Remote work as an accountant from home via the Internet, freelance vacancies. Freelance accountant - new opportunities to earn money keeping up with the times Freelance accounting how to start

Damn lucky for someone who never studied accounting.

Then he would have immediately realized that he was ruined. And so, it seems that everything is going fine.

Irwin Robbins

Freelancers, for the most part, are not trained in accounting. These are birds of a different plane, mainly humanists and creative people, for whom numbers are something beyond understanding.

But, if you registered an individual entrepreneur, you will have to study not an easy task: fill out reports, keep a book of income and expenses. And in most cases you have to do this alone, without outside help.

Why hiring an accountant is not an option?

Eat two good reasons , why freelancers don’t hire an accountant:

  • If you hire an accountant on a permanent basis, as an employee, you need your company to be large enough, with a large staff, and a large turnover of funds. If you work alone (or you have a small number of subordinates - 1-2) - there is no point or sense in this. You will only pay extra wages and extra taxes for such an employee. Moreover, his services will be needed once every three months.
  • If you use the services of a freelance accountant who runs a dozen other businesses, expect that there will be errors in the reports.

It's good that progress does not stand still. We offer smart programs and cloud technologies. They can make it simple.

Services for online accounting

Internet accounting “My Business” is not just a reporting service. You will find a lot here useful information about everything: about registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, about taxes, contributions, rules for filling out reports, etc.

The service offers :

  • Expert consultations;
  • Individual training;
  • Cloud for performing operations: generating invoices, reports, acts, invoices, payroll;
  • Calculate taxes and submit reports online;
  • Analytics;
  • Mobile application so that all accounting is at your fingertips.

Rates :

  • Reporting to the Federal Tax Service – 333 rubles/month;
  • STS + UTII without employees – 777 rubles/month;
  • STS + UTII up to 5 employees - 1222 rubles/month;
  • Maximum – 1499 RUR/month.

Accounting service for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. It offers everything you need for a freelancer: you can keep a ledger of income and expenses online, fill out and send reports. The smart platform will remind you when you need to submit a report and pay taxes and fees. There is integration with Alfa-Bank and Tochka, and a mobile application.

Through this service you can cooperate with an accountant, if you do have one.


  • Standard– 6000 rubles/year. The simplest tariff - it is impossible to send reports online, there is no document recognition and additional services.
  • Comfort– 9000 rubles/year. No additional services. But you can already send reports via the Internet.
  • Optimal– 12,000 rubles/year. Expert consultation, counterparty verification and financial analysis have been added to the basic services.
  • Maximum– 18,000 rubles/year. Contains almost all services of the service.

Online accounting for small businesses. You can keep a book of income and expenses, generate reports for the tax office and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, calculate salaries, manage several organizations at the same time (convenient if you are an accountant at several enterprises).

Cost of services By online accounting – from 500 rubles per month; electronic reporting – from 100 rubles; full accounting service – from 980 rubles .

Electronic accountant Elba is intended for those entrepreneurs who are on the simplified tax system and UTII. Tells you when and what report to submit. Helps generate reporting. Cost of services – from 1500 rubles for 3 months .

Service for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Offers document management, payroll calculation, and reporting. You can keep a history of transactions and clients.

Helps prepare documents for individual entrepreneur registration free of charge and provides expert advice.

Eat two tariffs Starter (free) and Business (8400 rubles/year). The free plan is quite enough for a freelancer without employees: it is designed for one person, includes 100 transactions per year, reporting generation.

And we don't need more :)

Online service for Ukraine. Maintaining a book of income and expenses, generating salaries and documents and submitting reports.

Data is stored on Windows Azure.

Offers three tariffs for legal entities and individuals:

  • Start– for 6 months. Free, but does not allow you to submit a report online;
  • Professional– for 12 months; for individuals it costs 280 UAH, for legal entities – 849 UAH... Includes the generation of reports, tax and technical support.
  • Maximum– for 12 months; 1000 UAH for individuals and 1249 UAH. for legal entities. In addition to basic capabilities, it includes payroll calculation and warehouse management.

Western accounting software, very popular abroad, for small and medium-sized businesses. Has free and online versions. Uses cloud technology.

Basically, all online accounting services are paid. But they save you from headaches: they generate reports themselves and give you the opportunity to send them via the Internet without leaving your home. They remind you when to submit which report.

Whether it's worth the money is up to you to decide.

