High-speed home Internet via GPON. GPON on the global market. Features of home Internet from MGTS

It's hard to imagine life modern man without the Internet, and over the years, telecommunications consumers want better high-speed connections. The West was the first to think about how to offer the population truly high-quality Internet that can satisfy even the most demanding customers. While many in Russia still had a vague idea of ​​what the “World Wide Web” was, in England they were already talking about gigabit PON technology, or optical passive networks. IN Russian Federation started implementing GPON Rostelecom, who was the first to suggest connecting via this innovative technology three services at once - Internet, interactive television and telephone.

After talking with neighbors and acquaintances who appreciated the quality GPON technology from Rostelecom, many have no idea what they will have to deal with. Therefore, we will briefly explain what this technology is and what advantages it has. First of all, we note that this technology is passive, and in this case this means that there is no additional active equipment along the route of the optical Internet line from the service provider to the client.

It is impossible, of course, to say that there are no barriers at all, since direct laying of an expensive cable is very expensive, it’s just that in some places the signal is divided. For this, a special device is used - a splitter, or optical divider, which divides Rostelecom's optical fiber into several lines. The question remains unclear how such a long-awaited Internet will reach the end consumer, and what equipment is used for this.

Fiber optic equipment

To convert the signal into an understandable Ethernet interface, another unique device is used - ONT, or optical terminal. Devices of this type are presented in a wide range, and it can be either a standard device with two Ethernet ports and one PON port, or a full-fledged Rostelecom GPON router, which has a number of advantages in the form of:

  • four gigabit Ethernet ports;

Important! Ports zero and one are used exclusively for connecting high-speed Internet, and ports 3 and 4 are used for viewing IP television.

  • There are two connectors for IP telephony;
  • it is possible to connect interactive IPTV;
  • GPON signal distribution from Rostelecom is carried out via Wi-Fi (802.11n standard with a throughput of up to 300 megabits per second).

Users of the World Wide Web will no longer be surprised by a speed of 100 Mbit/second. Using GPON equipment Rostelecom's Internet capabilities will soon be limited to gigabytes of information received per second. Maintain such high speeds, and especially if we're talking about about long distances of information transmission, can only optical cable. Moreover, Rostelecom optics enter the apartment not through a copper cable, as is the case with the FTTH bandwidth, but by dividing the signal using a special optical splitter. After installing the modem, however, you will encounter the problem of setting it up. This is not difficult to do using our tips.

Setting up the modem

The equipment used by the telecommunications service provider is presented in a wide variety, but the first thing you will have to face in order to organize a high-quality fiber optic connection with Rostelecom is the choice of modem. Experts assure that one of the advantages of GPON technology is its versatility, and devices from any manufacturer of equipment in this series will work correctly in a fiber-optic system. Thus, the need to use rare, expensive equipment is eliminated, which can significantly reduce Internet costs. Anyone can set up a router for GPON from Rostelecom, following a certain sequence of actions.

As a rule, setting up equipment does not require special knowledge. At the same time, you don’t even have to configure the basic functions of the router, since the provider has already done this for you, but only if you bought the equipment at the Rostelecom office. If you bought the router yourself, you will have to search on the Internet detailed instructions about setting up the device, since the procedure differs depending on the manufacturer and model. You can check the modem settings in the web configuration, and for the RTK G PON ONT RFT620 ONT device, the most commonly used RTK, it looks like this:

  • in the address bar you need to enter the address;
  • In the window that opens, enter your data: username and password;
  • As for the network settings, you can only familiarize yourself with them, and you should not change the standard settings from the provider;
  • Next, we turn on the Wi-Fi module to the network;
  • change security settings;
  • set static or dynamic IP addresses.

Difficulties may arise if you use some router models with the ability Wi-Fi distribution, for which you will have to configure the configuration wireless network. For settings PPPoE connections you will be asked to enter the login and password provided when concluding the contract for the supply of services. Usually this does not take much time and everything happens without problems, but in some cases it is impossible to do without the intervention of the support service.

Technology advantages and possible speeds

That fiber optic internet provider Rostelecom has simply “outstanding” speed indicators, it’s not even necessary to say - it’s hard to believe, but 1 Gbit/second is far from the limit. As for other advantages of “optics”, then special attention deserves the following:

  • Installing fiber optic lines is much simpler, which installers have already appreciated - unlike old cables, the fiber optic in the apartment is no thicker than the refill of a ballpoint pen, and the cable is secured with self-adhesive clips that do not damage appearance premises and can be easily removed if necessary.

