Information exchange through correspondence, types of letters. Business correspondence - basics, types, features, rules for conducting business correspondence. Basic rules for correspondence by e-mail

Business correspondence is a term that defines the exchange of information related to doing business. It is a tool that allows you to improve interaction between a client and a company or between business partners. Assumes constant. Otherwise, connections that have been successfully established may be broken. The result is that the client or business partner will stop communicating. Therefore, business correspondence must be competent, structured in such a way that it contributes to the creation of a favorable impression of the company and its management.

Types of business letters

Business letters can vary in content. It is customary to distinguish the following types of business letters:

Basic requirements for business correspondence

To the basic requirements business correspondence applies:

  • Clarity of presentation;
  • Briefness of the facts presented;
  • Completeness;
  • Courtesy;
  • Literacy.

The clarity of the letter is based on suitable words that are understandable to the addressee. You should not overload the text with complex sentences that can confuse. A short, concise letter will allow the respondent to grasp the meaning of the message. You should be mindful of the completeness of the information included, without sacrificing this requirement for brevity. It's about about completeness, without including unnecessary details.

Of course, courtesy is one of the important requirements. A company, a businessman concerned about his reputation, will never allow discourteous business correspondence. At the same time, it is important not to “sweeten” the letter with appropriate phrases. It is necessary to know the extent of courtesy. Literacy is also important. An illiterate letter and the presence of errors negatively affect the overall impression. Accordingly, the message must be correctly written.

Business correspondence rules

Competent business correspondence is based on certain rules. So, the colloquial option in this case would be inappropriate. It is not permissible to make mistakes or typos. This will be a reason to think about the lack of education, which will negatively affect the image of the company and the impression of communication with its management.

The basic rules for conducting business correspondence also include:

  • The absence of words whose definition is unknown to the sender. If necessary, you should check your knowledge with a dictionary. In addition, you should not use terms that the recipient may not understand. If you still need to include such terms in the text, they need to be explained;
  • Text composed of short sentences. Too long sentences with many turns are not suitable for composing business letters;
  • Preliminary preparation of a letter in a text program. It is recommended to use Microsoft Word, which will help you see gross errors;
  • Using computers and laptops to send emails. Tablets and phones can automatically correct the text and, as a result, change its content;
  • Thorough check, analysis of the logical structure of the text, which will allow you to compose the maximum literate business letter.

Business correspondence style

– this is a kind of art. Communication in a friendly manner will not work in this case, nor will a too harsh style. For proper messaging, the following is appropriate:

  • The rigor of the constructions included in the text;
  • Greeting indicating the name and patronymic of the addressee;
  • A response sent no later than 2 days from the date of receipt of the letter;
  • Lack of intrusiveness, constant questions about the same thing;
  • Using the mirror rule - addressing the recipient in the same style in which he prefers to communicate;
  • Congratulations on official holidays;
  • Expressing gratitude for congratulations and invitations.

It is important to follow the rules of business correspondence and conduct it in a style worthy of business communication. Each letter is a unique business card. The success of a business depends on the quality of letter formatting. Correspondence should promote trust, effectiveness of negotiations, and solving important problems. And only in this case can we guarantee that communication with a client or business partner will give the expected results.

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Business correspondence takes significant place in the documentary array of institutions. Being a link with external organizations, it is one of the necessary elements of conducting any entrepreneurial activity. Correspondence takes up about 80% of incoming and outgoing documentation.

Types of business correspondence and their names (letter, telegram, telex, fax, telephone message) are determined by the methods of transmitting business information, which are divided into two main types: postal service and electronic communications.

Correspondence is distinguished by a wide variety of types: from letters and telegrams of a normative nature government agencies before citizens' appeals and standard applications. The content of correspondence may be requests, notifications, agreements, claims, agreements, reminders, demands, clarifications, confirmations, requests, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

When conducting correspondence, the following requirements must be observed:

  • - letters are drawn up on special forms - letterheads and signed by the head of the organization or his deputies within the framework of the competence granted to him;
  • - letters must be written correctly, accurately, without gross blots or corrections;
  • - regardless of the content, the letter must be presented in a calm, consistent, official business language, have sufficient argumentation, accuracy, completeness and clarity of characteristics, brevity and consistency of presentation;
  • - contain objective information about the events and facts presented, and, if necessary, have explanatory and supplementary materials.