Freelance work is becoming increasingly popular and beneficial for both the employer and the job seeker. Each party has its own interest: the employer saves significantly on costs (workplace equipment, sick leave, vacation pay and other labor guarantees), and the applicant saves money and time on transport, manages his working time at his own discretion, and works for several employers at the same time.

Well, the tempting idea of ​​freelancing did not pass by, it would seem, such an ordinary person in any enterprise as an accountant. In the realities of today's business, usually an accountant at his main job manages several legal entities and several private entrepreneurs, in fact having one director and one salary. With the advent of servers, scanners, e-mail and the ability to submit electronic reports to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and other government agencies. Increasingly, accountants are thinking about selling their services on the labor market in addition to their main job. So to speak, freelance accounting organizations.

Who uses the services of a freelance accountant?

A lot of enterprises have significantly reduced their turnover after the crisis; some, on the contrary, are trying to squeeze into a certain market niche, while others can no longer cope with accounting on their own due to rapid changes in legislation. It is precisely such enterprises that are the main customers for a freelance accountant. Let's say you would like to open flower shop, but you need to find premises, suppliers, employees, etc. You will also have to worry about how to work legally, how much and where to pay taxes, what taxation system to choose, how to register employees and how to report for all this later. This is where many people think: how to relatively inexpensively transfer this work to knowledgeable person. And on employee search sites, vacancies appear with the wording “part-time” and “remotely.”

If you have decided that your knowledge is worth something and you have a strong desire to increase your earnings, then it’s time to become a freelance accountant. In order to find a customer-employer, you must first create a resume, indicating all your knowledge, skills and achievements. Then post your resume on specialized job search sites indicating that you are looking for part-time work. This is the classic way.

A more new-fashioned and with greater potential is a way to look for a customer through a freelance exchange, since the bulk of the exchange’s users are people working in the IT field, but absolutely not bothering themselves with such trifles as accounting and reporting, as well as small entrepreneurs. Today there are many specialized sites:


The exchange requires registering an account and filling out a profile (similar to a resume).

Specifics of working as a freelance accountant

An accountant has such specific work that, alas, a one-time project is low-paying. For example, you received an order for drawing up a contract, consultation, or annual report submission. But this is not systematic work, such orders are few and they are not well paid.

It is much more profitable to establish subscriber services for the customer: by spending 1-2 hours of time a day or a week, you can earn a little. But having 5-10 such customers, you can already completely switch to freelancing, work from home, and at the same time without losing any income at all.

It seems to be not bad, but here lies a small nuance. Under such conditions, you already seem to be a freelancer for accounting services, but on the other hand, this is simply your remote work. An accountant cannot work under the following conditions: today I submit a report, but next month I can’t/don’t want to, but in a couple of months I’ll be at your service again. Nobody needs such a fickle accountant, because... funds are deposited into the account systematically, people work, they need to pay salaries, pay taxes, etc. In accounting, there are no projects with specific deadlines and volumes of work: while the customer is functioning, there is work for the accountant. Well, and accordingly, often when setting the cost of your services, you need to take into account that some time after the agreed responsibilities, in most cases the volume of documents increases, hired employees appear (and this is personnel records). Therefore, the customer must initially be prepared for the fact that payment varies in proportion to the hours worked.

You must also clearly understand that sick leave and vacation are those periods during which your customer does not care where you are and in what health you are, because The deadlines for paying taxes and submitting reports have not been canceled. Therefore, going on vacation with a laptop and the Internet is no option if you earn money as a freelancer.

It is almost impossible to do accounting remotely without work experience. Before starting freelancing, most people need to learn how to work on volumes, bring the basic processes to automation, so that they can answer questions fluently over the phone or through other means of communication. most customer questions.

But if you are determined to master a profession and work online, then first of all you need to pass professional courses oriented towards the study of accounting, specialized software for accounting, as well as studying legislation. Perhaps these will be online courses or webinars, but what general information There are no guarantees that you will get it right when you study accounting on your own. Therefore, do not neglect training through special courses. Still, it is advisable to work a little in the office as an assistant or accountant in order to see with your own eyes the systematization process and the accounting chain from A to Z.
The Internet can help you. Everything will be useful for training: specialized forums, electronic magazines, subscribing to news from major accounting publications is very helpful - it’s convenient to keep track of major changes in legislation.

