The concept of advertising. Types and types of advertising. What is advertising - a complete overview of the concept: basic definitions, history, functions, tasks, goals and types of modern advertising What is advertising called?

Good afternoon, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! The founders of the site, Vitaly Tsyganok and Alexander Berezhnov, are with you.

We will also talk about the history of online advertising, the rules for placing advertising content on websites, ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising with practical recommendations and clear examples from life.

1. Advertising on the Internet - a new trend of the 21st century

Any commercial project needs promotion and expansion of the field of activity. Today, almost all companies and organizations have their own representation on the Internet in the form of a resource, blog, or page on social networks.

However, creating a website and even filling it with relevant content does not guarantee an automatic increase in sales and growth in the popularity of a commercial project. We have already talked about this in one of the previous articles.

It is necessary not only to be present on the Internet, but also to place competent advertising on the Internet, as well as spend money or time on promotion, promotion and increasing the conversion of the site.

Advertising on the Internet (English term " Internet Advertising» ) is a relatively new phenomenon, as is the World Wide Web itself. Just 15-20 years ago, of all types of advertising on the Internet, only one option was familiar to users and advertisers - mailing list spam.

Today there are dozens of types of advertising on the World Wide Web. Exists free advertising online, paid (professional) advertising on websites, social networks. There are online advertising agencies that use the latest technological advances in their activities.

This market began to take shape in the mid-90s of the last century, but until the early 2000s, the World Wide Web was not considered by advertisers as a priority advertising platform, although the most advanced companies were already practicing the promotion of goods and services on the Internet as an auxiliary channel for the implementation of their marketing campaigns.

The rapid development of the World Wide Web has led to changes economic policy. Since the mid-2000s, the Internet has become main channel of influence on consumers .

This fact is due to the following circumstances:

  • the steady growth of Internet users and the increase in the time they spend online;
  • development of wireless communications technologies;
  • the emergence of the mobile Internet;
  • the development of the Internet economy and the spread of trade through the World Wide Web;
  • the emergence and development of technical platforms for managing online advertising.

In addition, new analytical systems, allowing you to quickly and accurately measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet.

The basic principles of online advertising are similar to those in traditional media. The fundamental difference is that in the online space, active participation from consumers is almost always required - advertising begins to work when the user takes some action.

Typically, this action is a “click,” following a link, registering on a specific site, or other types of activity.

Most promising direction online marketing – targeted advertising: attracting target audiences with the help of highly targeted advertisements, banners, and videos.

Exists a large number of forms of transmitting commercial messages - advertising in the browser, pop-up windows, aggressive teaser advertising, advertising on Google, YAN - Yandex advertising network - contextual advertising hidden inside information arrays, banner advertising.

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we will talk about such a form of communication as advertising. IN modern world it surrounds us literally everywhere: on the street, at home on TV, and especially on the Internet.

From the article you will learn:

  • History of the emergence and development of advertising;
  • Types and objectives of advertising;
  • The modern advertising market, its functions, costs and goals.

This article will help you understand the concept of advertising, consider its features, types and methods of placement, and will also reveal the subtleties and features of this phenomenon of a modern market economy.

Separately, I described how to properly organize and plan advertising campaign and make it commercially viable.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without advertising. It accompanies us everywhere: as soon as we turn on the computer, TV or radio, leave the house, go to the supermarket or the Internet, get into transport, and all types of advertising literally fall on our main senses.

For those who work for themselves or are planning to do so, as well as for everyone who chooses marketing and advertising as their profession, it is useful to know what advertising is, how it works, and what is the history of its origin.

1. What is advertising - definition, history of origin and development

The word itself is of Latin origin and means “to shout, shout.” That is, in the linguistic sense of the word, its main essence already lies - to communicate and disseminate information about something without the consent of the listener.

Advertising is information disseminated in various ways using various means, addressed to a wide range of people and with the aim of attracting attention to the object of advertising. Advertising maintains interest in the product and ensures its promotion in the market.

  1. Product;
  2. Manufacturer of the product;
  3. Salesman;
  4. The result of intellectual work;
  5. Event (concert, festival, sporting event, games and risk-based betting);
  6. Commercial enterprise.

Advertising is a method of non-personal presentation and promotion of products, services, ideas on behalf of the manufacturer, distributor, seller, intermediary. This is a method of paid dissemination of information with a previously known (or hidden) source of funding, as well as leading link marketing communications.

It probably originated with the emergence trade relations between people even before the appearance of money as an equivalent of goods. The existence of the concept of advertising in prehistoric times is confirmed, for example, by an Egyptian papyrus found by archaeologists with an advertisement for the sale of a slave.

In even more ancient times, word of mouth advertising probably existed. If reliable means of storing information had existed at that time, we would have found in oral advertisements approximately the same techniques that marketers use today.

Oral advertising was represented by street and market barkers (now they would be called promoters) advertising their goods, written advertising was placed on papyrus scrolls, clay and waxed tablets, on stones and buildings.

From history courses we know that commodity exchange has been used by humanity for thousands of years: advertising has existed for about the same amount of time.

In the ancient world, the first professional advertising specialists appeared - they composed the texts of advertisements and placed them on stone structures in the central part of the city. There was also a practice of reading out such information publicly in public squares with as many people as possible.