Information exchange through correspondence should be used only in cases where another way of exchanging opinions is difficult or impossible (telephone conversations, personal meetings, etc.).

A business letter as an information and reference document, when properly formatted, acquires legal force from the moment the details are filled out and the document is signed by an official.

The details of a business letter include: State emblem Russian Federation; coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation; organization emblem or trademark (service mark); name of company; reference information about the organization; document date; registration number document; reference to the registration number and date of the document; destination; title to the text; document text; mark about the presence of the application; signature; seal impression; mark about the performer; a note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file.

Letters are drawn up in two copies - the first is prepared on a form (blank sheet of paper) and sent to the addressee, and the second is sent to the file.

Business correspondence is represented by letters for various purposes. Due to its diversity, this type of document is the freest and least standardized within the following uniform requirements, that is, letters must contain clarity, simplicity of presentation, completeness of information, respectful tone of presentation (requirements business etiquette), literacy.

Official business correspondence is divided by topic into business (business letter) and commercial (commercial letter). Correspondence with the help of which economic, legal, commercial and other forms of activity are formalized is called business correspondence. Letters drawn up during the conclusion and execution of commercial transactions, on sales and supply issues, which have legal force, relate to commercial correspondence (for example, a letter of request, a letter of reminder (offer), a letter of claim and responses to them). Based on their functionality, letters can be divided into those that require and those that do not require a response.

In conditions modern world business contact often begins with business correspondence - a written form of business interaction, which includes any type of correspondence (letter, message, etc.) sent by any official on his behalf and by virtue of his position.

An important aspect is compliance with certain etiquette standards. Otherwise, established connections may be broken, and the client or business partner will be lost. Well-designed business correspondence contributes to the most favorable impression of you or the company.

Mastering the magic of letters is important for every person. For example, when looking for a new job: compiling and sending a resume, test tasks, cover letters, additional information about yourself, agreeing on a meeting time.

Interestingly, the rules of business correspondence that exist today were developed about 150 years ago in England.

Types of business letters

To decide how to compose a letter, you need to know the differences between its types. This will help you decide on the topic of the message and its correct design. This will help you avoid looking stupid in the eyes of an important opponent.

According to the design structure there are:

  • Letters of communication

This includes letters of refusal, claims, excuses, and confessions. Everything that an employee uses in the course of his professional activities.

  • Letters of agreement

An important type of writing. Thanks to her, the results of the meeting are summed up, agreements are formed, the time for completing tasks is determined, and both parties are convinced of the correct understanding of the contract.

Business Letter Rules

The way bloggers allow themselves to express themselves is not your choice. There is no excuse for mistakes and typos. You cannot console yourself with the difficulties of learning a language from childhood. You need to be as demanding of yourself as possible. Otherwise, it paints an unfavorable picture of your personality and education.

The peculiarity of business correspondence is that errors in the spelling of words professional sphere are considered an indicator of a person’s incompetence in the chosen field.

Basic Rules:

  1. Avoid using words whose exact definition you do not know. As a last resort, check their meanings in dictionaries.
  2. Avoid using specific terminology. Some words may be unfamiliar to the interlocutor and may be misinterpreted by him. Business correspondence etiquette involves in such cases providing an explanation of terms and abbreviations.
  3. Write in short sentences. Length and floridness of constructions are appropriate when writing a novel, and not during business negotiations.
  4. First type the message not in the body of the letter, but in a document on your computer or online editor. A positive aspect is the automatic spelling and punctuation check of the text. This also prevents the letter from being accidentally sent to the recipient prematurely or lost due to the browser being closed or the Internet being lost. When working in Microsoft word, use autosaving of material at certain intervals.
  5. You should avoid typing a message on your phone or tablet. There is a risk of inappropriate autocorrection.
  6. Before sending, check for errors and the consistency of the text. It is recommended to recheck the typed text again after an hour, temporarily switching to other things and forgetting about writing it. This will help you look at the text from a different perspective, seeing all the inaccuracies.

