How to open a private enterprise for apartment renovation. Finishing work that does not require permits or permits. Business expenses

Although the essence of the work does not change: organizing finishing work, calculating and purchasing materials, finding workers, maneuvering between the customer’s wishes and one’s capabilities. The main difference between renovation and construction is that you work for yourself., at your own peril and risk under the contract. You must have your own individual entrepreneur, LLC, or at least have sources of orders and a certain reputation in order to start working - even if on your word of honor to begin with.

Your own finishing team - where to start building a business

Some new buildings are handed over with finishing, but municipal finishing, as well as landscaping of the territory, is done by the same builders on a salary; there is no opportunity to earn a lot there. It’s a completely different matter when your team is hired by a private owner to finish a newly built empty concrete block or renovate his apartment.

Where can a finisher get his first order?

No one starts working for themselves right away for two simple reasons:

  • you don’t have experience - you won’t be able to do anything efficiently and on time;
  • you have no experience - no one will simply give you an order for finishing.

Moreover, you can invest in advertising, constantly answer calls and not receive clients - after all, they have a choice when they search using advertising. Or you can make someone’s apartment look good once and receive a constant flow of people who will come to you and listen to you with an open mouth as a specialist. A person who has a recommendation from friends always receives more trust than a foreman from the outside - pure professionalism may be the same or even lower. The client does not understand the specifics of construction, he only focuses on the sources of information available to him.

How to get your first experience?

All practicing foremen have a different answer to this question, but they have one thing in common - experience must be practical. Private customers do not trust education without experience; moreover, many foremen do not have specialized education! Someone got their first experience by experimenting with renovations in their own apartment, then helped a neighbor, and then received their first orders through word of mouth, and there are many such foremen. Some started as a laborer at a construction site, rose to become a foreman and got tired of plowing for pennies “for their uncle.” Some received specialized education and worked as a construction foreman, or studied municipal finishing.

To take on your first independent object , you, as a foreman-finisher, must have experience “from start to finish” on all fronts of both rough and fine finishing.

If you think that you can simply hire qualified workers, advertise, draw up an estimate for the customer, and they themselves will figure out how and what to do - you are deeply mistaken. A worker who knows what to do in a turnkey apartment inside and out is a master who will assemble his own team and will not work for you, it is not profitable for him.

The workers know their area of ​​work: one - painting, plastering, priming, another - electrician, third - plumbing, and so on.

Your task is to check the quality of their work, and for this you need to know the right technology, and what should ideally be the “output”. It is not the worker who should teach you how to set up beacons, but you who should “poke his nose” into the curvature that the level shows. It’s not the worker who should answer the client’s question about which wall paint is best to buy - you should know everything about the properties of the paint and give professional advice which one is better and cheaper.

You must be able to draw up an estimate yourself, immediately give an approximate estimate of the cost, based on the area of ​​the apartment and the wishes of the client, clearly explain what your responsibilities are for this price, so that there are no complaints later: “ Why didn’t you assemble the kitchen, and should I pay extra for installing the door?" and so on. It is better to spell out all the points in detail in the contract to avoid disputes at the stage of acceptance of the work.

Foreman girl

The more understandable information you give the client, the more options with their pros and cons you “chew”, the less you pull him - the more he trusts you, the fewer complaints there will be and the more positive recommendations to friends and acquaintances. And, of course, it must be done well - after all, the apartment presents itself when a person invites friends for a housewarming party. If you do really well, they will take your contacts even without the owner’s initiative.

Business management and team management

Usually there are 3-5 people in a team. If we are talking about a super-economy renovation option, then it could be one “jack of all trades out of boredom”, usually a guest from Central Asia. The quality can be either poor or good - it depends on his personal qualifications. As a rule, large teams assemble when there are a lot of orders, and start with small ones on recommendation; often a good master begins by doing all the finishing and rough finishing himself.

Here it is important to grasp the economic component and correctly balance

If you don't hire enough staff, you'll miss deadlines or deliver poor quality work.
If you hire a lot of people, but you can’t provide them with work, they will run away or you will go broke paying for downtime.

In a real full-fledged finishing team, where there is an electrician, a plumber, a plasterer and an auxiliary worker, the foreman does not do any physical work at all - he only looks for clients, purchases materials, draws up and reports on estimates and checks the quality of work. In general, the foreman here acts as project manager, and not as a builder. If you are not a businessman by nature, you will not succeed in this field.

