Charter of a travel agency sample. Name, location and period of activity of the company

2.1. Development of constituent documents.

Registration of a travel company. Charter of the company Let's consider the features of the formation of tour operator and travel agency companies.

A tour operator company (tour operator) is commercial organization.

LLC Charter in 2020

In addition to the mandatory points, there are some that may later turn out to be fundamental.

And although changes to the LLC charter in 2020 allow the use of standard ones for registration, you should not neglect the opportunity to personalize this document.

So, in order not to rewrite the constituent documents of an LLC, we recommend that you immediately pay attention to the following: Sample charter of an LLC We recommend downloading a sample charter of an LLC to understand the structure and specifics of this voluminous document.

Sample charter travel agency 2.1.

Development of constituent documents.

Registration of a travel company. Charter of the company Let's consider the features of the formation of tour operator and travel agency companies. A tour operator company (tour operator) is a commercial organization.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 50 Civil Code Russian Federation a tour operator can be created in the form business partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Charter of a travel agency sample - business support

— Fliboal templates and the consulate of the company are not legal entities and act on the basis of regulations approved by the company.

The general meeting of the company's participants can be one more or another. The sale or alienation in any other way of a fraction or part of a fraction of the company's exhausted capital to third parties is permitted with the consent of other participants in the company.

Charter of a limited liability company - travel company (CJSC - Yurinform V, 2009)

Charter of a limited liability company - travel company(JSC "Yurinform V", 2009) The form was prepared using legal acts as of November 30, 2009. by decision of the General Meeting of Founders Minutes No. ___ dated “___”_________ __

limited liability company - (governing bodies: General Meeting, 1.1.

Limited liability company "Tourist company "______" operates on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies", the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals tourism activities in the Russian Federation" and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1. Development of constituent documents. Registration of a travel company. Charter of the company 2.1. Development of constituent documents.

Registration of a travel company.

Charter of the company Let's consider the features of the formation of tour operator and travel agency companies. A tour operator company (tour operator) is a commercial organization.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a tour operator can be created in the form of business partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Charter of a limited liability company - travel company (JSC "Yurinform V", 2009) The form was prepared using legal acts as of November 30, 2009.

by decision of the General Meeting of Founders Minutes No. ___ dated "___"_________ __ of the limited liability company - (governing bodies: General Meeting, 1.1. Limited Liability Company "Travel Company "______" operates on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law " On Limited Liability Companies", Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation" and other legislation of the Russian Federation. on registration of a legal entity with the tax authority at its location on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Travel agency address indicated in constituent documents, must match the actual address.

Within ten days after receiving registration documents, the newly created LLC must be registered with the social insurance fund.

Providing false information or failure to comply with registration deadlines will result in a fine.

Charter of a Travel Agency Sample

The agreement does not provide for prolongation after its expiration. The agreement is not accepted by fax or e-mail and is considered concluded only after the original agreement is registered in the TEZ TOUR company database.

Reservations will not be accepted without a valid contract.


When preparing changes to the charter of a travel agency, it is necessary to refer to paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” (hereinafter referred to as the LLC Law). Thus, the charter of the company must contain:
– full and abbreviated company name of the company;
– information about its location;
– information on the composition and competence of the company’s bodies, including on issues that constitute exceptional competence the general meeting of the company's participants, on the procedure for making decisions by the company's bodies, including on issues on which decisions are made unanimously or by a majority of votes;
– information on the amount of authorized capital;
– rights and obligations of participants;
– information about the procedure and consequences of the withdrawal of a company participant, if the right to do so is provided for by the charter;
– information on the procedure for transferring a share or part of a share in the authorized capital of the company to another person;
– information on the procedure for storing the company’s documents and on the procedure for the company providing information to its participants and other persons.

The company's charter may contain other provisions that do not contradict the law.

