Installation of split systems as a business. Business on installation and maintenance of air conditioners. Climate business: Additional service

There can be a lot of debate about what type of business is profitable to engage in in the field of entertainment and sports. Today we will remember a direction that originated in the 50s of the last century. Fans of active recreation even then appreciated the new hobby - karting, and today it is still popular.

The basis of sports entertainment is a large area or track, which is called a “karting track”. It can be covered or open. The second areas, located in the open air, function only in the warm season, so this karting club can be considered seasonal. Small cars that are made specifically for racing on small tracks are called “karts.” They are small vehicles that do not have a body, but are capable of accelerating to high speeds.

Karting is profitable business. It has a relatively low barrier to entry, and the market is practically free. Competitors can only be found in big cities, and even then only a few. There are two business areas:

  • Entertaining karting club;
  • A sports section that prepares athletes to participate in competitions.

An entertaining karting club, according to experts, is more profitable to open. Karting for children is especially in demand.

Where to start organizing a karting track

To build a 700 m long route, you will need land plot, area 3-4 thousand sq.m. The road for cars must be laid with the correct turns and a sufficient number of straight sections. Typically, an amateur karting or sports club is built away from residential buildings and the city center. An old one is suitable as a covered area. production room or unclaimed warehouse.

The number of staff in the club depends on their professionalism and skills. It is ideal to find people who understand technology, can repair karts and at the same time instruct clients. If children's karting opens, then it is good that the instructors know how to get along with children.

Among the additional, but mandatory attributes, you will need to purchase special clothing for workers and helmets for visitors. Beautiful identical overalls for staff will create a positive image, and corporate symbols will allow you to recognize the club at competitions. On regular business days, the uniform allows visitors to quickly find a staff member to ask for assistance. A quality helmet made in Italy costs about $60, but there are also cheap Chinese options.

Adult and children's karting

Before laying the coating, it is advisable to equip the go-kart with a timing device. This device allows you to record your arrival time, results and display them on the scoreboard. With this attribute, it will be much more interesting for the client to visit the karting club. You can organize impromptu competitions and observe the dynamics of your own results. It will take about 80 thousand dollars to completely develop the track, with coating and all the attributes.

Cards – do we buy them or make them ourselves?

Karting must be equipped with cars. A new car costs from 1.5 to 4 thousand dollars, depending on the power. The main and most expensive part of a car is the engine. Karting frames can also be purchased domestically or imported. However, many amateurs and professionals make go-karts with their own hands. It's much cheaper and more reliable.

Before starting production, you need to determine what the future karting will be like. The basis of each technical product is a drawing, from which you need to calculate the quantity necessary materials. Metal pipes are used for frames, they are cut into parts, bent and welded. After making the main frame, you can begin to construct the motor frame, pedal control and steering assembly. All these parts are made according to the same pattern, but their sizes can be adjusted depending on the height of the person who will operate the machine.

A single-cylinder air-cooled gasoline unit is installed on the go-kart yourself. The pilot must be protected from internal combustion engines and possible burns. The braking system connects at least a pair of wheels.

A workshop that makes karting with its own hands, the presence of a gorgeous track and attentive staff, all this can become a favorite vacation spot for both adults and children. It is these components that will become the key to your unique and profitable business, with a chic name - karting.

How much can you earn

The assessments of theorists and entrepreneurs who have been making money from karting for many years are practically the same in terms of the main indicators: profitability, size starting capital, the time required to reach the level of self-sufficiency, etc. (which is quite rare in such situations). Let's consider the main economic results of a company operating in the industry represented.

  • Monthly revenue $7,500
  • Enterprise costs, which include: staff salaries, advertising, depreciation, insurance premiums, taxes and other administrative expenses – $2,400/month.
  • Net profit, based on the listed indicators, will be at the level of $5,100/month.

But, taking into account various force majeure events, changes in the competitive situation or general economic trends, the company’s profit can be $2,500-6,000 per month.

How much money do you need to start a karting business?

To answer the question about the amount of start-up capital that is necessary to create a full-fledged company working in this direction, it is necessary to consider two options for implementing the idea in question:

  1. Creation of a full-fledged karting club. The route and corresponding infrastructure facilities are being built, necessary equipment, and also organizes preparatory courses for various age groups etc. In this case, you need to invest from 700 thousand to 1 million dollars, but the exact amount depends, first of all, on the location of the future company.
  2. To implement the second option of a business project, you will need high-quality equipment and professional instructors, which will bring the main profit during various citywide events or orders of the company’s services for festive ceremonies. In this case, the amount of starting capital will be much less, but your company’s income will also be reduced by at least 30-60%.

