How to make money in a resort town without investment. Ideas and recommendations for organizing a business on the beach. Let's look at everything point by point

"Summer, sun, sea, beach, this evening will be ours!" - these are the words that ring in the minds of most holidaymakers heading to the cool water and hot sands to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Some have in their pocket a luxury trip to foreign countries, giving them the opportunity to relax for a week or two in all inclusive style. And others rush on trains, buses or private cars towards the coastal expanses of our homeland. Both are united by a feeling of lightness and a great desire to have fun spending the money earned during the year.

Therefore, residents of resort towns not only happily rent out even the smallest living space at their disposal, but also make great money from trading and organizing summer beach entertainment. Business on the beach is developing by leaps and bounds, annually bringing its owners a very good income.

Ninety days a year

Unfortunately, earnings from vacationers are seasonal. On average, only three months a year our compatriots have the opportunity to make a profit. And only in some regions of the country the number of “profitable” days can be increased by a maximum of sixty more.

It's a short period of time, but it's right organized business on the beach can bring in enough income to open another business of your own. In addition, the entire working day will be spent at the edge of the sea, under the warm rays of the sun. Such workdays promise a fun and serene pastime.

On your marks!

Summer is coming, there is a desire and opportunity to earn money. Where to start? First you need to decide on a way to make a profit.

All existing ideas on how to successfully organize a business on the beach can be divided into two main categories:

  • the first does not require large investments: this includes selling food, renting out storage units, renting umbrellas and other inexpensive beach accessories;
  • the second one needs significant investments: rental points for equipment for recreation and water sports, attractions and other entertainment, summer cafes and restaurants, beach rental with its subsequent improvement.

Based on the opinion of experienced businessmen, we can say that for an organization small business You only need a thousand US dollars. And such funds can be found quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. There would be a desire!

Simple business ideas

It's not that hard to make money on the beach. Probably everyone who has rested near the water at least once in their life has heard the shouts of passing merchants: “Seeds, dried fish, hot corn!” Selling such an inexpensive product can bring in a decent income. To purchase it you will need “pennies”, and the profit will exceed the expense several times.

Unfortunately, everything has its drawbacks:

  • Such an activity is incredibly tiring, because not everyone can walk all day under the scorching sun with a heavy bag at the ready, and a hired employee can be seriously let down and even run away with all the proceeds.
  • This type of business requires permission from the SES, work without it threatens big troubles. However, the vast majority of such traders operate illegally, since registration necessary documents so costly that all further activities lose all meaning.

The above example describes only one of the few ways to make money on the beach without having a lot of money. starting capital. In the list of low-cost methods of earning money you can find the storage room described above, the sale of kvass and other soft drinks. You can also organize a small massage room or provide the services of a swimming coach.

Almost anyone can turn simple business ideas into reality; you just need to find the most suitable one. And most importantly, do not violate existing rules and laws.

Comfort for your money

IN Lately The requirement for the level of comfort among our compatriots has increased significantly. And if ten years ago everyone, without hesitation, laid a bedding directly on the sand, laid out sandwiches and cut a watermelon, today such a vacation will attract only a few.

Beach improvement has become the number one issue in most resort towns. Vacationers need modern toilets and showers. They want to drink refreshing cocktails in small cozy bars located directly on the sand, or lie on comfortable sun loungers under the shade of umbrellas. And children simply need safe playgrounds and shallow pools with clean water. Such beach development can bring considerable income.

This is my beach!

It is established by law that all citizens of our country have the right of unhindered access to any water bodies and the 20-meter zone adjacent to them. That is, you cannot fence off the beaches and charge money for entry. But how to rent a beach without violating the established rules?

In order for a legal entity to use any piece of the sea, river or coastal zone for its own commercial purposes, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement. It spells out all the rules for using the rented area, what the tenant has the right to and what is strictly prohibited.

Issues similar documents Federal agency water resources. Its divisions are located in every region of the country. Only after receiving the necessary permits can you begin to improve the beach and charge a fee for the provision of services.

Owners of coastal attractions claim that entertainment on land and water is very popular among vacationers. This business on the beach can be called one of the most profitable and quickly pays off.

Everyone who has ever visited a well-maintained beach must have ridden the water slides. This is perhaps the most striking attraction that can attract both children and adults. It is absolutely safe and does not require special skills or special equipment from the user. physical training. Therefore, in the first season of work, you can fully recoup the investment in such a business.

Entertainment on the beach very often includes riding on various water vehicles. It could be a catamaran, jet ski, water ski, banana. The use of such watercraft is associated with some risk to life, and the entrepreneur needs an experienced instructor on staff. All clients will also need to be equipped with personal flotation equipment.

I'm walking on water

A fairly new and very attractive, from an entrepreneur’s point of view, water attraction is the Zorb. It is a transparent plastic ball about two meters in diameter. A person is placed inside the container, air is pumped in and pushed into the water.

The ball moves along the surface, and at this time the client spins inside, turning upside down, or carefully “walks on the water.” The employee keeps the balloon on the rope at all times and can quickly return it to shore in case of an emergency.

Buying a Zorb will cost one and a half thousand dollars, and only one worker will be required to operate it. If you place such a ball in a crowded place, its cost will pay off in less than a month.

I'm on my way with the wind

Windsurfing and kitesurfing can also be an excellent way to earn money. Renting equipment for these sports is very popular. Of course, it is impossible to sail while standing on a narrow board, or to fly behind a parachute without prior preparation. Therefore, you can always hire an instructor at rental stores and then master the skill in a few lessons.

I'll take a piece of the sea with me

Finally, let's discuss the topic of souvenirs. Every tourist strives to bring with them from their vacation a small reminder of a fun time spent. To do this, buy cute, inexpensive trinkets decorated with images of the resort. These are mainly magnets, mugs, and small figurines. Such little things are required to be brought to all relatives, friends and colleagues. Visitors buy them in huge quantities, not counting the money spent.