Let us note that previously the charter also had to indicate information about the size and nominal value of the share of each participant in the company. In practice, this requirement was fulfilled as follows: the charter indicated the passport details of the company's participants and information about the shares they owned. And if this information changed (for example, in the case of a replacement passport, change of place of residence, full or partial sale of a share), the travel agency had to make changes to the charter. Now information about participants and their shares may not be included in the company’s charter. Thus, the legislator saved companies from the need to re-register the charter due to changes in information about participants. In this case, information about the participants is stored in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The memorandum of association is no longer the founding document of the LLC
In the charters of limited liability companies, it is necessary to exclude information about the constituent agreement as the constituent document of the company. However, let us pay attention: the constituent agreement as a constituent document loses its force only in relation to already existing companies. In case if we're talking about on the creation of a new company, its participants must enter into an agreement on the establishment of the company (Article 11 of the LLC Law). Such an agreement determines the procedure for implementing joint activities participants in establishing the company, the size of the authorized capital of the company, the size and nominal value of the share of each of the founders, as well as the size, procedure and terms of payment for such shares in the authorized capital. In essence, the agreement on the establishment of a company contains the same information as the constituent agreement, but due to the direct indication of the law on LLC (Article 11), it is not the constituent document of the company.

Let's take a closer look at some of the information that needs to be reflected in the charter.

The procedure for the withdrawal of participants from the society

Clause 1 of Article 26 of the Law on LLCs new edition now contains general rule that a participant in a company has the right to leave it by alienating a share to the company, regardless of the consent of its other participants or the company, if this is provided for by the charter.

At the same time, paragraph 10 of Article 5 of Law No. 312-FZ allows the LLC to amend the charter before January 1, 2010, providing that a participant has the right to leave the company only by decision of the general meeting adopted by ¾ votes.

Please note: it is not allowed for all of its participants to leave the company or for a single participant to leave the company (Clause 2, Article 26 of the LLC Law). Thus, the legislator excluded a situation in which all participants in a society could leave its membership, essentially abandoning their society to the “care” of the tax inspectorate.

Procedure for alienation of shares

Currently, the main types of transactions for the alienation of a share (part of a share), such as purchase and sale, exchange, gift, are subject to mandatory notarization. Transactions that do not require notarization are now expressly provided for by the LLC law. Failure to comply with the requirement for notarization entails the invalidity of the transaction. In this regard, the legislator redefines the moment of transfer of rights to a share in the authorized capital of an LLC (Article 21 of the LLC Law). Thus, the rights to a share (part of a share) are transferred to the acquirer from the moment of notarization of the acquisition transaction, and not from the moment the company is notified of the transaction, as was the case before.

It is also necessary to point out that now the notary acts as a key figure in relations related to the alienation of shares (part of a share) belonging to the participants of the company. It not only certifies transactions, but also preliminarily verifies the powers of the parties, primarily the party carrying out such alienation. In addition, after certifying the transaction, the notary sends to the tax office, which carries out state registration of legal entities, an application for making appropriate changes to the state register, signed by the member of the company alienating the share.

In accordance with the new requirements, the agreement to pledge a share (part of a share) is also subject to mandatory notarization.

Access of participants to company documents

The company must provide its participants with access to available judicial acts on a dispute related to the creation of the company, its management or participation in it, including access to rulings on the initiation arbitration court proceedings and acceptance of the statement of claim.

It has been established that within three days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand by a company participant, the specified documents must be presented by the company for review at the premises of the executive body of the company. In addition, at the request of a participant, the company is obliged to provide copies of these documents.

The fee charged by the company for the submission of such copies cannot exceed the cost of their production.


The charter of a travel agency created in the form of a limited liability company can be brought into compliance with the new requirements in two ways: either by adopting new charter, or approve changes and additions to the existing charter. At the same time, both the new charter and amendments to it are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001 “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.”

Let's consider the sequence of actions if a travel agency decides to make changes to the charter.

1. Changes to the charter are being developed.

After this, the travel agency must submit an application to the tax office in the prescribed form. It confirms that the changes made to the charter comply with legal requirements, that the information reflected is reliable, and that the established procedure for making a decision on amending the constituent documents of a legal entity has been followed.

Please note: according to tax authorities, form No. P13001 “Application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 439, does not comply with the requirements of Law No. 312-FZ. Therefore, until new forms are approved, officials recommend using the application form posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia ( This recommendation is set out, in particular, in the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 8, 2009 No. MN-22-6/548@.

2. Changes made to the charter must be approved by the general meeting of the company's participants or by a decision of the sole participant.

In this case, we are talking about the minutes of the general meeting of the company’s participants, which reflects the participants’ approval of changes to the company’s charter. If the company consists of one participant, then instead of the protocol it is necessary to have a corresponding decision of the sole participant of the company.

