Increasing the efficiency of distribution of warehouse logistics. Shamis V.A. Some aspects of increasing the efficiency of warehouse activities. How to determine the existing potential of a warehouse

Logistics- the science of managing material flows, service flows and related information, financial and other flows. Closely related to the concept of logistics is the concept of a logistics system and logistics process.

A logistics process is a sequential change of states, stages of development, a set of sequential actions to achieve a result (for example, a production process is a sequential change of operations, etc.). This is a sequence of logistics operations/functions organized in a certain way over time, realizing the goals of the logistics system or its network (functional) divisions set during the planning period.

Logistics processes at the enterprise are characterized by complexity and diverse influence on the entire activity of the subject. At enterprises different types The spheres of material and information logistics processes are different. In this connection, in addition to standard functions and areas of activity, such as procurement, transportation, storage, sales, etc., they perform characteristic or unique functions, which contributes to the need to develop certain organizational decisions and form the necessary infrastructure. Industrial and commercial enterprises may have a developed distribution structure, and construction companies they don't have it at all. Logistics process management must take into account the specific operating conditions of a particular enterprise.

Logistics processes are closely related to the functioning of the enterprise; they do not form an independent field of activity, but must be subordinate to the main goals of the enterprise and ensure their achievement.

Under ideal conditions, the company’s unified logistics process is naturally divided into separate, related subprocesses (purchases and supplies of raw materials for own production, deliveries of finished products from production to storage warehouses, intra-warehouse movements and pre-sale processing, order picking and shipment of products to consumers). But despite the abundance of tasks and approaches, scientists believe that the main object of research, management and optimization in logistics processes is the material flow, and information, financial, service and other flows are considered in a subordinate plan.

Management of material flow at individual stages of its passage has certain specifics, according to which five functional areas of logistics are distinguished: purchasing, production, distribution, transport, information.

Despite the fact that all areas of logistics have their own specific methods, we should not forget that they are interconnected, and the general concept of logistics manages end-to-end material and information flow. Successful solution of logistics problems is possible only with close interaction of all participants in the logistics process.

Decisions related to logistics activities are of great importance for companies, as they affect the efficiency of the entire business, and also increase the company’s competitiveness.


Conflict in a relationship occurs when the goals of the parties involved are opposing or unclear. There is an inherent conflict of interest when the optimal course of action for an individual firm in a supply chain may differ from the optimal course of action for the entire chain. Conflict also often arises due to competition in the distribution of profits. And even internal, interpersonal conflicts between departments or individuals can interfere with productivity. There may also be a role conflict that arises due to disagreements over goals, methods, and interpretation of contracts.


Security problems are associated with information leakage. Lost goods and cargo theft lead to shutdowns production capacity, shortages, as well as unnecessary costs when ordering additional shipments.


Delivery delays and inefficient transport route selection can have serious consequences and even lead to production stoppages in JIT supply chains. In addition, they have a negative impact on customer satisfaction, since one of the most important factors satisfaction is the fulfillment of delivery obligations. If information arrives after it was needed, if a decision has already been made, this information becomes useless. Delays can affect planning efficiency and lead to untimely control.

Fluctuations in demand.

Unexpected fluctuations in demand lead to excess or, on the contrary, insufficient inventories. At the operational level, problems arise when demand changes too quickly and unpredictably for the company to respond to it. Even when production can respond to unexpected fluctuations in demand, this can lead to side effects such as increased product defects.


Information inaccuracy by its nature reduces the value of information, as well as the appropriateness of decisions made with its help. Logistics information must accurately reflect both the current values ​​and the dynamics of functional indicators. More high accuracy information reduces uncertainty and the need to take additional steps.

Lack of resources.

A product shortage occurs when demand exceeds available supply. Lack of information occurs when too little data is available to optimize the decision-making process. This may be the result of measuring too few variables or poor communication between organizations and departments. In this matter, return information flows are very important. Lack of skills and knowledge, as well as low qualifications of employees lead to excessive labor costs and low labor productivity.

Underutilization of resources.

High inventory levels are associated with high uncertainty, large size batches, fluctuations in demand, seasonality, high level of service. In conditions of uncertainty, a high level of inventory allows you to smooth out random uneven consumption of inventory, and also protects against two types of uncertainty: excess demand above the expected level within the functional cycle (the buyer orders more than planned) and fluctuations in the duration of the functional cycle (due to delays in product deliveries, failures ) However, high inventory levels can also have a negative impact on an organization's operations because it involves storage costs, reduces liquidity, and leads to the risk of damage and obsolescence.