A small retail outlet with a similar product, located in a place where vacationers gather, can bring in unexpectedly high income. Of course, competition in this type of activity is very high, but there are also quite a lot of buyers. The main thing is that there is a wide and attractive assortment on the counter, and that customers are served by a smiling and contactable salesperson.

After a cold winter and May thunderstorms, summer always comes. Tourists will come to soak up the water's edge, and seasonal entrepreneurs will be able to receive their long-awaited income.

Therefore, no matter what you do, you can easily find a buyer (and more than one!) in this region for your product or service. Moreover, even if its cost is higher than somewhere in the northern part of your country, people will still use it. The psychological factor plays a huge role here: a person is on vacation, and while on vacation one cannot deny oneself pleasures.

One of the most promising business options in the southern region. By building a fashionable hotel in a beautiful area, filling its rooms with comfortable furniture, and providing some entertainment in the hotel premises, you are guaranteed to earn a lot of money from this enterprise. However, it should be taken into account that this business at sea will require you to make a significant initial investment.

If in the West, to build a hotel, you will have to pay from 120 to 200 dollars per square meter, then in our country this enterprise will require large investments.

Breathe business deeply

We are lucky in different ways; a lot of entrepreneurs from the mainland rushed to Crimea, for which we thank them very much for not being afraid and developing their business.

Thanks to them, we now have no shortages; the stores have everything that is on the mainland. No one has canceled the investment plan, but the quality of these investments in Crimea is weak, the so-called investors are mainly going for a piece of land to build a house or a hotel.

But local entrepreneurs who are without a “roof” are not only not allowed to develop, but are often simply hindered or cut down in the bud. As I wrote earlier, the Council of Ministers needs to be changed and early re-elections to the State Council must be held, scandals with officials have become the norm lately, they are acting out in complete weirdness, they have lost their fear, social media they are simply seething with indignation, the barbaric reconstruction of Simferopol alone is worth it...

Business at sea: promising ideas

The cost of one unit of equipment varies from 150,000 to 800,000 rubles.

Buying used jet skis will cost you 40% less. In addition, you will need to purchase life jackets in the amount of 2 pieces per unit of water equipment. Thus, to implement this idea in a resort town you will need at least 500 thousand Russian currency.

In this case, self-sufficiency ranges from 2 to 4 months. Opening a cafe by the sea is a promising business idea on the coast.

A distinctive feature of such an establishment may be free sun loungers for visitors.

Each of us, having come on vacation to a resort town, has probably noticed more than once the lack of sun loungers on the beaches. And if they exist, then you have to pay for them. An offer such as free sun loungers in exchange for a purchased drink is a great way to attract customers to your establishment by the sea.

How to make money in the summer

This type of business will be in excellent demand. If you don’t want to go to the beach (more often than not, all popular coastal areas are already occupied by competitors), you can also work on city streets.

The simplest and affordable option– sale of ice cream or cotton candy.

Both businesses can be opened close to main walking areas, large parks and squares, as well as in entertainment venues, and the entrepreneur will never have enough clients: everyone needs delicacies and cool desserts in the summer.

If you are not interested in doing sales, you can go into the tourism business.

In particular, you can make money in the summer by opening a small travel agency. This is true both for cities that have their own attractions - the agency can offer excursions for guests - and for settlements where they do not exist.

Which business by the sea is more profitable to open?

Drinks, especially beer and kvass, are used high demand during the beach season.

Opening a point selling them is a profitable type of business that will allow you to earn decent money.

It is important to note: in order to start trading food and drinks at sea, you must obtain the appropriate permits.

It is worth placing the point in the most crowded places on the coast. The goods can also be:

  1. beach products (mats, towels, mattresses, swimsuits, beachwear);
  2. goods for children (toys).
  3. souvenirs (amulets, dishes, magnets, shells);

You can’t live without entertainment at sea, so why not take advantage of it? A promising direction, both in the Crimea and in any other maritime region (Krasnodar Territory, Odessa), the organization of sea attractions (“banana”, “tablets”, ATVs, inflatable slides) is still a thing.

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Harry, owner of a 15-room hotel

Interview with successful entrepreneur, who built a mini-hotel from scratch in the Anapa area.

It was for Moneymaker Factory that Harry shared the intricacies of this type of business.

"Good afternoon, Harry." Tell us something about yourself, what do you do?

Hello. For many years, my brothers and I have been involved in the shoe industry (for men, women and children). In Volgograd we have own workshop for the production and supply of products to a nearby village, as well as to the cities of the Rostov region. In addition, I have a small internal hotel in the Anapa area.

— How did you decide to start a hotel business and how long have you been doing it?

We have many relatives in Anapa, and some have income from borrowing their tourists in the summer. Every year we come with our families (counting three brothers and each of whom has his own wife and children) and enjoy the beautiful city. Even then I realized how useful it is to have even a small hotel! In 2004, we bought a large plot of land with a house in the Anapa area (p.

— Why do you work in the Anapa region, but not in Anapa?

There are two reasons. Firstly, real estate prices in Anapa are huge: small area worth millions of rubles! In addition, do not forget about the high competition between owners of private hotels and inns.

If you've ever visited Anapa, you've probably noticed how many hotels, resorts and private accommodations you can rent.

And one more reason - summer period There is a very big shock in Anapa. In the summer we bring women and children, so it is very important for us to enjoy clean air, far from the human god. We have a spacious yard where kids can have fun!

— Are you registered as an entrepreneur?

Yes, in the first smaller documentation issues at the time of registration, and I am doing business with my brothers and not with investors or partners, this form is completely fine for me.


“Factory manners”: in detail which specialists have an organizational and legal form individual entrepreneur, read in the material that it is better to open a PI or LLC.

— What tax system do you use?

Of course it's simplified! Current legislature Our country does not provide privileges to owners of private mini-hotels, so a simplified taxation system is the best option.