Printing allowed text advertising to go into circulation. The first official print advertising consider an announcement of a reward for anyone who provides information about the whereabouts of 12 stolen horses, published in the first London newspaper. The dawn began with this short text new era in advertising.

It was mass communications that allowed advertising to become a real engine of trade. The founder of professional advertising is considered to be the French doctor and part-time journalist Theophrastus Rondo, who was the first to print private advertising texts in the press.

The Englishman William Taylor did approximately the same thing: his company Tayler & Newton (founded in 1786) acted as an intermediary between advertisers and printing houses. First in the world advertising agency opened in 1842 in the USA: its founder was Volney Palmer.

Retro posters from the history of advertising

The next impetus for the development of advertising was the appearance of photography. The real image has become irrefutable proof of the merits and advantages of the promoted object. But even more monumental events in this area of ​​marketing began to occur in the 20th century.

  • the emergence of full-color printing;
  • the emergence and development of television;
  • development of satellite communications;
  • widespread introduction of computers and the emergence of the Internet.

In general, advertising is a living, independent, constantly evolving structure, the evolution of which is very exciting to follow. It’s even more exciting to participate in the direct creation of advertising and the implementation of the craziest marketing ideas in life.

2. Functions, tasks, goals of modern advertising

Secondary tasks:

  • increased consumer demand;
  • designation of positions of specific goods on the market;
  • promotion of consumer qualities of the product;
  • formation and strengthening of the image and prestige of brands;
  • increased presence of goods and services on the market;
  • search and creation of new product sales channels.

The long-term and long-term goal of every advertising campaign is to make a trademark, product, brand recognizable and known to as many people as possible. IN Everyday life We are surrounded by many examples of successful marketing campaigns.

However, using neurolinguistic programming tools or using other methods that affect health and consciousness, depriving a person of freedom of choice, is prohibited by the Federal Advertising Law.

The turnover of this industry amounts to billions of dollars; the most current technological resources, artistic ideas and scientific achievements are involved here.

There is a category of people who openly hate advertising, and there are those who try not to pay attention to it. Almost everyone considers himself an advertising expert, which is not surprising if we consider this area of ​​​​marketing as a cultural phenomenon.

Let's try to understand the main types and tools of advertising.

Shares of various advertising distribution channelsin the total volume of the advertising market in 2015

Type 1. Outdoor advertising

This is one of the most common, relevant and effective methods of promoting products and services. In English, this advertising channel is called “outdoor” - that is, outdoors, in the open air.

The advantages of this type of promotion are obvious:

  • the widest possible audience coverage;
  • low cost of one-time contact with a potential consumer;
  • long-term impact;
  • a large number of options for placing information.

Text and graphic outdoor advertising is placed on permanent or temporary structures installed in open areas, above the roadways of streets, on the external surfaces of street structures and buildings. This type of advertising is designed primarily for visual perception.

Outdoor advertising also has its disadvantages:

  • limited amount of transmitted information;
  • influence of climatic and atmospheric factors;
  • relatively high cost of manufacturing large-scale structures.

It is believed that the most effective is an image or text whose meaning is read by the observer in 1 second. This means that information should be presented concisely, compactly, clearly and clearly.

Type 2. Advertising in the media

Facilities mass media– these are printed publications, television, radio. We can say that this is the main field of activity for advertisers and marketers. Everyone uses the media – some daily, others periodically. Advertising in print media will be discussed below, but here we will focus on TV.

Television is one of the most advanced and effective channels for transmitting advertising information.

The effect of presence brings TV advertising closer to a form of interpersonal communication - the transmission of information on TV creates the illusion of direct two-way contact. This is why TV advertising time is so expensive and often eats up the bulk of a company's marketing budget.

  • visual and sound impact;
  • large audience reach;
  • powerful psychological impact due to the personal nature of the appeal to the consumer;
  • variety of choice of visual and audio means of influence.

Type 3. Internet advertising

With its fairly low cost, online advertising reaches a potentially endless audience - all users of computers, smartphones, iPhones, tablets.

The main principles and technologies of advertising on the Internet are the same as in traditional media. The only difference is that on the Internet the consumer is usually required to actively participate - in the Internet environment nothing happens until the user takes some action.

In this case, such an action is a “click”, going to a specific website or other type of activity, for example, downloading an application or registering in a service.

There are many formats for transmitting commercial messages - advertising on Google, Yandex, in browsers, pop-up windows on websites, contextual advertising within information arrays, teasers, links directing to online stores, spam.

We wrote about that earlier.

Type 4. Print advertising

Printed products remain an effective means of distribution commercial information. Modern printing houses make it possible to achieve realistic, colorful, full-color images that work to increase sales and enhance the prestige of the company.

Business cards and product catalogs are still relevant for most companies. After all, some people of the “old school” are more comfortable looking at paper carrier and touch it, unlike electronic media.

By analogy, a large number of people are still more comfortable reading paper books, rather than electronic ones.

Type 5. Direct advertising

Verbal, graphic or other information transmitted through direct contact.

Direct contact means not only the personal presentation of the proposal, but also the remote provision of information - by telephone, by mail, through Internet communications.

