Attracting leads. Lead generation - what is it? What is lead generation - a complete description of the concept

Basic information

Lead is the act of registering in response to an offer from an advertiser, containing contact information and in some cases demographic information. There are two types of leads - consumer leads and targeted leads.

Consumer leads are generated based on demographic criteria such as creditworthiness, income, age, market concentration index, etc. These leads are often resold to different advertisers. Customer leads are usually developed through sales calls from sales managers. These types of leads are typically only used in the mortgage, insurance, and finance industries.

Targeted leads- special leads generated for unique offer advertiser. Unlike consumer leads, targeted leads can only be sold to the advertiser whose offer the buyer responded to. Because transparency is a prerequisite for generating targeted leads, lead generation campaigns can be optimized by verifying the credibility of their sources.

How does lead generation work?

The essence of lead generation is all about buyer decision making.

For complex products and services that require a complex decision-making process, key moment- identifying the most likely buyers and then developing and training them before using more expensive sales resources. Development benefits buyers, preparation benefits sellers. This gradual lead nurturing can continue for months and involve multiple people at once in evaluating the solution.

For commodities, the “meeting problem” is that 2 parties seek each other but are met with interference in the form of time, distance or attention. In essence, there is a set of well-matched candidates for purchasing a product within a larger set of poorly matched candidates. Well-qualified candidates are what is looked for in effective lead generation.

Although there are different methodologies and implementation methods, each addresses one of the 2 main “meeting” strategies: mailing or concentration. - Mailing involves communicating with a large number of candidates and waiting for a statistical response from the marketer. Advertising is a classic example of a broadcast marketing meeting.

Concentration involves identifying and creating situations that concentrate well-chosen candidates into a mailing list. Market segmentation and trade shows are classic examples of the "meeting" concentration marketing strategy.

Types of Lead Generation

Lead generation includes different marketing methodologies:

  • Newsletter
  • Online lead generation
  • Direct mail
  • Events and trade shows
  • Seminars and training
  • Publicity or public relations (PR)
  • Reports and specials literature
  • Email marketing
  • Internet Marketing (Optimization search engines or purchasing online advertising)

Online lead generation

Since 2000, an increasing number trade organizations began to direct their budgets direct marketing into the online space. The Internet allows for the development of highly targeted lead generation campaigns, and offers geographic, demographic and contextual targeting services.

Although the online space is growing extremely fast, where search engine marketing and PPC advertising owns for the most part online advertising budgets, the demand for well-trained search marketers remains high. Many tools have also appeared software, allowing individual search marketers to more effectively manage their paid search campaigns.

This means that the cost keywords becomes more expensive. A 2007 report from Doubleclick Performics Search shows that in January 2007 there were six times as many keywords with a cost per click of more than $1 as in 2006. Cost per keyword increased by 33% and cost per click by 55%. Most of these clicks were a direct result of fraud. According to Click Forensics, fraud rates in the pay-per-click industry are up 15% since 2006. The online lead generation industry is expected to grow rapidly in the near future. GP Bullhound Research report reports that online lead generation is growing at 71% annually, thus growing 2x faster than the market online advertising. Rapid growth is primarily driven by the requirement to increase ROI (return on investment). This is a trend that is expected to dominate the crisis. The most common types of subscriptions:

  • AdUnitX - ICS Banners: enable the advertiser to transfer CPM advertising to the CPL pricing model - cost per lead.

Such banners eliminate the need for users to go to a landing page to register. The user enters information directly into the field located inside the banner. Contact information is transmitted automatically from the partner to the advertiser via the server.

The term “lead generation” appeared in Russian business in 2008 and has since become firmly entrenched in the terminology of marketers and sales professionals. The real boom of the new concept occurred in the era of entrepreneurship on the Internet, but it should not be associated only with the network. Working with leads is possible wherever buying and selling takes place.

What is “lead generation” in simple terms

In marketing, lead generation is a search tactic. regular customers by a specific filter and contact information. Speaking in simple language, is a potential buyer who has taken some action.

When a boy hands out leaflets at a bus stop, he generates a flow of future customers.

The target action is receiving the leaflet to a passerby, the filter - geographical position. At the same time, the boy does not give the advertising booklet to everyone. The supervisor issued an assignment that told about the target audience:

  • Age. Information about the new nightclub will not be of interest to pensioners.
  • Floor. Hardly any store promotion women's clothing aimed at men.
  • Social status. A homeless person is not interesting as a potential client.

There can be many such segments. But in this case, part of the audience will be lost.

A leaflet about a nightclub given to a grandmother has a chance of ending up in the hands of a grandson. However, “throwing advertising from a helicopter” will be expensive, so the marketer must calculate the effectiveness of investments in lead generation.

