Micro equipment for production. Manufacturing business. Handmade toys

Modern entrepreneurs have great opportunities. To start producing something, you no longer need to build huge factories and hire several thousand people. The development of technology has made it possible to reduce production lines several times. Such technological complexes are called mini-factories. They are modules - different parts that are connected into one production line. The capabilities of such equipment are wide:

Work on a mini-line for the production of aerated concrete

What types of mini-factories are there?

Automated equipment for small businesses can produce almost any goods in such sectors of the economy as:

  • Building bussiness;
  • food industry;
  • recycling of waste, both domestic and industrial;
  • production plastic products(container, packaging);
  • production of household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, personal hygiene products;
  • paper industry, including products made from recycled materials.

In Russia you can purchase such equipment, both domestically produced and imported.

Chinese miniature plants are the most popular due to their low cost and great variety. We sell both new and used equipment.

The most popular mini-factories from China:

Production process

Ready-made factories carry out a full production cycle, that is, the output is a product that does not require further refinement. Such equipment is multifunctional - it is possible to produce several types of products at once: for example, in a dairy shop, milk is packaged, kefir, cheese, yoghurt, sour cream and other milk-containing products are produced. This is a significant advantage for small businesses, since the entire market segment is immediately covered.

You can organize a continuous production process, or work in two shifts. This will increase productivity, and the company will quickly recoup its initial investment. capital investments and will make a net profit.

All machines are manufactured with automated computer control, so it is necessary to have an employee on staff who will be involved in setting up the operating parameters of the equipment - an adjuster. In addition, you will need workers to supply raw materials, packers, a technologist, loaders, as well as an accountant and sales manager. The number of employees depends on the type of product, the technological cycle, as well as on the planned production volumes. On average, 10–15 workers are required per shift.

Materials and raw materials

Automated lines are designed to work with any raw material, both imported and domestic. If there is a processing plant food products– it is clear that all raw materials will be locally produced.

The production of foam materials is carried out from polystyrene foam granules. Their production and sale in Russia is poorly developed, so imported products are most often purchased. In Russia there are no raw materials for the manufacture of LED lamps - matrices, so they will also have to be ordered abroad.

Business plan for production

Before opening any small business, you need to draw up detailed plan, in which the following points must be worked out:

If a detailed plan for organizing a small business has been drawn up and calculated possible risks, then you can get a loan from a bank to purchase equipment. In Russia there are many government programs to support small businesses. If you plan to organize an enterprise that is significant for the region, the state can take on part of the costs or provide an interest-free loan. Such industries include waste disposal.

Video: Lego brick machine

It would seem, who needs candles when everything around is electrified? As it turned out, a lot of people. Candles are an important element of decor, an indispensable component of a romantic setting. In addition, candles are indispensable during church services.

Production of SIP panels is a promising direction in low-rise housing construction

In Russia, the option of building a house from SIP panels is still looked at with distrust, but the situation is changing - more and more people are convinced of good characteristics this building material. Houses made from SIP panels are much stronger and warmer than frame buildings.

Production of cabins: a profitable business with high profitability

Change houses are modular structures suitable for accommodating people inside. These are small trailers that you often see on construction sites and at the dachas. Even on such an exotic product you can make a fortune, although in this business it is very important to reach the “right” people as soon as possible.

Nail production: the main stages of business development and calculations of its payback

Manufacturing nails is an extremely simple business. There is no need to purchase sophisticated machines and hire highly experienced professionals. You can make nails in your own garage - the main thing is that the quality finished products remained on top.

Artificial marble: how to set up production and organize sales

Artificial marble is an affordable alternative to expensive natural marble, which is used in interior decoration. The demand in the artificial marble market is high and has not yet been fully covered, so starting a business in this area is a promising idea.

Sunflower oil: how to organize production correctly and get maximum profit

Russians consume over 2 million tons of sunflower oil per year. At the same time, the production of this product is mainly carried out by small home farms. So there is no need to be afraid of competition and lack of demand - business is on sunflower oil has an excellent chance of being successful.