3. A package of documents necessary for state registration of changes made to the charter of the LLC is prepared. As we noted earlier, changes can take the form of either a new edition of the LLC charter, or the form of amendments and additions to the existing charter.

4. Documents are submitted to the tax authority at the location of the travel agency.

In large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), such documents are submitted to specialized tax inspectorates that carry out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

To register changes, the travel agency must pay a state fee of 400 rubles. (Subclause 3, Clause 1, Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Limited Liability Company NAME, hereinafter referred to as the Company, was established and operates on the basis of this Charter, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on Limited Liability Companies dated 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ. as well as other current legislation. The company is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Society is economic company, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares. The property liability of the Company and its participants is determined according to the rules of Section 3 of this Charter and in accordance with current legislation.

1.3. Full corporate name of the Company in Russian:

Limited Liability Company NAME.

Abbreviated name of the Company in Russian: LLC NAME.

1.4. Location of the legal entity:

Russian Federation, Region, Locality.

1.5. The company was established for an unlimited period.

1.6. In accordance with this Charter, the members of the Company may include individuals and organizations, including enterprises with the participation of foreign legal entities and citizens, as well as foreign legal entities and citizens who recognize the provisions of this Charter and who have paid for their shares in its charter capital.

1.7. The company has complete economic independence, separate property, has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other, including currency, bank accounts in Russia and abroad, on its own behalf independently acts as a participant in civil transactions, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights, bears responsibilities and can act as a plaintiff and defendant in judicial authorities.

1.8. In accordance with the procedure established by law, the Company has the right to create organizations with the rights of a legal entity or participate in their creation.

1.9. The company may have representative offices and branches in Russia and abroad, as well as participate in the capital of other legal entities. In the event of the creation of branches and representative offices of the Company, changes are made to this Charter to reflect information about the relevant branches and representative offices.

1.10. To ensure its activities, the Company has round stamp with its name, forms, may have a trademark, service mark registered in the prescribed manner, and other details with symbols.

2. Legal capacity of the Company. Subject and goals of activity

2.1. The Company is a commercial organization pursuing as its main goal entrepreneurial activity making a profit.

2.2. The society has general civil legal capacity, has civil rights and bears civic responsibilities.

2.3. The Company has the right to carry out types economic activity, consistent with its goals and objectives, and not contrary to the law.

2.4. The implementation of activities classified as licensed by law is preceded by the Company obtaining the appropriate license(s) in the manner prescribed by law.

If the conditions for granting a special permit (license) to carry out a certain type of activity provide for the requirement to carry out such activity as exclusive, then the Company during the validity period of the license has the right to carry out only the types of activities provided for by the license and related types of activities.

2.5. The Company is obliged to comply with applicable legislation, correctly and timely make mandatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds,

Full version of the LLC Charter 2015 download

LLC Charter: features of the document and its sample

Since July 2009, our country has had a law according to which the LLC Charter is recognized as the only constituent document of a Limited Liability Company. What is it, why is the Charter needed and what points should you pay attention to when developing it? Let's look into this complex issue.

What is an LLC charter and why is it needed?

The organization's charter is a constituent document, the provisions of which regulate all the activities of your company. It is necessary not only for registering an LLC. but also to determine the rules of relationships between LLC participants. This document is developed during the establishment of the Company, before the founders sign another document - the constituent agreement (it is currently not one of the constituent documents, but is required for the LLC registration procedure). Based on the Charter, not only the Company is registered, but also changes are made to the registration documents (this may be required when the founder changes, general director, chief accountant, size of authorized capital, etc.).

Development of the organization's charter

Considering that the Charter clearly defines all relationships between the participants of the Society, its development must be taken very seriously and the creation of this important document must be entrusted to an experienced lawyer who is well versed in the vicissitudes of our legislation. He can prepare required document at a qualitatively high level and in short time. But, of course, the work of such a specialist will require significant financial expenses from entrepreneurs, because “manual” work on developing a charter is not that cheap. But you can still save money. This will allow you to do ready-made template document.

In order not to develop the Charter anew, you can simply take a sample charter of an enterprise that has already been registered, and, making the necessary changes, according to the characteristics of your business, create your own Charter based on it. This is the simplest and most affordable way to solve the problem of developing a constituent document. Now on many resources, including ours, you can find a template for the LLC charter. The main thing is to use as a sample a new sample template, which is drawn up taking into account all the requirements of the current legislation.

