Attestation sheet. Approximate completion of the assessment sheet for a speech therapist teacher when determining incentive payments Sample assessment sheet based on the results of staff training

Pavlova Elena
Approximate completion of a speech therapist teacher's assessment sheet when determining incentive payments

Performance indicators and estimates labor of employees of educational organizations.

Individual assessment sheet of speech therapist teacher Pavlova E. N.

1. Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool educational institutions, implemented educational programs up to 5 points - periodically manufacturing and updating of gaming and educational equipment, visual and distributing equipment is carried out material:

The entire available range of manuals and games in the speech therapy room is created, purchased and updated only speech therapist teacher, there are no other additions.

Collaboration with the magazine "Games and Toys"

2. High-quality and timely implementation of the activities of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution, maintaining established documentation 4 points - high-quality and timely implementation of the activities of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution, maintaining established documentation:

Activities scheduled for annual plan, completed in full. The implementation of the annual plan activities was presented to the community teachers-speech therapists of the MAAM educational website. ru, where the high grade"Golden Post" All-Russian level.

3. High-quality organization and execution educational activities in progress 3 points - compliance;

4. Safe organization vital activity of pupils 3 points - in the absence of cases of traumatism of pupils

5. Level of parental satisfaction with the quality of educational services

3 points - 90-99%

6. Participation in innovative, experimental activities

Generalization of APO at the municipal level (Certificate, valid until January 2015)

Generalization of APO on the topic of self-education 03/10/14. at the preschool level.

Conducted at the All-Russian level in the nomination « Preschool education» (speech development) correspondence generalization of experience on the topic of self-education (certificate dated 02/21/14).

8 Presentation of your own software in open forms Public speaking (master class, conference, etc.)

6 points – regional level:

1). Conducted a master class on regional level on the topic of APO.

(certificate issued)

2). Participated in the regional practice-oriented seminar “Use of speech therapy fairy tales in correctional and developmental work” speech therapist teacher", prepared the author's logo tale (certificate issued).

3). Round table participant certificate "Innovations in the correctional pedagogical process" Bel IRO. Prepared a presentation.

9 Participation in the development and implementation of improvement projects professional activity 5 points: I participate in the development and implementation of projects to improve professional activities. I am the head of the Ministry of Defense speech therapists. Participated in organizing a regional competition “The best developments of correctional classes in speech therapy” (certificate of jury member). Developed and carried out for the first time MO teachers-speech therapists together with educational psychologists of the region. Participation on the site "Speech therapist at home" in the development of material for improving professional activities: « Modern approaches to provide correctional and speech therapy assistance to preschoolers with speech disorders" (certificate issued).

10 Availability of achievements in competitive selections (title of competition winner « Kindergarten of the year", competition for landscaping, competition "Teacher of the Year" and others

Note: Points are set for a period of one academic year.

6 points: participated in the regional competition "Speech therapy box"- certificate of laureate in the nomination "Pedagogical excellence" (taking into account notes, deadline January 23, 2015)

4 points: participated in the regional pedagogical marathon "From tradition to innovation"- laureate in the nomination "Master Class" (taking into account notes, until December 2014)

Participated in the all-Russian competition for teachers on the website "Art talent": - "My destiny - teacher» - laureate diploma.

11 The effectiveness of children’s participation in children’s competitions held with the support of federal, regional, municipal authorities education management Absentee: 4 points - international and all-Russian level

If there are a significant number of achievements, additional points are awarded (no more than 20 points)

District methodological association teachers-speech therapists and educational psychologists (dated March 12, 2014, protocol No. 3) a decision has been made to participate in correspondence All-Russian competitions conducted by educational portals: "Firebird", "Art talent", "Ogonyok" and others (affecting incentive payments, taking into account the areas of work of the speech therapist teacher, free participation and work with children with HIA:

All-Russian arts and crafts competition "Snowflake". Winners' diplomas 1 degrees: Korolev A., Rubanov V., Sheludchenko I. (snowflakes were used for speech therapy aerial gymnastics).

