Smart ideas for business from abroad. EIC network - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad. Idea #5. Game account promotion company

Many studies conducted by scientists in various parts of the world prove that processes in the economy have clearly defined relationships. In the context of globalization, such relationships extend not only within the economy of a single country, but also link different economies through cause-and-effect processes. In fact, we are talking about the effect of running circles on water. The reader will wonder, what is the point of such a preface?

The last decade has shown the presence of a very clear hierarchical structure between small businesses from different countries. Despite a number of significant political issues (we are talking about sanctions against Russia from the West) and, of course, the mental characteristics of different countries, there is a clear relationship between the emergence of new and profitable areas of small business in different countries. Thus, most new trends originate in the United States, gradually “moving” to Europe and then spreading in waves throughout the world. Perhaps such a statement is not entirely patriotic, but at the same time it clearly characterizes the situation and gives great advantages to small businesses in Russia. Having actually compared the new popular business ideas in 2013 in the USA with the same rating of new and popular ideas in Europe in 2014, we can say with a 95% guarantee which ideas will be in demand in 2015-2016 in Russia. After all, it is worth clearly remembering that in the West, new startups are keeping pace with growing demand from consumers, and the citizens of our country are no different in their needs from Europeans and Americans. As one classic said, “You can’t forbid living beautifully.”

It is worth noting that the proposed rating of the “hottest” directions for starting your own business contains a wide variety of directions and areas, ranging from the now popular Internet to the creation of completely traditional mini-workshops. The only thing that really unites all these new business ideas is the huge demand among American and now European buyers, which actually guarantees a quick and, most importantly, successful start

Over the next week, we will analyze 14 new popular business ideas in Europe, do not forget to subscribe and receive article announcements in your email, there will be no spam, I guarantee it.

#14 – The latest in Europe's best and newest small business ideas is microbreweries. Of course, it’s hard to call it new, but microbreweries received a “second wind” in the vastness of the United States in 2013 and are already re-conquering “old” Europe. More details about why this happened.

No. 13 – in honorable thirteenth place is an idea characterized as a business with super minimal investment, in fact, you don’t need to invest anything, your own labor and skills are enough, we’re talking about individual fitness trainers.

No. 12, the development of technology has given rise to a boom in freelancing all over the world, but the trend has received a rather interesting continuation. The services of virtual assistants have emerged as a new type of freelancing. Consumers liked the direction so much that today we can talk about a boom in this business idea - .

No. 11 where in our time without the Internet and ecommerce! European business is no exception, which began to look for new niches, sort of like the old idea of ​​online services for comparing products.

No. 9 IT security is one of the most competitive areas of the industry, however, the introduction of a new policy for the use of private gadgets (the so-called BYOD) creates a completely new niche, in which creation.

No. 8 The emergence of new computers characterized as a super economy option, in fact a computer. costs about 25-30 dollars not only opens up new opportunities for consumers, but also serves as a new direction for business and so on accessories for Raspberry Pi

  • The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020
  • Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

Most entrepreneurs dream of coming up with a new “million-dollar idea” that will bring millions in profits and elevate them to business Olympus. Promising ideas do not appear so often, but do not despair - if you cannot come up with anything interesting, you can use the example of your Western colleagues. The ideas of many projects were borrowed from Western startups, and this in no way prevented them from becoming successful: for example, Pavel Durov took advantage of Mark Zuckerberg’s idea and created the VKontakte network, which, although it did not “surpass” Facebook in the world, still became the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS.

The United States has long been considered the trendsetter in business, but European businessmen can also demonstrate creativity and bring to life extraordinary ideas that can easily be used here. Ecotourism, women's repair teams, production of euro-timber - these and many other European ideas are successfully working for Russian market.

The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020

1. Bicycle cafe .

Everyone knows what “Makavto” is - McDonald's and other cafes serve customers right in the car. A similar business aimed at cyclists recently appeared in Zurich. A person can come to a cafe and drink coffee/eat without getting up from a bicycle, which is “parked” right on the territory of the cafe directly at the table.

It's no secret that bicycles are a very popular form of transport in Europe, and in Russia, in recent years, special parking lots for bicycles have appeared.

Can this idea be applied in Russia? Yes - especially in large cities. In addition to being convenient for cyclists, this new product will attract the attention of visitors - even those who came on foot or arrived by car.

