Sample presentation on the safety of preschool children. Pedagogical Council. “The safety and health of children is in our hands. Physical education and health development

Valentina Nikulina
Pedagogical council on the topic “Child life safety preschool age»

Teachers' council on the topic

« Life safety of a preschool child»

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Senior teacher6 Nikulina Valentina Ivanovna

Target: improving the professional competence of teachers and increasing their pedagogical skills.


1. Theoretically substantiate the formation.

2. Determine the content of the activities of preschool teachers in the formation life safety of preschool children.

3. Make a decision based on the results of the pedagogical council.

Work plan:

life safety of preschool children:

3. Teacher's message life safety of preschool children»

4. Presentation of corners security in groups.

5. Game - training " Child safety

7. Summing up.

Preliminary work:

1. Study of methodological literature.

2. Teachers should prepare reports on topics.

3. Teachers should prepare corner presentations security

1. Justification of relevance, communication of the work plan.

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many rules security were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Conditions have changed over time human life, the rules have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed communications network, and large crowds of people.

Life safety human beings is a serious problem of our time. Formula security says: anticipate danger, avoid if possible; act if necessary. For children it rhymes poetry:

We must see, foresee, take into account.

If possible, avoid everything

And where necessary, call for help.

U preschoolers There is often a poor development of skills and abilities to analyze the situation and predict the consequences of their actions. Thus, there is a need to protect children from dangers, without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, without frightening them and preparing them for a full-fledged life. life. In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring social child safety.

2. Development of methodological foundations for the formation life safety of preschool children(group work and collective discussion):

Is it necessary to solve these problems?

Provide an educational and educational influence on children in educational activities and in free activities;

Organize problem and play situations that ensure developmental interaction between children;

Create a developing subject-game environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in independent and joint activities adults with children.

First, it is necessary to highlight the rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety. These rules should be explained in detail to children and then monitored for their implementation.

But safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in different situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street or at home, so the main task adults – stimulating their development of independence and responsibility.

« Safety» present in the immediate educational activities. But 1 minute or 5 minutes a day is allocated for it. Therefore, it is more expedient to carry out GCD according security Once a month for 20 minutes in the form of conversations, reading fiction, observations, practical activities, situation games, didactic games, examination of plot and subject pictures.

When working on the formation life safety of preschool children the following activities are integrated (group work and collective discussion)

3. Teacher's message: “To determine the content of the activities of preschool teachers in the formation life safety of preschool children»

4. Presentation of corners security in groups.

5. Continued teaching council game - training« Child safety in dangerous and emergency situations»

So that the elements do not suddenly overtake,

Trouble did not suddenly strike

We must take measures such as

So that a rebuff would always be ready for her!

Look for solutions to win,

You can't retreat from trouble,

You will receive our knowledge

And know how to use them!

Exercise 1. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

Who can name more fairy tales where the fundamentals are violated? life safety led to sad consequences. Explain why?

Task 2.

1. To kid got another vaccination. What type of acquired immunity did he acquire - natural or artificial? (artificial)

2. Which organ of the human body is the largest? (leather)

3. What refers to postural disorders - scoliosis or flat feet? (both)

4. An adult has 206 bones. U more or less child? (300)

5. Hammer, incus, stirrup - where is it located? (in the middle ear)

6. Why do you need a wisdom tooth? (no need, a vestigial organ, comes out last, is destroyed first)

7. What should be kept in your group's first aid kit? (bandage, adhesive plaster, brilliant green, iodine, activated carbon, ammonia, cotton wool)

Task 3

8. Section « Child and other people» : Children are told that a person’s appearance does not always correspond to his character. Children think that only people with an unpleasant appearance are dangerous, and that beautifully dressed and attractive people do not pose a danger. But this is not always true. What example from a fairy tale can you give? (Cinderella)

9. "Health child» : We give this concept to children, explaining that without this a person cannot be healthy and strong. What is this? (vitamins)

10. « Child and nature» : What kind of mushroom is this? (bilious)

11. Which section of the program? safety includes fire safety? (Child at home)

12. « Child on the city streets» - How to properly cross the roadway with a group of children?

