Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation. Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in Russia

Modern concept development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation determines its most promising directions, as well as the tasks, goals and principles on which it is based. This is of great importance for the economy of our country as a whole.

Goals of the concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation

Considering the importance of exhibition activities, the state is also interested in its development, so it has developed a special concept that covers the following issues:

  • promoting the promotion of domestic goods and services to the market, as well as the results of research by scientific and technical groups and centers;

  • formation of exhibition and fair activities as important modern industry, promoting economic development;

  • development of this area to create new jobs, which will ensure employment for the population;

  • promoting the innovative and socio-economic development of our country through exhibition and fair activities;

  • its use to form a positive image of Russia in the world.

Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation is part of our country's strategy for its innovative development until 2020. It is aimed at increasing the share of domestic production in the market, as well as facilitating the work of enterprises and groups engaged in the research and development of new technologies. In addition, an important role in the concept is played by an increase in the share of high-tech goods Russian production in global exports.

Exhibition and fair events play a special role in market mobility, ensure the creation of an industry information field, and create large financial flows that contribute significant funds to the budgets of various levels. In addition, they are a necessary link for the formation business communication and establishing contacts between companies and specialists. This ensures the development of industries, increasing the professional level of employees, as well as the exchange of experience, knowledge, and innovative developments. Also, exhibitions and fairs play an important role in inter-industry and international cooperation and trade. And major international events, in turn, help attract investment in domestic production and innovative projects.

Carrying out exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation

Today, at least 20 thousand participate in events of this nature. foreign companies and more than 100 thousand domestic exhibitors. Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in Russia Special attention focuses on increasing the number of sites, participating companies and visitors. Among other cities, Moscow is first in terms of these indicators. More than 60% of all industry events take place in the capital. The state program for promoting the development of exhibition activities is aimed at attracting as many market participants as possible, ensuring effective interaction between them, establishing cooperation and introducing innovative technologies.

One of the largest and most prestigious metropolitan centers, which is known not only in Russia, but throughout the world, is the Expocentre Fairgrounds. This is a high-tech modern complex that has 9 equipped exhibition pavilions, as well as venues for conferences, congresses and non-exhibition events. More than 100 events take place annually at its base. international exhibitions, which is visited by several million specialists, experts, company representatives and interested parties.

In recent years, Expocentre Fairgrounds has been paying more and more attention to innovative developments. Therefore, many of our own exhibition events are devoted to this topic. A large proportion of Expocentre's joint events also highlight innovations and developments in various fields. This area of ​​activity of the exhibition center resonates with the interests of the economy and the state as a whole.

It should be noted that thanks to the concept of developing exhibition activities, the number of regional venues has doubled in recent years. However, despite this, their provision of sites is still insufficient. Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation are showing their interest in the issue of developing the material and technical base for exhibition and fair activities.

The state policy in this matter is aimed, among other things, at coordinating this activity, as well as developing a number of measures to support it and provide assistance to participating manufacturers, other entrepreneurs, organizations and visitors. The concept for the development of exhibition activities in the Russian Federation determines its main and promising directions. It sets itself the goal of fully developing this activity as a sector of the economy that contributes to its sustainable innovative and economic growth.

Exhibition and fair activities occupy important place in the development of the Russian economy.

Exhibition and fair activities create conditions for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the innovative development strategy Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2011 No. 2227-r., aimed at increasing the share of enterprises industrial production those carrying out technological innovations in the total number of industrial production enterprises; increasing Russia's share in global markets for high-tech goods and services; increasing the share of exports of Russian high-tech goods in the total global volume of exports of high-tech goods.

Every year, about 140 thousand Russian exhibitors and about 20 thousand foreign companies take part in exhibitions. In terms of the number of exhibition spaces, Moscow is in the lead, accounting for about 62%, St. Petersburg is in second place with 11% of the space, and the rest of Russia's regions account for about 27%.

