The presidential administration will not change horses at the crossing. International Conference on Internal Control

At the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov International Scientific and Practical Conference “Internal Control: Risk-Based Approach and Ensuring Efficiency” was held, organized by the Main Control Directorate of Moscow, the Federal Treasury, and the Russian University. G.V. Plekhanov and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This is the second conference within the walls of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, dedicated to issues of financial control and audit. Last year the participants discussed common problems organization and interaction of state and internal control bodies. The topic of this conference is more specific and concerns the improvement of internal financial control and audit, their integration into economic processes.

The conference participants were representatives of 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 9 federal bodies authorities, 5 foreign countries, key universities in economics and finance, as well as large companies. During the Plenary session, there was a live online broadcast to the cities where the University branches are located: Ulaanbaatar, Sevastopol, Pyatigorsk, Krasnodar and Saratov.

IN Plenary session Key experts and heads of external and internal control bodies and services took part: Honored Professor of the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the state corporation - Fund for Assistance to Reform of Housing and Communal Services Sergey Stepashin, Head of the Federal Treasury Roman Artyukhin, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Sergey Ryabukhin, Chief Auditor of the Bank of Russia Valery Goreglyad, deputy chief Control Department President of the Russian Federation Valentin Letunovsky, Chairman of the Moscow Chamber of Control and Accounts Victor Dvurechenskikh, Chairman of SME Bank Dmitry Golovanov, Rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov Victor Grishin, Head of the Control and Analytical Service of the President of JSC Russian Railways Mikhail Beskhmelnitsyn and Deputy Director Federal service on financial monitoring Galina Bobrysheva.

The meeting was moderated by the head of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow Evgeniy Danchikov. Opening the conference, he noted that modern financial control plays a very important role in the development of public and corporate governance. Today, without ensuring effective and reliable control and audit, the successful functioning of business entities and government bodies is impossible.

The rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. Plekhanov Victor Grishin.

Sergey Stepashin in his speech he emphasized that the topic of internal control is again relevant today due to a number of circumstances, primarily due to the difficult economic situation. According to him, foreign economic sanctions have never helped economic development, but they allowed, like an X-ray, to look at the state of the entire country.

The speaker also noted the need for effective interaction between control, supervisory and law enforcement agencies. He drew the participants' attention to the importance of using the potential of supervisory boards and boards of directors in largest corporation countries, since it is these bodies that closely monitor the expenditure of budget funds allocated to corporations.

On the importance of interaction between internal and external control, spoke about the experience of applying a risk-based approach and the effectiveness of the work of the Moscow Control and Accounts Chamber in relation to budgetary and property risks Victor Dvurechenskikh.

Roman Artyukhin reviewed important aspects activities of the Treasury, as part of the implementation of powers of control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere.

The main emphasis of the speaker was that, first of all, control bodies should work to prevent violations and provide assistance in difficult moments in organizing financial accounting and spending budget funds.

According to Roman Artyukhin, to improve the efficiency of financial control there must be a transition to continuous internal financial control. Today, the difference between the preliminary and subsequent actions of the verifying party is being erased, and it is the preliminary verification of business processes that is coming to the fore. After all, it is at the stage of planning their actions that companies and organizations encounter risks that controllers need to pay attention to.

Performance Valentin Letunovsky was devoted to the prospects for the development of control and supervisory authorities and their appearance in the future.

The speakers discussed topical issues of the need to apply risk-based planning and risk assessment systems, improve efficiency and apply internal control as key tool ensuring economic growth.

During the second day of the conference, open lectures were held with the participation of invited experts in the field of internal control Valentin Letunovsky And Stanislava Sheikin, who shared their wealth of experience with the audience and answered all questions from the audience.

Conference materials will be posted in official group Glavkontrol on FACEBOOK.

There have been many rumors and speculations on this topic, but most of them do not inspire any confidence. Nevertheless, let's try to figure it out.

It is highly likely that the head of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino will retain his position, who, among other things, relies on the strong support of the head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov, and also impresses Vladimir Putin with his ability to influence events without entering the public policy arena. Vaino is a politician at his best distant future, who does not pretend to take the lead, which suits the national leader quite well. Vaino's functionality can be compared to the role of Marshal Berthier, Napoleon's chief of staff. He is engaged in long-term strategizing and has not yet made any miscalculations in this area.

