Crow template for applique. Do-it-yourself application from colored paper Crow for primary school children. Templates. Master class with photo. From paper discs

Application from colored paper, grade 3

Application from colored paper "Crow". Master class with step by step photo.

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary school KSU " secondary school No. 21 Saryozek village "Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: Application from colored paper "Crow" can be done after getting acquainted with the story of Vera Chaplina "Cunning Crows" in grade 3. The work can also be used in labor lessons and in extracurricular activities or in kindergarten.
Target: development of the ability to perform interesting work from colored paper.
Tasks: Teach correctly, carefully cut out details from colored paper according to patterns; observe safety precautions when using scissors in work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate perseverance and accuracy while working with glue.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of the application: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, black felt-tip pen or marker, templates, sample work.

Hello guys! Solve the riddle.
Car, car, car! That bird screams
In the field, in the city, in the village.
Climb up the trees.
Everyone knows a person.
And her name is ... (crow)

- Hello, dear crow!
Iwaited for you.
How do you live, tell the crow
How are you?
I meet you in the forest
And I often see:
Something very sad.
Are you sick by any chance? -
And the crow answered me:
- Am I sad? What are you, no!
We are just such birds -
It doesn't suit us to have fun.
We don't sing songs
Do not compare us with the nightingale.
Well, of course, sometimes
You can croak - no problem!
But whistle and chirp
Snap your beak, laugh -
We are not such creatures!
Goodbye! Goodbye! (N.Soboleva)
Guys, you know, crows are very smart birds, there is a lot of evidence for this. As a result of several experiments, it has been established that crows can count (up to about 7-8). Ravens have elements of abstract thinking, in particular, they can distinguish between numbers from 1 to 4 and are able to add them.
Guys, we have read the story of Vera Chaplina "Cunning Ravens". This story tells about the guys who, during the season of ripening nuts, climbed trees and ate them. But then they noticed that crows in large flocks flew into these trees and plucked nuts. They threw out the rotten ones, and put the mature ones in the recesses on the tree between the branches and the trunk. And then they hammered at them exactly in the place where the nut stalk was. The nut cracked and the crows ate the flesh. Having eaten, they still stocked up, buried nuts in the ground. They made a hole, put a nut in it, and next to it they dug one hole to confuse. The crows were very cunning. But the crows still have something to brag about. They love to have fun. The habit of crows to roll down from sloping roofs is well known. The crow sits on the very top of the roof and glides almost to the very edge, after which it spreads its wings and takes off. This may be repeated several times. The crow is still a very smart and funny bird. And today we will make an application from colored paper. We will make such a cute, interesting, funny crow. But first, let's remember - safety precautions when working with scissors:
Use scissors with rounded ends.
Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you.
Pass the scissors with the rings forward with the blades closed.
You can't cut on the go.
When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
You have templates on your tables, with the help of them we will cut out all the details of our crow. Choose colored paper for your application.
For this work, we need templates.

Implementation of the application "Crow"
1. To complete the work, you need to take a sheet of cardboard, you took green.
A blue puddle was cut out according to the template and glued onto the cardboard from below.

2. Cut out a log from brown paper using a template and glue it onto a puddle. The log floats in a puddle.

3. Cut out the black body and glue it on the log. Our crow is sitting on a log.

4. Cut out a wing from gray or blue paper. And glue on the body of a crow.

5. Next, cut out and glue the white eyes. Before gluing the eyes, attach the beak and see how it will look.

6. Glue black pupils and small white dots on the eyes for a better expressive look.

7. From yellow paper, glue the beak and make a red tongue, as it were, so that the mouth appears open.

8. Cut out 2 paws from yellow paper and glue them to our crow.

9. Well, the crow is almost ready. I want to make her a feather like an Indian. And you can make a flower and there will be a crow girl, this is how your fantasy works.

10. Apply the final touches with a marker or black pencil. And our crow is ready.

Person in a puddle on a log
The crow was preparing to sing
Showed a singing gift
Shouted loudly "kar-rr-rr".