It will be a great help to have your own work car - a station wagon, a “heel” or a Gazelle - “ workhorse", you will have to transport people and cargo from object to object.

On practice a young entrepreneur, in order to survive in the repair business, will have to set prices lower than competitors and do everything at lower costs. This means that the team will have 1-2 guests from Central Asia, whom the foreman will force to work seven days a week in extremely harsh conditions.

What you need to get started

And you will need:

  • buy a complete set of tools;
  • provide registration and work patents to your migrant workers;
  • pay for their arrival and arrange a meeting;
  • organize food, life, treatment and hygiene of workers;
  • make and place advertisements, be constantly in search of customers;
  • know all the prices for building materials in order to buy cheaper.

Orders are easy to find directly in a new building, when you have already taken one object and are simply communicating with a bunch of owners who have just received the keys. Let's not talk about word of mouth and recommendations, let's consider a professional approach to advertising in the field of repair and decoration.

Sketching a business plan - revenue, expenses, profit

We cannot cover all aspects of business in a single article. The foreman, as a manager and businessman, can choose different niches - economical repairs, the middle segment or turnkey work.

In 2015 in Moscow, prices for finishing are as follows: :

economy class finishing: from 4000 to 6000 rubles per square meter;

middle segment: 7000 - 15000 rubles per 1 m2 ;

expensive turnkey renovation: from 15 thousand rubles and above.

Thus, the revenue from finishing a one-room apartment will be 120-270 thousand rubles in the economy segment. Two-room apartment - 180-420 thousand. Treshki go from 250 thousand to a million rubles.

Time-based work in one apartment It will take 1-4 months, depending on the professionalism of the team and the number of craftsmen.

Workers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Belarus ask differently. In Moscow, you can focus on 25-40 thousand rubles per month.

2 workers is a minimum of 50 thousand per month just for wages. We are not talking about any taxes, to be honest, how this is done in practice. In the beginning, the main thing is not to “burn out.” Often it is the foreman who pays for flights (and tickets to Uzbekistan are not cheap), treatment of workers, food for the team, etc.

By taking one apartment, you can not only not earn money, not “recoup” the costs of tools, but also “burn out” - as in any business. That's what it is distinctive feature work for yourself.

If you undertake to work for the minimum price, pay workers monthly, then your task is to take on as many objects as possible for work. 2 workers will make one apartment for at least 2 months, you will give them 100 thousand rubles, all that remains is for current expenses (transport, tool depreciation, food, etc.) at best. Most likely, you will go into the red, so no one works below 4,000 rubles per square meter; even with established business processes, it is very difficult to make a profit at such a price.

The more rooms in the apartment, the more profitable it is for the finishing foreman. After all, payment is per square meter, but the work is of the same type and is done faster than many small ones. various works in a small studio apartment, for example. You should try to take several objects in one entrance, this also significantly saves time resources.

How much can you earn by finishing apartments?

As in any business, you may not earn anything except debts and headaches, but if it goes well, you’ve got recommendations and broken into the expensive segments of the apartment renovation market, you can earn from a hundred thousand to a million rubles a month, everything is individual here.

If you take a “jack of all trades” finisher who works alone and takes on everything, then to calculate his income, it is enough to divide the cost of the object by the period of work in months. Roughly speaking, this is 200-400 thousand and three to four months, that is, your salary will be 50-100 thousand per month if you work in difficult conditions without days off and have a sufficient number of clients.

So it would be beneficial to delegate work, if only there were objects. For example, a team takes 3 large apartments and rents them out in 3 months, that’s a million rubles or more in the pocket of the foreman, 300 thousand a month.

Personal experience

Correspondent IQ Review I recently finished renovations in my apartment in a new building and watched the work of the foreman from the sidelines. A lot of conflicts arise due to misunderstandings on any basis. Mutual claims often break out over the quality of work, prices, and the necessary or unnecessary initiative of the parties in different cases. For example, you buy a bathtub while there are discounts, but there is nowhere to put it, it interferes with the work of the team. They promise to do it in two months, three months pass, you see that barely half is done, and everyone feeds you “breakfast” while you pay for rented housing.

Not every team can quickly respond to emergency situations. The worker gets sick or quits, the work stops, the customer suffers, the foreman listens to all complaints.