As for the contents of the document, it includes several important aspects. Let's start with the fact that today the Charter does not require information about the participants of the LLC, as well as information about the size of the shares of each participant in the authorized capital of the Company. This greatly simplifies the procedure for changing information about an LLC in the event of a change of participants (previously, in this case, changes also had to be made to the Charter). As for the content of the document itself, it is worth paying close attention to the following:

  • It is mandatory to have both the full and abbreviated name of the Company (if necessary, the name of the LLC is indicated on foreign language or languages ​​of the nationalities of the Russian Federation)
  • information about the location of the LLC is required (meaning address)
  • It is also worth indicating the types of activities, although experts recommend supplementing this paragraph with the wording that the activities of the LLC will not be limited to the types and areas of activity specified in the document
  • It is imperative to indicate the limits of the competence of the management bodies of the enterprise (here it is important to have a list of issues that can only be resolved general meeting members of the Company - if there are several of them)
  • There must be clear information about the size of the authorized capital of the LLC/mutual fund (but the size of the participants’ shares and methods of payment for these shares are not indicated)
  • all rights and obligations of the participants must be clearly stated
  • the procedure for leaving the Company and the procedure for transferring shares from one participant to another have been determined (if this is at all possible)
  • in addition, the rules for storing documentation, maintaining document flow and the procedure for providing information about the LLC to third parties (if such a need arises) must be spelled out.
  • Registration of the Charter

    Finding a sample LLC Charter today is not difficult. But we should not forget that finished document must be properly formatted. The revised and finished Charter is stitched, its pages are numbered, starting from the second (the title page is without a number, and the second page is numbered “2”). On the back of the last page, a special sealing sheet is pasted, which indicates the number of laced and numbered pages, the surname, initials and signature of the applicant, as well as the seal of the organization (it is only needed to make changes to the Charter, and the seal cannot be used for initial registration).

    Experts recommend drawing up not one, but two copies of the originals of the Charter, since some government bodies require exactly two original documents. In addition, it is worth immediately making several copies of the Charter, which are drawn up like the original (stitched, numbered, sealed). In this case, photocopies must be made of all pages of the document (including the title page), but neither the manager’s signature nor the seal are placed on the sealing sheet.

    LLC with one founder

    You can download a sample charter for an LLC with one founder here.

    The indication of certain data in the Charter depends on the number of founders. For example, the Charter of an LLC with one founder has its own characteristics that relate to the address of the enterprise. Such a Company can be registered at the home address of the general director and indicated in the Charter as the address of the LLC. And the term of office of the head (general director) in such a Charter is determined, as a rule, for an indefinite period. It should be noted that sole founder An LLC can be either an individual or a legal entity, which, in turn, can have several participants. This is not against the law. But another Company, which also has one founder, cannot be the sole founder of an LLC.

    LLC with two (or more) founders

    You can download a sample charter for an LLC with two (or more) founders here. If an LLC has two or more founders, then the Charter must clearly define the procedure for interaction between them. Of course, first of all, this concerns financial issues. For example, it is worth indicating whether it is possible for participants to freely exit the Company and determine in advance the mechanism for protecting and alienating shares former founders. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the possibility of participants exercising the preemptive right to buy out shares from other participants if they wish to sell their part of the business. You can also specify pricing criteria for the alienated share (for example, based on the cost net assets or at nominal price).

    It is also possible to provide for the possibility of alienating a participant’s share to third parties (this applies to inheritance or donation). But, the most important thing is to determine the procedure, as well as the timing of payment to the former participant of the value of the alienated share. An example of the Charter of an LLC, where all these are stated important points, can be downloaded from the link.

    Changes to the Charter

    Although, according to current legislation, information about the founders is not included in the LLC Charter, there are situations when it is still necessary to make changes to the document. Such situations include changing the name of a legal entity. address or change in the size of the authorized capital of the Company. Changes can be made by a decision of a participant (if it is an LLC with a single founder) or by a decision of the general meeting.

    Once the decision to make changes has been made, they (the changes) must be registered in the appropriate government agencies. Only then will they come into force and be considered valid.

    How to register the Charter of an LLC or changes to the Charter?