Formatting a business letter

Necessary Special attention to details when preparing and maintaining correspondence. It also shows respect for your opponent and allows you to save time that could be spent on redoing the material.

The following aspects should not be neglected:

  • Correct filling of the subject line of the letter

If this is the first message, the title may be bright. However, if communication with the opponent already exists, the subject of the letter should be stated briefly and concisely. These are the basics of communication. They help you find the message after a while so that re-reading will be easy for both the sender and the recipient.

  • Citation

The message you send may contain questions that you must answer. It makes sense to answer them, quoting each one separately. When sending a letter with several forwardings, it is worth using numbering and breaking the text into paragraphs. This way it will be clear to the interlocutor what question you are answering.

Excessive quotation chains create a sense of chaos in communications. However, if there is a need to return to previously sent messages or remind the interlocutor of something, it is worth doing. In particular, when it comes to budget, service package, and time.

  • Take into account all information received

When composing a letter, you must briefly comment on all documents attached by you or your interlocutor. This way it will be immediately clear to the recipient what contents of the files await him.

  • Your own signature is an analogy to a business card

Business correspondence requires a signature. It can be made automatic, then it will be present in every letter sent. How to create an informative signature? Use the current first and last name this moment position, work contacts and company logo.

For example: “With respect, Ivan Ivanov, your project manager, phone number or any other messengers.” Or “Best regards, Ivan Ivanov...”.

The signature can also be catchy and creative, indicating a special connection with the company or cause. For example, employees of a book industry network can use the phrase “I’m currently reading...” when inserting the name of current new products. But it is better to coordinate such things with your superiors.

  • Mailing address

The rules of business correspondence require the display of a postal address. It would be better if he was purely a worker. The company name, position, first or last name may be displayed there, but not the year of birth or playful nicknames/words. It is better to think about the correct name of the address for many years if you plan to leave it even if you change activities or positions.

  • Font and spacing

In documentation, the font most often used is Times New Roman, size 12 for tables or 14 for text. 1.5-2 intervals. These are the unspoken basics.

Business communication style

Business correspondence involves a delicate balancing act. Friendly communication is inappropriate here, but emphatically harsh communication is not appropriate either.

Features of communication:

  • Severity of designs

Diminutive words and slang expressions will be inappropriate.

  • Using emoticons

Use emoticons carefully or avoid them. The first contact does not allow their presence in principle. In the future, brackets may be present, but only positive ones, in moderate quantities. Niceness and humor are unacceptable in this style of communication. This form is unacceptable if you are subordinate to your interlocutor.

  • Greetings by name and patronymic

The rules for conducting business correspondence imply respect for the interlocutor, attention and interest in his person. This increases your opponent's interest in you and increases the chance of his leniency. It is advisable to know in advance the name of the person you are addressing, as well as his preferences for address.

  • Reply within two days

It is correct to send a response to the message within a few business days. Otherwise it is considered disrespectful. If the letter was sent before the weekend or vacation, you don’t have to respond to it if it is not urgent. Otherwise, you need to warn your interlocutor about the temporary absence of your response or briefly unsubscribe about the contents of the letter.

  • Lack of intrusiveness

Constantly asking about something, asking for confirmation will show you in the wrong better light. If confirmation from the interlocutor is required, you can remind him of the need to respond in three days. If the matter is urgent, it is better to mention it initially in your first message.

  • Mirror rule

Business correspondence etiquette often allows you to address your opponent the way he does. This increases the possibility of mutual understanding and communication on the same level. Keep track of what terms, style of communication, and address your interlocutor uses.

  • Happy holidays

If communication occurs near or during official holidays, it is worth congratulating your interlocutor. These are the rules of business correspondence. It is also useful to know when your opponent's birthday is.

  • Gratitude

Elementary politeness would be words of gratitude in response to a congratulation, invitation, or explanation.

Taking into account all the above features, it will not be difficult to establish contact with your interlocutor and form a favorable opinion about yourself.