Before this, I consulted my family and friends about this (those who were involved in similar company) and advised me to unanimously choose "simplified".

General view of the hotel

— Who does accounting and tax accounting?

We are alone. In particular, all these questions are my wife.

Note. "Factory manners": To simplify the taxation and accounting process, we recommend using the “My Case” online service.

— How long did it take to build the hotel and how long was it assembled?

As I already said, in 2004 we bought land with a house.

Construction was delayed for many years as we frequently considered selling the property. We bought it for the unrealistically low price of $33,000. Indeed, I say right away: the house was very old, and there were practically no conditions in it (sauna, kitchen, toilet - everything was in the yard).

To begin with, we completely renovated the house, and in 2006 we began building a hotel. The first guests we visited in 2009.

At that time, our clients were acquaintances and colleagues at the workplace, and almost all of them were from Volgograd.

In 2010, we built a billiards room and bought an expensive table with two tables.

Billiards is one of my favorite hobbies, so we don't consider it as a serious source of income, just have a good time.

The same year a sauna was built.

Billiard room in the hotel

As for the total cost of the hotel, the construction cost is 7.5 million rubles (the amount excluding the purchase of real estate). In addition, the total amount does not include the cost of billiards, venue and purchase paving slabs“Gazelle” for transporting tourists (both at sea and on trips).

— When do you plan to fully reimburse the cost of the hotel?

I mean, until 2016-2018.

You're probably wondering why it's so late, given that the costs aren't that big (for example, a similar hotel in the center of Anapa would cost a million dollars). It’s very simple: hotel activities for me are a combination of pleasant and useful.

We have a large family that goes to Anapa in the summer to relax and make the most of our time. And especially for children, we left a huge area in the yard.

View from the second floor

Children playground

Sure, it was possible to build a 50-bed hotel on the site, but what would be the point of that based on its location and my priorities?

- What is your number?

What rooms do you offer?

On the lower floor there are rooms with greater comfort. There are all the necessary amenities: TV, split system, shower and toilet.

Four such numbers. On the second floor there are standard rooms (air conditioning only with comfort). Together our hotel has fifteen rooms.

Standard room on the 2nd floor

— What additional services do you offer to your clients?

Billiards, sauna and massage room are designed for health and entertainment.

In addition, we have a table tennis table located in the courtyard. As for diet, we have not solved this problem as a whole - there are some problems with taxes.

— From the hotel to the sea, if not a mistake, 2-3 kilometers. Everyone wants to walk and how to solve this problem?

It's very simple: I have a Gazelle and I take them four times a day and bring people to the hotel. It's free.

Travel on the tour is paid (that is, tourists pay for the trip).

By the way, they are in great demand. Almost every week I brought clients to the tombs and waterfalls in Gelendzhik for a mud bath (Tizdar volcano) to a dolphin in Abrau-Durso and in other cities.

Vacations on excursions

— Where do you find clients?

Initially our clients were friends and acquaintances (I think many hotel owners started). They then proceeded to make recommendations, plus paid advertising began to bear fruit, published on two Anapa portals.

IN next year I really hope that tourists will help them find their website, which was launched recently -

— What is the most profitable month? When is a person most at the hotel?

You're probably waiting for me to say - July?

No, in fact, August is beyond competition. While there are still a few hotel rooms in July, almost all of them were caught in August.

Of course, time is also very important.

Business at sea in summer: ideas with minimal investment

For example, this year in Anapa there was a very rainy June, which was quite scary for tourists. Honestly, I don't remember for so long that it was a good half month of rain.

- So you lost?

No no. For example, in August it compensated for losses in June. From this year, our people rested almost until mid-September. By the way, I believe that many (mostly our friends and relatives) come only at the beginning of autumn. Summer season, perhaps best time for a holiday in Anapa.

I spoke with many owners of private hotels located on Pioneer Avenue and in Anapa itself.

That's why they say people come even in October, imagine! To be honest, I was surprised - after all, the water temperature in the sea drops significantly, and you can’t sunbathe.

Although people may need fresh air, in this case, September-October is the ideal time to fully enjoy it, since there are practically no people in the city and area.

Luxury room

— The competition in Anapa is high.

How do you deal with him?

In Anapa - yes, in the region - not too much. As they say in Odessa, these are two big disagreements. To be honest, we are not competitors of the Anapa and Pionersky Prospekt hotels located on the beach. We vacationed for those who prefer a quiet and comfortable vacation at a low price.

— How do you feel about the statement that holidays in Russian countries are extremely expensive and that prices do not correspond to the service offered?

Did you like to relax in Turkey, where the sea is cleaner, the service is excellent and all the costs of your vacation will be lower?

Yes, I will tell you straight that Anapa is a wonderful resort. But let's not forget that this is in Russia and you don't have to spend money and wait for your passport to be ready. You know, my close friend Slava was constantly breaking up in foreign places (Thailand, Türkiye and Egypt).

Yes, he appreciated the high level of service, beautiful landscapes, clean beaches.

However, when he first visited the Russian resort (I asked one of the first who was Anapa in 2009), he said: “You know, Harry, although it is quite expensive, but Russia, where they say that everything is in their own language and native mentality."

She wanted to say that Anapa is a kind of home when you visit Turkey.

I can also say that we all praised and thanked for the service, and I think that most hotels in Anapa have the same conditions.

— Have you recruited employees?

No no. I don't see any point in this. Paying a salary for a job that can be solved is illogical, isn't it? I repeat, we do not have 50-100 rooms, but only fifteen.

— Is the hotel open in spring, autumn and winter?

No, the hotel is only open during the summer season.

By 2011 we were trying to take workers as supporters. However, they rejected this idea due to its shortcomings. Well, a person will pay us 3000-4000 rubles for a place. What about the costs of electricity, water and gas that they consume continuously?

— What are your plans for the near future?

We want to improve the hotel's infrastructure: we recently installed a polycarbonate shelter in the courtyard.

