Certification and assessment of qualifications in education. Voluntary certification of specialists. How often will it be necessary to undergo the certification procedure to confirm qualifications? Or is this a one-time procedure?

1. General provisions This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of NO "SOYUZCEMENT" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

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2. Basic concepts used in the Policy

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7. Cross-border transfer of personal data

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8. Final provisions

  1. The User can receive any clarification on issues of interest regarding the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via email [email protected].
  2. This document will reflect any changes to the Operator’s personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.
  3. The current version of the Policy is freely available on the Internet at http://soyuzcem.ru/policy/.

To begin with, I propose to define the terms, since many personnel management specialists replace one concept with another. So, “certification” is regulated in our country by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, according to Art. 2 of which “certification is a form of confirmation of compliance of objects with requirements carried out by a certification body technical regulations, provisions of standards, codes of practice or terms of contracts.” Certification can be mandatory when such requirements are established by law (as a rule, this is the certification of certain products and services), or voluntary.

If we are talking about certification of specialists for compliance with some professional competencies, then this is only a voluntary procedure in the organization (body) that carries it out. There is no legislative certification in our field of “Human Resources Management” and it is not required by law. However, many HR specialists voluntarily underwent such certification. The most common certification now is probably the one carried out by the National Personnel Union. What did such a certificate give to a specialist in the field of human resources management? Confirmation of the employee’s qualifications by the National Union of Personnel Managers.

Whether this certificate says that a person is competent in a certain area - I don’t know; for this it is necessary to understand the procedure for how such certification was carried out. Perhaps there are other certificates in the HR field, but we are not talking about that now. Our task is to analyze how such voluntary “certification” differs from the “voluntary assessment of qualifications” being built in our country, which our President has been talking about since 2012.

The draft has now been prepared for first readings and has been approved by the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications federal law“On independent assessment of qualifications.” According to this bill, a system for assessing qualifications will be built in the country, which is based on developed professional standards, allocated qualifications and an assessment procedure that will be determined by an industry council.

To clarify this in simple language, we need to make a number of clarifications here.

First: since 2013, professional standards have been developed in our country. I think that all HR specialists already know this. The definition of the term “professional standards” is contained in Art. 195.1. Labor Code RF, and the register of all adopted standards is maintained by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on the website: http://profstandart.rosmintrud.ru/

The body that oversees work on professional standards and independent assessment of qualifications is the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications (their website is http://nspkrf.ru). The National Council creates sectoral councils that oversee this work by sector. There are currently 23 such councils, one of which is the Council for Professional Qualifications in Personnel Management. A complete list of all industry Councils can be found here: http://nspkrf.ru/soveti.html

What do industry councils do regarding qualification assessment? They oversee the development of industry professional standards, identify qualifications, develop assessment tools, and it is the industry councils that will develop the procedure for assessing qualifications and give accreditation to qualification assessment centers (QACs).

The speech of the Minister of Labor Topilin on the issue of professional standards, qualification assessment centers and the draft of this law can be viewed here: http://regnum.ru/news/economy/2104647.html, and also: http://www.rosmintrud.ru/labour /15/10.

Quote from the March (March 24, 2016 - source link given above) speech of the Minister: “The task is to ensure that both employers and employees can constantly assess knowledge and skills of workers in a voluntary format. For now it will be a voluntary regime, because this system still needs to be created and worked out.”

So what will change in the work of HR specialists with the introduction of an independent qualification assessment system?

First: Candidates who have passed an independent assessment at the Qualification Assessment Center (QAC) can come to the company to get a job and present a certificate of qualifications during the interview. Does this mean that the employer is obliged to hire a candidate who has such a certificate? Of course not. But when refusing to hire such a candidate, the employer will need to justify his refusal and this will simply be more difficult, taking into account the fact that the refusal due to the fact that the employee’s qualifications do not meet the requirements of the position (profession) for which the applicant is applying can be challenged by on the basis that he has already confirmed his qualifications at the CSC.

Second: if the employer conducts internal certification and the employee does not agree with the conclusion of the certification commission, then the employee himself can contact the CQC, undergo an independent qualification assessment there and, on this basis, enter into conflict with the employer to challenge the decision of the internal qualification commission.

Also, employees will most likely contact the CSC if various conflict situations with an employer, in which the determination of qualifications was mandatory for carrying out a procedure, for example, reduction of personnel or staff (determination preemptive right), to offer transfers to vacant positions (in cases established by law), etc.

What benefits can an employer receive from implementing the system? independent assessment qualifications?

First of all, naturally, there is an understanding of the employee’s qualifications and the absence of the need to evaluate them within the company during employment.

Another advantage may be that there will be external companies that the employer himself will be able to contact to evaluate not candidates, but already working employees, because within each company it is almost impossible to create an objective evaluation system, at least due to the lack of experts in all areas of professional activities.

Third, for example, understanding that in some cases conflicts with employees cannot be avoided, conditionally, during layoffs and in the presence of one vacant position for several candidates, it would be better for the employer to send the laid-off workers to independent qualification assessment centers, so as not to make a decision that obviously creates the risk of a legal conflict. It is clear that, since the system will be voluntary, employees may also refuse to undergo such an assessment, but this also characterizes the employee from a certain point of view. The main thing is to document such a refusal.

This assessment will be carried out on on a paid basis, where the payer will be the one in whose interests the assessment is carried out. At the same time, now, together with the bill on independent assessment of qualifications, it is planned to introduce amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation so that the employer can further attribute the costs of such assessment to the cost price.

But won't this independent assessment become another profanation? When can I get any certificate for money?

The assessment procedure in the country will be the same in all CSCs and will depend on what qualification (what professional standard/standards are being assessed. That is, it is not the Qualifications Assessment Center itself that develops the assessment procedure, but it receives it from the Industry Council for Professional Qualifications. Therefore, this procedure for passing an assessment for a specific qualification will be the same for all CSCs, and their work will be under the control of the Council. The Council for Professional Qualifications will accredit CSCs, monitor their work and, in cases of violation of the assessment procedure, deprive them of accreditation.

We will find out how this system will work this year. Currently, at least two industry councils are launching work on independent assessment of qualifications; by the end of 2016, there will be many more of them.

Certification of graduates of educational institutions of secondary vocational education has been carried out

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The administration of NP "SPAS" reports on the successful assessment and certification event professional qualifications college graduates. The event was prepared with the support of the partnership and was held on the basis of the automobile college at the address: Moscow, Ochakovskoye sh. d.26. The administration of NP "SPAS" expresses special gratitude and gratitude to Alexander Sergeevich Rybakov, Alexander Viktorovich Andreev, Tatyana Mikhailovna Artamonova (deputy director for educational and industrial work of GBOU SPO SK No. 41), Alexey Ivanovich Zharkov (master of industrial training of GBOU SPO SK No. 41), Krylov Alexander Alexandrovich (methodologist GBOU SPO SK No. 41) for active participation in the preparation and conduct of the event.

Independent expert commission at Non-profit partnership"Union of Automotive Service Enterprises" for the assessment and certification of professional qualifications of personnel of automobile service enterprises and graduates educational institutions, and other categories of citizens who have passed professional education in various forms" On May 16, 2013, the qualifications of college graduates were assessed (by payroll).

Everyone knows the problem Low quality education and low qualifications of personnel in the labor market, including the automotive service sector. Low qualifications of technical personnel of automotive service enterprises affects the quality Maintenance vehicles.

How can I change this? How to implement a continuous education system?

How can graduates of educational institutions be encouraged to strive to acquire new knowledge?

One of the steps to achieve this goal is such an event as the assessment and certification of professional qualifications of graduates and personnel of automotive service enterprises. This is a kind of incentive measure for further professional education of graduates, to improve their qualifications. I note that Certification of qualifications of graduates of educational institutions and personnel of enterprises does not replace basic education and does not call it into question.

This is truly the first event in Moscow where the qualifications of the subjects will be assessed by an independent expert commission. The independence of the commission allows for an objective assessment of the professional training and skill of the subject. The assessment procedure is established not by the state, but by all interested parties and, first of all, employers, since the main composition of the commission is the managers and foremen of car service centers. At the same time, all procedures are “transparent”, and the Expert Commission includes any representatives of the business community (representatives of employing organizations) upon their requests.

Naturally, you are wondering, what benefits does certification give to graduates and enterprise personnel?

the answer is as follows: it determines their professional level, increases their chances of employment, provides psychological comfort and confidence in their own capabilities, as well as increased attention from the management of the enterprise when recruiting personnel, trust and respect for the certificate holder.

The list of persons who were highly appreciated by the commission members and who received certificates is published in the corresponding section of the SPAS NP website. The following are graduates who received high praise from the commission members:

Arisov I.V., Gubich D.G., Gorodnichev V.I., Loparev A.P., Mamyan V.S., Vedyansky Yu.A., Oganesyan K.R., Tyurnikov I.V., Sviridov M. A.A., Seliverstov A.A., Novikov Ya.A., Sadovnik A.S., Ermolaev M.A., Trenkin A.V., Senkin I.D., Zhukov S.A., Emelin S.V. ., Egorov A.A., Levanov D.V., Ovchinnikov V.V.,


Who needs voluntary certification of qualifications and why?


The Russian Federation is a member of the WTO - this is recognition and acceptance general rules international trade, and the adoption of a general concept of socio-economic development.
Professional education will be focused on the endless and rapid increase and renewal of knowledge.

The strict laws of the market will not leave any the slightest chance educational institutions that ignore the needs of employers, the state, and society as a whole.

As a result of joining the WTO, our labor resources and domestic human resources will be uncompetitive not only in the foreign market, but also in the domestic Russian market.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, at a meeting on the training of qualified workers in demand in the economy, noted: “In the next two years it is necessary to create national system certification of specialists for priority sectors of the economy."

In this regard, on January 27, 2012, the Autonomous non-profit organization"Ural Regional Agency for the Development of Qualifications" (ANO URARK).

Her goal: Security sustainable development human resources and quality improvement labor resources based on a system of independent assessment and certification of professional qualifications of specialists in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for types of economic activity.

The Nizhny Tagil Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the founders of the Ural Regional Qualifications Development Agency and is preparing on its site the conditions for the creation of an Intersectoral Center for the Assessment and Certification of Qualifications.

Thus, the presence of a certificate confirms:
-highly qualified specialist;
- guaranteed demand in the labor market;

Answers questions full member European League of Managers, expert of the Voluntary Certification System of Managers of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics Artur Salakhov.

Can a professional education diploma be such evidence?

Practice shows that no. Firstly, the diploma is issued by those who taught themselves, and this is biased. Secondly, it assesses only theoretical knowledge, that is, it cannot be used to assess qualifications. Thirdly, a diploma is issued once and for life, and the profession develops further. Fourth, preparation in formal education is associated with educational standards, which have little in common with the standards of the profession, which change earlier, more often, faster than training programs.

Why certificate?

Firstly, when certifying a professional, an assessment of his knowledge, skills and abilities is given by the professional community, that is, those who hire him. Secondly, not only theoretical knowledge is assessed, but also practical skills. Thirdly, the certificate has time restrictions associated with changes in the requirements of the professional standard and the requirements of subsequent qualification levels. Fourthly, certification evaluates current knowledge, abilities and skills, that is, the quality of a professional at a given time.


Why voluntary?

Any mandatory and directive formula leads to licensing, that is, to a system of permissions and prohibitions that relate to the prerogative public services, and this is corruption. Here we are talking about the social and professional recognition of a professional person and he himself must determine the trajectory of his professional and career growth. In front of him voluntary choice- either unemployment or decent job and well-being. The employer has a voluntary choice - to have qualified, proven professionals, or to deal with the qualifications of the team independently and for own funds. Before the system vocational training is there a voluntary choice - to train professionals and be in demand on the vocational education market or to continue to produce new unskilled unemployed?

How is certification of professional qualifications related to the system of formal vocational education?

