Payback for a curtain salon in a small town. We will organize a curtain sewing business from scratch. Creative staff is a guarantee of success


A business plan for sewing curtains sets out the basic principles for establishing your business in this market segment, taking into account in-depth analysis and calculation of the organization’s budget, financial and investment indicators.

Prerequisites for the development of the document: the salon will be engaged in sewing curtains to order and for sale, as well as selling fabrics and related products. The estimated sales volume will be about 15 million rubles.

Payback period is about 2 – 3 years.

Contents of a business plan for sewing curtains:

  1. Summary.
  2. Marketing analysis market environment.
  3. Search for sources of financing.
  4. Strategy for working with clients, determining planned revenue.
  5. Organizational matters.
  6. Production strategy.
  7. Operational analysis.
  8. Description of risk factors.
  9. Definition and analysis of performance indicators.
  10. Conclusions.

For what purposes do you need a business plan?

  1. To form a clear strategy for organizing a curtain sewing salon and to develop a concept for future activities.
  2. To make timely management decisions.
  3. To obtain the required financing.
  4. To encourage employees to complete the tasks stated in the document.

Example of a business plan for sewing curtains

suitable option


With financial calculations
from financial Excel model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended business plan for sewing curtains with a complete business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model for sewing curtains

  • Break-even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability by individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of risks and business safety margins by sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Quarterly cost forecast for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break-even point calculation
  • Quarterly Cash Flow Report for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your numbers by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

39,000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to obtain a loan or attract investment.


The extended business plan includes a financial model for sewing curtains in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and funds for supporting entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. It will allow you to justify management decisions about investing in the creation and development of curtain sewing, predict it financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


To view the content, download the file:

Tables and graphs

To see the list of tables, graphs and diagrams, look at the file:

Payment and delivery

You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards(Russia)
  • Electronic money
  • Terminals and communication salons
  • Money transfers
  • Bank cards (International)

Submitting a business plan and financial model:

Dispatch is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

Curtains are an invariable attribute of the interior of any apartment, house or even office. In this regard, the demand for sewing services will always be at a high level. Whether you will work in the market of exclusive offers or direct your activities to the mass consumption segment depends on specific conditions and circumstances. In any case, to organize a curtain sewing business, you will need a business plan.

What to do to start a business?

  1. Analyze the market environment.
  2. Raise funds for financing.
  3. Organize the work of searching for premises, renting or purchasing them.
  4. Purchase equipment and furniture for the office, organize a client area.
  5. Attract staff.
  6. Launch advertising campaign.
  7. Begin.

The salon premises should be located in a place convenient for visiting by clients of the relevant target audience. It should have two zones: for receiving clients and a sewing workshop. To increase the profitability of activities, in addition to sewing curtains and selling fabric for them, salons sell cornices, curtains, and other accessories.

Market analysis and description of the curtain sewing project

The economic crisis characterizing the current situation in the country has led to a decrease in population activity in terms of consumption. Accordingly, demand has decreased in the analyzed industry. Experts believe that by 2019–2020, the market for the sale of residential apartments and houses will return to pre-crisis values, which means that interest in the segment under discussion will also increase.

Produced goods/services

Fabric for curtains, sewing services, related accessories.

Potential clients

Individuals and legal entities.

Figures for organizing a curtain sewing salon with calculations are presented below in a sample business plan.

Financial part of a business plan for sewing curtains


AttachmentsTime frame, in monthsAmount, thousand rubles

Registration of an organization, paperwork

Design work

Rent of premises (first 3 months)

Providing communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Carrying out finishing work

Equipment purchase

Purchasing furniture

Purchase of fabrics, accessories for sale

Other costs

An example of a business plan for sewing curtains suggests that investments in the business will amount to about 8 - 15 million rubles.


Source of income

Approximate price (average), rub. for 1 meter

Sales volume, per year (average), thousand meters

Amount of revenue, thousand rubles in year

Selling fabric

Curtain sewing services

Sales of related accessories

Other income

Annual revenue will be about 13 - 20 million rubles.


Annual expenses average 8 - 13 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period is about 2 - 3 years, the profit is on average 3 - 8 million rubles annually, and the profitability is 29%.