Many people, I think, are familiar with this type commercial activities personally - this includes, for example, advertising on VKontakte, advertising via Skype or messages sent by e-mail with a personal message.

A distinctive feature of this type of advertising is direct appeal advertiser to consumer. This is the most personal version of a commercial proposal, which in many cases works and contributes to effective sales.

The advertiser establishes direct two-way contact with feedback and can interact with the potential buyer directly. Despite the frequent negative consumer reaction to direct advertising, this type continues to develop - mainly as an auxiliary means of increasing sales.

Type 6. Advertising on souvenirs (branding)

This type of promotion of companies and products is known to everyone who has attended presentations and PR campaigns: you are given an inexpensive but nice souvenir (calendar, lighter, mug, cap, T-shirt, bag with the company logo, slogan or other commercial information).

A free gift serves as a symbol of the advertiser’s favor and goodwill towards the consumer. This is a relatively inexpensive and effective way of marketing; souvenir products work especially well when the company’s brand has already been promoted. In this case, the souvenir is an effective image personalized advertising.

Branding, that is, applying the company’s logo and distinctive attributes to souvenirs, will always be relevant.

Type 7. Advertising on transport

Text, graphic or other visual information placed on the outside (or inside) of vehicles. In this case, the advertiser brands everything vehicle or parts thereof.

Transit advertising can be classified as a type of outdoor advertising, but its fundamental difference is in mobility. Transport advertising, unlike stationary advertising, moves with the carrier and potentially reaches a much larger audience.

The advantages of transit advertising are wide audience coverage, high level of impact, and relatively low cost. Information and images are placed on transport based on agreements with the owners of the vehicles or their tenants. Commercial messages of this type can capture the attention of the audience for a long time - for example, when they are placed inside a bus, subway car, or trolleybus. Advertising on transport must meet all efficiency requirements - be concise, compact, accessible to the mass consumer.

4. Advertising media

Here we will try to summarize the main characteristics and advantages of the most popular means of advertising distribution.

1) Television, radio

Media resources continue to lead the list of the most productive and effective advertising means. The main advantages of TV and Radio:

  • availability;
  • reaching a huge number of people;
  • wide choice of influence methods;
  • presence effect.

About 30-40% of the total advertising market comes from television and radio communications. There are many forms of distribution commercial offers through media, but the main ones remain short videos or audio clips. Despite the negative attitude of a significant part of the audience towards television and radio advertising, this industry is developing and will continue to develop as long as the media exist.

Large firms and corporations spend a huge amount of money on creating memorable and effective commercials, but in the end the costs pay for themselves, otherwise we would hardly have seen so much advertising information on TV.

2) Internet

The World Wide Web is the most promising modern direction advertising industry. Agencies and entire marketing institutes are constantly developing new methods of influencing potential consumers and are looking for the most effective channels for placing advertising information on the Internet.

In other words, conversion is the number of potential actions to actually completed ones, measured as a percentage. For example, if 100 people saw an advertising banner on a website, and 10 people clicked on it, then the conversion will be equal to 10 (those who clicked on the banner) / 100 (those who saw the banner) * 100 % = 10% conversion.

We have already written about it as an independent way to make a profit. This once again confirms the fact that the direction of online advertising is very attractive for both novice entrepreneurs and advertising market sharks.

The network of World Wide Web users is constantly growing, especially the younger generation is spending more and more time on the Internet, so more and more advertisers are transferring their advertising budgets online.

The Internet allows you to create advertising not only bright and memorable, for example, through the use of flash/gif animation of banners or posting video content on YouTube, but also to very accurately reach your target audience, using for example social media, thematic sites, professional communities, forums and so on.

3) Magazines and newspapers

Print media have lost a significant part of their consumer audience in recent decades, but continue to be the engines of trade.

The level of printing allows you to create expensive glossy publications that act as an alternative source of information for people who rarely or rarely use the Internet.

Often modern media have both print and electronic resource. For example, Forbes magazine is published both in print and has a popular online resource of the same name,

4) External and internal advertising structures

These include:

  • billboards on the streets;
  • video screens;
  • roller displays;
  • electronic displays;
  • decorative signs;
  • volumetric spatial structures;
  • live advertising;
  • POS materials;
  • poster stands;
  • cabinets.

5) Email newsletter

Sometimes this is information distributed by subscription, sometimes it is unauthorized messages in the form of spam.

Often the letter asks you to follow a link, watch a video, or register on the advertiser’s website.

6) PR events

Literally, “public relations” means relationships with the public.

This can also be translated into Russian as “public relations”. These events are aimed at forming a favorable opinion about the company, product, brand. The effect of a PR campaign is achieved not through repeated mention of the product or company itself, but through the image that is formed around the brand as a result.

The most popular PR campaigns are:

  • presentations, symposiums, anniversaries, conferences, briefings to which media representatives, potential partners, consumers, and sometimes everyone are invited;
  • sponsorship activities: the company sponsors a sporting event, broadcast, concert or other event;
  • PR campaigns in the media.

The most important condition for PR projects: colorfulness, credibility and the ability not only to present a product, but to clearly explain its attractiveness and necessity for the consumer.

This is exactly how those who want to get results from their advertising campaigns should act.

