CRM for medical centers: overview of the market and main functions. CRM for medical centers: overview of the market and main functions Buy a CRM system for a call center

CRM system (from the English Customer Relationship Management System - customer relationship management system) are called software to automate work with the company's clients. In particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service, as well as to obtain reports on customer performance.

The CRM system stores information about clients (counterparties) and the history of relationships with them. Of particular value to businesses can be recorded telephone conversations with customers associated with their credentials in the CRM system.

A CRM system is an indispensable attribute of a modern contact center. CRM contains key information for any company - data on customers and partners. The client base, integrated with the call center, forms the basis of the contact center.

Our company received experience in integrating a call center with several CRM systems: vTigerCRM, SugarCRM and AsterCRM. All of them are freely distributed, that is, they do not require the purchase of licenses or subsequent license fees. At the same time, they are in no way inferior, and in some respects they are superior to many paid CRM systems.

vTigerCRM - Open Source CRM, which has all the necessary functionality typical for paid CRM systems. This is not only the management of counterparties and their contact information, but also sales automation, as well as comprehensive reporting on the work of system users.

login/password: admin/admin (or select one of the user roles)

Being integrated with Asterisk, vTigerCRM is great for many call centers. Pop-up cards make it easier to identify subscribers who called the contact center. Making a call from the CRM system is very simple - just click on the link with the subscriber’s phone number.

vTigerCRM easily adapts to user requirements. CRM can be supplemented with new fields, forms, modules, which significantly expands the scope of its application. For example, the basic functionality of a CRM system can be supplemented with an auto-call module to simplify making numerous calls in telemarketing.

Our company is one of the developers of vTigerCRM, and we recommend this CRM system to most companies implementing a call center.

SugarCRM is also open source and integrates well into an Asterisk-based call center.

The CRM system has a wide range of tools necessary to manage information on many aspects of the business, in an intuitive and user-friendly web interface.

SugarCRM allows you to store information about all types of customer relationships. CRM provides management of corporate data about counterparties, contacts, preliminary contacts ( potential buyers), transactions, as well as events (calls, meetings, tasks).

SugarCRM also offers a chart panel that allows you to track the stages of sales and the effectiveness of transactions. The paid version of SugarCRM has many additional tools customer relationship management, including industry-specific solutions.

AsterCRM is an Open Source Call Center for Asterisk. This CRM system was specifically designed to work with Asterisk. And it works perfectly with any Asterisk IP PBX configuration.

The fact that AsterCRM is freely distributed and does not require the purchase of licenses allows you to create inexpensive call centers on the Asterisk platform. In such call centers, AsterCRM acts as a user interface for receiving/making calls and processing them.

In addition to the CRM system, there is a special module AsterBilling, which is a billing and tariffication system for telephone conversations in Asterisk.

AsterCRM login/password: demo/demo, usertype: agent
AsterBilling login/password: demo/demo, usertype: callshop adminn

AsterCRM uses modern software interfaces, thanks to which the call center functionality is accessible through a web browser. Call center features such as “Pop-up windows”, “Call by clicking a mouse button”, “Listen to call recording” and others are available through web browser pages.

AsterCRM provides main functions of the CRM system for a call center: managing customer information, history of calls and conversations with customers, conducting surveys, etc. However, we cannot say that this functionality is suitable for many companies due to its limitations and simplicity.

From our experience, AsterCRM is beneficial to use for tasks that require the call center operator to have minimal knowledge and skills in working in CRM systems. The AsterCRM interface is very simple and does not allow the operator to make mistakes. We recommend this system for monotonous tasks, such as telephone surveys, hotlines.

Our clients:

Oktyabrskaya Railway is a branch of Russian Railways OJSC and is one of the largest railways in the Russian Federation.

Our company organized hotline for passengers railway, as well as recording of telephone conversations and an interactive voice menu for subscribers who called the contact center.

CRM (CustomerRelationshipManagement) translates as customer relationship management and is a well-known system for automating business processes.