All-Russian competition "Paper Men"- 1st degree diploma Ermolov D. (use of attributes in articulatory gymnastics)

All-Russian competition “A smile will make everyone brighter”- 3rd degree diploma Guzenko D. ( competition work compiled on the basis of speech therapy articulation gymnastics)

All-Russian competition "Plasticine illustration"- 1st degree diploma S. Silchenko; 2nd degree diploma Kuleshova K.

II international competition "Talented Children" in the category of literary poetry competition « Winter's Tale» laureate diploma Zhukov S.; Diploma of the winner of the 3rd degree Vlasenko K.

II international competition "Talented Children" V nominations: drawing competition "In the Land of Santa Claus"- diplomas laureate: Sheludchenko I., Kudlaev M.

All-Russian competition "Trip around the world. Russia"- 2nd degree diploma Sheludchenko I.

All-Russian literary quiz for preschoolers "The fairy tale became reality"- 3 diplomas degrees: Bondarev M., Vlasenko K.

All-Russian quiz "Chest of Fairy Tales"- 1st degree diploma Korolev A.

TOTAL: 15 winner and laureate diplomas per six months.

12. Active participation in socially significant activities

Up to 5 points

I participate in charity shares: "Belogorye-Crimea", "White flower", "Red Cross". Member of the trade union, member of the United Russia party. She actively participated in the improvement of preschool territories, health camp "Gaidar", redecorating the speech therapy room, preparing the preschool educational institution for a new school. year.

13. Higher education 5 points

14 High performance correctional work with children with disabilities and disabled children. High effectiveness of correctional work with children with disabilities and disabled children

15 Advisory support for other preschool educational institutions that do not have specialists V staffing tables As part of the work with the MDOU assigned to the speech therapy center "Kindergarten No. 3" educational institutions district, conducted consultations (see counseling journal, took part in an on-site mobile group to provide psychological and speech therapy assistance to participants in the educational process.

Additionally: within the framework of the work of an advisory center for families raising preschool children at home, in accordance with the provisions specified in clause 2.2 “...consultations are held once a month”, 11 consultations were held during the first half of the year (according to the consultation log)

Incentive scorecards are used to ensure fairness in the distribution of compensation. We will tell you in the article what evaluation criteria to include in this document and how to fill it out.

From the article you will learn:

Where is it used?

The employer is personally responsible for the efficiency of his enterprise. He can independently decide how best to stimulate his employees. The most effective and preferred motivating incentives include material ones, which is confirmed by opinion polls and research.

Where a piece-rate wage system is used, the employee’s salary is directly “tied” to his efficiency and labor productivity. It is much more difficult to assess the productivity of an employee whose salary depends on a set fixed salary and the number of hours worked. To increase the motivation of those who work on a salary, an additional bonus is paid to the permanent part of their earnings. To calculate it fairly, some employers use a scorecard for incentive payments.

Variable payments are used in commercial companies and budgetary organizations to motivate employees. Their size depends on the labor efficiency and workload of each of them. The Labor Code does not establish what may constitute an incentive payment.

In practice, payments that determine the variable part of the salary include:

  • bonuses based on the performance of a department or enterprise;
  • bonuses for fulfilling and exceeding planned targets;
  • additional payments and bonuses for professionalism and experience;
  • rewards for winning a production competition, etc.

The distribution of bonuses among employees is made on the basis of the evaluation sheet for incentive payments. An evaluation sheet is a list of quantitative and qualitative indicators that allows you to evaluate an employee’s labor contribution with maximum objectivity. When filling it out, a point system is usually used.

What criteria are included inincentive payment scorecard

Employers have many tools that allow them to manipulate the variable portion of employees' earnings. This variable part depends on:

  • work experience in the profession or length of service at this enterprise;
  • achieved results;
  • use of modern methods and technologies in work;
  • intensity and quality of work;
  • degree of responsibility, punctuality and integrity;
  • number of complaints and complaints;
  • personal contribution to solving a common problem, etc.