For example:


offer a subscription to news when registering on the site. The same glavbukh, for example, also has a specialized forum with fairly broad coverage of accounting issues. There you can find answers to questions that arise during training or ask your own question and get an answer from a more experienced accountant. But with all this, the Tax Code should become your reference books Russian Federation And the federal law“On accounting as fundamental documents.

How much can an accountant earn as a freelancer?

No matter who tells you that working as a freelance accountant is much more financially profitable than being an accountant in an office, don’t believe it. Freelancing is individual. It all depends on how actively you are looking for a customer and how much time you are willing to devote to the work. For example, an article in a specialized magazine can sell for 2-3 thousand rubles. If you submit a report from a private entrepreneur, then this is 3 thousand rubles. but once a year or quarter, if this entrepreneur has hired employees, then this is already from 3 thousand rubles. monthly only for personnel records. Or you can find an LLC for service with a price starting from 15 thousand rubles. and there may be 5-10 such LLCs and their maintenance will take about 35-45 hours a week. All prices are conditional and also depend on the region. The main advantage of freelancing: Your earnings and the amount of free time depend only on you.

The main thing is not quantity, but quality

In any case, to ensure normal earnings, like any other freelancer, an accountant must have more than one customer: for example, he submits a quarterly report to three private entrepreneurs, writes 2-3 articles for a magazine every month, conducts webinars, and in addition provides full accounting services for two - three enterprises. Agree that this is a considerable amount of work and sometimes it is simply physically difficult to remember everything.
Some simple tips will help you here:

  1. Whatever the customer asks you to do, duplicate notes and phone calls with short abstracts in your diary and cross them out as you complete them.
  2. Create your personal tax calendar—when, where, and how many returns need to be filed, as well as what taxes need to be paid (this can be done in a table or list with space for notes).
  3. If you conduct webinars, you will have to visit special forums to track the most common questions that accountants have.
  4. If you run several enterprises, try to choose ones with the same type of activity: for example, foreign trade activities, services, trade, work with the end consumer or wholesale, so it will be easier for you to track changes in legislation and less time will be spent on it. In practice, this is of course difficult, but if you decide to take up freelancing seriously and for a long time, then over time it is possible.

Believe in yourself, don't be afraid to try. There are many life situations when it is easier to lose a little in earnings, but create working conditions under which you will feel more comfortable. Or it could be the other way around: freelancing is your way to reach a new level of income.
Believe in yourself, try and don't be afraid to try.

IN modern world companies are facing unprecedented pressure from the market. Only those organizations that do business the most survive and succeed. effective way, achieving reduction in transaction costs while maintaining High Quality goods and services. One of the most modern and successful business models that allows you to achieve real competitive advantages is outsourcing and attracting freelancers to projects, says Vadim Dolgopolov, managing partner of FinSovet Audit.

First you need to understand the terms:

Outsourcing(from the English outsourcing: external source) - the transfer by an organization of certain business processes or production functions to the service of another company specializing in the relevant field. In contrast to service and support services, which are one-time, episodic, random in nature and limited to a beginning and an end, the functions of professional support for the uninterrupted operation of individual systems and infrastructure are usually outsourced on the basis of a long-term contract (at least 1 year).

Freelancer(in a figurative sense - a free artist) - a person who performs work without concluding a long-term contract with an employer, hired only to perform a certain list of works (freelance worker). Being outside the permanent staff of any company, he can simultaneously fulfill orders for different clients.

Accounting outsourcing- this is an opportunity to delegate the accounting of all financial issues to a third party company or private specialist.

If you look at how such services are developing abroad, it is easy to see: there a similar practice has been put on stream. Majority small firms(and many large ones!) do not contain staff accountants. And this is understandable. For example, in the USA or UK this is technical work, which boils down to the correct registration of all business assets and filling out standard forms reporting. And such painstaking and accurate, but not too complicated work should be performed by qualified specialists, who can be found in consulting companies.

Our accountant is rather a creative person. The demands of Russian entrepreneurs are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill. Usually, an accountant is required to do everything so that the company pays mere pennies to the budget. And the tax department would be satisfied. Or at least calm. So, in the case of using accounting outsourcing, this does not always happen, since even in Russia “external” accountants work according to the rules. It is this circumstance that significantly reduces the advantages of accounting outsourcing in the eyes of Russian entrepreneurs. But in fact there are many of them. And they are increasingly forcing managers to take a closer look at external services.

