How to open an auto parts business. How to open an auto parts company. Opening a parts business

auto parts store profitable business especially now, the number of new cars sold in the country has dropped a lot since 2013, which means that all old cars will soon start to need new parts. Any crisis is only good for such a business, few people will buy a new foreign car in such a situation. The profitability of such a business can reach 70%. To run a successful auto business, you need to right business store plan autosplit and constantly edit it to fit your needs.

What does an auto parts store business plan look like?

Such a plan looks quite simple, first you need to analyze competitors in the region where you plan to open a business, and, based on competition and demand, edit a business plan for a specific purpose. A good addition to the auto parts business will be (car wash and service stations), but these things are not included in this business read about them in our next issues.

IP registration

What is an IP, how to open it and who can open it, read in the article - "".

Store location

For any store, location plays a vital role, because the choice of location will determine how profitable the whole business will be. For an auto parts store, a place where car owners constantly pass by is a good option (in the city center or near the main roads in the city will be the most ideal option).

In the business plan, you need to take a special place for this moment and if you need to invest more than the planned budget for renting such a location.


Here you have the choice of buying or renting. If this is your first auto parts store, it will be more profitable to rent a space. The size of the room may be different (its size depends on the direct from your budget), optimal for a store, the size is considered to be from 50 sq.m. At the end of the article in auto parts store business plan example The price shown is for a regional store. If the area is smaller, you will have to separately rent a warehouse for the goods. Any way trade area should not be less than 30 sq.m.

If the budget allows and you want to expand the reach of your business, it would be very reasonable to attach a car wash or service station next to the store. Thus, you will cover 2 audiences, from the store the client will be able to immediately drive to the car wash and vice versa.


As for the range, then this should not be a problem. There is on the market many wholesale suppliers offering their services at the most conservative rates.

Some may be able to help you with the equipment and offer discounts for large purchases.INsampleebusiness planAauto parts store,this point has already been taken into account.

Product range for the store:

  • candles
  • tires
  • mufflers
  • pumps
  • bearings
  • wipers
  • autochemistry
  • steering tips
  • engine oil
  • and much more.

In this business plan for an auto parts store for foreign cars, it will be an exception (another rule works here, you don’t need to buy a lot of parts) you need to work with such a product on pre-order (unless, of course, you have a store specializing only in foreign cars), this is necessary in order to not to work at a loss, as accessories for foreign cars are very expensive.


In our auto parts store business plan, equipment does not occupy the largest share budget, but still without the necessary equipmentcan not do, so we will list the most necessary things that should be in the store.

The amount of equipment will directly depend on the size of the store and the planned direction (it will be highly specialized or not).

You definitely can't do without these things:

    shop windows


    computers with internet

    cash machine

Depending on the size of the store, you need to choose how many things you need.


It doesn’t even make sense to talk a lot about the profitability of such a business, it will be enough just to look out the window and you will take away dozens of cars and all of them are your potential customers.

You need to clearly understand who the store is specifically designed for, domestic cars, foreign ones, or you want to go into a highly specialized niche and sell spare parts only for specific car models. In a business plan for opening an auto parts store, there should be a clear understanding of where you are moving and what you needed for this. The profitability of the spare parts store will be in the region of 50-70 percent.

IN modern world moving in only one direction is not correct and dangerous, any experienced businessman is trying to expand the reach of his audience and the Internet accompanies this in the best possible way. It's millions potential clients, creating an online auto parts store will be a profitable solution that can bring you no less profit than an offline store and will be a good addition to your main business. In the business plan for an online auto parts store, you need to include all the costs associated with it, we will mention them at the end of the article.

Creating an official website will also help inform your online audience about planned promotions in the store. In order for the site to bring additional sales, they need to be constantly engaged, for such purposes it is better to hire a specialist (he will not only be involved in filling the site, but will be responsible for its promotion). Social networks for promotions are also great, ideally you should have a group in each of the social networks, groups need to be promoted in conjunction with the site.


This will be exemplary business the plan of an auto parts store, this example is designed for a regional city, in the capital the prices will be much higher.