Promotion channels

It is customary to distinguish three main channels for searching for leads. These are mailing lists, personal contact and the Internet. The peculiarities of business force us to use one of them, or several at once, since even the same person can be influenced from different directions.


Internet mailing has moved away from the avalanche of spam that hit users a decade ago. Businesses have become more sophisticated and have new sources of data collection. Nowadays, targeted presentation of information is becoming more important; the client must “light up” and show his purchasing preferences.

To do this, offline stores offer to fill out forms, issue loyalty cards, and then inundate you with a stream of SMS messages and emails. Visitors to target sites find themselves in a similar situation, who leave their contact information in exchange for free information.

Personal contact

Many people are familiar with the situation when a stranger calls on the phone, says that “he is a representative of the company” and begins to talk about competitive advantages and encourage them to purchase goods and services.

This is called lead generation through cold calling. This method is often used by Forex brokers and binary options, banks, plastic window installers and other mass service providers. Other ways to get leads through personal contact are to conduct free training seminars and conferences, and social surveys.

Lead generation on the Internet

Although the role of off-line marketing is quite high, it is the Internet that has become driving force, leading to massive lead generation. In 2015-2016, the online advertising market grew by 30% in monetary terms. The Yandex audience exceeded all federal television channels combined.

In conditions of fierce competition, selling through traffic generation has acquired clear forms and rules; it follows a well-established sequence:

  • created ;
  • it attracts visitors;
  • a potential client leaves his contact information in exchange for certain benefits;
  • The sales department works to sell a product or service.

Example LP - Landig Page.

Direct income generation or increasing brand awareness, increasing the number of potential buyers or providing information about a product.

Success factors – landing page and contextual advertising

A one-page website is the very place where a future client comes. It would be a huge mistake to follow a link to the main page or catalog of an online store. The visitor should not suffer from choice and perform a huge number of manipulations.

The lead generation procedure is considered successful if a person on the site left his contact information. It is worth considering that the cost of one lead varies from 10 rubles to $1000, which depends on:

  1. competitiveness of the offer;
  2. ad topics;
  3. region and target audience;
  4. conversion rate.

Cost of one click contextual advertising Google in the US is $2. A conversion rate of 2% is considered quite successful. This works out to be $100 in spend per lead. Although this figure serves as a “hospital average,” you can get a general idea of ​​the cost of lead generation.

Although Russian prices are lower, even with such expenses, saving $500 on creating a one-page website would be extremely unreasonable.

In 2016, the cost of one click Google AdWords in Russia averaged $0.05. Ukrainian advertisers are willing to pay $0.08. This suggests that in Russian business there are enough free niches where lead generation has not yet fully reached.

Rules for a good landing page

Every element of the landing page matters, there are no details here. It is necessary to pay attention to the title, design, and structure of the text. The feedback form deserves special attention.


The first thing a visitor to a one-page site sees is . The further course of events will depend on its quality. It is necessary to describe competitive advantages and benefits in no more than 7 words and motivate for further study of the resource. The following methods are used:

  1. Using metaphors: “We ate the dog selling air conditioners.”
  2. Application of contradictions: “Vasilisa the Beautiful lost at the beauty contest.”
  3. Questions: “Do you know how much taxes you could get back in 2017?”
  4. Listings: “Eight ways to overcome laziness.”
  5. Using Negation: “Say NO to a boring day.”
  6. Dilution with beautiful epithets: “Choose the BEST off-road vehicle.”
  7. Using examples from life: “How I earned money for an apartment.”
  8. Call to action: “Get $100,000 in three days.”

At the same time, visitors react remarkably well to the appearance of punctuation marks in headings. But you have to be careful here; a few question marks and exclamation marks will cause a negative reaction.

An example of the structure of a selling Landing Page

After the title there is always a subtitle, which in a couple of sentences expands the main idea or describes competitive advantage. For the headline: “Get $100,000 in three days,” the subheading could be the phrase: “Pervobankstroy issues a consumer loan under interest rate 10% per annum. Just two documents!”

The recommendation for a time limit is controversial. When it was time for lead generation, the calls “be quick, don’t be late, there are only three spots left” worked great, but now the buyer is wary of them. People don't really like to rush; they need to be given time to make decisions.

Landing page design

The graphic content of the site should correspond to the target audience, a cute style will scare off a serious buyer, and asceticism and a lot of numbers will be incomprehensible to a teenager.

The rules of successful design for getting good conversion are considered to be:

  • application of the rule “one picture is worth a thousand words”;
  • selection of color solutions to suit the needs of the target audience;
  • the same applies to the font for texts;
  • there should be enough free space on the page;
  • using a minimum number of fonts and colors;
  • the text should be contrasting and easy to read.