Irina Korchagina
Summary of the application lesson in senior group kindergarten"Fairy Bird"



1. Continue to teach children how to glue pre-prepared parts according to a given pattern, work with glue, paper,

2. Continue to develop spatial and figurative thinking, visual-motor coordination.

3. Continue to expand the horizons of children, replenish their vocabulary.

4. Recall and introduce children to names birds and their body parts.

5. Continue to cultivate a good attitude towards nature and respect for it.


Illustrations depicting different birds,

Image masks birds,

Sample applications« fairy bird» ,

A sheet of blue cardboard (A - 4,

All parts kit « birds» (body, head - yellow; tail, two wings, tuft on the head, beak - red; multi-colored shiny strips of self-adhesive paper,

- "Magic wand" ,

Glue, oilcloth, napkins, felt-tip pens.


Reading Russian folk fairy tales"Heat - bird and Vasilisa - the princess ", « The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich, heat - the bird and gray wolf ", and fairy tales P. P. Ershova "The Little Humpbacked Horse" holding lessons on drawing on the topic "Heat - bird» .


V: Hello guys! Today is our application lesson will be unusual, it will fabulous. But in order for us to get into fairy tale I'll take my magic wand and say spell:

« fairy tale - fairy tale, come,

Surprise our children!

B: Close your eyes! (The disc with the sounds of voices is turned on birds) .

Q: Now open your eyes.

Guys, you and I found ourselves in fairy forest where different people live birds: and those whom you know and see every day on the street, and those whom you have never met.

(Children are shown birds: sparrow, crow, dove, cuckoo, woodpecker, bullfinch, etc.).

V .: Guys, let's look at the birds. Which of them do you know? (children's answers) .

(If the children do not know the teacher calls bird and children repeat its name).

V .: Guys, and at the farthest fabulous the clearing of the magical forest is inhabited by the unusual birds, some of them you know and may have seen at the zoo or on TV, and some of them you have never met because they live in far, far away countries. But today you have the opportunity to get to know them.

(Photos showing birds: flamingo, eagle, heron, pelican, penguin, crane, hawk, cockatoo, swan, hummingbird, ostrich, etc.).

V: And there are birds who live only in fairy tales, for example, Heat - bird which we recently read about fairy tales. Remember in what fairy tales met this bird? (children's answers) .

V .: But despite the fact that all these different birds: in size (some are very large, and some are small, in plumage color (some of them are beautiful and bright, and some are gray and inconspicuous). But all the same, all these birds there is a common thing - they consist of the same parts of the body. Let's look at the bird and say what parts of the body it consists of? (children's answers) .

V .: Guys, in our fabulous forest we saw many different birds but not here Happy Birds. But people from ancient times believed that there is such bird bringing happiness on its wings. That is why today we will make such Bird of happiness so that you, and your family, and all people on earth are happy. Let's dream with you now and try to tell what do you imagine Bird of happiness. (children's answers).

V .: Before we get to work, let's play a little.


(Children are given and put on masks with the image birds, the teacher pronounces the poem, and the children perform movements according to the text three times).

little birds

We flew high

(Children wave their hands like bird wings) .

In the evening at the birds

The wings are tired.

(Children put their hands up).

Birds on the trees

Sat down to rest

(Children squat down) .

And in the morning we went

The birds are on their way again.

(Children get up) .

V: Well done guys! You are good birds! Well, now let's start making Happy Birds.

(A sample is placed in front of the children applications« fairy bird» ) .


Children are given sheets of blue cardboard (A - 4, a set of parts, glue and felt-tip pens;

According to the sample, we place all the details on blue cardboard « birds» ;

Glue "trunk" birds;

To the right of it we paste "head" birds;

On the left of "torso" we have "tail" birds;

I will overthrow and from below to "trunk" stick two "wings" birds;

Top on "head" glue "tuft" ;

Right to "head" we attach "beak" birds;

We decorate with shiny strips of self-adhesive paper "tail", "wings" and "tuft" ;

We draw with a felt-tip pen "eyes" bird.

V: Well done guys! Looking at your wonderful work, I want to read you a poem about happiness.

What is happiness? This is the Sun

Shines gently over your head!

What is happiness? It's the wind

What plays fun with you!

What is happiness? This is mom

Gently hugs and kisses!

What is happiness? That's life,

Which sometimes does not indulge!

Q: Guys, what is happiness for you? (children's answers).

V .: We got a whole flock Happy Birds and therefore you and I and all the people on earth must now be happy!