Remember! Despite the elasticity and strength, experts do not recommend bending at an angle of 90°, and this can be considered one of the disadvantages of the system. In the corners, a bend with a radius of 25-50 millimeters is allowed.

  • Fiber optic cable is different high degree electrical safety, there is a risk of being harmed by laser radiation, but this can be avoided by not looking into the optical socket connector.
  • A GPON modem from Rostelecom is also a good energy saver, since the device is powered by a 12-volt element, and light costs are about 30 rubles. per month.
  • Versatility, since now you can enjoy high-quality digital fiber-optic television, use the Internet and Rostelecom telephone, and at the same time the apartment will not be cluttered with numerous cables and sockets.

Unfortunately, there is no eternal equipment and impeccable technologies; no one is immune from problems with fiber optic lines. The first thing you should pay attention to if the signal is lost is the terminal connection. Try connecting the cable directly, and if there is no power, contact a specialist. You can find out about the reasons for the shutdown and how to solve any problem in technical service. To facilitate the resolution of many technical issues and to receive timely information support, Rostelecom specialists suggest creating a service provider on the website Personal Area. There you can find out the availability of funds in your account, change the tariff and pay for services.

GPON Internet tariffs

Prices are different for each region!

For many users, the issue of the cost of telecommunications services is far from idle, and in this regard, fiber optic tariffs from Rostelecom can be called “democratic”, given the range of services offered. The user, by the way, can choose the service himself: home Internet, television, landline or mobile phone, terminal rental, while you can order a separate service, or you can combine packages. The tariffs, in fact, depend on the range of offers, and, according to user reviews, they are affordable today. It is also worth remembering that prices for each region may differ, and on the official RTK website you can always find out about promotions and advantageous offers.

GPON from Rostelecom is of interest to many users. Let's get acquainted with this technology and all its features together.

For many years, Internet access was provided via ADSL. This technology is based on the use of copper cable. Specialized equipment for signal processing is also used.

What are the disadvantages of ADSL?

  • Low data transfer speed.
  • There may be problems with the signal; it is not always stable.
  • To connect to the network you need to buy a modem.
  • It is impossible to fully use services that require fast Internet.

Now Rostelecom's GPON technology is replacing ADSL. In large cities, the old standard is no longer used. Small settlements are still transitioning to new technology.

There was also a connection via ETTH. This standard compares favorably with ADSL, but was still imperfect. Therefore, specialists worked for a long time to create a new solution.

Features of the technology

How is GPON fundamentally different? This technology is based on the use of fiber optic cables. They significantly outperform copper ones and allow you to increase network stability and data transfer speed.

Let's list the advantages of the technology:

  1. There is no need to buy a Rostelecom GPON terminal and router. If desired, you can connect the cable directly to your computer.
  2. Thousands of clients can be connected to the network without losing signal quality.
  3. The Internet works stably.
  4. It will not depend on the current weather.
  5. Provides high speed. G – designation of gigabit Internet.
  6. Fiber optics can last for many years. The cable does not oxidize during operation.
  7. Based on this technology, new solutions with increased data transfer rates are being developed.
  8. Subscribers do not have problems with further use of the Internet.

GPON has already become the company's basic solution. The technology provides access speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. This is enough for online games, quickly downloading files and watching videos in high definition.

Rostelecom also offers connection to XPON in large cities. The data transfer speed using this technology has been increased to 200 Mbit/s. This is an excellent parameter; RT was one of the first to master the new standard.

How realistic is the stated speed?

Many customers are faced with a situation where the actual speed differs from the declared one. You can check it on the website http://www.speedtest.net/ru. Required:

  • Go to the portal.
  • Click on the “Start” button.
  • The system will take the measurement.
  • Once completed, options will be provided.

Usually, the actual speed of Rostelecom differs slightly from the declared one. It depends on the current load on the provider's network. IN evening hours the parameter may decrease slightly, but in reality this fact is not critical for users.

GPON equipment Rostelecom

There is no need to buy specialized equipment. You can directly connect the cable to your computer and use the Internet. This fact is one of the advantages of GPON.

In what cases is a router needed?

  1. Your laptop does not have RJ-45. Many manufacturers have stopped installing this port because they want to achieve a minimum thickness of the device.
  2. You want to use a wireless network.
  3. You need to connect several devices to the Internet at once.