You should not use excessive amounts of animation; it causes irritation and does not allow you to concentrate on the main idea.

Structure of information delivery

The text content of the landing page for lead generation should lead the visitor along the chain, who should ultimately leave contact information. To do this, one of two selling strategies is most often used.

Example of the "AIDA" model

AIDA has come to e-commerce from Western marketing of the 80s. It still has not lost its relevance; a one-page page in this case is written according to the following scenario:

  1. To attract attention.
  2. Inciting interest in the object of sale.
  3. Arousing the desire to make a purchase.
  4. The target action that the visitor must take to get their result.

A more advanced sales scheme works through a fear trigger. They scare a person, then intimidate them even more, after which they offer to solve the problem and provide an algorithm for overcoming the crisis.

Feedback form

This is exactly what the whole action was started for. The visitor filled out the form and left coordinates, the goal was achieved. Most often, the form is posted in the upper right corner, where it is most visible from the psychology of visual perception.

The more information a guest has to fill in about themselves, the less likely it is for successful lead generation; people don’t really like to disclose personal data. Therefore, most often the visitor is asked to write his name, phone number and email address.

Lead generation filters

The ultimate goal of marketers is to sell. It is she who determines the company’s income, payback advertising budget and salaries of specialists. You can drive millions of visitors, generate thousands of leads, and not make a single sale.

To get results, filters are used during lead generation. The first of them is created when advertising is placed, when the place and time of display is selected.

The second one will be applied directly on the website, since it is written according to the requests of citizens with specific interests. A well-written resource not only attracts a person from the target audience, but also scares away unnecessary people.

Complex technical terms interest a specialist, they will be incomprehensible to an outsider. Praising healthy, voluminous hair will attract fashionistas and make the bald curmudgeon close the page. Another way to filter and improve the quality of conversion is to complicate the feedback form.

Lead Generation Traffic Sources

The Internet provides dozens of ways for lead generation, some of them die out, others appear. Spam is a thing of the past, but the role of advertising in social and search networks has increased.

The main sources on this moment are:

  1. search engines Yandex and Google;
  2. social networks VK, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki;
  3. banner networks;
  4. thematic platforms;
  5. video advertising on YouTube.

Search engines play a dominant role in this list. Contextual advertising specialists are able to launch a project in a matter of days by purchasing space on home page search results.

This method has two disadvantages - high price and short duration of action. As soon as the budget runs out, the flow of clients stops.

For a more prolonged effect, use organic search engine results.

A page that is in the TOP of Yandex and Google will generate incoming traffic for a long time. This issue is dealt with by SEO specialists.

An important area of ​​traffic generation is the creation of your own groups, although their promotion requires considerable time.

Good afternoon friends! Evgeny Tridchikov is in touch, and today I will talk about what lead generation is and how it works. Let's talk about basic schemes and approaches, consider existing proposals and a few words about our cases.

What is lead generation?

It’s worth starting with the definition of the word lead.

Lead is slang that came to us from in English. Lead means try. An attempt by a person to contact the supplier of goods/services. For clarity, let's consider:

A simple example of a leadgen. A person visits the website (this is the “Clicks” level in the sales funnel), decides to make a call (this is the “Lead” level), the manager invites the person to the office and closes the deal (the “Deals” level). A simplified funnel gives an idea of ​​what a lead is.

So, leads are people contacting you. Depending on what the generator is (a website, a VKontakte group or something else), a lead can be: an application from the website, an online chat on the website, a direct phone call, etc.

I think you understand what leads are. These are attempts that need to be worked with. Each level has its own conversion: from clicks to leads, from leads to invitations to the office, from invitees to deals, from deals to upsells, repeat deals, etc.

Online lead generation

Thus, lead generation is a search process potential clients. When we talk about leadgen, we mean contact: phone number, email, Skype. A person’s contact with which you can communicate with him and close a deal.

In an even more simplified form, this looks like a table with numbers for each level. In general, this is what a business looks like - a digital model, where the numbers in the columns are clicks, people’s contacts and transactions.

Simplified lead generation scheme

In the most general sense, the generation of business applications is perfectly represented by Petr Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev from Business Youth. They tell you what business is: a circle, a square and a rectangle :)

Make a generator, generate leads, close deals.

A very simple and affordable model. Thus, you can generate requests (leads) in different ways. Here are just a few options:

  • free bulletin board (used cars are only sold this way) - leads here will be in the form of direct calls;
  • website + advertising - leads here will be in the form of applications by mail, correspondence in online chat, direct calls;
  • SMS distribution to the database;
  • e-mail distribution to the database;
  • driving traffic to mobile app etc.