Defects in quality can be costly - a wire forgotten under the floor or a crooked wall threatens with alterations at the expense of the foreman, which can cost more than potential profit, because the materials are not cheap.

In general, the work is very dynamic and nervous, the results are unstable. To make money in this business, you need an established mechanism - a stable team, a stable influx of clients, good quality, streamlined work process. All this comes with experience.

And experience is gained through months and years of hard, thankless work. Working as a finishing foreman will be possible for those who really dream about it. If you dream of easy money, it is not here, despite the high price tags.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Do you want to open your own business in decorating and renovating apartments but don’t know where to start? This article will help you understand from “A” to “Z”, what stages your initiative will begin, all the intricacies of entrepreneurship, what should be avoided, and how to most profitably develop this type of activity. How to work with staff and find a compromise with customers.

We register an apartment renovation company and prepare the necessary documents Why are documents necessary for this business, because you can just play tricks?! It is possible, but there is a risk of being left without payment, because... in court, if the customer refuses to pay, you will not be able to prove anything, and if you present an Agreement drawn up between you and the customer, you may also “deserve” a fine for illegal business. Moreover, even advertising of your work will be limited, because some advertising agencies

If you are afraid of the unknown before preparing documents that you still do not understand and long queues, it is better to entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer. By the way, this is more correct: everyone should flawlessly do what they know “by heart.” But if you want to save money and have free time, then you can do it yourself. Since renovation and decoration of apartments is a small business, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship).

Required list of documents:

  • A copy of the passport certified by a notary.
  • TIN (photocopy).
  • Types of activities (OKVED).
  • Application for "simplified" (such a taxation system). By the way, you need to think in advance about how you will work - with or without your materials: if you purchase materials yourself, then it is better to register “income minus expenses”, although the tax percentage will be increased, but, according to purchased receipts and other types of expenses, this will be taken into account when paying tax. If you do not take into account any expenses, then you can indicate “only income” in the simplified form. Please consult your accountant about this in advance. Or at the interdistrict inspection, where you will register. But a little later we will examine this issue in the article.
  • State duty 400 rubles.
  • Obtaining a TIN, OGRNIP certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRNIP) at the Federal Tax Service.
  • Production of stamps and statistics codes.
  • Opening a bank account.
  • Notification to the tax office : where the company is located (if you rent an office, then a lease agreement) and in which bank the account is opened.
  • Registration in the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

After all the legwork, you will be notified what documents, where and when you can get them. Now you can get to work boldly and with a clear conscience before the state.

Another question arises: is frightening everything required? construction organizations SRO approval? If you do not intend to carry out thermal insulation and facade work, then an SRO is not required.

As the list of SROs states: “Permission is not required for such types of work as:

  1. Finishing and renovation work in apartments and offices
  2. Installation of plumbing."

We select personnel to open an apartment renovation business

In such a small type of activity, a strong backbone is most often gathered - a friendly and well-coordinated team of several people, where everyone does their job of repairing and finishing. But we must not forget that even with very trusting relationships, disagreements can arise. If you do not clearly delineate the chain of command from the beginning, the team may soon fall apart.

If the organization is open to you, then make it clear to the employees that you are in charge at work, no familiarity, since you are responsible for everything that happens. Outside of work, you can go to a barbecue and relax for the whole weekend, but at work, no, no. By the way, to maintain a good atmosphere in the team, the director sometimes needs to organize a corporate vacation.

For a full complement of workers at the site, the following professionals are desirable:

  • Painter - plasterer.
  • Finisher.
  • Plumber.
  • Electrician.
  • Ceiling and flooring installers.
  • Helper worker .

How many of each specialist there will be is up to you to decide.

Due to your busy schedule, you will sometimes have to be away from the team, even if you work together and perform some kind of activity at the site. As an option, you can hire a foreman, but as experience shows, this is extra costs on his wages in a small team. It is better to appoint yourself a “right hand” - a foreman who would work together with the team and monitor the timing and quality of work in your absence. Of course, he is the one who receives some additional payment for his responsibility.