Sergei Kiriyenko, who brilliantly handled the “March 18” project, will most likely retain his position, ensuring a triumphant result in the presidential elections for his boss. Kiriyenko’s special achievement is considered to be that during the elections no serious violations. Sergei Vladilenovich’s obvious competitor in the competition for the supervision of domestic policy remains State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who, after leaving the Presidential Administration, retained the levers and tools of influence on the Russian regions, more than he could have hoped.

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Kiriyenko at a meeting with the winners and finalists of projects at the forum “Russia - the Land of Opportunities”

Obviously, the head of the legal department Larisa Brycheva, who is tipped to move to the Constitutional Court to replace Valentin Zorkin, will leave the administration. It is noted that she will owe this to a large extent to her good relations with the head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov and Anton Vaino. The hypothetical transition of Larisa Brycheva to the Constitutional Court is associated with a possible constitutional reform, the “smooth” and legitimate implementation of which requires a strong professional who enjoys the personal trust of the first person.

The expert community has already begun discussing possible replacements for Brycheva. Among the candidates for the position of head of the State Legal Administration of the AP are: the head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction Andrei Klishas, ​​the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov and the Rector of Tyumen State University Valery Falkov.

However, it cannot be ruled out that Brycheva will be replaced by one of her current deputies - Sergei Pchelintsev, who came to the AP from Investigation Department FSB, or Sergei Komissarov, comes from the Ministry of Defense. Personally, this option seems to me the most likely.

Dmitry Medvedev, as you know, intends to invite the head of the control department of the Presidential Administration, Konstantin Chuychenko, to the post of Deputy Prime Minister and head of the government apparatus. This gives a real chance to head the control department to Chuichenko’s deputy, FSB General Valentin Letunovsky, a tough and strong-willed functionary.

Global Look Press/Alexander Legky

Rumors are circulating on the networks about the dismissal of presidential aide Vladislav Surkov from the Presidential Administration and about his transfer to another job - which is not clear, there are too many options. The possibility of the current head of the AP's internal policy department, Andrei Yarin, becoming the presidential envoy to the Central Federal District is also being discussed.

In addition to Surkov and Yarin, Sergei Glazyev, whose economic concepts, as one might assume, did not suit the court, may leave the administration. In addition, Glazyev, apparently, was unable to compete in macroeconomic analysis with Andrei Belousov, a recognized luminary in this area, and was simply no longer needed by top management.

In my opinion, the potential for possible rotations in the presidential administration has been exhausted. As in the composition of the government, changes staffing if they do happen, they will not affect the key figures who, like the horses, are at the crossing, that is, in difficult times, do not change.


The largest events in the field of funeral business took place in Moscow

Results of the conference " Modern approaches to the management of the funeral business”, held on October 25-26 in Moscow.

Last week, the largest annual industry events took place in Moscow - the XVIII international scientific and practical conference “Modern approaches to funeral business management” and the 25th anniversary exhibition “Necropolis”. During the period from October 25 to 27, all the main participants in the Russian funeral services market gathered at VDNKh.

In connection with the anniversary of the Necropolis exhibition, the Union of Funeral Organizations and Crematoriums decided to hold the conference not in advance, but on the opening day of the exhibition. This allowed representatives of federal authorities to attend both events.

The main topic of the conference this year was the implementation of the instructions of Russian President V.V. Putin dated 07/09/2017, defining the vector of industry development and requirements for the timing of adoption and content of industry legislation.

Valentin Vasilievich Letunovsky, Deputy Head of the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, addressed the conference participants. It was the analytical materials and studies of the Control Department, conducted in the spring of 2017, that formed the basis for the President’s instructions. In his speech, Valentin Vasilievich noted the urgent need for interdepartmental unification and the adoption of new legislation that would promote further development industry and solves the main problems associated with the implementation public policy.

Yaroslav Evgenievich Nilov – Chairman of the Labor Committee, social policy and Veterans Affairs State Duma RF, informed the conference participants of its readiness to discuss and finalize the bill on the site working group on improving legislation on burial and funeral business, within the framework of the work of the Committee headed by him. He especially emphasized social significance and the importance of the funeral industry. The one-stop-shop system proposed by the President for the provision of services within the guaranteed list found high support in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

On behalf of the State Duma, Yaroslav Evgenievich presented the President of the Necropolis project to Sergei Yakushin thank you letter for his contribution to the development of the funeral industry and burial culture in Russia in connection with the 25th anniversary of the exhibition.