The most popular lead generation scheme is a combination of landing page + contextual advertising. A sales page tailored for sales is created and abundantly flooded with traffic. Traffic can come absolutely from different sources. Simply the most quick option- contextual advertising.

Landing (site) here acts as a generator, an offer. And traffic is an audience. We confront the offer with the audience and get leads (requests) as a result. That's how it works, friends.

Lead Generation Options

Now you are thinking about where it is possible for your business. Here I consider 2 models of work.

Package of services

Most companies and agencies offer lead generation services as follows. You get a website, you get customized advertising sources, and if everything is done correctly, you will start receiving leads. If everything is done really well, then you will understand how much one lead costs you.

Thus, you buy a set of services and as a result become the owner of the system: a generator (website) + traffic (customized advertising) brings you applications. You buy a set of services and these online marketing tools become yours.

Buying leads

The second option is to buy applications. That is, you pay not for a set of services, but for each application separately. For example, you can find a specialist or company that will offer you leads on legal topics for 500 rubles. If it is profitable for you, you can take it.

So, in this option, you pay per lead contact. You will not know (or they will tell you, but they will lie) where these leads come from. They may lie to you that they are sold only to one person. You will not have a website or advertising tools. But it's up to you, it's up to you...

I would also note a combined option. Some agencies manage to conclude deals for large sums by selling a range of services and guaranteeing a specific number of leads in the contract. It seems that the website will be made and the leads will be guaranteed - what could be better? 🙂

Where to buy leads?

You can buy applications for a specific business from lead generation agencies. Not everyone, but perhaps someone works or agrees to try to work under the CPA model.

You can also buy leads on specialized exchanges. Well, for example:

I haven't worked with them, so I can't give you any advice. But you can easily find other exchanges on Google.

Finally, you can contact me. We do not sell leads, but work on a “service package” model. As I said above, this is an option in which an agency guides you: creating a selling website, driving traffic, consulting and assistance in processing applications, fixing obligations in the contract. If this option suits you, welcome.

Soon a section with cases will appear on the blog, where I will tell you in detail about the work done. In the meantime, you can watch video reviews, screenshots of statistics, screenshots of requests here on this page: .


That's probably all I have. Now you know that the scary word “lead generation” actually means creating a flow of requests to a business. How these applications will be processed is another question. If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments!

Evgeny Tridchikov was with you and I wish you exciting everyday life:)

We have all been in such a situation when the wife just took delicious spaghetti with delicious cutlets off the stove, laid it all out beautifully on a plate and served it on the table.

And just when you felt an inexorable desire to deal with this by picking up a fork, the phone rings, and on the other end of the line there is an annoying sales manager who is trying to find new clients with cold calls.

That is why today I want to tell you about lead generation techniques that do not bore the consumer and do not distract him from a delicious lunch or dinner prepared by his beloved wife.

What is a lead?

Let's start from the beginning. A lead is a person who has his own preferences and interests that may intersect with the services or products that your company offers.

This means that instead of making cold calls trying to stumble upon a potential client who suits you, it is better to call those who have already heard at least a little about you and are interested in additional information. For example, perhaps you took an online survey to find out how to take better care of your own car. If you received an email from the car company that conducted this survey, asking you how this company can help you with servicing your car, then this method of engagement will be less intrusive and more appropriate than you suddenly received a call with similar questions and offers. when you don’t even have a car... right?

And from a business perspective, the information collected by a car company through a survey will allow you to personalize you and learn in advance what can be offered to you as a potential client.

When someone who has nothing to do with marketing asks what I do, I often answer that I create content to generate leads, and then they either stop talking to me or look at me with confusion.

So instead, I recommend you answer “I'm working on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to offer them products that they are truly interested in, so I need to do some research first and also get them interested in my brand!”

This is usually more understandable to people and represents . This is a way to warm up potential clients by introducing them to you. By showing a natural interest in your business, they begin to interact (with your business), making it easier for you to offer them something for them to buy.

As part of a larger marketing plan, attracting leads falls into the second stage. This stage comes after you have attracted an audience and are ready to convert these visitors to your sales managers. As you can see in the chart below, lead generation is a fundamental step in converting an ordinary visitor into your customer.

How can you qualify leads?

As you already know, a lead is a person who has shown interest in your company's products or services. Now let's discuss ways to show this very interest.

As it turns out, lead generation is all about collecting information. This information may be collected through a job application completed by the applicant, through a coupon given to the buyer in exchange for their contact information, or through an online form that allows users to download educational materials. .

These are just a few methods by which you can characterize a particular visitor as a lead. In addition, such methods allow you to determine the degree of interest of a person in your company. Let's look at each scenario separately:

3. Content: Downloading a coupon indicates that the person has a direct interest in your product or services, content ( educational books or webinars), but the content itself cannot give you such information. Therefore, to truly determine a visitor's level of interest, we need to gather more information.