At the same time, the supply of exhibition and fair space in the regions is insufficient. Currently, 49 administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have confirmed their interest in developing the material and technical base of exhibition and fair activities. The concept determines the prospects and main directions for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation. The concept is aimed at developing a system for coordinating exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation, including the development of a set of measures in the field of state support for domestic commodity producers participating in exhibition and fair activities, entrepreneurs and consumers, exhibition organizations and representatives of all areas of the exhibition and fair business. The concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities is aimed at the formation of exhibition and fair activities as a modern industry that promotes sustainable socio-economic and innovative development of the economy of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for participation in exhibitions.

The government of any country, intending to organize a world exhibition, is obliged to register this exhibition with the BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) six months before sending out appropriate invitations to other countries. When submitting an exhibition for registration, the government is obliged to inform the BIE about the measures taken to bring domestic legislation into compliance with the provisions of the Convention, and clarify the conditions for participation in the exhibition. In other words, the government is obliged, along with the application for registration, to send to the BIE a draft of the general rules of the proposed exhibition. IN general rules the purpose of the exhibition is determined, the historical date in the life of a given country, in connection with which this exhibition is held, is indicated, as a rule, a classification is established, i.e. a list of exhibits that can be shown and the order of their arrangement, the rights and obligations of participants are set out, various fees and expenses associated with the construction of pavilions are recorded, conditions for placing exhibitions and using generally accepted services, the regime for customs processing of exhibition cargo, the procedure for selling exhibits, insurance issues etc. General rules also contain administrative provisions. They, in particular, determine which ministry is in charge of the exhibition being designed, and provide the charter of the organization entrusted with the direct work of preparing and holding the exhibition.

The draft Concept received a positive assessment from experts of the Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Yu.N. Zhdanov in a letter to the Governor of the region V.F. Chubu dated 06/18/03. No. YUZH-353/52 noted the importance and timeliness of the adoption of such a document for the development of the regional economy.

The concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Rostov region was developed by the team working group, which included specialists from line ministries of the region, heads of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, scientists from the Russian State University and Rostov State Economic University, representatives of the North Caucasus Association, the Don Union of Employers, as well as others public organizations and professional associations whose business interests are related to exhibition activities.

Exhibition companies took an active part in the work on the Concept project: Business-Art, Vertol-Expo, Daelcom, Rostex - Exhibitions of the South of Russia, South Russian Expo Center.

The need to create this document was caused, first of all, by the lack of a unified legal act regulating exhibition activities, both at the federal and regional levels.

Today it is almost impossible to apply any existing normative act Russian Federation to any typical exhibition problem, because Not a single federal law (with rare exceptions) even mentions exhibitions and, moreover, not a single document contains a definition of an exhibition.

The issue of creating clear and understandable rules for working in the regional market has been raised more than once by exhibition business operators, industry ministries and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Those who suffer from the absence of such rules, first of all, are those who conduct their business in good faith, taking into account not only personal, but also state interests.

This document was developed on the basis of the Concept for the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation, approved by the Russian Government in 2001 (protocol No. 12 of 03.29.01.).

In the process of work, the similar experience of colleagues from Moscow and St. Petersburg was taken into account.

The basis of the Concept was the identification of the main directions and principles for the development of exhibition activities, following which one could count on real increase its effectiveness in the interests of economic development of the region.

To this end, the members of the working group, having identified a number of main problems and prospects, introduced into the structure of the Concept provisions defining:

Parameters of exhibition activity efficiency;

The process of its regulation;

Main directions in the development of material and technical base and personnel training;

The role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and public organizations.

In the Rostov region, the exhibition business, as throughout the country, developed chaotically, often without taking into account the economic priorities of the region, and also without integrated approach in understanding the main tasks and ultimate goals.

In the period from 1995 to 1998 alone, the number of exhibition companies increased 4 times. Today, 8 companies are professionally engaged in this activity in the region, which is 40% of the total number of exhibition operators operating in the Southern Federal District. In the presence of a poorly developed infrastructure, such a number of firms implies fierce competition due to the limitation of the number of commercially profitable ones, which in itself leads to a decrease in the quality of service provision and, accordingly, negatively affects the image of the region and its economic attractiveness.