A curtain sewing business can bring a very high income to its owner if the work is properly organized. In addition, this is also an opportunity to show your creative and entrepreneurial talent. In order not to lose your investment, you should be well prepared; a business plan will be an indispensable document for you.

Download the business plan template and financial model template and you can easily:

  • Prepare numbers on your own and evaluate the feasibility of starting a business. The savings will amount to more than 150 thousand rubles.
  • Introduce the obtained figures and the descriptive part of the document to all interested users (investors, banks, contractors, etc.).
  • Start organizing your business in minimal time short time and strictly in accordance with the planned budget.
  • Business plan for tailoring

The time for string curtains has gone forever, and today everyone is very picky about the design of such an element as curtains. Now the main thing is not their direct function of protecting from sunlight, but their ability to make the interior attractive and charming or to become a certain style accent. It turns out that sewing curtains for this moment is a fairly popular business that brings high profits.

Firms that offer design services in general have increasingly begun to offer the production and decoration of curtains. However, if you decide to independently open a company providing such services, then you should know that a properly drawn up business plan for a curtain salon, as well as a responsible approach to this matter, will allow you to achieve excellent results. It is worth understanding all the nuances of this matter.

Basic moments

The business plan for a curtain salon should include the presence sewing workshop and a salon where you can imagine various categories fabrics, as well as finished products. Quite often, companies that sew curtains also sell related products, namely: fabrics, curtain rods, and all kinds of accessories for curtains.

Naturally, you will need a special room in which the whole process will take place. Sewing curtains will not require you to have huge areas. Here everything is calculated according to a simple formula: each seamstress requires 7 square meters area, and for each employee of a different qualification - 5 meters.

It turns out that at the initial stage, your curtain sewing workshop will be able to fit into a room with an area of ​​30 square meters. In addition, you will need to purchase professional equipment. You will need a professional overlocker sewing machine, machine for blind seams, cutting table, iron, ironing table.

All this will cost you quite a considerable amount, but if you are not ready to pay a lot of money right away, then you can purchase used devices, since the degree of wear resistance of such units is quite high. If necessary, you can then purchase additional equipment, for example, for laying lambrequins or shrinking fabric.

Price issue

So, we can say that before opening a curtain sewing studio, you need to decide how much all the necessary equipment will cost. A sewing machine can cost from $300, an overlocker will cost $1,800-$2,000, and a blind hem machine will cost around $1,000. Of course, this is quite a lot. However, it is worth considering how much it costs to sew curtains. Each client will leave at least $500 in your salon. Thanks to this, we can say that after 6-7 months all the money spent on equipment may well come back, and even in excess.


You must understand that if you yourself do not have a sufficient set of knowledge and skills to work independently, you will need to hire professional cutters and seamstresses. The quality depends entirely on their skills finished products. It is very important that the finished result matches the picture proposed by the designer. Otherwise, customers will be unhappy, and you will not see the desired profit.

Store opening

A business plan for a curtain salon must necessarily include opening a store, which is necessary not only for image. A display of samples of your products can be organized even in an apartment, and the more rooms, openings, niches and other elements, the more space for design imagination - all this will be removed and draped with curtains of different styles.

And the more choice the client is given, the higher the chances of finding his client. The customer will not be satisfied with traditional curtains, but will appreciate the quality, exclusivity and style. Therefore, the salon must work 100% and demonstrate absolutely everything that you can offer.

Virtual salon - an alternative to the real one if you lack funds

If you have drawn up a business plan for a curtain salon, and at the same time you understand that your initial financial capabilities do not allow you to organize a showroom, then you can make it virtual. To do this, you will need to create your own website on which you will place a colorful catalog of the materials used and design options. For the first time this will be enough. And when sewing curtains begins to bring you tangible profits, you will organize a salon where potential customers can see everything in person.

Subtleties and nuances of business

Sufficient important stage consists of the process of developing a customer base. Here you must attract all the means that are only available to you: intensify your connections in the world of architects and designers, visit specialized exhibitions and take part in them, use word of mouth and advertising. Thanks to all this, you will gradually become more and more famous, and if you maintain the quality of tailoring at the required level, you will not feel any shortage of clients.