The problem with product pricing in a supply chain typically lies in imperfect processes between businesses, resulting in higher prices for the final product, which loses its cost advantage over a competitor's product. Another problem is the incorrect cost-benefit ratio. Pricing issues can also arise from pricing pressure from partners. We have to start looking for new partners, which involves new costs.

The main logistics problems are: low logistics productivity, ineffective management of logistics assets, low quality of manufactured goods, high logistics costs, insufficiently high logistics service and others.

On this moment There are many models and methods that solve the main problems that arise in the process of logistics activities. Let's consider the main functions of logistics in which problems arise, as well as methods and algorithms for solving these problems.

a) Procurement management. The main problem is the ineffective satisfaction of production needs for raw materials and materials. Basic solution methods:

Supplier selection algorithms;

Forecasting methods;

ABC model;

The “make or buy” model.

b) Management of order procedures. The main problems are ineffective organization of receiving orders, planning the implementation process, organizing delivery, and so on. Basic models and methods used to solve:

Selection of logistics intermediaries;

Selection algorithm optimal option distribution of material flow;

Method for determining warehouse coordinates.

c) Organization of warehouse processes. The main problems are incorrect and inefficient warehousing and storage, disposal and transportation of goods. Solution methods:

Pareto method;

Model for choosing the optimal warehouse location option;

Methodology for deciding whether to rent or build a warehouse.

d) Inventory management. The main problems: the inefficiency of creating and maintaining the level of inventories of raw materials and supplies in logistics supply and production channels, as well as finished products in distribution channels. Basic solution algorithms:

Model EOQ;

Inventory control and management models;

ABC-XYZ analysis;

Stochastic and non-stationary models of inventory management.

d) Transportation. Main problems: ineffectiveness of created transport systems, selected vehicle fleet, delivery routes, carriers, forwarders, and so on. Basic solution methods:

Carrier selection models;

Transportation routing;

Just-in-time model;

Model of logistics centers - production - transport - consumption;

Economic and mathematical model of a macrologistics system.

f) Support production processes. The main problems are ineffective planning for the production of finished products, supply of raw materials and materials, production of low-quality goods, forecasting the costs of raw materials and supplies, and others. Methods for solving these problems are:

Just-in-time concepts;

Models and methods of "operations research";

Methods of forecasting theory;

Model EOQ;

Methods of volume-calendar and volume-dynamic planning of production progress;

Models for managing inventories of material resources, work in progress and finished goods.

Systems analysis, performance assessment;

Synthesis (design).

The main models are:

Models for choosing a supplier, intermediary, carrier, etc.

Forecasting models;

Models for identifying nomenclature groups;

Inventory management models;

Adaptive timing models (“just in time”).

Models of choice.

Let's consider selection models using the example of supplier selection. The choice of supplier is important for the company, not only because the market operates a large number of suppliers of the same products, but also by the fact that the supplier must become a reliable business partner for the company.

All new suppliers to the company must be assessed from the point of view of feasibility, that is, whether the supplier’s potential allows us to consider the possibility of cooperation. The main methods that are used in this case are the methods of expert assessments and analytical ones.

The analytical method when choosing a supplier is based on the use of formulas that include parameters characterizing logistics intermediaries. The method of expert assessments is a method in which parameters that are contradictory in content are compared with each other. This method is based on expert assessments for parameters that characterize logistics intermediaries. Supplier evaluation is an ongoing process, and as a result, the company needs to monitor performance currently

existing suppliers. This will help determine whether their performance meets expectations.

Often the use of forecasting methods in logistics is due to the fact that the values ​​obtained during the forecast are the basis for decision-making in tactical, strategic and operational planning. Forecasting methods are based on two main approaches: mathematical and heuristic.

Heuristic methods involve building intuitive predictive models. These models are formed due to the target setting, as well as experience, intuition, available information and expert knowledge. These expert assessments are divided into

Individual (interviews, idea generation);

Collective (methods for setting weight coefficients, simple ranking, paired comparisons, sequential comparisons);

Combined (Delphi method and its modifications).

Mathematical methods can be divided into:

Simple Methods extrapolations from time series (exponential smoothing, least squares method, etc.);

Statistical methods (factor, correlation, regression analyzes and others);

Combined methods represent a synthesis of various forecast options.

Models for identifying nomenclature groups.

The main models for identifying item groups are the ABC and XYZ models.

The ABC model involves identifying groups from the entire inventory, and the XYZ model examines each item in the inventory, regardless of group membership.

The ABC model is a modification of the “Pareto rule” and is a way of forming and monitoring the state of inventories. This method is a division of the product range into three uneven sets based on some algorithm.

The XYZ model allows you to analyze and predict the stability of certain business processes or business objects. The methodology of this model is to assign a coefficient of variation to each product item.

Inventory management models.