The conference participants looked forward with great interest to the speech of Margarita Aleksandrovna Pospelova, Deputy Director of the Department of Urban Environment of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. She informed the community representatives about the changes to the bill that it was decided to make after discussions: these are the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in matters of organizing funeral business, providing funeral services guaranteed list, requirements for determining the activities of specialized services and other provisions of the articles.

Let us recall that last year the Union of Funeral Organizations and Crematoriums carried out a lot of analytical work on collecting and processing proposals and additions to the text of the bill from the regions. These materials were presented at a meeting of the expert group on improving burial legislation at a meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Construction in May 2017. Traditionally, Margarita Alexandrovna’s speech was accompanied by a discussion with the conference participants.

Ermakova Yulia Mikhailovna – Deputy Head of the Control Department social sphere and trade of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, a member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on improving the law “On burial and funeral business,” informed about the position of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on changes in legislation.

Deputy Director of the Consolidated Department of Macroeconomic Forecasting of the Ministry of Economic Development, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Kuznetsova, in her speech, informed about interdepartmental interaction on the issue of discussion and approval of the bill.

Your own analytical presentation materials on problematic issues current legislation, the experience of solving similar issues in foreign practice was presented by speakers Alexey Suloev - vice-president of SPOK, chairman of the guild of funeral service organizations of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Pavel Ulanov - head of the office of the president of SPOK, member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on improving the law “On burial and funeral business”.

The conference was suspended for a period grand opening 25th exhibition NECROPOLIS. Many greetings and congratulations were addressed to the exhibition organizing committee from government officials, heads of international exhibition and professional associations. The president of the Union of Funeral Organizations and Crematoriums, Pavel Kodysh, made a solemn speech.

The second part of the conference was devoted to regional experience in organizing funeral business and providing funeral services. Representatives of both the funeral community and city administrations made presentations. Discussed problematic issues when exercising powers to organize funeral affairs by authorities local government. Separately, it was said about the new regional experience in implementing a new approach to the maintenance of city public cemeteries and the transportation of bodies of the deceased from the places of death to the morgues of the SME and PJSC. They shared their experience of interacting and building professional dialogue with regional NGOs. Traditionally relevant topics were related to training, promotion and development professional qualifications, the activities of independent assessment centers.

The speech of the representative “ High school Economics" by Olga Molyarenko. She spoke about the results of her research into mismanaged and abandoned cemeteries in Russia, the reasons for their occurrence and the prospects for the further existence of such objects. The scale of the identified problem is catastrophic, the reasons for what happened are related to numerous changes in legislation and land registration rules.

The first day of the conference was held on a very tight schedule, even taking into account the changes in the stated regulations, since the speakers’ speeches raised many questions from the audience, and heated debate ensued.

In the evening, after a busy day, the participants were able to relax at a gala dinner, which took place in a cozy restaurant located in the Cosmos Hotel.

On October 26, conference participants were able to calmly work at the exhibition and meet with practicing lawyers Tamara Georgievna Savina (SPOK) and Natalya Savchenko (Novosibirsk Crematorium), as well as communicate with the head of the Control Department of the Krasnoyarsk OFAS Russia, a member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on improving the law “On Burial” and funeral business" by Alexander Godovanyuk. Round table “Practice of interaction between ritual enterprises and Antimonopoly Service» aroused great interest among the participants.

In the evening, a thematic excursion to the Vagankovskoe cemetery took place, which was conducted by priest Sergei Matyushin, familiar to many participants in the Union’s events.

This year the conference attracted a record number of participants – more than 300 people. For the first time took part in the event a large number of representatives of local governments, who noted the exceptional importance of such meetings.

Project "Commonwealth of Professional Analysts", Moscow, 2012 1 ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES: GOALS, TASKS, PROSPECTS Letunovsky Valentin Vasilievich Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Analytics is developing so quickly that many do not know how and where to apply it Polulyakh Konstantin Dmitrievich Candidate of Technical Sciences , SNA