There are some other nuances associated with this business. It is clear that you will purchase fabrics exclusively from large manufacturers or wholesalers. All the fittings needed for work in the form of brackets, cornices and other things will be purchased from the catalogs of well-known manufacturers in this segment, and the economy version can be bought in construction supermarkets.

One more important point is the following: all fabrics and accessories should be purchased exclusively for a specific order. Let the client pay, not you, otherwise you can go broke. If you are interested in what to call a curtain salon, then it is worth saying that the name should be attractive, but not banal. You should study what names people in your area like. settlement. You can even conduct a survey among your friends.

Related products

Although blinds are not in great demand among Russian consumers, as they are usually associated with dusty streaks that can be seen on office windows, you can find allies in companies specializing in their production.

Any experienced sales specialist will be able to convince the client that he needs not only curtains that perform decorative and functional roles, but also blinds that can save expensive fabrics from fading. In addition, blinds can play on contrasts with curtains, which will allow you to create a rather complex composition.

Or you can simply make them a color accent in the overall style. This way you will help blinds sellers, and in return they will recommend you to their clients. This cooperation will be mutually beneficial. You may also be interested in production roller blinds, in which case you will cover an even larger market segment.

Alternative business organization options

Of course, the action plan outlined above is approximate for achieving results in the business described. Various options are possible. For example, you can focus on organizing an exclusively sewing workshop. Here you will be faced with the task of assembling it necessary equipment, hiring high-class cutters and seamstresses, as well as proper organization workflow. You will not have to deal with picky clients; your task will only be to fulfill orders based on ready-made sketches. It is quite possible to do without a sewing workshop, and simply hire several seamstresses.

Another option is this: you will look for clients, the designer will create for them unique sketches of future curtains, and the direct work of sewing the products can be transferred to the shoulders of third-party specialists whom you will attract to complete each order.

This option is suitable for a business at the opening stage, while there are not too many clients yet, and then it will be possible to organize own workshop. Here the main role is assigned to the designer. It is on his shoulders that the responsibilities of the measurer, as well as the sales manager, will fall. And you will need to open an exhibition salon where all the samples will be presented.


It is also worth mentioning the optimal place to open a salon. It makes sense to organize it where there are stores selling building materials, furniture, as well as other goods related to renovation and interior design. In this case, you will attract the client as one of important links in creating a unique style for his home. And being located next to other important stores guarantees you a large influx of visitors, 20% of which will definitely become your clients.

It is important to choose a suitable organizational and legal form - it can be an individual enterprise or LLC. It is better to go with the first option, as it will be easier for you to register and you will need fewer documents.

