How to open a private security company. How to open a private security company: what is needed for this

Some people who have served in the military, law enforcement or other services are interested in how to create a PSC. In this article, you can learn about the features of organizing such a business.

What is a private security company, and what functions does it perform?

So, before you open a private security company, you need to figure out what kind of organization it is and what it is actually needed for. This organization is not state-owned and provides its security services privately for a fee. However, a private security company is a legal entity, so the formation must necessarily obey the laws of the country.

It should be noted that the organizations represented in Lately are being created more frequently. The company's services include:

Protection of life and health of a private person;

Ensuring the safety of property;

Protection of apartments, offices, enterprises, warehouses and other premises;

Ensuring law and order during mass gatherings;

Safe transportation of valuable goods;

Installation and debugging of fire extinguishing and alarm systems;

Advice on self-defence in the event of a real threat;

Accompanying individuals or legal entities.

How to set up a business?

As for any other business, it is necessary to collect certain documents for organizing a private security company. Be sure to prepare the following list of papers:

  1. Registration certificate legal entity, as well as on the company's registration with the tax authorities.
  2. Business license.
  3. Permission to carry and use weapons.
  4. Lease agreement for the premises where your base will be located.
  5. Articles of association.
  6. Receipt of payment of state duty.
  7. Copies of passports of all founders, and they must be certified by a notary.

After reviewing all the papers, the tax office will issue you the following documents for organizing a private security company:

Certificate of registration in government bodies, as well as a certified charter;

notice from pension fund, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In addition, you will receive two more certificates: on registration with the TFOMS and on the issuance of statistics codes. Now you know what documents are needed to open a private security company. Please note that the head of the organization must have a certificate that confirms his qualifications.

How to choose the right room and equipment for the base?

So, for staff work, receiving clients and other purposes, you will need your own office. In principle, a large room is not required at all. However, it should have room for an armory, as well as an observation post, which has a computer, telephone and other means of communication (if necessary).

Access to the premises must be free. If you assume the presence of cars, then it is desirable that there is a garage near the base. Its size depends on the number of cars. The rented premises must necessarily meet all safety requirements: sanitary and epidemiological, fire and others. Please note that the weapon room must be protected from unauthorized access and be under remote protection.

As for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, then 45 square meters is enough for you. m. for everything. As for equipment, at the initial stage, several computers, multi-channel telephone line, remote control.

Features of recruitment

Before organizing a private security company, think carefully about the criteria for selecting employees. For example, guards must have special training(service in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special services). Naturally, the qualifications of staff should be periodically improved. In addition, each employee is required to have a special certificate that confirms his position.

For a small company, 10-15 employees are enough. Over time, you can expand your staff. Please note that the people you have chosen will probably deal with firearms, so they must have a stable psyche, high moral character and the ability to behave correctly in dangerous situations. It is important that every employee undergoes a medical (especially psychiatric and narcological) examination.

In addition to security guards, you may also need a recruiting manager, as well as an accountant who will deal with the financial part. Since work in a private security company is quite dangerous, it is advisable to insure the life of all employees.

In addition to security guards, you need operational duty officers and a dispatcher who can receive calls in case of a threat to protected objects.

What kind of weapons can PSC employees use?

To date, the law restricts the use of items that can harm health or kill a person. However, the following list of weapons for private security companies is allowed:

Traumatic and firearms with a limited scope, as well as smooth-bore and short-barreled devices (1 each for 2 employees);

Revolver and gas pistol (for each guard);

Taser and spark gap (1 per person);

Batons, tear gas, stun and smoke grenades.

Naturally, the possession and use of such weapons must be obtained permission. It is issued in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each employee who will work in the enterprise organized by you must be registered with law enforcement agencies. Unofficial weapons are prohibited.

The issuance of a permit has certain nuances. For example, government agencies very often change the list of permitted weapons or the procedure for their use. Therefore, the manager must always be aware of events and monitor the updating of the legislative framework.

How to gain a foothold in the security business market?

Before opening a private security company, be sure to carefully analyze the security services market. Weigh all the pros and cons, calculate all your main and regular expenses. Decide on a list of services. Now start slowly building up your clientele.

From the outside, it seems that private security agencies, popularly referred to as private security companies, are more than enough. Strict signboards, inviting advertising banners come across almost on every main street. In the capital alone, the number of such enterprises has exceeded 4,000, and there are more than 22,000 in the country. However, the level of services provided by PSCs does not always satisfy employers. The quality of the security service is declining every year, and up to 10% of structures of this type were created fictitiously.

Meanwhile, any reputable enterprise allocates from 2 to 5% of the budget for its security. Agree, a lot of money, and the temptation to take possession of it makes new and new entrepreneurs organize their own security business. Moreover, there is another weighty "bait" - an extremely cheap entry, amounting to a minimum amount of $3,000.

How to start a security business?

The first move is a trip to the tax office with a package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur (2.5 thousand rubles) or a legal entity (up to 10 thousand). The next step on the long journey is obtaining a license from government agencies. It is cheap (about 1,300 rubles), but is issued to companies that have employees who previously served in law enforcement agencies or employees trained in special courses. Such training for a modest fee of 700 rubles is provided by private institutions, which, together with an identity card, issue a permit for weapons and other special equipment (carry and use). True, in order to use them, you will have to pass an additional exam at the Internal Affairs Directorate.

We create a base

When the documentary stage is completed, we proceed to organizational measures. First of all, we rent a room that is convenient from the geographical and domestic sides, equip it with office equipment, furniture, safes and other attributes. Next, we sew uniforms for employees and recruit staff.

Depending on the intended type of protection (we will return to this later), the requirements for future employees, and, accordingly, salaries, will be different.

If the protection of the facility does not provide for the use of weapons, then the average salary of an employee (with a “day after three” schedule) does not exceed 9,000 rubles. Naturally, you can’t lure Muscovites with such money, so you have to choose from representatives of the Russian hinterland who arrived in the capital.