The scope of services provided by outsourcing firms is limited only by the financial capabilities of your company. That is, any decent auditing company can develop an accounting policy, draw up a balance sheet, draw up bank documents, or take over the entire process. And yet, in Russia, according to statistics, most companies prefer their own external accounting.

So what is better to create your own accounting service or transfer Accounting to Outsourcing? A little comparative analysis will help answer this question:

1. The audit firm’s staff consists of: qualified personnel, capable of independently solving most current issues without the intervention of a manager. Note that most serious companies have one or more lawyers on staff who provide legal support for the client’s business under a service agreement. Consulting services are also usually included in the contract comprehensive services. Since even the most competent employee is not immune from mistakes, an internal audit is periodically required.

Simply put, if you transfer your accounting to an auditing firm that also provides outsourcing, the likelihood of errors is minimized. In fact, by and large, both reporting and verification are carried out by the same company, just different departments.

Accounting companies usually employ very mobile specialists in terms of mastering something new. And this is due primarily to the fact that Accounting companies serve many companies, each of which is unique in its activities, in its own specifics. There are always methodological materials accumulated in the process of work that regulate the accounting of most types of economic activities. In addition, specialists, when they are gathered in one place, can always exchange their opinions, knowledge, and accumulated experience.

Therefore, while your accountant spends time studying on his own or searching for and attending the necessary seminar, and you spend money on paying for this seminar, the specialists of the Accounting company will already begin to keep accounting records for the activities of our company. And all because the necessary methodological materials have already been selected, identified and solved problematic issues that have already arisen in companies with similar specifics, and one of the specialists from this company has already attended specialized seminars and shared knowledge with their colleagues.

2. The use of licensed software is also an additional guarantee of reliability in the company’s work. Typically in audit companies technical equipment is at a good level and ensures high reliability of computing and office equipment, a modern level of communication with clients.

3. Efficiency. The advantage of having your own accounting service is the proximity of its location, which allows you to quickly receive information, draw up documents, and solve urgent problems.

When transferring accounting to a third-party organization, processing of primary documents and accounting will be carried out in the main office of this organization. This can make it difficult to solve operational problems.

In this case, various options are possible to minimize time loss. Firstly, use modern communication channels, and secondly, in cases where this is justified, it is possible to install a distributed computer database, which allows both parties to monitor current operations in real time. Thirdly, it can be stipulated in the contract that accounting will be carried out at the Customer’s office.

4. Responsibility of the performer. According to the law, responsibility for violation of accounting legislation lies with the head of the organization. He, in turn, when identifying violations and imposing penalties on the organization, can hold the accountant accountable - within the framework of labor legislation. But most often the amount of penalties exceeds these limits. In addition, the accountant may suddenly quit due to at will. In this case, the head of the organization suffers serious financial and moral losses.

In turn, an agreement with a specialized organization makes it possible to establish the contractor’s responsibility for the quality of the services provided. As a rule, this is responsibility for the timely submission of reports to regulatory authorities, for the correctness of tax calculations, for the compliance of accounting and tax accounting current legislation. In this case, the head of the organization, in case of violation of the terms of the contract, may demand compensation for losses caused by the actions of the accounting company.

5. Saving money. It should be taken into account that the costs of maintaining your own accounting department are often higher than the cost of accounting services in a specialized organization. After all, when creating an accounting service, the company incurs expenses for renting additional premises, organizing workplaces, purchasing and supporting software products, purchasing office supplies, etc. In addition, accountants must be periodically sent to thematic seminars and courses advanced training, prescribe special literature for them.

In a specialized organization where business is “on stream,” one accountant simultaneously keeps records in several organizations, among which overhead costs are distributed, thereby minimizing the average cost of accounting services.

In addition, the cost of the outsourcer is your expense and reduces the tax base.

6. Continuity of work process. Full-time employees must be given vacation time, while the outsourcing company works constantly.

7. Confidentiality. Almost every employee to one degree or another is a carrier trade secrets companies. As business develops, security issues become more and more relevant. There is an opinion that in this regard, your own accountant is more reliable than an employee of someone else's company. However, life situations are sometimes unpredictable. And practice shows that it is an accountant (especially a former accountant), who is offended by his employer for something, who can be an information source for external interested parties.

The first question that faces a company planning to use the services of an outsourcer is: Who is better to delegate a business process to – an individual or a company?

Working with freelancers is convenient and often cheaper than working with outsourcing companies.