Curtains, like clothes, react most sensitively to fashion trends. They are now the most vibrant element of home decor.
The design of tulle and curtain fabrics expresses the individuality, creativity and own view of fashion of textile masters. The result of this work is the emergence of new beautiful collections of decorative fabrics, which reflect completely various styles. It can be strict classics, romantic style, glamor or hi-tech, as well as eco-style.
The combination of skill and experience, as well as the use of the most advanced technologies allow you to create fabrics from fibers High Quality and from the most extraordinary materials and threads.
By improvising and giving free rein to your imagination, you can create unique designer curtains.
More and more new designs are constantly being added to curtain salons. We are ready to please you with new and exclusive fabrics from our salon located in Moscow. These fabrics were produced in Germany, France, Italy and other countries.
Violetta™ Collection
We present to you a new collection of trendy economy-class fabrics Violetta ™, which optimally meets the needs of professional designers, and most importantly, end customers. Customers can easily choose their curtain fabric from among the design examples in this collection, including economy class fabric. Attention, the Violetta ™ collection is available ONLY BY STOCK PROGRAM! To clarify all the details regarding this collection, you need to contact the curtain salon.
We are also pleased to offer you the Parnas™ (by Dilhan) collection, which has already proven itself in Russia, and also incorporates all the latest trends in fashion and design and unique fabrics for decoration, thereby making it easier to create a variety of interiors. This collection of fabrics for curtains and tulle also has a WAREHOUSE PROGRAM.
The main trend in the curtain salon (shop) of our collection is fabrics of CLASSIC designs, perfect for creating solid, noble interiors. The designs are characterized by calmness and restraint, but they are not devoid of variety. Comfort, solidity, completeness, even some solemnity - all this is easily recreated in the interior thanks to classic fabrics. The combination of stripes and ornaments, classic patterns, mysterious damasks, matching companions - the relevance of these fabrics will remain at all times, regardless of fashion trends. The collection of classic fabrics includes the whole range, from soft pastels to bright, saturated colors.
If you decide to create a stylish MODERN interior, then you should pay attention in the curtain salon (store) to a series of fabrics that allow you to decorate interiors in this style. Modern style Characterized by abstract designs, contrasting geometric patterns, and expressive large floral designs. In addition, this includes fabrics with a modern interpretation of the classics, which will bring new fashionable touches to the modern stylish interior. Most of designs have several color options.
If you want chic in the interior, then our GLAMOR series with its spectacular fabrics is just for you. There will be no limit to your imagination with such cutting-edge designer fabrics of very extraordinary, sophisticated designs. Imagination draws in highest degree individual, sophisticated interiors using glamorous colors such as silver and gold, with unusual contrasts between thick threads and a transparent thin base, metallic inclusions, hand-made elements, with bold color mixing, as well as interesting textures resulting from the use of the most complex technologies in textiles.
If the client is in the mood to create a ROMANTIC interior, then you can offer him a light, airy fabric with delicate flowers from the new collection. Superfine delicate embroidery on lace, floristry in soft pastel shades, and delightful watercolors will look romantic and very beautiful. You can also use one of fresh ideas to create curtains for a children's girl's room - hand sew small cute dolls onto organza.
Nowadays, the demand for eco-fashion is constantly increasing, so for those who strive for maximum naturalness and environmental friendliness, we are ready to offer fabrics for which the design basis is ECO-STYLE. It is characterized by high content natural fibers in materials - cotton, silk, wool, flax, jute threads. This collection uses natural colors.
Does the client like the HI-TECH style? In this case, radically modern fabrics will be best choice for interior decoration. The desire for simple contours, some minimalism, elegant graphics, a combination of matte and shiny materials. The fabrics are made in the favorite hi-tech colors - platinum and gold, using a monochrome contrast of white and black, cold metallic and lurex, and a non-standard combination of colors, thanks to which the interior acquires its uniqueness and absolute originality. There are various combinations of high-tech fabrics to choose from.
THREAD CURTAINS (rope curtains, rain curtains, thread curtains, muslin, thread curtains) - a current novelty on the curtain market! Such curtains will look very interesting and fashionable in a restaurant, cafe, store, boutique, or residential space. A total of 16 colors, dimensions 220*280 cm. They are used to decorate windows, doors, partitions, and other applications are also possible. Thread curtains are sold in ready-made kits.

The time for “curtains on a string” is gone forever, and today we are very picky about the design of curtains. After all, the focus is no longer on their direct function (protection from sunlight), but on their ability to give the interior a special chic and charm or act as a style accent. Thus, sewing curtains is a business today that is in demand and quite profitable. Increasingly, curtain designs are offered by firms involved in interior design in general. But if you decide to open your own business sewing curtains, rest assured that by properly organizing the process, you will be provided with work.

To organize a business sewing curtains, you need a sewing workshop and a salon, which presents catalogs of fabrics and finished products. Very often, companies specializing in sewing curtains simultaneously sell related products: curtain rods, fabrics, various accessories for curtains.

Sewing factory

The first step is to find a suitable premises. Don’t be alarmed, it just sounds like a loud “sewing workshop”. In fact, the area you will need is not that large.

We calculate according to the formula: 7 square meters for one seamstress and 5 meters for each new employee.

Thus, at the initial stage, your workshop can be located on an area of ​​30 square meters. You will also need professional equipment for sewing curtains. You will need a professional sewing machine, overlocker, blind hem machine, iron, cutting table, ironing table. The cost of equipment directly depends on its class and brand, and if you are not ready to pay a lot of money, at first you can work on used equipment, since it is very wear-resistant. In the future, if necessary, you can buy additional equipment, for example, for shrinking fabrics or laying lambrequins.