5. How to properly organize an advertising campaign and place advertising with maximum effect

A properly organized campaign brings stable profits to manufacturers and service providers, promotes business development and expansion, and opens up new markets.

This could be a demonstration of the product in action, lotteries and coupons attached to the product, various discounts and bonuses. IN Lately has become especially relevant original way selling one product inside another.

A well-known example of such a technique is the sale of children's toys placed in kinder surprises.

5 simple steps to organize an advertising campaign

Below we will consider the main steps to organize an advertising campaign:

  1. Define the goal advertising campaign;
  2. Determine advertising budget;
  3. Approve the concept advertising campaign and the main advertising message to clients (professional advertising agencies can help you in developing creative and all advertising materials);
  4. Develop a detailed plan advertising campaign (indicating the types and volumes of advertising, timing, cost);
  5. Summarize advertising campaign (evaluation of effectiveness).

Such agencies are able to offer their clients both the production of advertising content and the organization of its placement, as well as various types of advisory assistance, for example, with media planning*.

  • business size and advertising budget capabilities;
  • market position (market share) and age of the company;
  • preferences and behavioral characteristics of the target audience;
  • advertising positioning of competitors;

Proper planning involves choosing a combination of different media in which the advertising message will be seen or heard by the largest part of the target audience.

To achieve this goal, media planning is precisely what is needed.

  • necessary coverage of the target audience;
  • the required number of contacts (“power” of the advertising campaign);
  • concentration (ensuring a sufficient/noticeable number of advertising outputs/touches during the advertising campaign period);
  • dominance (in a selected communication channel, for example on a specific radio station and TV channel).

For advertising to work, it must be created in the world of the consumer, that is, take into account the specific needs of a person, his preferences and needs. There are a huge number of marketing techniques used by advertising agencies.

The most effective are those that work not only to increase current sales, but also to create a sustainable positive image of the company among the audience. Advertising should be recognizable, not too intrusive, relevant and right on target.

Example of creative Mercedes-Benz advertising (with chickens):

Nowadays, you probably won’t find a person who doesn’t have at least the slightest idea about advertising. This is due to the fact that it is present almost everywhere.

All people understand what is meant by the term “advertising,” but few can define this term. If translated literally from Latin, we get “to shout, to inform, to shout out.” In fact, there are many interpretations of the word “advertising”. Let's list some of them.

Many people argue which definition is more reliable. According to the law, advertising – this is information that is disseminated in order to attract customers.

But advertising industry workers disagree with this statement. They believe that advertising is a certain type of activity. There is some truth to each option, so it would be fair to say that advertising This is information produced in the process of a certain type of activity.

Goals, objectives and functions of advertising

Let's list the main ones:

  • Informing consumers about the advertised product;
  • Formation of a brand image;
  • Convincing people of the need to take some action (for example, buy a product or use a service);
  • A reminder to purchase the advertised product. For example, you always forget to buy a spare light bulb, but when you enter the store, you see an advertisement for this product. It's safe to say that you will remember to buy a spare light bulb;
  • Consolidating the experience of a previous purchase. Let's say you used one brand of soap and you liked it. You ran out of this soap, and you went to the store for a new one. You can choose detergent another manufacturer, but if the brand name of the first hygiene product often comes across (for example, while watching television advertisements), then you will not want to experiment and you will choose a proven, advertised product.
  • Increased demand for the advertised product;
  • Maintaining positions in the market of goods and services
  • Searching for new channels for selling products;
  • Creating the effect of filling the market with a certain product;
  • Creating and maintaining an appropriate company image in the market;
  • Dissemination of information among consumers about the good quality of the product.

Participants in the advertising process

If a person has decided, written an ad, posted it and is waiting for buyers, then a minimum number of participants are involved in this process. We will analyze a larger-scale case, where there are more than 2 people involved in the process.

Now let’s figure out who is who in this chain.

The advertising customer is advertiser. Advertising agency - advertising producer, people hired by an agency to disseminate information - advertisers, and the population targeted by the ad is advertising recipients. An agency can be both a producer and a distributor of advertising if it has the appropriate employees on its staff.

Types of advertising

Depending on the method of distribution, purpose, location of advertisements, etc., advertising is divided into types, and they, in turn, into subtypes. It is them that we will now analyze.

  1. Commercial or economic. This is advertising that surrounds us everywhere. That is, the information that is disseminated is conveyed to potential customers for the purpose of subsequent purchase. For example, you came across an advertisement for a medical clinic. Such advertising encourages you to visit this center, use the services of specialists and subsequently pay for a consultation with doctors.
  2. Political. A striking representative of political advertising is the election campaigning of the population. In such commercials they do not force you to buy something, but call you to take a certain action, that is, vote for a certain candidate for deputy, party, etc.
  3. Social. Such advertising is aimed at achieving some important social or charitable purpose. For example, advertising that clearly informs about the dangers of cigarettes or alcoholic beverages is designed to protect citizens from addictions. And information about orphans in orphanages helps unfortunate children find a family.

Also, depending on the specificity of the goal, advertising is divided into:

  • Counter-advertising– this is a refutation of information that was presented due to false advertising;
  • Anti-advertising– information that is disseminated with the aim of reducing demand for a particular product or discrediting it.