  • Accountant . This must be a proven and reliable person. Not only is he fully responsible for finances, he should not yet be a “sent Cossack”, because it is no secret that bypassing some overly strict rules and laws invented by the state, one must maneuver cunningly. Lest this cooperation later “turn sideways” for you with big troubles. As an option (one of the best) - this is an accountant for hire during the period of any reporting or calculation of salaries to employees. You just need to carefully file all checks, acts and other documents confirming your income and expenses.
  • Estimator . In principle, it is not needed if you yourself have calculated an estimate based on the compiled price list, taking into account all the expenses and the cost of services, right down to the nail driven into the wall, and the customer is satisfied with this. The simpler and more intelligible the estimate for the customer in his apartment (office), the easier it will be to come to an agreement with him. But sometimes, for example, if a customer - the owner of a very large office with warehouses - requires a RIK estimate, you can contact a specialist estimator who will competently draw it up.

However, staff for such small jobs is no longer needed if you don’t want to “feed extra mouths.” Large organizations require chief accountants and their assistants, heads of departments and personnel officers, and a smart director small company I am my own personnel officer and secretary.

The main thing is that people work conscientiously on site and deliver the work on time - this is the main indicator of the company’s integrity.

And now a little about estimates.

What services should be included in the price list for apartment renovation - list of work provided

When compiling your own price list, you need to take into account competitors’ estimates. As in any business, you have to be cunning if you want to succeed. Look on the Internet to see how much other organizations offer for their services, or ask them to send you an estimate from your competitors under the guise of a customer. There is nothing to be ashamed of - almost everyone does it. Moreover, you are not “stalking” your competitor - you are simply gaining experience in your business.

The list of repair and finishing works includes:

  • Installation and repair of plumbing equipment.
  • Electrical repair and electrical installation.
  • Ceiling stretching.
  • Flooring.
  • Wall decoration at the request of the customer.

By the way, in a well-coordinated team with a full “set” of all professionals, work will be carried out faster and easier. Let’s say we need to install plumbing fixtures, a shower stall with newfangled “bells and whistles” - with a panel of various functions. But he is not good at “buttons” - so he has an electrician to help him.

Business plan for an organization, an apartment renovation company - calculation of expenses and income, profitability and payback periods

Calculate the average, acceptable price, taking into account the wages of all employees and people who provide you with services (accounting, transport, etc.). Take taxes into account. Calculate all the work with the same aforementioned nail, each meter of grooves carried out for wiring electricity, each square meter of wall painting, etc.

And now in more detail, why is it better to work in construction under the simplified taxation system “Income minus expenses”, where tax must be paid at 15% of the cost of income. Let’s say you took on an object that costs, taking into account all costs and materials, 200,000 rubles. If your tax includes only income (6%), you will pay 12,000, but all your expenses will not be taken into account. But you have so many expenses: your own materials, ordering transport for large-sized materials, wages, services, which are accompanied by Contracts and certificates of completed work, telephone calls, your own gasoline, office supplies, office furniture, and so on and so forth... In the end, absolutely net profit you spent 50,000 on the organization. And you pay tax only 7,500 rubles .

As for the payback period, it depends on the number of orders, a well-calculated estimate and an agreement with the customer. To begin with, you will still need to spend money out of your own pocket when starting a business. But more on that later.

What equipment will be needed to develop an apartment renovation business?

First of all – quality. By purchasing goods at a bargain price, you risk buying the same thing several times, since a cheap tool breaks very quickly. As a result, you risk overpaying and even delaying the work, given the time it takes to travel and purchase a new product.

If you have a “simplified” income minus expenses, then it is advisable to purchase the tool after receiving all the documents for the organization . First of all, it is necessary to create the “face” of the company - to dress and shoe the entire team in one work uniform with a logo, for example, “IP Ivanov”. Provide people with gloves, welding safety glasses, headlamps, respirators, etc. Be sure to have a first aid kit in case of injury at work.

Tools required at the repair and finishing site: hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, welding machine, laser length gauge and level. And also: spatulas, paint brushes and rollers (and trays for them), tape measure, pliers, screwdrivers, buckets, hammers and mallets, rags, containers for diluting paints and glue, stationery knives and scissors, marker, sandpaper and other small items , if needed.

Every evening, after finishing work for the day, an expensive tool must be handed over to the responsible person against signature.

At a construction site, like in no other type of activity, tools can mysteriously disappear, and none of the workers admits to their guilt.