13. "Emotionally well-being child» : studying this topic involves

besides creating favorable atmosphere in a group, explaining fears

child and also the solution to these problematic situations. For children this is a very difficult situation, the last resort for which they see is a fight. What it is? (conflict)

Skills development work safe Behavior in children must begin with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests. Twice a year it is necessary to carry out diagnostic work to determine the level of cognitive development of each child; based on its results, further individual work is planned.

Use a variety of methodological techniques:

1. It is advisable to play different situations: child at home alone; the child is at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Study literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a little person begins to learn to live. Contents of fairy tales - vital experience of many generations. In fairy tales we learn the same lessons security that our children should master. Listening and "discussing" with you folk tales, while playing them, the baby will easily learn some new situation or problem that a growing person will have to face in real life. life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. Child psyche "hedging" What the baby saw will remain before his eyes.

4. Ask questions.

If child While he can’t speak (or still speaks poorly, he will still understand you. The point of the question is not even to immediately get

correct answer. The question emphasizes the main thing and makes you think. And you (us) This is exactly what is needed.

Encourage your child to ask you questions (however, they can do this without any problems, the main thing here is not to stray from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and answer with gestures, sounds, and actions. They react emotionally, and what is lived through emotions remains deeper in us.

5. Walk.

A walk is an ideal time to talk to child about his safety. Of course, 5-7 year old children, as a rule, have difficulty perceiving "naked" advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if we present them, so to speak, "with binding" to specific circumstances...

6. The game is very important point V lives of young children.

It is through play that they learn about the world and become accustomed to it. So play together role-playing games, didactic games to develop cognitive processes in children.

If you become aware that child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, you must definitely praise him. This will help him be more confident in the future. If child acted wrongly, there is no need to scold him - calmly explain the mistake you made and tell about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Education safe behavior is work for many years. You won't achieve anything here with one or two conversations.

Target « safe» education - instill child confidence in his

possibilities, is that if he strictly adheres to certain

rules of behavior, he will not get into a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Every skill safe behavior is developed gradually. Check if you understand baby what you said. Find out what turns out to be unclear. It has already been emphasized that compliance with the rules security should be brought to automaticity. Only then is it guaranteed child safety.

6. Making a decision based on the results of the pedagogical council.

1. Create working group to develop recommendations for working with parents.

2. Create a functioning library for parents on education life safety of preschool children.

3. For the purpose of professional competence of teachers, conduct a series of consultations, seminars, and trainings.

7. Summing up teachers' council.

So, we can conclude that in order to conduct GCD according to the “Fundamentals” life safety of preschool children", you can use a variety of methodological techniques:




Stories from life,

Works of art,

Drawing on various topics.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations and learn to make decisions independently and then no trouble will happen.

But we must remember that the main thing is the personal example of parents, educators and just adults.

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The most important thing is the health and life of the child.

Often drawn into the whirlwind of everyday life, we forget how many unexpected dangers await a person in life. life path. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he has basic knowledge of the basics of life safety.

This knowledge is formed in the process of education, therefore, teaching children the safety of their life activities is an urgent pedagogical task.

Project on the topic “Health and safety of preschool children.”


“A healthy person is the most precious product of nature”
Thomas Carlyle

The project is educational and creative, long-term.

Project implementation timeline: academic year(September – May)

Project goals:

  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and to ensure maximum activity of children in the independent process of learning about the world.
  • To study the characteristics of each child’s attitude towards his health and to identify the level of formation of his ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Expand and deepen children’s understanding of the rules of personal hygiene, ways to protect their health and methods safe behavior in various situations;
  • To develop in children a value-based attitude towards their health and an understanding of their own responsibility for maintaining their body in a natural, healthy state;
  • Help children learn skills healthy image life;
  • Develop the child as a subject of cognition.

Stage-by-stage implementation of the project

Stage I (preparatory)

The tasks of children at this stage of the project are: getting into the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, as well as supplementing the project’s goals.

The last point is important, since one of the important tasks of the teacher is to develop active life position; Children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around them.

Stage II (main) October – April

Implementation of planned plans

At this stage (besides organizational activities) the teacher helps children competently plan their own activities in solving assigned tasks. Children are divided into working groups and assigned roles.