With all this, only during the period from 1995 to 2001 in the region there was a twofold increase in the number of exhibitions and, accordingly, the number of their participants. The share of specialized events has noticeably increased compared to universal exhibitions and fairs, but the number of national exhibitions held has decreased foreign countries, which is due, on the one hand, to the lack of an adequate level of service, and on the other hand, to low level of consumer demand.

It cannot be said that the regional administration did not take specific measures to regulate the exhibition process.

Back in 1999, on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, a decision was made (Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.08.99. No. 34)“On the coordination of exhibition activities on the territory of the Rostov region”, in which the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was recommended to create a committee on VYAD, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, International and foreign economic relations entrusted with coordinating the actions of industry structures during exhibitions with the participation of the Regional Administration, which is reflected in the order adopted annually (Order of the ARO “On approval of the list of exhibitions and fairs with the participation of the Regional Administration”).

During this period, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, International and Foreign Economic Relations of the region, with the direct participation of exhibition companies, prepared and held more than 10 events at the interregional and international levels, representing Don commodity producers not only in the capital of our state, but also beyond its borders.

The ministry works very actively, independently and effectively Agriculture and food industry of the region, providing significant assistance and support to agricultural enterprises, annually presenting their capabilities at the largest All-Russian exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Unfortunately, exhibition participants are often faced with the fact that the event, which the organizers declare with the support of the regional administration, takes place by inertia, without its own ideological concept and business program. But the exhibition area is the best place for organizing events, taking into account the interests of industry specialists. Where else, if not here, can we discuss important problems and outline prospects?

Exhibitors, presenting their capabilities, pursue main goal– master the sales market, find your niche. At the same time, we often encounter not the most best quality goods and services promoted to our market. Who can be held responsible for this, since the purpose of the exhibition, first of all, is to demonstrate best products and the latest technologies?

Exhibition operators need to make it a rule to organize quality competitions with the involvement of professionals and experts in the jury. And line ministries are obliged to help them with this.

Holding competitions, conferences, seminars and other events for specialists will increase the attendance of exhibitions and bring back professional interest and will provide significant assistance in developing a dialogue between business and government, thereby erasing bureaucratic barriers to administrative reforms.

In 2003, an attempt was made for the first time to assess the level vocational training exhibition events. For this purpose, when The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has created a Commission to assess the quality of exhibitions and fairs vying for support from the regional administration. It consists of specialists from industry ministries and exhibition structures.

According to preliminary data, out of 17 projects submitted to the competition in the first half of this year, only 8 deserve attention, but they also have a number of significant comments, which can be eliminated by combining the efforts of all interested parties.

In the Rostov region exhibition activities has become a noticeable segment of the market and has actually acquired the features of an independent branch of the economy. Regardless of what level this business is at, it currently has a significant impact on the course of economic reforms in the region and, above all, on the implementation of the strategy for increasing trade turnover.

The special role of exhibitions and fairs is that they stimulate positive structural changes in the economy in favor of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries, facilitate the development of new markets for domestic products, and promote the development of business activity in most industries and services.

In this regard, the Concept separately notes the role and place of exhibition activities in the system of development of commodity markets and interregional relations. When developing their strategy, company managers must take into account that product markets are not only the basis for holding specialized exhibitions, but also the basis for the very existence of the exhibition business.

Unfortunately, on modern stage development of product markets, exhibition activities come down to promotion on domestic market Western technologies without symmetrical representation Russian goods at similar events abroad. And we still have a lot of work to do in this direction.

The choice of its focus is of great importance in achieving the economic efficiency of an exhibition. It is very important to take into account the priorities of the region, which mean the profitability and rationality of the event for any territorial entity.

In solving this issue, a serious task is posed - the creation of a unified information space in order to study the needs of the products of Don commodity producers in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in countries near and far abroad, as well as studying and forecasting the needs of the region.

In this area of ​​work, assistance from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, line ministries, and marketing structures is needed.