Tools and materials as the main cost item

It would seem that there are little things that when working on site you don’t notice how you spend them, but in the end it turns out to be a tidy sum. For example, drill bits for a drill or bits for a screwdriver. They tend to wear out. Sandpaper– to rub, knives and pliers – to break. As a result, costs increase slightly from the initial estimate. .

If the customer himself wants to choose some finishing materials, he will agree with him that you will take all receipts from purchases for reporting purposes. Even if finishing and decorative materials are not included in the estimate, well, to be honest, they will still be taken into account when spending and the tax will be less.

Advertising and marketing to help develop an apartment renovation business

To this topic - Special attention, especially at the very beginning of the development of the organization, because in the future it affects.

  1. If you are not yet known to anyone as a company that performs renovation and decoration of apartments, it is initially best to resort to the services of "word of mouth" . Contract, for example, to renovate the apartment of your friends’ acquaintances. You completed the work efficiently and on time - now you have good reputation and advice from the customer to other people who need your services.
  2. Newspaper advertising It doesn’t seem to always work - there are huge rows of speakers from competitors in the same spirit, and it’s not a fact that you will be chosen. A knight's move - for example, order a printing house to place your advertisement“upside down” - and the customer will definitely fall for such a cunning trick.
  3. Post advertisements on the doors of entrances (newly completed houses with apartments on a “black key” basis are best suited for this) and dilapidated houses where apartments require renovation.
  4. Make promotional business cards or flyers , and go around each apartment, handing them out. Of course, a larger percentage of leaflets will end up in the trash, but some clients will be interested.
  5. The Internet is no exception either . Place your ads in an original style (not just “team, we’ll do it, on time”), but some creativity won’t hurt either. It is advisable to insert your photographs from past, successful objects. The more sites where your ads are, the sooner you will be noticed.

Risks associated with opening an apartment renovation and finishing company

The main risks are inconsistency in the team or inadequate customers.

  • Warn the team immediately - there are no irreplaceable people, and there will be no concessions . If a worker goes on a drinking binge, the first time he will limit himself to a warning and “hit him in the pocket with a ruble.” The same picture repeated - immediately fire him and look for a replacement. But conscientious and responsible employees must be rewarded with bonuses - their performance will only increase.
  • With customers, no matter what they are, always behave politely and tactfully . Even if he is rude for no reason, find a compromise. For example, according to the contract and estimate, the socket is installed 10 cm from the floor, but when buying a refrigerator, such a socket did not suit him, it needs 20 cm. It doesn’t matter - draw up an additional estimate and contract, taking into account the work of the electrician, dismantling and installation. If the employee himself “messed up”, it will be his problem; accordingly, he will have to redo it without additional payment.
  • Be sure to take an advance payment (advance payment) before work, at least for materials, so as not to take risks in the event of force majeure , spending out of your own pocket and not getting paid at all. If, after the work has been completed, the customer refuses to pay and hides in every possible way, then everything must be resolved in a civilized manner, without resorting to crime. Of course, sue, taking into account moral damages and costs for each day of delay (this must initially be indicated in the Agreement).
  • All documents must be perfect before starting work: contracts, estimates, and later – certificates of work performed. Yes, the trouble and risk is that when you get to the site of a defaulter, you will later have to answer to the team - they did their job, and your problem is to solve the payment from the customer. Here you will have to fork out your own ruble to the employees in order to maintain a reliable team.

Gone are the days when people did their own home renovations. Today, more than 90% of the population turn to special organizations or individual entrepreneurs for help in this matter. Therefore, despite significant competition, it is possible to find your niche in this area, but for this you will have to work hard. To put the apartment renovation business at the proper level, you need not only original idea, but also a carefully thought out plan.

Before building a business, you need to analyze the market situation, identify your competitors, evaluate their strengths and weak sides to further rely on this information.

Assessment of the competitive environment and demand

It is difficult to assess the market for apartment renovation services, since a large number of Companies that renovate apartments work according to “black” or “gray” schemes, underestimating the actual volume of revenue in official reporting. Nevertheless, market experts say that the sector of apartment finishing services is very saturated.

In order to break into the market and create sustainable demand, you will need to work on your reputation and expand your customer base. This is due to the fact that in the best possible way attracting customers is the so-called word of mouth.

Therefore, from the very first days of work, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the services offered, compliance with deadlines and agreements, polite and attentive treatment of the customer.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation is gradually becoming a thing of the past; today, more and more families are resorting to the help of professionals in this matter.