By the way, you can do another business on bicycles, and this idea also came to us from Europe: more precisely, from the most “cycling” country - Holland. This is an automated bicycle rental point, where anyone can literally take a bicycle in a matter of seconds for little money, and then return it - to this point or to any other similar rental point in the city.

Such machines have already reached Russia, but so far the idea has been implemented only in a few large cities..2. Free gym

Many people don't go to the gym because they require you to pay for an annual or monthly membership right away. A person may not have such a sum, or he may not buy a subscription, doubting that he will go there regularly for a month or, even more so, a year.

Therefore, free gyms have already appeared in Europe - which, nevertheless, make great money by selling additional services or sporting goods. This could include consultations with a personal trainer, sports nutrition and drinks, sportswear and shoes, as well as the sale of advertising space in the gym.

Is it possible to organize such a business in Russia? Yes - but you need to carefully calculate everything so that the income from sales is greater than the losses from those who simply go to the gym “for free”. Alternatively, you can make a free visit in the first months of the gym’s operation to attract customers..Fast food is the trend of our time. People don’t have time to have breakfast (they’re in a hurry to get to work), they don’t have time to have lunch (they’re busy at work), and in the evening after work, the last thing they want is to stand at the stove.

This is one of the secrets of the popularity of pizza. However, pizza has one significant drawback - it takes up a lot of space and is inconvenient to eat on the go. The Italians found a way out: they came up with pizza in a cone - Pizza Cono. This is the same pizza, but more compact, because the filling is inside the dough, which is rolled into a cone. Thanks to this, pizza can be eaten away from the table, without a knife and fork.

You can organize such a business in Russia and in any other country - wherever there are pizza lovers, but especially in office areas. In addition, it will allow you to stand out among other pizzerias.

4. Unusual vending.Vending machines for coffee, soda and chocolate have long been popular. German entrepreneurs went further - they installed vending machines at train stations in large cities with sunglasses, towels and other things that travelers often forget.

This idea can take root in any country, because people spend a lot of time at train stations and willingly spend money there. Moreover, if you believe the statistics, the number of Russians traveling is growing every year.

Another unusual vending shop sells... sets of rolls! Japanese cuisine is very popular, but you can order rolls in Russia only in cafes and sushi bars. But in Europe there are already special machines for selling rolls.

If you install such machines in crowded places, the idea may well work. Do not forget that rolls, unlike chocolate, water and crackers, have a short shelf life, so choosing the location of such a machine is of paramount importance

5. Children's hotels. This idea will certainly appeal to parents who dream of taking a short break from their children - or who are forced to go on a business trip. Not everyone has grandmothers or other relatives who can stay with the child, and not everyone trusts nannies. A children's hotel is essentially an analogue children's camp: the menu and room design are created taking into account the interests of small guests. In addition, such hotels must have a medical worker and a psychologist.

This idea will probably take root in large cities - both in Russia and in other countries, because the number of working parents is only growing, and relatives are not always eager to take care of other people's children.

6. Table-bed 2 in 1: an idea for workaholics. Not everyone leaves work at 18:00 - employees often have to stay at work until late. At the same time, not every company is equipped with a break room. The solution is a table that turns into a bed. In its normal form, it is no different from a regular office desk, but once you lower the back panel and fold back the side cover, the desk transforms into a place to rest. In addition, there is a small TV.

The idea of ​​transformable furniture is far from new, but only this table combines furniture for work and relaxation.

It is difficult to say how far this idea can take root in Russian offices- after all, few employees are so “hot at work” that they need a place to sleep. But for small-sized apartments, of which there are plenty in our country, this can be a real godsend.

7. Selfie mirror. Selfies are a real trend in recent years. To avoid appearing in the frame with your arm outstretched. Special “selfie sticks” had already been invented, but the French went even further and developed a special selfie mirror - Pixglass. After installing a special application on your smartphone, you no longer have to choose a pose for a photo - the mirror itself will take a selfie and send it to your smartphone, and your hands can be anywhere.

It's hard to say how popular this idea might be - most likely, the mirror can be bought by real selfie fans who don't mind paying for such a thing for the sake of their favorite hobby. In addition, a large selfie mirror can be rented for various events.

8. Varnish with aromas.The company Revlon, known to all women, has released a new collection of Revlon Parfumerie varnishes - 24 colors with scents that match the desired shade. For example, a Bordeaux-colored varnish has not only the color, but also the aroma of Bordeaux wine. The scent is said to last up to 3 days.