At the present stage, exhibitions and fairs provide market mobility, create the necessary information field, generate significant financial flows, and also bring additional income into budgets of all levels.

According to expert estimates, the turnover in the field of exhibition and fair activities in Russia as a whole is approximately $200 million per year. Economic efficiency from the activities of only 8 Rostov exhibition organizations, according to a preliminary forecast, may amount to up to 12 million US dollars in 2004, with an increase of 3 times by 2010.

Acting as a link between internal and international markets, exhibition and fair activities help attract foreign investment for the implementation investment projects Russian organizations, creating competitive products.

The fact that everything we have should be competitive - goods and services, technologies and ideas, business and the state itself, was emphasized in the message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly, in which the country's competitiveness is defined as the most important goal of the practical activities of government bodies authorities and local government.

This goal can be achieved only by consolidating all intellectual, power and moral resources, including exhibition and fair activities in this process and using its potential as one of the tools for economic development.

The concept for the development of exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation was adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2014 No. 1273-r. At the same time, an action plan for the implementation of this concept was approved.

The concept is aimed at developing a system for coordinating exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation, including the development of a set of measures in the field of state support for domestic producers - participants in exhibition, fair and congress activities, entrepreneurs and consumers, exhibition organizations and representatives of all spheres of exhibition, fair and congress business.

As noted in the document, an important aspect of exhibition, fair and congress activities is its socio-economic orientation, which ensures increased business activity in the regions, the development of regional economies, effective market positioning of territories, the creation of new jobs and permanent employment of the population in the region’s infrastructure.

According to expert estimates, the budgetary efficiency of holding exhibitions, fairs and congress events consists of many indicators, including cash receipts from the rental of space, equipment, cargo transportation, publishing and printing activities, accommodation of participants and guests of events, catering in cafes and restaurants, travel by transport, communication services, organization of excursions, etc., which entails an increase in tax revenues to regional budgets and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. A significant overall trade and economic effect comes from purchase and sale transactions of goods, services and technologies concluded at national and international exhibitions and fairs held in Russia.

According to expert estimates, the volume of the Russian exhibition, fair and congress market today is about 1.3 - 1.5 billion dollars. Every year, about 140 thousand Russian exhibitors and about 20 thousand foreign companies take part in exhibitions. Every year, about 40 million congress events take place around the world, in which about two billion people take part. The total annual revenue of the market is more than 800 billion euros (according to the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) for 2010). It is estimated that the meetings industry generates four times more money for major cities than any other public event. Russia's share in the global market for international congress events has almost halved over the past ten years and is less than 1%.

The top five leading countries for holding congresses and conferences on their territory are the USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the UK. Among the leading cities are Vienna, Barcelona, ​​Paris, Berlin. In 2011, Moscow was in 100th place, and St. Petersburg was in 119th place.

At the same time, the government admits that in the field of exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation there are a number of unresolved problems:

  • current legal framework does not fully regulate issues of exhibition, fair and congress activities and requires improvement of existing and development of additional regulatory legal acts;
  • the material and technical base of exhibition, fair and congress activities is underdeveloped and does not fully comply with international requirements;
  • there is no effective system of coordination and government support for exhibition, fair and congress activities;
  • targeted work to ensure the participation of the Russian Federation in tenders for the right to organize and conduct international congress events has not been developed;
  • a unified methodology for determining the socio-economic and budgetary efficiency of exhibition, fair and congress activities has not been developed;
  • The system for checking statistical indicators of exhibition events (exhibition audit), which is part of the global exhibition audit system, is not widely used;
  • there are no official statistics on exhibition, fair and congress activities;
  • requires additional improvement customs administration movement of exhibition cargo across the border of the Russian Federation;
  • the development of a multi-level system of training, retraining and advanced training is required professional personnel in the field of exhibition, fair and congress activities.

Currently, there are 38 exhibition complexes in the Russian Federation, the total indoor exhibition area of ​​which is about 800 thousand sq. m. Most of exhibition spaces are located in Moscow (62%) and St. Petersburg (11%), the remaining regions of Russia account for 27 percent of the total number of exhibition spaces.