So, what is the price?

You can buy a sewing machine for 10,000 rubles, an overlocker for 50-60 thousand, a machine for blind seams will cost 30 thousand. But if you consider that each client will leave at least 15 thousand in your salon, it is easy to calculate that in just six months the money spent on equipment will be returned, and in abundance.

You will also need professional seamstresses and a cutter. After all, the quality of the final result directly depends on their skills and abilities. And if the finished curtains do not match the picture proposed by the designer, the image will be lost and you will not see any income.

Opening a showroom

Your next step is to open a showroom store, and it is not needed for image. Or rather, not only for image. An ordinary apartment may be suitable for displaying samples of your products, and the more rooms, niches, openings and other elements it has, the more room for your designer’s imagination - all this will be draped and decorated with curtains of different styles. And the more choice, the greater the chances that you will find your client. Your customer will not be satisfied with ordinary curtains; the main thing for him is exclusivity, quality, and style. Therefore, the salon must work at 100% and demonstrate everything that you have to offer.

But if there is no money for a real showroom, you can make a virtual one . To do this, you will need to create your own website (fortunately there are a lot of companies doing this now), where there will be a colorful catalog ready-made designs and the materials used. In any case, it is necessary to draw up business plan sewing curtains For the first time, this will be enough for you. However, we should not forget that many people like to see it “live” and touch it. This means that in the future the opening of a salon is inevitable.

The subtleties of the business of sewing curtains

An important stage is the process of developing a client base. Here you will have to use all possible means: raise all your connections in the world of designers and architects, visit and even participate in specialized exhibitions, use advertising and even our usual “word of mouth”: if one client likes it, he will bring new ones. This way you will gradually gain fame, and if you maintain the quality of tailoring at the required level, there will be no end to customers.

What other nuances are there in a business plan for sewing curtains? It is clear that you will only purchase fabrics from wholesalers or large manufacturers. All necessary fittings (cornices, brackets, etc.) are purchased from catalogs from well-known manufacturers in their segment; the economy option is available in regular construction supermarkets. Another important rule: both fabrics and accessories must be purchased only for a specific order, let the client pay, but not you! Otherwise, you can quickly go broke.

Allies or enemies?

Although blinds are not in great demand among Russian consumers (they are often associated with boring, dusty stripes on office windows), you can find good allies in companies specializing in their production. Any experienced sales specialist will be able to convince the client that in addition to curtains, he will also need blinds for his windows. And that's almost true. Firstly, blinds will save expensive fabrics from fading. Secondly, blinds can play on contrast or harmony with curtains, thereby helping to create a complex composition. Or they can simply be a color accent in the overall style of the room. Thus, you help sellers of blinds, and they, in turn, advertise you to their customers. This is such mutually beneficial cooperation.

Of course, rough plan your actions on the way to successful business for sewing curtains. Various options are possible. For example, you can focus on organizing a sewing workshop. Your task is to equip the workshop with the necessary equipment, high-quality seamstresses and cutters, and properly organize the work process. You won't be bothered by picky clients, and your task will be reduced to one thing - fulfilling orders based on ready-made sketches. You can even do without a sewing workshop, in which case you will only need home-based seamstresses.

Another scenario is that you are looking for a client, the designer comes up with a unique curtain design for him, and the sewing work itself is transferred to third-party specialists. Here the designer plays the main role. He will be both a measurer and a sales manager. But what you should do is open an exhibition salon.

The article discusses the basics of compiling curtain salon business plan. Curtains are an integral element of the interior of any apartment or house, as well as some offices and institutions. In this regard, the demand for these products is stable; there are no close substitute products. Therefore, such a business can be profitable and not lose its relevance.

But, for this, everything needs to be thought through at the planning stage. curtain store and create a concept that matches consumer preferences. It is better to do all this by composing business plan, where all the necessary information will be structured, calculations will be made, and the effectiveness and main risks of project implementation will be determined.