It’s good to barbecue and just spend time with the company of your closest ones - neither the burning sun nor the rain will be an obstacle.

In the spring I will buy a new children's pool. He decided to ditch the inflatable version in favor of a frame structure.

Comfortable courtyard at the hotel

— Thanks for the interview, Harry and all the best!

Victor Stepanov, 2013-10-20

Questions and answers on this topic

One question has not yet been asked for the material, you have this option first

10 Best Summer Business Ideas

The main thing is that the product must be at the intersection of industry or market niches. As a rule, every niche already has a leader, while no one knows the “crossover”, and recognizing the empty is the first priority. By the way, one of the most successful products for seasonal business from Russian practice, which only filled one of these "joints" is the "Raptor" electrofominator with a liquid filler that refuses mosquitoes and flies.

The profitability of this company to create and promote a new product must be at least 60 percent.

In addition to high profits, seasonal operations are characterized by high risks.

Thus, a profitability of one hundred percent or more is what is considered a professionally completed project. What could be the most promising next summer?

We have selected ten companies that we believe have good expectations for the upcoming season.

Small Business Ideas

Demand fresh vegetables stable and does not depend on the season.

With the option to choose, customers prefer homemade products accordingly better.

Of course, growing cucumbers year-round is a profitable business, but to make a profit you need a balanced and serious approach to running your business. Cucumbers can grow in outer space, and then the profit will depend on the weather, harmful attacks.

Demand for corn is always high.

This crop is a real treasure and every part of this plant comes to work. There are corn kernels, from which I produce grains, cereals and flour, and corn oil.

In many countries, corn remains the staple food, and salads are prepared from seedlings, syrups, thickeners, vinegar and alcoholic beverages such as bourbon, starch.

Ideas for a small town

This section presents the most interesting and profitable ideas for doing business in a small town.

You will learn how to choose a good business idea, implement your project and make quick profits without requiring large financial investments.

Nowadays there are many interesting ideas for doing business in small towns.

11 business ideas for a resort city

Pick one and take action.

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Professional advice whose business is now profitable in a small town.

Business ideas with minimal investment during a crisis for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Find out which store is open in small towns. Ideas in times of crisis for trading companies.

What business is better to do in the summer?

The statement may be correct, but it has two important flaws: first, there are tourists only in certain regions, and second, there are many people who want to make money from tourists.

As a result, if you want elbows and elbows to be discussed, you can try, the rest should look at other opportunities that you can earn.

Today we will talk about five options for seasonal operations with minimal investment and decent profits.

I can immediately say that not all business ideas are traditional, some have certain “features”. The question is that this version of seasonal earnings in Russia is not yet widely used, which makes them “specific”.

Here you need to remember about cleaning apartments; 15 years ago this area was simply not taken seriously, and today it is not only a part of our lives, but for some it is only an integral part, and no one doubts the prospects of this area.

  1. — Resort holiday.

Fresh ideas for summer earnings

The only downside is that the profit margin is lower compared to the city shore as prices are lower.

But many local issues are much easier to deal with local government than city government, which is a major plus.

“As a result of the 2011 season, there were about 1 million tourists,” says Tatyana Markova, head of the Odessa City Department of Culture and Tourism.

“Despite the global crisis, guests still come to Odessa, and their number is only growing.” The good results of last season also show the receipt of a tourist tax in the city budget (1% of the cost of hotel accommodation).

According to the head of the tax department legal entities STA of Odessa region.

Alexandra Lepetyuk, in 2011 it was planned to receive 500 thousand euros in the budget.

UAH This tax, and as a result, it collects three times more.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


Summer is the most favorable time for organizing a business in a resort town, where thousands of tourists come. By choosing a successful business idea, you can earn enough money to live on for the rest of the year, even if the investment is small. Any of the 12 options for a resort business given below, with an approximate calculation of the costs of opening and organizing, will allow you to quickly understand the essence of the business idea and begin promoting your business.

Sale of souvenirs

Themed souvenirs and all sorts of trinkets are always available. Popular products include: magnets, mugs, products made from shells, wood, ceramics, amber, jewelry with semi-precious stones, and much more.

Business is beneficial because:

  • The selling price of products increases at least twice.
  • Additional permits required for the sale of products are not required for the sale of souvenirs.
  • A point located on the approaches to the beach or in the city center will generate good revenue within a few days.

To organize a retail space, the following expenses will be required:

  • Purchase of goods - approximately 50,000 rubles.
  • Payment of rent trading platform for the summer on the beach - 150,000 rubles.

Rent of beach equipment: sun loungers, umbrellas and other things

Recently, the service of renting beach equipment has become quite common. On almost every beach you can see plastic sun loungers, umbrellas and sun loungers for rent.

If you like the business idea, then let’s clarify some nuances:

  1. When purchasing beach furniture, they are guided, first of all, by its attractive appearance, comfort and quality.
  2. The amount of equipment purchased usually depends on the number of vacationers on the beach.
  3. This business is not for one season, so take care in advance about the storage space for furniture during the cold season.

Items of expenses and income:

  • Rent a small warehouse for storing equipment - 6,000-6,500 rubles. per month.
  • Transport costs for the delivery of beach furniture at the beginning of the season are 6,000-6,500 rubles.
  • One sun lounger costs 12,000-13,000 rubles. (at least 20 pieces are required), umbrellas - 350-850 rubles.

Thus, opening a rental point will require an investment of 300,000-320,000 rubles, not counting the opening of an individual entrepreneur and the payment of taxes. Considering that up to 11,000 rubles will be received per day from 20 sun loungers, monthly income can be 330,000 rubles. Since next season there will be no need to purchase furniture, income will accordingly increase significantly.

Sale of ice cream, smoothies, natural juices

Selling ice cream, smoothies and natural juices on the beach - almost always profitable business in the summer heat. You can purchase a freezer to sell packaged ice cream, or you can prepare it yourself. Freshly squeezed juices are also in constant demand. In both the first and second cases, the monthly income of an entrepreneur can reach 200,000 rubles.