    Room rental: 50,000 rubles

    Repair: 80,000 rubles

    Equipment: 140,000 rubles

    First purchase of spare parts: 400,000 rubles

    Creation of an online store: 30,000 rubles

    Promotion of the website and groups: 10,000 rubles

    Employee salary: 30,000 rubles

    Utility fee: 5,000 rubles

    Unforeseen expenses: 30,000 rubles

Total: 815 000 rubles

This is the minimum amount that is needed to enter the auto parts business, for people who already have experience in this area, for beginners this sum will be in the aisles of 1,000,000 - 1,300,000 rubles. The salary is calculated for one sales assistant. You can act as a director yourself. For bookkeeping, it is not necessary to hire a permanent employee; any company providing accounting services can handle this.


    The first and foremost risk is (low buying demand), and that's what a conservative business plan is for.

    Second on the list is a poorly chosen store location.

But even in cases of such problems, they can be solved in the following way. The first situation can be dealt with by starting promotions, and the second can be solved by simply moving to another place.

If you have not decided on the type of business, here are the ones that can be implemented without large financial investments.

If you have any doubts whether to make a highly specialized store or a regular one, in such cases you need to analyze the consumer market in the place where you plan to open your business (in any case, you will have to do an analysis). Good luck in all your endeavors.

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Growing number Vehicle on the roads of Russia directly stimulates an increase in demand for their components. Entrepreneurial people know this feature and successfully strive to implement it. We will talk in detail about how to make a business on auto parts in today's article.

general information

Every car needs repairs sooner or later. The older the car gets, the more investment it requires. And as the number of vehicles on our roads increases from year to year, the need for components is growing. auto parts business proper organization become a stable source of income.

In addition to spare parts, the company can supply and sell consumables. These include oils, filters, auto accessories and more. When creating your own business, you need to focus on the focus of the region where you plan to open a company.

Perhaps, spare parts will be in great demand not only for passenger cars, but also for trucks, buses or agricultural machinery. Signing a contract for the supply of goods to any auto company will be of great help. In this case, the percentage of the probability of a successful outcome of the case increases many times over.

Market and competitors

The auto parts market is quite large these days. Before thinking about starting a business, analyze it and study the competitors. You may be able to find auto parts business ideas that haven't caught on yet and be the first in the field. Analysis can be done in several ways.

The first, and it is considered the simplest and most inexpensive, is employment in a specialized auto parts store. In a short time, you will be able to thoroughly study the running positions, understand the features that are characteristic of this issue.

If you have no desire to work for hire, you can do an analysis of cars in the region. Find out their age, models, take an interest in problems in auto repair shops. The last way you can resort to before opening an auto parts business is to order an analysis from professionals. In this case, you will receive detailed and detailed information about how the situation has developed at a certain moment.


After studying the data obtained, you must draw up a business plan, on which you will rely not only on organizational issues, but also when planning financial investments. In addition, the project will allow, if necessary, to attract additional funds.

Contracts with suppliers

Thinking about how to organize the sale of auto parts, you need to decide on the range. At the initial stage, preference should be given to the most popular positions. After the list of nomenclature has been identified, it is required to find suppliers and conclude contracts with them.

Some entrepreneurs, taking their first steps in this business, buy goods in wholesale markets or in stores. A good option would be the ability to take auto parts for sale. It is possible to ensure the full-fledged operation of the company without a shortage of goods (especially in the off-season) if you find and conclude written agreements with several suppliers at once.

Don't lose sight of your competitors. Conduct price monitoring. Look for better offers from suppliers. By doing this, you can reduce the cost of goods in your store and make it attractive to customers. Business development will also require tracking trends in the regional car market. Do not disregard the release of new models and modifications of cars.

Start-up capital

To start a business selling auto parts, you need about 30 thousand dollars. With an average turnover of 10 thousand dollars per month and a trade margin of about 20-25%, its profitability will be 20-25%. If you follow all the subtleties and features of the auto business, the store will be able to fully pay for itself in 9-12 months. This figure is considered quite high.

Legal aspects

When choosing auto parts as a business, you should carry out the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a company with limited liability(OOO). This can be done by submitting the appropriate application form to local authority tax service. You will receive a certificate of registration, assignment of a TIN, registration with the Tax Inspectorate, and you will receive the codes of the State Statistics Committee.