Working with weapons raises the monthly salary of a security guard (with the same schedule) to 12-15 thousand, and the services of a bodyguard are estimated at about 30 thousand.

Since security activities are associated with a certain risk, you should definitely insure your employees. The most endangered bodyguards (they are obliged to move to the line of fire in case of shelling) are insured annually by the employer for $30-40 thousand. The remaining less risky categories are insured for 50-60 thousand, but already rubles.

Looking for clientele

In the security business, when looking for clients, personal connections come to the fore. Therefore, the resigned police chiefs, who at their previous work were engaged in protecting firms and companies from raids by racketeering or robbers, have certain advantages here. They already have enough familiar businessmen for more than one security office!

Those who are less fortunate with clients are looking for “happiness” not through ads, but, again, among friends and acquaintances. In any case, without the prospect of creating a client base, starting a security business does not make sense. Well, when the backbone of customers has formed, it remains to confirm its reputation, which itself will bring new customers.

Range of services

The scope for activities of security agencies is usually limited by the scope of the license, but these limits are quite wide. Protection of objects and individuals, the implementation of access control and internal supervision, cargo escort and remote centralized protection of private property and state enterprises- already this short list is enough for perspective development security business.

But with such a scale, investments are needed, an order of magnitude higher than the initially announced $3,000. You will need a weapon and a special room for storing it. An iron door, an iron grate along the perimeter and a safe - these are the minimum requirements for a weapon room. Depending on the size of the room, prepare from 100 to 300 thousand rubles for its equipment.

The premises are guarded around the clock by duty officers (with a salary of 10 to 20 thousand) and are connected to the alarm system (25 thousand).

The choice of weapons allowed for private security companies is small - the "parody of Makarov" IZH-71 (5 thousand / piece) and the Saiga gun with a long barrel (8 thousand / piece). Let's add here a set of special equipment (gas cartridges, stun guns, rubber batons, etc.), gas and traumatic (with rubber bullets) weapons.

To engage in remote security of houses, dachas, apartments, you will need the remote control itself ($ 1 million), equipment (300 thousand), a car with satellite communications, telephones, radio stations, video surveillance equipment, overalls for a capture or rapid response team, and much more.

In general, you choose the scale of actions based on your financial and organizational capabilities.

Prospects and "pitfalls" of a private security company

In addition to the main costs, security activities are accompanied by all sorts of "gray" costs. Bribes, gifts, fines - almost no type of security activity can do without these attributes of domestic corruption. Sometimes it's $100 ("random" meetings, birthdays, etc.), sometimes it's $1000 (scheduled checks). However, there is something to fight for. The profitability of security firms reaches 15%, the most "promoted" - up to 25%, and on bodyguards you can "squeeze out" and all 100%. Of course, there are also losers, but often the problem is not in the market conditions, but in the quality of doing business.

As for competition, a piece of bread spread with butter, and often with caviar, is enough for everyone who has firmly mastered the basics of security.

Prepared by the editors: "Business GiD"

MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

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A well-thought-out business plan for a security company is the “first stone” on the way to building a security “empire” that can provide a whole range of services. In addition to the direct protection of people, it is possible to provide services for the protection of property, design, installation of video surveillance, escort of goods, and maintenance of order at public events. All this strengthens the image of the enterprise, which means it helps to increase profits.

We have finished document which you can explore right now. However, before you start studying this particular document, consider whether such an enterprise is needed in your city, district. Be sure to evaluate the offers of competitors in order to understand what you can best give to customers. Perhaps you will have a wider range of services or slightly lower prices.

We offer a document on the organization of a private security company, whose services are in great demand today. Private security agency - great option when you are looking for a business "with a perspective", with the possibility of expansion. In doing so, please note that initial capital significant will be required, and it will be necessary to draw up this case in accordance with all the rules. Only in this case, an honest profit is guaranteed to you.

A security agency, as a business, is of interest, as a rule, to entrepreneurs who plan to create their own business with low initial costs. For this, indeed, not so much is required at the start - only 3-4 thousand dollars. Part of this amount will be spent on registering a private security company as a legal entity, the rest of the money will be spent on renting a modest office, sewing uniforms for employees and purchasing the necessary office equipment, as well as developing sample certificates for a security agency.

Costs will rise significantly if you plan to deal with more than just security stationary objects, but also to carry out cargo escort services, or to specialize in console security. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that expanding the range of services will allow you to significantly reduce the payback period of a private security company, which should be taken into account in the process of organizing a business.

There is also a purchase option ready business- already more or less promoted security company. Its cost depends on the scale of the company, regional affiliation and many other factors. Range from 150 thousand rubles. for a "pocket" private security company in the provinces up to a million dollars for a large profitable enterprise located in the capital.

As practice shows, it is not difficult to create a security agency as a business. The peculiarities of the authorized capital of a private security company are such that 10,000 rubles are enough for this. It is much more difficult to develop your own firm, since finding clients can become a formidable task. In a more advantageous situation are those entrepreneurs who, before going into business, worked in law enforcement agencies and, accordingly, have their own client base. In this case, it is much easier for them to open their business from scratch - a successfully operating security company.

The profitability of a security business depends on what services the company provides. If this is a small company that deals only with the protection of stationary objects, then the profitability will not exceed 15-20%. By expanding the range of services provided, you can achieve a higher figure - up to 100%. But there will also be corresponding costs. For example, in order to provide remote security, a businessman will need to invest at least a million dollars. Typically, a security company switches to these services already at the stage of active business development.

For those who are taking their first steps in the security business with a small initial capital, it would be more appropriate to start small, for example, to open their own private security post. The package of documents for opening a private security company will not require too much, the main thing is to get a license. At the same time, one should take into account such a factor as the responsibility of the founders of a private security company for poor security. What it manifests itself in is described in detail in the professional business plan of a security company. By reading this document, you will receive answers to many of your questions.