The importance of business writing rules

In fact, any letter sent is a business card, a reflection of our chosen business position. So that it looks decent, inspires respect and trust, and negotiations are accompanied by comfort and efficiency in solving problems, knowledge of the rules good manners and their constant observance is an unshakable guarantee of success.

With regard to any correspondence, on the Internet or in letters, the same strict standards apply as when communicating by phone or personal negotiations. The principles on which the interaction is built:

  • mutual respect between opponents for the personality and business position of the other person;
  • attention to the business interests of the opponent;
  • maintaining confidentiality;
  • punctuality in solving important tasks.

Business correspondence is necessary because:

  • when sending a letter there is no answer, even if it was implied;
  • letters get lost in the stream unnecessary information and employees constantly call each other asking to check their email;
  • after reading the email it is completely unclear what is needed from you;
  • Due to the abundance of details and chaos of information in messages, thoughts are confused, and a complex issue is never resolved.

You can save a lot of free time if you implement general rules conducting business correspondence. This will help avoid the above problems.

Business correspondence, like oral speech, refers to verbal forms of business communication. However, written communication has a number of unconditional advantages over oral speech. In particular, the compiler has the opportunity to think, organize his thoughts and, if necessary, adjust the message. Therefore, written messages are often more carefully worded than oral ones. In addition, the recipient of the message has the opportunity to review it at any time.

To effectively conduct business correspondence, you need to know and be able to use standards of official correspondence , rules for creating, designing and organizing work with letters. It should be remembered that a business letter, like any other document created by an organization, is an element of its image. In order for business communication to be effective, it is necessary to know all the components (including, of course, business correspondence), the knowledge of which ensures communicative competence. The material medium of business correspondence is a business letter.

Business letter - this is a document used to transmit information over a distance between two correspondents, who can be legal or individuals. The concept of “business letter” is used as a general name for documents of various contents, drawn up in accordance with GOST, sent by mail, fax or other means. In this case, a document is information on a tangible medium that has legal force. The specificity of a business letter and its difference from documents such as a contract or order is that it is less strictly regulated, but, as was said, has legal force. Therefore, letters are registered and stored in organizations as outgoing and incoming documentation.

Classification of business correspondence can be carried out according to various criteria: the purpose and content of documents, their importance and urgency, significance in solving certain problems, characteristics of the material medium and method of recording, etc. For the classification of business correspondence, it is essential to assign documents to certain management documentation systems and categories of messages transmitted over communication networks. The list of reasons on which business correspondence can be systematized is very extensive. Here is a classification of business correspondence according to its main reasons.

By species business correspondence can be divided into official and personal, as well as external and internal.

  • 1. Official business correspondence:
    • external correspondence – the addressee is an external counterparty. For example, information letter, complaint, commercial request, etc.;
    • internal correspondence – the addressee is an employee of your organization. For example, an order, instruction, statement, memo, etc.
  • 2. Personal business correspondence:
    • external correspondence – the addressee is an external counterparty (gratitude, invitation, congratulations, condolences, etc.);
    • internal correspondence - the addressee is an employee of your organization (gratitude, invitation, letter of recommendation and so on.).

By methods of conducting business correspondence happens:

By departure form business letters can be:

  • envelopes, sent in an envelope by mail or courier;
  • electronic sent to in electronic format by email;
  • faxes sent by fax.

Based on addressee (recipient) business letters are:

  • circular letters addressed to several recipients at the same time;
  • regular letters, addressed to one specific recipient.
  • By compositional feature business letters are divided into:
  • single-aspect ones consider one issue;
  • multidimensional ones address several issues at the same time.

By structure The following business letters are distinguished:

  • regulated ones are compiled according to a certain established pattern. This applies not only to standard aspects of content, but also to paper format, composition of details, etc. These letters have a clear text structure;
  • unregulated ones contain the author's text and are compiled in free form, do not have a set template. These letters do not have a rigid text structure, and standard phrases are used less often.