In addition, you must register a company in a medical, pension funds and the social security fund. The final moment will be the choice of a taxation system, the opening of a current account and the production of a seal. For novice businessmen, given the low turnover, it is best to give preference individual entrepreneurship. Thus, you can save on taxes and reduce the amount of paperwork.


In parallel with the development of the project and registration with the tax service, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the store. This largely determines the success with which your business will develop. Selling auto parts will make a big profit if outlet locate close to stations Maintenance, garages, highways. This should be done taking into account the traffic of people: the higher it is, the more customers will notice your store.

The premises can be rented or built from scratch. The first method is simpler for beginner entrepreneurs, since the construction of a building will require considerable investments. In addition, it is worth creating a website. With it, you can sell the most popular items, order spare parts and Consumables through the Internet.

Arrangement of the premises, organizational moments

opening own business for the sale of auto parts, you need to come up with a sonorous name for the store. It should reflect the essence of your company and be easy to remember. Make sure your sign is bright and easy to read. Internal and appearance the store must arrange customers to visit it. Install high-quality lighting so that the product is clearly visible. An important point is the presence of a parking lot or convenient access to the outlet.

It is best to adjust the store's work schedule in such a way that the client has the opportunity to purchase goods at the end of the working day and on weekends. This time is convenient for those who repair the car on their own.

Make the store open 24/7 if possible. This is especially true in those cities where federal highways pass. Drivers, "broken" on the road, will certainly look for a store that works around the clock. This will bring additional profit to your company.


As such, equipment for a company selling auto parts is not required. Like any point of sale, the store needs to be equipped with racks, showcases, racks and shelves, on which goods can be conveniently and freely placed. To date, for similar business Internet access is important. With it, you can easily and quickly identify and select spare parts by VIN code. This opportunity is especially relevant for owners of foreign cars.


Having experience in selling auto parts and good knowledge in this industry, you can start working in a store on your own for the first time. With a favorable set of circumstances, the business will begin to develop and grow, there will be a need for additional staff. In this case, it makes sense to involve sales consultants with experience in the automotive industry.

Not being able to do bookkeeping on your own, you need to hire a permanent or visiting accountant. An additional advantage will be the service of an independent master who will be able to assess the breakdown of the car and give the motorist an answer to the question of what parts will fit his car. His duties may include small minor repairs, which are carried out on the spot.


After going through all the organizational stages, you will get a ready-made business. Auto parts will be in demand until cars stop breaking down. And this modern technologies has not yet been achieved. Focus on the quality of the products sold, track the company's pricing policy - and success will surely accompany your business.

With the goal of opening your trading business on automotive spare parts, you must understand that in addition to financial profit, this activity will require a lot of responsibility from you.

Otherwise, you will lose time, money and, possibly, the respect of people close to you. In such cases, you need to prudently and consistently go to the intended goal.

Business pros and cons

Positive points:

  • the possibility of a high mark-up on certain spare parts up to 80%;
  • stable daily profit;
  • low taxes, grace periods for tax payments;
  • the ability to organize trade through an online store.

As with all trading, there are downsides to this business:

  • lengthy paperwork procedures, sometimes unpleasant communication with officials for the legal opening of a store;
  • unscrupulous suppliers;
  • with a large assortment, periodic careful commodity accounting is necessary;
  • you will have to communicate with capricious buyers with high demands for your services;
  • storage space costs;
  • periodic filing of tax returns.

In our country, under certain circumstances, some negative points can be turned into a positive result. For example, at the initial stage, an entrepreneur pays taxes on preferential options for about 2 years. At the end of the grace period, you can re-register documents for a relative or trusted person. Thus, by changing the owner, you will stay on favorable terms indefinitely.

Types of spare parts stores

There are so many automotive vehicles that it is simply impossible to organize a trading business in spare parts, having an assortment for all types. Technique is divided by purpose:

  • cars;
  • trucks;
  • bus passenger transport;
  • special construction machinery, dump trucks, tow trucks, bulldozers and much more;
  • agricultural machinery, tractors, dump trucks, combines.