Inventory management is one of the most important functions in logistics. The inventory management process involves solving two main tasks:

Determination of stock sizes;

Development of a system for monitoring the actual size of the stock and its timely replenishment.

The main method of inventory management is the methods for calculating current and safety stock. These methods can be divided into:

Methods based on statistical data processing;

Analytical methods;

Adaptive timing models (“just in time”).

The just-in-time model is applied to the company’s logistics cycle, which is one of the main objects of integrated logistics. The main goal of the model is to reduce delays caused by the deviation of the actual execution time of the logistics cycle from the planned one.

There are two versions of the just-in-time model - analytical and simulation. A “just-in-time” model is formed according to the following stages:

a) Collection and processing of data on the time parameters of each stage of the logistics cycle.

b) Calculation of the main statistical parameters of the entire logistics cycle, such as the average value of the logistics cycle time and the standard deviation.

c) Determination of To (the duration of the logistics cycle), with a given confidence probability P.

d) Determining the execution time of the just-in-time logistics cycle.

e) Calculation of the probability of completing a given cycle exactly on time.

f) Proposals for minimizing delays at the stages of the logistics cycle.

Each company itself chooses the methods and models that it will use to optimize logistics activities, based on an analysis of the main logistics problems, as well as indicators logistics efficiency existing in the company.


1. Types, functions and classification of warehouses.

2. Principles of organizing warehousing.

3. Efficiency of functioning of warehouses.




Economic activity is impossible without the storage function. The storage function is assumed by product manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade enterprises. In the chain of movement of raw materials and finished products, the warehouse serves stationary point, where the product was waiting for a timely “meeting” with the consumer. Accordingly, warehouses are often perceived as a “necessary evil” that adds additional costs to the process of physical distribution of products, but from another point of view, warehousing plays a vital role. For a long time, the essential function of warehouses in accumulating and forming the assortment of products needed by consumers remained underestimated. Businesses often see their main goal in establishing efficient and cost-effective supply, production and consumption processes, without giving due importance to internal warehouse operations. Warehouses are recognized as a necessary means of survival, but little attention is paid to improving the processes of storing and handling inventory. Insufficient attention is paid to the efficient use of warehouse space, equipment and methods of cargo handling.

In the 1990s, the main direction of development of the warehousing industry was to increase the flexibility and efficiency of the use of information technology. Flexibility is necessary to meet growing consumer demands for assortment and delivery conditions. Improvements in information technology increase flexibility, enabling warehouse operators to respond more quickly to changes and measure performance at the most different conditions. At the wholesale level of the distribution channel, the warehouse has become the retail stronghold.

    Types, functions And classification warehouses

A modern warehouse is a complex technical structure that consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a specific structure and performs a number of functions for the transformation of material flows, as well as the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers. Moreover, due to the variety of parameters, technological solutions, equipment designs and characteristics of a diverse range of processed goods, warehouses are classified as complex systems. At the same time, the warehouse itself is just an element of a higher level system - supply chain, which forms the main and technical requirements to the warehouse system, sets goals and criteria for its optimal functioning, dictates the conditions for cargo processing.

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of logistics systems. The need for specially equipped places for storing inventories exists at all stages of the movement of material flow. This explains the large number of different types of warehouses. Warehouses vary according to:

    sizes - from small premises to giant warehouses (with an area of ​​several hundred thousand square meters);

    height of cargo stacking (there are warehouses in which special devices are capable of lifting and placing cargo in a cell at a height of more than 24 m);

    structures - closed, located in separate rooms; semi-closed, having only a roof and an incomplete number of walls; open, which are specially equipped areas;

    maintenance (storage) parameters, where a special temperature and humidity regime is maintained;

    degree of mechanization of warehouse operations;

    the presence of railway lines or water-station or port warehouses;

    breadth of the range of stored cargo;

    location - warehouses in the area of ​​product movement
    industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods.

In logistics processes, warehouses perform the following

    temporary placement and storage of inventories;

    transformation material flows;

    providing logistics services in the service system.

Any warehouse processes three material flows: input, output, internal.

When servicing the incoming flow, work is carried out to unload transport, check the quantity and quality of arriving cargo. Servicing the output stream includes loading vehicles. Internal flow moves inside the warehouse.

Various warehouses found along the path of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer perform different functions.

In the warehouses of finished products of manufacturing enterprises, warehousing, storage, sorting or additional processing of products before shipping, labeling, preparation for loading and loading operations are carried out.

Warehouses of raw materials and starting materials consumer enterprises receive products, unload, sort, store and prepare them for production consumption.