For budgetary organizations, criteria that allow an objective assessment of an employee’s labor contribution during distribution promotions, are established in accordance with industry regulations. This applies, for example, to healthcare, education, and cultural institutions.

Score sheets for incentive payments in preschool educational institutions, schools or clinics are compiled on the basis of industry regulations. Criteria for evaluation established by local regulations. The amount of incentive payments tied to these criteria may vary and depend on how the institution is funded.

IN commercial structures Score sheets for incentive payments are drawn up taking into account the specifics of the company’s activities. The composition of the criteria that they include must be agreed upon with the trade union or other representative body of workers and fixed, for example, in the Regulations on bonuses.

Scorecards can also be used when selecting candidates or, for example, checking how well an employee meets requirements professional standard. About, , find out from the magazine article “ HR Director».

What structurescore sheet for incentive payments

The legislation does not offer a unified form of assessment sheet for incentive payments. The employer himself can develop this document and attach it as an annex to the Regulations on Bonuses.

The assessment sheet form includes 3 main parts:

Part 1 - personification. It contains information about the employee, his position and the department in which he works.

Part 2 - evaluation. It is drawn up in the form of a table and entered full information about evaluation criteria and indicators for each of them. If necessary, you can include a “Note” column in the table.

Part 3 – summary. It contains information about the total assessment received by the employee, and also states the date of compilation. In this part, it is necessary to provide space for the signature of the chairman of the evaluation commission and the signature of the employee certifying the fact of familiarization.

Sample score sheet

How to fill it outscore sheets for incentive payments

The assessment sheets are filled out by the commission for the distribution of incentive payments. The procedure for its formation, functions and powers must also be specified in the Regulations on bonuses. The commission is formed from department heads and employees. The commission may meet monthly, once a quarter, or periodically, depending on how regularly incentive payments are accrued. You can find out in detail how to properly reward employees and increase labor efficiency in our article.

Note! Collegial completion of evaluation sheets for incentive payments increases the objectivity of remuneration distribution and the level of confidence on the part of employees in decisions on the amount of additional payment.

Based on the results of filling out the assessment sheets, the amount of remuneration is calculated and reflected in the protocol. Based on the minutes of the commission meeting and evaluation sheets for incentive payments, the manager issues an order to pay bonuses to employees.

An evaluation sheet for incentive payments is a convenient form of certification for an employee who works part-time. The document helps determine his labor contribution. The objectivity of the assessment is ensured by the collegiality of decision-making.

Based Labor Code In addition to the basic salary, the employer has the right to pay its employees other payments that are compensatory and incentive in nature. Such payments are distributed among employees in accordance with their fulfillment of certain performance criteria. Information on the fulfillment of these criteria is entered into the evaluation sheet for incentive payments. In the article we will look at what a score sheet is and how incentive payments are calculated based on it.

What are the incentive payments?

One of the important ways to stimulate company employees is their bonuses. The appointment of such payments in a company is possible on one of the following grounds:

  • continuous work experience in one company, length of service;
  • labor productivity;
  • intensity labor activity, as well as achievements at work;
  • for the quality of the work performed.

Important! One of the most common methods that organizations use is to calculate the points received by individual employees. Next, the total amount of points is found and the cost of one is determined, for which the entire bonus fund divided by the total number of points received by all employees of the company.

How score sheets are reviewed

In order to determine the amount of bonus to employees budgetary organization a meeting of the commission to distribute the prize is held. The composition of such a commission includes employees of the organization, and the powers of the commission and its functions are fixed in local regulations. For example, in the provision on commission or provision on the distribution of incentive payments.

Important! The evaluation sheet contains individual card KPI ( key indicators efficiency). all specified indicators must correspond following requirements: be measurable and achievable.

That is, the employee must have a real opportunity to achieve the established indicator, and this indicator can also be measured. Only if the indicators are achievable will they have a motivational function. Each task that is assigned to an employee has an execution schedule attached to it, which is one of the criteria for achieving the established indicator.