In addition, all these types are divided into brands, different companies manufacturers, domestic and foreign parts. To decide what type of spare parts you are going to trade, you need to study the market in your region, its needs, the availability of the nearest spare parts suppliers, the prices and conditions under which they sell the goods.

Most promising direction— trade in spare parts for passenger cars. Having studied the needs of the market, you can make a choice of one brand of cars or several. It is very profitable to conclude an agreement with the manufacturer of a certain brand and become its official dealer in the region, then you will be able to receive original spare parts at low prices without intermediaries. But for this you need to make large wholesale orders.


In most cases, business development requires initial capital. The cost side of trading in spare parts includes the following items:

  • renting a shop space;
  • rent storage facilities for spare parts;
  • purchase commercial equipment;
  • when trading through an online store, buying several computers and paying for the creation and maintenance of the site;
  • payment to employees;
  • the cost of the spare parts themselves;
  • certain transport costs, car rental or payment for fuel and lubricants for your own transport.

Practice and statistics show that opening a mid-level store will require not less than one million rubles. This is a classic option, everyone should proceed from their own conditions and capabilities.

Registration of the legal form of the enterprise

The correct choice of the legal form of the enterprise further determines how successful your business will be, and registration makes your activity legal. Depending on the form you choose, the cost of fines for various violations, the order and amount of taxes paid are determined.

There are several legal forms of enterprises: open and closed joint-stock companies, LLC and individual entrepreneur. The distribution of rights and obligations in each option is different, in our case the most popular and simple option is IP.

To register with the tax authorities, you must submit a whole package of documents:

  • application for registration;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • TIN and its photocopy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • For foreign citizens– documents of registration in Russia, identity cards certified by a notary.

In order not to waste time and not make unnecessary mistakes, it is more expedient to entrust this for a moderate fee to law firms or consulting centers. By law, registration takes 5 days.

Choosing the right space

For successful trading, there are generally accepted conditions by which the location of the store is determined. This should be a place where people gather: through streets and intersections, market squares, city center on the first line of the main streets. Such places provide more attendance, save money on advertising. It will be enough to have a large attractive sign in front of the entrance or a sign at the intersection of the routes of the masses.

The floor is of great importance - the first one will be preferable. Basements may be damp and require additional lighting costs.

For large stores, it is imperative to provide a parking place for visitors' vehicles, to think over the ways of exit and arrival.

A large store with high traffic should have a room with high ceilings and a good ventilation system.

Pay attention to the condition of the electrical network, it is desirable that the wiring is new, and all appliances correspond to the power that you plan to consume. It is very important what condition the heating and water supply systems are in. There is no need to strive for large areas, rent in such places is not cheap, proceed from the needs you need, taking into account development prospects.

Recruitment and assortment

Depending on the volume of trade you plan to trade, you will need different specialists:

  • sellers;
  • forwarders;
  • accountant.

It is desirable to invite experienced, proven employees who worked in this business to work. Sellers must know the range, technical terminology, the name of the parts, their storage locations, quickly navigate among commercial equipment and deftly serve customers - the image of your store depends on this.

When choosing an assortment, you need to be well versed in the local spare parts market, know what large enterprises located in the region, what equipment they have and in what condition.

You can learn a lot of useful things from ordinary drivers, what and who will soon need in what quantity. This is one example - information about potential buyers needs to be collected from all available sources, make profitable offers, conclude contracts with enterprises and service centers.

Constantly carefully monitor the pricing policy, adjust trading margins for spare parts, do not allow a higher price than competitors. Ideally, the price should be slightly lower, if your capabilities allow it.

Advertising and customer search

Use traditional advertising methods: banners, newspapers, internet, TV tickers, leaflets and various promotions. Advertising agencies require constant monitoring of the fulfillment of their obligations, and their services are not cheap.

Targeted advertising is effective. One such example is learning about the need for spare parts transport company do not waste time and act. Place posters in front of their gates, in front of the windows of the executives who depend on purchases, with great deals on the parts they need. Put in mailboxes officials booklets of your range and indicate that prices are flexible, bargaining is possible.

Doing Business on the Internet

Having a store selling auto parts, you can combine trading using an online store. This will bring you new customers, including those from other cities. And in your city for delivery, you can use the services of couriers or even deliver them yourself.