Today it is impossible to imagine without such software effective organization call center activities. CRM for a call center allows you to improve relationships with customers, which ultimately ensures positive dynamics in sales volumes and increased profits.

The modern market offers a variety of software products that allow you to solve the issue of interaction with the client. But any program is not enough. A system that successfully implements management principles and the specifics of call center business processes will be truly effective in practice.

Benefits of CRM in a call center

1) Loyal regular customers of the call center

CRM helps solve the priority task of the call center owner - increasing the client base and transferring each client to the ranks of regular ones.

2) Increase call center sales

CRM allows you to increase call center sales by increasing repeat sales, increasing the efficiency of attracting new customers and reducing the churn of existing customers.

3) Savings on advertising and marketing of the call center

4) Providing call center management information

CRM in the call center will provide analytical and statistical information in real time in almost any piece of information (percentage regular customers, their LTV, employee efficiency, shifts, failure statistics, etc.). Without an automation system, business processes are carried out chaotically, information is not recorded or is lost over time. And getting data on the current state of affairs of a call center is problematic.

5) Reducing costs for document flow in the call center

Automation of call center document flow reduces costs and errors with orders, invoices, and acts.

6) Tips for a sales manager in a call center

CRM for a call center tells the sales manager what next step to take in working with a client, and when is the best time to make this communication.

7) Sales planning in the call center

CRM helps to build call center sales plans, analyze the duration of transactions and find narrow places in the sales funnel. CRM provides information about the progress of the plan.

8) Forecasting financial indicators in the call center

Data from CRM allows you to predict financial indicators call center, which can be especially convenient when raising borrowed funds.

9) Improves motivation of call center staff

CRM helps to compare the performance of call center employees, their KPIs, and reward them for good work.

10) Reduce the number of errors in the call center

Automation of repeatable manual routine actions in a call center leads to a reduction in the number of errors due to the human factor.

11) Improving the quality of service in the call center

CRM allows you to get more feedback from call center clients. This information will help you find bottlenecks, improve the quality of services and reduce the number of dissatisfied customers.

12) Improving the efficiency of call center employees

CRM allows you to distribute as efficiently as possible work time call center employees, speed up the solution of routine repetitive tasks and reduce the number of errors.

Modern CRM for call centers

Custom CRM for call center

  • Line24- to build a budget call center with up to 100 operator positions;
  • Terrasoft- a single window contains key data and control elements, a set of ready-made management processes;
  • AgencySmarter- a full range of services in the field of telemarketing and processing of incoming requests through various communication channels, cloud solutions, installation of call center software from a service provider;
  • Infinity- program reports and call recording, mass calling and telemarketing, proactive control, integration with CRM and other IT systems, unified communication channels;
  • NauCRMCallCentre is a special solution for small companies, comes in a package of up to 5 operator licenses. The number of user licenses is any and is determined by the customer.

Universal CRM that can be implemented in a call center

  • amoCRM- cloud client management system
  • bpm'online- CRM system for marketing, sales and service
  • Salesforce- CRM systems provided exclusively through the SaaS model
  • SuiteCRM is a fork of SugarCRM, supplemented by a number of modules
  • Zoho CRM- SaaS CRM
  • vTiger CRM- Open source CRM in PHP
  • Apek CRM- CRM system
  • FreshOffice- online CRM system, document management, financial accounting, warehouse management, business processes, communication tools
  • Highrise- simple CRM for small businesses
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management software package developed by by Microsoft and focused on organizing sales, marketing and service provision (support services)
  • Pipedrive- sales management tool for small groups
  • SugarCRM- commercial open source CRM system
  • WireCRM- online CRM system for accounting clients and transactions
  • Yclients- service automation platform
  • Bitrix 24- CRM system for small businesses
  • Megaplan- corporate CRM system
  • RosBusinessSoft CRM- universal software product for customer relationship management, complex automation business, as well as successful development of corporate information system

Depending on the functional characteristics, the software will allow you to automate almost all work processes in the call center, as well as certain areas, for example, maintaining a client database.