To sell ice cream, smoothies and juices, you will need to obtain a quality certificate for each batch of goods, a permit from the sanitary-epidemiological service, and a health book. For the success of a trading enterprise. Using a moving van may be a good option.

What will be the costs of setting up a business:

  1. When renting equipment for the production of ice cream or fresh juice, the entrepreneur’s costs will be 30,000-50,000 rubles. per month. Buying a new device will cost from 90,000 rubles. (China) up to 350,000 rub. (USA).
  2. Rent of premises will require 50,000 rubles. per month.
  3. Raw materials (waffle cups, ingredients for ice cream, fruits and berries) – RUB 50,000.
  4. Payment for electricity, water, garbage collection - 5,000 rubles.

Organization of inexpensive attractions: shooting gallery, trampoline, etc.

Popular entertainment for children of any age are trampolines, inflatable slides, mazes and other attractions where you can jump, climb, and compete in agility and dexterity. Older vacationers enjoy visiting the prize shooting range.

Of course, you will have to spend money on purchasing a gaming complex, but in just one season it will all pay off. The main thing you need to focus on is the safety of the attractions.

What are the costs of starting a business?

  • Obtaining permits – about 5,000 rubles.
  • Children's trampoline - from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  • Shooting range + archery – 40,000-66,000 rubles.
  • Inflatable children's slide – 105,000-132,000 rubles.
  • Zorb (transparent floating ball) – 16,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Generator for generating electricity – 15,000 rubles.
  • Renting land (1 square meter of territory) will cost from 500 to 2,500 rubles per month.
  • Income tax – within 9,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises for storage of attractions.

With revenue of 150,000 rubles. net profit after all deductions it will be about 120,000 rubles.

Braiding, tattooing

Braiding is in fashion today, so you can find this service at resorts. The desire of young girls to spend the whole day at sea and in the evening go to a cafe or restaurant with a well-groomed head is completely justified. So a business idea for braiding appeared. It does not require any special expenses; all you need from the master is skill and skill. Such work can bring in up to 10,000-12,000 rubles per day.

Temporary tattoos are also practiced on the beaches, and this service is popular. Their advantage is that after 2-3 weeks the image fades and can be easily removed. A picture of your choice, be it a dragon or someone’s name, is drawn directly on the client’s shoulder or arm using harmless paint. Business profitability is 300%.

Providing massage and medical services

A relaxing massage on the beach is a great business idea. There will be profit in this business from the first day.

To work you will need:

  1. Tent
  2. 2 trestle beds
  3. Towels, sheets
  4. Massage Oil
  5. Rented piece of beach (6 m2 is enough). Its rent will be about 1,000 rubles. in a day.

The duration of the massage is approximately 15 minutes. For this pleasure, clients will pay 150-200 rubles. Having accumulated a sufficient number of regular visitors, you can have up to 3,000 rubles daily.

No less necessary in the resort area and medical services. Some of the vacationers need to measure their blood pressure, while others have rubbed their leg. The costs of purchasing the necessary equipment are not so large, while profits will be made every day.

Trade in fast food, cotton candy, popcorn and other things

Production of donuts, cotton candy, popcorn is one of the win-win options summer business. Its profitability is high, because children love goodies and sweets. The purchasing price of raw materials for their production is significantly lower than the selling price. The number of sales also depends on the right location.

No special knowledge is required when trading fast food, cotton candy, popcorn, etc. All operations are performed by a specialized apparatus. However, some skills will still be needed, but everything is easy to learn.

How much will the start-up investment in the business cost?

  • Purchase of a machine for the production of cotton candy - 5,100-15,000 rubles, popcorn - from 13,000 rubles, donuts - from 21,000 rubles.
  • Stand for the device – 5,000 rubles.
  • Battery – 5,000 rub.
  • Gas cylinder – 5,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials: sugar – 60 rub./kg, corn – 93 rub./kg, flour – 14 rub./kg.
  • Renting a place – 10,000-12,000 rubles.

Sale of draft wine, beer, carbonated drinks, kvass

The demand for soft drinks in summer is quite high. Who doesn’t want to pamper themselves with cold beer or kvass in the heat? We advise aspiring entrepreneurs to adopt one of the latest business ideas. It has several undeniable advantages: high profitability and huge demand. Despite the competition, you can make good money in business.

To implement the idea you need:

  1. Conclude a lease agreement for the territory.
  2. Find a supplier that offers fresh and tasty products.
  3. Invite staff. Perhaps at first the entrepreneur will engage in trade himself, but as the outlets increase, people will be needed.

Let's calculate the necessary expenses when selling carbonated drinks:

  • Refrigeration equipment for cooling drinks (used) – RUB 14,000.
  • Rent a place – 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of drinks – 50,000 rubles.
  • Employee salary – 18,000 rubles.

In total, promotion will require 92,000 rubles. The average monthly income is expected to be within 136,000 rubles.

Costs of organizing the sale of kvass:

  • Barrel for kvass – 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of kvass – 60,000 rubles.
  • Territory rental – 10,000 rubles.
  • The seller's salary is 15,000-20,000 rubles.

The profit from one barrel sold is 5,000 rubles. per day, for the season the expected income is 160,000 rubles.

Organization of professional photo and video shooting

While spending a vacation at a resort, everyone would like to have memorable photos of their summer vacation in order to remember pleasant moments and show them to family and friends. This suggests that by organizing a photography and videography business, a professional photographer can make good money. The photography business is very profitable and investments in it quickly pay off.

The main expenses will be for the purchase professional camera– from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. However, if there is regular customers the invested funds can be returned within a month.

Based on the fact that:

  • Half an hour of photography (15 pictures) costs 1,000 rubles.
  • An hour of photography (30 photos) – 1,500-2,000 rubles.
  • Two hours in different places (60 photos) – 3,000 rubles.