Because only one person works on the task you set, his overhead costs are minimal and he receives the fee himself. But freelancers often take a less responsible approach to doing their work. Because he is not responsible for the brand and reputation of the team. Entity

, as a rule, strives for long-term relationships; for him this is part of his business image. But for a freelancer, making a profit is much more important, and he can easily sacrifice an order for a more profitable one. Therefore, even with equal workload and comparable quality of work, firms have an advantage over freelancers.

For the most part, everyone who has ordered any services from freelancers knows that at first everything goes well, but then for some reason it becomes more and more difficult to get through, then force them to finish what they started, meet deadlines and quality. And now you look, you are already finishing his work yourself or hiring a new person.

Practice shows that freelancers can be entrusted with projects of medium importance, gradually increasing the level of trust in specific freelancers if they deserve it. Often the relationship between the Customer and the freelancer will develop on a “conceptual” basis, that is, without a contractual basis. This, of course, is not correct, because the contract will allow you to indicate your wishes and in the event of mutual claims, you will have arguments to protect your interests.

Before using outsourcing or abandoning it, you need to calculate all the pros and cons of each option - financial and non-financial, tactical and strategic. And also assess risks and identify backup scenarios.

Before making a final decision: to use the services of an outsourcer or not, you must:

Develop a coordinated position that takes into account the interests of all management representatives. It is possible that valuable time and other resources will be spent searching for a service provider whose performance is unacceptable to one of the managers. But a clearly defined motivation helps to correctly identify critical areas of outsourcing.

Different outsourcing service providers have their own advantages and disadvantages. A well-formulated motivation will help correlate them strengths tailored to your needs and will make it easier to weed out candidates who do not meet the requirements.

Motivation helps to find a balance between the amount of money paid and the quality of services received.

Most outsourcing service providers are willing to significantly improve the quality of service - but at a much higher cost.

A big role is played by the company's time in the market, the availability of various certificates and diplomas.

By the way, the number of services provided by an outsourcing company is also of considerable importance. Accordingly, the wider their range, the better - then the company will be able to solve many more problems. And don’t forget to ask whether the outsourcing company’s liability to third parties is insured. Be careful: Perhaps one of the most obvious indicators of the quality of accounting services is the number of organizations under the jurisdiction of one executive accountant. Practice shows that depending on the volume of document flow, the availability of support staff processing primary documentation, and a number of other technical parameters one accountant is able to manage a maximum of three or four organizations. It's about

about real working companies that carry out daily activities economic activity, the cost of service is more than acceptable. In the eyes of the customer, everything looks great - until the first serious audit or tax audit.

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Remote work exchanges (general)

Leaders in popularity:

Remote work exchanges for copywriters

Here are the main exchanges for copywriters, allowing you to sell or buy articles and texts for websites.

  • is a popular exchange for copywriters and translators. There is a lot of work on copywriting and rewriting; you can sell finished articles. Good technical support.
  • is an exchange for copywriters and rewriters. Meet expensive orders With high tariffs, as well as with a negotiable price.
  • is a content exchange with average prices from 25 to 100 rubles. for 1000 characters of text.
  • The Glavred Exchange is a service of Maxim Ilyakhov, where you can find a professional copywriter, editor, proofreader, and editor-in-chief. There are no projects on the exchange, only portfolios of specialists!
  • is an exchange for copywriters with a high payment for exchanges up to 150 rubles. for 1000 characters. To work on this exchange, you must pass a test to confirm your qualifications.
  • - the exchange offers to make money by writing comments, reviews, and filling forums.
  • - new exchange texts and articles. On the site you can find orders for texts for websites, as well as sell ready-made articles.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There is a store for selling finished articles.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for copywriters, text authors, and posters. You can buy or sell articles on the site, but competition among performers is high.
  • is one of the most popular copywriting exchanges. On the site you can sell texts and articles at competitive prices. The exchange has a rating of popular articles - look at it and write articles on popular topics, this will increase the chances of quickly selling texts!
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. Lots of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a Russian language test.
  • is an exchange for experienced copywriters. They pay 35 rubles. for 1000 characters. There are quite a lot of tasks. Disadvantages for beginners: high quality requirements, payments not every day.
  • is a content exchange; there are usually many orders for texts for websites.
  • is a popular exchange for copywriters that allows you to sell texts for 2-6 dollars per 1000 characters.
  • is a professional community of copywriters, remote work. Vacancies, projects, portfolios, blogs.
  • is an exchange for copywriters, an interesting project.
  • is an exchange for namers. Since 2008 he has been working in Russia. The essence of the work is to come up with names for companies, domain names, slogans. Project budgets are usually 500-2000 rubles.
  • is a young text exchange. Beginners can try their hand at it.