Cloud, boxed or custom CRM for a call center?

Cloud CRM for call center

Pros of cloud CRM for call centers Cons of Cloud CRM for Call Center
(+) 24/7 support

(+) regular software improvements

(+) available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) no need to rent/purchase hosting/server

(-) data security may be at risk: all information is stored on someone else’s server and there is no way to control the circle of people who have access to it

(-) it is impossible to restrict access via the Internet

(-) the need to pay a subscription fee

(-) quality and speed of support can be disappointing

(-) customizing for specific business processes of a particular call center can be problematic

(-) impossible to influence the speed of improvement

(-) if the provider’s servers/data transmission channels become unavailable, the work of the call center will stop

Boxed CRM for call center

Development of an individual CRM for a custom call center

Advantages of a custom CRM for a custom call center Disadvantages of a custom CRM for a custom call center
(+) 100% takes into account all the specific business processes of a particular call center or network

(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) you can restrict access via the Internet

(+) can be made available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) you can quickly implement any necessary functionality

(+) can work without the Internet

(-) development cost

(-) choosing the wrong contractor can lead to problems

(-) you need to rent/purchase hosting/server

Errors and problems when implementing CRM in a call center

The most common mistakes that lead to problems when implementing and operating CRM in a call center are:

  • incorrect definition of the purpose of CRM implementation
  • illiterate definition and formulation of business processes
  • choosing the wrong CRM
  • inadequate assessment of implementation timeframes
  • incorrect estimate of the budget for implementation
  • non-compliance with the algorithm and implementation methodology
  • implementation “from above” without the necessary personnel training
  • inertia of management towards the implementation process

Result: software does not bring the desired result. Therefore, it is important to pay sufficient attention to staff training and their motivation to perform their duties efficiently. To solve this problem, training should be conducted that concerns not only functionality, but also proper motivation. It is necessary to explain to employees what benefits they will receive from workflow automation. But it may not be possible to do without personnel decisions.

When is CRM in a call center useless?

Before deciding to implement an automation system, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Automation is pointless if there is no stable flow of clients and no opportunity to form a permanent client base.
  • There is no need to use CRM if there is no motivation for business development.
  • Expensive automation is not advisable with minimal turnover, since the cost of software may not be recouped.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of CRM for a call center

To evaluate the effectiveness, it is worth deciding on the goals for which business process automation is carried out. If the goal is to increase the speed of customer service, then at the initial stage using CRM takes more time, but after that the time is significantly reduced.

Simple or multifunctional CRM in a call center?

It all depends on the level of business. The simpler the implementation, the de facto the poorer the functionality and the less effective the software will be.

What indicators should be in a CRM report for a call center?

The report must reflect the following indicators:

  • Degree of customer satisfaction on a 10-point scale
  • Description of common problems
  • Customer turnover shows the number and ratio of incoming/departing customers
  • Performance of advertising sources
  • Average bill

Only on the basis of this information can you formulate the right strategy aimed at increasing profits.

After agreeing on the time, the employee sends an SMS notification to the client, reminding him of the time of arrival, which reduces the risk of downtime and improves the company’s image in the eyes of target audience.

When communicating by phone, the call center employee clarifies where exactly the client found the call center phone number. With dynamic call tracking, this is done automatically. This information allows you to track the performance of advertising sources and more competently plan your marketing budget.

A marketer can make calls and conduct short surveys over the phone, which will help directly obtain customer opinions about the quality of service. Direct information from the target audience is the key to timely detection weak points in work processes and the formation of an effective strategy for further business.

Clarity and coherence in the work of call centers today is one of the most important keys to the success of any company. Sphere modern marketing I have long needed tools that would allow me to clearly systematize the work of operators and synchronize the use of information systems and telephony.

Maximum automation of communication with the client, taking into account his individual interests and preferences are the stumbling blocks of all call systems. The desire to minimize the human factor and increase the number of clients served per unit of time became the main drivers in the search for solutions to these problems - and a solution was finally found.

What is CRM?