    According to the law of our country, registration of the Charter of an LLC (and amendments) is carried out by the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the location of the legal entity (or at the place of residence of the general director - if the home address is indicated in the Charter of an LLC with one founder). Before submitting documents for registration, you must pay the state fee. The registration authority requires the applicant to:

  • protocol of the decision to create an LLC with all the information (who decided, when, what is the authorized capital, who was appointed director, etc.)
  • application in the form of the Federal Tax Service, with the signature of the applicant certified by a notary
  • Charter
  • If you want to register changes to the Charter, then you need to submit to the registration authority: an application for amendments in the Federal Tax Service form:

  • protocol on amendments to the Charter (it is drawn up if the LLC has two or more participants)
  • decision to make changes (provided if there is only one participant)
  • LLC charter 2014 in an updated version - with all the necessary changes made (usually two copies, one of which will then be returned with a Federal Tax Service stamp)
  • receipt of payment of state duty.
  • When submitting documents for registration of the Charter, you should carefully and accurately fill out all the fields in the application and pay attention to the fact that the state fee is paid on behalf of the applicant.


    Taxation when trading with foreign countries or How to calculate VAT

    The calculation and payment of VAT on exports and imports has its own characteristics. Enterprises involved in the import and export of goods from Russia have many questions regarding the payment of VAT at customs and tax deductions.

    Charter of the LLC (download a standard sample of the charter of the LLC) for 2015

    When establishing a company in the form of an LLC (open joint stock company) the fundamental document is the charter of the LLC.

    The charter of an LLC is a constituent document that determines the procedure and conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. The charter of an LLC contains all the information about the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, its name, physical location, the amount of authorized capital, and the composition of the founders.

    In addition, it provides information regarding the procedure for the formation and compensation of its management and control bodies.

    The charter of an LLC mentions the conditions and procedure for dividing profits between the founders of the company. The procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the company has been established.

    In two thousand and eight, on December thirtieth, Federal Law-312 “On Amendments to Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and certain legislative acts Russian Federation".

    According to this law, it was necessary to introduce the necessary amendments to previously created documents. And the deadline for change was set - the first of January two thousand and ten. The essence of the mandatory re-registration of an LLC is that the charter must be redone in accordance with the new rules.

    The main changes that were made to the new LLC charter:

    1. The constituent agreement is excluded from the constituent documents of the LLC. It is now possible to amend the charter of a limited liability company by voting. If the majority of participants support this change, it will come into force. Moreover, the majority of participants are at least two-thirds of the founders.

    The only limitation in this case is a larger number of votes, which must be stated in the charter itself.

    2. The charter of the LLC will no longer contain information about the full names of the founders and the size of their shares. This will reduce the re-registration of the organization if the composition of the founders is changed (someone leaves the LLC or, conversely, a new founder appears). And also in case of sale or purchase of a share of ownership in an LLC.

    Data: last name, first name, patronymic of the founders, as well as their share, will now be in a new document - the list of LLC participants.

    3. Now any purchase, sale of a share of the owner of an LLC or its transfer to another person must be certified by a notary. If this condition is not met, the sale, purchase or transfer is void and has no legal effect.

    4. In order to protect creditors as much as possible, a restriction was established on the withdrawal of company participants from the LLC if, as a result, none of the founders remains in the company. If the company consists of one founder, then he also does not have the right to leave the LLC. In order to protect the remaining members of the LLC, the right of a participant to withdraw from the LLC is limited. This is permitted only if such a possibility is provided for in the charter.

    5. After making changes to the LLC charter, it is possible to specify a specific amount directly in the charter, thanks to which the LLC participants will be able to realize their preemptive right purchase of a share or part of a share alienated by another participant in the company.

    6. Amendments were made regarding the payment of the company’s authorized capital in the event of its increase. A number of rules are more precisely formulated that regulate the execution of large transactions within an LLC and “outside its walls.”

    The LLC Charter contains the following main sections:

  • General provisions
  • Legal status of the company
  • Purpose of creating an LLC and types of activities
  • Branches and representative offices of the company
  • Subsidiaries and dependent companies
  • Authorized capital OOO. company property
  • Society members. Their rights and responsibilities
  • Limited liability company management
  • Sole executive agency society
  • Maintaining a list of company members
  • Document storage LLC. The procedure for the company to provide information to members of the company and other persons
  • Reorganization and liquidation of LLC
  • Final provisions
  • In the upper right corner you can download the new LLC charter for 2013. The document, as an example, presents the charter of an LLC with one founder and the charter of an LLC with two founders (the differences are marked in red).