Main areas of work with children:

  1. comprehensive diagnostics of children's health culture;
  2. physical culture and recreational work and educational activities:
    • physical education classes (traditional, training, competition classes, integrated, sports festivals);
    • a system of hardening procedures (air hardening, walking along “health paths”, walks, following a daily routine, morning exercises, physical education);
    • health technologies (acupressure, finger, breathing exercises, vitamin therapy, preventive use of oxolinic ointment for the nose, phytoncidotherapy, aromatherapy, creotherapy);
  3. advisory and information work (individual oral consultations, moving folders, health corner);
  4. a series of conversations about health, a person and his actions, habits, proper nutrition.

Project implementation model:

  • practical games - trainings to develop safe behavior skills in preschoolers;
  • thematic exhibitions of children's works: “We draw the street”, “We want to live in a world without fires”
  • group drawing competition " Winter views sports”, “If you want to be healthy...”;
  • writing a fairy tale “How fruits and vegetables argued about their benefits”;
  • a selection of didactic games; works of art; viewing illustrations; role-playing games; dramatization of fairy tales.
  • a selection of activities, conversations, leisure, entertainment;
  • a cycle of observations, excursions, targeted walks;
  • a cycle of consultations for teachers and parents;
  • sports festival “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family”;
  • reasoning “What is a healthy lifestyle?”

Project resource support:

  • health corner;
  • sports corner in the group;
  • didactic games, board and printed games;
  • role-playing game center: attributes for organizing role-playing games
  • “Pharmacy”, “Polyclinic with different departments”.
  • center of literature: books about health, works by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, G.K. Andersen, A. Barto and other writers.
  • posters, illustrations on life safety.

Project participants:

  • children;
  • teacher;
  • parents.

Diagnostic material for compensatory school preparatory group No. 10 (slides 9–12)

Stage III (final) April

Identification of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic.

Systematization of collected material on the topic.

Thematic plan in the preparatory group

Project name Block theme Lesson topics Type of activity and forms of work Working with parents
“Health and safety of preschool children” "Me and my body" Educational activity“I’ll save my heart, I’ll help myself” Examination of illustrations from G. Yudin’s book “The Main Wonder of the World” (“Blood Circulation”).
Reading: G.K. Andersen " The Snow Queen", Y. Olesha "Three Fat Men".
Games: “The Great Worker and the Magic Rivers”, “What Do You Know About the Heart”.
Role-playing game “Polyclinic with different departments”, “Pharmacy”.
Consultation “Take care of your heart while it beats”
Educational lesson “How we breathe”
Conversation on the topic “Why do we breathe.”
Reading “How a bear smoked a pipe” S. Mikhalkov, E. Moshkovskaya “My wonderful nose”, Yu. Prokopovich “Why do babies need a nose.”
Breathing exercises.
Game "Recognize by smell".
Consultation “Therapeutic gymnastics and acupressure for frequently ill children”
Educational lesson “Digestive tract” Looking at the illustrations in the book “You and Your Body.”
Conversations on the topics: “About the profession of a cook”, “Healthy and unhealthy food”.
Reading by Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”, Dragunsky “Mishkina porridge”.
Riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.
Role-playing games: “Supermarket”, “Dining”, “Family”.
“Nutrition and health of preschoolers”
Educational lesson “Let's be slim and beautiful” Consideration of illustrations by S. Kozlova “I am a man.”
Conversation on the topic: “Watch your posture.”
Reading S. Marshak “The Giant”, A. Barto “I’m Growing Up”, Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”, V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”, E. Bagryan “The Little Athlete”.
Didactic game “Show the answer.”
Consultation “How to form correct posture”
Integrated lesson “Magic Country – Health” Conversations: How to stay healthy”, “Rules for a safe life”, “Sun, air and water are our best friends.”
Conversation-reflection “What is a healthy lifestyle?”
KVN "If you want to be healthy."
Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Adventures in the Land of Health” L. Lieberman, V. Lanzett.
"Seven Commandments to Keep Children Alive"
“Basics of child safety” Integrated lesson “Road Safety” Examination of the illustrations “City Street”.
Conversations: “Know and follow the rules traffic».
Quiz “What? Where? When?".
Reading: Y. Pishumov “About the rules of the road”, S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “Tale about the city of road signs”.
Excursions: Roadway design: Speed ​​Bump, Zebra, road signs"Pedestrian crossing", "Point medical care", "Food station".
Consultation “For parents about traffic rules”
Complex lesson “Fire is the judge of people’s carelessness” Examination of illustrations on the topic of fire.
Conversations “Fire in the apartment”, “Firefighter hero, he fights with fire”, “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”
Reading: S. Marshak “Fire”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, K. Olenev “Fire Truck”.
Dramatization game "Cat's House".
Excursions around the kindergarten “Evacuation routes in case of fire.”
Consultations: “Children’s prank with fire”, “Safety in your home”
Educational lesson “Dangerous situations with strangers” Conversations: “If a stranger comes into the house”, “About the discrepancy between pleasant appearance and good intentions.”
Reading: A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower” G.K Andersen “Cinderella”, Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.
Dramatization of fairy tales: “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Little Red Riding Hood.
Consultation “Basics of personal safety of a preschooler”
Integrated lesson “Poisonous mushrooms and berries” Conversations: “Pollution environment", "Caring for nature."
Examination of illustrations “Edible and poisonous mushrooms”, “be careful, berries!”.
Compilation of the book “Complaints of Mushrooms and Berries.”
Quiz game “Nature Experts”.
Consultation “Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms” “Recommendations for ensuring the safety of children in summer”