Despite the fact that over the past six years the number of regional exhibition centers has doubled, the provision of regions with exhibition and fair space is insufficient. For comparison, in Germany 22 exhibition complexes with a total area of ​​2,750,000 square meters are used for specialized exhibition events. In Italy, the total area of ​​exhibition centers used is more than two million square meters, in China - more than six million square meters.

For the economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation, it is important to expand specialized exhibition and especially congress spaces that meet world standards. Currently, 49 administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have confirmed their interest in developing the material and technical base of exhibition, fair and congress activities.

The development of the material and technical base and infrastructure of exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation should be carried out on the principles of public-private partnership in the form of concession agreements and lease agreements for the management of infrastructure facilities for exhibition, fair and congress activities, including the possibility of creating joint ventures to carry out state and municipal orders.

07/21/2014 / Novomoskovsk urban district

On July 10, 2014, the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2014 No. 1273-r “On the Concept for the development of exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation” came into force.

This decree approved the Concept for the development of exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Concept), and also approved an action plan for the implementation of the Concept.

Bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments are recommended to be guided by the provisions of the Concept when solving problems in the field of exhibition, fair and congress activities, developing and approving regional programs for the development of exhibition, fair and congress activities.

The concept is aimed at developing a system for coordinating exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation, including the development of a set of measures in the field of state support for domestic producers participating in exhibition, fair and congress activities, entrepreneurs and consumers, exhibition organizations and representatives of all spheres of exhibition, fair and congress business .

The objectives of the Concept are:

creation of a modern industry of exhibition, fair and congress services, ensuring the intensification of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and meeting the requirements of international standards for the technical level and quality of exhibition services;

promoting the innovative development of territories through the effective inclusion of exhibition, fair and congress complexes and related infrastructure in the activities of territorial, industry and inter-industry innovation clusters, etc.

The document defines the main directions further development exhibition, fair and congress activities.

The development and coordination of exhibition, fair and congress activities should be carried out within the framework of Customs Union and the Common Economic Space of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, which will significantly contribute to the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The expected results of the implementation of the Concept are:

rational distribution in the regions of the Russian Federation of modern exhibition, fair and congress centers, allowing events to be held at the level of world standards (indicators - contribution to the gross domestic product of the region, utilization rate of exhibition space, number of square meters of exhibition space per 1 resident of the region);

formation in district, interregional, regional and municipal centers with exhibition, fair and congress complexes, related infrastructure (hotels, transport networks, restaurants, etc.);

ensuring conditions for free, equal and fair competition in the exhibition sphere;

increased participation Russian companies and organizations in foreign exhibition, fair and congress events by increasing the volume of budget funding for the exhibition program federal bodies executive power;

development of professional personnel, etc.

The action plan for the implementation of the Concept includes, in particular, the following activities:

1. Project development federal law“On exhibition, fair and congress activities in the Russian Federation.” Implementation period - 4th quarter of 2015.

2. Development of elements of a system of technical regulation of exhibition, fair and congress activities, including the formation of a set of national standards harmonized with international standards. Implementation period: 4th quarter of 2014.

3. Development national standard“Order, organization and conduct of exhibitions, fairs and congress events.” Implementation period: 2nd quarter of 2015.

4. Preparation of proposals for the formation of exhibition, fair and congress infrastructure in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the principles of public-private partnership. Implementation period: 3rd quarter of 2015.

5. Development of an algorithm for interaction between federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, chambers of commerce and industry, industry unions and associations, state corporations and companies with state participation, exhibition associations, public organizations and professional structures exhibition business in the field of organizing and holding priority exhibitions, fairs and congresses in the Russian Federation. Implementation period: 2nd quarter of 2015.

6. Development of a methodology and determination of criteria for selecting exhibition and fair events for assigning them the status of “Exhibition of Federal Significance”. Implementation period: 4th quarter of 2014.

Senior Assistant to the Novomoskovsk City Prosecutor Kolmykova A.A.