    Only the applicant signs the LLC Charter 2011!

    Sample LLC Charter

    edition 02/03/2015

    Currently, only the LLC Charter refers to the constituent documents. Sample LLC Charter. given below, was compiled in full compliance with current legislation. However, if time is more valuable to you, then contact us. Supplement this sample LLC charter with your types of activities, select the LLC name and address. Other provisions of the LLC charter must comply with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Limited Liability Companies, Federal law 312-FZ dated December 30, 2008

  • Samples of filling out documents - LLC Charters, agreement on establishment, forms P11001, P13001, P14001 and much more can be ordered right now. Prices see Price list in the top menu.
  • We can prepare for you the Charter of an LLC (and the entire set of documents for a new company and many other documents) even without visiting our office, see ON-LINE servants

    You should also determine the fundamental points in the charter, based on the relevant articles of the LLC law.

    The important ones are the following:

    Specify the term of office of the general director in the LLC Charter.

    Also indicate in the charter of the LLC the procedure for accepting and leaving participants.

  • The question of how to open a travel agency arises in the mind of every second tourism manager.

    This is a very exciting and interesting field of activity. It is not correct to think that after opening his own company an entrepreneur will constantly travel from one country to another and earn large sums of money from the very first day. Working in tourism is about providing quality tourism services to consumers. This is quite a difficult and responsible job. You must always be aware of the political situations in countries, the features of resorts, know all the little details regarding various hotels, visa formalities, air travel and much more. Also, when opening a travel agency, you need to remember that there is a very high level of competition in this business. According to statistics, more than 1000 new travel companies open every year. After a year, only 300 of them remain afloat. After two years, no more than 100.

    Of course, you can open a travel agency at home. All you need to do is register a company, enter into agreements with service providers (tour operators) and start sending your friends and relatives on vacation. The advantages of working from home are that you do not need to look for an office, pay rent, buy the necessary office equipment, etc. On the one hand, it is very profitable. The downside is that the client base, which will consist only of relatives and friends, is very small. You don’t even have to wait for outside clients. No one will book a tour and give money to an unknown manager at home. Therefore, if an entrepreneur has decided to open a travel agency, then he needs to open it with perspective.

    Let's look at how to open a travel agency step by step. Where should I start?

    Return to contents

    Registration of legal form

    The first step in opening any business is registering a legal form. A travel company can operate as an LLC (Company with Limited Liability) and as an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneur).

    To open an individual entrepreneur, the following set of documents is provided to the tax office:

    • paid receipt of state duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs (800 rubles);
    • application in form P21001. It must be certified by a notary;
    • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1;
    • a copy of all pages of the applicant’s internal passport.

    Review of the set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur will take a week.

    If the decision to open an individual entrepreneur is positive, the entrepreneur is issued:

    • OGRNIP;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (unified register of individual entrepreneurs);
    • notification of registration individual;
    • notification of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
    • from Rosstat - certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

    After registering as an individual entrepreneur, you need to make a stamp (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 2000 rubles).

    To open an LLC, the following set of documents is provided to the tax authority:

    • application on form 11001 for state registration of LLC;
    • LLC charter;
    • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
    • paid state duty receipt (4 thousand rubles);
    • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
    • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1.

    The period for consideration of an application by the tax authority is the same as it takes to review a set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.

    If the response to the application is positive, the tax office issues the following documents:

    1. LLC registration certificate.
    2. Registered LLC charter.
    3. Certificate in form 1-3-Accounting.
    4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (extract from the unified state register legal entities).
    5. Notice of registration in Pension Fund Russia (PF).
    6. Certificate of registration in TFOMS.
    7. Certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

    It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes an average of three days. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

    When choosing one or another organizational and legal form OKVED ( all-Russian classifier types of economic activity) will be the same. Code 53.30 “Activities of travel agencies.”

    After registration, the next step is to purchase cash register and its subsequent registration with the tax authority. This process will take about two weeks. Stores that sell cash registers often provide expedited tax registration services. If you use the services of this organization, all documents will be ready in a maximum of 3 days. The purchase of a cash register and the costs associated with its subsequent registration will amount to about 30 thousand rubles.

    A travel agency is a business that does not require mandatory licensing. This rule has been in effect since 2007. To obtain a license or not is a voluntary matter. If you have the time, desire and money for it, then it’s better to do it. The main advantage is that when potential client When he enters the office and sees a license hanging in a frame on the wall, his level of trust in the company will increase.