By functional sign business letters are:

  • initiative letters - are compiled at the initiative of the addressee for a specific purpose. They are of two kinds:
    • – letters requiring a response (letter of request, letter of offer, letter of complaint, letter of request, letter of appeal);
    • – letters that do not require a response (reminder letter, warning letter, notification letter, covering letter, confirmation letter);
  • response letters - these are official letters that are drawn up as responses to letters of request or letters of request. The text of the response letter should use the same language and vocabulary that the author used in the initiative letter, provided that the request letter was written correctly in terms of language. If you have to write a refusal letter, then it is advisable to start with the rationale for the refusal: “In connection with...”. A negative answer must be justified; you cannot simply refuse a request without explanation. In case of a negative answer, it is also recommended to provide the addressee with information about who can give a positive answer to this request or request.

By thematic basis business letters are:

  • commercial letters are used in preparation for concluding a commercial transaction, as well as in fulfilling the terms of contracts. Correspondence regarding logistics and sales is considered to be commercial correspondence. The following business letters are classified as commercial:
    • an inquiry - an appeal from one party to the other about the desire to conclude a deal, as a rule, without specifying the conditions. The text of the letter contains the rationale for the need to provide information or materials and the actual statement of the request. Letters of request are usually signed by the head of the organization or an officially authorized official. The justification may include references to legislative and other regulations and organizational and legal documents. A letter of request requires a letter of response;
    • letter of offer ) – a statement of desire to conclude a transaction indicating the specific terms of the transaction. It is sent to a potential partner with an offer of goods, services, cooperation, etc. The proposal may be sent at the initiative of the author organization or in response to a letter of request. If a letter of offer is sent to the addressee for the first time, it contains not only the offer itself, but also information about the author organization;
    • complaint (letter of complaint) – claims against a party to a transaction that has violated its obligations under the contract, and a demand for compensation for losses. It contains a statement about the discovery of non-compliance of goods or services with the requirements stated in the contract. The purpose of the claim (reclamation) is to compensate for losses resulting from violation of the terms of the contract. Claims are sent to the guilty party by registered mail(or with acknowledgment of delivery) with copies of all documents confirming the validity of the claim and having full evidentiary force for both parties;
    • confirmation letter – This service letter, in which the addressee confirms previously reached agreements, intentions, receipt of information, documents, etc. A typical language formula for this type of letter is: “We confirm (receipt of documents, preliminary agreement, consent to...).” When confirming a preliminary agreement, the text of the letter must briefly outline its essence;
  • non-commercial letters (actually business letters) – are used in solving various organizational, legal issues, economic and financial relationships. According to their purposes, non-commercial letters are divided into the following:
  • thank you letter – contains an expression of gratitude for some reason. This type of letter is written in a freer form than other letters. As a rule, gratitude is issued on the official letterhead of the organization, but can be issued as a postcard. Text thank you letter written in a concise, friendly and formal style with reference to the event that prompted the sender to express his gratitude to the addressee. The letter of gratitude is certified by the personal signature of the sender and, in some cases, by the seal of the organization;
  • letter of guarantee – contains an obligation or confirmation of certain obligations. Payment for work, rent, quality and timing of work or delivery dates, etc. can be guaranteed. Letters of guarantee are intended to provide the addressee with written guarantees in order to confirm certain promises, intentions or actions of the author, one way or another affecting the interests of the addressee. Letters of guarantee are of a purely legal nature; they are distinguished by clarity, accuracy and unambiguous wording. The letter of guarantee must indicate the type of operation to be performed. Such letters may begin with a statement of the essence of the guarantees provided to the addressee. For example: “With this letter I guarantee...”. A feature of this type of letters is the presence, along with the signature of the author (for example, the director of an organization), official, who is directly responsible for financial or other matters;
  • information mail involves informing about some events or facts that are of interest or may be of interest to the addressee. Information letters, as a rule, are of a standard nature. They sometimes contain verbatim certain provisions of legislative and other normative regulations. legal documents. An information letter is a service letter that informs the addressee of official information. Usually, newsletters signed by the head of the organization, and in the case mass mailing(for example, to all clients of the company) may not contain a manual signature at all:
  • reminder letter contains a reminder of the fulfillment of agreements, obligations and measures that will be taken in case of failure to fulfill obligations. Used in cases where the correspondent organization does not carry out actions arising from its functional responsibilities or accepted agreements;
  • letter of request contains a request to perform or stop some action, or to encourage action, etc. The purpose of such a letter is to obtain information, services, goods, and initiate certain actions necessary for the author organization. The letter of request contains the rationale for the request and its statement, which must be preceded by the justification. A letter of request requires a letter of response;
  • letter of condolence contains sympathy for some reason. It aims to express empathy and support to the addressee regarding some other sad event or loss. When writing a condolence message, it is important to choose the right sincere words that can support the recipient in his grief. Condolences are issued in a discreet, correct style on official letterhead or a special postcard and certified by the personal signature of the sender;
  • invitation letter contains an invitation to some event. It differs from a notification letter in that it may not be drawn up on letterhead, have a different format, color, additional design elements in the form of ornaments, drawings, etc. When invited large quantity persons, stenciled, pre-made invitation texts are used. Invitation letters can be sent by fax, but on especially special occasions invitations should be sent by mail or courier. The invitation must contain information about the place and time of the event, as well as its name. The invitation must indicate acceptable dress code, as well as the number of persons to whom the invitation applies. As a rule, an invitation is personal in nature, but during public events it can be impersonal;
  • letter of congratulations contains congratulations on some occasion. Such letters, as a rule, are written in free form and can be either small in volume - one or two sentences, or quite detailed. In the latter case, the letter of congratulation sets out the main stages of the life, activities of the person to whom the congratulation is addressed, and his most important achievements. If the letter is addressed to an organization, it outlines its most important and significant achievements. Congratulations can be personal or mass. In the first case, the address to the addressee must be personal - by name and patronymic; in the second case, it can be general, for example: “Dear friends!” In both cases, the sender must personally sign the congratulations (a facsimile is used when sending mass congratulations).