Key Features business plan for a curtain store from scratch

Features of a business plan for a curtain salon

To compile business plan, first of all, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the description of the concept of the future curtain salon and define:

  • Target audience;
  • Products and services sold;
  • Price list and work procedure;
  • Personnel composition;
  • Premises requirements;
  • Necessary equipment;
  • Main suppliers.

To do this, it is important to conduct a market analysis and identify consumer preferences and competitive advantage.



Curtain salon combines both the sale of goods and the provision of services, which must be taken into account when drawing up business plan. Services provided may include:

  • Sewing curtains;
  • Hem;
  • Sewing loops;
  • Drawing up a design project;
  • Taking measurements at home, etc.

In addition, the salon can sell:

  • Fabrics;
  • Eaves;
  • Fittings and accessories;
  • Blinds;
  • Thread curtains and Japanese panels.

As mentioned above, due to the presence of this element interior design in every home potential consumers difficult to limit. Basically, women are involved in thinking through designs, so the main emphasis is on them. In addition, a large proportion are professional interior designers who make purchases for their clients.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The amount of investment to launch a curtain store from scratch

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for a curtain store from scratch

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a curtain store from scratch

7 – Conclusions

A business plan for a curtain store from scratch is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on a business plan for opening a lingerie store

Thank you to the Plan-Pro team for a job well done! The business plan you developed was very helpful. The financial model is quite understandable, you can substitute any variable values ​​into the formulas, the nuances are worked out in great detail... So, overall, I liked the business plan...

Alexandrova Irina, Republic of Chuvashia

Feedback on the business plan shoe store

Attracted private investment in the amount of thirty million rubles for the development of a shoe store. The business plan was compiled by a consulting firm and the website was compiled as competently as possible: with a detailed justification for each item of income and expense, calculations, and applications. In addition, the business plan looks very stylish, many thanks for that too.

Koteikin A.M., Director, Voronezh

Feedback on the business planfashion store opening women's clothing

A loan of 34,700,000 rubles was received from Sberbank to open a fashionable women's clothing store for 5 years. The business plan was drawn up very quickly, and most importantly, with high quality, while taking into account all our recommendations and bankers’ requirements. As a result, the loan was approved for the full amount.

Yulian Korneev, Novosibirsk region

Feedback on the business plan for a curtain salon

To open curtain store About 2,000,000 rubles were missing. We contacted Otkritie Bank for a loan and they demanded that we business plan, having studied several options on the Internet, we decided to settle on a ready-made solution from the Plan Pro company. There are several reasons for this: the first is the availability of a ready-made financial model, which can be quickly adjusted to suit your project, the second is the convenient structure of the business plan for a curtain store. As a result, we received a loan, and we now use the financial model as a management tool to control costs and revenue.

Kritsyna A.Yu., Stavropol

Competitive analysis for a curtain store in a business plan

Competition in this business is high, and therefore within business plan it is important to conduct a competitor analysis curtain salon. These may include:

  • Similar specialized salons;
  • Home stores;
  • Interior shops;
  • Fabric stores;
  • Private seamstresses and sewing workshops.

The result of this analysis should be a list of possible competitive advantages, which may include:

  • Variety of species;
  • Availability of exclusive models;
  • Fast turnaround time;
  • Possibility to make a design project and call measurers on site;
  • High quality;
  • Professionalism of employees;
  • Availability of an online store and online designer, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a curtain salon

Before opening, it is important to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of running of this business. The first include:

  • High margins;
  • Availability of constant demand;
  • Lack of close substitute products;
  • There is no influence of seasonality factor;
  • Combining the sale of goods and the provision of services;
  • No expiration date, etc.

Disadvantages include a high level of competition and significant procurement costs. When properly composed curtain salon business plan, they can be avoided.

A similar business option is selling bed linen. You can explore and make choices regarding the direction in which you will plan and develop your business.

Algorithm for opening a curtain salon in a business plan

The following main stages of launch can be distinguished: curtain salon provided business plan:

  1. Conducting market analysis, demand, supply, pricing procedures;
  2. Drawing up an assortment and list of services provided, forming a business concept;
  3. Calculation and forecast of key indicators, determination of investment efficiency;
  4. Attracting additional Money if necessary;
  5. Registration as legal entity or individual entrepreneur, choice of taxation system;
  6. Opening a current account in a bank;
  7. Search for premises;
  8. Equipment repair and installation;
  9. Purchase of a consignment of goods;
  10. Conducting advertising campaigns;
  11. Opening of the salon.