Exchanges for programmers

Exchanges for programmers in the web development, startups and 1C segments.

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and HR

  • is an exchange for lawyers and advocates. Clients ask questions - lawyers get paid for answers. To get started, simply register in the service.
  • - the service allows lawyers to earn money. You can also take advantage of free legal advice on the website.
  • is a remote work exchange for specialists in the field of HR, recruitment, personnel.
  • - service famous company HeadHunter. Created for freelance recruiters. Applications for personnel selection are published on the service. If you fill a vacancy, you receive a reward.
  • - a service that allows recruiters to earn money by recruiting personnel. If you select a suitable candidate, you receive a reward.

Exchanges for designers, illustrators

Exchanges for actors, models, photographers

  • - catalog wedding photographers and videographers. Performers rating.
  • is a directory of wedding photographers, videographers, florists, presenters and other specialists in the field of organizing and conducting weddings.
  • is an exchange for photographers and videographers.
  • Exchange for actors and models - information about castings for films, TV series, filming.
  • Fotovideozayavka.rf - exchange for photographers.
  • Photo store on - the site has a store where you can sell or buy photographs. The cost of the photo is set by the author.

Exchanges for builders, engineers, architects

  • is a directory of private specialists, uniting more than 200 thousand professionals and 500 types of services, including construction and repair. Registration is free for clients and freelancers.
  • Jobs for interior designers - one-time and ongoing jobs for interior designers and decorators. New projects every day.
  • - orders for construction and repairs are published on the exchange.
  • exchange is a construction exchange. Many projects from small to large.
  • is a directory of specialists in design, architecture, construction, renovation and decoration.
  • is a directory of experts in interior design, construction and architecture, and home improvement.
  • We are at home - remote work for architects, designers, constructors, technicians, specialists engineering systems, 3D visualizers. Tenders for design work
  • is a remote work service for engineers.
  • Apartment Krasivo is an exchange for builders, searching for orders for renovation of apartments and offices. The exchange charges commissions for its services.
  • The City of Craftsmen is a forum where they are looking for builders, teams, and private craftsmen.

Exchanges for students

  • - help students complete work and get paid for it. Many projects, user-friendly interface.
  • is an online exchange for authors and customers of coursework, tests, abstracts. Large service with a large list of services.
  • - help solve problems, write essays and make money from it!
  • - complete student assignments and earn money. Also on the service you can order student work from coursework, essays, reports and tests to more complex assignments.
  • - on the website you can order solutions to problems using various subjects. To make money by solving problems, you need to write to the service administration.
  • - the exchange allows you to earn extra money as a courier. The website publishes orders for the delivery of goods, by completing which you can earn money. For one delivery they pay 150-300 rubles, there are orders that are more expensive. Works in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • - on the site you can find part-time work as a nanny, nurse, or tutor.
  • IQ2U – Website for teachers, lecturers and educators. Schoolchildren, applicants and students will find a lot of useful materials on IQ2U.

Exchanges for webmasters and bloggers

Popular exchanges for webmasters that allow you to make money on your own website.

  • Blogun is a marketplace for bloggers. Through the exchange you can sell posting and advertising publications on your blog or website.
  • - on the exchange you can sell links from your website for rent and receive a stable monthly income.
  • - on the exchange you can buy or sell a website, including one that generates income. The cost of websites ranges from several hundred to more than a million rubles.
  • is an exchange for buying/selling eternal links. Webmasters can make money by placing links in news and articles on their website.