If your own Money It will not be enough to implement the presented projects; use borrowed bank capital. But for this, you will have to register as entity, as well as prepare a real and promising business plan.

Which equipment to choose

Preparing a business plan for implementation of this project, you definitely need to calculate the cost of the main equipment and the most “killable” spare parts (tires, brake system, filters, etc.), as well as study in detail the cost of equipment that will help preserve the most valuable thing - the life and health of each person.

When purchasing equipment, focus not only on its cost and technical indicators. Perhaps a sports car that is excellent in all respects will cause you a lot of trouble when searching for basic spare parts or will not withstand operating conditions on roads unprepared for these purposes.

What OKVED code for a business organizing a karting club must be indicated when registering with the Federal Tax Service

If you study all-Russian classifier business areas, after the changes in 2016, we will see that the karting club falls into the category of sports and entertainment activities with OKVED code 92.72.

What documents are needed to open a club?

To engage in this business, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and obtain permits local authorities authorities, SES and fire services, as well as draw up documents for cars and buy insurance policies.

Which tax system to choose

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The relevance of the business in opening an entertainment karting club is justified by the fact that the niche in many Russian cities is not occupied, and the demand for racing is constantly growing due to the popularity of sports karting, including the Formula 1 championship.

An entertainment karting center (karting track) is a track equipped with special cars without a body (karts) for racing as an active form of recreation.

There are two types of karting clubs: sports And entertaining. There are also indoor and outdoor karting tracks. An indoor karting club operates throughout the year, while an open one brings more profit in the summer, but does not work in the winter.

Organization of karting business (seasonal option)

Brief instructions for starting a business

  1. Registration activities, choice of form of taxation. The optimal organizational and legal form of doing business is the form of an individual entrepreneur, and as a taxation system it would be correct to choose the patent system tax accounting.

    Advice from Moneymaker Factory: to save on management accounting the best option will conduct it independently using the Internet service “My Business”.

  2. Choosing a suitable location. For creating open karting club has a sufficiently suitable plot of land. The main conditions for choosing a site are its area (size matters) and good transport accessibility (karting track can also be opened in the industrial part of the city, if it can be easily reached by public transport).
  3. Repair and preparation of the route. To create a track, it is necessary to prepare descents and ascents, select the correct angles and turns, and also provide straight areas for acceleration. The track design is currently created in specialized 3D graphics programs. The track surface must be asphalted. In order for tires and other parts of the kart to wear out more slowly, the quality of the coating must be smooth and free of cracks. The edges of the track are equipped with old tires and other materials that soften impacts.
  4. Purchase of karts and additional equipment. To start a business, it is enough to have 6 machines. It is preferable to have different models, but keep in mind that duplicate cars may be needed for racing. Thus, it is recommended to have 3 brands of cars, 2 for each brand. Western models are considered to be the best karts, but in Russia there are also enterprises that produce karting cars. Domestic cars are cheaper, but wear out faster. This fact must be taken into account when organizing a business. It is also optimal to have several children's cars. Additional equipment includes flags, traffic lights, trolleys and scoreboards. Other additional equipment can be purchased if necessary.

The profit of the karting track is generated through car rental (200-800 rubles per race), the opening of a karting training school, competitions and corporate events. The main equipment for karting is karts, and the additional equipment is flags, traffic lights, scoreboards, carts and an electronic timing system.

Minimum set of equipment for a karting center

Basic equipment *

Brief feasibility study of an indoor karting track

Capital investments

  • purchase of karts - 799 thousand rubles.
  • additional equipment - 240 thousand rubles.
  • delivery of equipment - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Preparation of the route - 200 thousand rubles.
  • organizational expenses, other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

In total, 1,359,000 rubles will be required to launch the karting track.

Calculation of revenue and profitability of activities

* According to practice, it takes 3-6 months of work for a karting track to reach the forecasted revenue.
** Business profitability - expert opinion of the author of the article

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    Karting club business plan

    Your business plan showed me the mistakes I made when planning a go-kart race on my own. It's good that it didn't come to an opening. correcting the mistakes would cost a pretty penny. Thanks for the timely tips.