Finding a working idea and choosing a target niche

At the start of your business, you need to decide in which price segment you will work.

The premium segment implies a larger volume of investment, the need to have an attractive office to receive clients, and the company’s staff to include designers, architects, landscape designers, etc.

Entering the economy segment is much easier and cheaper, but income in it will be relatively low and competition will be high.

The RUSGLOBAL company provides data that about 60% of clients order cosmetic repairs costing up to 200 thousand rubles, 30% - up to 1 million rubles, and more than 1 million rubles - less than 10%.

The middle segment option can be called optimal - entry costs are acceptable, competition is moderate. At the same time, you will be able to serve clients from any price level, depending on the situation: such narrow specialists as a designer or architect can be outsourced, and meet clients on their territory, at least during the first time of work.

Middle price segment - best option target niche for a beginner businessman

How to organize the work of a company

In parallel with choosing the target segment, you should decide on the concept of work: will you perform only a specific service or will you take responsibility for providing a full list of services that may be of interest to the client. In conditions of fairly fierce competition, the second option seems more appropriate. Even if your team does not have any specialists, you can attract third-party workers on a subcontract basis. Clients will appreciate this approach.

Selection of funding sources

It's great if you have savings that you can invest in the business. Otherwise, you will have to think about a loan. Few banks will finance the creation of a new business, so you will receive the loan as an individual. Interest rate in this case it starts at an average of 14–15%. Another option would be to attract investors - private or corporate. IN Lately this method is becoming increasingly popular.

Once you have decided on the general concept of the work, target audience and financing the project, begin implementing the main business plan.

Get ready for the fact that at first you will have to finance the business from your own funds.

Detailed business plan of the company

The business plan includes a description of the following stages of work: registering a company, recruiting personnel, drawing up a range of services and a price list, organizing an advertising campaign.

Features of registering a business in the field of apartment renovation

The registration stage does not present any particular difficulties, since, unlike construction, in the field of renovation there is no need to obtain any special permits or licenses.

Your actions could be as follows:

  1. Register in the form legal entity. You can choose the form of society with limited liability(LLC) or individual entrepreneur(IP). The last option is simpler and less expensive.
  2. Select the form of taxation. Apartment renovation is a household service, so you can choose not only a simplified form of taxation (STS), but also a single tax on imputed income (UTII). However, remember that you can apply UTII only by working with individuals. If you also renovate offices and other non-residential premises, you will have to switch to the simplified tax system. This system defines 2 rate options: 6% of the total income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. You can choose any of them.
  3. An important stage is making a seal and opening a current account.

In addition to the above points, do not forget to also make standard contracts for the provision of services that you can subsequently use to work with clients, and in case of unfavorable developments, in court. You will also need a detailed price list describing the list of work performed and prices.

Registering a business will not take much time; a home renovation business does not require special licenses or permits


Personnel are the most important resource for any construction company. After all, the quality of the work performed will depend on the professionalism of your employees, their conscientiousness and commitment. Finding competent and hard-working specialists in the field of finishing work is not easy, but you need to try, as this will ultimately affect your reputation and the nature of your recommendations.

In a minimum format, you will need specialists in the following specialties:

  • tiler;
  • finisher;
  • electrician.

The functions of an accountant, foreman, and designer at the first stage of activity can be taken over or outsourced.

It is advisable that the business organizer is well versed in the topic of repairs.

As a rule, the form of remuneration for these specialists is piecework and depends on the volume of work performed.

A team of professionals is the key to the company’s success

Table: calculation of employee salary costs

Determining the range of services and drawing up a price list of orders

As noted above, it is desirable to provide clients with the fullest possible range of services provided. Services may be:

  • dismantling of coverings;
  • leveling walls and ceilings;
  • wallpapering;
  • painting walls and other surfaces;
  • laying tiles;
  • laying laminate, parquet;
  • radiator installation;
  • plumbing installation;
  • services for electrical work and other work.

Additional services: installation of suspended ceilings, Smart Home systems, plastic windows, glazing and insulation of balconies on a turn-key basis, etc. Third-party companies can be involved in their implementation, partially or completely.

Setting prices for these services will largely depend on the region where the activity is carried out and the prices prevailing in the local market. For a medium sized city average bill renovation 1 sq. a meter of turnkey housing will average 2 - 7 thousand rubles.