It is enough to have only 5 clients a day for a beginning photographer to earn about 60,000 rubles. monthly. Shooting in medieval clothes, a carriage, on a throne, etc. may be of additional interest to vacationers.

Sale of tickets for concerts, exhibitions, excursions

Also, a novice entrepreneur can organize the sale of tickets for concerts, exhibitions, and excursions in the resort area, which is very convenient for vacationers. Not everyone wants to stand in line at the box office for tickets to a popular play or ballet.

No special investment in business is required, since tickets can be distributed along the beach. If you need stationary point sales, then renting 1 square meter of premises will cost 500-2,500 rubles. per month. For the distribution of tickets, an agreement is concluded with representatives of theaters and philharmonic societies.

Organization of excursions and events

Creating an excursion business most often attracts specialists who are already familiar with this field of activity. In the summer, there is usually a large influx of vacationers, so you can make good money. Tickets for excursions are best sold in hotels, boarding houses, near the station, where a large number of visitors.

To develop an excursion business, you can establish business connections with entrepreneurs who provide services for organizing horseback riding, diving, boat trips, etc.

What costs will be required to implement a business idea:

  1. Renting a bus for excursions – 900-1,700 rubles. at one o'clock.
  2. Renting a place to sell tickets – from RUB 5,000.
  3. Prices for excursions are calculated depending on the amount of money spent, the number of clients and the planned profit of the organizer.

Renting housing

Having owned real estate, you can easily implement such a profitable business idea as renting out housing. Daily rentals will bring much higher profits than long-term rentals. No special investments are required, but the rented premises must be clean, and even better if it has at least cosmetic repairs.

To arrange housing you will need:

  • All necessary furniture - beds, TV, tables, chairs, etc.
  • Household appliances – refrigerator, washing machine, stove for cooking.
  • Clean sets of bed linen, dishes, towels.

After the next residents have moved out, cleaning and washing should be done. After this, you can move in new people.

Considering that in coastal cities the cost of daily rent can reach:

  • For a 1-room apartment up to 2,000 rubles. per day.

During vacation, people are ready to spend money and you must create conditions under which vacationers will be happy to use your services. If you live in a resort area, consider starting a seasonal business. There are many options - from selling ice cream to opening a hotel.

In the summer, many entrepreneurs experience a “dead season” - business comes to a standstill, there is almost no income, clients disappear somewhere. In the fall, everyone will return to the cities, and now it’s time to relax, go to the sea and allow yourself to relax and have fun. If you live in a coastal city, your busy season is coming and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.

People need your services, and you simply must create an environment in which vacationers will be willing to pay for your efforts. Beach business will bring good profit, if you think through everything and prepare in advance. The money earned in the summer will be enough to live comfortably until next season.

1. Own hotel

A promising business that requires fundamental investment. You will receive income for many years, but first you need to build a fashionable hotel with comfortable rooms and provide a high level of service.

Construction in our country is not a cheap pleasure; a square meter will cost no less than $3,000-4,000. In addition, you need to pay for the purchase of land and registration of the relevant documents, provide for the costs of paying staff, utilities etc. The return on such investments will be good, but full payback will have to wait several years.

2. Housing for rent

In coastal areas there is always a demand for any kind of housing - from fashionable cottages to modest outbuildings with basic amenities and rooms in city apartments. Vacationers with different financial capabilities come to resorts, so you can:

  • Rent out your own home. Investments are not needed, but earnings are no more than $10 per day.
  • Buy housing for rent. Acquisition costs square meters will be significant, but you will be able to accept more vacationers.
  • Build a building specifically for vacationers. This option is the most expensive, in many ways similar to opening your own hotel; the business is designed for the long term.

3. Rental (sunbeds, sun loungers, masks, fins)

This method will work if you sit on an unequipped pebble beach. If there are sun loungers on the shore, you can rent air mattresses, circles, etc. The hourly rental price should not be high. In areas where there are conditions for surfing, training and board rentals can be organized. Diving with appropriate equipment and support can also be arranged.

4. Trade in food and drinks

In this case, it seems that additional explanations are not needed - shrimp, seeds, ice cream, pies, corn, water, beer... Markup - up to 300%. A simple and timeless business that requires the patience and health to walk along the beach all day with full bags.

Financial costs - about 350 thousand rubles for the purchase of necessary products and obtaining permission from the SES. But many private entrepreneurs do without the latter, start with a minimum starting capital and make a profit - from 20 thousand rubles per month.

5. Massage on the beach

Business on the beach is relevant for no more than four months a year, but it can be so profitable that it will ensure the entrepreneur’s existence until the next season. To implement some ideas, $500-700 is enough.

This way of earning money is suitable for medical students and massage therapists. The starting investment is minimal: a massage table and a tent. You will also need permission from the administration to place a mobile phone. massage parlor. On average, an hour of massage costs between $5 and $10.

6. Luggage storage

The idea is not new, but storage lockers are still a novelty on our beaches. Need in safe place where you can leave money, things, keys and other valuables is obvious, but only 40% of beaches can offer vacationers this simple service.

Sections with storage rooms are installed near water attractions. The beach administration usually does not object to the placement of storage rooms and provides space for free or for minimum fee. The cost of a cell is about 10 rubles per hour. The investment in the purchase of sections with cameras is 40,000 rubles, the operator’s salary is 15,000 rubles. per month The investment pays off within one month.

The profit will be even greater if the storage lockers are equipped with charging for mobile phones And e-books. Along the way, you can sell the latest newspapers and beach accessories.

7. Beauty service

This niche is practically unoccupied, although on all the beaches of the world vacationers are happy to get their hair done, temporary tattoos, manicures, etc. It is quite natural to want to improve appearance must be satisfied. Agree, it is strange to refuse people services that they agree to pay for. We suggest considering the following options:

  • Braiding.
  • Temporary henna tattoos.
  • Applying sunscreen.