    Vladimir, thank you for your response. It’s great that before you started creating a karting club, you decided to double-check your calculations. We are glad that our developments brought you real help. We wish you a successful opening.

    Karting club business plan

    Karting clubs are very popular among young people. This became a decisive factor when choosing the direction of my business. In addition, the investments required are not the most global. Your business plan showed that the idea is quite real and can be implemented in a matter of months. Thank you.
  • Karting club business plan

    At first it seemed that everything was very complicated, a lot of sophisticated things were written. But when I began to look into it in detail, I realized that what was needed for development was included quality business plan. Thank you.

    Alexander, thank you for your response. We create standard documents in such a way that a person who wants to develop a business plan on his own can do so without difficulty. We wish you good luck in creating a karting club.

The main thing about the karting club business plan

The roar of engines, the squeal of brakes, the enthusiastic hubbub of the crowd - if a person wants to get an adrenaline rush, he goes to the karting track. The opinion that only teenagers are regulars at karting centers is fundamentally wrong. If you have an idea to open your own karting club or center, keep in mind that the main audience that will visit it are young, wealthy people aged 20-35 years. Some people like to watch the races, others like to take part in them directly.

When planning to organize a karting center, take care, first of all, of the availability of a high-quality track, which is a key factor in the success of such a business project as karting. It needs to be both exciting and safe, and that combination is very difficult to achieve. Only a competent and experienced specialist will be able to correctly calculate all turns and turns and assess their safety.

Don’t forget about the appropriate equipment, which allows each visitor to instantly transform into a real racer. You can give out disposable karting suits, or rent out regular karting suits.

Racing horizontally

The main cost item when opening a karting track is renting land for karting. When choosing a site, inquire in advance about the possibility of placing such a structure on it. It is advisable to enter into a long-term contract so that your hands are free and you can actively develop your karting business while receiving good income. Purchasing karts also requires significant costs. The cost of one car ranges from 2 thousand to 5 thousand dollars. In order to organize a full-fledged business - an attraction with go-karts, you will need at least 8 karts. And don't forget about children's cars, which are also in high demand.

The payback of a karting club depends on how popular your karting track will be. Organizing karting rentals is the main source of profit. The more clients, the higher the income. Therefore, competent promotion own business is of great importance. When opening a kart rental business, think in advance about how you will be able to attract customers. These may be special conditions for regular visitors; it would be a good idea to organize kart rentals for corporate events. In this case, tents should be provided at the karting track, in the shade of which visitors between races can calmly relax, drink a cup of tea or coffee.

If you have no experience in similar business, it will be much easier to open a karting track, guided by the advice of professionals, which is contained in a competent example of a business plan for opening a karting club with ready-made calculations. This document contains detailed description all the intricacies of the business, including the very definition of a karting track. Opening a karting car will not cause you serious problems if you strictly follow the advice of professionals. In this way, you will minimize all possible risks and easily cope with any difficulties that may await you along this path.

A ready-made business plan for a karting club from scratch with examples of opening calculations

We offer a business plan for a karting club so that you can start a business related to sports car racing. Karts are popular among teenagers and older people; those who value justified risk and love to feel like a real master of a high-speed vehicle, a racer, like to spend their weekends in karting clubs. Therefore, it will be very far-sighted to have detailed planning on hand for this undertaking, both in a metropolis and in a small town.

This document on organizing karting is intended for those who have seriously decided to take up this business, because to put karting into operation, you should think about selecting the appropriate premises, resolve issues of purchasing a fleet of karts, and also build tracks, taking care of the safety of your clients. It is preferable to purchase equipment that is produced in Italy, but some models of Chinese karts have proven themselves quite well, and their cost is quite reasonable. You should also think about providing the technical component of the future club; specialists are needed who can troubleshoot karting machines and maintain the fleet in proper condition.

Having studied finished document, you will gain confidence in your guesses and, with the help of methodical calculations, you will be able to determine both the size of the future club and estimate the cost items that will be impressive at the first stage. You also need to purchase appropriate protective clothing for your future visitors and take into account the age characteristics of clients. Don’t forget that on weekdays you can reduce prices for sessions, and on weekends and holidays set an increased rate, without reducing the flow of visitors. This is a far-sighted and profitable business for entrepreneurs, see for yourself by studying the financial document.