Warehouses of wholesale intermediary companies in the sphere of circulation of industrial and technical products, in addition to those listed, also perform the following functions:

    ensure the concentration of goods, replenishment of products, and their selection in the required assortment;

    organize the delivery of goods in small quantities, both to consumer enterprises and to the warehouses of other wholesale intermediary companies;

    carry out storage of reserve batches.

Trade warehouses located in places where production is concentrated (output wholesale bases) receive goods from manufacturing enterprises in large quantities, assemble and send large quantities of goods to wholesale buyers located at places of consumption.

Warehouses located at places of consumption (trade wholesale bases) receive goods from the production range and, forming a wide range of trade, supply them to retail trade enterprises.

The variety of types of warehouses in the logistics system, the functions and tasks they perform, the characteristics of the cargo processed, etc. require their systematization. The purpose of classifying warehouses in logistics is to identify certain signs of systematization of a warehouse facility as an element of the logistics system that influences the features of the movement of material flow. Experts classify logistics warehouses according to their main characteristics (Table 1).

Table 1

Classification sign

Types of warehouses

In relation to functional areas of logistics




In relation to participants in the logistics system


Trading companies

Transport companies

Forwarding companies

Logistics operators

By type of ownership




State or municipal enterprises

By functional purpose

Long-term storage (seasonal reserve)

Transit and transhipment (platform warehouses, cargo terminals)

Distribution (distribution centers)


By assortment specialization




By product type



Work in progress

Finished products

Residues and waste


By storage mode




With fixed temperature and humidity conditions

According to technical equipment





By type of warehouse buildings

Open areas

Covered areas

Closed structures



With a height of up to 6 m.

High-rise under one roof

High-rise (more than 10 m.)

With height difference

By material flow affiliation

Closed (warehouses for storing products of one enterprise and trading network)

Open (collective warehouses)

According to the presence of external transport links

With berths

With railway lifting tracks

With road access


By scale of activity






1.1 Warehouse logistics as an element of the logistics system

1.2 Features of the logistics process in the functioning of a warehouse


2.1 Economic and organizational characteristics of KAMAZ PJSC

2.2 Development of optimization solutions warehouse logistics Logistics center of KAMAZ PJSC




Organizing effective warehouse logistics at an enterprise requires the direct attention of experts, top managers and logistics specialists. This question is extremely relevant today in modern business, because all over the world enterprises are trying to optimize business processes, monitor technical and economic issues as much as possible, financial indicators organization, especially the profitability of production and sales, compliance with the planned cost level and increased revenue. The warehouse logistics area almost always requires innovation and improvement; this area often takes up a lot of the organization’s budget due to unplanned costs and various costs. the main task warehouse logistics from a business point of view is an increase in the profitability of the warehouse network, which is acceptable in an enterprise with an individual approach to the overall solution of warehouse problems, taking into account and taking into account external and internal factors that influence its activities.

The purpose of this final qualifying work is to increase the efficiency of organizing warehouse logistics for enterprises. To fully explore the topic, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1. Reveal the theoretical and methodological features of warehouse logistics.

2. Increase the efficiency of the warehouse.

3. Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of implementation of measures aimed at improving the warehouse process.

The object of the study is the Logistics Center of PJSC KAMAZ. The subject of the study is the warehousing system of the Logistics Center of KAMAZ PJSC.

Graduation qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters divided into paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

The first chapter discusses theoretical basis organization of warehouse logistics at the enterprise, a definition of warehouse logistics is given, its main functions and tasks of the warehouse are listed, the place and role of warehouses in the logistics system is determined, as well as the features of the logistics process in the functioning of the warehouse.

The second chapter provides a description of KAMAZ PJSC, as well as the enterprise’s warehousing system, identifies problems in the company’s development, on the basis of which recommendations are developed for optimizing the warehouse logistics of KAMAZ PJSC.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was regulations and acts of the enterprise, charter of the enterprise, financial statements for 2014-2016. The works of V.V. Dybskaya were used. “Warehouse management in supply chains” and her joint project with E.I. Zaitsev, V.I. Sergeev, A.N. Sterligova “Logistics. Integration and optimization of logistics business processes in supply chains.”

  1. Warehouse logistics as an element of the logistics system

Modern large warehouse- this is a rather complex technical structure, which consists of numerous different components that have a unique structure, combined to perform a certain functionality for the transformation of material flows.

Challenges for improving process efficiency customs clearance And customs control are solved through the organization of customs and logistics terminals, which are an important element of the customs and logistics infrastructure.

A customs and logistics terminal is a complex of buildings, structures, territories, united into a single whole, within which services related to customs clearance of goods and Vehicle, their storage, transportation inland, as well as other related services. Customs and logistics terminals are located in close proximity to the state border checkpoint.