Despite the low threshold for entering the security business, creating a private security company is by no means a simple matter. The main problem lies in the strict control of this sphere by the state. The package of documents for opening a private security company is small, but to carry out this activity, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license. They are issued by a special department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and the subdivisions of the district internal affairs department, in turn, carry out operational control over the work of security companies.

In order to open such a business as a security agency in Russia, the following package of documents is required: a sample application for the creation of a private security company, founding documents with information about all founders, explanatory note, which should describe all types of services that are supposed to be provided in the PSC, as well as indicate the approximate number of states, the need to use weapons or other special means. Minimum authorized capital for a security company is 10,000 rubles.

Certain requirements are also imposed on the head of the private security company. Behind him should be a higher education, and in the asset - a certificate of a private security guard. Such certificates are issued to those employees who have experience in law enforcement agencies or have completed special courses. The validity of this document is 5 years. In addition to the head, at least three other employees of the company must have such certificates.

Your choice fell on security activities and you decided to organize a private security company. What is needed for that? The initial capital required is small, which can be classified as an advantage. As for the shortcomings, this is, first of all, the need to obtain a large number permits, including those for carrying weapons. However, weapons in security companies are not the best required element for normal activities. It is necessary only in cases where the private security company is engaged in the protection of objects that have significant material values e.g. banks. As for the security trading floors in supermarkets, hospitals, hostels and schools, then in this case there is no need for weapons.

But if such a need nevertheless exists, then it must be taken into account that one can buy weapons at a private security company in an amount not exceeding one unit for four employees. The storage of weapons requires the equipment of a special room equipped with modern security equipment. Business in a private security company often involves the use of special tools, such as gas sprays, stun guns, rubber truncheons or handcuffs. Their presence also requires obtaining a special certificate registered for a specific PSC employee. According to the legislation, PSC employees must have a security guard certificate, for which many of them have to undergo appropriate training - either at their own expense or at the expense of the company.

As for the relationship with the client, they are drawn up in the form of an agreement, according to which, in the process of protecting the object, the private security company bears full or partial liability for the values ​​it protects. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the PSC has restrictions on the protection of some objects. It will be much easier to understand all these nuances, having at hand professional business security plan. With its help, you will learn how to start when planning to open a PSC, how to justify the costs of a PSC and how to succeed in this type of business.

Such a business as a security agency is available today to many start-up entrepreneurs, since the cost of an entrance ticket to this market segment does not exceed 3 thousand dollars. Another question is, how much can a small firm with barely a dozen security guards earn? As a rule, the answer is most often disappointing. Features of the security business are such that solid offices have the maximum chances to survive and make a significant profit.

Meanwhile, it is the "pocket" private security companies in the security business that are in the majority, since the opening big company requires much more significant initial costs - about half a million dollars at least. Employees of such firms own firearms, having the right to work as personal bodyguards, there are even rapid response teams in such offices. Accordingly, they have no problems with transport, special equipment, and connections with law enforcement agencies allow them to avoid many problems familiar to small private security companies.

Entrepreneur who decides to open his own a small firm security guards, one should take into account the fact that PSCs are allowed to provide a limited number of services, which include protecting the life and health of the client, ensuring the protection of personal property, advising clients, maintaining order during public events, and designing and installing alarms.

When opening a private security company to work without weapons, a businessman usually relies on such a type of service as the protection of stationary facilities. The problem is that the profitability of this service is extremely low and amounts to approximately 18-20%. Most of the entrepreneur's expenses are related to the payment of wages to security guards, which, by the way, can hardly be called high. At the same time, any private security company under the contract is responsible for the poor security of the facility.

How to calculate the cost of a security company per day? It must include, in addition to the salary of a security guard, the cost of renting an office, communications, insurance, communal payments, as well as the salary of the administration of the private security company. This also includes the cost of maintaining the weapons room (if the work of the private security company is carried out using weapons). Thus, clearly presenting business processes on the example of a small security company, it is easy to assume that the income from the provision of such services is clearly not too high.

Against this background, such a service as console security looks much more attractive, the profitability of which in some cases is 100%. And this is understandable, since only one car and a couple of guards are enough to service several dozen objects. This leads entrepreneurs who are planning to open a private security agency and are considering what it takes to increase profits, prefer to specialize exclusively in console security. In small towns, businessmen, plus everything, master this promising direction like installing security systems.

If the question of how to start a business such as security agencies today worries you more and more, the best way out will become familiar with the business plan of a security company. Having studied it, you will get acquainted with all the nuances this business, understand the features of planning the costs of security organizations, and find out what is the minimum number of employees that a security organization must have in order to obtain a license.

The crisis forces organizations to optimize costs and reduce costs. On the other hand, it entails an aggravation of the criminogenic situation, which means that saving on security can result in big losses. Therefore, the number of private security companies has increased dramatically, especially since it is quite simple to open such an enterprise and obtain a license.


The private security business in Russia appeared in the early 90s, with the revival of the market. Since the days of early capitalism, enterprises have been divided in two: some produce material goods, others protect them. With the onset of the crisis, the number of the latter has increased dramatically - businessmen are afraid of an increase in crime. Therefore, we will consider how relevant it is, and how to open a private security company, in compliance with all the requirements of the law.

Security is a special type of entrepreneurship, the purpose of which is to profit from the provision of services to individuals and companies that need to protect personal, property and business interests. Main service sector: buildings, offices, warehouses, industrial premises, buildings, territories and communications. Under contracts with citizens, such organizations provide protection for houses, entrances, parking lots, garden and dacha cooperatives.

As of 2012, there were 23,913 private security companies in Russia. They employed 644,740 licensed security guards, of which: 15% were former police officers, 6% were retired military personnel, 2% were combatants from internal troops, 1% — former employees FSB agencies. In total, contrary to popular belief, the proportion of people with special training is no more than a quarter.