In stock Karting club business plan 5 13

The project is a plan to open a private karting club, valid for 24 months. It should include all key aspects of this type of activity, including the timing of each stage and their cost.

The founder sets the following 3 main goals of the project:

  • — creation of a highly profitable organization;
  • - Receiving a profit;
  • — satisfaction of the relevant market segment.

Project financing involves obtaining a loan for a period of 24 months. During this period, the organization must achieve self-sufficiency and generate stable profits.

The karting club project is designed to provide services to a popular type of sports entertainment - high-speed driving in a special vehicle along an equipped track. Several participants can be on the track at the same time. The main contingent is active, sporty people, mainly young people or middle-aged visitors who love extreme sports and seek thrills.

To define a circle target audience, it is worth exploring the reasons why potential customers come to karting clubs. Most visitors want to relax and unwind, get a dose of adrenaline or just have a good time in the company of friends. Many clients come with a desire to learn how to drive a kart and acquire new skills and knowledge. In this regard, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of single and pair skating, as well as the provision of cars for large companies. It is worth introducing a service for training in the basics of kart management, while simultaneously providing everyone with information about the technical and operational characteristics.

Taking into account the features potential audience and the range of services that the company will offer, it is worth considering two different options for the future club:

— a karting club, designed primarily for pleasant leisure time. The main contingent of such establishments are wealthy clients, so such clubs usually have an indoor multi-level format and combine both karting and other types of active recreation and entertainment - bowling, billiards, a restaurant;

— karting school. Designed to teach clients the art of driving a kart. Therefore, the duration and quality of the route and the size of the vehicle fleet are of greater importance here. For quality training minimum area The karting track should be from 40 square meters. The vehicle fleet in this case includes a large number of machines that must undergo timely inspection and repair.

Based on size financial investments on preparatory stage it is necessary to determine the level of the future club:

— economy class: usually involves renting an open, finished asphalt area. Such an area is often fenced with ordinary rubber tires, and used cars can be purchased for the fleet. The pricing policy in this case is the most loyal - the main contingent is low or medium clients financial situation. Investments in opening an economy class karting track will cost up to 25 thousand dollars;

- average level - an entrepreneur purchases or rents a plot of land and independently asphaltes and equips a route 300 - 400 meters long. The total area of ​​a karting track of this level should be within 3 thousand square meters, you will also need administrative premises, a vehicle fleet of at least 10 new cars, a small staff and starting investments in the range of 25 - 35 thousand dollars;

— an elite class karting club will require a track made of the highest level materials with a duration of at least 900 meters. To create and develop such a project, in addition to the administrative building, timing on the track, several full-time mechanics, administrators and instructors are required. A high-class club provides locker rooms and showers equipped with everything necessary, and a cozy lounge for waiting or relaxing after training. To withstand competition in this market segment, customers need to offer the maximum comfortable conditions. Among the important advantages is the presence of qualified and attentive instructors who can attract and retain visitors.

The main difficulties in creating a karting club are the constant increase in the level of competition and sufficient . The first factor is due to intensive development in our country, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of proposals. As for the financial aspects, the main disadvantage will be the long process of paying off a karting club - to organize a medium-sized enterprise you will have to spend large sums on cars and the construction of an administrative building. To calculate everything correctly financial questions, when developing a project, possible unforeseen costs and existing risks are taken into account.

The main features of opening a karting club are in the video:

Plan for organizing a karting club

The sequence of actions when opening a club, regardless of its size, includes several mandatory steps:

  • — rental of the track, auxiliary and utility premises;
  • — track equipment;
  • — purchase of cars;
  • — business registration;
  • — staff recruitment and training;
  • — equipment of the premises for further events, including the organization of a kitchen and bar for the delivery and serving of drinks;
  • — marketing campaign.

When selecting a site for the installation of karting tracks or a finished track, you should take into account how geographically convenient it is - whether there are any direct competitors nearby and how good the transport interchange is. The route is also selected taking into account its area - at first it is enough to rent an area from 6 to 40 square meters. In this case, it is possible to create a route no less than 700 meters long. A shorter length is undesirable, since experienced clients may not be satisfied with such conditions.

The quality of service provision, as well as technical condition cars largely depends on the road surface. The standard pavement material is asphalt, laid in accordance with the requirements for highway fourth category. In particular, the coating on turns and braking zones must comply with existing standards. Depending on the purpose of the route, you can make turns with a constant or increasing radius. And with inside It is advisable to install concrete curbs. The first month after laying the asphalt, the use of the track is prohibited, which must be taken into account when drawing up a plan for opening the club.