These three general examples show us how lead generation can differ from company to company, and from one visitor to another. You need to gather enough information to determine whether the person actually has an interest, or is simply falling for whatever they are asked to fill out.

Let's take . They use educational webinars for lead generation, and collect 7 points of information from potential buyers and leads:

As you can see, the landing page is trying to find out:

  1. Name: basic information for interaction
  2. Last name: basic information for interaction
  3. Email: This information will allow you to offer services via email.
  4. Company name: This information will allow you to determine how and whether your product will benefit the buyer (mostly used in B2B work)
  5. Position: information in order to understand a person’s position in business in order to build appropriate interaction with him. Each stakeholder will have a certain stake in the business and therefore the prospects for your proposal will also differ from person to person
  6. Telephone number: Typically, a telephone number is only used when determining a strong interest, which ensures that your call will not be sudden and intrusive to the person.
  7. Project Time Frame: Ends your survey with a very specific question that allows you to determine how to communicate with the lead.

If you want to learn about other, more complex methods for collecting information, as well as what to ask in questionnaires, you can read about it here. But let's continue... Let's get back to the basics...

Lead generation mechanism

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the overall marketing process, let's look at the main components of the lead generation process:

1. Landing page: landing or is a web page that a visitor lands on with specific intentions. Although landing pages can be used for many purposes, one of the most suitable is lead generation.

2. Questionnaires and forms: Landing pages usually contain forms with several fields, by filling which the visitor provides you with his contact information and at the same time informs about his interest in your company.

4. Call to action: A call to action (or call-to-action) is an image, button or message that encourages a website visitor to take some action. When we're talking about About lead generation, this component encourages visitors to (yes, you guessed it!) fill out a form on the landing page. Now do you understand how this is all connected?

Once you put all these elements together, you can use different promotional channels to link and drive traffic to your landing pages, which in turn will generate leads. Here is a small example of lead generation:

Now you should have an idea of ​​how the lead generation mechanism works. But remember that this is just a base and we still have a lot to learn. So stay tuned for news!

What is lead generation and what is its essence? What are the types and methods of lead generation? What services provide lead generation services?

Hello, dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov, the author of the HeatherBeaver magazine, is with you again. Today I’ll tell you about a new direction in Internet marketing – lead generation.

Every entrepreneur wants to bring as many clients into their business as possible. Satisfied clients are the key to prosperity. And you are ready to give 100% for them. But where to find, how to attract these people?

Think about it - while your competitors are spending budgets on expensive television and radio advertising, you can overtake them and build successful business. And all this with the help of a competent system for attracting potential clients.

1. What is lead generation - a complete description of the concept

The concept of lead generation (from English. Leads generation) came to us from Western marketers as a tool for managing the flow of potential customers.

Note that a lead is not a client yet, but can become one if you manage to attract him.

An ordinary person will turn into a lead if:

  • will see information about you and your services online or offline;
  • will need these services, i.e. will reach your target audience;
  • visit the site or make a call;
  • leave a request or contacts for feedback, subscribe to the email newsletter.

Natural questions: what needs to be done to attract as many applications as possible? Where to look for them? How to turn millions of users into your leads? How to make yourself known to capture their attention? These problems are solved by lead generation – the process of attracting or generating leads.

Before talking about this new business process, I would like to make one important note:

Lead generation will not work on its own - it needs an appropriate “environment”: high-quality content on the site, viral mailings, interesting offers, form style and others auxiliary tools marketing.

2. Types and methods of attracting clients (leads)

If you think lead generation is only suitable large companies, holdings and other giants, you are wrong. A coffee shop around the corner, a private dentistry, an eco-products store or a cleaning agency will benefit from lead generation just as much.

So where will we attract our leads from? Most often - from the Internet, because this is the method that allows you to control the flow and conversion (the ratio of potential clients to real ones). This means the cost of attracting each client.

The most popular traffic sources (channels for attracting customers from the Internet):