(Exhibition children's work) .


V .: This is the end of our fabulous activity. Let's remember what new and interesting things you learned today and what you did on lesson. (children's answers) .

You are all well done, you coped very well with the difficult task of doing it yourself Bird of happiness! But it's time for us to return fairy forest and so you close your eyes, and in the meantime I will take again "magic wand" and cast a magic spell that will help us

Raven is a mysterious bird.
It appears in the epic of many peoples of the world. Fairy tales and legends have been preserved in Chukotka, in which the raven plays an important role.
So we decided with the guys to find out a little about these birds and make ourselves a cute crow. We named him Clara.

The raven is one of the largest representatives of the order Passeriformes. The wingspan reaches 1.20 m.

The coloration is monophonic, like that of a crow and a rook, but it is easily distinguished from the latter by its large size. The plumage is black, with a bluish or greenish tint. Juveniles have dull black plumage without a metallic sheen.
Raven is a cautious bird. Able to move well on the ground.
Scientists have confirmed the presence of intelligence in crows.
A Russian fairy tale depicts a raven as a wise and noble bird with supernatural powers. It is he who brings dead and living water from the ends of the earth and revives the hero.
In Russian beliefs, not only the cry of this bird, but the very appearance of a raven portends death or misfortune. The souls of evil people were also often represented as black ravens and crows.

Among the Paleoasian peoples, the raven was the creator of the world. He is still worshiped in Chukotka, in Greenland, in Japan. Killing a raven is considered a grave sin. In Chukotka, the ancient ritual dance of the Raven has been preserved. Shamans used the power of ravens for magical flights. The Raven King is famous in European folklore. Living on the top of an impregnable mountain, ancient (there was a belief that ravens live up to 300 years), he was endowed with the qualities of wisdom and justice. In addition, the raven has a connection with the world of the dead, he can get living and dead water.
(Meletinsky E. Selected Articles. The Paleo-Asian epic about the Raven and the problem of relations)

Our Clara is kind, she will protect your
home: all the bad energy of strangers will take over, thereby in your family
peace, love, happiness reign.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • black, yellow, orange, brown cardboard;
  • glue;
  • print the templates that I have prepared and provide to you.

Cut out pieces on black card

Beak Eyes

A paper crow based on a cone looks interesting and funny. Be sure to make it with the children, the craft is very easy. The only difficult action for children may be the design of the cone. But with proper paper preparation, this should not be a problem.

Paper Crow Materials:

  • Black cardboard;
  • Yellow paper. If there are no ready-made eyes, you will also need white paper;
  • moving eyes;
  • Scissors, compasses, simple pencil, glue stick.

With such a minimum, a nice craft is obtained.

How to make a crow out of paper?

At the first stage, a cone should be made from black cardboard. To do this, use a compass to draw a circle on paper. Its value depends on what size you need a crow. In any case, from a circle for the entire width of A4 cardboard, a cone with a height of approximately 10 cm is obtained.

The circle was drawn, divide it crosswise into 4 even parts. Depending on how many parts will be involved in the work, the width of the cone is determined. That is, if you cut off one part, the cone will be wide. The cone for the crow needs a rather narrow one, so 2.5 parts need to be cut off from the circle. And from the remaining 1.5 make a cone. In the photo, the sector of the circle that we need for crafts is indicated in red.

Cut it off the circle.

Roll into a ball and glue the sides. The base of the crow is ready, now let's move on to the small details.

Draw on black cardboard, or first on white paper, a round head with a forelock, tail and wings, cut it out. The wing can be drawn on one side only, then fold the paper in half and cut out two identical parts at once.

From yellow paper, cut out a rhombus-beak and paws. Make the paws more authentic, taking into account the fact that later they will need to be folded into an accordion.

The components of the crows made of paper are ready, it's time to move on to assembling the bird.

To do this, glue the eyes, beak to the head. Note that the sides of the beak should be on the edge of the head. The beak itself is a little complicated and is pressed in the middle and glued only on the sides and in the upper part. Glue on the crow's head and tail.

Attach wings to the back of the cone.

Fold the paws into an accordion.

Glue them inside the bottom of the cone.

That's it, the paper crow is ready. Is she really funny?