Depending on the method and location of placement, advertising can be of the following types:

Outdoor advertising

  • Roller displays;
  • Street billboards;
  • Decorative signs;
  • Video screens;
  • Live advertising;
  • Electronic boards;
  • Cabinets;
  • POS materials;
  • Large-scale volumetric structures;
  • Poster stands.

It is believed that outdoor advertising is effective if it contains information that a person perceives within 1 second. Outdoor advertising posters are always bright, memorable, and the information in them is laid out briefly, concisely and compactly.

Benefits include :

  • Relatively low cost;
  • Wide coverage of the target audience;
  • The ability to pay once and get the effect over a long time;
  • Wide range of information placement options.
  • Inability to convey all available information;
  • Atmospheric precipitation (rain, hail, etc.), which can damage advertising content;
  • In some cases, the production of large-scale advertising structures is high.

Advertising in the media

This is the distribution of advertising information on television, radio or print media. Most effective way transmission of information to the media is television advertising. This type of advertising creates the illusion of communication with every viewer.

The advantages of television advertising include :

  • Impact on the viewer through visual and sound effects;
  • Maximum coverage of the target audience;
  • Psychological impact on people's subconscious;
  • A large selection of different effects that encourage you to take a certain action.

Disadvantages are considered :

  • Quite a high cost of commercials and airtime;
  • In some cases, TV viewers have a negative attitude towards annoying advertising.

Internet advertising

Today it is the most effective way to advertise goods and services. This type appeared relatively recently, since the Internet itself became available not so long ago.

Unlike advertising on television, on the Internet, in order to view an advertising video, you need to perform a certain action, i.e. click in a certain place. For example, when we are watching a movie on TV and it is interrupted by an advertisement, you are not asked whether you want to watch it or not. It is shown regardless of your opinion. In the case of online advertising, the user has the right to choose. He decides for himself whether he is interested in this information or not. If yes, then he views it.

  • contextual advertising. Information that corresponds to the content of the Internet page on which it is located. For example, you are reading a book by your favorite author online. On the same resource you are offered to buy a printed version of this book. Such advertising is contextual.
  • Display advertising. This is information posted on sites that are advertising platforms. For example, you need and you place your ad on a website that specializes in selling real estate.
  • Viral advertising. Speaking in simple language this is “word of mouth”, that is, information that is distributed by users themselves (in most cases for free). Let's say you bought an air humidifier and advised your friends to buy the same product.
  • Targeted advertising– this is the delivery of information to certain PC users who meet the requirements established by the advertiser. This type of advertising is widely used on social media. networks. For example, advertising for women's underwear will catch the eye of the fair sex between the ages of 18 and 50.
  • Native advertising– this is unobtrusive advertising that harmoniously combines with the content of the site. The user may not even realize that they are viewing an advertisement. It does not cause negativity from visitors to the resource.
  • Teaser advertising– this is the dissemination of veiled information, which creates some kind of intrigue. Such advertising entices users to take an action (click in a certain place) in order to view the video, pictures, etc. in full.
  • Email newsletters– is the sending of letters that contain advertising information to email addresses.
  • Product placement in online games– dissemination of information and the product itself in the gameplay of the game.

Printable advertisement

Many people prefer printed information, because they can pick it up, flip through it, save it, etc.

Eg, you buy groceries in one supermarket. Sometimes on TV they announce the start of promotions on certain goods. But, in addition, every Monday at the checkout you can pick up a newspaper (a catalog of promotional goods for this week), which you study at home and make a list of your upcoming purchase. In this case, information from a video on TV is difficult to perceive, and the printed publication is more convenient for buyers.

Direct advertising

For example, you may be approached with some kind of offer on the street, called on the phone, or contacted through a letter sent by email. In any case, the information will be addressed to you personally.

Very often you can find a negative attitude of advertising recipients towards information distributors. Nevertheless, this type of information transfer and product advertising is actively developing and improving.

Advertising on souvenirs

Surely every citizen of our country has a mug, spoon, keychain, calendar or other souvenir with the name of a brand.

This is a kind of free gift that demonstrates potential client seller's friendliness.

Advertising in transport

This is information that is disseminated in all modes of transport. Such advertising includes all kinds of advertisements in the subway, buses, trams, etc.

  • Low cost. For example, the carrier is paid once, but people view the ad over time;
  • High efficiency. Often passengers have nothing to do during the trip, so they study any information that is available inside the vehicle;
  • Maximum number of views.

Legislative regulation

Advertising relations in the market of goods and services are regulated at the legislative level. Basic provisions that relate to economic (commercial) and social. advertising are prescribed in the federal law “On Advertising” (No. 38-FZ of March 13, 2006). Political advertising is regulated federal law“Oh polit. parties" and "About public associations" If we're talking about on election campaigning, then the law “On Elections”.

The law does not allow the dissemination of false and dishonest advertising. Any violations result in administrative liability.

Advertising of specific products

In some states, it is prohibited to disseminate information about alcoholic beverages and cigarettes without an appropriate inscription that tells about the dangers of addictions. Sometimes you can find a condition that prohibits the display of advertising of alcoholic beverages until 22.00.

Hiden advertisment

Each advertising consumer decides for himself whether he will view advertising or not. For example, anyone can switch TV channel where advertisements are shown, or he may not read advertisements in transport, but simply look out the window.