For example, by September 1, an employee fulfills 100% of KPIs, and this in turn corresponds to 100% implementation of the plan and accrual of incentive payments in full. If the assigned task is completed after the specified date, then the indicator will be completed only by 75%, which means that the incentive payment will be assigned only in the amount of 75% of the established amount.

Incentive Payment Scorecard

Important! A special form for the assessment sheet is not established by law, but it must be developed by the company and approved by local regulations.

For example, as one of the annexes of the provision on incentive payments, a form of assessment sheet can be drawn up. For convenience, the assessment sheet is drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates:

  • serial number of the evaluation criterion;
  • the criterion itself;
  • maximum and minimum possible score;
  • field for self-assessment of the employee.

The evaluation sheet is signed by both the employee and the head of the organization. Of course, self-assessment of an employee’s performance criteria may differ from the assessment of his immediate supervisor. Therefore, the task of the commission will also be to determine a real and objective indicator and make an objective decision. In this regard, the assessment sheet consists of two columns, one of which is filled out by the employee himself, and the second by members of the commission.

How incentive payments are calculated based on a score sheet using the example of teachers

As noted above, simulating payments are additional payments assigned to employees as a reward for certain successes at work. IN government organizations This type of payment appeared relatively recently. Although it has been used by commercial companies for a long time and is expressed in the form of bonuses. Now the workers budgetary sphere(teachers, educators, professors, doctors) receive such payments in addition to their basic salary. For example, wage teachers is formed from the following payments:

  • base rate;
  • compensation payment;
  • incentive payment.

The base rate is set based on the employee’s qualifications and the number of hours worked. In accordance with working conditions, also paid compensation payment. Incentive payments can be paid for length of service, years of service, at the end of the year, etc. all criteria each educational institution installs separately. The Ministry of Labor also recommends that requirements and employment contract separately for each teacher.

Teachers are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • implementation of classroom/extracurricular activities;
  • student achievements;
  • displaying results according to tests, certifications and intermediate knowledge tests;
  • involving parents in class life;
  • encouraging children to participate in olympiads, competitions, conferences, etc.;
  • improving the school curriculum;
  • health and sports activities;
  • carrying out work with children of disadvantaged families;
  • additional work with gifted children;
  • employment of students in the educational infrastructure;
  • improving classroom performance;
  • attracting young teachers;
  • Improve your own qualifications at least once every 3 years.

When performed by a teacher established criterion a point is assigned according to it; if the criterion is not met, then additional marks are removed. The more criteria the teacher fulfills, the more points he will be awarded. Next, the assessment sheets are collected and payments are calculated based on them. The calculation is made as follows:

  • First, all points earned by teachers are summed up.
  • After this, the cost of one point is calculated. To do this, the entire budget for incentive payments is divided by the total number of points.
  • The payout for each teacher is then determined by multiplying the cost of one point by the number of points for each teacher.

The final decision is approved by the director and issues an order on incentive payments.

Filling out the employee performance assessment sheet must be carried out taking into account the requirements for a specific position. The employer can determine the requirements independently or take them from the professional standard.

From the article you will learn:

The employee’s evaluation sheet is filled out in accordance with the results of his professional activities based on selected criteria and contains expert assessment of his work.

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How to develop a score sheet to evaluate the performance of an HR manager

The assessment sheet for the activities of an HR manager must contain the basic requirements for this specialist:

  • how should a manager select personnel;
  • what methods and technologies to use;
  • what categories of employees to select;
  • when to fill vacancies;
  • in what quantity (norm) to select new employees monthly;

The evaluation sheet also indicates how many employees came to work and the manager’s comments. You will then evaluate how well the HR manager meets each of these requirements (see sample assessment sheet below).

In the sheet, the HR director can reflect his conclusions or recommendations based on the results estimates, for example: “The assessment was completed successfully, with the possibility of increasing the bonus part of the salary or position” or “Inconsistencies in individual competencies were identified, send to advanced training courses to improve the quality of work.”

Even in conditions of intense busyness, you should not simply send the recruiter orders from line managers - how many people need to be recruited and for what positions. If the hiring manager does not have an idea of ​​what employees are needed for, this will affect the quality of his work.