Stage IV. Project presentation (May)

The teacher prepares a presentation on the project activities and conducts it. Children actively help in preparing the presentation, after which they present the product of their own activities to the audience (teachers and parents).

“Safety and health of preschool children»

Ensuring the health of children is the main goal and main task of a civilized society. In recent years, it has become obvious that safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in unexpected situations on the streets of the city. No one is indifferent to the disappointing reports about accidents where, unfortunately, children are also victims. Therefore, ensuring security is becoming an increasingly important state task. An important role in solving this problem is the organization of work to prevent child injuries in preschool institutions.

During preschool childhood, a child becomes familiar with a large number of rules, norms, warnings, and requirements. Any generally accepted norm becomes an effective regulator of human behavior only when it is realized and accepted by him. However, it is difficult for a child to imagine the degree of their significance. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, because their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained in detail to children, then their implementation should be monitored, since, I emphasize, safety is both a lifestyle and adequate behavior in unexpected situations.

Safety education is a continuous, systematic and consistent process, starting from an early age, continuing in the system of preschool and school education. It is quite obvious: the sooner children receive information about how a person should behave on the street and in the yard, the fewer accidents there will be. Both parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions are called upon to solve this problem.

A straightforward requirement to comply with socially accepted rules of behavior most often turns out to be ineffective for preschoolers. To form the foundations of safe behavior for preschoolers, it is necessary to organize an educational system that includes all types of activities: gaming, productive, cognitive, speech, physical education, music and rhythm.

Thus, we set a goal: to familiarize preschoolers with the rules and norms of safe behavior in order to gain social experience.

To achieve this goal, we highlight the following tasks:

1. Develop independence and responsibility in children.

2. Create conditions to familiarize preschoolers with the basics of safe behavior on the road.

3. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards the rules and norms of behavior in various situations on the road.

4. Form a preschooler’s ideas about safe behavior in various road situations.

5. Teach children to regulate their behavioral reactions.

6. Enrich children's vocabulary and develop coherent speech. The effectiveness of the implementation of the assigned tasks largely depends on the content of the subject-developmental environment created in the preschool institution, and the educational educational work.

The subject development environment includes:

Safety corners in groups.

Information corners for parents.

Educational and promotional materials.

Illustrative stands for children and adults. Educational work is carried out through:

Organized activities for children - classes, excursions, trainings;

Joint activities of adults and children - conversations between the teacher and the child, observations, work, reading fiction, dramatization of fairy tales;

Free, independent activities for children - role-playing games.

The problem related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only within the kindergarten. Therefore, in matters of instilling safe behavior in children, it is important to ensure continuity between the kindergarten and the family.

When working with parents in our preschool institution, we widely use:

Parent meetings, consultations, conversations with the participation of a psychologist, inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Workshops, open views where parents become familiar with the scope of knowledge and skills offered;

Organization of exhibitions of artistic and productive activities of children and adults.