Analytics is used for the purposes of: - overcoming difficulties in practical activities; - generalization and analysis of information about the subject area; - assistance to science in identifying and solving current problems; - developing options management decisions(recommendations, action scenarios). In the 21st century, analytics has emerged as an independent type of activity, which requires specialized (analytical) technologies and professional staff(analysts). ANALYTICS Analytics is a type of intellectual activity aimed at obtaining generalizations (conclusions) and recommendations based on the application of analysis and synthesis procedures. Analysis is the identification of the properties of a whole (object) by mentally or actually dividing it into its component parts. Synthesis is the formation of a whole from its component parts. Analyst is a specialist who professionally carries out analytical activities. Analytical activities are activities based on analytics. Intelligence is a person’s ability to effectively absorb and apply knowledge. 2 Analytics Science Management Practice Subject area Knowledge Problems Difficulties Methods Information Solutions Problems Generalizations Intuition is a way of direct knowledge of the truth, based on imagination, feeling and previous experience. Since antiquity, two main methods of intellectual activity have been known - logic (Aristotle “First Analytics”, “Second Analytics”) and intuition (Plato “The Doctrine of Ideas”). However, the problem of obtaining an integral effect from their use remains. Logic Intuition Logic is a method of indirect knowledge of truth, based on consistent reasoning and evidence.

ANALYTICAL ACTIVITY Principles of organization: - functionality; - initiative; - manufacturability; - objectivity; - collegiality; - demand Quality criteria: - relevance; - value; - validity; - timeliness; - reliability; - citation Analytical activity (along with practical, scientific, etc.) has all the necessary attributes of an independent type of activity and has its own technologies 3 Functions: - monitoring and control; - generalization and assessment; - forecast and conclusion; - analysis and synthesis; - justification and choice; - explanation and presentation Main forms: - performing analytical studies; - preparation of materials (proposals and recommendations); - development and examination of documents; - discussions and debates; - assistance scientific research and R&D Types of organizational structures: - federal analytical center (AC); - interdepartmental (intercorporate) AC; - departmental (corporate) AC; - analytical unit (management, service, department, section, group). Support: - information; - scientific; - technological; - logistical; - financial; - personnel Reasons for implementation: - functional. responsibilities; - annual plan; - operational task; - order Directions: - assistance to practice; - promotion of science; - observation of the subject area; - support for the activities of decision makers. Uniqueness - in the focus on: - eliminating practice difficulties; - identification of current problems; - medium-term forecasting; - formation of goals and action scenarios to achieve them Stages of any activity: - awareness of the need; - formulation of the problem; - goal setting; - action planning; - implementation of actions; - analysis of results. Analytical activity Place Leading role Shchedrovitsky G.P. - methodologist, founder of MMK Anisimov O.S. – methodologist, founder of MMPK

NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL ACTIVITY Required (high) quality of solutions in all areas of activity Low quality decisions made in all areas of activity MAIN PRACTICAL PROBLEM Lack of scientific, organizational, personnel and technological foundations for increasing the efficiency of analytical activities AN ADEQUATE STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL ACTIVITIES IS NECESSARY low efficiency analytical activity CONTRADICTION Inconsistency Scientific problem The development of scientific and methodological foundations is required: - analytical activity; - analytical technologies; - functioning of the AC; - building an AC system. It requires the development of a concept, strategy, plans for the creation and operation of an analytical activity system, as well as the development of an appropriate regulatory framework. Organizational problem? ? ? Formation required educational standards and systems for training and retraining of analytical personnel Personnel problem 4 Technological problem – the development of a set of analytical technologies is required

ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY Technology is a sequence of operations (measures, techniques, actions) performed on source material to obtain the desired final product. Analytical technology (AT) is a technology for solving a typical analytical problem or a combination of them. Typical analytical tasks include: 1. In terms of practical activities: - assessment of the state and capabilities of subjects; - assessment of effectiveness (effectiveness); - identifying difficulties; - development of methods and recommendations for eliminating difficulties. 2. In terms of the subject area: - monitoring, control and assessment of the condition; - medium-term forecast of changes in condition; - identification (clarification) of patterns; - detection of anomalies. 3. In terms of science: - identifying current problems of practice and management; - accumulation and generalization of empirical material for scientific research; - adaptation of theory and research results to the needs of practice and management; - assessment of the effect of innovations. 4. In terms of management: - development of options for solving typical problems; - development of recommendations for solving non-standard problems; - formation of action scenarios for the medium term; - development of draft activity and development plans for the medium term. AT – modern remedy increasing the efficiency of intellectual work, in which IT technologies implement the operations of the first stages of AT: collection, storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information about the subject area 5 Stages of AT “Forecasting changes in the state of the subject area” 1. Collection of information about the subject area 2. Systematization of information 3 Formation of partial forecasts of changes in the state of the subject area 4. Formation of a generalized forecast 5. Preparation of analytical materials Statistics Expertise Modeling Heuristics