CRM systems are software package, allowing you to achieve the most automated work with the client. This, in turn, allows for significant optimization of marketing, improved service and increased sales.

The use of CRM systems in a call center allows you to save data regarding contacts and the history of relationships with clients. This ensures the subsequent implementation of more effective interaction.


CRM systems have a number of undeniable advantages, solving the following call center tasks:

  • saving contacts and history of interaction with the client;
  • managing the work of operators in real time;
  • a developed call routing system that routes them in accordance with the level of operator qualifications;
  • unified database and telephony management system;
  • maximum automation of calling and sending messages to contacts available in the database.

Today, CRM systems are an integral attribute of any call center. Containing a fully integrated customer database at their core, they form its core.

In the CIS, Terrasoft CRM has gained the greatest popularity among CRM systems, occupying the first lines of independent ratings for several years in a row. On Russian market CRM systems Terrasoft CRM takes an honorable third place.

Selecting an IP PBX

The implementation of CRM systems in the work of a call center requires appropriate software and an IP PBX. The most popular representative of computer telephony today is IP PBX Asterisk, occupying eighty-five percent of the open PBX market.

This system leaves a favorable impression after familiarizing yourself with even its basic capabilities, which include:

  • maintaining video communication;
  • voice and speech recognition;
  • conversation encryption;
  • support of all IP telephony protocols;
  • availability of numerous graphical administration tools;
  • direct Skype support;
  • the presence of all basic PBX functions - a list of calls and contacts, music in standby mode, voice mail, voice menu, call queue and call routing by operator.

As a pleasant alternative for IP PBX Asterisk, we can mention the VotBox system, which is an example of the so-called cloud PBX. This system does not require the use of additional equipment or connection to a specific area. It has more features than office telephone exchanges, is easy to use and continues to function even after the Internet connection is interrupted. Perhaps this is a new round in the evolution of IP telephony.

A CRM system (from the English Customer Relationship Management System) is a software product for automating work with a company’s clients. In particular, to increase sales volume, optimize marketing and improve customer service, as well as to obtain reports on work with clients. A CRM system is an indispensable attribute of a modern call center. CRM contains key information for any company - data on customers and partners. The customer base integrated with the call center forms the basis of the call center.

Our CRM system provides a set of tools that allow you to systematize data about your customer base, the processes of attracting customers and developing relationships with them, improving the sales, marketing and service system, and increasing customer satisfaction.

The CRM system allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • Business process management
  • Contact management. History of interaction with clients
  • Sales planning and management
  • Marketing Campaign Management
  • Automation of document flow
  • Working time management
  • Performance tracking and analytics.

The CRM program is based on a platform that allows you to create a variety of solution configurations depending on the business objectives of a particular company. Setting up a CRM system can be done by the users themselves without the involvement of technical specialists.

The main technological advantages of our CRM system are the use advanced technologies, proven standards and protocols.

These and other factors ensure high reliability, performance and scalability of our system. CRM demonstrates high efficiency in local and global networks, and supports multiple deployment options depending on the organization's structure and needs.

Software functionality

Our call center software has a wide arsenal of functionality and is easily adapted to specific business tasks. In one solution you get:

  • Hotline and virtual office.
  • Reference and information service.
  • Telephone sales and telemarketing service.
  • Automatic notification system.
  • Autoinformer.
  • Program for calling clients.
  • Autoresponder.
  • Televoting system.

Contains a convenient graphical interface, working with which does not require special skills or learning programming languages. The system is managed by WEB and is accessible via the Internet.

It has broad capabilities for integration with external information systems, databases, and CRM systems necessary to improve the quality of customer service.