An effective form of work to prevent child injuries and teach the rules of safe behavior is close cooperation our structural unit with inspectors from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Inspectors often visit our kindergarten, conduct classes with children, and speak at parent meetings, at teachers' meetings. The visit of an inspector to kindergarten groups and his conversation with children makes the work of familiarizing them with the rules of behavior more effective.

In our preschool institution, much attention is paid to the issues of improving the qualifications of teachers, including in the field of preventing child injuries. Workshops are held, open classes, psychological trainings. Exhibitions of children's drawings, manuals, didactic games, and shows at best group in life protection work. Everyone should participate in this process: teachers, parents, others. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form ideas about the most dangerous situations, about the need to take precautions, and to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life.

All training should be supplemented by the following guidelines:

1.Protection of children through active and passive safety measures (a more responsible attitude towards this problem by government and public organizations, on which the safety of children depends, the use of safety equipment for children).

2. Maintain close contact with EMERCOM inspectors.

3.Creation of conditions that would take into account the specifics of children's safety problems as much as possible.

4.Reducing the likelihood of occurrence dangerous situations near children's institutions and on the roads leading to them.

5. Increase the level of knowledge of teachers when teaching children the basics of safety.

6.Equipping the teaching room with new modern materials.

Senior teacher Molko Alevtina Yurievna

Department of Human Studies and Physical Culture 2015

Completed by: Student of courses under the program “ Physical Culture in preschool educational institution" Zalutskaya Evgenia Nikolaevna

MBODOU d/s No. 3 “Firefly”, Krasnoarmeysk

on the topic: “Formation of the fundamentals of life safety among preschool children”



Slide 2

Abstract plan:


1. Relevance of the topic.

2. Goals and objectives of the work.

1.2. Formation of the foundations of life safety:

* for employees and teachers of preschool educational institutions;

* parents of preschool children;

* preschoolers of preschool educational institutions;

Principles of organizing educational work to prevent safety in preschoolers.

2.1. Forms of teaching children the basics of safety.

2.2. Practical part.

2.3. The product of a teacher’s work teaching children the basics of safety.

(Appendix: innovations, scenarios, children's work).

3. Conclusion.

4. List of used literature.

Slide 3

1.Relevance of the topic:

The most valuable thing is the health and life of the child. Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy.

But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he has basic knowledge of the basics of life safety. This knowledge is formed in the process of education, therefore, teaching children to ensure the safety of their life is an urgent pedagogical task. One of the main tasks in working with preschoolers is teaching traffic rules, fire safety and instilling the skills of correct actions.

Slide 4

Among them are the following:

  • There remains a pronounced downward trend in the health indicators of preschool children, and the number of children with disharmonious development is increasing.
  • The relevance of the problems of developing a culture of safety and health among preschoolers is due to a number of factors.
  • The teacher lacks the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies, personal qualities can cause not only a low quality of education, but also serious and sometimes irreversible problems in the development of a child.
  • Not formed theoretical basis to solve the problem of developing a safety culture among preschoolers.
  • IN modern world New dangers appear for which people must be prepared, and sad statistics of accidents involving preschool children remain.
  • Slide 5

    Activation and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience in creating a safe educational space in a small town, instilling in preschoolers a responsible attitude towards personal and public safety and developing their experience of safe life through direct educational activities. Systematize work on teaching children the basics of safety in the triad: with children, teachers and parents of students.

    Slide 6

    1. Expand the concepts of “Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children”, “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”.

    4. Systematize the work of all participants in the educational process to teach safe behavior to preschoolers in various situations.

    5. Develop scenarios, leisure activities, and holidays to teach children the basics of safety.

    3. Reveal the forms and methods of work to form the foundations of life safety for preschool children.

    Slide 7

    Introduce innovative approaches to work.

    Determine methods for introducing children to the basics of life safety.

    Study methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    6. Introduce innovative approaches to work.

    7. Determine methods for introducing children to the basics of life safety.

    8. Study methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    9. Identify the capabilities of an older preschooler in mastering the basics of life safety.

    10. Organize special conditions, contributing to the formation of the foundations of security.

    Slide 8

    Chapter I. The system of work carried out in preschool educational institutions to prevent the safety of preschool children.