Some consider the fictitious 25th frame method to be a striking example of such dishonest advertising. Its meaning is as follows. Presumably, human vision perceives 24 frames per second, and in some advertisements, films, programs, etc., a 25th frame is inserted, which carries advertising information. It was believed that it is the 25th frame that acts on the subconscious, bypassing the human consciousness. That is, it inspires to perform some action. But in 1958 the presence psychological impact 25 frames on human consciousness have been refuted by scientists.

Positive and negative aspects of advertising

Let's look at them in more detail using the table.

Advantages Flaws
Plays an important economic role. Businesses increase their income through advertising Advertising can be intrusive. Because of this, a person may make unplanned purchases.
Thanks to social advertising goals beneficial to society can be achieved It is impossible to refuse television advertising. Commercials spin regardless of our desire
With the help of political advertising, citizens of the country learn information of national importance Has a negative impact on humans. Some people believe that people's behavior has changed not in better side due to viewing advertisements
Encourages a person to dream and desire something An increase in the price of the advertised product, since all the costs that the manufacturer bears for the advertising campaign are included in the price of the product
With the help of advertising, people learn about new technologies and learn something new. That is, they educate themselves. Monopolization of the market. Large manufacturers and well-known trade marks launch large-scale advertising campaigns, thereby suppressing small businesses that are not able to advertise on such a scale
Advertising provokes people to make thoughtless purchases, thereby increasing the demand for goods, which allows the manufacturer to increase prices

Unfair and false advertising

To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which describes the signs of false advertising and the types of false advertising.

False advertising Information containing incorrect comparisons with another similar competitor’s product (which is already on the market)
Advertising that defames the dignity, reputation or honor of another person (usually a competitor)
Dissemination of information the advertising of which is prohibited by law
Advertising one product under the guise of another. This also applies to copying trademarks.
If advertising is a fact of unfair competition, which is confirmed by antimonopoly legislation
False advertising Dissemination of information that demonstrates the advantages of one product over another
Advertising containing false information about the characteristics of the product (everything related to composition, expiration date, storage conditions, the presence of any quality certificates, etc.)
Distorted information about the assortment, configuration, sales conditions, etc.
False information about the price of the product, the availability of promotions, discounts and other terms of sale of the product
Providing knowingly false information about the terms of delivery, repair, or warranty period of the product
The use of state symbols such as the coat of arms, flag and anthem in advertising is not allowed.
Advertising should not contain false information about popular recognition, the availability of certificates, prizes, medals, etc.
False information about the recognition of goods by an individual or legal entity
Distorted research or test results
You cannot advertise a product with distorted terms and conditions of the incentive lottery


Advertising is the transmission of information that is paid for by the customer. They advertise products in order to increase profits by increasing demand for the product. An advertising campaign is most often carried out through intermediaries (advertising agencies).

The advertising consumer is the people who view the information provided. They can do this consciously (if they are looking for information about a product) or unconsciously (when they watch a video on television that interrupted a movie or program).

There are a huge number of types of product advertising and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. People react differently to advertising information. But regardless of public opinion, the advertising industry is developing and brings in billions of dollars in profit annually.

Many organizations use advertising to communicate about themselves, their products and services, or some of their events to a specifically selected audience in the hope that this message will cause some kind of response. The reaction can be very different, for example, the consumer forms a certain attitude or opinion about a given product or brand - this is a reaction at the level of perception. The response is manifested in the fact that consumers want to buy the advertised product or increase its consumption - this reaction is called behavioral. Advertising is used not only by producers of goods and services. Many non-profit and public organizations, e.g. charities, museums, religious communities, trying to attract the attention of more people, actively use this marketing tool. Advertising is an excellent means of informing and persuading, regardless of what its purpose is: to form a preference mobile phones brand worldwide, increase milk consumption among children and adolescents, or reduce smoking among youth.

The quality of an advertising strategy depends on the accuracy of marketing planning. According to advertising manual author Richard Stanfield, main reason The reason why huge amounts of money are wasted on advertising that has no chance of fulfilling its intended purpose is the lack of proper planning.

A plan for disseminating information, or advertising, is prepared in much the same way as a marketing plan. The company goes through the same stages of analysis, setting goals and defining strategies. Based on the strategy, special tactical measures or advertising plans are adopted.

Trade and retail advertising. Is local in nature and focused on point of sale or a service business that may sell a wide variety of products or offer specific services. Its messages advertise products that are available locally, encourage the flow of shoppers or service users to the advertised location, and attempt to create a highly visible image of the location. Trade and retail advertising focuses on prices, availability of goods or services, location and opening hours.

Political advertising. Used by politicians to encourage people to vote only for them. While such advertising is an important source of communication for voters, critics are concerned that political advertising tends to focus more on building a politician's image than on the controversial issues that candidates compete with.

Targeted response advertising. Can use any advertising medium, including direct mailing; differs from national or trade-retail advertising in that it attempts to stimulate direct, made-to-order sales. The buyer only needs to respond by phone or by mail, and the goods will be delivered to him by mail or other means. Interactive environments fall under this heading.

Business advertising. Includes communications sent to retailers, wholesalers and distributors, as well as industrial enterprises- consumers and professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Business advertising is usually concentrated in business publications, industry and professional magazines.