Brief overview of the security services market

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2014, 23,594 enterprises and 719,000 people were employed in this area. As of December 2016, there are 23,079 PSCs in the SME register alone, or, correctly, a PSC (private security organization). The vast majority of them belong to micro-enterprises, with a staff of up to 15 people. According to experts, big players(1 - 5 thousand) occupy up to 5% of the market, and its peculiarity is that it is not monopolized. This is partly due to the fact that, by law, PSOs can only operate within the region where they are registered. In general, in Russia, there is an increase in their numbers, especially in 2014-2015 (Fig. 1).

From the registry SMEs(website of the Federal Tax Service) it is easy to extract information on a specific locality, and the data we chose at random indicate that the number of security companies varies greatly depending on the specifics of the city (Table 1). So, if we compare Omsk and Novosibirsk millionaires, then in the latter case there are twice as many of them, which means that there is something to protect.

The prices for services also vary widely, the difference reaches 30 - 50%. By selecting a list of organizations in your city, you can determine the range - most firms are represented on the Internet. In general, with a sharp increase in the number of companies over the past three years, the market is experiencing strong dumping.

Long-standing firms consider this a big problem, and at the end of 2016 they even went to the FAS with proposals to introduce state regulation prices in this area. So far, the market is shaping them, and newly formed firms are finding clients among those who have switched to a policy of austerity, including in tenders for the placement of government orders. Below we will take a closer look at how to open a private security company and what is needed for this.

What services does security provide?

According to the Law No. 2487-1 of March 11, 1992 “On Private Detective and Security Activities”, such enterprises have the right to provide 7 services.

  1. Protecting the life and health of citizens. Assumes the duty of a bodyguard individual under a contract, the subject of which is the customer himself, or the person indicated by him.
  2. Protection of objects, property owned or in possession (including during their transportation), with the exception of objects with access control (supplemented by paragraph 7).
  3. Design, installation, maintenance technical systems protection with the adoption of appropriate response measures to the signals received from them. The list of permitted equipment is listed in Post. Right. No. 498 dated 06/23/2011. It includes audio and video surveillance, access control, monitoring and navigation of stationary and moving objects.
  4. Providing advice and recommendations on property and personal security. This refers to effective equipment layouts, methods of protection and self-defense techniques. Legal issues resolved with the involvement of qualified lawyers under the contract, or if there are any in the state.
  5. Ensuring order and security during mass events: corporate holidays, presentations, exhibitions. Such services are provided on a contractual basis with individuals and legal entities, and include the development of an event procedure, rules for participants, and briefing.
  6. Ensuring the internal regime at enterprises and organizations. This means maintaining the order established by the customer: entry, exit, removal of objects from the building and from the territory, transport access, control over the behavior of employees and customers. The list of exceptions approved Post. Right. No. 587 of 08/14/1992 (military, defense, judicial).

In places and areas of service, employees of private enterprises are obliged to assist regular police officers. The activities of the private security company are controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they conduct scheduled and unannounced inspections.

Activity restrictions

  1. Only Russian citizens and organizations can establish a private security company. Foreigners and persons with dual citizenship are allowed to this activity only on the basis of international treaty.
  2. Each employee of the enterprise, including the head, must have a certificate of a private security guard. You can get it after vocational training in special organizations, and must be renewed every 5 years.
  3. Higher education is obligatory for the head, and additional - according to the advanced training program for PSO. He should not have a criminal record, administrative charges for hooliganism, drugs.
  4. PSCs are allowed to use physical force, as well as special equipment and firearms - no more than 1 unit per two people. Its types, acquisition procedure and security standards are regulated by the Post. Right. No. 587 dated 08/14/1992. Permission to use certain means is determined by the category of the guard, of which there are up to six.

How to open a security company

  1. Register LLC - others organizational forms are not allowed. The firm cannot engage in other activities if it provides security services.
  2. Contribute the authorized capital - not less than 100 thousand rubles, and if armed guards are planned or with the use of technical equipment - 250 thousand rubles. cash contribute at least 50%.
  3. Select the types of activities according to "OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)": 80.10 - for the provision of private security, 80.20 - for the provision of security systems; 80.30 - detective (detective) activities, including with the involvement of specialists under the contract.
  4. Get a license - we will consider this issue separately.

For small businesses, the use of a simplified taxation scheme is optimal. The amount of investment in the business depends on the nature of the services that are planned to be provided. If it is minimal - security without weapons, installation of signal systems, then they consist of rent small office(up to 10 sq.m.), the simplest means of communication and cheap equipment. Otherwise, it will be necessary to purchase weapons, equip a special safe room for storage, cars, arrange (rent) a shooting range.

PSC licensing procedure

The rules for obtaining licenses are regulated by two documents:

  • "Regulations on licensing private ... activities", approved. Fast. Right. No. 498, 06/23/2011;
  • "Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", approved. Order No. 1039, 09/29/2011.

They are issued by the "URL of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" (Department for the organization of licensing and permitting work). On the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (, you can download a table containing the addresses and phone numbers of all regional departments that deal with this (Fig. 2).

The head of the organization applies for a license, it is issued separately for each type of service provided, and all of them are listed in the document. In this case, you must submit originals and copies of:

  1. diploma, security guard certificate, certificate of completion of advanced training courses - for the head;
  2. notarized constituent documents; certificates of state registration and tax registration (or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  3. an application for the issuance of personal cards of employees with their photographs 3 * 4 cm attached, and an extract from the order for employment;
  4. receipt of payment of state duty - 7500 rubles.