You can only use the online store, working on order. Then you will save a decent amount on renting premises, staff and the purchase of unnecessary parts and can spend it on creating and promoting the site.

Statistics show that to open a small online store, you need to invest not less than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, there will be few applications at first, and sales turnover is low, because the store needs time to create its audience and find regular customers. For a full-scale promotion of an online store throughout the country, you will need not less than 300 thousand rubles and not less than six months.

Video footage of the opening of a spare parts store

The video contains useful and detailed information about opening and running this business:

The price tag for spare parts in dealer services has always been clearly overpriced in the eyes of car owners. However, this is completely true only for warranty machines. Now almost all dealers offer good discounts for older vehicles. A specific part for a specific model can be noticeably cheaper than other sellers. In addition, in recent years, many dealers have begun to hold seasonal promotions for post-warranty cars. During their validity period, the most popular consumables - for example, batteries, brake discs and pads, filters, oils, wiper blades - are available at very attractive prices. It is unfortunate that all these activities often do not apply to warranty cars.

In general, dealers partly justify the higher price tag for spare parts with some advantages. Many technical centers have their own fairly large warehouses, so you can count on the availability of the part you need. Also official dealer guarantees the quality of spare parts, their exact selection and can provide comprehensive information on modified parts.

Network online stores

A more interesting price tag for any car, regardless of its age, is offered by large network online stores, such as Exist, Autodoc, Emex. In addition to original spare parts, they will also please with the widest choice of substitutes. In large cities, such networks have many outlets, so you can choose the store closest to you. These players on the market also have their own warehouses, so you can count on the availability of the most popular consumables. Another advantage of such sites is the ability to freely use spare parts catalogs, as well as detailed diagrams and independently find the part number you need. It can be used to find better deals in other stores or on online parts finders such as

If the client has difficulties with the independent selection of spare parts, he can come personally to one of the offices and use the help of a manager. However, this step sometimes does not save you from mistakes. Non-original spare parts may fit your car according to the catalog, but in reality they differ, for example, in the length of the shock absorber rod or seat on the brake disc. Fortunately, in this case, the item can be returned. This works even if it was not the manager who made the mistake, but you when choosing the spare part yourself.

Alas, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. There is no guarantee that the purchased original spare parts will not be counterfeit. Such cases occur periodically. Also, some of the Internet sites in Lately provide inaccurate data on the timing of the delivery of spare parts. Waiting one day easily turns into three, and three into a week. This must be remembered, repairing a car in a service may mean hanging it in anticipation of spare parts or if you simply do not have time to spare. It also leaves its mark on the likelihood that the selected non-original parts may not fit your car.


Another unpleasant surprise is the refusal of the supplier while waiting for the spare part. For example, you need a specific or rare part. Most likely, it will be available only on order with a waiting period of up to a month. You place an order, track the status of the goods in personal account, and after a week or two, a refusal comes from the supplier. However, he does not inform the store manager about the reasons for such a step. Most often this happens during a period of serious fluctuations in the exchange rate. You order a spare part at one price, and after a couple of days it becomes more expensive, and the greedy supplier cancels your application. However, the new placement of the order will not save you from another surprise. As a result, the wait can drag on for months. You won't lose money, only time. Alas, sometimes even placing an order in another online store does not save. Once I spent as many as two months like this, and as a result, a familiar private seller came to the rescue, who worked only with trusted suppliers. The price of the spare part was slightly higher, but it came the first time and quickly.

Shops specializing in certain brands

Small shops are also widespread, most often they are not even networked and limit their sphere of interest to a narrow pool of car models. However, this also has its advantages.

These stores often have a more moderate price appetite than the big internet players. In addition to original parts, they also offer replacements, although with a less modest choice. But that's kind of a plus. It is unlikely that the replacement you have selected will not fit your vehicle, as these dealers are more familiar with their product line. In addition, they have some kind of experience in matters of reliability and resource of certain non-original spare parts.

Some of these shops offer good discounts. regular customers. An item can be exchanged if it doesn't suit you for some reason. And here everything is transparent in terms of delivery of spare parts to order.