  • Built-in automated reference and information system (CRM). By calling the phone, the client enters the company’s information field and is provided with any information about goods, services, prices, partners, working conditions, and answers to the most frequently asked questions. The automated reference and information system of the call center program has no limitations in capabilities and can extract data from any sources and provide data based on them personal information to the client. For example, by entering the order number, the client will receive information about the status of its execution; by individual number you can get information about the balance Money On account.
  • Recording conversations. Call center software allows you to increase company security and quality of customer service. Decide conflict situations it will become easier. Young staff will be able to quickly learn how to conduct correct telephone conversations by listening to typical examples.
  • Customizable dialogue scripts. During the dialogue, the operator can be offered a script for dialogue with the client. The operator enters the client’s answers to standard questions into the dialogue card. Depending on the answer, the next hint is displayed. The result of the script can be, for example, sending commercial offer client or task an external accounting system to issue an invoice. Possibility to build statistics on frequently asked questions.
  • Outbound campaigns. The call center undertakes mass calling of clients: call center software allows for telephone sales, questionnaires, surveys, information, and updating databases. As a result, key employees are freed from routine work. Operators perform the task efficiently thanks to written conversation scripts and an automated program for calling clients. The results of the outgoing company are available in the form of a report and a recording of the conversation in real time. Managers have accurate information about the results of their work.
  • Inbound campaigns. The call center program automates the process of receiving calls. The operator is shown a card of the calling client, which contains information about his previous calls, contacts and other information. All data is stored in a single database. The call center operator provides the client with the requested information using a pre-written question and answer script. If necessary, transfers the call to a company employee, including mobile phone.
  • Reception of incoming calls, their automatic processing and distribution to operators and operator groups.
  • Intelligent routing based on service level data. The function will eliminate numerous switches between employees and company services. If a VIP client calls, the system will switch him to a personal manager or transfer the call to a mobile phone if the specialist is away or transfer the call to an operator of the appropriate skill level. For outgoing calls, the call center program selects optimal route making a call according to the specified rules. Call center software makes it possible to maintain lists of subscribers with whom negotiations are undesirable or unacceptable.
  • Consolidation of remote offices. The system will allow you to unite remote offices via IP communication. At the same time, transfer the client’s call to remote office will be possible by dialing flash and internal number remote employee or with one click.
  • Pop-up window when calling. The call center software carries out the withdrawal complete information on the client's computer screen at the time the call arrives. For example, an employee receives information about the client’s debt and the status of his order. The result of the negotiations is also
  • enters into the client's card. This allows you to constantly update customer data. The manager receives summarized results and statistics of requests to the company.
  • A waiting line keeps customers on the line while all employees are busy. While the client is in line, he is told the approximate waiting time, information about the company or ongoing promotions. The queue is built based on priorities. For example, VIP clients are served first. If necessary, the call center program switches the VIP client to a personal manager or transfers the call to a mobile phone if the specialist is away.
  • Call statistics. The call center software is configured to compile analytical reports and charts about received and made calls in various time periods, by employee, by type of call, as well as on the activity of the company as a whole. Powerful search mechanisms built into the software allow the manager to quickly find the desired conversation based on specified parameters.
  • Rules for making outgoing calls. Prohibitions on making long-distance/international calls, calls to certain numbers. The ability to maintain lists of subscribers with whom negotiations are undesirable or unacceptable.
  • Resource management. The call center program provides statistics on the actual workload of operators. A system of reports and analytical charts helps the manager make the work of operators more transparent.
  • Significant events. When critical events occur, such as: the maximum permissible load on external lines, the minimum permissible number of available operators, an unanswered call, the maximum permissible time for an operator to pick up the handset, the manager receives a notification. You can also view control events in statistics and reports.
  • Remote administration via any IP network (access via WEB).
  • Integration with external CRM and ERP systems.
  • Organization of intelligent voice menu (IVR.)
  • Organization of conferences.
  • Connecting (wedging) to a telephone conversation.
  • Receive historical and real-time reports by agent, agent group, and task.
  • Constructing graphs and statistical diagrams, diagnosing resource load.
  • Preparation of statistical reports.


  • Universal information system module (CRM).
  • Automatic notification and dialing module.
  • Fax and E-mail module.
  • Voice conferencing module.
  • Negotiation recording module.
  • Resource management module.
  • Report and statistics generator module.
  • Monitoring module.
  • Billing module.
  • Backup module.