To implement the inherent opportunities for organizing new channels for promoting cargo flows and services in domestic and international markets customs and logistics terminals realize the benefits of reducing costs through centralized service management and integration and minimizing time costs. This increase in efficiency is achieved by implementing a system information exchange, as well as reducing production costs through financial costs and optimization of document flow.

Accelerating the passage of cargo flow through temporary storage warehouses increases the efficiency of logistics schemes.

The advantages of using customs and logistics terminals are manifested in the implementation of “transparent” information by providing centralized and decentralized access to a single database, on the use of modern logistics approaches for foreign trade and transit cargo.

To maintain high competitiveness, the customs terminal must constantly develop and improve, therefore, a way is needed to determine such points as the degree of satisfaction with the operation of the terminal of participants foreign economic activity and customs authorities. Improvement of customs and logistics terminals, the efficiency of the model of organization and use of customs and logistics terminals are achieved in the process of customs clearance and customs control. The main indicators of the logistics activities of supply chains are indicators characterizing capacity, i.e. throughput of the customs and logistics terminal and its productivity.

The main directions for the development of customs infrastructure are laid down in the Development Strategy of customs authorities, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 No. 2575-r. The comprehensive implementation of the Strategy forms a modern system for ensuring the interests of the state in the field of customs and effectively counters security threats Russian Federation, solves socio-economic problems, creates favorable conditions for the activities of trading communities, individuals and legal entities.

A modern warehouse is a very complex facility, both from a technical and management point of view. Temporary storage warehouses, unlike warehouses that exist at all stages of the movement of material flows, from the source of raw materials to the end consumer of finished commodity products, solve the problem of compliance with customs legislation. At the same time, temporary storage warehouses are an essential link in accelerating and simplifying the entire logistics chain in foreign trade.

The efficiency of temporary storage warehouse management is achieved by using an automated goods accounting system and its compatibility with software products approved for use by customs authorities that carry out customs clearance of goods and vehicles and exercise customs control over them.

Automated systems accounting for goods requires the presence of a dedicated communication channel for receiving and transmitting electronic data on the delivery of goods and vehicles and their customs clearance, with the information transmission speed required for these purposes; availability of a local computer network.

Possibility of transfer to the customs authority in in electronic format information contained in the reporting on goods located at the temporary storage warehouse, and receipt in electronic form from customs authority information on the release of goods located at the temporary storage warehouse ensures the efficiency of temporary storage warehouse management.

The presence of an electronic system for the placement and accounting of goods in temporary storage warehouses, equipped with an automated cell storage system for goods, which is compatible with software products used by customs authorities, allows the customs authority to control the placement and location of goods in cells. Electronic system in automatic mode will allow inspection, measurement, recalculation, weighing of goods both by warehouse employees and by persons with authority in relation to these goods, determining the date and time of these operations.

Temporary storage of goods at temporary storage warehouses equipped with an automated cell storage system for goods is carried out in specially allocated, equipped and designated cells with appropriate numbers, located on multi-level racking equipment of the warehouse. The number of cells determined for the temporary storage of goods and indicated in the certificate of inclusion in the Register of owners of a temporary storage warehouse is the maximum permissible. The location of cells used for temporary storage of goods is determined by the owner of the temporary storage warehouse independently.

After their release, goods can remain in cells for as long as required by the temporary storage warehouse owner. The specified cells, while the released goods are in them, are not taken into account by the owner of the temporary storage warehouse and the customs authority in order to control the use of the useful volume of the warehouse. At the same time, the owner of a temporary storage warehouse has the right to place goods under customs control in other free cells, without exceeding the total number of cells intended for temporary storage of goods under customs control.

The customs authority controls the number of cells used by the temporary storage warehouse owner for the temporary storage of goods under customs control, and their actual location.

Application of modern information technologies when carrying out temporary storage of goods, it increases the speed of customs control, which significantly reduces the costs of participants in foreign economic activity when moving goods across the customs border.

Widely used in the practice of temporary storage Software package"Alta-SVH". The software package was developed by Alta-Soft based on a detailed analysis of the work of the largest warehouses, studying the most advanced technologies work. Ultimately, not just a product for filling out documents was created, but a temporary storage warehouse management system aimed at both merchants and customs officers.

Typical technology system customs clearance includes all stages of temporary storage of goods, starting from the actual registration of the arrived cargo and vehicle to the generation and submission of reports in the established forms, which are provided by the owner of the temporary storage warehouse to the customs authority.

The program contains a lot of “management” functionality. Thus, with the help of various reports in Alta-SWH, it is possible to track the stages of cargo clearance, control the shelf life of goods in the warehouse, and analyze the receipt Money for services rendered.