Blind production is a promising area for investment

Can you find an office that doesn't use blinds? IN modern organizations They not only perform a sun protection function, but also play a decorative role. The demand for blinds is growing much faster than competition in the industry - and this is an excellent opportunity for a budding businessman.

How to achieve success in cottage cheese production?

The consumption rate of cottage cheese is constantly growing - according to forecasts, by 2022 Russians will eat 1.5 times more cottage cheese than now. This is why the cottage cheese production business is attractive - even taking into account the fact that there are many competitors.

Production of polyethylene film is a profitable business for serious people

Produce plastic film- a risky business. You will need significant initial investments, which simply will not pay off if there is a lack of demand. Therefore, before opening such a business, it is extremely important to carefully study the local market.

Manufacturing business really start small. 10 mini-production ideas will allow you to start with minimal investment, get real profit and expand your business horizons in the future, creating a real mini-factory if desired.


The very concept of “production” alarms novice businessmen. It is perceived as something global and large-scale. But everything big starts from small things. Moreover, small-scale production has established itself as a promising and long-term business. Where to start? Buy a mini-workshop for the production of pasta or sausages, or maybe start making screws or toilet paper? All this is hackneyed and requires substantial investment. We offer 10 business ideas for mini-production for small businesses that are relevant for 2018, which really have a chance of becoming the work of a lifetime, expanding in the future to large plant and make a profit already at the start.

Table 1. List of 10 mini-productions for small businesses

Idea name

Minimum investment, rub.

Features of the embodiment

Yarn production

The need for specific equipment. A smart advertising campaign.

Production of fruit chips

A room that meets sanitary standards.

Making wicker furniture

You will need special tools and a place to dry the raw materials.

Production of detox juices

Purchasing a powerful juicer and a large refrigerator.

Production of paper bags

Purchase of supplies and equipment.

Packaging of spices

Search for quality raw materials.

Preparing an office, obtaining a license, purchasing a 3D printer.

Tailoring of workwear

Purchase of sewing equipment, warm premises, hiring seamstresses.

Room up to 70 sq. m. Purchase of tools and consumables.

Making luminous decorative stone

A warm room and running water are required.

Features of starting a business in the manufacturing sector

Opening even a small production requires elaboration of the concept and main points. Before starting you need:

  • design entrepreneurial activity;
  • analyze the market, sales channels;
  • select a suitable room for placing the equipment;
  • draw up a list of equipment and find equipment suppliers;
  • hire, if necessary, employees who have professional experience in the selected production sector, or provide training opportunities;
  • work out technological aspects of production;
  • find suppliers of materials and raw materials;
  • work out sales and delivery finished products;
  • evaluate the financial component of the business in terms of initial investments and possible income.

Let's consider the ideas of mini-productions in more detail in the context of the features of running a manufacturing business.

Yarn production

Yarn self made especially valued by craftswomen for its healing properties and quality, which is lost during production in industrial scale. This affects the price of hand yarn, which can be used to organize own business.

Such an idea requires perseverance and creativity. After all, the wool will have to be sorted, cleaned of dirt and coarse hair - and all this by hand. Equipment you will need to purchase:

  • carding machine;
  • spinning wheel;
  • electric spinning wheel;
  • winding machine.

You will also need consumables in the form of cotton thread, sheep wool or goat down. In total, the initial investment will be about 73,000 rubles.

From 10 kg of wool worth 4,000 rubles. comes out up to 150 pcs. 15-gram balls, which can be sold for 35 rubles. per piece Goat yarn is sold at a higher price - a ball costs up to 190 rubles. From 10 kg of fluff, which sells for 16,000 rubles, you can wind up to 200 such balls.

That is, you can actually earn 1,250 rubles from a batch of wool, and up to 22,000 rubles from forcing angora. Net profit from processing 20 kg of raw materials will amount to 23,000-25,000 rubles.