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    Search and subsequent rental of suitable premises

    This issue must be approached with all seriousness, since the location of the travel agency’s office plays one of the key roles in its productive functioning. The office of a travel company should be located advantageously. It is better to give preference to offices that are located on busy city streets, within walking distance from the metro or bus stop. The ideal option is to rent premises in one of shopping centers, since there is always a lot of people there. Choosing an office on the outskirts of the city or far from the metro is a losing option. Only a company that already has a stable, established customer base can afford this. Rent for nice office in the city center will be about 35-80 thousand rubles per month.

    When the necessary premises have already been found and the lease agreement has been concluded, it is necessary to calculate how much furniture and equipment to buy that will be needed during the work process, as well as to properly arrange the office interior. It’s best to start by purchasing everything necessary for managers’ workplaces. Naturally, an office for a travel agency cannot be equipped with just a table, a chair and a computer. When purchasing the required amount of furniture and office equipment, you need to proceed from the number of employees who will work in the office and the volume of work. You will have to spend about 45-50 thousand rubles to equip one workplace for a manager. Therefore, if there are two managers, the amount will be 90-100 thousand rubles. It is better to start interior decoration with cosmetic repairs and properly selected office interior design. Exactly how much it will cost depends on the area of ​​the rented premises. Finishing small office will cost an average of about 100 thousand rubles.

    Connecting telephone and Internet lines will cost from 4 thousand rubles; exactly how much it will cost depends on the operator you choose. You need to remember that the main tools in your work will be the Internet and telephone. To view prices, describe hotel infrastructure, and view airport boards online, you need good uninterrupted Internet access. The same applies to the operation of the telephone line.

    When designing an office for a travel company, you need to take into account all the little things. You can hang maps on the wall different countries or resorts, souvenirs brought from different parts of the world, diplomas and certificates, put flowers on the windowsill. The office should have a light and relaxed atmosphere. The furniture should be arranged correctly so that all tourists who come to the office feel comfortable.

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    Recruitment for the company

    The profit of a travel agency directly depends on the managers who work in it. When selecting personnel, you need to give preference to candidates who have experience in this field. If the manager already has an established client base, this will be a very big plus. Of course, you can hire managers without work experience. The salary costs for these managers will be lower, but the amount that will need to be spent on training them will be much more than the amount spent on the salaries of qualified managers. Without work experience, you can hire employees for the position of assistant manager or secretary. Couriers can work without experience. But when choosing managers who will work with clients, preference should be given to candidates with experience in this field.

    The staff of a small travel agency should consist of 2-4 managers, 2 assistant managers and at least 2 couriers. The exact number of personnel depends on the volume of work and the number of services provided. For example, if your own agency provides visa services, you will need to hire a manager for visa support for tourists. If the company will also be involved in the sale of airline tickets, then it will be necessary to hire a transport department manager to deal directly with the sale of tickets. Wage a qualified tourism manager averages 30 thousand rubles per month. We must also remember that in order to improve the skills of employees, they will need to undergo trainings and seminars. average price for such classes is 1 thousand rubles per student.

    The constituent documents of the enterprise include:

    • - charter of the enterprise (when establishing an enterprise of any form of ownership)
    • - constituent agreement (if the founders include two or more persons) or the founder’s decision to create an enterprise (if one person acts as founders)
    • - application of the founder or a person authorized by the founders for state registration.

    Preparation of constituent documents is the first step in creating a tourism enterprise. The list and content of constituent documents depends on the chosen organizational and legal form of the future enterprise.

    The charter is a set of rules establishing the order and organization of the enterprise's activities. This is an important document and should be prepared with the utmost care. When developing a charter, it is necessary to proceed from the requirements of legislative acts in force in Russia, which determine property rights, as well as the rights and obligations of an enterprise in the process of carrying out economic activities.

    The charter of a private enterprise must contain the following information:

    • - name of the enterprise indicating its organizational and legal form, surname of the owner of the property and name;
    • - information about the founder
    • - address of the enterprise
    • - subject, goals and activities
    • - the procedure for the formation of property, including ownership rights to the property of the enterprise
    • - the procedure for distributing profits and covering losses
    • - enterprise management and competence of management bodies
    • - conditions for reorganization and liquidation of the enterprise.