Depending on how the selection process is structured in your company, either explain the task to your subordinate yourself or make sure that the recruiter clarifies the details with internal customers - heads of departments who submit applications to search for employees.

It is impossible to judge the quality of selection only automatically based on the fact that all vacancies are filled and recently hired employees are in this moment are working. This does not mean that specialists of the required level have been hired.

In addition to the main question – do they have the necessary competencies – additional questions arise:

  1. Is the allocated budget exceeded?
  2. whether the selection policy and rules have been violated,
  3. Are the prohibitions observed, in particular on the selection of relatives?

All this must be checked and written down on the assessment sheet as separate points.

Sample evaluation sheet for a recruiting manager.

For more information about filling out the performance evaluation sheet for a recruiting manager, read .

How to assess the compliance of an employee’s qualifications with the requirements of the professional standard

If the company management decides evaluate the professionalism of employees according to professional standards, study the register of professional standards and determine which employees can be assessed. That is, determine for which employees of those working in the company have already issued professional standards.

Bring the employee’s job description in line with the list of his functions in the professional standard. Look at how the employee’s job functions are formulated in his job description. If the wording is close, nothing needs to be done. It turns out that at one time you correctly defined the functions of a specialist.

Currently, the assessment sheet and the Certification Regulations have been changed to take professional standards into account. Previously, during the assessment they measured whether the employee had the necessary knowledge and what responsibilities he had. Only these points were recorded on the evaluation sheet.

Now that professional standards have appeared, the lines “Education” and “Practical experience” have been included in the assessment sheet. Changes were also made to the Certification Regulations. To do this, it was necessary to clarify what professional standards are and approve evaluation rules.

Create an evaluation committee.

The commission, in fact, will consider the materials that you prepare for it and make a verdict - whether the specialist meets the standard or not. Include top managers, middle managers and expert employees on the commission.

But invite a scientist from a specialized university to the commission. It is especially necessary - a specialist from the university will look at the competencies of your employees impartially and soberly, which means the results estimates will be valid and objective.

There is no need to invite many experts. It is enough for one expert from the university to participate in the commission meeting. If you need to evaluate a lot of employees, say, more than 200, then just think about a safety net in case one of the experts cannot attend all the meetings.

What from the professional standard to include in the assessment sheet

First stage of assessment.

Check whether the employee has sufficient work experience? To answer this question, refer to the third section of the professional standard. It is the largest and consists of paragraphs. Find the paragraph that corresponds to the generalized and simple employee job functions that you selected earlier.

See what experience requirements are provided in the paragraph. Fortunately, they are not always tough. Sometimes, instead of a number indicating the minimum length of service, there is a dash. If the minimum experience is specified, you need to check whether it corresponds to the actual one. Open work book employee and calculate how many years he worked in the required profile. Make a copy of all work record pages and submit them to the commission.

If it turns out that the employee does not have enough experience, draw up a report. Record the discrepancy there and develop an action plan.

Does the employee’s education meet the requirements of the professional standard? Educational requirements are specified in the third section. Write them down for the commission so that it understands how to evaluate the employee. Now open the employee’s personal file and see what kind of education he has.

Also take a copy of your education document, see what university and what specialty you graduated from. Make a copy and submit it to the commission. She will check information about education with the requirements of the professional standard.

If it turns out that the education does not correspond, draw up a commission protocol. In it, record that the employee’s level of education does not meet the professional standard. Familiarize the employee with the document and sign it. Think about what to do in this case.

Second stage of assessment:

Do the skills, abilities and knowledge correspond to the professional standard? For each labor function The standard contains a table in which there are three sections: “ Labor actions", "Required skills" and " Required knowledge" Copy everything listed in these sections. This is what needs to be assessed.

You might be interested to know:

  • KPI – key indicators of employee performance

Employee (full name, position)

Head (full name, position)

Job responsibilities for the past period

Required result

Performance evaluation

Agreement with the list of responsibilities

Activities for the reporting period:

¨ achievements (ratio of responsibilities and achieved results);

¨ assessed qualities (30-33);

¨ areas of possible improvements;

¨ need for special training;

¨ need for mentoring;

¨ specialist expectations.