KEY CATEGORIES USED TO DEVELOP DECISIONS AT DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT LEVELS Condition Condition Situation Scenario Strategy option for solving a management problem, based on consideration of a set of options for changing the current situation and target states Parameter – t 0 C t>37 0 C - sick Urgent help Treatment regimen Change in lifestyle 6 set of possible options for changing the current situation during the time interval of transition of an object from the current to the target state set of events characterizing the state of the observed objects and the processes of their interaction set of parameter values ​​(quantities) characterizing the properties of the observed objects and processes of their interaction option ( overall plan) implementation of the mission (purpose) of the object, based on consideration of various scenarios and management tasks Basic Tactical Operational Strategic Object 37 0 C - sick Urgent care Treatment regimen Change in lifestyle 6 set of possible options for changing the current situation during the time interval of transition of an object from the current to the target state set of events characterizing the state of the observed objects and the processes of their interaction set of parameter values ​​(quantities) characterizing the properties of the observed objects and processes of their interaction option (general plan) for implementing the mission (purpose) of the object, based on consideration of various scenarios and management tasks Basic Tactical Operational Strategic Object ">

80 pages written by a professional screenwriter correspond to a one-part film, 80 pages written by a professional analyst correspond to one federal target program 7 “SCENARIO” - KEY CATEGORY OF ANALYTICS Stages of solving a problem Management level and its main category Basic Tactical Operational Strategic Setting Situation SCENARIO Strategy Formalization of the task NO (const) YES Definition goals NO (const) YES Development of a method to achieve a goal (SDC) NO (const) YES Implementation of SDC YES Scenario – a sequence of scenes describing the process of achieving the final goal (solving a problem). Scene – description of the situation and typical situations (predicted actions of participants when achieving a goal). Low quality of problem solution (degradation) High quality problem solving (development) Normal quality of problem solving (reproduction) Final goals Intermediate goals Current goals Current state Reserve goal Selected goal SDC Situation Scenario stage (scene) Figurative representation of the “scenario” category

Strategic level (RF) Operational level (spheres of life of the Russian Federation) Tactical level (space of the Russian Federation) DIAGRAM OF A MULTILEVEL MANAGEMENT PROCESS Collection and primary processing information System of situational centers management according to the situation System strategic centers management by strategy System of duty services management by situation Situation Environment Scenario Strategy A basic level of(objects, zones of the Russian Federation) Events Adoption of strategy. plan EventsSituation Scenario EventsSettings Situation Adoption of management option Implementation of management EventsSettings Decision making Implementation of decision (situation) Information, control, alarm and security means, complexes and systems of departments of institutions and organizations Media, Internet, information, special and operating systems institutions and organizations Information Systems departments and corporations (events, plans and statistics) Information systems of states and their associations, as well as TNCs (events, plans and statistics) Adoption of an action plan Implementation of an action plan Main subjects of management Environment and environment Implementation of the strategy. plan Sources of information about the state of systems and their interactions Russian Federation(country as an object of management) President of the Russian Federation Government of the Russian Federation The management process in any field of activity is organized on the basis of end-to-end functional information and analytical technologies that make it possible to implement all types (mechanisms) of developing management decisions in the management system. 8 Executive bodies all levels System of analytical centers scenario management