    The charter also needs to discuss the responsibility of the founder for the obligations of the enterprise. On title page of the charter, the date of its establishment and the signature of the founder are indicated in the upper right corner. If the charter was established by a decision of the meeting of founders, the date of the meeting and the minutes number are indicated. Before submitting for state registration, the charter must be updated.

    The foundation agreement is a document regulating the conditions and procedure for joint activities of the founders and containing the following information:

    • - on the size and composition of the authorized capital;
    • - the procedure for profit distribution;
    • - the amount and procedure for changing the shares, shares or shares of each of the participants in the authorized capital;
    • - the size, composition, timing and procedure for making contributions by participants;
    • - on the responsibility of participants for violation of obligations to make deposits, etc.

    The foundation agreement is concluded if there are several founders.

    When preparing the constituent documents of the organization being created, the question of choosing a name arises.

    The name of the company can be anything, and it depends only on the imagination and taste of the founders. However, in order to further the success of the enterprise, a number of principles must be taken into account when choosing a company name.

    • 1. Constancy of the name. One gets used to the name, it is simply retained in memory. This makes business contacts easier. When choosing a name, you need to think about its permanence.
    • 2. Association with the manufactured product, with its characteristic pleasant features. A well-chosen name contributes to the creation of an original and beautiful emblem of the organization, trademark, etc. However, when choosing a name, the boundaries of the company’s activities are outlined rather conditionally; excessive rigidity should be avoided, since in the future the nature of the activity may change.
    • 3. Brevity, euphony, aesthetics. The name must be such that by replacing, adding or removing letters it cannot be transformed into a cacophony of the name. The best perceived names consisted of one or two words reflecting the type of activity of the enterprise.
    • 4. Uniqueness of the name. If an unfavorable impression arises about one of the companies with the same name, this impression can be transferred to another company of the same name.

    One of the points that must be reflected in the constituent documents is the address of the location of the legal entity being created. Thus, the founders must determine in advance where the organization being created will be located.

    Resolving issues related to determining the location, postal address and place of storage of documents of the created legal entity - preparatory stage, preceding state registration. When choosing a location address, you should take into account the list of addresses at which the registration of legal entities has been suspended, based on the appeal of owners, tenants and balance holders, because The reason for refusal to register an organization may be that the address belongs to this list.

    The location of a legal entity is determined by the place of its state registration, unless otherwise established in the constituent documents of the legal entity in accordance with the law (Clause 2 of Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    The constituent documents (charter) of a legal entity must indicate the specific address of the location (indicating the zip code, street, house and premises) at which the governing body of the legal entity is located (the charter indicates which specific governing body is located at the location of the legal entity persons), and the grounds for the location of this management body (premises purchase and sale agreement, certificate of ownership, other property rights, lease agreement, etc.).

    That is why the resolution of issues related to determining the location address and the preparation of documents confirming it precede the state registration of a legal entity.

    If the location is determined by the permanent location of its governing bodies, then in addition to indicating a specific address, it must be indicated which permanent governing body is permanently located at this address and the basis for placing this body at this address (premises purchase and sale agreement registered in the prescribed manner , certificate of ownership, other property rights, lease agreement, etc.).

    Postal address - address (zip code, city, street, house, premises) to which legal entity communication is carried out. Information about the postal address may be contained in the constituent documents.

    The residential premises in which the founder (participant or shareholder) or the director (single executive body) of the legal entity resides can be used as a postal address.

    When state registration of an enterprise, state registration of changes in constituent documents, written notifications about the postal address must be submitted to the registering authority. Notifications are submitted regardless of the presence of a postal address in the constituent documents. If the mailing address is a residential property, the written notice must indicate the owner or responsible tenant. The notice must be signed by all adult residents of the apartment. An extract from the house register is attached to the notification. The absence of notifications about the postal address when registering those created through establishment and reorganization is grounds for refusal of state registration.

    Information on the procedure for storing documents and the procedure for the company to provide information to company participants and other persons must be contained in the charter. The charter specifies the specific address for storing documents. The absence of such an indication in the charter entails refusal of state registration. Changing the storage location of documents entails the need to amend the charter.

    After determining the office address, it is necessary to prepare documents for the premises. Such documents may be a preliminary lease agreement, written confirmation from the owner to rent out the premises or sell the premises.