Universal information system module (CRM)

The universal information system module is designed to automate the process of telephone customer surveys.

The module uses the following functional blocks:

  • Form designer for creating project pages and questionnaires.
  • Directory for storing tabular and list information.
  • Text blocks, for storage text information.
  • Statistics, for obtaining reports on work with questionnaires.

Using a web configurator as a single tool for managing both main and additional modules simplifies the administrator’s work and speeds up the project development process.

  • Setting up a questionnaire template.
  • Formation of questions and instructions for the operator.
  • Displaying the questionnaire to the operator.
  • Setting up the algorithm for filling out the questionnaire.
  • Uploading reports on working with the questionnaire.
  • Presentation of data for use in the form designer.
  • Storing text information for use in the form designer.
  • Providing access to change information by the customer.
  • View survey results.
  • Uploading survey results to a file.

Automatic notification module

The notification module is designed to automatically notify subscribers according to a specified list of telephones.


  • Informing about accounts receivable.
  • Notifying personnel (units of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) for emergency collection.
  • Emergency notification of enterprise personnel and the public in the event of emergency situations and so on.
  • Automated informing of the population about arrears in payment for services, outages of electricity, water supply, heat, etc.
  • Opinion polls population.


  • Playing a pre-prepared speech message.
  • Automatic notification for several at once telephone lines any number of subscribers.
  • Automatic detection of line status during dialing to the subscriber.
  • Determining the fact of connection with the subscriber, confirming receipt of the message by the subscriber, recording the subscriber's response.
  • User access restrictions.
  • Recording information messages.
  • Control listening to previously recorded messages.
  • Maintaining a subscriber database (adding, deleting, changing, sorting and searching for information).
  • Export and import of a list of subscribers into any ODBC compatible data format, in particular MS Excel and Access.
  • Maintaining lists for selective calling subscribers.
  • Possibility of selecting subscribers to call individually (selection from a list) or from pre-prepared groups.
  • Possibility of pre-setting the start and end time of calls to subscribers.
  • Ability to work with multiple subscriber databases.
  • Saving the protocol of work with the subscriber and creating a complete archive of the notification results.
  • Saving a protocol of working with the program.
  • Creation of formalized reports on the results of the notification.

Automatic dialing module

  • Making outgoing calls to phone numbers in automatic mode.
  • Centralized management of the dialing process in real time.
  • Registration of dialing results in the database.
  • Connecting the dialed number with the operator in semi-automatic mode.
  • Record a conversation.
  • Saving the work protocol.

The module is used in conjunction with the following modules:

  • Automatic notification module.
  • Intelligent auto-informant (IVR) module.
  • Fax module.
  • Voice conferencing module.

Intelligent auto-informant (IVR) module


  • Televoting.
  • Answering machine (Precise time service).
  • Informant on debt, on services.
  • Receiving and sending faxes with prior notification.
  • Use in conjunction with incoming and outgoing projects.

The intelligent voice response module (IVR) provides the following functionality:

  • Creation of interactive voice services and information and reference services.
  • Accepting a call and requesting data to process the call.
  • Making a request to an external database and based on the received data.
  • Automatically report requested information using a numeric unit reproduction mechanism.
  • Formation of an unlimited number of menu branches with an unlimited number of attachments.
  • Transfer the call to an operator along with a customer card.
  • Saving the protocol for working with IVR.

Fax module

  • Receive faxes and send emails.
  • Access to the received fax storage.
  • Bulk mailing faxes
  • Saving the work protocol.
  • Creation of formalized reports.

The module is designed for organizing conferences on a telephony server.

Conferences are managed using a web configurator or a softphone, depending on the type of conference.

  • Uniting several participants into a conference.
  • Providing access to fixed conferences.
  • Authorization of conference participants.
  • Automatic connection of participants (auto-dial).
  • Informing the participant about the connection.
  • Saving the work protocol.
  • Creation of formalized reports.