You can expand the list of services:

  • Rental of paper books.
  • Downloading e-books from the Internet.
  • Recharging gadgets.
  • Photography.

This type of business does not require large financial investments and brings good profits.

8. Vending

Many people prefer to buy drinks, ice cream, and beach accessories from vending machines. Equipment for sales is expensive, so this type of business can be recommended to those who already have sufficient capital for development promising business. The range of goods that can be sold through vending is huge: napkins, plasters, pharmaceutical drugs and hygiene products, most people prefer to buy without “personal contact” with the seller. At the same time, the higher price does not stop anyone. Many devices will be in demand all year round, for example, coffee machines.

9. Hydrozorb

This is a new attraction, but it is very popular and never sits idle. Hydrozorb costs about 20,000 rubles, and the purchase pays off in record time. In a month you can earn up to 300,000 rubles from this entertainment.

10. Beach disco

A good end to the day by the sea; there will definitely be people who want to dance on the sand. The financial investment is quite feasible - about 50,000 rubles. You need to rent a dance floor at a beach cafe and organize a foam party with good music and a DJ. A foam generator costs 30,000 rubles, a special solution costs 5,000 rubles.

11. Souvenirs

Everyone wants to bring with them a reminder of a pleasant holiday. Shells, starfish, pebbles with holes - all this will be of interest to vacationers, regardless of their level of income and education. Small grandfatherless souvenirs with images of the resort are being bought up, without particularly thinking about the need for such a purchase. You can earn extra money by selling magnets, cups, key rings and other inexpensive little things that are purchased in countless quantities. Place it on the approaches to the beach, and within a few days you will be pleasantly surprised by good profits.

If none of the above methods suits you, here are some more ideas for creating profitable business on the sea:

  • drawing tattoos with henna and moisture-proof markers.
  • piercing
  • sale of various trinkets.
  • trade in barbecue and wine.
  • organization of a paid children's playground.
  • outdoor fitness club.
  • swimming lessons.

Summer is coming very soon, so it's time to talk about summer business. In this publication I want to consider the most promising and profitable summer business ideas to help you decide what business to open this summer. Since I myself live in a resort town, I know this firsthand.

Among my friends and acquaintances there are many entrepreneurs for whom summer business is the main source: active work for 2-3 months a year is enough for them to support themselves and their family throughout the year.

Business in the summer season can be completely different in terms of the level of investment required. In this publication, I will not talk about opening travel agencies and building boarding houses, but will consider the most low-cost options, summer business ideas, available to a wide range of people.

Profitable summer business ideas: trading.

So, let's start by looking at options for summer earnings from trading. The largest cost item for this business is rent. After all, it is clear that the more accessible the place you choose to locate your outlet, the more you can earn, but, on the other hand, the more it will cost you. Therefore, you need to look for the optimal combination of these parameters.

It is best to locate a summer business in places where people relax: in park areas, on the seashore, river, pond... That is, where people prefer to relax.

From the staff you will need 1-2-3 sales people, depending on how long the point will work. It is generally advisable to keep it running for as long as possible.

1. Ice cream trade. For many who think about what kind of business to open in the summer, this idea probably comes to mind first. And absolutely not in vain. Regardless of whether you live in a resort town or not, the demand for ice cream in the summer has been and will always be - during this period it increases by 300-500%. Therefore, the summer ice cream business almost always turns out to be profitable and highly profitable.

There are two options here:

– Install a freezer and sell packaged ice cream;

– Set up an ice cream production plant and produce it yourself.

In both cases, trading equipment can be either purchased or leased, depending on what is more important to you. The retail outlet must have access to electrical networks. You can purchase finished ice cream from official distributors (they will deliver it to you at the point of sale), and semi-finished products for production can be purchased from manufacturers: in this case, you will deliver them to the point of sale yourself.

2. Trade in soft drinks and beer. Also one of the most current ideas summer business, because in the summer you always want to drink something cold. In summer, you can also observe a significant increase in demand for these products, regardless of the city or region, although, of course, in resort areas this demand is higher.

A summer beverage trading business can also be organized using your own or rented equipment - in this case you will need a refrigeration chamber and/or a refrigerator. You can purchase drinks for sale directly from distributors at small wholesale prices; perhaps they will even deliver them to the point of sale for free.

Separately, it is worth considering such a summer business option as selling kvass.

3. Trade in cotton candy and popcorn. Another product that you can build a good summer business on is cotton candy or popcorn, or both. To do this, you will need to rent a good walk-through space for sales and purchase/rent machines for the production of cotton candy and popcorn. When placing a retail outlet in good location, this business turns out to be very profitable: the actual cost of raw materials for this product is several times lower than its selling price.

4. Trade in souvenirs. Such an idea for summer business will do, first of all, for resort settlements, which attract a large number of vacationers during the hot season. Large trade markups are also applied to souvenir products; they do not require special electrical equipment, that is, a point of sale can be installed where there is no electricity. Another significant advantage of the summer souvenir trading business over the food trade is that selling souvenirs does not require a number of permits required for the food and drink trade.

You can purchase souvenirs directly from manufacturers, and if you have the desire and skill, you can even make them yourself. For example, from shells or other natural materials. There are many resources on the Internet that allow you to learn how to make souvenirs with your own hands. Thus, for example, you can spend the entire off-season producing souvenirs, and then open a summer business selling them, thereby earning the maximum.

5. Trading points. Another indispensable summer attribute for almost every person is sunglasses. When thinking about what business to open in the summer, you can consider this option. You will need a specialized rack, which also does not require connection to electricity. Summer retail outlets for the sale of glasses can be installed not only in recreational areas, but also in markets or just passing streets, where the retail space will be cheaper. You can purchase glasses for sale from distributors, average trade margin in summer it ranges from 50% and above.