Alas, as in the case of online stores, there is a risk of running into counterfeit goods. In addition, not all such shops are generally respectable. Here, only reviews from other car owners will come to the rescue. Another of the shortcomings is a limited network or a store in general in singular. Going for the sake of not so significant savings, for example, to the other end of the city is no longer interesting.

club shops

Some stores from the previous example acquire the status of clubs over time. Or people build their business out of the blue. Such stores cooperate with owners' forums and provide good discounts to "tubers".

The advantages of an ordinary store specializing in certain brands in this case are multiplied. After all, the club status obliges to be as friendly to the client as possible. Naturally, not without controversial situations and conflicts, but here they are solved on a different level. One dissatisfied customer be sure to unsubscribe on the owners forum and, possibly, take a certain number of people with him.

Private seller

One of the branches of club shops are private sellers. Often these are the same car owners who live on specialized forums. These people use factory parts selection programs and deal only with original parts. They have access to supplier partners, and, given the club status, they value their reputation, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the goods.

The main advantage of such a private trader is more low prices for spare parts compared to all stores. Due to turnover best conditions provide sellers focused on models of large concerns. For example, a similar club "shop" for Volkswagens also covers the needs of Skoda, SEAT and Audi owners. The main communication at the same time takes place on the forums of the owners. There you can also find reviews about the seller. But usually it's very a good option, because, in fact, he is the same owner as you. Sometimes he even drives the same car.

In addition to the spare parts themselves, such a seller usually distributes technical fluids: original and substitutes. If you buy from him often and a lot, you can get an additional discount from him.

Private seller for all brands

Private sellers without strict specialization also work on the market. If you like, this is a large network online store with one employee.

This option saves you from almost all problems with large Internet sites. Naturally, delays in terms of delivery are possible, but not so frequent and significant. Moreover, such sellers have access to a larger number of suppliers and prefer to work only with proven options. In any case, the private trader will offer you a choice. If it is important to get a specific spare part on time, then it is better to pay a little extra and place an order with a more reliable supplier. If you are willing to wait, you can save some money by using the option with a higher bounce rate.

Such private traders can be found through acquaintances, on social networks or on automotive portals. As for prices, not in all cases they will be significantly lower than in online stores.

Private individual specializing in a particular group of spare parts

There are also highly specialized private traders, for example, sellers of parts for brake systems. In addition to original spare parts, they offer a wide range of replacements, including sports ones. And due to the fact that these people also value their reputation, they offer high-quality goods, competently select spare parts for your car and are ready to exchange them or return the money, if anything.

You can reach such people again through acquaintances, social media or specialized forums.

Club car service

Any car service sells spare parts with a markup. However, if we talk about club technical centers, then this overpayment is beaten off by a mass of useful bonuses.

IN previous examples we have already talked about dividends from club status for car owners. In the case of such a service, the client also enjoys the valuable experience of servicemen. Over the years of work, they have found the most suitable replacements for original spare parts in terms of price / quality ratio and know in which cases it is worth abandoning analogues altogether.

Some of these services also have small warehouses of the most popular consumables. And in the case of an order, they are guaranteed to be able to choose a spare part suitable for your car: original or a substitute - experience helps. In addition, such services try to work with reliable suppliers. In any case, reviews about the work and spare parts from a particular technical center can always be read on the owners forum.

To whom to turn?

Ultimately, the choice of specific shops or parts sellers largely depends on the model of the car. Not all of them have a complete list of options described above. In addition, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you are an adherent of original spare parts, then a private club seller would be an ideal option. If you prefer substitutes, then here you still have to figure it out, the choice is not so obvious in all situations, but usually it is most profitable to work with club shops and services. Their experience with aftermarket parts is most valuable.

Doing business in our time is very prestigious, and it is important to find a business that you like. For example, if you are interested in cars, you can dedicate your business to them. How to open an auto parts store from scratch? Trading business plan, tips knowledgeable people and evaluation of the profitability of activities.

First stage

It all starts with studying the market of such stores and the production of auto parts. In addition, it is worth studying the popularity of each store in the city in order to understand what exactly is important to people and what interests them.