Actual profit depends on the volume of raw materials processed, the quality of the finished product and marketing. The material will have to be purchased from private traders, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to its quality, the presence of debris and impurities.

You can sell yarn via the Internet, or by renting a shelf in stores for craftswomen.

To expand your own business, you can start producing dyed yarn or making knitted items from your own threads.

Production of fruit chips

Beginning businessmen will like this idea because of its low barrier to entry and lack of competition.

But to potential buyers can also include children and youth.

The technology for producing fruit chips consists of cutting, drying and packaging the finished product. The main thing is to clarify the temperature conditions, which at first will have to be selected not only for each fruit, but also for the variety.

Main costs - purchase of equipment:

  • slicing machines;
  • electric dryers;
  • packaging machine;
  • kitchen equipment.

In total, investments will amount to 80,000 rubles.

Production relates to food production, so the premises must meet sanitary requirements.

It will cost approximately 200 rubles to produce 1 kg of chips. A 200 g portion, packed in a paper bag, can be sold for 150 rubles. Earnings per 1 kg will be 550 rubles. In a month, without hiring employees, you can produce up to 100 kg of goods, which will bring a profit of 55,000 rubles.

Making wicker furniture

Bring yours to life creative ideas and you can make good money on this by opening a workshop for the production of wicker furniture. From natural vine or willow branches, as a popular ecological material, you can make dining sets, country furniture, baskets, decorative figurines, flower and fruit stands, chests of drawers and shelves, armchairs and baby cradles.

the main problem To bring such an idea to life is a search for raw materials. You can not only buy raw materials, but also prepare them yourself, which will significantly reduce costs.

The initial investment does not exceed 100,000 rubles. and includes the cost of purchasing tools and drying chamber. In summer, raw materials can be dried under natural conditions.

Such production can be located in an ordinary garage, but it is better to provide places for drying, varnishing and the actual production of furniture. Additionally, you will need space for storing raw materials and finished goods.

The business of producing wicker furniture is highly profitable. The cost of a standard chair is 1,000 rubles, but such a product can be sold for 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Production of detox juices

On people's desire to healthy image You can make good money in life.

You can even start making freshly squeezed juices in your own kitchen, if it meets the requirements for premises for food production.

To start a business you will need:

  • Auger juicer;
  • refrigerator for storing raw materials and finished juices;
  • portable refrigerator for delivery of ready-made juices;
  • kitchen items and tools.

Ready-made vegetable or fruit juice is packaged in small bottles of 250 or 500 g.

In total, start-up costs without renting premises will not exceed 115,000 rubles. The income from selling 500 bottles per month will be 80,000 rubles.

A significant drawback is that fresh juices cannot be stored for longer than 3 days. Therefore, you will have to work out sales channels and advertising campaign. You can cooperate with beauty salons, fitness centers, and coupon sites. Key tool there will be a website for advertising and sales, social media and a small online store.

At first, you can do it on your own, but as your business expands, you will have to think about renting a small workshop and hiring employees. You can expand the boundaries of your business by increasing the range or geographic boundaries of sales.

Paper bags

Another environmentally friendly way to make money. Paper packaging is in demand among manufacturers of fast food, baked goods, bulk products, gift sellers, alcoholic products, branded items. However, you will have to use your wits to win the fight against “ plastic bags».

Begin interesting business possible with manual assembly. In this case, investments will be minimal.

You can buy package blanks and carry out your own step-by-step assembly, including:

  • gluing the seal under the handles;
  • longitudinal gluing;
  • formation of sidewalls and top of the package;
  • making a bottom with a seal;
  • firmware for handles;
  • insertion of rope handles.

Production will require cutters, manual bending devices, racks for storing blanks and finished products, and long tables. In total, you need to spend up to 50 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment. The purchase of the first batch of blanks will cost up to 100 thousand rubles. Costs can be reduced if you purchase paper in rolls rather than blank bags. Consumables include threads, tape, ropes, and glue.