In addition to them:

  1. For protection with installation and assembly technical means, ensuring access and intra-object mode - staffing, where a round-the-clock duty department is provided, relevant specialists; confirmation of the availability of means of communication of vehicles (own or rented); permission to use radio frequencies.
  2. For advice - an agreement with a lawyer, or job description staff specialist.
  3. To obtain the right to ensure order during mass events - on the availability of transport, communications, a scheme of actions and briefings during their conduct.

Within 45 days, an on-site inspection is carried out, after which a license is issued for 5 years. In order to start a business right away, entrepreneurs most often do not include console and armed guards in the application, since in this case the presence of an armory, personal protective equipment, and so on will be checked. With the accumulation of funds and expansion, you can supplement the license, re-registration costs 3,500 rubles.

The permit is valid throughout the territory Russian Federation, but a private security company can only work in the region of its registration. The commencement and termination of activities must be reported to the Department of Internal Affairs. Work without permission entails administrative responsibility, and there is a discrepancy in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Yes, Art. 20.6 a fine for this violation is established: 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. At the same time, Art. 14.1 provides for punishment for entrepreneurial activity without a license in the amount of 40,000 - 50,000 rubles with confiscation of production tools. So the judge has a choice.

What services are most in demand

Opening a private security company is not difficult, but you need to consider in which direction demand is changing. There are currently three types of services on the market:

  1. physical (post) security;
  2. console response system;
  3. "cloud" video surveillance.

The largest investments require installation and maintenance of console complexes. In addition to special equipment, it is necessary to ensure the availability of vehicles and mobile crews. Large customers (network retailers, banks) prefer to deal with a company that can provide a full range of physical and technical means. Intelligent video technologies are a serious competitor to consoles, as they allow the client to save on expensive equipment.

At the same time, many organizations cannot do without physical protection. Moreover, in order to save money, they prefer to put people in warehouses, construction sites, production areas. Therefore, in the near future, strong guys with clubs are not expected to leave the market. As well as pensioners, whose business is in schools, hospitals, holiday villages. Therefore, the opening of a private security company in modern conditions can be considered a promising one. Due to the special nature of the business, there are no franchise offers in this area.

Open chop from scratch many want, but desire alone is not enough. You need to decide for yourself a lot of questions: how much money you need, how to report to the tax, who to hire in the state, where to look for clients.

Step One: Create a Business Plan

The first thing you need is a well-written business plan. It should be detailed and clear, so that it remains only to follow it. Here are the main points to consider in this document.

  1. Market research. Find out how many such enterprises are in your city, how long they have been operating, how successful they are, what are their main advantages, what distinguishes them from other competitors.
  2. Choice of tax reporting form. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is better, of course, to open an LLC - in this case, you have legal right hire people, while PI means going it alone.
  3. Obtaining a license. It is issued upon presentation of a certain package of documents.
  4. Hiring employees. These must be competent people, physically well developed, able to handle weapons and have the necessary documents.
  5. Search for clients. Here you need to enable marketing plan on finding and attracting customers. You need something to stand out from your competitors. It's a good idea to connect personal connections, if any.
  6. Financial side. It is necessary to calculate everything to the smallest detail: office rent, purchase of furniture and equipment, salaries to employees, etc.

Here is an example step-by-step instruction to start your own security business.

Market research

It is necessary to take a specific time interval, for example 5 years, to determine the following: geographical boundaries of the market, existing objects and persons, are there any growth trends, an overview of competitors, which firms are in the lead, who have just started work, barriers to entry into the market, is it profitable to open a chop in your city, etc.

Yip or oooh?

Act at your own discretion. But the features are:

  • Registering as a sole proprietorship is faster and easier, but you won't be eligible to hire people.
  • A set of documents is needed, a license for each employee, but the private security company will have the right to provide customers with a full range of services.


Its issuance will have to wait about 2 months. You can speed things up by contacting law firm. This document is valid for 5 years and can be extended if necessary.

The license is issued only to enterprises whose employees are specially trained or are former law enforcement officers.

There is an opportunity to learn to be an employee of a private security company at specialized courses, where upon graduation they issue a certificate and a permit to carry weapons.

However, you can use the latter only if you successfully pass the exam at the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Documents required to obtain a license:

  • a copy of the memorandum of association and TIN signed by a notary;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a copy of the charter;
  • a copy of the document on higher education of the head;
  • a copy of the manager's passport;
  • employment history;
  • copies of documents confirming the identity of employees of the enterprise.

Whom to invite to work

What does it take to open a chopgood employees. But private security companies are not only healthy and brave guards in uniform; other specialists will be needed for the full functioning of the enterprise. So what does the state of a private security company look like?

  • Guards. Physically developed and healthy employees, specially trained, former military or law enforcement officers, young professionals, newly trained, having a certificate.
  • Accountant. Covers the entire financial front of the work: accrues wages employees, issues certificates, pays taxes, optimizes expenses.
  • Lawyer. He is in charge of all legal aspects of the enterprise, protects the legal interests of private security companies.
  • Personnel manager. Hired during business expansion. Finds and trains new employees.

Also, with an increase in staff, the following can be hired: assistant accountant, legal assistant, shift supervisor, technical staff.

Finding Clients

Build a good customer base before launch own business.

To find "fat" customers, you will have to explore the whole city meter by meter, competently present yourself as a professional.

Many clients turn to private security companies on the advice of their acquaintances, so it is worth testing the ground in this direction as well.

Where else can you find customer information?

  1. Purchase of databases.
  2. Search for web resources of organizations on the Web.
  3. Catalog of state organizations.

One has only to start and create a good name for yourself, and then the name will already speak for itself - you will be entrusted with the protection of private and municipal facilities, persons, entrust cargo escort, etc.

Advertising and promotion

Even if you have many acquaintances, you need to constantly carry out activities aimed at promoting and further growth of the enterprise, develop new advertising programs. What can you recommend for popularization in the market?