Summary – this is a type of business letter aimed at presenting a specialist to the employer as completely and advantageously as possible. Since resume letters are very relevant for young people graduating from universities, we will dwell on this type of letter in more detail.

Resume letter. First of all, we note that there is not and cannot be a single resume for all occasions. Each time you should first think about what qualities will be valued at new job, and modify your resume accordingly. The information presented in the resume must be reliable and, if possible, complete, and the resume itself must be short (no more than one to one and a half pages). Such a letter is convenient for the first acquaintance with the person from whom it is sent. In addition, the ability to formulate clearly and concisely indicates a fairly high level of general culture of the sender.

When writing a resume, you should strictly follow a number of rules, the implementation of which will help create an attractive image of a specialist in the labor market and interest the employer. Their contents include the following.

  • 1. Introduce yourself. Indicate your last name, first name, date of birth and number of completed years, contact addresses (including email) and telephone numbers.
  • 2. Target. Indicate the exact name of the position you want to receive. Its wording must exactly match how it is stated. Some people write instead of a position: “I would like to receive interesting work, which would correspond to my education and work experience." This kind of formulation causes confusion among the employer and does not find support. Do not indicate several positions at once. This will reduce the chances, since the company requires a specialist for a certain position.
  • 3. Education. Indicate where, when and what educational institution graduated, and also (if you recently graduated from a university) what your grades were, if, of course, there is something to “boast” about. Availability scientific degree and rank will increase your chances. It is also important to list the awards of various competitions, olympiads, conferences, including school ones, etc. You must write in detail, indicate the faculty, specialization, topic of the diploma, indicate the numbers of diplomas, certificates and certificates that are available.
  • 4. experience – This is the most important and most complete section of the resume. Only “bare” facts should be presented in detail, avoiding flattering self-assessments such as “extensive work experience”, “ability to work in a team”, etc. The resume is drawn up so that the manager himself draws the necessary conclusions. For each type of work, it is necessary to briefly and accurately indicate: the period of time accurate to the nearest month (approximately possible); place of work; name of the project (type of work, features); brief description project for 1–2 lines; role in the work performed. It is advisable to make the list as long as possible; the more experience, the greater the chances of getting a job. Works (projects) and employers must be listed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the last work should be recorded first, the penultimate work second, etc.
  • 5. Additional information. If the specifics of future work require this, then you should definitely indicate: ownership foreign language; ability to work with a computer; knowledge of office equipment; driver's license; availability of a car, etc.
  • 6. Personal details. The facts of your industrial biography should be presented in as much detail as possible and as little as possible about your personal history. This will show that the life of a specialist is more focused on work than on leisure.
  • 7. Adapt your resume to the employer's requirements. It is important that a specialist’s resume takes into account future work and position. So, if, for example, an applicant applies for a specialist position but documentation software, you should not focus on the fact that the applicant is a high-class programmer, even if he is.
  • 8. Attitude towards business trips. If the employing company is international or the work generally involves business travel, it is recommended to indicate the relationship with business trips and relocations to other cities. This will allow you to immediately dot all the i's.