The standard track will have a width from 8 (for amateurs) to 13 meters - for training and competitions. Depending on the same indicator, the maximum slope of the route can be 5% for longitudinal and 10% for transverse. The length of individual sections of the route will also depend on various features, including its purpose and technical characteristics cars Including the maximum length of straight sections when using karts without a gearbox is 170 meters; for cars with a gearbox there are no such restrictions.

If the length of the track is no more than 1 thousand meters, for safety reasons a maximum of 26 people can be on it at the same time, and during the training process - up to 40. If the length of the track is 1500 m - the maximum permissible number Vehicle– 34 (or 51 in training), and if the length exceeds 1500 m – up to 60 karts. When constructing the highway, the side of the road is prepared accordingly. It should be at the level of the road surface itself. In this case, the roadside may consist of gravel or sand, but is often seeded with grass. Be sure to take care to comply with safety precautions: there should be no trees, buildings or other obstacles within 6 - 10 m from the route. If it is not possible to remove obstacles, the route should be fenced with protective devices made of straw bales, foam blocks or other lightweight material.

Spectator seats must be located at a safe distance from the track - no less than 10 meters. And when placing them near the curves of the route, for protection you need to create a barrier wall more than 1 meter high.

If the track is to be used for karting competitions, the specific requirements set out in the National Karting Sports Rules (based on the FIA ​​International Sports Code) must be met:

Min. length Slopes (max.) Straight length Coating Roadsides Necessary facilities
700 m Longitudinal 5%, transverse 10% For karts without a gearbox – 170 m, with a gearbox – no restrictions Asphalt along the length of the route according to the requirements no lower than for a category 4 highway On a straight line - the shoulder is at the level of the road surface. The shoulder may consist of sand, gravel or grass. There should be no local obstacles (trees, buildings) at a distance of 6–10 m on the side of the road. The use of car tires to separate oncoming traffic is not allowed. Places for spectators - no closer than 10 m to the track Parking lot (for 1 driver – min. 6x8 m, from 160 places);

— closed park for technical checks, pre-launch preparation and other preliminary functions;

— repair area;

— indoor premises for judges;

— covered weighing area;

— post medical care– at least 2 cars;

- sanitary facilities.

Ensuring compliance with these rules requires considerable financial expenses. All necessary amounts must be accurately calculated and included in the organization’s business plan.

A separate point in preparation for opening in the business plan is the official registration of the enterprise. It is more rational to register a karting club as a legal entity. To open an LLC, you need to submit an application using a special form, preparing a number of constituent documents. The basis for LLC registration is the federal law No. 14 “About societies with limited liability"(,0&rnd=0.1115669842986382#01794759982594527).

To submit the relevant constituent documents, you can use the following samples:

Technical equipment: machines and equipment

The technical conditions of the karts are one of the most important points in the plan for the future project. Yes, all cars must have high quality and be fully functional. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase used cars - the quality and reliability of the fleet will be one of the factors for the success of the club.

In most cases, karting tracks use machines equipped with motors. trademark“Honda”, because in terms of technical and price parameters they are ideal for both beginners and experienced amateurs and professionals. It must be taken into account that even when buying high-quality and new machines, over time they will have to be repaired and replaced, since due to wear and tear the equipment quickly breaks down. One of the significant problems is associated with this feature - one such new machine costs at least 1.5 thousand dollars, if it is equipped with a powerful engine and is designed for professionals, its cost reaches 2.5 - 4 thousand. Replacement and purchase of individual parts is an even more problematic issue, since there is currently a shortage of parts and spare parts on our market. Therefore, it makes sense to establish cooperation with one of the proven, experienced suppliers.

The karting track where the competition will take place should be equipped with an electronic timing system. To do this, they install sensors that determine the speed of vehicles and a board on which the results are displayed. When planning to install sensors, it is better to do this before laying the asphalt - the device is rolled under it. So simple technical equipment will not require serious financial expenses, but it will also be useful for clubs where competitions are not held - many speed riding enthusiasts try to record and improve their results, so the availability of additional technical capabilities will increase the popularity of the karting club.