100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Co" title=" The estimated number of ACs for Russia is 500 units (40 large, 120 medium, 350 small) with a staff of more than 25 thousand analysts. In the future, it is possible to create Russia has more than 2 thousand ACs (>100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Co" class="link_thumb"> 9 !} The estimated number of ACs for Russia is 500 units. (40 large, 120 medium, 350 small) with a staff of more than 25 thousand analysts. In the future, it is possible to create in Russia more than 2 thousand ACs (>100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Society SettlementACN Capital + 2 Megapolis + 30 City -/+ 50 Village - - Security DangersACN Challenges + 5 Threats + 20 Risks -/+ 50 Events - - Development Management Economics LevelACN Federal + 20 Regional + 10 Territorial +/- 70 Local - - BusinessACN Transnational + 5 Large + 40 Medium -/+ 100 Small - - StagesACN Spirituality + 5 Science + 10 Culture + 10 Education + 10 Ecology World ScaleACN Space + 1 Earth + 3 Continent + 7 Region + 15 RanksACN Biosphere + 2 Biomes + 10 Biocenoses -/+ 50 Populations - - AC system is a set of interconnected ACs functioning together for common purposes. 9 Tasks of the AC system: - monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of subject areas; - forecast of changes in the state of subject areas for the medium term; - development of options (scenarios and plans) management activities for the medium term; - development of action scenarios to normalize abnormal (emergency) situations of regional and federal scale; - provision strategic development subject areas. The main overall goal of the AC system is the timely development of interrelated action scenarios for the medium term in the main areas of life and types of activity (subject areas). Structure of the AC system: AC of the President of the Russian Federation and seven functional subsystems of the AC: “Society”, “Management”, “Economy”, “Development”, “Security”, “Ecology” and “Peace”. AC of the President of the Russian Federation - - Development Management Economics LevelACN Federal + 20 Regional + 10 Territorial +/- 70 Local - - BusinessACN Transnational + 5 Large + 40 Medium -/+ 100 Small - - StagesACN Spirituality + 5 Science + 10 Culture + 10 Education + 10 Ecology World ScaleACN Space + 1 Earth + 3 Continent + 7 Region + 15 RanksACN Biosphere + 2 Biomes + 10 Biocenoses -/+ 50 Populations - - AC system is a set of interconnected ACs operating together for common purposes 9 Objectives of the AC system: - monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of subject areas; - forecasting changes in the state of subject areas for the medium term; - development of options (scenarios and plans) for management activities for the medium term; - development of scenarios for normalizing emergency (emergency) situations on a regional and federal scale; - ensuring strategic development of subject areas. The main overall goal of the AC system is the timely development of interrelated action scenarios for the medium term in the main areas of life and types of activity (subject areas). Structure of the AC system: AC of the President of the Russian Federation and seven functional subsystems of the AC: “Society”, “Management”, “Economy”, “Development”, “Security”, “Ecology” and “Peace”. AC of the President of the Russian Federation"> 100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Co" title=" The estimated number of ACs for Russia is 500 units (40 large, 120 medium, 350 small) with a staff of more than 25 thousand analysts. In the future, it is possible to create more than 2 thousand ACs in Russia (>100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Co"> title="The estimated number of ACs for Russia is 500 units. (40 large, 120 medium, 350 small) with a staff of more than 25 thousand analysts. In the future, it is possible to create more than 2 thousand ACs in Russia (>100 thousand analysts) SYSTEM OF ANALYTICAL CENTERS Co"> !}

AC is an operational level structure that forms action scenarios. It is fundamentally different from scientific (research institutes, research centers, think tanks, thought factories) and other structures that formulate strategies. Subject area Name of analytical structure Staff, pers. Objectives of activity (using the example of countering the drug threat) Security area AC security system of the Russian Federation Countering the drug threat of the Russian Federation Border area AC border security of the Russian Federation Elimination of a network of illegal cross-border drug flows Border territory AC PS FSB of Russia Elimination of a network of cross-border drug channels Border region Analytical department of the PU FSB of Russia Suppression of drug channels in the border region Border zone Analytical group of the district department of the PU FSB of Russia 3-5 Suppression of drug smuggling in the GG section (border zone) ANALYTICAL CENTER Analytical Center (AC) – organizational structure, designed to solve typical analytical problems in a given area and type of activity. 10 Depending on the scale and complexity of the areas and types of activities, ACs can be: - departmental, state, federal and corporate; - interdepartmental, intercorporate; - autonomous (commercial and non-commercial); - created on the basis private-public partnerships. Structure of the AC subsystem (using the example of border security) Typical structure of the AC Interdepartmental Coordination Council for topical issues subject area Management Administration Group of advisors and consultants Functional analytical units (departments, divisions) Information and analytical departments (groups) Supporting departments (groups)

11 Legal circulation narcotic drugs Illegal drug trafficking 2. Illegal distribution 1. Illegal production 3. Illegal consumption Development of new NS Serial receipt Production of forms Processing Storage Transportation Dispatch Purchase Import into the territory of Russia Export from the territory of Russia Cultivation of plants 1. Legal production 2. Legal distribution 3. Legal consumption Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally produced opium, which is needed to produce morphine and barbiturates. Still from the film “Morphine” The main typical tasks of the AC: - monitoring and assessment of the drug threat; - medium-term forecasting of the drug threat; - development of a scenario for countering the drug threat; - development of medium-term plans to counter the drug threat. Russian-Kazakh section of the state border Negative cross-border flow of opiates from Afghanistan Center of the network of illegal cross-border flows Scenario for eliminating the network of cross-border drug flows (using the example of the development of the southern borders of the Russian Federation) Initial state Stage 1. Development of the Russian-Kazakh section of the GG stage 2. Arrangement of the Caucasus section of the GG Monitoring of the drug threat (stages, content, communication) FUNCTIONING OF THE ANALYTICAL CENTER FOR THE RF SECURITY SYSTEM (using the example of countering the drug threat) Network of illegal cross-border drug flows