A Rostelecom GPON router can be purchased not only from the provider, but also in any hardware store. There are many models on the market in different price categories. You will definitely find the right device.

You can view the equipment from the provider on the page https://rt.ru/homeinternet/device_inet. The cost of routers starts from 2100 rubles, it depends on the characteristics of the model.

GPON Rostelecom - tariffs

Attention! Tariffs depend on the specific region. The provider adjusts prices in cities to make its services affordable to customers. Therefore, you will have to check the data on the official website of the company.

Let's look at the current tariffs of the provider using the example of one of the regions:

  • 15 Mbit/s – 450 rub.
  • 50 Mbit/s – 550 rub.
  • 100 Mbit/s – 650 rub.
  • 200 Mbit/s – 750 rub.
  • Gaming – 200 Mbit/s + router + gaming options for 850 rubles.

Setting up GPON Rostelecom

If you purchased equipment from a provider when you connected, then a wizard will perform the setup of the Rostelecom GPON router. After laying the cable, he will install the modem, enter all the parameters and check the operation. You can start using the Internet immediately.

If the equipment was purchased later, you will have to configure it yourself. Necessary:

  1. Install the equipment.
  2. Connect the cable to the WAN and connect to power via the adapter.
  3. Insert the patch cord into the LAN port.
  4. Connect it to your computer.
  5. Go to your PC browser.
  6. Enter the address in the line. It may differ for devices from different manufacturers.
  7. The default login and password is admin.
  8. Go to the “Network” section in the menu.
  9. Select the “WAN” item.
  10. Specify the connection type PPPoE/Russia PPPoE.
  11. Enter your credentials.
  12. Save the settings.

Credentials are login and password. Where can you find them? Usually this information specified in the contract. If these parameters are not in the documents, then call the contact center.

Is it necessary to connect the router to the computer via a patch cord? Yes, you can’t do without it. But since many modern laptops do not have RJ-45, users experience connection problems.

What should I do?

  • You can purchase an adapter for the USB port. It can be found in hardware stores.
  • Borrow a laptop from a friend that is equipped with RJ-45.
  • Invite a technician and notify him that you do not have a device to perform the setup. He will take a laptop or adapter with him.

The second stage is creating a wireless network. Necessary:

  1. Go to the wireless mode section.
  2. Set the parameters, including the network name, turn on broadcasting and save the settings.
  3. Next, proceed to the protection section.
  4. In it, activate WPA2 Personal.
  5. Create a password for your network.
  6. Click the button to save.

It is mandatory to set a password. It is necessary to protect the network from third-party connections and data interception. The password should not be easy, otherwise it can be cracked using specialized programs. It's better to come up with a complex code and write it down in a notepad.

To avoid entering a password, you can use WPS. On your device, select a network connection via this standard. Find the WPS button on the router case and click on it. The modem transmits secret codes to automatically connect the device.

Gpon is one of the data transmission methods characterized by high speed. The process is carried out using fiber optic cable. Thanks to new technologies, less energy is spent on information transfer. The process speed is 1 GB per second. At the same time, it becomes possible to connect digital TV, the Internet, and IP telephony.

Moscow City Telephone Network or MGTS is a company engaged in the telecommunications sector. Provides services for clients living in Moscow and the region.

Making an offer for installation digital television MGTS provides:

  1. Internet access at a speed of 1GB per second, which is significantly higher than the movement of information over a metal cable.
  2. Broadcast TV programs on multiple monitors with HD resolution.
  3. IP telephony. Using this service, clients have the opportunity to make calls and organize conference calls. Incoming call forwarding service and automatic dialing of subscriber numbers. The landline telephone number is retained by the subscriber.
  4. Communication without interruptions or interference. The distribution unit is located in the apartment, which allows you to control its safety and the absence of external interference.

Disadvantage of using the service:

  1. Dependence on electricity. Turning off the lights leads to loss of network, TV and phone;
  2. ONT - the modem must be placed in the corridor, near the front door. This makes it somewhat difficult to carry out repair work;
  3. Fragile fiber optic cable.

Cable MGTS television not yet available in all areas of the Moscow region.