The cost of 1 package measuring 300x400 mm is 25 rubles. You can sell such a product from 40 rubles. It is realistic to manually produce up to 3,000 such bags per month. This will bring a profit of up to 45,000 rubles. But real income depends on volume products sold.

Packaging of spices

Making spices is not such a simple matter. It is necessary not only to understand the taste characteristics, but also to take into account the compatibility of seasonings.

At first, you can limit yourself to packaging ready-made spices in bags or glass containers. To do this, it will be enough to find a dry room and purchase a packaging unit, which can be purchased from 150,000 rubles. True, some novice entrepreneurs start their business with manual packaging, which significantly affects productivity.

In the future, you will still have to attract a technologist who will create unique recipes. In this direction, it is important not only to work out sales, but also to find suppliers of quality raw materials. If you do not rely on supplies of raw materials from China, but buy, for example, Russian herbs, it is profitable to locate production in the southern regions.

Profit from such production depends on the type of seasonings produced: homogeneous, multicomponent, raw, dry, liquid. But on average the profitability at active advertising reaches 70%.

Manufacturing of 3D orthopedic insoles

Application innovative technologies allows you to model orthopedic insoles taking into account individual characteristics client's foot shape. To open such a business you will need:

  1. Find a suitable room, make repairs if necessary, purchase furniture.
  2. Register business activities and obtain a license.
  3. Buy equipment (3D printer) and raw materials (thermoplastic).

In total, investments will amount to 180 thousand rubles. without the cost of preparing the premises.

On average, making one orthopedic insole takes 30 seconds, and you can sell it for 4-5 thousand rubles. Such production, with proper advertising, can bring income up to 300-400 thousand rubles. per month. Additionally, you can earn money by correcting ready-made insoles and consulting an orthopedic doctor. In the future, it is easy to expand the business by starting the production of 3D shoes.

Tailoring of workwear

Working clothes for staff are constantly purchased not only industrial enterprises, but also hotels, restaurants, private medical centers.

To implement such an idea, you will have to find a suitable room to house the studio with heating. The location does not matter, so you can save on rent by placing a mini-workshop in a residential area.

You will have to spend money on purchasing sewing equipment and purchasing fabrics and accessories. In total, the costs will be from 200,000 rubles. It is important to select qualified personnel, since the quality of sewing will become a good advertisement in the future.

A huge advantage of this type of business is volume orders. Therefore, you can count on your first profit after completing your first order. The actual payback period will depend on sales volumes, but is usually up to six months. In the future, it is possible to expand production by sewing school and sports uniforms.

Production of solar collectors

Alternative sources energy - promising direction. The niche for the production of solar collectors in Russia is practically unoccupied, and demand will only grow over time. Such environmentally friendly batteries are in demand for heating residential buildings, small industrial premises, greenhouses, workshops, and heating water in swimming pools.

It is profitable to organize self-assembly of collectors in your own garage or rented small space of up to 80 square meters. m. You will have to invest in the purchase construction tools and consumables, rent of premises, which in total will not exceed 300,000 rubles. The actual amount depends on the volume of consumables purchased.

The cost of one collector is 31,000 rubles. You can reduce the initial investment if you work on an advance payment basis. But buying consumables: cellular polycarbonate, water pipes, fittings, plugs, paint, rubber hoses is still more profitable in bulk.

Profit depends on the markup and completed orders. If you install 1 collector every day, you can realistically earn up to 300 thousand rubles per month.

To install solar collectors, you will have to hire an assistant - doing such work yourself is inconvenient and ineffective. A hired employee can initially be involved in the assembly of finished products, which, when expanding production, will eliminate the need to hire additional workers and train them.

Don't forget about the seasonality of orders. In winter, you will have to mostly work “idle”, that is, make preparations for future orders.