  1. contextual advertising. The user searches for goods and services on the Internet. If his needs coincide with your offer (he is looking for children's orthopedic boots, and you sell just such shoes), the search engine will helpfully provide exactly this advertisement. Whether he clicks on it or not depends on the attractiveness of your offer. Typically, ad impressions are free, and payment is made only for the actual click on the ad. The most popular sources of contextual advertising: Yandex.Direct, GoogleAdwords. We have already written in more detail about how it works.
  2. Targeted advertising. Your audience is women from 25 to 35 who live in Samara and studied at Samara State University? Thanks to targeted (from the word target - goal) advertising, your ad will be shown only to them, and to no one else. You reach your target audience directly. Targeted advertising is available on social networks, where users disclose their data: age, gender, social status: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki.
  3. Blogs and Other Internet Marketing Tools. A good article from a respected blogger, an interesting e-mail newsletter, a tempting offer in the community feed.
  4. Aggregator platforms: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Carprice, Avito, Mednow, other specialized or general sites that collect advertisements and offers.
  5. Lead Exchange. A place where contacts are sold and bought (yes, it’s that simple). Lead sellers are popular bloggers with a large number of visitors, aggregators with huge databases of people’s contacts. The main requirement is that all these contacts must be interested in the product or service. If you are a lawyer, then your leads must have made a request somewhere for legal services and leave your data (participate in a survey or promotion, subscribe to the newsletter). Such data are objects of purchase and sale on lead exchanges.

All these sources, with correct use, will bring potential clients to pre-prepared “networks”.

These include:

  • Landing pages or in other words, one-page presentation sites where people end up by clicking on your ad. If you are trading glasses, and in summer period If you launch a “sunglasses as a gift” promotion, you can create, in addition to the main site, a separate one-page page where the types, types, colors of sunglasses will be described in detail, and your promotion will be presented. The purpose of such a page is to encourage the visitor to leave a request or at least his details - phone number, email, log in through your profile on social networks. This is how a previously unknown person becomes a lead. A landing page is also necessary to calculate the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • Main site settings. A pop-up window with an online consultant, a pop-up offer to order feedback, a request for authorization through a social network - all these are lead generation “tricks” for gathering contacts of potential clients.

The methods described are suitable for finding and attracting leads on the Internet. There are offline methods: television and radio advertising, banners, paper letters and other types of conventional advertising. Their main drawback is the inability to calculate the cost of attracting one client, because traditional advertising is most often addressed to an unlimited circle of people and deprives us of the opportunity to address everyone personally.

3. Practical examples of lead generation

To show you how lead generation works in action, let's look at a few practical examples.

Example 1. Advertising campaign “Sunglasses to the masses!”

The Glasses for Everyone company is developing successfully. She has 5 points of sale in shopping centers Moscow, online store. For the summer season, it was decided to hold the “Sunglasses to the Masses!” campaign in order to increase sales, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers to other products.

The first thing a company marketer starts with is making a list of keywords. The keyword impression statistics service "" for the query "Sunglasses" produces the following combinations:

  • sunglasses – 60 thousand requests;
  • sunglasses – 17 thousand requests;
  • buy sunglasses – 2 thousand requests;
  • men's sunglasses – 1 thousand requests;
  • women's sunglasses – 1 thousand requests.

Since the online store delivers goods throughout the country, it is not necessary to select separate regions. Now users who enter these phrases in Yandex will be shown a pre-approved ad: “ Buy sunglasses with a 50% discount until July 1, 2016».

In the first month, this ad was shown 400 times. It led to the site 100 times (every fourth user). These 100 people can soon become our leads, provided that they like the price, delivery conditions, website design, etc.

Out of 100 people, 3 made a purchase, 1 called the office, 2 left their e-mail in the feedback form, 3 contacted the online consultant. In total, we received 9 leads (3 of which are already clients).

Example 2. Advertising campaign “Lens”

The same eyeglass company decided to increase sales.

The company management found the result insufficient. Or maybe it knows the motto of lead generation: “There are never too many clients”? It was decided to try other traffic channels. For this purpose, the advertising campaign “Lens” was chosen, which will be implemented in social network In contact with.

An announcement was created here: “On your birthday, every second lens is a gift.” Selected the target audience: women over 18 years of age living in Russia whose birthday is in the coming week. The payment for clicks on an advertisement has been determined.

During the week of placement, 300 people clicked on the ad, 6 bought lenses at the promotion, 5 took part in the survey, 5 called the office. All 16 people are leads, of which 6 are established clients.

Example 3. Advertising campaign “Glasses with diamonds”

The management liked the new ways to attract leads and wanted to try another option. This time it was decided to take a risk and buy leads on the exchange. For these purposes, the third advertising campaign “Glasses with Diamonds” was created.

Having registered on one of the exchanges, the marketer submitted a purchase request, indicating the following parameters:

  • gender: any;
  • age – from 30 years;
  • region of residence: Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • required contacts: phone and e-mail;
  • having a job (desirable);
  • marital status: have a partner;
  • interested in purchasing high-quality and beautiful glasses.

The exchange set a price per lead of 600 rubles. 50 contacts were provided. The marketer sent them offers to buy glasses with diamond-encrusted temples, advertising them as a possible birthday gift for their significant other or themselves. Potential clients were then called. As a result, 11 people placed an order.