Other exchanges for freelancers, new projects

  • is the optimal exchange for beginners. Free registration on the exchange. There are vacancies and a freelance services store.
  • is a new microservices exchange with fixed cost, which is $5 or 300 rubles. (at the current rate).
  • - on the service, freelancers post offers on what they can do and for how much (for example, I’ll make a website for 1000 rubles). You can find a performer on a small budget.
  • - the service allows you to sell and buy various services by fixed price 500 rub. This solves the problem of dumping.
  • is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - directory of specialists. You can register on the site and add your portfolio.
  • - vacancies for translators. IN free version You can view vacancies published 12 hours ago and later. A paid subscription is required to receive the latest vacancies.
  • - on the service you can take orders for small services in the field of IT, courier services, household repairs, etc.
  • is a young but promising telework exchange for freelancers of almost any profession. Great opportunities for creating a portfolio. Freelancer rating.
  • is an exchange for teamwork. Has built-in tools for project management.
  • is a new remote work exchange. Gain popularity.
  • is a small but convenient and friendly freelance exchange.
  • is a remote work exchange for freelancers of all professions.
  • is a promising service for freelancers, great opportunities for setting up an account and portfolio, low prices for paid accounts. There are enough orders in different areas - copywriting, translations, design, programming, website promotion.
  • is an increasingly popular exchange, new projects appear daily. Among the advantages of the service, one can note the presence of direct contacts of employers in the project (mail, ICQ, telephone).
Many accountants dream of going free and working only for themselves. How to start?, the owner of a freelance project for accountants, will tell you about all the pitfalls of working remotely as an accountant.

Why is freelancing better than full-time work?

There are many advantages, but the most striking, in our opinion, is the potential opportunity to earn more. The freelancer himself determines the level of his remuneration, unlike regular work in an office where the earnings are basically the same. You need to make your way in the office, show your talents every day, and prove your results. And it’s far from a fact that the boss will ultimately appreciate the merits of a talented employee. Working as a freelancer eliminates this. The earnings of a remote specialist are unlimited.

In addition, the freelancer sets his own work schedule. It is not limited to the five-day working week from 9 to 18. Now he can go to the sea all year round and maintain databases of client organizations overlooking the Cote d'Azur. Or he can spend more time with his loved ones. At the very least, a freelance accountant always has the opportunity to get some sleep.

Are there any downsides to freelancing?

There are a lot of them too. First of all, a mandatory requirement for a freelancer is high degree organization and self-discipline. After all, there is no boss who will scold you for being late and for unfinished work. Now you are your own boss and feeling sorry for yourself at work is punishable by a fiasco in the form of a lack of orders.

The second undoubted disadvantage is, of course, competition. On any major freelancing site you will find many specialists with the same set of knowledge and skills.

The third minus is probably the most important. Lack of stability. Not always for accounting services high demand. In May, for example, and in August there is a decline in orders from freelancers in the accounting field. In a permanent job, as a rule, the salary is stable all year round.

A freelancer, of course, can find regular clients, but this is only if he is lucky.

Where to look for freelance work?

Previously, people wishing to find work as a private specialist placed advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Now this method of finding a job has faded into the background. And now you can find a job on the Internet in a few minutes. Moreover, both permanent and remote.

There are specialized exchanges for connecting freelancers and customer companies. For example, the accountant exchange is a specialized project for private financial specialists. The undoubted advantage of the accountant exchange is that contacts with both employers and accountants are absolutely free. To gain access, you only need to register on the site.

Accountants can post their resume for search permanent job on staff of the company, and also publish your unique services for finding remote work as a freelancer. In addition, performers can respond to existing vacancies and orders.

Thus, the project is suitable for both people looking for office work and private performers.

How to attract potential employers?

Freelancing requires the ability to take on challenges and stand out. A vivid description of your knowledge and skills, relevant photography, optimal prices and initiative will attract the customer’s attention. You can contact the employer yourself by phone or e-mail, respond to an open vacancy or order. Don’t forget to leave your contact information in the application form so that the employer can easily contact you. Skype, phone, mail, social media- nothing will be superfluous.

If you receive a task, be sure to meet the deadlines and do the work to the highest quality. The reputation of a freelancer is extremely important, since on many resources employers can leave reviews about the contractor.

Which accounting program is best for an accountant to use?

Many freelancers prefer to work in pirated software. They want to save money, but such “false” savings are fraught with a lack of timely updates, as well as the risk of losing the data of their client organizations if illegal software fails.

1C technology in the Cloud is ideal for a freelance accountant. For a small fee of 700 rubles per month, an accountant receives a licensed 1C program, available online 24 hours a day from any device. You can maintain an unlimited number of databases without being tied to your work computer. The data is available via the Cloud; there is no need to download it to a USB flash drive.

If you want to start freelancing, register on. And being comfortable will help you in your work. Evaluate the capabilities of 1C in the Cloud for 14 days free of charge.