Final rating on a 5-point scale

Signatures of the parties

HR manager comments

The assessment can be formulated as follows:

Doesn't have the required professional knowledge and does not strive for them

Does not have sufficient professional knowledge

Has minimal professional knowledge

Has sufficient professional knowledge

Has good professional knowledge

Has extensive professional knowledge and can provide advice on a number of issues

7. Conversation with a subordinate, during which they discuss and evaluate general results activities in the period between certifications (it is better to divide difficult work into several parts and evaluate how a person coped with each of them), ways to improve it are considered, the need for additional education is determined and advanced training , plans for the future are discussed.

8. Based on the results of the conversation, the manager gives the subordinate an assessment (at the same time, he can use both his own criteria and official standards, take into account the results of previous certifications, participation in competitions, etc.) and accompanies it with written comments entered into the assessment sheet (individual plans and evaluation forms must be approved by senior management).

The most difficult thing to evaluate is the middle ones: you can overpraise or miss. Therefore, it should be remembered that you can evaluate not all activities, but specific work.

The interview should always end on an optimistic note.

9. Setting goals and objectives for the coming period and developing a professional development plan.

10. Giving an opinion and filling out an assessment sheet (on the basis of this sheet, the personnel service can monitor the activities of the manager himself, and the employee can appeal the received assessment).

In addition, the manager fills out a report that reflects:

¨ topics discussed ( professional quality and their changes over the period, areas of improvement, steps taken in this area, obstacles, necessary assistance from the organization and management, personal goals, etc.);

¨ the employee’s attitude towards the critical comments made;

¨ new information received about the employee, and a change in views towards him in connection with this;

¨ its prospects;

¨ general conclusions and specific, reasoned, realistic, emotionless comments on the assessment.

The manager must substantiate his opinion on each parameter in detail and support it with relevant examples. This is not difficult with constant monitoring of performers, recording the main points of their activities and results, for example, using diary entries.

At the same time, not all managers are ready to give a constructive, realistic assessment, especially if it is negative, and the subordinate has a difficult character.

11. Implementation of practical activities.

Based on the results of certification, it is customary for Western companies to conduct conversations with employees based on the following approaches:

1. "Tell and sell". The employee is informed of the results and specific recommendations on how to improve their work. This approach is appropriate when the employee respects the manager, wants to correct shortcomings, but has no idea how and what to do.

2. "Tell and listen." The employee is informed of the results of the assessment and given the opportunity to express his own opinion. This reduces resistance to change, improves attitude towards the manager, and increases the likelihood of changing the employee’s views.

3. "Solution to the problem". During the conversation, the employee is convinced of the need to pay more attention to his growth and development.

Managers are evaluated by immediate superiors, colleagues (the latter usually overestimate), committees (evaluate objectively). Self-esteem is usually overestimated.

Conditions for effectiveness assessment conversations The leader and subordinates are:

¨ good preparation;

¨ manager's ownership necessary material;

¨ comfortable, relaxing environment in private;

¨ encouraging the employee to be active (he must speak at least half the time) and self-esteem;

¨ keeping records (but this is a tool, not an end in itself), which should be accessible to those being certified;

¨ accuracy in formulating shortcomings (the purpose of the conversation is not to fix them, but to find ways to solve the problem);

¨ discussion of a personal development plan that specifies the employee’s tasks for the coming period in close connection with the goals of the organization, development-oriented.

Assessment centers

The study and assessment of employees (mainly managers or applicants for this position) can also be carried out in special centers.

Their main tasks:

¨ identification of promising employees for further advancement and assessment of managerial potential;

The potential of employees is considered in terms of their level vocational training, ability for certain types of activities, compliance with the requirements of the position, the spirit of the organization, adaptability, ability to learn, manage, etc.

¨ selection of future leaders;

¨ determination of the need for individual program training.