The Alta-SWH ​​software allows employees of a temporary storage warehouse to automate the customs clearance process while complying with all legal requirements, and the warehouse management and officials the customs authority can receive accurate and timely reporting at any time and control all business processes.

Technological improvement of warehouse infrastructure is one of the factors increasing the efficiency of the supply chain as a whole.

Automation of warehouses, implementation of advanced technological solutions in the process of temporary storage of controlled goods is priority direction development for Russian market logistics services. In recent years, many large logistics providers in the customs control system have made significant progress in the implementation of modern technologies.

Equipment of warehouses and sites according to modern standards, automation and robotization of all processes, comprehensive computerized management of warehouse operations can significantly reduce costs and increase storage reliability, optimize labor costs, and ensure the most effective customs control.

Automation of temporary storage systems involves equipping warehouses with lifting and transport equipment developed on the basis of the latest technological solutions. The technical means in modern automated warehouses are interactive and controlled, among other things, using radio control devices.

When racking large volumes of cargo, a system of radio shuttles is used - robotic complexes with remotely controlled mobile platforms.

Radio shuttles are optimal for low temperature storage food products when it is problematic to organize the work of warehouse personnel. Robotic systems are economical, productive and provide high storage flexibility. We can confidently predict that this technology will be in demand and will become widespread in warehouse logistics.

Shuttle system automatic storage significantly simplifies the process of assembling batches of goods. The main advantages of this system are the high productivity of warehouse employees, since there is no need to waste time moving between racks during the selection of goods, as well as more efficient use of the entire warehouse volume.

The system automatically routes shuttles with goods required for a specific order to assembly stations. Among the limitations, one can note the need to coordinate the work of all processes to achieve high system performance in terms of the number of “streams”, since they are also used to load goods into the system. But the high cost of equipment, restrictions on dimensions and weight of goods, and insufficient versatility hinder the widespread implementation of the system.

Very effective technology processing of goods is the marking of storage units with tags recognized using a radio signal (RFID technology).

RFID technology is seen as a replacement for traditional barcodes and has become increasingly present in the consumer goods industry in recent years. RFID tags have increased reliability and information capacity - they are read from high speed, at a considerable distance and beyond the line of sight, which allows you to identify tags located inside the package.

The use of RFID technology can significantly reduce the processing time for storage units, guarantee effective information support for warehouse operations and obtain significant savings on technical personnel. However, RFID marking technology is not widespread enough, since it is not applicable to all groups of goods. RFID tags do not work in conditions of radio interference and during operations with metal and shielding objects. Therefore, goods are packaged in foil or complex consumer electronics may not always be marked in this way.

Speed ​​of cargo handling is a critical component of modern warehouse logistics, and technologies that can optimize this process are attracting increasing interest. In this regard, the potential of such technological solutions as warehouse process management systems using light and sound signals (technology Pick-by-light And Pick-by-Voice)

The role of new software developments for automated storage is also increasing, including ST modeling of warehouse processes - an area in which domestic specialists have every chance to come up with original and promising proposals, which will give an additional impetus to the growth of efficiency of the Russian logistics sector.

Coordination and speed of warehouse operations are an important component of effective warehouse logistics.

The use of automated information system warehouse management, built on a three-level principle.

The first component is a part visible to the user - a “man-machine” interface - a “client application”, with the help of which the user enters, changes and deletes data, makes requests to perform operations and requests to retrieve data (receive reports); this component can be accessed on a computer, tablet, smartphone or data collection terminals.

The second component is the part of the system hidden from users. It includes a database server and stores data. The user, through the client application, initiates a request procedure to select, enter, change or delete data in the database.

The third component is business logic. Specialized processing programs carry out user-initiated data processing and return the processed data to the database, informing the user through the client application screen that the requested processing has completed.

The warehouse territory is divided into zones by type technological operations in order to automate the procedures for receiving, placing, storing, processing and shipping goods, which allows you to streamline the work of personnel in various areas and effectively distribute areas of responsibility.

At the implementation stage, a description of the physical characteristics of the warehouse, loading equipment, parameters of all equipment used and rules for working with it are entered into the system.

All incoming cargo is marked with barcodes. Technological warehouse operations are carried out under the control of the system based on barcode data, storage location and loading equipment. Loading equipment and warehouse workers are equipped with radio data input/output terminals, which are a portable computer that communicates with the main server of the system via a radio channel. The system can use any of the existing code types or print labels with an internal barcode.

When conducting an inventory, specialists use data collection terminals to read barcodes, which are automatically entered into the device databases. The system takes into account all requirements for storage conditions when allocating storage locations for goods arriving at the warehouse. For example, humidity, temperature conditions, expiration dates, manufacturers, sales dates, suppliers, compatibility rules and any other parameters may be taken into account. WMS(English) Warehouse Management System) automatically selects storage locations for accepted cargo and generates tasks for warehouse workers. Tasks are received on the screen of radio terminals in the form of elementary step-by-step commands individually for each employee.