The next point of club equipment - a ventilation system - will only be necessary in indoors. If the track is open, there is no need for it. If the club has a closed format, you will definitely need a supply and exhaust unit, which will ensure the elimination of harmful exhaust gases and high-quality ventilation of the room.

The technical equipment of the club includes the purchase of special clothing - summer and winter overalls, helmets and other items of equipment for clients will be needed. It is better not to skimp on these parts and purchase branded products. For comparison, branded Italian overalls cost about $60, while Chinese-made workwear costs 500 rubles. When choosing overalls, you should make sure that they are made of protective material that prevents fire and provides high-quality mechanical protection for the driver. To purchase equipment, it is better to conclude a contract with one of the specialized companies well-known on the market. Constant cooperation and wholesale purchases will allow you to save on purchasing the necessary equipment.

The size of the staff and the qualifications of the personnel depend on the level of the karting track. For an elite club you need to choose the best specialists– from mechanics and ordinary workers to instructors and administrators. Since an elite club may include several tracks and some additional services, the team may have several dozen multidisciplinary specialists. This plan considers a medium-scale project. Therefore, approximately up to 10 specialists will be needed to ensure uninterrupted operation of the karting track.

Features of karting as a sport - in the video:

Marketing plan

Compilation marketing plan a new company begins with an analysis of the state of the modern market, its current state and dynamics. Just like other aspects of business, the sports and entertainment sector was impacted by the 2013–2014 crisis. Then demand decreased significantly, as a result - a decrease in efficiency earlier successful enterprises and the closure of many small and unprofitable karting tracks. Now this trend is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but demand has still not reached pre-crisis levels. Taking into account the growth of the entertainment industry around the world, we can conclude that the interest of potential audiences in the chosen direction is steadily growing.

Statistical data will also provide relevant conclusions. According to official information, with a country population of more than 146.5 million, the total number of karting clubs today exceeds 1,320. If we take into account the increase in the level of consumption of this service by 5 - 10% per year, then approximately 70 are expected to open in the near future new karting tracks of various levels.

Taking these factors into account, it is important for new market participants to immediately make themselves known and create a positive image, which will allow them to immediately take a competitive position. Considering the methods that will be used to attract potential clients, first of all, you need to use the capabilities of the World Wide Web. According to preliminary estimates, the annual growth rate of advertising on the Internet is about 13%. Therefore, despite the effectiveness of advertising in the media and external methods of promoting a company, the main emphasis should be on finding clients online.

A karting club of any size must have its own website. It will provide all the information about the services offered and pricing policy. New and regular customers It is worth offering attractive conditions for visiting the club, having thought through discount and promotional programs.

In order to form a consumer opinion regarding the availability of karting for everyone, it is necessary to additionally resort to the following methods:

  1. — sending out advertisements to corporations and companies of various sizes;
  2. — outdoor advertising, including the use of banners and banners;
  3. — advertising in the media, including in thematic magazines;
  4. — creation of appropriate infrastructure.

The main advertising method can traditionally be considered the creation of a positive image in the market, which will attract new customers. Having received high-quality service and service, clients not only come again, but also share their impressions with their friends. This type of advertising is known to be one of the most effective.

In relation to specific deadlines, the list of the main stages of creating a karting club is as follows:

Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Start of the project 1 – 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 calendar days
Selecting a location, completing documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Construction of the route Conclusion of an investment agreement 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment testing Receiving investment funds Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activities Up to 30 calendar days
Training The end of the stage of organizing the production process Up to 30 days
Conducting a marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 calendar days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Thus, all main stages will have to be completed within the first year of operation of the karting track. 24 months are allotted to develop the business and gain a foothold in the market.

Financial calculations

One of the important points of the project’s business plan is determining the price list of the services offered. This indicator will be influenced by two main criteria - the amount of investment in starting a business and the cost of providing services in the future, as well as the approximate pricing policy on the market. If we analyze what is relevant for Russian clubs prices, then average indicators taking into account some important features can be presented in the table:

Thus, after analyzing existing price indicators, we can come to the conclusion that a 10-minute trip on a smooth surface in Moscow will cost between 300 and 1000 rubles. In terms of income, this is a fairly high figure, meaning high financial prospects for a new entrepreneur. But before drawing a conclusion about profitability, it is necessary to calculate the expenses of the business at the starting stage and in the process of business development.
Taking into account the established investment period of 24 months, during which the project must reach the level of self-sufficiency, we can make a preliminary forecast of the volume of services provided and the amount of profit received:

Period Type of service Sales volume for 1 month. price, rub. Revenue, rub.
1 – 12 months investing From 3,500 people 300 – 1 thousand 1,050 – 35 million
1 – 12 months investing From 3,700 people 500 – 1 thousand 1.85 – 3.7 million
1 – 12 months functioning From 5 units From 50 thousand From 250 thousand
Rental cost 1 card, weekdays From 3600 people 350 — 1 500 1.3 – 1.6 million
13 – 24 months functioning Rental cost 1 card, weekends, holidays From 3,900 people 550 — 1 500 2.15 – 5.9 million
13 – 24 months functioning Event services From 10 units 55 thousand From 550 thousand

If acting on this moment the market development trend (5 - 10%) will continue throughout the entire duration of the project; by the end of the year, the company will be able to achieve an increase in sales volumes of up to 43.5 million rubles annually.

The implementation of this project requires a loan of 26.7 million rubles, subject to a loan for 24 months with a discount rate of 14%. Having made approximate calculations, we can come to the conclusion that the break-even point will begin from the 13th month after the start of the enterprise. By this period, the profit should be about 2.6 million rubles.

Rest financial indicators, which should form the basis of the financial part of the business plan, are as follows:

  • - the amount of profit after the end of the lending period will reach 1.8 - 1.9 million rubles. The bank will receive a profit of up to 1.5 million in the first 24 months;
  • - monthly payments for all expenses - 1.4 - 1.5 million;
  • — final gross profit project – 87 million rubles;
  • — the profit of the project as a whole is 23.4 million rubles.

Detailed and accurate calculations for all the main costs of equipping the karting track with everything necessary are presented below:

Expense item Expenses per month, rub. Expenses for the year, rub. One-time costs Total for the year
Buying or renting a plot (from 4000 sq.m) From 2 million 333 thousand 28 million 2.8 million 30.8 million
Construction of the complex and equipment for the route (from 40 thousand sq.m.) 240 million 240 million
Purchase of equipment (cards – 40 pcs.) 2 million 155 thousand 2 million 155 thousand
Purchasing workwear 44.8 thousand 44.8 thousand
Website creation and maintenance, hosting 120 thousand 120 thousand
Fixed advertising costs 150 thousand 1.8 million 200 thousand 1.8 million
Salary (based on 12 months) From 379 thousand 4.548 million 4.548 million
Payment of taxes (for 12 months) From 114 thousand 1.4 million 1.4 million
Unforeseen expenses (for 12 months) 24.5 million 24.5 million
Total 2.9 million 34 million 348 thousand 270 million 304 million

Thus, during the first two years general expenses About 304 million will be spent on the rental or acquisition and preparation of tracks and surrounding areas, the purchase of machinery and equipment and other mandatory expenses. This amount may increase or decrease significantly depending on the size and level of the future club. The calculations made in the plan can be considered average and optimal for this type of activity.

Tax part financial plan for a karting club it will be traditional - the reporting period begins annually in January, and at the end of it, deductions must be made to the Federal Tax Service in accordance with the chosen tax system.

Since the main goal when opening a karting club will be to overcome barriers to entry into the market, it is necessary to create all the appropriate conditions for this. First of all, it is necessary to purchase high-quality equipment, taking into account its cost in financial calculations. It is this item of expenditure that will constitute the main cost item at the starting stage and in subsequent periods. To successfully start a business and prevent unaccounted costs in the project plan, you need to take into account the estimated wage fund and other mandatory cost items.

When planning the opening of a karting track, the main risks inherent in this market segment are taken into account:

  1. — high level of injury hazard, requiring additional safety measures;
  2. - high price Supplies;
  3. — possible difficulties with finding the location of the karting track;
  4. — high level of capitalization of investments.

After conducting a full analysis of the chosen direction and comparing the level of costs and projected profits, conclusions can be drawn. The karting club is a highly profitable and promising project, but with a significant amount of risk. The factors that will determine its success include a well-chosen location, a high-quality technical component on which the safety of clients depends, as well as the professionalism of all employees. If new organization will meet all the listed requirements, and its founder will show sufficient dedication and attention to all strategic and material issues, the karting track promises to be successful, developing and generating profit in accordance with the indicators presented in the business plan.

How to start opening a karting club - in the video: