National Helicopter Manufacturing Center. Black mark for screwdriver assembly. Developments and innovations

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2 "AGREED" Governor of the Moscow Region "AGREED" Head of the Lyubertsy municipal district and the city of Lyubertsy B.V. Gromov V.P. Ruzhitsky " " 2012 m.p. " " 2012 m.p. Head of the urban settlement of Tomilino, Lyubertsy municipal district, I.N. Dvornikov " " 2012 m.p. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF THE INNOVATIVE TERRITORIAL CLUSTER "NATIONAL HELICOPTER MANUFACTURING CENTER" "APPROVED" General Director of Russian Helicopters D.E. Petrov " " 2012 m.p.

3 CLUSTER “NATIONAL HELICOPTER MANUFACTURING CENTER” 1 Cluster “National Helicopter Manufacturing Center” is a territorially localized group of companies, enterprises, institutes and other organizations interconnected by technological, production, scientific and social cycles, using a common infrastructure, complementing each other and reinforcing competitive advantages both individual structural parts of the cluster (companies, enterprises, institutes and other organizations), and the cluster as a whole. The scope of the Cluster's activities includes the entire range of work on: the creation and testing of helicopter equipment; training crews, including Russian and foreign operating companies, and improving their qualifications; creating a scientific and technical basis for helicopter technology; development and production of means and systems for training flight and engineering personnel, as well as crew rescue and their life support systems; training of highly qualified scientific, design and engineering personnel; training specialists with secondary special education and production workers.

4 KEY PARTICIPANTS OF CLUSTER 2 “MVZ im. M.L. Mil" Flight Research (Testing) Center (LRC) "NPP "Zvezda" named after. Academician G.I. Severin" "Russian Helicopters" CJSC "Helivert" Innovative territorial cluster "Kamov" Helicopter Academy Vocational education enterprises in Lyubertsy Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

5 Production of new helicopters competitive on the world market: Mi-38, Ka-62, Ka-226T, Mi-171A2, Mi-4S1, Ansat, LMTSV-4.5, LV-2.5, Mi-26T2, etc. Innovative small business: innovative business incubator; public business center Construction of new housing Modern laboratories, opening of a new branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute Development of transport infrastructure IMPORTANT AREAS OF CLUSTER ACTIVITY Creation of modern life support systems Manufacturing of modern refueling units Construction of new educational, sports, healthcare facilities Modernization and reconstruction of engineering infrastructure 3

6 INFRASTRUTURE OF CLUSTER 4 KAMOV College of Industrial Technologies Housing Innovative business incubator Public business center Educational facilities NPP "Zvezda" Russian Helicopters

7 IMPORTANT AREAS OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 5 As of January 1, 2012, ~10 thousand work at the cluster enterprises, of which more than 80% live in the Lyubertsy district Tasks: - housing construction: microdistrict 7, 8, Krasnaya Gorka-2, microdistrict 6, residential complex "Samotsvety" and others - construction of new and reconstruction of existing kindergartens for 1340 places attracting young personnel increasing social security strengthening health provision of housing - construction of new and reconstruction of existing schools for 2350 places - construction of a sports and recreation complex with a total area of ​​2,882 m2, for children and adults swimming pools with a mirror area of ​​335 m2, with artificial ice- a surgical building with 340 beds - a clinic and an ambulance building for 2 cars (5700 m2)

8 IMPORTANT AREAS OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 6 Elimination of infrastructural restrictions on the development of the cluster - expansion of the roads “Lytkarino-Tomilino-Kraskovo-Zheleznolorozhny”, “Moscow-Egoryevsk-Tuma-Kasimov” - 0.89 billion rubles. (from federal budget); - major renovation roads in the cluster's base area 0.45 billion rubles, including from the federal budget - 0.1 billion rubles. - construction, reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems 0.27 billion rubles, incl. from the federal budget 0.02 billion rubles. - construction, reconstruction and modernization of heat supply systems 0.51 billion rubles, incl. from the federal budget 0.1 billion rubles. - modernization and reconstruction of water supply systems - 0.72 billion rubles, incl. from the federal budget 0.1 billion rubles. - construction, reconstruction and modernization of the storm sewer system - 0.05 billion rubles.

9 7 50 Targeted recruitment of applicants to MAI in areas from enterprises managed x by the company "Russian Helicopters" Number of MAI students who completed internships, coursework and diploma design at Cluster enterprises during the years "M.L. Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant" "KAMOV" y y (plan) Financing of R&D carried out by MAI on orders from Cluster enterprises in the period yy, million rubles "M.L. Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant" "KAMOV" FSUE "TsAGI named after N.E. Zhukovsky"

10 8 TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYED PEOPLE "OPK "Oboronprom" "Russian Helicopters" (98.5%) Rostov-on-Don (7.9 thousand people) Moscow and the region (9.1 thousand people) Kazan (6.8 thousand people) Perm (1.8 thousand people) Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mil" (72.38%) "KAMOV" (99.79%) Kumertau (4.3 thousand people) Novosibirsk (0.5 thousand people) "Kazan Helicopter Plant" (80.22%) "Rostvertol" ( 92.01%) "U-UAZ" (84.82%) AAK "Progress" (93.14%) "KumAPP" (100.0%) "SMPP" (59.99%) "Reductor-PM" ( 80.84%) Helicopter Service Company (100.0%) NARZ (95.1%) MMZ Vpered (50.5%) Arsenyev (6.1 thousand people) Ulan-Ude (6.3 thousand .Human)

11 "RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS" IS A MANAGEMENT COMPANY WITH AN INTEGRATED STRUCTURE 9 "Russian Helicopters" is the management company of the Holding, which includes design bureaus, serial plants, enterprises producing units and components, as well as enterprises providing after-sales service. "Russian Helicopters" consolidated helicopter enterprises construction industry Russia. The company provides operator support throughout life cycle helicopter from development to disposal. Russian Helicopters was created in 2007 as a subsidiary of OPK Oboronprom.

12 10 SHARE OF RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS IN THE WORLD CIVIL HELICOPTER PARK Total pcs. Military helicopters Total pcs. 91% 78% Civil Military Civil helicopter fleet Russian helicopters Military helicopter fleet Russian helicopters Russian-made helicopters make up about 14% of the world fleet and are operated in more than 100 countries Key regions for Russian Helicopters Russia, CIS, India, China, Latin American countries , Near and Middle East

13 11 SINCE 2012, THE NEW SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL COMPLEX “RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS” WILL UNITE: design bureaus; experimental production center; experimental research center; flight test center; research center SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL COMPLEX DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CENTER Experimental and production center "Branches" Kazan, Perm OKB im. N.I. Kamov OKB im. M.L. Mile Experimental - Research Center "Branches" Kazan, Perm Branch of PKTs (Kazan) JOINT SETTLEMENT CENTER Branch of PKTs (Perm) Flight Test Center "Chkalovsky" OKB OKB Scientific Research Center "Branch" Kazan


15 13 CREATION OF MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE (STC) CREATION OF ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL BACKGROUND helicopter engineering center (VEC); experimental production center (experimental production); experimental research center; flight test center; IMPLEMENTATION OF EVENTS OF THE HELICOPTER TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM “VERTICAL” (technological platform corporate level) FORMATION OF THE “WHITE BOOK” OF THE HOLDING (ORDER dated May 10, 2011 41-UK) “On the preparation of proposals on the directions of development of helicopter systems of the model range” IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS “RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS” AND ENTERPRISES OF THE HOLDING Development of cooperation with integrated structures (UAC, UEC , TRV, Aircraft instrument making, Aviation equipment, etc.). Development of cooperation with scientific organizations (TsAGI, CIAM, VIAM, etc.). Development of cooperation with universities (MAI, MSTU, KSTU-KAI, MIPT). Participation in the formation and operation of technology platforms. Participation in the formation and implementation of the National Plan for the Development of Science and Technology in the Aircraft Industry.

16 14 PSV Heavy multi-purpose helicopter Mi-26T2 Medium multi-purpose helicopter Ka-62 Medium multi-purpose helicopter Mi-171A2 Medium multi-purpose helicopter Mi-38 Light multi-purpose helicopter Ka-226T Light multi-purpose helicopter Mi-34S1 Light multi-purpose helicopter ANSAT-M Complexes with unmanned helicopters Light multi-purpose helicopter LMTSV-4.5 Light helicopter LV-2.5 “Breakthrough” project Transport efficiency, operational efficiency, environmental friendliness, non-airfield based, safety Improving projects Transport efficiency, improved performance characteristics, efficiency, reliability, safety Transport and economic efficiency, increased high altitude characteristics Multifunctionality of application, transport and economic efficiency, modernization of helicopter systems, improved performance characteristics Transport and economic efficiency, high performance characteristics, reliability, safety Modularity of design, transport and economic efficiency, reliability, safety, ease of control Improved controllability, reliability, maneuverability Improved performance characteristics, economic efficiency, reliability, safety Promising projects Creation of a multifunctional complex with short-, medium- and long-range BV Transport and economic efficiency, safety, environmental friendliness, comfort Economic efficiency, safety, environmental friendliness, comfort

17 1 Experimental Research Center Helicopter Museum Logistics Center Helicopter Engineering Center Experimental Production Center Flight Test Center Territory hectares. Buildings 65 units. Number of personnel persons Commissioning

18 16 IT infrastructure for 3D design KSPD-corporate data transmission system 3D visualization video conferencing infrastructure for video conferencing ON-line connection with EIC and VSK Construction of the Helicopter Engineering Center Project implemented in 2011 VIC building 13 floors Total area m 2 Location “Helicopters” Russia", OKB "Mil", OKB "Kamov", Scientific Research Center Number of jobs 2500* Communication with factories On-line mode Modern technologies Digital design, modeling, methods, programs, calculations

19 17 DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT: reconstruction of existing production facilities (machining; electroplating...) creation of sites and specialized laboratories for testing constructive and technological solutions in the field of: PS units; load-bearing structures made of composite and “smart” materials; creation of sites for the production of units for testing calculation results, monitoring the condition of the structure, etc.; creation of a bench equipment section. Technical re-equipment of the pilot plant Project initiation Project documentation developed. Start of project implementation Approval project documentation in Glavgosexpertiza Completion of construction and equipment Commissioning 2008 2011 Q2 2014

20 18 Construction and equipment of an experimental research center DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT: modular placement and multifunctionality of stands; laboratories for ensuring certification of design and technological solutions according to EASA standards; digital system control and management of testing processes; ON-line communication with the engineering center Project initiation Development of design documentation Approval of design documentation in Glavgosexpertiza Construction and equipment Commissioning Reaching design capacity 2009 2012 July 2013 2014 2020

21 19 Flight test complex Training and simulator complex Helicopter academy Demonstration site Branch of the test pilot school Administrative building and hotel Territory, 7 hectares of buildings (29 built) Number of personnel * people Production capacity.. 15 topics

22 20 KEY COMPETENCIES OF PERSONS: flight testing and development base; demonstration of equipment to customers Reconstruction of the flight test center Planned for 2012: completion of all construction (reconstruction) work of the 1st stage of the LIC and construction and installation work of the 2nd stage; conducting departmental examinations in Moscow and the Moscow region. KEY COMPETENCIES OF THE HELICOPTER ACADEMY: The educational center(special conditions and special equipment), branch of the test pilot school; training center; methodological support Project initiation Development of project documentation Approval of project documentation in Glavgosexpertiza Completion of construction Commissioning 2009 2012 August 2013 2015

23 21 STRUCTURAL DIVISIONS: Operator Crew Training Center; Branch of the Test Pilot School; Training complex. INFRASTRUCTURE Training airfield (as part of a training center) Training and simulator complex Emergency and rescue training complex Assessment of the TSO market, holding competitions for development and supply Concept of feasibility study and design documentation Formation of a regulatory and methodological framework Operation and development Development of TSO facilities Initiation of the project Formation of the UMB Network development May

24 22 Urban planning regulation of cluster development should include taking into account and planning targeted activities for the development of enterprises of cluster participants and the territories they occupy. This involves taking into account NDC development programs in the following documents: General plan urban settlement of Tomilino, Lyuberetsky municipal district. Spatial planning scheme of Lyubertsy municipal district. Projects for development and/or planning of territories of cluster participants. Transport scheme of the Moscow region. Documents and target programs of the Moscow region on issues of territorial planning of territories including cluster enterprises.

IMPLEMENTATION OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2020 JSC "RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS" Results, problems solutions? Deputy General Director for Production and Innovation A.B. Shibitov 2016 Russian Helicopters JSC, all rights

DOMESTICLY PRODUCED HELICOPTERS FOR RUSSIAN REGIONS Vladislav Ivanovich Golovin Head of the Directorate for Operations in Russia JSC Russian Helicopters Moscow, 10/17/2013 2 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 42,000


Management of helicopter programs of JSC Russian Helicopters November 2013 V.STRAT.PR. 1.0 R.21.10.09 2013 JSC Russian Helicopters. All rights reserved Cert CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS OF THE HOLDING Directorate Aircraft class Types

MEASURES OF STATE SUPPORT OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY PARKS Andrey Shpilenko Director of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks Federal practice of heads of bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation supervising

Priorities for the development of the domestic helicopter industry in modern conditions economic and market development speech by the General Director of Russian Helicopters JSC at the Second Congress of Russian Aircraft Manufacturers

Working group for support best practices development of qualifications and promising professions National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications Practice of certification of specialists and

Appendix 3 137 Section title Contents of section 1 GOALS AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Goals and objectives of innovative development. Goals, objectives and directions of innovative

Organization and regulatory support for the use of mathematical and semi-natural modeling at all stages of the life cycle of large technical systems as a basis digital economy applied

PASSPORT of the Company's innovative development program with limited liability“Botlikh Radio Plant” for the period 2018-2024 Republic of Dagestan, Buinaksk 2018 Name of the Program Grounds

II. Factors influencing the achievement of goals 6. Personnel shortage in the branches of aviation activity, primarily the shortage of qualified aviation personnel of the middle age category in flight test operations

PRESS MONITORING June 2011 News Agency “1-Prime”. 06/17/2011 During the XV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the State Corporation "Bank for Development and foreign economic activity/Vnesheconombank/"

PROGRAM strategic development(main provisions) of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Moscow State Technological University

M.L. Mil: “Our country is specially designed for helicopters!” “Russian Helicopters” for the Far North and the Arctic International Forum “Arctic Projects - Today and Tomorrow” Arkhangelsk, October 23-24


Development, implementation in mass production and promotion of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft Ulyanovsk 2013. general information about the project The developer of the aircraft is the Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin" (JSC "UAC")

Basics public policy Russian Federation in the field of aviation activities for the period until 2020 I. General provisions APPROVED by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on April 1, 2012

The fourth technological revolution is a new format of interaction between fundamental science and the aviation industry. Kargopoltsev Vladimir Andreevich Director of the Department of Advanced Research of the Scientific and Technical Institute

Integrated development of the urban settlement Bolshie Vyazemy Moscow region, Odintsovo municipal district, urban settlement Bolshie Vyazemy 2013 Situational plan for the urban settlement Bolshie Vyazemy

2016 JSC Russian Helicopters, all rights reserved Risks of using foreign solutions in the field of information technology Information Technology in high-tech industries Russian Helicopters JSC Director

Innovative development program of JSC UAC Ilya Grechin July 4, 2013 Expert in monitoring and control of projects Central Committee Technology Center of JSC UAC Strategic guidelines of JSC UAC 2012 2025 I. Civil

TECHNOPARKS. CREATION PRACTICES AND MEASURES OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Andrey Shpilenko Director of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks 2 TECHNOPARKS Technopark A complex of utility facilities managed by a management company,

TARGET RECRUITMENT Public Joint Stock Company “Tupolev” “We are proud of the past, together we build the future!” PJSC Tupolev is today the largest developer of aviation equipment, engaged in design, production

Technological platform "Construction and Architecture" MGSU MARCHI RAASN Scientific Research Center "Construction" A.L. Zhivaikin, Vice-Rector for Innovations MARCHI technical platform coordinator Role of the Technical Platform Expert partner of the Government

Abstract to work program discipline "Organization, planning and management in construction" direction of bachelor's training 03/08/01 "Construction" (profile "Industrial and civil construction")

Project METHODOLOGICAL MATERIALS for the development of an annual report on the implementation of the technology platform implementation project for 2011, the technology platform action plan for 2012 1. General provisions

APPROVED by the decision of the Government Commission on high technology and innovation dated August 3, 2010, protocol 4 RECOMMENDATIONS for the development of innovative development programs joint stock companies with the state

Personnel Management FSUE "TsAGI" Zhukovsky, 2015 - Established 03/01/10. Order 72. Is structural unit FSUE "TsAGI" - Training is carried out on the basis of a research organization

// SUCCESS STORY OF “HELICOPTER SERVICE COMPANY” TOWARDS CIVILIZED AFTER-SALES SERVICE About the customer 100+ users of the system “Helicopter Service Company” company providing service

Presentation Current facilities Substation 188 “Odintsovo” 110/35/6 kV JSC Gazpromneft-MNPZ. (Service 0.4 220 kV) Substation 318 "Turaevo" 110/6 kV Substation 305 "Novo-Brattsevo" 220/110/20/10/6 kV Substation 576 "Snegiri"

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE Goals of the discipline The goal of the discipline “Second industrial practice” is to consolidate, deepen and expand knowledge in special disciplines, acquire production skills

Integrated logistics support for helicopters Current status, experience gained and directions of development at the M.L.Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant IV Aviation Forum “ILS of a new Russian-made aircraft” April 19, 2011

SMS Concept The conceptual framework for implementing and maintaining an SMS in ICAO standards establishes that an SMS is an administrative system for managing the safety of flights carried out by


Russia's lag behind developed countries foreign countries in the area under consideration, which largely determines progress in astronautics, aviation, shipbuilding, transport, and power engineering

“Experience in technological audit and the possibility of using it in the chemical-technological complex” Head of the QMS OS of NIIT LLC B.N. Pugachev JSC "Ostek Enterprise" Interstate Aviation Committee

Development Strategy for the development of the construction industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 July 2019 Main parameters of the Strategy Goal Basis for development Implementation period Formation of a cost-effective,

EXPLANATORY NOTE to the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On maintaining the status of a science city of the Russian Federation for the urban district of Zhukovsky (Moscow region)” Draft resolution

OJSC OPK OBORONPROM Kraichinskaya Svetlana Bronislavovna, Director of Management by human resourses Vorotelak Tatyana Mikhailovna, Deputy Head of the Corporate University What is a holding

REBOOTING MEASURES TO SUPPORT SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRENEURSHIP upgrade laboratory T R E K: MY BUSINESS PARK Issues The number of SMEs in the manufacturing industry decreased in 2017

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (BEP) Code and name of the direction 08.03.01 “Construction” Qualification awarded to Bachelor graduates Master’s program

Electronic journal"Proceedings of MAI". Issue 75 UDC 546.1 Methodical approach to the formation of standards for the profitability of research and development work

POLICY AND PRACTICE OF THE HOLDING OJSC "RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS" IN THE FIELD OF QUALITY 15th international Conference“Ensuring the quality and reliability of aviation equipment” Department of Quality and Certification

Federal State state-financed organization“National Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" Tasks of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky"



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FTP "DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL MARINE EQUIPMENT" FOR 2009-2016 was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2008. 103 Working bodies: - Scientific Coordination Expert Council (Composition approved

Modern is dynamic growing enterprise. One of the leaders engineering industry Republic of Tatarstan. It is the largest specialized plant in Russia, providing full life

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The Asteros company has created the IT infrastructure of a new scientific complex with an area of ​​more than 43,000 sq.m. on the territory of the National Helicopter Manufacturing Center in the Moscow region.

A large-scale project for Russian aviation, implemented by the Russian Helicopters holding company and the Asteros company, will allow the country's united helicopter design bureaus to work at a fundamentally new digital level of technical equipment.

In accordance with the concept of development of the Russian helicopter industry, the Russian Helicopters holding company decided to create a National Helicopter Manufacturing Center (NCV) in the village of Tomilino near Moscow, which will concentrate the resources of leading Russian helicopter developers - JSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. . Mil" and JSC "Kamov", part of the holding company "Russian Helicopters". To accommodate the design offices of both developers, as well as management company holding, a helicopter engineering center building was built on the territory of the NCV.

The creation of the IT infrastructure of the new building was entrusted to Asteros specialists. The new complex with a total area of ​​43,300 sq.m. specialists system integrator and OJSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil" designed and deployed about 20 systems in 1.5 years.

The basis of the computing and telecommunications infrastructure of the scientific complex was the structured cable system Systimax GigaSPEED� XL, designed for transmitting data to high speeds. SKS has about 6,000 ports and supports more than 2,500 employees.

IP telephony is built on the Cisco Unified Communication Manager solution. The communication system is integrated with multimedia and video conferencing (VCC) systems, which cover all meeting areas, meeting rooms and executive offices.

Processing and storage of colossal amounts of information and critical important applications holding is produced at the facilities of 3 data centers. Asteros specialists developed the architecture of the data centers and created all the necessary engineering infrastructure. The power of each data center is 250 kW.

“This project is one of the most complex and large-scale in the Russian aviation industry in terms of the volume of work performed and the number of systems implemented. The high-tech infrastructure of the scientific complex was developed with an eye to the fact that in the future it will become the basis for the largest helicopter manufacturing enterprises in the country,” comments Dmitry Trofimov, director of the transport and aviation department of Asteros.

“Today we are faced with a complex and strategically important task - by 2015, to achieve a significant reduction in helicopter development time, to increase the share innovative solutions in the design of serial machines. The creation of a modern scientific and technical complex contributes to achieving this goal and makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the Russian helicopter industry. The infrastructure created by Asteros specialists will help consolidate the resources of leading design bureaus on a single platform and centralize management of the complex process of development, production, supply and operational support of helicopter equipment,” notes Sergey Vorobyov, Deputy Executive Director - Director of the IT and Communications Service of Moscow Helicopter OJSC plant named after M.L. Mile."

OJSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil" is a subsidiary of OJSC "Russian Helicopters" and an intellectual asset of the holding company "Russian Helicopters", which is part of the United Production Corporation "Oboronprom". Main directions production activities Moscow Helicopter Plant are: development and research work, design, construction and testing prototypes helicopter technology, introduction into mass production, production of small series, certification, modernization, supervision and maintenance of the operation of Mi helicopters for civil and military purposes.

Since its founding, the plant has created 12 basic models of helicopters: Mi-1, Mi-2, Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-8, Mi-10, Mi-14, Mi-24, Mi-26, Mi-28 , Mi-34, Mi-38, as well as their numerous modifications - a total of over 200. JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil" created helicopters of all types and classes: light, medium, heavy and unparalleled super heavy; highly specialized and multi-purpose. Almost all developed helicopter models have entered serial production and have some of the best flight performance and performance characteristics in the world. economic indicators. JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil" is the world's largest holder of helicopter records, about a hundred of them are absolute.

Today, Mi helicopters form the basis of helicopter aviation in Russia, the CIS and a number of countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The total number of Mi helicopters built exceeds 30 thousand units; they are operated in 110 countries around the world.

JSC Russian Helicopters is a subsidiary of JSC OPK Oboronprom, part of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia. The head office of JSC Russian Helicopters is located in Moscow.

The Russian Helicopters holding company includes five helicopter factories, two design bureaus, enterprises for the production and maintenance of components and a service company that provides after-sales support in Russia and abroad. Helicopters are being purchased Russian ministries and departments (Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), airlines (Gazprom Avia, UTair), large Russian companies. More than 8,000 Soviet/Russian-made helicopters are operated in 110 countries.

Traditionally most high demand for Russian helicopters - in the Middle East, Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, Russia and the CIS countries. The Russian Helicopters holding company was founded in 2007. In 2011, the revenue of Russian Helicopters according to IFRS increased by 27.8% and amounted to 103.9 billion rubles, the volume of deliveries reached 262 helicopters. /

Asteros Group ranks second in the system integration segment Russian market IT services, according to the world's leading analytical agency IDC. The main activities of the group are the construction of IT infrastructure, engineering systems, security systems, as well as providing IT consulting and IT outsourcing services. The group includes the companies Asteros, Asteros Consulting, Asteros Labs, KABEST. /

"Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil" (MVZ named after Mil) is a famous design bureau (KB) and developer of many world-famous helicopters, including Mi-8, Mi-24 and Mi-26.

In 1947, the outstanding designer Mikhail Leontyevich Mil headed an experimental design bureau, which later became one of the best helicopter construction schools in the world. Today, the traditions of this school as part of the Russian Helicopters holding company are successfully continued and developed by the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile.

Mi helicopters, created by designers both under the leadership of Mil himself and his followers, can be called unique. These are the legendary helicopters of the Mi-8/17 type, which became an example of the most massive production helicopter in the entire history of world aviation (over 12 thousand units were manufactured over half a century). This is a modern combat Mi-35M - a one-of-a-kind military transport helicopter, as well as the world's heaviest lifting helicopter Mi-26(T) (carrying capacity - 20 tons), the latest attack helicopter Mi-28N " Night Hunter", which has unique maneuverability and is capable of performing combat missions in difficult weather conditions and at any time of the day.

History of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile is rich in examples of bold design solutions that were used and served as the basis for future unique developments. In many ways, the familiar appearance of a modern helicopter was formed thanks to the work of specialists from this particular design bureau. Original design discoveries often served as the basis for the development of other helicopter technologies, which are now being implemented both in Russia and in other countries that have their own capabilities for the development and production of helicopters.

Now the design bureau named after M.L. Mil is one of the most important intellectual assets of the Russian helicopter manufacturing holding Russian Helicopters. Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil became the basis of an innovative helicopter cluster, which is being created at the National Helicopter Manufacturing Center (NCV) of the Russian Helicopters holding company, located in the village. Tomilino, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region. The scientific, design and engineering resources of the Mil Design Bureau are concentrated in the NCV; The assets of the Kamov Design Bureau will also be located here, whose specialists are completing the move to a new modern building.

The creation of the NCV based on two famous Russian design bureaus is the construction of a modern intellectual infrastructure in the helicopter industry as part of a process aimed at the innovative development of the Russian economy. The presence of a single center of competence will allow the industry to concentrate intellectual resources, directing them to the creation of new breakthrough technologies and the development of helicopters that are in demand both by government customers and the global commercial market.

Among priority areas activities of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile today - work on projects of the Mi-38, Mi-171A2, "PSV" helicopters, etc. In particular, the "PSV" in the middle class - the RACHEL project, presented to the world commercial market in 2012 at the Farnborough International Air Show - refers to breakthrough innovations, it can have a systemic impact on the future of the global helicopter industry.

Much attention is also paid to the study and use composite materials, which today are actively being implemented on all models, both promising and already in production. Russian engineers, together with leading world specialists, participate in international projects to study advanced materials, including the study of composites within the framework of CFK Valle Stade in Germany. It is planned that Russian helicopters will receive new qualities: they should become faster and more powerful, increasing their carrying capacity and reducing the cost of operation.


Light multi-purpose helicopter. First flight – September 20, 1948. The first serial domestic helicopter.


Light multi-purpose helicopter. First flight – September 22, 1961. For many years it was the main training and sports helicopter in the USSR.


Transport and multi-purpose helicopter. First flight - April 30, 1952. He laid the foundation for serial domestic helicopter aviation.


Heavy transport helicopter. First flight: June 5, 1957. The creation of the Mi-6 laid the foundations for Soviet and then Russian priority in the field of global heavy helicopter construction.


Medium multi-purpose helicopter. First flight: June 24, 1961. The most massive mass-produced helicopter in the world. Over 12 thousand cars were produced.


Amphibious helicopter. First flight: August 1, 1961. The world's largest amphibious helicopter. Capable of taking off/landing and basing on the water surface.


"Flying Crane" First flight: January 14, 1965. A high-tech tool for installation, construction and loading and unloading operations.

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Super-heavy transport helicopter. First flight: June 27, 1967. The heaviest helicopter in the world.


Transport and combat helicopter. First flight – September 19, 1969. The most “warring” helicopter in the world. It is in service in more than 50 countries around the world.


Heavy transport and landing helicopter. First flight: December 14, 1977. The Mi-26 is the most load-lifting helicopter in the world.


24/7 attack combat helicopter. First flight – November 14, 1996. Selected as the main attack combat helicopter of the Russian Ministry of Defense.


Training and multi-purpose helicopter. First flight – November 17, 1986. The only one in the world light helicopter performing all helicopter aerobatic maneuvers.


New multi-purpose helicopter with increased payload capacity. First flight - December 22, 2003.

Dmitry Rogozin warned industrialists against attempts to replace domestic production with the import of foreign equipment

On October 26, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin and Italian Ambassador to Russia Antonio Zanardi Landi visited the National Helicopter Manufacturing Center (Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Tomilino village), where they inspected the workshops of the joint Russian-Italian enterprise HeliVert. The official opening of the center is still ahead, but the assembly of helicopters AW-139 in the VIP configuration has already begun.

HeliVert is a joint venture for the assembly of civil helicopters AW-139 in Russia in various configurations - VIP, passenger, cargo-passenger, etc. Its shareholders are, on the Russian side, Russian Helicopters OJSC (part of the Oboronprom OPK corporation), and on the Italian side, AgustaWestland company (part of the Finmeccanika corporation). The assembly complex was built on an area of ​​four hectares in the village of Tomilino near Moscow.

Pilot project

Signing of the basic agreement “On the creation of a joint venture between Russian Helicopters OJSC and Augusta Westland S. p. A.” took place on November 6, 2008 in Moscow in the presence of the leaders of the Russian Federation and the Italian Republic. In September 2009, Russian Helicopters OJSC established a 100% subsidiary company- CJSC HeliVert, on the basis of which today a joint venture is being created on a parity basis. On June 22, 2010, a capsule laying ceremony took place in honor of the start of construction of an assembly complex for civil AW-139 helicopters in the village of Tomilino, Moscow Region, which was attended by the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. In May 2012, the fuselage of the first AW-139 helicopter No. 60001 of the VIP configuration was already installed on the assembly line. Currently, JSC HeliVert employs 65 employees, many of whom were trained in Italy.

Officially, HeliVert CJSC, a Russian-Italian joint venture created by Russian Helicopters and Augusta Westland for the final assembly of the AW-139 medium multi-purpose helicopter, has not yet been opened. But production is functioning. It is expected that by the end of 2012 the first cars assembled in Russia will leave the workshop. These are middle-class civil helicopters, which are traditionally used mainly for passenger, corporate and VIP transportation. They can also be used to perform special tasks, rescue, evacuation, patrolling, surveillance, and perform offshore transportation, in particular flights to drilling platforms over the sea.

Since Soviet times, Russia has been strong in its competence in the helicopter industry, although our main developments are combat helicopters different types and for various purposes. Among them are the heaviest and most load-lifting Mi-26 in the world, and middle-class helicopters of the Mi-8 type, the degree of popularity of which is comparable to such a brand as the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Previously, there were no such projects either in Russia or in the Soviet Union. As Italian Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi noted, the last such joint venture in the field of aircraft manufacturing was created in the Soviet Union back in 1938, when the cooperation produced the Li-2 Douglas aircraft.

AW-139 is the first experience of combining Russian and Italian helicopter manufacturing. This project will be followed by other Augusta Westland models, adapted to our market and the CIS countries.

The niche market for the AW-139 is primarily corporate transportation. The flight range of a middle class helicopter is 500-600 kilometers. An airplane is not profitable at such distances. It is also important that in megacities such as Moscow, where there are continuous traffic jams on the roads, it is light and medium helicopters that become an indispensable mode of transport. In London, Washington, and other large cities this is already the norm. By the way, the Queen of Great Britain and James Bond arrived at the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in London on an Augusta Westland helicopter.

All assembled helicopters already have their buyers. At HeliVert, nothing will be done in reserve. Every pawned helicopter is a car owned and paid for by someone.

The Russian Helicopters holding company, which is one hundred percent owned by the united industrial corporation Oboronprom, produces machines for various purposes. The HeliVert enterprise was created on a parity basis with the state: 50 percent of the shares belong to HeliVert, 50 percent to Russian Helicopters.

Strategic cooperation

During the inspection of the enterprise, Dmitry Rogozin and the Italian Ambassador were accompanied CEO Russian Helicopters OJSC Dmitry Petrov and General Director of HeliVert CJSC Alexander Kuznetsov. Rogozin was interested in the issue of localization of production. As Kuznetsov explained, this is primarily a question of price-quality ratio, obtaining certification and solving other problems: “What is interesting and more profitable to produce in Russia, we will do, of course, here,” Kuznetsov emphasized. “And such a program has already begun.”

Nevertheless, today in the world the trend of international division of labor and close cooperation of producers continues. At Augusta Westland, about 70 percent of the units are supplied foreign partners, for example, the fuselage is produced in Poland. For us, of course, the deep assembly of helicopter equipment is important, the production of which will then be localized on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to Dmitry Rogozin, this kind of project is a kind of technological breakthrough for Russia, aimed at capitalizing relations with the leading countries of the European Union. This destroys the position of Eurosceptics who believe that Russia cannot have deep industrial cooperation in the West. But Italy is also a member of NATO.

In general, Rogozin assessed the new enterprise as a unique business card in the application for a new production culture: “There is no primitive “screwdriver assembly” here, as we had before. We are learning the culture and organization of production. While we do not have helicopters of this class, we will produce them with the help of our Italian colleagues. It is also obvious that cooperation between our Italian partners and Kamov OJSC will begin to develop at this large production site.

The Deputy Prime Minister tried to determine how the government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade could help initiatives of this kind. Such innovations of our enterprises are welcomed by the state leadership, because cooperation with Western partners breaks the technological isolation of Russia, in which we have been for many years. This will certainly give an additional impetus to engineering thought and the industrial culture of our helicopter industry.

Antonio Zanardi Landi, in turn, noted with satisfaction that the project was brought to life, despite all the difficulties and doubts of skeptics. In just over three years, not only walls were erected, but also regulatory documentation was prepared, licensing agreements were concluded, as well as a general agreement for the supply of helicopter parts, on the preservation trademark and joint venture, personnel were trained, and a helicopter assembly line was launched.

Like any manufacturer of complex equipment, the enterprise is interested in the state promoting the development of the air transportation market, the provision of services, and thereby stimulating the growth of orders for small batches of helicopters of different classes for various purposes. All this is directly related to the development of the Russian economy and its integration into the international economic space. Today, some Russian-made helicopters are already equipped with foreign engines: French, American, English.

It is unprofitable to produce literally everything in one, even the richest and most powerful country. It is quite difficult to create a highly competitive product without industrial globalization, based only on domestic production of parts and components. But in return we get new technologies, enrich our production innovative products, we develop a production culture. Moreover, core competencies decision-making remains in Russia. Whether we like it or not, the Russian helicopter industry is forced to actively integrate into international labor cooperation and work closely with manufacturers of various helicopter components.

Unfortunately, while our component is this project only work force, production areas and competencies. But gradually the situation will change. In the near future, it is planned to launch the production of hydraulic hoses for the hydraulic systems of AW-139 helicopters and the production of cabin equipment. In short, localization of production is one of the main tasks set by the Deputy Prime Minister.

To promote a ready-made Russian aircraft or helicopter product to the market, long and painful certification is required in the relevant international bodies. Including in the Russian Aviation Register of the State Aviation Committee, which certifies all aviation equipment in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. The AW-139 helicopter has already been certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency.

Ideology of production

With appropriate interest from the Ministry of Defense, HeliVert is ready to fulfill military orders, since the AW-139 is a multi-purpose helicopter. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense announced the purchase of about a thousand Russian-made helicopters by 2020. Of course, these are primarily attack helicopters Mi-28N "Night Hunter", K-52 "Alligator", helicopters type Mi-8 for various purposes, Mi-26, educational "Ansat-U", multi-purpose Ka-226T. It is likely that there will be an order for the AW-139, on which search, navigation and other equipment can be installed. For now, the planned production volume is 15-20 cars per year.

In short, the prospects for the new joint venture are very bright. In July 2012, at the Farnborough International Air Show in the UK, Russian Helicopters OJSC and Augusta Westland signed an Agreement on strategic cooperation in the field of helicopter engineering, development, production and implementation of a joint project to produce a new light helicopter weighing 2.5 tons. And in 2013, JSC Russian Helicopters, together with Italian partners, will prepare a project for the first stage of localizing the production of aircraft parts for Augusta Westland helicopters in Russia. In particular, in the territory adjacent to the assembly production of JSC HeliVert in the village of Tomilino.

Purely Russian new products are on the way. JSC Russian Helicopters is preparing the first and second flight prototypes of the new machine Mi-171A2, which is planned to be presented in 2013 and released to the market by 2015. This helicopter will fill the niche of medium helicopters for 10-15 years. In general, the National Helicopter Manufacturing Center today is one of the few industries where industrial production grows annually by 15-20 percent. In 2011, for example, 262 helicopters were delivered to customers.

As Dmitry Rogozin especially noted, the government intends to support manufacturers localizing foreign production in Russia with the transfer of technology. This decision was made recently at a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission. Our machine builders must negotiate with foreign partners to transfer production to the territory of the Russian Federation if this allows them to obtain new technologies and ways to manage them.

Speaking about a kind of “ideology of production and technology,” the Deputy Prime Minister warned against actual attempts to destroy Russian production when, under the guise of assembling foreign equipment, its banal import is carried out. “This kind of “screwdriver primitive assembly” will be minimized through the efforts of the government,” Rogozin emphasized. Conversely, initiatives related to technology transfer will be supported in every possible way. In general, localization foreign production aircraft components should follow a progressive scale and may exceed 60 percent.

By 2015, it is planned to put into operation modern experimental research, pilot production and logistics centers on the territory of the National Helicopter Manufacturing Center of Russian Helicopters OJSC (at the pilot production site of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil).

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The AW-139 helicopter is a medium twin-engine helicopter with a take-off weight of 6400 kilograms. Capable of carrying up to 15 passengers. Used as a corporate transport and VIP helicopter, as well as in offshore conditions, in emergency situations, rescue operations, fire fighting.

AgustaWestland (Italy) is one of the world's largest companies in the development and production of helicopters. Part of the Finmeccanika group. Production capacity located in Italy, UK, USA.

The new Scientific and Technical Center for Helicopter Engineering (STC) of Russian Helicopters OJSC is located in the village of Tomilino, Moscow Region, at the pilot production site of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. Mile.

The design bureaus of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.V. moved to a new 13-story building. Mil and JSC Kamov. In addition, this site is expected to be developed as an experimental research complex, where new buildings will be erected related to the placement of bench equipment

A production complex for the assembly of AW139 helicopters was built on the territory of Tomilino.

Also at the STC, pilots of the UTair helicopter company will be trained to fly the new Mi-34S1 helicopters, which will also be based in Tomilino.


The creation of the Russian Helicopters corporation in Tomilino will certainly affect the life of the village. It is planned to create about 2.5 thousand jobs. Which, in turn, will require solving transport problems, including laying a light metro, reconstructing roads and building the Lytkarino-Zheleznodorozhny highway; investments in housing and communal services; providing young professionals with housing; personnel training from school, i.e. organizing specialized classes in the village, and a number of other tasks.

The proposal of the Tomilino administration regarding the need to create a special economic zone was accepted. The agenda includes obtaining the status of the National Russian Helicopter Manufacturing Center.

Photos of the Lighting Technologies company were used, which carried out a comprehensive supply of lighting equipment to all production, engineering and administrative premises, as well as the adjacent areas of the new center.

Especially for this facility, specialists from MGK Lighting Technologies developed and manufactured more than 10 new models of LED lamps.