Strict regulation of the procedure for organizing the creation of a temporary storage warehouse, placing goods in a warehouse, the types of operations carried out in the warehouse, the procedure for recording the movement of goods, the period of stay of goods in the warehouse and the procedure for issuing goods from the warehouse ensures not only the efficiency of customs control, but also reduces the costs of temporary storage as much as possible , which helps to increase the efficiency of warehouse logistics in common system customs logistics.

  • See: Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 21, 2009 No. 21-50/39656 “On the direction of the Concept of customs clearance and customs control of goods in places close to the state border of the Russian Federation.”
  • RFID technologies in logistics processes // URL:
  • New and promising technologies as part of WMS // URL:, php/.
  • Warehouse management system. Source

Visionary business leaders manufacturing companies always aim to expand their activities and increase commodity volumes. And to do this, we need to answer the question: will it be possible to cope with the planned commodity flow without commissioning new warehouse space? Is it possible to process a large volume of goods without having the means to expand existing capacity?

Analysis financial results the company’s activities for the reporting periods will help to understand whether the warehouse is a “bottleneck” in the supply chain or may become one, why there are constant failures in the distribution system and the percentage of material losses does not decrease, but increases with increasing volumes. And if, during the period of growth and formation of the company, a certain percentage was set aside for losses in the field of processing goods, then without reducing logistics costs, survive in modern conditions it won't work.

Usually, company management treats proposals from outside to improve logistics operations without due attention or simply ignores them. As a result, the heads of logistics and warehouse departments, tired of fighting against the “wall - the company’s management,” stop developing measures to optimize warehouse and transport operations. The practice of communicating with the heads of logistics departments shows that they for the most part are able to develop and propose ways to optimize operations when servicing the flow of goods. However, these proposals do not find support among company leaders for the following reasons (see Diagram 2):

Management's implementation of a cost-saving policy in everything.

Lack of a concept (strategy) for the company’s development and measures for its implementation.

Opinion of an assistant manager or head of another department who has influence on management and is not a logistics specialist.

The role assigned to the logistics manager in the management of the company.

Many company managers do not understand that most decisions to optimize warehouse operations directly depend on comprehensive measures for the development of commercial, transport, financial and other divisions of the company.

Since almost all companies had not previously paid enough attention to the work of the warehouse, it was built on the basis of existing capabilities. Former warehouses were used industrial premises or warehouse facilities, but of old construction. The zoning system in such warehouses has not been worked out, and the racking equipment is not installed optimally. The technology for working with goods is so imperfect that it allows only the most basic operations with them.

To process goods in the warehouse there is only a minimum technical means. And no opportunity for advanced training for warehouse employees. All questions about improving warehouse operations are resolved last, and any attempts by the warehouse manager to do this are suppressed by the company's management.

How to determine the existing potential of a warehouse?

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an audit of product flow in the warehouse using ABC analysis for a number of product characteristics. Such an audit will evaluate existing opportunities warehouse and identify factors influencing warehouse processing of goods.

Then conduct an audit of the existing warehouse technology, zoning system and placement of racking equipment. With the help of such an audit, it is possible to identify bottlenecks in working with goods and assess the potential of the available space in terms of possible processing of commodity volumes and the conditions under which this is feasible.

Next, it is necessary to develop a model of the warehouse “as it should be”, taking into account the processing of planned product volumes. If the task is to create a warehouse model without significant financial costs, then the main solution will be to improve warehouse technology, optimize operations and use of available space.

Finally, the needs for additional warehouse equipment are determined.

But, as mentioned above, final solutions are being developed that can only be implemented after they are agreed upon with other departments of the company, taking into account their capabilities.

Some examples of magnification bandwidth warehouse on existing space

A. Reducing inventory life

Based on the results of a product flow audit, product groups or goods with certain shelf life are identified, the speed of their sale (leaving the warehouse), the actual period of inventory for all product groups and/or articles. This data allows you to see real job employees of the purchasing and sales department, whose activities directly affect the operation of the warehouse.

To develop and approve the shelf life of inventory, the following main factors must be taken into account:

Delivery times and volumes.

Planned sales dates and marketing data for future periods.

Warehouse capacity for storing inventory.

Solving the question of the amount of inventory in the warehouse (two-week, monthly, etc.) allows you to calculate the need for the storage area and the maximum volume of inventory that can be in the warehouse. Decision must be implemented by all departments involved, primarily the purchasing and sales departments, as well as logistics departments for transporting goods.