Call recording module

  • Recording telephone connections according to established rules.
  • Providing access to records.
  • Saving the work protocol.

Resource management module

  • Server configuration management.
  • Global system configuration management.
  • Manage personnel access to the system.
  • Installation, removal and configuration of system modules.

Consists of the following functional blocks:

  • Control network settings server.
  • User management module. Establishment, assignment of rights, connection to projects.
  • Trunk module (SIP/H323). Management of incoming and outgoing telephone lines.
  • Call routing module. Dial plan management.
  • SMS module. Sending and receiving SMS messages.
  • Email module. Sending and receiving Email messages.
  • Website module. Organization of receiving applications from the Web.
  • IM module (ICQ / Jabber, etc. instant messaging services). Sending and receiving IM messages.
  • Saving the work protocol.

Report and statistics generator module

  • Creation of formalized reports.
  • Providing statistics in text, tabular and graphical form.
  • Export to any ODBC compatible data format, in particular MS Excel and Access.

Monitoring module

  • Status of queues and operator statuses in real time.
  • Monitors most potential sources of failure.
  • Monitoring indicators related to the features of a specific product implementation.
  • Creation of custom probes (testers/situation analyzers).
  • Notifying responsible persons about the occurrence of a critical situation (the ability to write reactions to the occurrence of a given situation).
  • Graphic display of the dynamics of changes in system indicators.
  • Saving the work protocol.

Billing module

  • Accounting for consumed resources.
  • Settlements with service providers.
  • Settlements with Clients.
  • Provide services on a paid basis.

Backup module

  • Automatic creation of system backups based on the scheduler.
  • Restoring the system from a backup.
  • Saving the work protocol


CRM for a call center allows you to simplify and improve the work of telemarketing company employees, as well as keep track of work performance. The CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) provides high-quality customer calls and also greatly simplifies the process. Nowadays, automation is observed in many processes and in the most various directions. Only the sphere of customer relations is still poorly automated, and many companies still do not use CRM for call centers.

Disadvantages of not having a CRM system

The CRM system provides high-quality accounting of interactions with the client base. It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain accurate data based only on managers’ records. Most companies keep records in Excel. Such a system is disorganized and leads to the loss of valuable data. In such reports, it is possible to trace only actually concluded transactions. CRM for call centers allows you to solve this problem once and for all.

For efficient work company, it is necessary to take into account all calls made: on the cold market, both outgoing and incoming, as well as incoming calls, that is, “warm leads”. CRM system allows you to track all calls. In addition, you can see how effectively the manager works with promising clients.

The most the best option One way to solve all these problems and improve the company’s performance is to implement an appropriate CRM system for a call center.

The CRM system provides the following operational advantages:

  • Monitoring the quality and efficiency of sales managers
  • accurate report on all types of calls: working with leads, warm clients, incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Maintaining and recording a contact database

Before purchasing a CRM system for a call center, you need to understand whether the company really needs it. In many call centers, sales managers place greater emphasis on the number of calls. At the same time, the quality of the conversation decreases due to the fact that human factors are placed in the background.

What is CRM for a call center?

CRM is software that allows you to bring interaction with the client to automation. With its help, you can: record personal data about the client, mark important points and details in the conversation. These functions significantly increase the efficiency of cooperation with potential clients, which, as a result, increases sales volumes.

Benefits of using CRM

  • Ability to manage operator work in real time
  • Recording and storage of contact information and history of conversations with the buyer
  • Database Management
  • Automate communication with clients

IN this moment, the CRM systems market offers many solutions, depending on the needs of companies. Usage, free versions CRM systems are fraught with consequences. Typically they differ low quality and poor functionality, which can not only increase, but most likely decrease the company’s efficiency and the number of clients.

A CRM system simplifies both the work of a call center in general and the functionality of its individual departments. Working through software allows you to reduce the duration of a conversation, improve its quality, remove the manager’s subjectivity, and reduce the operator’s training period. The operator, with the help of the program, can quickly navigate the topic of the dialogue and quickly answer questions.