks have been bred. The domestic duck is a useful poultry, easily bred, very hardy.

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Budgerigars are distinguished by noise and talkativeness, they quite easily memorize words and expressions that are repeated many times when “communicating” with a person and even with other poultry. In most cases, memorized words and expressions are repeated without coherent logic.