  • 9. Availability of recommendations. At the end of the resume, indicate the full name, position and contacts of persons who can recommend the applicant as a competent specialist. It is advisable to ask in advance for people you can count on to write a letter of recommendation.
  • 10. Covering letter. Typically, your resume is sent as an attachment to an email. However, it should not be empty. You should definitely write several accompanying lines in which you must indicate the reasons for your interest in working in this particular company and the applicant’s opinion of the potential contribution to its development.
  • 11. Do I need to indicate the desired salary level? In each specific case it depends on the circumstances. But it should be borne in mind that any conversation about salary before the end of the interview usually puts the employer in a chest position. After all, he does not yet know the capabilities of this petitioner, has not assessed how much he is “worth” on his scale of values, and therefore cannot answer in advance whether he is ready to give the required salary.
  • 12. Availability of a photograph. It is welcome to have it on your resume.
  • See: Business correspondence: samples of business letters,

Business correspondence is not only the exchange of commercial and business information, it is also part of complex business etiquette, and its rules are even specially taught to clerks in courses.

One of the important components of a business letter is the creation and maintenance of a solid reputation of the company, the formation of a serious attitude towards you on the part of partners and clients. In addition to management issues, business writing is a corporate discipline, and from a technical point of view, it is a tool for improving interaction between different companies of the holding or divisions of the same form.

Types of business correspondence

Business correspondence involves several types of documents, each of which has its own rules for execution and presentation, and may differ in the form of presentation and methods of presenting content. Experts divide business writing into: 1. letters of gratitude; 2. commercial letters (cover letter, order, reminder, presentation, refusal, letter of guarantee, etc.); 3. requests and requirements; 4. apologies and refutations; 5. letters of congratulations; 6. letters of condolences.

Even modern email correspondence takes into account the characteristics of each type of letter, uses ready-made templates, writing style and rules of business written etiquette.

Business correspondence rules

From what and how your business letter is written, composed and packaged, partners and clients can get an idea of ​​the respectability and success of your business. Therefore, by following the rules of business correspondence, you build your reputation in business. So, about the rules: Letter form. Good company used in correspondence only letterheads with company details (corner or longitudinal placement) and elements of corporate identity. Form style involves the application of a logo and the use of corporate fonts, and the details must indicate the name of the organization and its abbreviation, legal and postal address, telephone numbers, Email and website. Page layout. The letter is written on a sheet with margins (20 mm on the left, 10 mm on the right, 20 mm on the top and bottom); if the document has second and subsequent sheets, they are numbered in the middle at the top of the page. Style. The letter is written only formal business style- With summary the essence of the issue, precise wording, standard phrases. Required condition: the letter covers only one issue or several interrelated ones. Otherwise, it is better to write several letters. Text structure. Typically, a business letter consists of three parts: 1. Address to the addressee (“Dear, ...!”). 2. Introduction (statement of the reasons and grounds for the letter). 3. Main part (offering solutions, requests, recommendations for solving the problem). 4. Conclusion (summary with summing up). Language. Phrases should be simple, concise, clear and unambiguous. Emotionality, jargon, colloquial words, dialectisms and unnecessary details are excluded (grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors too)!