    Basics of life safety in general education is a single, continuous system of targeted pedagogical work, ensuring an appropriate level of human preparedness in the field of life safety of the individual, society and state, preservation and strengthening of one’s health.

    K.D. Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear and, by making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the intensity of fear due to these dangers.”

    Slide 9

    Ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process includes the following aspects:

    Ensuring labor protection for preschool employees;

    Protecting the life and health of pupils;

    Fire safety in the institution;

    Emergency prevention and response;

    Anti-terrorism protection;

    All work to ensure the safety of the educational process is clearly planned, and action plans for the calendar year are prescribed.

    Slide 10

    Theoretical and practical significance This development lies in the fact that the content of work on the basics of life safety has been determined, which includes different forms of work both with children and their parents, and with teachers. This allows the educational process to be carried out purposefully.

    P. Leach and P. Statman note in their studies that the advantage of preschoolers in learning personal safety is that they love rules and fully adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten or deviated by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this. A child of this age’s desire for logic will help adults teach him safety rules.

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    1.1. Life safety of preschool children as an integral part of health-saving education technology.

    Currently, the problem of health and its preservation is one of the most pressing. The concept of “health-saving technologies” has become firmly established in the educational system, starting with preschool educational institutions.

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    The concept of “health-saving technologies” integrates all areas of work preschool on the preservation, formation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

    City joint sports competition

    “Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

    Slide 13

    • ensuring a high level of health for kindergarten students and nurturing culture as the totality of a child’s conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle, valeological competence,
    • allowing the preschooler to independently and effectively
    • solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, provide basic medical and psychological self-help.

    The goal of health-saving technologies

    Slide 14

    1.2. Formation of the fundamentals of life safety and first aid: for employees, teachers.

    Teachers and workers responsible for protecting the health and safety of children, teaching children to behave safely, need knowledge theoretical foundations formation of safe life activities.

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    Visual agitation, which includes watching video films, presentations, and practical exercises, plays a major role in staff training.

    Each group has job descriptions, rules of conduct in emergency situations, life safety instructions.

    A modern teacher needs to master effective methods health-preserving education, creating a culture of safety and child development.

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    Working with parents to form the foundations of life safety for preschoolers is one of the most important areas of educational work in preschool educational institutions. It is very important for the well-being of the child to develop a clear cooperation strategy. After all, a range of problems related to the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten. Therefore, close contact with parents is necessary.

    The goal of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of children’s safety, to increase the educational level of parents on this issue, and to outline the range of rules that need to be introduced primarily to the family.

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    Introducing parents to work of preschool educational institution, features of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children of the appropriate age.

    Development of instructions for organizing children’s safe behavior when organizing games with sand, with jumping ropes, with a ball, and when using swings different types, when skiing downhill, when organizing dressing for a walk.

    Slide 18

    It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life; it is during this time that health is formed and personality is formed. Childhood experiences largely determine a person's adult life.

    Formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children.

    At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - parents and educators. A lot can be said about the relevance of this topic and everything will be important.

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    The main goal of instilling safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. This problem is very relevant in our time.

    Our goal is to educate safe behavior, understand the elementary relationships in the environment, and the peculiarities of human interaction with it.

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    1.4. Principles of organizing educational work to prevent safety in preschool children.

    The principle of imitation.

    Involuntary and voluntary imitation is one of the manifestations of a child’s activity, one of the leading mechanisms for mastering sociocultural experience. Imitation is based on emotional contact with an adult, as children strive to imitate the behavior of an attractive, significant person.

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    The principle of emotional reinforcement and child support. The most important point in raising a child from an early age is the nature of reactions to his manifestations from significant adults.

    The principle of development of cognitive interests and motives for safe behavior. Interest is a special form of manifestation of a cognitive need that ensures that the individual is focused on understanding the goals of the activity and promotes orientation, familiarization with new facts, and a more complete and profound reflection of reality.

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    The principle of completeness. The work must be completed in all sections. If any section is left out of consideration, then children are not protected from certain sources of danger presented in it.

    Systematic principle. Work should be carried out systematically, throughout the academic year, with flexible distribution of program content throughout the day.

    The principle of taking into account conditions. Each child has his own experience of understanding the sources of danger, which is determined by living conditions and family upbringing.