Below, in practical examples I will provide calculations that reflect the results of each of the 3 advertising campaigns.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation

Like any human creation, lead generation is imperfect. It should be considered as one of the ways to attract customers to your business. One of the ways - and not the only one.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of lead generation in the form of a table

If you are a professional in Internet marketing, know how to work with numbers and find suitable channels for attracting customers, then this tool will help you, as a marketer or business owner, increase profits and recoup advertising costs.

5. Calculation of the cost of leads using specific examples (CPL model)

The main advantage of online lead generation is the ability to calculate the price of each potential client. How to do it?

There are several ways to calculate payments in online marketing:

  1. CPA model (Cost per Acquisition). Payment for purchase. The lead must make a purchase or leave an application on your website. In some cases - take part in voting, subscribe to the newsletter, or otherwise leave your contacts.
  2. CPC model (Cost per Click). Pay per click. Here everything is much simpler - the user clicks on your ad and the amount is debited from the account. What this user will do next - leave a request or immediately close the page - the seller does not care.
  3. CPL model (Cost per Lead). Payment for the client’s contact, or more precisely, for the contact information and social portrait of the future client. CPL is the main indicator of lead generation quality that meets market requirements. There is contact - there is payment. The lead “lost” without leaving any information about himself - the money remains with you.

If you attract clients to your business using lead generation, it will be useful for you to learn how to calculate the cost of one lead using the CPL model.

To track the number of completed transactions with clients attracted through this marketing tool, it is recommended, in addition to the landing page (one-page site), allocate a separate phone number that will be shown only within a specific advertising campaign. Then you can accurately count the number of applications from the landing page and the number of calls made by potential clients.

Let me remind you that not all applications become clients. The CPL model calculates the cost of leads – potential customers. The cost of converting a lead into a client is a separate expense item and a different topic.

So, let’s calculate the cost of one lead using the “Sunglasses” advertising campaign as an example.

Known data:

  • number of clicks on the ad (reflected in the metric) – 100 clicks;
  • cost per click (CPC, set in the advertising campaign settings) – 150 rubles;
  • number of leads (the number of applications on the site plus the number of calls is counted. For this, a separate landing page and a separate phone number are required) – 9 leads.

Action 1. Let’s calculate the budget for the “Sunglasses” campaign: just multiply the number of clicks by the cost of one click. We get: Budget=100*150=15000 (rubles).

Action 2. We calculate the cost per lead (CPL). Everything is simple here - the budget must be divided by the number of leads: 15000/9=1666 (rubles per application). So, the cost of a lead is 1666 rubles.

Is this a lot or a little? A natural question. Depends on the markup on the average check. If it does not exceed the cost of a lead (not even a client, but just a lead), urgently change either the traffic source, or the ad text, or the cost of transition.

It helps well to navigate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Such an indicator as conversion rate (CTR)– the ratio of the number of website (page) visitors to the number of contacts – people who left a request. Let’s calculate it for the “Sunglasses” campaign:

Action 3. Transitions – 100, leads – 9. Conversion rate (CR) = number of leads / number of visitors = 9/100 = 9 (%). So the conversion is 9%.

Everything is known by comparison, and so is the effectiveness of the source.

Compose comparison table all channels of customer acquisition.

For example, let’s take our “Sunglasses”, which was promoted using context, and also add the “Lens” and “Glasses with Diamonds” campaigns.

Indicators Sunglasses Lenses Glasses with diamonds
1 CPL (cost per click)150 rub.45 rub.600 rub.
2 Number of transitions100 300 50
3 Budget15,000 rub.13,500 rub.30,000 rub.
4 Number of leads9 16 11
5 CPL (cost per lead)RUB 1,666844 rub.RUB 2,727
6 CR (conversion)9 % 5,3 % 22 %

What do we see? “Glasses with diamonds,” despite the high cost of a click (as much as 600 rubles) and the high cost of one lead (2,727 rubles), showed very, very good conversion.

The lenses “lose” in terms of conversion, but the cost of attracting one application is low. Our “Sunglasses” turned out to be the most ineffective advertising campaign - the budget is higher, as is the cost of a lead.

To have full information, it is better to observe the situation in dynamics. Create a similar table for advertising campaigns over several months to see progress. Discard ineffective decisions immediately or adjust depending on the season, actions of competitors, etc...

6. Where to buy leads - lead generation agencies

You have gained a general idea of ​​lead generation, and by reading the article, most likely, you have tried this tool on for your own business.

  • Is contextual or targeted advertising right for you?
  • Do you want to do lead generation yourself?
  • Are you ready to explore a new area?

If yes, then you can skip this section. Your future plans are to study the basics SMM And SEO.