EXAMPLE OF STRUCTURE OF A BORDER SECURITY ANALYTICAL CENTER Current threats: international terrorism, illegal migration, theft of raw materials and natural resources, smuggling of drugs, weapons and goods, territorial and economic claims 12 Office of the AC Border Security of the Russian Federation Functional analytical units (departments, divisions) Monitoring the state of security of the border area Information and analytical departments (groups) Development of scenarios for the development of the State Border Development of scenarios for the protection and security of border territories Development of scenarios for the development of a border security system Development of scenarios for the development of a border cooperation system Development of scenarios for countering threats to border security Development of scenarios for combating criminal and shadow structures Development of scenarios for propaganda and information warfare Development of scenarios for promoting the development of border regions Control of cross-border flows Support departments (groups) Statistics Modeling Coordination of the expert community Promotion of scientific research Information and psychological Interdepartmental Coordination Council on current issues of border security of the Russian Federation Management Administration Group of advisors and consultants Insider information Personnel Financial Organizational planning Information technology Material and technical Regime people, of which % analytics

Creation of the Association – new stage in the development of IT companies - a revolution in the development of the IT industry - a breakthrough towards a bright future for Russia through the intellectualization of the IT sphere. ASSOCIATION "ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES" Non-commercial partnership“Association “Analytical Technologies” is a voluntary association of legal and individuals, working in the field of creation and application of analytical technologies and systems. The main goals of the Association: 1. Promoting the development and implementation of state policy in the field of development and use of analytical technologies and systems (hereinafter referred to as ATiS), as well as the training of professional analysts. 2. Promoting the formation of a system of analytical (situational-analytical) centers in the Russian Federation. 3. Assistance to government and non-government customers in substantiating and unifying requirements for ATiS. 4. Assistance to government and non-government organizations in the development, promotion and implementation of advanced ATiS. 5. Promoting the formation in the Russian Federation of a multi-level system of training and retraining of analytical personnel. 6. Development theoretical foundations and practical methods for the development and application of ATiS. 7. Implementation voluntary certification organizations and specialists involved in the development and use of ATiS, as well as accreditation educational institutions carrying out training and education of analysts. 8. Conducting independent examinations and assessments of projects and documents relating to the development and use of ATiS, as well as the training of professional analysts. 9. Providing consulting, marketing and other services to enterprises and organizations, including foreign ones, on the development and use of ATiS. 10. Support for public initiatives that promote the development and use of ATiS, as well as the training of analysts. 11. Countering monopolism and unfair competition in the development and use of ATiS, as well as the training of professional analysts. 12. Coordination of the activities of the Partnership members in order to combine their intellectual, financial, organizational and other resources for the implementation of joint (including international) projects. 13 Principles of the Association: 1. Equality of all members of the Association. 2. Making decisions taking into account the interests of all members of the Association. 3. The binding nature of decisions made by the governing bodies of the Association for all its members. 4. Conscientious fulfillment of obligations assumed by members of the Association in relation to the Association. The following types of membership are distinguished: corporate; individual; honorary The Association is mainly financed by members of the Association through entrance, membership and target fees.

PRESIDIUM (7-10 people) 1. Chairman (president) 2. Deputy. chairman (vice president) 3. Executive secretary 4-7 (10). Members of the Presidium PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF THE ASSOCIATION “ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES” GENERAL MEETING (conference) – supreme body management - once a year (or as necessary) Audit Commission (3 people) Presidium, President and audit committee elected for a period of 3 years Directorate (2-4 people) - Ch. economist; - legal consultant; - Ch. accountant; - engineer (+ technician) - Ch. editor; - editor/proofreader; - correspondent; - IT engineer Directorate (2-4 people) Vice President - Executive Director Vice President for Information Policy Vice President for AT Development Vice President for Training and scientific work Executive Directorate (3-5 people) Directorate (2-4 people) - chief SB; - scientific consultant; - leading NS; - Researcher - Chief NS; - scientific consultant; - leading NS; - Researcher Vice President for Consulting and Outsourcing Directorate (2-4 people) AT magazine and website, advertising, exhibitions - scientific consultant; - chief consultant; - leading consultant; - consultant for AT and AC demonstrations, TTZ Concept projects, R&D, education. standards Expertise, outsourcing, AHO consultations, plans, reporting (30-50 members of the Association, staff) PRESIDENT - assistant; - consultant - chief NS; - Leading SB Management and development of AAT Corporate members The structure of the Association is formed and developed gradually as the number of its members increases and experience is gained in the field of development of AT and creation of ACs. 14 Honorary members Individual members PRESIDIUM (7-10 people)