In order to successfully organize activities, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the planning process. For this purpose, a professional business plan is drawn up. Ready business plan curtain salon available for download from the link below. We have already structured all the necessary information in it, made calculations, and compiled a financial model. Use this document both to attract additional funds and to organize control.

Investments in starting a curtain store in a business plan

To open curtain salon V business plan The following investment items should be provided:

  • Rent of premises and repairs – xxx rub.;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​xxx;
  • Business registration – xxx;
  • Purchase of goods – xxx;
  • Advertising and marketing – xxx;
  • Cash reserve – xxx.

The total amount will be from 20 to 100 million rubles. depending on the chosen concept and scale of activity.

Selection of premises and purchase of equipment for a curtain store

To successfully start a business, you will need to select and rent suitable premises.

Location plays an important but not decisive role. Wherever you locate your point, at reasonable prices and good quality people will come to you from all over the city. You can choose premises in the central part of the city or consider new residential areas, since buying an apartment in a new building is inextricably linked with renovation, and curtains are one of the important details interior

The area should be sufficient to allocate the following zones:

  • Showroom;
  • Workshop;
  • Administrative premises.

For equipment curtain salon V business plan you will need to provide for the purchase costs:

  • Exhibition stands and showcases;
  • Furniture for administrative premises;
  • Computers for office employees and designers;
  • Cash machine;
  • Sewing machines, overlockers and other sewing equipment;
  • Video surveillance systems, alarm systems, fire protection systems.

Marketing activities for a curtain salon provided for in the business plan

Purpose marketing activities is to attract the attention of the target audience. Talking about curtain salon, V business plan the following can be provided:

  • Creation of bright signs and signs;
  • Distributing leaflets near hardware stores and home improvement stores;
  • Advertising in interior and construction magazines, on television and radio;
  • Creation of a website and groups on social networks;
  • Gifts and bonuses for those who have just bought an apartment, etc.

Curtain salon business plan financial plan

Compilation financial plan It is an integral part business plan. It is based on the forecast of key performance indicators curtain store, such as profit, revenue, costs, etc.

Current costs of a curtain salon in a business plan

In order to curtain store could function normally, it is necessary to pay monthly the following expenses provided for business plan:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Taxes and fees – xxx;
  • Salary to employees – xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising – xxx;
  • Purchases of goods – xxx.

Total from xxx rub. monthly. The final amount will depend on the scale of the activity.

Hiring staff for a curtain store

For organization curtain salon will need to hire professional staff and provide for business plan their salary costs. IN personnel composition you can enable:

  • Director;
  • Cashier;
  • Shop assistant;
  • Accountant;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • Designer;
  • Seamstress;
  • cutter;
  • Measurer;
  • Security guard;
  • Cleaning woman.

The total number will be from 15 people. To determine the size wages analysis needs to be done average pay labor in the region for specialists of the corresponding category.

Calculating the profit of a curtain store in a business plan

The total revenue is made up of cash flows from two main sources:

  • Income from the sale of products – from xxx rub.;
  • Income from the provision of services – xxx rub.

Total from xxx rub. monthly. Then profit curtain store V business plan will be from xxx rub. per month.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Download a ready-made business plan for a curtain salon with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

The possibility of obtaining high profits in the business of opening curtain salons is due to constant demand and the relevance of goods and services. However, high levels of competition may prevent you from carving out a niche in the market.

In order to take into account all the nuances, before opening it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan. Ready curtain salon business plan can be downloaded from the link below. Not only is all the necessary information structured there, but also calculations are made and an easy-to-use financial model is drawn up. This document will become especially relevant if it is necessary to attract investments or bank loans. For the accounting individual characteristics we can draw up a turnkey business plan.

The main task of an entrepreneur when opening a curtain salon is to study the needs of the target audience and take them into account in the concept of the future business, as well as ensuring a competitive advantage.