Public advertising. Conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Advertising industry professionals create it for free, and space and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.

Not all advertising strives for the same goal. Although each individual advertisement or advertising company are aimed at solving problems that are unique to the sponsor, there are two basic functions that any advertisement performs, along with several secondary ones.

Product advertising aims to inform the buyer about the sponsor's products or stimulate the market. Its purpose is obvious - to sell a specific product, to shift attention to it from similar products of competitors. In contrast, institutional advertising is structured in such a way as to create a positive attitude towards the seller himself. The purpose of this advertisement is to increase attention to the organization behind it, and not to what is being offered for sale by that organization.

Advertising of a product can be of direct or indirect effect. Direct action advertising is focused on getting a quick response. This category includes ads that contain a coupon with a specified expiration date, information about a sale with a discount before a certain date, a telephone number starting with a number, or a mail order form. Indirect advertising is based on the desire to stimulate demand over a longer period. Such advertising informs customers about the existence of the product, draws attention to its benefits, states where the product can be purchased, reminds customers about the advisability of repeat purchases and encourages them to make such a decision.

Product advertising can also be primary or selective. Primary advertising is aimed at promoting demand for a particular product category. Selective advertising attempts to create demand for a specific brand of product. In most cases, it follows primary advertising, which to one degree or another has already determined the place and time of selective advertising.

In contrast, non-profit advertising is in most cases subsidized by organizations that are not in business for the money. For example, museums advertise exactly this type. Although the purpose of these advertisements may be to increase revenue for a specific purpose, they are usually created free of charge and easily accessed by subsidized media.

The Internet is increasingly being introduced into all spheres of modern life. It is impossible to imagine a person who does not use it. People are looking for some information, reading books, making purchases, finding contractors and simply communicating on the Internet. Therefore, advertising methods are also actively used there. All types of advertising on the Internet are focused on obtaining maximum efficiency with a minimum investment, that is, they purposefully work with target audience(hereinafter referred to as TA).

Features of Internet advertising


On banners, in the media or on TV, the ad interacts with the consumer one-way. On the Internet, it involves the target audience in the process. A person can click on banners, register, answer questions, and make purchases.

Large audience

The newspaper is read by several thousand people, the video on TV can only be watched by people who are in front of the screen at that time, and the billboard is seen only by the passenger of a passing car. Internet advertising is available to almost everyone, since the Internet’s audience is constantly growing, and advertising opportunities there are not limited by time and geography.

Ability to filter out non-target audiences

This possibility is practically excluded in other types of promotion.
Targeting on the Internet cuts off those people who are not within the range of interests of the advertiser.

Possibility to study the results

Almost every user action is recorded on the Internet, so you can easily and quickly evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It can be adjusted instantly to achieve greater effect.
Let's look at what kind of advertising happens on the Internet, its types, characteristics, examples and cost.

On Internet sites:

  • contextual,
  • media,
  • teaser,
  • affiliate,
  • malicious.

In mobile applications:

  • media,
  • contextual.

In the search engine:

  • contextual,
  • media
  • contextual,
  • media,
  • crowd

Let's look at each type separately.


Search contextual

For example, a user searches for plastic windows in Yandex. In the first lines of the results he sees advertisements, corresponding to his request.

After a person who was looking for information about repairs goes to a site accepted into the search engine’s advertising network (for Yandex this is YAN), then in a certain place on the site he will also see advertisements on the topic of his search.

Thematic contextual

Also, such ads can be shown on thematic websites, regardless of the user’s request. Money will also be debited from the advertiser if a visitor clicks on his advertisement.

In mobile applications

If you like to game on smartphones or tablets, then sometimes while playing games or working in other applications, you see a banner or ad at the bottom. This is the same contextual promotion, but of a different type. It comes in several types.

  • Banner. The most effective are expandable display options that are collapsed and require a click or stretch to view them in full. They are not annoying and have a high conversion rate since they are viewed by target visitors.
  • Interstitial. Placed on top of the entire screen (banner, video) for a few seconds. To refuse viewing, you must click on the appropriate button.
  • Rewarded Video. For viewing, the user receives a reward (equipment for heroes in games, bonuses, tips, etc.).
  • Playable ads. This is a small mini-game, after completing which the user is asked to take some action, or he sees a message.
  • Native (video or media banner). Disguised as an application design, does not annoy people. Users often do not understand that this is advertising. Can masquerade as a news feed or a letter.

In any form contextual advertising there is a triple benefit: the advertiser receives visitors, the search engine and its partner site have income from each click. The advertiser's ad can also be in the form of a banner block. The cost of placing media material is much higher.

This type of promotion is targeted; it focuses on the interest of the target audience. The process works as long as the advertiser has money on his balance. Almost all search engines have their own contextual networks (Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct, etc.), and you can work with them very effectively.

Media (banners, video, audio)


Graphic media are rectangular colorful pictures with text, which can also be animated. They are also found in contextual promotion. It is most likely impossible to call them targets in a separate sense. Media materials are used to improve brand awareness or to communicate discounts or promotions.

On visited sites

They are posted on web resources where advertisers’ target audiences can be found. Banners are clicked on much less frequently, but target audience conversions are still guaranteed.