The creation of the Analytical Technologies Corporation must be considered as a Russian project, superior in concept American project RAND Corporation. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION “ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES” 15 Stage I: 2012 Origin of the Association (number of members 100, staff more than 50 people). In order to increase the efficiency of solving problems, the Association creates subject-oriented divisions (branches, centers) and subsidiaries, for example: - advertising and the AAT website; - magazine "AT"; - exhibitions and public events; - information support for projects; - media monitoring; - classifiers; - statistics and database Center for applied development of analytical technologies (OJSC or CJSC) - formed. standards; - training (retraining) of analysts; - theoretical basis AT (AC); - applied research; - modeling; - international scientific public organization"Eurasian Academy of Analytics" Information and analytical Center (branch of NP AAT) - AAT development standards; - demonstration stand “AT” and hall “AC”; - TTZ projects for the development of turnkey AT and AC; - organization, coordination and implementation of research and development work on the creation of AT and AC; - participation in research, development and development projects and projects regarding AT and AC Academy of Analytics (ANO or NOU VPO) Center for AT-consulting and outsourcing (OJSC or CJSC) - standards of analytical activity; - marketing, expertise, consulting and outsourcing; - insight and applied research; - international expert network “Commonwealth of Professional Analysts” Stage IV. - transformation of the Association into the Analytical Technologies Corporation. 100, staff more than 50 people). In order to increase the efficiency of solving problems, the Association creates subject-oriented divisions (branches, centers) and subsidiaries, for example: - advertising and the AAT website; - magazine "AT"; - exhibitions and public events; - information support of projects; - media monitoring; - classifiers; - statistics and database Center for applied development of analytical technologies (OJSC or CJSC) - formed. standards; - training (retraining) of analysts; - theoretical basis of AT (AC); - applied research; - modeling; - international scientific public organization "Eurasian Academy of Analytics" Information and Analytical Center (branch of NP AAT) - AAT development standards; - demonstration stand “AT” and hall “AC”; - TTZ projects for the development of turnkey AT and AC; - organization, coordination and implementation of research and development work on the creation of AT and AC; - participation in research, development and development projects and projects regarding AT and AC Academy of Analytics (ANO or NOU VPO) Center for AT-consulting and outsourcing (OJSC or CJSC) - standards of analytical activity; - marketing, expertise, consulting and outsourcing; - insight and applied research; - international expert network “Commonwealth of Professional Analysts” Stage IV. 2020-2025 - transformation of the Association into the Analytical Technologies Corporation.">

Any broadly conceived project is separated over time from the designer and takes its final form as a result of collective efforts, according to its internal logic./ S. Lem 16 SUGGESTIONS 1. The main provisions of the presented report should be taken as the basis for the Concept of the creation and functioning of the AT Association. 3. The Organizing Committee will continue to work on preparing the constituent meeting (conference) with the agenda “On the establishment of the Analytical Technologies Association”: - finalize the draft Charter, Membership Regulations, Founding Agreement and Concept for the creation and operation of the AT Association; - send out draft documents and the Concept to potential participants in the founding meeting (conference) of the AT Association with a request to express their opinions, comments and suggestions for improvement; - summarize the proposals received and present them to the next work meeting organizing committee; - prepare a draft plan for the creation of the AT Association. 3. The Organizing Committee will continue to work on preparing the constituent meeting (conference) with the agenda “On the establishment of the Analytical Technologies Association”: - finalize the draft Charter, Membership Regulations, Founding Agreement and Concept for the creation and operation of the AT Association; - send out draft documents and the Concept to potential participants in the founding meeting (conference) of the AT Association with a request to express their opinions, comments and suggestions for improvement; - summarize the proposals received and present them to the next working meeting of the organizing committee; - prepare a draft plan for the creation of the AT Association. 2. Participants of the working meeting, in writing, express their interests and proposals regarding the Association "Analytical Technologies" and send them to the address: or 2. Participants of the working meeting, in writing, express their interests and proposals regarding the Association "Analytical Technologies" and send them to the address : or