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    The principle of age targeting. When working with children of different ages, the content of training is built sequentially: some sections are selected for work with children of primary preschool age, others for middle age, and others for older preschoolers.

    Principle of integration. This program can be implemented either independently or as an integral part comprehensive program. At the same time, its content is organically woven into the content of the main comprehensive program.

    The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in a preschool institution and in the family.

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    The principle of practicing safe behavior skills. The rules of safe behavior cannot be mastered only in a playful way. This requires the organization of active personal activities or practice for the child, in which the skills and abilities of safe behavior are formed. This principle entails changes in the forms of joint activities of the teacher and children, updating methods of teaching safe behavior.

    V.N. Moshkin emphasized: “The formation of readiness for safe life activities is facilitated only by education aimed at developing the child’s independence, his creative activity, a positive attitude towards himself and the people around him, and the formation of dialectical thinking.”

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    Chapter II. Methodological approaches to the organization of work to form the foundations of life safety in children.

    The child's exit to " Big world"is accompanied by a meeting with many objects that require safe handling skills.

    In our kindergarten A variety of methods are used to familiarize children with the basics of safety, which provide the opportunity to build and maintain partnerships between all participants in the educational process.

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    Comparison method. Children can compare: fire is good or fire is bad. When using this method, it is necessary to determine which comparison to start with - a comparison by similarity or a comparison by contrast.

    Method of modeling situations. Modeling situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child to be able to get out of extreme situations in life.

    Repetition method. The most important didactic principle, without the application of which it is impossible to talk about the strength of knowledge acquisition and the education of feelings. In a lesson, it can act as a leading method or methodological technique.

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    The project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions in practice shows its advantage and effectiveness.

    Gaming techniques. Increases the quality of absorption educational material and help strengthen feelings. One of the techniques can be an imaginary situation: an imaginary journey to ancient people, a meeting with imaginary heroes, etc.

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    Observation. Observation occupies a special place. It enriches the child's social experience.

    2.1. Forms of teaching children the basics of safety.

    Teaching with words is the main link between a child and familiarization with the basics of safety.

    Lessons (complex, integrated): familiarization with the outside world, speech development, creative activity(drawing, modeling, design, manual labor, applique).

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    2.2. Practical part.

    Analyze modern preschool educational institutions programs from the perspective of promoting safe behavior in children;

    Determine the pedagogical conditions for raising a child’s safe behavior in life;

    To introduce pedagogical technologies and methods into the educational process to form the foundations of life safety among older preschoolers;

    Create a system of educational work on the basics of safe life;

    To create a system for working with parents to form the foundations of life safety among older preschoolers.

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    I – Children’s knowledge of life safety

    II – Vocabulary on the topic “Safety”

    III – Changes in physical, mental, emotional health.

    Examination of children of preparatory school group No. 6 “Semitsvetik” at the beginning and end of the 2013-2014 school year.

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    2.3. Product of the teacher’s work on teaching children the basics of safety: innovations, scenarios, children’s work.

    1. My innovations:

    Experience in using “Games on Asphalt” was presented in the All-Russian newspaper “Preschool Education” in 2009.

    “Asphalt games” are games that are painted on asphalt with oil paints.

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    Established contacts with schools fire department No. 328, traffic police inspectors,

    Scenarios developed and implemented:

    1. Holiday “Matches are not a toy for children”;

    2. Leisure “Fear is half of salvation”;

    3. Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”;

    4. Leisure “Fire is friend - fire is enemy”;

    5. “Young Firefighters” Festival

    6. Leisure “Home Alone”, etc.

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    Thank you for your attention!

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    It can be explained to children that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. A red signal prohibits movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with people). When conducting the game “Red - Green,” the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you need to stand, and if it’s green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This establishes the habit of looking around before entering the roadway, even when the traffic light is green.

    In the second younger group children continue to get acquainted with various types vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The children look at illustrations of cars and watch transport while walking. Using various illustrations and visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road themselves ( vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out from behind objects that interfere with your view, carefully looking around.

    IN middle group, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway”, children get acquainted with the places where cars and people move, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right side). It will be new for them to talk about pedestrian crossing, its purpose. Children must learn to find it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it.