It is important to provide maximum amount services for the convenience of clients

Table: calculation of income for one construction team

Questions regarding the purchase of equipment and supplies for interior decoration

To perform repair and finishing work, you will need to purchase equipment and inventory. Minimum necessary list could be like this:

  • power tools (hammer, drill, grinder, curtain trimmer, screwdriver, etc.);
  • painting tools (rollers, brushes, spatulas);
  • plumbing supplies (wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaws);
  • plumbing equipment (keys, pipe cutters, pliers, etc.).

It is important to understand that in order to perform high-quality repairs, in addition to qualified workers, you will need professional, expensive equipment. On average, the cost of the minimum set will be about 300–400 thousand rubles. At the first stage, these costs will be enough for you to start full-time work. In the future, you can rent a warehouse for storing equipment, building materials


Buy only high-quality tools and equipment

How to promote your business and attract clients The most effective way

  • Referrals from past clients are considered a way to attract clients in the home renovation business, but this tool will only start working after you have built up a client base. To do this, use the following proven tools:
  • posting advertisements in the entrances of residential buildings, distributing flyers, especially in areas of new buildings;
  • Internet advertising. Create an Internet page, preferably in the form of a “one-pager” - indicate the types of services provided, photos with examples of work, reviews from real clients, various options for contacting you. For your website to start working, place content advertising in search engines (Yandex and Google), maintaining pages on social networks will also help;
  • reaching agreements with employees of real estate agencies, sales departments of developers, mortgage departments of banks, interior designers. For assistance you will pay a certain percentage.

Nowadays there is high competition in the topic of repairs, so at the first stage you will have to do the work cheaper, but always with high quality, in order to make a name for yourself, and it spread through word of mouth. At first, you should splurge on expensive and high-quality tools in order to do the job better. Then it will all pay off, plus it will add significance in the eyes of clients - not a “caricature montage”.


Pros and cons of starting an apartment renovation business

All risks that are typical for the apartment renovation business can be divided into external and internal.

External ones include:

  • presence of a highly competitive environment. In a highly competitive environment, many companies reduce prices to attract more customers. However, this is not the most effective way: as a rule, only large organizations can afford to greatly reduce prices. If your turnover is low, you will not be able to compete with them. Therefore, it is best to concentrate on the quality of services provided, the professionalism of employees and an individual approach to each client;
  • decreased demand for services. Against the backdrop of the current negative economic conditions, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the demand for apartment renovation services has decreased;
  • seasonal nature of the business. Although repairs can be done at any time of the year, the demand for services in winter decreases significantly, and this must be taken into account when planning your activities.

Internal ones include:

  • risk of loss business reputation. It may be associated with poor quality work, failure to meet deadlines and other factors. It is in your power to prevent such moments. Remember that negative publicity about a company spreads much faster and wider than positive publicity;
  • risk of non-payment for work performed. To reduce the impact of this risk, be sure to document the relationship with the client;
  • risk of downtime. To ensure a constant flow of clients, pay attention to advertising: it is important that it is not episodic, but constant.

In order for your business to prosper, carefully study the risks and think about ways to deal with them

Calculation of profitability and payback

Below is a calculation of key business performance indicators, including profit, profitability and payback period.

Revenue for the year is calculated taking into account risk factors, including the seasonality of sales (80% of the maximum amount of income, and 50% for 6 months in the off-season period).

The expenses include expenses for employee salaries, payments for taxes and entrepreneurial contributions (USN and social contributions for oneself), as well as expenses for maintaining equipment, advertising events, employee uniforms, and unforeseen expenses.

The initial investment includes the cost of purchasing equipment and primary marketing (website, advertising campaign etc.).

Table: business performance indicators

The payback period for the business will be about 3 months, and the profitability will be about 40%-45%.

Video: recommendations for organizing an apartment renovation business

Apartment renovation business - promising direction activity that can generate sufficient income for its owner, but does not require large initial investments. This type of business should be undertaken by those who are well versed in the field of repair and construction work. Then you will be able to competently organize the work process, monitor the activities of employees and ensure a high level of quality. In the future, you can develop the business and transform the individual entrepreneur into a diversified company. Recent history knows many examples of how entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch managed to become owners of large holdings.