The cost for placing banners depends on the weight and trust of the donor site and is usually calculated in rubles/month.

Smart banners (performance)

A popular project from context specialists, whom we discussed in the previous paragraph. They allow you to combine targeting your target audience, paying for clicks, and changing images in one block from different advertisers. The self-learning system studies user behavior and provides visitors with offers that interest them.


Shown to the right of the search results (Direct, Adwords). Issued at the request of the target audience. Paid for impressions.


One type of banner is a popunder (an intrusive pop-up block). It irritates many users and they try to close it immediately. If they don’t see the closing cross on the pop-up window, they leave the site where they encountered the popunder. You need to use this type of T&U promotion very carefully, otherwise you can get only negative feedback in return, and not benefit.

Video materials

There are channels on YouTube that have a huge number of views. An advertiser can either organize his own channel where he will promote his T&U, or order promotion on channels from popular video bloggers. He can scroll his video before the blogger starts showing it (as well as in the middle or at the end), “put” his words into the blogger’s text, and also launch his message or hang up a media banner while the video is shown.

Video materials can also be placed in popunders, separate blocks on web resources, mailing lists, etc.).

Audio materials

Thanks to innovations on the Internet, voice bots, the “penetration” of the Internet into household appliances, the consumer is online all the time, but he doesn’t always look at the screen.
Some services using audio tools have appeared online. Audio advertising is created in advance and distributed along with the audio content. Audio advertising can appear at the beginning, middle or end of a sequence.

The main platforms for it are: music services VK, Boom, Yandex.Music, music and podcast aggregators, online broadcasters of radio stations, online audiobook services and video hosting.


Impressions are very similar to banner ones, but graphic images are supplemented with text with an active link and are smaller in size. The content should be provocative, arousing curiosity and the desire to click on the link. Teaser networks allow advertisers and administrators of web resources to unite: “Maksato”, “Tizerget”, “Tizerlady”, “Tizermedia”, “Nest”, etc.


Email newsletters are currently one of the types of work with a permanent target audience. Spam mailings (they are undesirable for the recipient) are prohibited on the Internet. By organizing a legal newsletter, you can get quite effective result(reminder about yourself, message about promotions, etc.). It is necessary to approach the mailing list competently, compose interesting letters, supplement them with graphics. The Wildberries online store has organized a very interesting newsletter.

Partnership programs

Also effective option promotion, works great for online stores. For example, you can organize an affiliate program to increase sales. If you are selling a course for teaching children to draw, then it is likely that many people from the audience of young mothers who “dwell” on children's sites will become your customers. To do this, a banner or feature article leading to the sales page is placed on the partner site. The partner site receives a reward for every purchase made. There are affiliate exchanges: Timesprint, ClickDealer, Everad, etc.


A very effective type of promotion that keeps up with SEO. On forums, in thematic blogs and other web projects where the advertiser’s target audience is located, T&U is promoted by issuing useful tips, descriptions, recipes, solutions to visitors’ questions with a direct link to the promoted T&I. You should avoid spam and give truly valuable advice, otherwise the advertiser will receive a ban from the administration of the web resource.


Sites that have vulnerabilities in their control systems are often subject to virus attacks and hacking. Hackers place malicious files or codes on the hosting or pages of the donor site that can send spam, install links to other resources on the donor’s web pages, and redirect the donor’s visitors to third-party sites. These promotion methods are illegal and are strictly punishable by hosters and search engines, are not perceived by the target audience.

Ways to provide information and get effect

According to the method of providing information, we can distinguish:

  • straight,
  • branded,
  • viral,
  • native.


Aimed at selling a specific T&I, may be limited in time or should be remembered or evoke lasting associations among the consumer.


Sales do not happen “here and now.” This type works to promote brand recognition and increase loyalty to the company.


It migrated to Runet from offline marketing. Its main principle is the free dissemination of news “from person to person.” Videos, images, demotivators transmitted between users on the Internet focus attention on something and are perceived by the target audience very positively.

This type of promotion is low-cost, it works for a long time, but quite high demands are placed on the quality of materials launched on the Runet.


If you wrote very interesting text, which is popular among readers, then you can unobtrusively include a mention of your T&U. Or on a web resource you can disguise the place where information about other people’s Tiu is displayed, but in such a way that it is unobtrusive and associated with your Internet project. This type of promotion is called native. It does not irritate the visitor and is one of best methods promotion of T&U. One of the disadvantages of native promotion is that readers often do not notice it, since the message is too unobtrusively included in the context.

How to launch an advertising campaign - basic steps

  1. We determine the target audience.

Drawing the image of a future client is the most important process. In conditions of extremely high competition on the Internet, it is necessary to narrow the advertising flow in order to save cash. Large companies order marketing research, and small ones study user requests or statistics from competitors.

2. Develop a strategy.

You need to choose a promotion format and its channels. It is also worth considering your available budget.

3. Launch the campaign.

We develop materials, launch them on the Internet, and analyze the results. If necessary, we make adjustments to the campaign.

There are a huge variety of ways to promote T&U, and they are constantly evolving. Therefore, draw up a portrait of your target audience and choose campaigns based on your budget. Constantly experiment to find the best ones effective methods promotion of T&U.