  1. Conduct direct sales, i.e. visit potential customers with an offer of services.
  2. giving effective advertising on television, radio, in newspapers, outdoor. Distribute flyers to in public places.
  3. Conduct security marketing seminars, give free consultations, etc.
  4. Participate in high-profile city events: competitions, concerts, company presentations.
  5. Constantly meet new people, expand the customer base.

How much money do you need

You can't do without initial capital to start a business. What costs should the manager bear? For example how much does it cost to open a private security company from scratch with three guards?

Approximate prices for small town with a population of 100 thousand people.

  • Collection of documents and obtaining a license - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for office rent - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment for security guards - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Office equipment, table, chairs, sofa - 30 tr.
  • Special equipment - 10 thousand rubles
  • Advertising costs - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Salary - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

215 000 rubles- This is the approximate amount needed to open a small private security company without the use of expensive specialized equipment and firearms. In the latter case, you will need to invest more than one million rubles, but then the income will be greater. So think for yourself how much money you are willing to invest.


The company will be profitable if it works in several areas at once: the protection of individuals and objects, the protection of order in public places, console security, cargo escort, the provision of consultations, etc. In 5-7 months, the costs will begin to pay off. With a competent approach and a certain dexterity, an enterprise can be 100% profitable.

Opening a private security company is a matter that requires maximum attention and responsibility. It is worth weighing the pros and cons before starting a business. The easiest way to move in this direction is for people who have had experience in this or related fields in the past.


How to open a security company from scratch

The crisis forces organizations to optimize costs and reduce costs.

On the other hand, it entails an aggravation of the criminogenic situation, which means that saving on security can result in big losses.

Therefore, the number of private security companies has increased dramatically, especially since it is quite simple to open such an enterprise and obtain a license.

The private security business in Russia appeared in the early 90s, with the revival of the market.

Since the days of early capitalism, enterprises have been divided in two: some produce material goods, others protect them.

With the onset of the crisis, the number of the latter has increased dramatically - businessmen are afraid of an increase in crime. Therefore, we will consider how relevant it is, and how to open a private security company, in compliance with all the requirements of the law.

Security is a special type of entrepreneurship, the purpose of which is to make a profit from the provision of services to individuals and companies that need to protect personal, property and business interests.

The main service sector: buildings, offices, warehouses, industrial premises, structures, territories and communications.

Under contracts with citizens, such organizations provide protection for houses, entrances, parking lots, garden and dacha cooperatives.

As of 2012, there were 23,913 private security companies in Russia.

They employed 644,740 licensed security guards, of which: 15% were former police officers, 6% were retired military personnel, 2% were combatants from internal troops, and 1% were former employees of the FSB.

In total, contrary to popular belief, the proportion of people with special training is no more than a quarter.

Brief overview of the security services market

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2014, 23,594 enterprises and 719,000 people were employed in this area. As of December 2016, there are 23,079 PSCs in the SME register alone, or, correctly, a PSC (private security organization).

The vast majority of them are micro-enterprises with up to 15 employees. According to experts, large players (1-5 thousand) occupy up to 5% of the market, and its peculiarity is that it is not monopolized.

This is partly due to the fact that, by law, PSOs can only operate within the region where they are registered. In general, in Russia, there is an increase in their numbers, especially in 2014-2015 (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Number of registered organizations with activity code 80.10 by years, of which - operating as of December 2016. Sample from GMC Rosstat.

From the register of SMEs (website of the Federal Tax Service), it is easy to extract information on a specific locality, and the data we selected at random indicate that the number of security companies varies greatly depending on the specifics of the city (Table 1). So, if we compare Omsk and Novosibirsk millionaires, then in the latter case there are twice as many of them, which means that there is something to protect.

The prices for services also vary widely, the difference reaches 30 - 50%.

By choosing a list of organizations in your city, you can determine the range - most companies are represented on the Internet.

In general, with a sharp increase in the number of companies over the past three years, the market is experiencing strong dumping.

Firms that have been operating for a long time consider this a big problem, and at the end of 2016 they even went to the Federal Antimonopoly Service with proposals to introduce state price regulation in this area.

So far, the market is shaping them, and newly formed firms are finding clients among those who have switched to a policy of austerity, including in tenders for the placement of government orders.

Below we will take a closer look at how to open a private security company and what is needed for this.

What services does security provide?

According to the Law No. 2487-1 of March 11, 1992 “On Private Detective and Security Activities”, such enterprises have the right to provide 7 services.

  1. Protecting the life and health of citizens. It implies the fulfillment of the obligation of a bodyguard of an individual under an agreement, the subject of which is the customer himself, or the person indicated by him.
  2. Protection of objects, property owned or in possession (including during their transportation), with the exception of objects with access control (supplemented by paragraph 7).
  3. Design, installation, maintenance of technical security systems with the adoption of appropriate response measures to the signals received from them. The list of permitted equipment is listed in Post. Right. No. 498 dated 06/23/2011. It includes audio and video surveillance, access control, monitoring and navigation of stationary and moving objects.
  4. Providing advice and recommendations on property and personal security. This refers to effective equipment layouts, methods of protection and self-defense techniques. Legal issues are resolved with the involvement of qualified lawyers under the contract, or if there are any in the state.
  5. Ensuring order and security during mass events: corporate holidays, presentations, exhibitions. Such services are provided on a contractual basis with individuals and legal entities, and include the development of an event procedure, rules for participants, and briefing.
  6. Ensuring the internal regime at enterprises and organizations. This means maintaining the order established by the customer: entry, exit, removal of objects from the building and from the territory, transport access, control over the behavior of employees and customers. The list of exceptions approved Post. Right. No. 587 of 08/14/1992 (military, defense, judicial).

In places and areas of service, employees of private enterprises are obliged to assist regular police officers. The activities of the private security company are controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they conduct scheduled and unannounced inspections.