Luminous facade stone

Lumobeton is an original finishing material that glows in the dark. Used for finishing external and internal surfaces.

The technology for producing artificial stone is quite simple; even a novice entrepreneur can master it.

You can get acquainted with the nuances of the technology in the video:

The stone is made from a mixture of quartz sand, gypsum, cement, dye and the component itself that gives the stone a glow.

For production you will have to purchase:

  • vibrating table.
  • mortar mixer;
  • molds for pouring stone.

In total, you will have to spend 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment and technology, for Consumables- 270 thousand rubles. You can sell such a stone for 1,000-2,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. From every 10 sq. m of sold products you can actually earn about 10 thousand rubles.

It is important to take into account when choosing a room for organizing production that the stone is dried at a temperature of +30˚C, and water is needed to make the solution.

Activities within a small business are the most accessible strategy for ordinary citizens who want to reach a new level of income and generally change their profile. And since progress does not stand still, every year many new technologies appear on the market that allow you to earn more and spend less on business. One of the striking examples of such innovations is Chinese mini-factories for small businesses.

Convenient and efficient

Initially, an area such as production involves significant investments. But Asian engineers decided to challenge this stereotype. The result was mini-factories for small businesses, with completely different profiles.

In fact, we are talking about compact production complexes that include all the equipment necessary for the production of a specific product, and quite modern equipment at that. All you need to start is your own or rented space. Since we are talking about small production lines, large ones land there is no need to search. Already at this stage, the entrepreneur receives tangible savings.

By and large, nothing prevents a novice businessman from producing products that are relevant to the modern market in an ordinary small room. Such conditions for starting your own business are more than attractive.

Tangible benefits

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, mini-factories for small businesses from China have other significant advantages that are worth paying attention to.

Such production complexes make it possible to obtain significant volumes of finished products in a relatively short period of time. That is, they are not only economical, but also productive.

It doesn’t take much time to launch mini-factories for small businesses. If necessary, production can be stopped quickly, after which short time and easily launch a line of a different profile. This means that in an economic crisis there is a lot of room for maneuver at bearable costs, even for those who do not have significant capital.

In addition, the payback time due to the quick start-up is also significantly reduced. And, of course, do not forget about the environmental standards that must be met. This problem is also solved, as they say, with little blood.

As for the staff, you won’t have to look for many workers, because the production is compact. Mini-factories for small businesses relieve the entrepreneur from having to spend time and effort collecting large quantities permitting documents.

How to purchase a plant

Having understood that Chinese equipment for the production of a wide variety of products is one of the most profitable options To start your own business, it’s worth finding out where you can buy all this.

To begin with, it makes sense to visit resources that provide a competent overview of Chinese manufacturers, including industrial equipment. This will allow you to get necessary information and objectively evaluate the market. Nowadays there is even the possibility of visiting exhibitions virtually, which allows you to find out key information without leaving the country.

To do this, you need to choose exhibitions that offer mini-factories for small businesses and carefully study the available offers. Afterwards, you can personally visit those manufacturers whose proposals seemed the most relevant.

Ancillary services

It is also worth knowing that companies organizing virtual exhibitions can send their employees to China to visit and study the stands chosen by the client. Afterwards, the collected information will be systematized and provided to the customer. This will save time and obtain the necessary information in the required volume, supported by competent analytics.

But that's not all, there are companies that provide services for the purchase and delivery of selected Chinese equipment. An example is an organization such as China-Line. The specialists of this company are ready to provide all the necessary advice regarding customs clearance and proper registration of the purchased cargo.

Moreover, such companies, as a rule, have their own warehouses and trained personnel, which makes the delivery process even more reliable and faster.