Firstly, certification is an assessment of a specialist’s compliance with the requirements of a professional standard. Secondly, the professional standard itself for the vocational training (education) system is a technical specification. Thirdly, certification, independent of the education (training) system, evaluates the quality of this education and its compliance with the requirements terms of reference(professional standard). Fourthly, certification independent of formal education recognizes, first of all, a specialist, not a graduate. educational institution, that is, it recognizes any form of knowledge acquisition. skills and abilities not related to the official vocational education system.

Who needs certification?

Firstly, to the specialist himself. Secondly, to the employer. Thirdly, the vocational education system.

Why is certification needed?

For a specialist - for social and professional identification of his qualifications and obtaining his place in the market of qualified professionals (labor market). To the employer - to bring the workforce into qualitative compliance with the requirements of professional standards and minimize costs with its retraining and advanced training. Vocational education system - to improve training programs to meet labor market requirements.

In the labor market, where a professional sells his qualifications to the employer, the certificate is a kind of document of product conformity and determines the price of the specialist. The higher the level of qualification on the certificate, the higher the cost of the professional. The more professional certificates a person has, the more places he has in the labor market.

Certificate recognition. Based on a professional standard, independent and voluntary, certification used by the professional community has regional, national and international levels of recognition. The wider the geography of professional recognition of a certificate, the higher its value and demand.

Is it possible to buy a certificate?

You can buy a piece of paper with the inscription “Certificate”, but you cannot buy the competence and qualifications that this paper confirms. To paraphrase a Russian proverb, an employer hires someone on the basis of a certificate, but expels them on the grounds of inadequacy for the position held. Moreover, you can check the legality of the certificate in the electronic register, where it is entered by the professional certification system. A professional certification system recognized by the professional community, by definition, cannot include a non-professional in the register. Otherwise, she will lose the trust of the employer and the demand in the market for qualified professionals, that is, the business itself. Certification procedures in the mode of controlled on-line testing reduce the corruption component to the maximum minimum.

For questions regarding certification of qualifications, please contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NT
Tel.: 41-48-14 Director of the Central Distribution Center Yurina Tatyana Stanislavovna (room 412).

Independent assessment of qualifications as one of the indicators of the quality of graduate training

In accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated May 7 (2012 No. 597) The Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to develop by 2015 proposals for the formation of a network of independent qualification certification centers with the participation of associations of employers | and professional communities, including the definition of mechanisms for accreditation of such centers and the establishment of a procedure for confirming qualifications in accordance with professional standards.

Independent certification procedure – a process of independent assessment of the level of qualifications of graduates, through which an expert commission confirms that the level of qualifications of the graduate meets the requirements qualification characteristics, the requirements of the professional standard (if any).

Expert commission – the body that carries out the procedure for independent certification of graduates.

The expert commission includes representatives of employers and other organizations that coordinate and monitor the independent certification procedure at various stages.

In 2016, as part of the formation in the Republic of Tatarstan of a system of independent assessment of the quality of training of professional graduates educational organizations a decision was made to implement a “pilot” project to certify qualifications in 2 promising areas for our republic: petrochemistry and mechanical engineering. In this regard, the main project participants were identified:

In the direction of "Petrochemistry" PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and JSC "TANECO" together with the resource center "Technical College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining" in Nizhnekamsk (professions "Operator" and "Technological pump and compress operator");

In the direction of “Mechanical Engineering” PJSC “KAMAZ” together with the resource center “Kama State Automotive Technical College named after. L.B. Vasilyeva" Naberezhnye Chelny (profession "Car repair mechanic").

Objective of the project:

External assessment of the quality of graduate training

Project objectives:

Expanding opportunities for graduates to find employment at PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, JSC TANECO

Planning professional career

Advanced training taking into account employers' requirements

Project organizers:

PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim"


GAPOU "Technical School of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining."

Socio-economic effect of implementation and implementation:

Independent certification brings benefits to all participants:

Graduate: Having a certificate of conformity increases his chances of finding the desired position;

Company: HR services receive objective information about the qualifications of workers, insure themselves against possible problems incompetence of personnel;

Technical College: has an objective assessment of the quality of its educational programs.