Activity restrictions

  1. Only Russian citizens and organizations can establish a private security company. Foreigners and persons with dual citizenship are allowed to this activity only on the basis of an international agreement.
  2. Each employee of the enterprise, including the head, must have a certificate of a private security guard. It can be obtained after vocational training in special organizations, and must be renewed every 5 years.
  3. Higher education is obligatory for the head, and additional - according to the advanced training program for PSO. He should not have a criminal record, administrative charges for hooliganism, drugs.
  4. PSCs are allowed to use physical force, as well as special equipment and firearms - no more than 1 unit per two people. Its types, acquisition procedure and security standards are regulated by the Post. Right. No. 587 dated 08/14/1992.

    Permission to use certain means is determined by the category of the guard, of which there are up to six.

How to open a security company

  1. Register LLC - other organizational forms are not allowed. The firm cannot engage in other activities if it provides security services.
  2. Contribute the authorized capital - not less than 100 thousand rubles.

    rubles, and if armed guards are planned or with the use of technical equipment - 250 thousand rubles. A minimum of 50% is contributed in cash.

  3. Select activities according to "OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)": 80.10 - for the provision of private security, 80.20 - for the provision of security systems; 80.

    30 - detective (detective) activity, including with the involvement of specialists under the contract.

  4. Get a license - we will consider this issue separately.

For small businesses, the use of a simplified taxation scheme is optimal.

The amount of investment in the business depends on the nature of the services that are planned to be provided. If it is minimal - security without weapons, installation of signal systems, then they consist of renting a small office (up to 10 sq.m.), the simplest means of communication and cheap equipment.

Otherwise, it will be necessary to purchase weapons, equip a special safe room for storage, cars, arrange (rent) a shooting range.

PSC licensing procedure

The rules for obtaining licenses are regulated by two documents:

  • "Regulations on licensing private ... activities", approved. Fast. Right. No. 498, 06/23/2011;
  • "Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", approved. Order No. 1039, 09/29/2011.

They are issued by the "URL of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" (Department for the organization of licensing and permitting work). On the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (, you can download a table containing the addresses and phone numbers of all regional departments that deal with this (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Search for information about the licensing authority on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The head of the organization applies for a license, it is issued separately for each type of service provided, and all of them are listed in the document. In this case, you must submit originals and copies of:

  1. diploma, security guard certificate, certificate of completion of advanced training courses - for the head;
  2. notarized constituent documents; certificates of state registration and tax registration (or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  3. an application for the issuance of personal cards of employees with their photographs 3 * 4 cm attached, and an extract from the order for employment;
  4. receipt of payment of state duty - 7500 rubles.

In addition to them:

  1. For protection with the installation and installation of technical means, ensuring access and intra-object mode - the staffing table, which provides for a round-the-clock duty department, relevant specialists; confirmation of the availability of means of communication of vehicles (own or rented); permission to use radio frequencies.
  2. For consultation - an agreement with a lawyer, or a job description of a full-time specialist.
  3. To obtain the right to ensure order during mass events - on the availability of transport, communications, a scheme of actions and briefings during their conduct.

Within 45 days, an on-site inspection is carried out, after which a license is issued for 5 years.

In order to start a business right away, entrepreneurs most often do not include console and armed guards in the application, since in this case the presence of an armory, personal protective equipment, and so on will be checked. With the accumulation of funds and expansion, you can supplement the license, re-registration costs 3,500 rubles.

The permit is valid throughout the Russian Federation, but a private security company can only work in the region of its registration. The commencement and termination of activities must be reported to the Department of Internal Affairs.

Working without a permit entails administrative liability, and there is a discrepancy in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Yes, Art. 20.6 a fine for this violation is established: 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. At the same time, Art. 14.

1 provides for punishment for entrepreneurial activity without a license in the amount of 40,000 - 50,000 rubles with confiscation of production tools. So the judge has a choice.

What services are most in demand

Opening a private security company is not difficult, but you need to consider in which direction demand is changing. There are currently three types of services on the market:

  1. physical (post) security;
  2. console response system;
  3. "cloud" video surveillance.

The largest investments require installation and maintenance of console complexes. In addition to special equipment, it is necessary to ensure the availability of vehicles and mobile crews.

Large customers (network retailers, banks) prefer to deal with a company that can provide a full range of physical and technical means.

Intelligent video technologies are a serious competitor to consoles, as they allow the client to save on expensive equipment.

At the same time, many organizations cannot do without physical protection. Moreover, in order to save money, they prefer to put people in warehouses, construction sites, production areas.

Therefore, in the near future, strong guys with clubs are not expected to leave the market. As well as pensioners, whose business is in schools, hospitals, holiday villages. Therefore, the opening of a private security company in modern conditions can be considered a promising business.

Due to the special nature of the business, there are no franchise offers in this area.


Security business: how to open a private security company:

Few today, perhaps, there are those who would not think about opening their own business. Some only dream, others act. They open their own hairdressing salons, car services, ateliers, wedding salons. There are many opportunities to realize yourself.

But we would like to talk about a somewhat specific type of business - security. And so we will tell you about how to open a private security company.

What it is? This abbreviation hides a private security company - a structure whose employees are very, very in demand in our turbulent times. But first things first.


Because out of all this moment existing species business, this one can be called the most attractive.

Competition in the service market in this regard is minimal, and opening a business requires a meager amount by today's standards. Protecting property today is not only a matter of security.

The presence of own protection is also a certain criterion of well-being.

In principle, it is understandable. It has always been so. Suffice it to recall at least the notorious dashing nineties.

Healthy "jocks" in tracksuits, following like a shadow behind their boss, are, in fact, the "wild" progenitors of today's civilized guards dressed in expensive suits.

And now that Russian business ceased - or almost ceased - to be a shadow, it also needs protection corresponding to the status. And the private security company is able to provide it.


And there will always be an object that needs to be protected, and there is practically no competition in the market. And the very type of business is considered one of the most highly profitable.