Directly for this, you need to independently conduct a demand analysis for various kinds and types of automotive components and spare parts. You can not open a business in a certain area, being illiterate in it. Among other things, pay attention to the concept of stores in your area. Surely it is quite diverse, and it is at this point that it is worth dwelling in more detail.

Concept types

Undoubtedly organizational structure is extremely important, but it is simply impossible to cover everything, so you need to carefully concentrate on specific specifics. There are several different sales formats to choose from:

  • used parts;
  • spare parts of specific brands and car firms;
  • auto parts for a certain type of machine (for example, special equipment);
  • spare parts exclusively for foreign or domestic cars;
  • sale of goods via the Internet.

To successfully counter money problems and competition, you need to love your job, so you should choose a concept that is interesting to you personally. Of course, there is also the concept of a franchise system, but we will talk about this much later.

What is important to pay attention to and what to prepare for in advance:

  1. To begin with, it is worth drawing up a specific and clear business plan, which will take into account rental, purchase, registration and other cash costs not only for opening, but also for further maintenance specifically in your area.
  2. Try to conclude agreements with taxi services and supply them with exactly your goods. Try to connect with different people in the automotive field.
  3. At first, stick to the purchase of spare parts of the pair do not a large number various car companies.
  4. Be sure to organize the sale of universal products, such as motor oils, windshield washers, scrapers, and more.
  5. If possible, have extremely close communication with all suppliers of goods for the store.
  6. If within a certain period of time you do not have time to get the client the goods he needs, then he will move to a competitor salon, probably capturing a couple more potential buyers.
  7. Be really savvy with car parts so you can sort out what the buyer needs at a glance.
  8. It is very important, especially in a crisis, to know that domestic spare parts are sold faster and more often, since they have a lower cost compared to foreign counterparts, and foreign cars break down much less often than the CIS auto industry.
  9. Keep a close eye on changes in the automotive parts market to gain new experience and understand the latest trends. This will help you become the market leader in your region with the most up-to-date and quality goods.
  10. The name should be sonorous and memorable. The banal “Auto Shop” and “Spare Parts Salon” are not recommended, but you should not be too sophisticated either. You need a capacious, memorable word or phrase that will appeal to the mainstream male audience, but will not become a faded spot among other options on the market.
  11. To seriously reduce the business plan in terms of money, it is worth organizing an online auto parts store. This concept is also suitable for those who have some problems with large deliveries of goods, because they can be purchased by order. It is important to understand how to open an online auto parts store. It will take longer to develop this version of the store, because the difficulty lies in the huge competition and not too great advertising opportunities.

Lower prices, availability of extremely fast delivery, making deals with real official suppliers, respectively, increased quality of goods can become your advantages. Of course, you can also lure with promotions or discounts, especially in the first months.

For example, you can download with calculations.


There are two to choose from legal forms: IP and LLC. Individual entrepreneur makes it possible to freely sell auto parts, parts and various related equipment, but only individuals. Actually IP is an ordinary store.

An LLC, on the other hand, allows you to work directly with enterprises, supplying, for example, equipment for the production of new cars, products for trucking and other similar opportunities. In addition, it is the LLC that gives the right to create a whole network of salons from one car shop. It is worth noting that this option is more suitable for already established entrepreneurs, but for beginners it is better to start your own career ascent with an individual entrepreneur.

We select a suitable place

Opening an auto parts store from scratch involves a preliminary search for a suitable place for the store, whether it be a separate building or a room on the first floor of a residential building. Shops in residential sleeping areas are more popular. If you want a large number of visitors and buyers, then you should open a store near the road, gas stations and car services.

It is necessary to arrange special parking spaces for visitors by car for at least five places. It is also important to ensure that there are no competitive sites nearby.

Find a comfortable and really suitable room at least 60 square meters. The more brands of spare parts you try to cover, the larger the area should be.

In addition, it is extremely important to analyze the terms of the contract with the landlord, so as not to get into problems. Remember that your premises must have all the main communications, as well as separate rooms for warehouses and utility rooms. If you decide to go on a franchise, you do not have to look for a place.

We buy the right product

You need to choose the specifics of the products offered to customers. An option that will not let you down will be the purchase of parts and spare parts for domestic GAZs and VAZs.