Competitive advantages: graduates have a certificate, objective information about the qualifications of employees of enterprises, objective assessment of results educational process technical school

On June 30, 2016, the procedure for independent assessment of graduates’ qualifications in the following competencies: “Distillation operator” and “Pumping unit operator” was held at the State Academy of Educational Institution “Technical College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining”.

In this regard, the enterprises, together with the resource center, determined a mechanism for implementing an independent assessment of the quality of education of graduates in terms of professional (corporate) standards, developed and approved the corresponding “road maps” and implemented a set of preparatory measures, including:

The formation of expert and appeal commissions, which included exclusively representatives of basic enterprises, that is, the assessment of the “quality” of graduates of the resource center will be carried out only by independent representatives of specialized enterprises. Chief production engineers of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC and TANECO JSC were appointed chairmen of the expert commissions.

Member trainingcertification commissions for72 -hour program " General requirements to organizations providing personnel certification» . The training was carried out by the enterprises themselves;

Development of control and measurement materials for the above professions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Carried out jointly with enterprises;

Determination of workplaces for conducting the certification exam for graduates;

Production of certificates certifying the level of qualifications of graduates who have successfully completed the certification procedure.

31 graduates of the technical school were subjected to an independent examination for the competency: “Distillation operator” and 27 graduates for the competency “Pumping unit operator”.

The professional exam (independent examination) took place in 2 stages: theoretical ( test) and practical (practical qualifying work and performing a task on a computer simulator). The main emphasis in conducting the independent examination was based on practical work. Practical work was carried out at existing pilot plants, the workplaces were as close as possible to workplaces in production. According to the competence: “Distillation operator”, it was envisaged to carry out work on servicing the absorption column of the training installation, which includes starting the installation, conducting the absorption process and stopping the installation in compliance with all labor safety rules and performing tasks on the computer simulator “Starting and stopping the deethanizer (column ) K-410”, and according to the competence “Pump installation operator”, the work of replacing the pressure gauge on a running pump with switching to reserve, while starting and stopping the pumps, installing gaskets, and selecting pressure gauges according to the operating pressure.

The certification was held at the highest level. Despite the excitement, the graduates successfully completed the tasks presented. As a result, 31 graduates confirmed their qualifications in the “Distillation Operator” competency, 22 graduates in the “Pumping Installation Operator” competency, 5 graduates in the “Pumping Installation Operator” competency did not confirm their qualifications.

The percentage of certificates received among technical school graduates for the following competencies is: “Distillation operator” - 100%, and for the competencies “Pumping unit operator” - 93%.

Upon completion of the professional exam, the expert commission highly assessed the training of future workers.

The resource center of GAPOU "Technical College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining" prepares graduates of blue-collar professions and mid-level specialists for especially dangerous industrial production PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, JSC TANECO and the Tatneft group of companies OJSC TAIF-NK. The safety and well-being of the population of the city and region depends on the quality of knowledge of graduates. Therefore, the employer is more interested than ever in highly qualified specialists and already at the stage of independent assessment of graduates’ qualifications they have the opportunity to identify the best guys for further career growth of future managers. It is no secret that many graduates of the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining today occupy high management positions. For example,

1. Shuisky Vasily Nikolaevich - deputy general director for personnel and social issues of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim"

2. Andrey Yurievich Egorov – director of the Vodokanal municipal unitary enterprise, deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan of the fifth convocation

3. Rachenchuk Yuri Borisovich - chief metrologist of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim

And there are many such examples. We have created an effective social dialogue between vocational education And PJSC enterprises Nizhnekamskneftekhim, JSC TANECO, JSC TAIF-NK, etc. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with them. College graduates are always in demand for enterprises in the city and region.

Thus, the graduate receives a certificate of confirmation of qualifications, the employer receives objective information about the future employee, and the technical school receives an objective assessment of the quality of the educational process.

Nizhnekamskneftekhim, TANECO and the technical school still have to do a qualitative analysis, identify shortcomings, and resolve open issues innovative project. But the fact that this needs to be done is already indisputable!!!