What to choose from

Mini-factories for small businesses, the photo of which allows you to fully appreciate their compactness, can be used in several key areas. It's about and the following profiles:

  • processing lines designed to work with recyclable materials and waste;
  • factories focused on the production of products relevant in the construction industry (ceramic, concrete products, bricks, tiles, etc.);
  • sphere Food Industry, including workshops for processing meat, milk, baking bread and producing alcoholic beverages;
  • factories designed to operate within the light industry (footwear, clothing, cosmetics, perfumes).

As you can see, the choice of areas of activity for entrepreneurs is quite large, which allows them to get the necessary equipment to make money in the most relevant market segment for a particular region and city. Therefore, anyone who intends to make money on sales has enough reason to pay attention to mini-factories for small businesses. Creating a business from scratch with your own hands has now become even more accessible than before.

Specifications you should know about

Before purchasing their own mini-production, many will want to get more information about what technologies are used in such equipment and what, in principle, they will have to deal with. Here are some advantages and features:

  • Mini-factories for small businesses are automated production. That is, human participation in this case is reduced to a minimum. An interesting fact is that electronic systems Such lines are practically not inferior to their European or American counterparts, but are much cheaper.
  • Reliable security systems. This is a very important point, since it is required that unforeseen and potentially dangerous situations do not arise in the premises, especially rented ones.
  • Automatic lubrication systems. This is another tangible benefit. Thanks to this function, the equipment can last much longer, and lubricant consumption can be safely called economical.
  • Sensors and modern control systems- one of the many reasons why you should choose mini-factories for small businesses. This type of production is distinguished by the stability and reliability of the process. This means that production occurs without interruptions and periodically disturbing force majeure events. And all this without the participation of supervisory personnel.

To be fair, it is worth noting that using the services employees it will still be necessary, but there is no need to form such a staff as in classic lines for the production of finished products.

Beer production

One of the most popular products in hot weather is beer. And if such a product is presented on the market good quality, and even with decent service, then there will be no problems with sales.

Since mini-factories for small businesses are a production facility that can be used to produce virtually any product, there will be no difficulties with beer either. The main thing is to find good raw materials that will allow you to get a decent product.

Clients can be small outlets, and large urban networks. Cafes and bars, accordingly, should not be ignored either. If desired and available necessary funds you can open your own establishment with a pleasant, cozy hall, cuisine relevant to local residents and delicious beer own production. Also, do not forget that China also offers mini-distilleries for small businesses.


Lines of this profile can process up to 20 tons of milk per day, regardless of its type (goat, camel, cow and even mare).

This is another excellent example of the use of Chinese technology for the benefit of post-Soviet business. The complex itself includes power supply, ventilation, heating, sewage and air conditioning systems.

If we talk about the production of dairy products, it is worth noting that such plants usually consist of several small workshops. Because the this direction relates to the food industry, you will need to obtain the appropriate certificate and conclusion of the SES.

Concrete production

This is another type of liquid product for which it is worth paying attention to mini-factories for small businesses. Reviews will confirm the fact that small production concrete, located near the city - this profitable investment money.

If we consider the profitability of standard factories specializing in the production of concrete, we can see that the main problem in this case is the issue of delivery. The point is that such enterprises are located far from cities. As for Chinese lines, this problem is solved with them due to the compactness of the mini-plant.

In addition, there is virtually no need to use manpower (only a few people). Automated systems independently measure the required amount of sand, crushed stone, cement and water. A special bucket is used to load these components.

Expanded clay and paving slabs

This is another one current direction within the construction segment. Mini-factories for small businesses are the most affordable way to start such production.

Regarding the topic of expanded clay, it is worth noting that the quality of the finished product can be described as high, despite the modest scale of production. Moreover, with the help of a crane board, such a line can be moved to any desired location.

In case of paving slabs It makes sense to talk about a modern high-tech concrete block press. You won’t need a lot of space for such a mini-factory, but the room must be dry, clean, well ventilated and with access to water and electricity. Himself manufacturing process is relatively simple, which will allow you to obtain significant volumes of the finished product per day.