They make up the largest community of cars and trucks in our country, moreover, it is domestic cars that break down more often than others. For other CIS countries, be it Belarus or Kazakhstan, the same is true. In addition, you can organize additional sale spare parts at discounted prices, buying them at car parsing.

The idea of ​​pre-arranging mass deliveries of several specific brands is also correct from the point of view of the organization of work. An agreement with the supplier allows you to quickly receive individual specific parts if necessary, or simply receive the goods faster.

You do not have to pay close attention to the spare parts that are purchased, because they will be supplied with high quality. Also, communication with official representatives adds confidence among buyers. Pluses will add the ability to demonstrate logos famous brands on a store sign.

You will definitely need several different suppliers so that the auto parts store, like the business itself, does not depend on certain circumstances. Do not be afraid to check the officiality and honesty of the supplier, because you risk losing money and the trust of customers.

Here is a sample of the parts that will bring in the most money:

  • headlights of several of the most common types;
  • stop signs;
  • side mirrors for rear view;
  • bumpers of different lengths;
  • doors of various formats;
  • engines and related spare parts;
  • automatic transmission and more.

For entrepreneurs working on a franchise, almost all of the above will be irrelevant.

Recruiting the right staff

Personal savvy in the matter is not enough in correct work salon, but it will help to find worthy individuals who are ready to gain experience. Do not be afraid to hire young employees, they have a lot of ideas and they learn quickly, besides, the young employee will be more friendly and patient, sociable and courteous. Most importantly, remember that you need to select those people who can become the face of the salon.

The main point where to start the interview is the knowledge of a person in matters of auto parts and brands. Look at their ability to speak clearly and distinctly, do not be shy and offer their own options.

By the way, you should also meet the needs of the employees, motivating them with pleasant additions to the salary. If your store has just opened and you hired a young employee, assign him a salary linked to revenue, setting, of course, the minimum bar.

Do not forget to constantly be present and participate in the work of the salon. It is often important for developing projects from scratch to save even on trifles, so for the first time you should deal with accounting for goods, accounting and control over employees on your own. Already in the future, your business idea will need an experienced accountant, manager and senior salesperson. By the way, an accountant should be hired on a part-time basis.

The financial side of the issue

Suppose we open a medium-sized store of a hundred square meters with a fairly convenient, but large work schedule from 9 am to 9 pm, four employees in total, with calculations for domestic and some foreign cars and a very low markup. The cost table looks something like this:

Expense line Amount in thousand rubles
1 Room rental for two months 120
2 Repair 130
3 Marketing Campaign 110
4 Purchase necessary equipment 300
5 Seller salary 30 x 4 + % of revenue = (about 400)
6 Public utilities 20
7 Purchase of goods 800
8 Registration and documentation 40
9 Contingency reserve 20
Total: 1 920

In total, opening an auto parts store for foreign and domestic cars costs about two million rubles. It must be remembered that the monthly expenses will include rent, public utilities, salaries to employees and additional purchase of goods, which means that you will have to spend another 700 thousand rubles.

What is the revenue?

Revenue usually depends on how you start, how profitable the purchase of goods is, how good the advertising is, and how good the location of the store is. It is important that the amount of money received for the sold goods restores the amount spent in a month and adds an even larger amount.

In the example above, this salon will bring the entrepreneur about 200 thousand per month. They come from the store's income of 1,200 thousand rubles, the payment of monthly expenses of 700 thousand and the payment of tax of 300 thousand. Roughly speaking, the recovery of 200 thousand rubles each month will cover the costs of opening the project in 10 months. But our analysis is not completely objective, in reality, the profitability will be only 11% and a year and a half of work.

Video: how to open an auto parts store from scratch?

Franchise work

In fact, you get a ready-made business, and therefore you don’t have to risk the cash investments invested in a zero project.

Franchise work is a purchase of the opportunity to join an already well-known network of salons, opening your own on its basis. It is reliable, profitable and quite inexpensive compared to opening your own establishment.

The downside of franchising is that you can't get away from the overall network concept. You must exclusively supervise and administer one of the stores, subject to the rules of senior management. For many, this restriction becomes unacceptable.

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