Tariffs for MGTS television

Today MTGS offers two main tariffs for connecting digital TV:

  1. Base. The monthly subscription fee is 145 rubles + 99 rubles for renting a television set-top box. The channels are chosen by the client: educational, broadcast, sports, etc. It is possible to order additional TV packages offered on the website.
  2. Nothing extra. The cost of the package per month is 300 rubles. The attachment is provided free of charge. The peculiarity of the tariff is the set of programs. The most popular and in-demand channels are collected here (40 federal channels, 28 in HD quality).

Many people choose the basic package for MGTS television. You can always switch to other tariff plans that will meet the requirements of the whole family.

Promotions and advantageous packages

MGTS always pleases its customers with interesting promotions and profitable offers.

On the eve of summer and holidays, the company offers new subscribers a favorable tariff with the network and TV. Speed ​​80 Mbt/sec. 79 digital channels, including 7 HD quality. Price subscription fee is 299 rubles. The price will not change.

For those who decided to use it for the first time MGTS services, the company offers the “Unique Forever” package, which includes 79 programs (7 channels in HD), Internet 90 Mbt/sec. Monthly payment 409 rubles. The set-top box is provided free of charge.

For those who are already with the Moscow Telecommunications Company and for those who are still thinking, we offer the “Accelerating the Internet” Tariff. Information transmission speed up to 150 Mbt/sec, 79 TV programs. The connection is made using a fiber optic cable. Every month a fee of 549 rubles is paid. + 99 rub. for a TV set-top box.

For new subscribers “Beneficial Package”. Internet 150 Mbt/sec, 79 channels, mobile connection and Samsung Galaxy J2 phone - ruble per month. The cost of the service provided is 800 rubles. for 30 days.

You can view other offers on the MGTS website

GPON technology can provide speeds of up to 1 Gb/s. Moreover, all family members can use the Internet at the same time without reducing the speed. Due to the fact that the fiber optic cable is routed directly into the house, access to the Internet will be constant and uninterrupted. After installing special equipment, the Internet becomes available on every device that supports a connection to the Wi-Fi network.

By connecting GPON to Nika-Telecom you will receive high-speed Internet and digital television. These services will operate uninterruptedly 24 hours a day. We provide high-quality service and strive to ensure that our clients are always satisfied with the quality of the services received. Connecting GPON will not take much time, but will significantly increase the ease of use of many resources.

Despite the fact that digital television and Internet signals are transmitted over one cable, you can use these services simultaneously. Our company's many years of experience will help make this work stable and uninterrupted. Everyone needs high-speed Internet now. For some this is due to the specifics of their work, for others it is due to study or other hobbies. And I just want to watch a movie on the Internet without any hitches or waits for it to load.

Digital TV via GPON

By connecting to GPON in our company, you have a large selection of digital television tariffs. The quality of data transmission allows you to view broadcasts in HD quality. You will be presented with a selection of TV channels, among which you will definitely find something to your taste. In addition to the main tariff plan It is possible to connect additional packages that will allow you to view the programs that interest you most.

By connecting to the basic package, you will receive about 200 channels, including many news, entertainment and thematic broadcasts. The monthly cost will be available to each user. If you are interested this proposal, then our specialists will easily install and configure everything necessary equipment, and all you have to do is enjoy watching your favorite movies and shows.

Interactive television via GPON

The entertainment service of the future is interactive television. Rewind, pause, continue viewing and 14 days of archive. More than 200 TV channels of various topics! For every taste! You will see films, TV series, cartoons and premieres of new episodes and seasons simultaneously with the whole world.

GPON technology

Technology development does not stand still. Every year more and more profitable offers for connecting high-quality television and high-speed Internet appear. Among all the proposals, you should pay attention to GPON - gigabit passive optical network. This network is connected via a fiber optic cable, which significantly increases the quality of data reception and Internet speed. This is due to the fact that optical fiber has a large bandwidth, the analogues of which you will not find with any other wired or wireless connection.

The main advantage of GPON is speed. Also among the advantages it is worth highlighting that such a cable does not have any electromagnetic radiation. This technology is constantly being improved and makes the transfer of information more and more convenient and high-speed.

Due to the fact that such a network has a high-speed connection, it becomes possible to install additional services. High quality reception of data will help install video surveillance in the apartment. Due to this, you can always see what is happening in your apartment, even if you are in the office or in another city. To do this, it will be enough to connect to the Internet on any device and receive images from CCTV cameras. For greater security, it is also possible to connect a wireless security alarm.

Japan, many European countries and the USA have already switched to a fiber-optic network. This also confirms the advantage of such a connection over others.