The conclusions are more than obvious - mini-factories are one of the most accessible and profitable ways to open your own production and start making money in the first week. Due to the reliability of the technology, modest space requirements and the absence of the need to hire a large staff, such an investment will pay off fairly quickly.

The idea of ​​organizing a mini-production comes to enterprising people who do not have great financial resources, but want to open their own business. The types of production that can ensure sales of products in the region are selected as a direction.

Most often, entrepreneurs choose:

  • production building materials (brick, concrete, asphalt, road tiles, etc.),
  • primary processing of agricultural products(various mills, feed production plants, meat processing plants, etc.),
  • food production(production of sausages, butter, dairy products),
  • as well as the production of products from local industrial waste(production of toilet paper, slag concrete, waste recycling).

There are also those producing excise goods (distilleries, oil refineries, beer production enterprises, etc.), but the quality indicators of products of this kind are obviously lower than those of larger enterprises and therefore their products are much less competitive.

Advantages of compact production equipment complexes

The main indicators that allow us to assert that mini-productions have high profitability and excellent prospects for development are:

  1. A small amount of starting capital.
  2. Highly compact equipment, which does not need huge industrial premises, and therefore low costs for rent, lighting and heating.
  3. No difficulties in finding raw materials for mini-production. Moreover, they try to develop production directly next to the raw materials, which reduces the costs of searching for and transporting them to the place of production.
  4. Low costs for preparing the production process itself. It will not require expensive and time-consuming installation supervision and process adjustment.
  5. Mini-productions do not require a lot of energy. Most of of which does not require the connection of three-phase current, the supply of thermal energy or any powerful ventilation units.
  6. People working in mini-factories are not subject to major conditions. work experience, higher vocational education or any approvals from supervisory and control organizations. The number of employees also rarely exceeds four or five people.
  7. Quick return on investment. High profitability mini-productions allows entrepreneurs to reduce the payback period for purchased equipment and, in the case of lending or leasing, reduce the time and, accordingly, the costs of repaying loan funds.
  8. Ability to easily organize control for compliance with production technology and costs caused by technology.
  9. Mini-productions make it relatively easy to change the assortment manufactured products and expand production. This is due to the fact that the equipment is arranged in blocks, and to expand production it is enough to purchase one or two production blocks and increase the number or range of products.
  10. Mini-factories make it possible to change quality indicators depending on the wishes of the customer and produce qualitatively new products in small batches, which is impossible in large productions.

Popular equipment sets from China

Today, products from China have the most favorable price-quality ratio. Mini-factories for the production of unfired bricks are easy to assemble and set up the production process.

It consists of three main parts:

  1. Lines for preparing raw materials.
  2. Installation of a forming product.
  3. Finished goods warehouse.

The main binder used in the technology is cement, the filler is slag, waste rocks from mining enterprises, waste construction production and other similar materials.

If necessary, various pigments can be added to the raw material, which will give the brick an original, unique look.

Mini-production of compound feed allows you to fully satisfy the needs of farmers and agricultural enterprises, because they release:

  1. Complete feeds that fully provide livestock and poultry farms with the necessary selection of bioactive nutrients.
  2. Various types of feed additives.
  3. Concentrates serve as a necessary addition to roughage and succulent feed.

Mini-feed mills produce high-quality products that are competitive at low costs. A mini-plant for the production of dairy products will be profitable for enterprises, probably, in any region of our country.

It can produce:

  1. Pasteurized normal milk.
  2. High quality cream.
  3. Cottage cheese and sour cream of varying fat content.
  4. Wide range of yoghurts and kefir.

Chinese manufacturers guarantee a payback for the equipment in three months, which, combined with simple assembly, low requirements for its accuracy and the fact that the number of service workers should be no more than two or three people, becomes a realistically feasible event.

The proposed waste processing plant developed in China will provide the opportunity to organize production, which is very important for any settlement our country.