It is necessary to identify stale goods (unliquid stock) in the warehouse on a monthly basis, for which prompt decisions are needed (markdown, write-off, destruction). Some companies keep goods in warehouses from several months to 1 year or more. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of using warehouse space and direct losses for the company.

Based on the results of an audit of warehouse technology, based on the amount of inventory, the racking and handling equipment used, the need for storage area area is determined. Depending on the results of the ABC analysis, storage areas are determined for each category of goods based on the speed of their sale, volume-weight characteristics and the accepted procedure for their selection.

The implementation of the developed technology requires the availability of appropriate capabilities (use of barcoding of goods, an address storage system, generation of the necessary reports, etc.). Applicable software should allow for monthly ABC analysis of processed goods so that storage areas for the most in-demand goods and the order in which they are placed into storage can be adjusted.

B. Increasing the speed of processing goods during their acceptance and shipment

In a permanent warehouse average value the volumes of receipts and shipments are approximately the same. It directly depends on daily sales volumes, which may vary due to seasonality and other factors.

Based on the results of the product distribution audit, the following are determined:

the amount of incoming and outgoing goods flow;

number and types of vehicles transporting goods;

volumes of batches of deliveries and shipments and other quantities.

The data obtained allows us to analyze the processes of performing operations with goods during acceptance and shipment and identify the real capacity of the warehouse for these flows.

If the number of entrance and exit gates is limited and there is not enough space to process the planned volumes of goods, then a more detailed study of all operations included in the acceptance and shipment process will be required. Such a study as part of an audit of warehouse technology allows us to determine:

what number and during what time periods (during the day) cars arrive at the warehouse for unloading and loading;

how the vehicles are loaded (goods on pallets or in bulk);

what volumes of goods arrive at different types cars;

how much time does it take to unload/load a vehicle manually and using transport carts or forklifts;

other questions.

Solutions that require coordination with other departments of the company involved in organizing the movement of goods can be, for example, the following:

Increasing or switching to delivery of all goods on Euro pallets, which reduces the process of unloading/loading a vehicle by 1.5-2 times.

Acceptance of all goods according to the condition of the outer packaging without recalculating investments, which reduces the acceptance time by several times.

Advance transmission of data from the supplier about incoming goods for inclusion in the warehouse automated control system database, which allows you to speed up the process of goods acceptance.

The ability to use the same barcodes for suppliers, warehouses and recipients, which saves time on printing and sticking warehouse barcode labels and speeds up the process of receiving goods.

Resolving these issues goes beyond the scope of the warehouse and depends on the capabilities available to other divisions of the company and suppliers. If at least some of these issues are implemented, the area of ​​the acceptance zone will be reduced, since it will take less time to accept the goods. Consequently, a larger number of goods can be served in one area.

B. Rational use of warehouse volume

Typically, volume capabilities warehouse(regardless of the type of warehouse) are used to the maximum only in the storage area where high-rise racks are installed. In other areas (unloading, receiving, picking, forwarding and loading), the height of the warehouse is usually not used. Of course, for different warehouses performing different tasks and having different operations with goods, it is difficult to offer a single unified solution. But the very principle of using warehouse height should be considered when optimizing warehouse space. If the warehouse area is strictly limited, large volumes of goods can be processed in the following way:

Install racks in the picking area to store collected orders. Such a system may be relevant for warehouses that generate and ship numerous orders within 24 hours and the next day.

Install racks in the forwarding area for storing consignments of goods prepared for shipment. This system is relevant for warehouses that prepare orders over a long period of time and ship them within a limited time.

When using racks to store orders in a picking or forwarding area, be aware that additional operations may occur to place and remove pallets from storage areas in these areas. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh everything and decide which method will be more rational.

Performing various additional operations in a warehouse (sticking, anti-theft, etc.) requires warehouse space. Since such operations are performed manually with each product unit, this requires individual selection of goods from storage areas. A mezzanine is suitable for this, on which you can install shelving for manual selection of goods. The mezzanine can also accommodate workplaces for employees performing these operations.

Thus, mezzanines are additional storage space, but their purchase and installation require funds.

Let's draw conclusions. Opportunities for optimizing warehouse operation, more rational use warehouse space cannot be implemented without a well-developed development plan for the entire company and exploring opportunities in other divisions and partners, since a warehouse is only a means of ensuring the movement of goods, and the conditions and parameters of commodity flows are set by other divisions of the company.

There are two main ways to increase warehouse capacity:

Improving space-planning solutions in existing warehouse premises.

Acceleration of operations with goods in all areas of the warehouse.

The most complete and qualified examination and audit is carried out by specialists consulting companies, who not only draw conclusions, but also give recommendations on what and how to do in order to solve the problems facing the company.