6. Trade in beach goods. Very profitable idea for summer business in populated areas located on the seashore or other bodies of water widely used for beach holidays. You can sell beach mats, beach towels, air mattresses and circles, children's beach toys, swimsuits, pareos, goggles and diving kits and everything that is relevant for relaxing on the beach and on the water.

When purchasing products, if they are diverse, you will most likely have to work with different distributors. The advantage is that the goods are not perishable, the retail outlet does not require an electricity connection and approvals necessary for sale food products. Ideally, such retail outlets should be located directly on the beaches or in close proximity to them.

The profitability of summer business in the field of trade reaches, as a rule, 100% or higher, especially for retail outlets located in resort areas in places mass gathering local population and vacationers.

These were ideas for summer trading business, and now let's look at the most popular ways to make money in the service sector in the summer.

Profitable summer business ideas: service industry.

Here, the fundamental cost item will be not only the rental of the territory on which the services will be provided, but also in many cases the cost necessary equipment. By the way, more territory will be required to provide services than for trading place, so the costs here will be higher in most cases. But so does profit.

The main ideas of summer business in the service sector are based on placing an attraction in a busy place. The staff will also require 1-2-3 people per point, depending on its operating mode.

Let's consider what kind of business you can open in the service sector in the summer.

1. Inflatable children's attractions and play complexes. Today, inflatable slides, trampolines, attractions and all kinds of labyrinths in which you can climb, jump, climb, slide and overcome various obstacles are very popular among children preschool age, which means that their parents will always be ready to provide their child with the opportunity to get pleasure and a charge of positive emotions at such an attraction.

It is enough to install it in passage place and wait for clients. Payment can be taken as per certain time use the service, and provide access to the gaming complex one-time, for any time. Such a policy always seems attractive, although, in fact, the child usually does not spend much time there - he gets physically tired and gets tired of it.

You will initially have to spend money on the purchase of such a gaming complex, but perhaps you will be able to return this money in the first season, and in the future you will work completely for profit. That is, it makes sense to plan such a summer business for at least several years at once. In addition, a place is needed in which this attraction would be stored in the off-season.

2. Prize shooting range. Another one popular idea for summer business - a prize shooting gallery. Set up a point where you can shoot something (air guns, toy guns, bows and arrows, darts, slingshots, etc.) at something (targets, blocks, balloons, hanging objects, targets, etc.) etc.). When hitting the target a certain number of times or, for example, completely destroying the established combination of cubes, bursting all the balls, etc. a prize is given, for example, soft toy. Upon achieving some intermediate result (1-2 fewer hits) - an incentive prize, for example, a keychain or chewing gum. Such events always attract gambling people, many even come with the desire to win the prize again, having already tried and developed tactics. Of course, only a few will be able to receive a prize, but you will always have customers.

You can choose the cheapest equipment for such a shooting range (for example, when throwing darts at inflated balls), but the area will require a playing area of ​​at least 10 square meters.

3. Rental of children's cars. A summer business can also be opened by renting children's cars. To do this, you will need to purchase a certain number of them and rent a site to locate a rental station. Such services are always in demand in busy areas. An area (street) with an asphalt surface is best suited so that wear and tear on the machines is minimal. You can equip a “track”, for example, from old tires, but this will require renting a larger area.

The more modern the rental cars are, the more they will attract the attention of children and be in demand, but, on the other hand, the more expensive they will cost you.

At the end of each working day, the cars will have to be “put into the garage” - for this you can rent a utility room not far from the rental location. You will also need a place to store the “vehicle fleet” in the off-season. It is better to start this summer business with the expectation of regular work every season, since the first summer will only be needed to recoup the purchased machines.

4. Beach equipment rental. A similar summer business idea is suitable for resort areas on the coast where there are beaches. It will be necessary to purchase plastic sun loungers, sun loungers, umbrellas, rent a place on a beach that does not itself provide such services (for example, it could be the beach of a sanatorium or boarding house), and rent out all this equipment during a sunny day. A certain number of beachgoers will definitely be interested in your services; most likely, you will even have regular clients.

The amount of beach equipment that makes sense to purchase depends on the traffic of the beach where you will provide services. It is also better to plan this business for more than one season, and here you will also need a room for winter storage of rental items.

5. Photographer services, photos in various settings. Such a summer business can be opened by people who have a SLR camera and certain photography skills, but not only that. You will need to purchase certain equipment in which people will be interested in taking photos (carriages, thrones, medieval clothes, figurines of cartoon characters, cool frames for sticking in heads, etc.). If you are not a photographer, then you can charge a fee for taking a photo with a client’s camera in your surroundings; if you are a photographer, you can also take photos yourself - in this case, your earnings will be higher.

The more interesting and unusual the setting in which you offer to take photos, the more in demand it will be. It is advisable to install such points at the most accessible places in recreation areas. In the off-season, and in this case, you will need a place where all the equipment will be stored.

6. Air conditioning installation services. Here is an idea for a summer business that does not involve renting a plot and providing services right on the street. As you know, in the summer there is a peak in sales of air conditioners, installation specialists servicing stores household appliances, they work in an intensive mode, but still the queue is often booked several weeks in advance. Thus, the demand for this service is greatly increasing, and there is a shortage of specialists.

If installing an air conditioner is not a problem for you, you can purchase necessary tools and equipment and negotiate with large retail outlets for selling air conditioners so that they send clients to you. For this you will pay them certain commissions. This way, you will always have customers, and this summer business may even develop into a permanent one, but, of course, in the off-season, income will drop significantly.

A summer business in the service sector usually requires more costs to open than a retail business, so it is advisable to plan it for many years at once. The profitability here is also high: from 100% and above, but if it is necessary to purchase certain equipment, it first takes some time to pay for it.

I've reviewed the most popular and affordable summer business ideas. There are many other ways to make money during the summer season, so you can always choose the one that suits you specifically.

I’m always glad to see you on a site that was created in order to increase your financial literacy and teach how to effectively use personal finances. See you again!