To do this, people are put through a system of specially designed exercises that model the main aspects management activities. The exercises are structured in such a way as to provide everyone with equal opportunities to demonstrate professional knowledge and skills, eliminate bias, and provide an objective, comprehensive description.

From an organizational point of view personnel assessment centers¾ special independent structures or one-time events organized within companies, carried out on a commercial basis HR services .

For their work, they attract managers, practitioners and psychologists who are able to identify the subtleties of behavior that outsiders may not notice.

The first assessment center was created in 1954 by the company ATT as part of its research program. Since 1958, the experience gained has been systematically used to assess personnel readiness for management activities. There are now more than 2,000 such centers in the United States. In Russia, a network of centers serving entrepreneurs began to take shape in the 1990s.

The essence of the centers’ work is that a pre-selected group of 10-12 people undergoes training in special program, which includes:

1. Individual exercises simulating the most typical activities for the activity being assessed business situations and allowing to evaluate professionalism, thinking and organizational abilities.

2. Interview to obtain information about personal goals, values, organizational and communication abilities, personal qualities.

3. Group exercises simulating collective activity. They provide information about typical ways of human behavior within its framework, the peculiarities of interaction between people in groups, and allow one to evaluate collectivism and organizational skills, and the ability to defend one’s point of view.

4. Organizational and management games simulate management situations that require the development of decisions on development strategies , are based on the problems of specific organizations.

5. Tests that are close to reality and designed so that many answer options can be offered, of which only one is correct.

In any exercise, each candidate is assessed separately by several experts , then they discuss personal impressions together and make an overall assessment.

Testing candidates in Western assessment centers looks something like this:

1. A game of distribution of limited material and financial resources with changing conditions.

2. A discussion about the promotion of an imaginary employee, in which everyone defends “their ward” (shows the ability to convince others).

3. Making decisions within a limited time on issues within the competence of the position that the person being certified is expected to occupy.

4. 30-minute interview with persons applying for work at the company.

5. Analysis of situations in groups (4 people) on various problems of personnel management: conflict resolution, promotion, encouragement.

6. Analyzing management information and acting as a consultant to the referring company.

7. Group analysis. Group members present information about their mutual expectations, then discuss differences and their reasons. It takes time and is conflicting.

8. Interview-consultation (discussion of the possible consequences of certain decisions). Requires high qualifications.

9. Study of “polar profiles” ¾ of a person’s ideas about himself in the present and future; about what others think about him. The subject must recognize his positive (without arrogance and complacency) and negative qualities (the latter cannot be allowed to dominate himself, because in this case information about himself is distorted or ignored) and make a list of them. All this will subsequently make it easier to fight the negative and improve in the positive.

The assessment results are presented in the form of a conclusion intended for administration . It is built in detail, with a detailed listing business qualities each person's character, leadership abilities, skills, qualifications, strengths and weaknesses, potential, readiness to accept the position sought, suitability for subsequent promotion, need for additional training.

Sometimes a closed assessment (secret report) may be given, which allows a more open expression of an opinion about the subject.

The conclusion might look like this:

1. General conclusion. Impression of the subject before evaluation; how it has proven itself in practice; final impression: abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

2. Detailed listing of strengths and weaknesses(personal and organizational) ¾ skills, qualifications, potential capabilities (leadership abilities, communication, behavior in a group, possible leadership style, etc.).

3. Offers. Ways to eliminate shortcomings and recommendations for using the employee in the future.

The advantages of assessment centers include:

¨ exclusion of influence on the assessment of administration and working conditions in the workplace;

¨ objectivity of procedures, the same approach to everyone, regardless of position;

¨ the opportunity to learn individual motives, strengths and weaknesses outside the usual work environment;

¨ making it easier to select people with high potential;

¨ providing the subject with the opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses, general potential, better express your interests, goals, expectations, understand the specifics managerial work, make more informed decisions about yourself;

concentration of attention personnel services on qualities important for occupying vacant positions;

¨ reducing the number of errors when making personnel decisions (the reliability of the centers’ recommendations, according to experts, is 85-90%).