So, its profitability varies from 20% (in the case of protection of small objects such as shops and schools) to 100% (protection of life, escort of especially valuable cargoes).

In other words, the prosperity of a security agency directly depends on the range of services provided. And, of course, his reputation, which needs to be earned.

But for this to happen, you first need to open a private security company. How to do it? Now we'll tell you.


So, what does it take to open a CHOP? Like any type of business, this one also requires registration with the relevant authorities.

But at the same time it has its own specific features.

So, first you need to register as either an individual entrepreneur (stands for individual entrepreneur), or a legal entity (it is supposed to open an LLC).

The first option is, of course, easier, but less preferable, because here you have to work alone, which does not mean good income. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to the second path.

Why? Because a full-fledged private security company has the right to exist only if there is an appropriate license. And in order to get it, you need to have in your staff several specially trained - what is important - employees.

Even better - with experience in law enforcement. Therefore, it is best to immediately register the creation of your own company. And go for a license.


It is issued at the local department of the District Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration of the “applicant”. The validity period is five years, if it goes well, then it can be extended. Here you should go to your native ROVD with the following package of documents:

  • extract from the United state register legal entities;
  • a notarized copy of the existing charter;
  • a copy of the memorandum of association and TIN (also notarized);
  • a copy of the diploma of availability higher education from the head of the private security company (also signed by a notary);
  • a copy of the manager's passport;
  • work book of the head of the private security company;
  • a notarized copy of the identity cards of all future security guards.

One important condition is that at least three employees must have a private security guard ID. To obtain the main permit document, you will need to pay one and a half thousand rubles.

The maximum waiting period is two months. If the authorities do not have any questions, we can assume that officially the private security company is open.

Now it remains to solve only organizational issues.


Naturally, the issue of staff selection is also very important. According to the law, each security guard must have an appropriate certificate. Ideally, it is best to invite former employees law enforcement and security agencies.

It doesn't always work out that way.

Therefore, in the event that a person is hired without such a document, then he can be registered as an intern and put to work in tandem with an already experienced specialist, at the same time sending him to undergo training in special courses.


What else is needed to open a CHOP? Naturally, a room, that is, as it is now called, an office. He needs to meet potential clients, it requires an armory room, as well as places for employees. Based on this, you need to select the appropriate room.

By and large, the "young" private security company does not need a large office. After all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it will be necessary to give a certain amount every month as rent.

If the scale of the undertaking at the initial stages does not imply the carrying of weapons by the guards (that is, it is planned to ensure the security of objects that do not require its presence: schools, kindergartens and similar institutions), then at first it is enough and a room of ten to twelve square meters.

The main thing is that it can fully equip at least one workplace with desk, computer and telephone.

In those cases when it is planned to put things on a "big foot", it is necessary to provide for such an aspect as the equipment of armory rooms.

Each of them requires - according to the norms - a room of at least ten squares. Besides, prerequisite alarm setting is considered.

A few words about weapons

Not every similar enterprise requires weapons equipment.

As mentioned above, ensuring the safety of stores and shopping centers, hospitals, children's educational institutions carried out by using several simple methods and means of protection. The need for it appears only in those cases when we are talking on the protection of especially valuable cargo, important production facilities, gas pipelines. Since a novice private security company is unlikely to receive an invitation to carry out such important missions, its "pioneer" at the initial stage can still be limited to a small room.


Many of those who have been fruitfully engaged in this type of business for a long time say that it is not so difficult to open a private security company.

Yes, bureaucratic red tape, finding suitable staff and premises, collecting necessary documents- all this takes time. But the key to the success of the conceived enterprise is a good customer base.

Do not flatter yourself and dream that immediately after the opening at the door of your office there will be a line of people who want to hire you. CHOP is a special structure.

And her clientele is not quite ordinary either.

Therefore, the next question after solving the main organizational issues is: “Whom will we protect?” In principle, especially far-sighted leaders of a newly-fledged company generally put it on the agenda even at the stage of preparing permits, because a good client base is exactly what is needed to make a profit. Where to take it?

As a rule, the security business is a job for those who have already worked in the law enforcement field, have relevant experience and, of course, a lot of acquaintances among those who remained on public service employees.

So it is they who should be asked first of all to advertise a new security company and offer its services. In addition, do not immediately make grandiose plans.

It is wiser to start working with the protection of just the same social facilities, gradually expanding your enterprise and raising its reputation.

CHOP advertising

Good advertising is also important. For these purposes, you need to use local newspapers that print advertisements, news ticker on television, leaflets and other attributes. It will also be useful to create at least a one-page, but your own site for your private security company.

By the way, in order to attract attention, you need to come up with a sonorous and unhackneyed company name in advance, which would be easy to remember and arouse interest.

At first, in general, you can walk through all the potential objects - schools, shops, small financial institutions. And, of course, you need to earn a name.

Only a security company with an excellent reputation is able to succeed, occupy its niche in the market and make really good profits.

How much does it cost to open a private security company

Maybe we should start with this question, but it is better to consider it at the end, when we already have at least an approximate idea of ​​​​what a private security company is.

True, it will be difficult to give a specific answer to it, since everything depends on the place where this security structure will be formed.

Naturally, opening it in Moscow will cost many times more than in any regional center.

The cost should also include the rent for the premises, which also depends on the city in which it is rented and on its area.

The question discussed above is also important, whether the employees of the company will need weapons, which, as you know, also have a fairly high cost.

The combination of these and other factors will ultimately determine the final amount.

But if we take as a basis the fact that a young company opens not in the capital, with a minimum number of employees in the state, and its head builds real plans and does not seek to immediately take under the protection of a strategically important object (which means refusing to purchase weapons at first), then, according to experts, it is quite possible to keep within three thousand dollars. Which, you see, is quite a bit. Opening your own barbershop will require ten times the amount.