But if your busy schedule does not allow you to plunge headlong into this exciting process, it is better to hire a company that will provide A complex approach– receipt of leads from all traffic sources, starting from the creation of a landing page and content, ending with Yandex.Direct and social networks.

Such companies are called lead generation agencies . How are they different from exchanges? The main task of the exchange is to bring together the buyer and seller of applications in one place, help them find each other, and receive their commission for this. On the exchange you simply buy leads. The agency offers lead generation services from all sources, including the same exchanges.

If you are thinking about buying turnkey applications, such agencies are suitable to do the “grunt” work for you: select keywords, compose and place ads, create a landing page, track work performance. But there are things that you still have to do yourself if you want the costs to pay off:

  1. Check your keyword list carefully. Take the time to enter each suggested keyword into Wordstat to compare the number of queries.
  2. Create a portrait of the target client, at whom this or that advertising campaign is aimed.
  3. Check your ads for accuracy before launching. If a third-party manager, due to a defect or ignorance, gives false information, you risk not gaining, but losing clients and reputation;
  4. Control the cost of one lead and the effectiveness of the funds spent. Feel free to ask, ask again, ask again. Your money is your rules.

And most importantly, ruthlessly part with ineffective ones. advertising campaigns, managers and agencies! Remember: all order generation services must be aimed at profit. You don’t need to receive targeted applications just for show, and “to be like all serious companies.”

7. How to start a business providing lead generation services

Have you tried attracting clients to your business and liked it? Moreover, you are very good at it, did you get carried away and decided to develop a new direction? Wondering where to start? You have several options:

  • Selling leads: create a website with high-quality content, promote it in search, creating a flow of visitors and readers. Sell ​​these contacts to interested buyers through the exchange, agencies, freelancers. Main problem: High-quality texts require time, professionalism and patience. You will have to work for a long time, but the flow of applications will be high-quality.
  • Open a lead generation agency, providing turnkey lead generation services. You will have to master all traffic sources and learn how to work with them. But the main task- find clients. You can do this, as you already understand, using your favorite application generation. Main problem: find clients rich enough to afford comprehensive marketing, but not so poor that they cannot at least afford lead generation.
  • Teach everyone this art. You can record several videos with free lessons by posting them on Youtube. Of course, develop a landing page and attract applications to it. Main problem: convince people that they can make money from new profession and not be known as a “cheater.” By investing in training, people want a ready-made solution, and you will “just” give them the tools to find that solution.
  • Create an exchange for selling contacts of potential clients. You will have to first purchase the data, selectively check its authenticity, and then put it up for sale. The scheme is the same: website (landing page), attracting potential clients, buying and selling. Main problem: torn between salespeople who think their leads are perfect and buyers who have the opposite opinion.

Business must be profitable. Therefore, take your time, any successful project requires preparation:

  1. Drawing up a business plan. Who do you plan to sell your services to? At what price? Who are your clients? How are you going to attract them? How much investment do you need to make and how quickly will it pay off? Quantity, quality of personnel. Optimistic and pessimistic forecasts. Previously, I already wrote about.
  2. Enterprise registration. Individual entrepreneur or LLC? Tax system. Overhead costs, non-operating and selling costs, structure of services. or we wrote in previous articles.
  3. Marketing market research. Who are your competitors? What are the strengths and weak sides? Market capacity, segmentation, niche you plan to occupy.

An important part of preparation is training. Identify knowledge gaps and fill them. If accounting can be transferred to, then the main activity at first is your responsibility. Where can you learn how to generate clients? This will be discussed further.

8. Lead generation academy and other available training methods

How can you get comprehensive, complete knowledge on all the nuances of lead generation? – Learn from proven masters who will explain, chew, show and tell. Most often, learning takes place online and consists of lessons and homework.

Among the major educational projects The Lead Generation Academy stands out. “Delicious” offers, promises of millions, excellent reviews from participants - I want to go study right now.

But there is no magic. Will you be trained at the Academy, or any other educational institution, remember: saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. To ensure that your training gives results and does not bring disappointment, follow these simple recommendations:

  • don’t expect ready-made recipes from teachers that will lead you to a bright future without investment on your part. You will have to work a lot on your own, experiment, make mistakes, and develop your own methods. And if you do decide to start your own business, you will also need material investments.
  • decide what you want to do, find your business, idea. Will these be lead generation services, or do you intend to attract clients to your existing business or open a new one? Without an idea, lessons will be only half useful.

Another effective (and free) way to learn is self-education. The Internet is filled with articles, blogs, and video tutorials that will give you a complete understanding of this Internet marketing technique, and your persistence, patience and practice (more practice!) will gradually make you a professional lead manager.

Then you will begin to understand who is who, where you can turn for advice and give money for experience.