The production itself is different:

  1. Absolute fire safety.
  2. Absence of factors polluting the environment during work.
  3. Complete absence of rodents.
  4. Measures to eliminate the appearance of odors characteristic of disposal.

The percentage of waste recycling is 90 – 95%. Disposal is carried out without causing any damage to the environment. It is especially advantageous to install such production in close proximity to a landfill. This mini-factory will operate uninterruptedly, bringing benefits to the residents of the region and profit to the owner.

Mini-production of toilet paper can become not only profitable business, providing stable income its owner, but also a factor that raises its social status. Production based on recycling waste paper clears the streets of garbage and cleans up the environmental situation in the populated area.

To organize this production, a spacious garage is sufficient, in which it will be possible to install an unwinding and winding machine and a cutting machine. The entire production process is serviced by two people.

The cost is very low. Performance, reliability and high demand on products allows us to talk about significant income. Production waste is scanty.

Where and how to buy the kit?

It is best to purchase a set of production equipment from an official representative of the supplier. Such an organization can be found on the Internet among advertising sites.

It must be remembered that the more details and specific details are set out there, the fewer “lyrical” digressions and boastful epithets in the supplier’s information, the less likely it is to stumble upon incompetent sellers.

How to choose a kit for production

Chinese mini-factories cover a very wide range of types of products in various spheres of human activity.

To select the necessary kit, you should seek help from specialists, but before that you need to answer the following questions:

  1. In what production area? is the future entrepreneur a specialist? It is difficult to imagine that the organization of production would be carried out by a person completely ignorant of this.
  2. Which cash Can you invest your own or borrowed money into production?
  3. What production facilities, other movable or immovable property are available or can be rented?

Based on the answers, the necessary set of equipment is selected.

What to look for Special attention when selecting it:

  1. Cost of equipment.
  2. The need for energy resources and their cost.
  3. The need for production space and construction work necessary for the installation and installation of equipment and their cost.
  4. The need for raw materials per hour, shift, month and its cost.
  5. The required number of service personnel and requirements for them professional qualities and the amount of expenses for their maintenance (working clothes, protective equipment, etc.) and wages.
  6. Equipment performance. How many units of product will be produced per hour, shift per month.
  7. Determine the selling price of manufactured products.

When assessing the prospects for long-term use of production equipment, you should:

  1. Assess, based on reviews, preferably from people or organizations that are trustworthy, the reliability and production performance of the selected kit, and the correspondence of the passport data to the real ones.
  2. Clarify the warranty period and warranty obligations specified by the supplier.
  3. A repair base in the region where the mini-plant operates and the possibility of interchangeability of spare parts and equipment parts.

To make a final decision, you need to draw up a business plan.

Business plan for mini-production

For small businesses, a business plan is a calculation that takes into account maximum amount factors influencing the production process.

Here is an example of a business plan for a mini-factory for the production of unfired bricks from slag:

  1. The maximum productivity of the equipment is 4 thousand pieces per shift and 88 thousand pieces per month.
  2. Due to large individual construction in the region, the entire volume produced will be sold to consumers.
  3. We take into account the cost part in accordance with the passport data for the equipment, the current level market prices and taxes established by current legislation.
N p/p Name Unit change For 1 shift In 1 month
Qty Cost, rub) Qty Cost, rub)
1 Materials
1.1 Cement M500 tn 3,2 16000 70,4 352000
1.2 Sand M3 5 1500 110 33000
1.3 Slag M3 8 800 176 17600
1.4 Water M3 2,5 250 55 5500
1.4 Electricity kW 40 160 880 3520
2. Fare m/hour 2,5 3750 55 82500
3. Workers' wages h/hour 24 2160 528 47520
4. Engineer's salary h/hour 12 1680 264 36960
5. Contributions to extra-budgetary funds 42210
6. Renting premises M2 500 150000
7. Repair of tools and equipment 15000
Total costs 785750
8. Planned sales PC 88000 880000
Tax 6% 52800
Planned profit 41450