The fact is that ordinary varnishes have a rather sharp and specific smell, which irritates many fashionistas. The creators of this series have eliminated this problem, and other businessmen working in the beauty industry are ready to follow their example. The same hair dyes also have an unpleasant odor, and ideas have already appeared on how to give them a better aroma.

9. Travel on public transport using a smartphone.To board a plane, you no longer have to present a printed ticket - air tickets have become electronic. In large Western cities, applications have already appeared that allow you to buy tickets for other types of transport - while the ticket remains in your smartphone.

By the way, a similar project called “Mobile Ticket” was recently launched in Moscow. Now, to pay for the metro fare, you need to touch a mobile phone that supports NFC technology to the turnstile. Something similar could well be created in other megacities.

10. Tours for blind and visually impaired tourists.According to statistics, 8% of the Russian population are visually impaired, and their number is growing every year. Excursion services for people with disabilities are a significant sector in the modern tourism industry. However, people with low vision may not be able to enjoy the ride 100%. Interesting idea came to the mind of the visually impaired travel agency owner Amar Latif - he began organizing special tours for the blind.

During the preparation of the tour, mixed groups are created, and sighted tourists help the blind to experience all the beauty of the places visited.

Creating conditions for people with disabilities is a very popular type of business and direction social policy in the West. Most likely, this fashion will soon reach us.

11. Business on clean shoes. “I myself can’t stand dirty shoes,” said the unforgettable Alexei Batalov in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” In fact, many people don’t like dirty shoes - but what should we do if in some regions of our country there is dirt and slush on the streets for ten months of the year?

The solution may be a special liquid called Ultra Ever Dry: after treating your shoes with it, your shoes will repel dirt, water, and even sand. This liquid is successfully sold in Europe. In Russia, this business can work in large cities.

12. Restaurant that counts calories.Many people care about their figure, so some restaurants indicate not only the weight and price of each dish, but also the number of calories. But the owners of one Swiss restaurant went even further: they indicate the number of calories and fat consumed not only on the menu, but also on the bill. By the way, this restaurant has 2 Michelin stars and is very popular.

The advantage of such a business idea is its simplicity. You just need to enter the calorie content of the dishes into the system and add one line on the invoice. People who take care of their shape will certainly not ignore such a restaurant.

Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

If you are looking towards the West and want to use their developments in the Russian market, there are two ways to find ideas.

  1. If you have friends, family or acquaintances living abroad, ask them what exciting new developments have appeared in their market. You can also subscribe to groups of Russian emigrants in Europe on social networks and find necessary information Through them.
  2. Regular monitoring of foreign business websites. If you own foreign languages, it is better to subscribe to foreign sites - while this information will be found and reprinted on Russian-language resources, it may become slightly outdated.

Don't limit yourself to Europe and look for ideas everywhere, including around you. Sometimes a good idea can literally lie under your feet. remember, that a good product must meet the client’s real needs - only in this case will he be willing to pay for it. And here you should not focus on your personal preferences - look for what will be in demand on the market.

How to test a business idea

A good business idea is one that will be in demand, in other words, one that people are willing to pay for. How can an entrepreneur make sure that an idea will bring profit and not loss?

You need to determine the demand for the product - this is the most logical method to test a business idea.

  • Create a landing page and set up advertising to see if people are interested in your product or service.
  • Post an advertisement for sale on Avito or another free classifieds board.
  • Formulate search query and look at the number of similar requests on Yandex Wordstat
  • Monitor the forums and social media(communities where your target audience is).

The test from business school teacher J. Kraus involves a quick ten-second assessment of any business idea. Good idea May be:

  • Oxygen - that is, a vital commodity;
  • Medicine (Aspirin) - something you can do without, but it’s difficult;
  • A jewel. - products that may not be necessary, but are in demand due to the positive emotions from owning such a thing.

If your idea is neither one nor the other, nor the third, you should think very seriously about its viability.

But Walt Disney used the made-up word Imagineering for tests, made up of two English words meaning “imagination” and “development”. The essence of the method is that 3 teams work to create a product.

  • The first ones are dreamers, they simply generate ideas (even the craziest ones).
  • The second are realists, trying to turn empty dreams into a real product.
  • The third are critics who criticize the product in every possible way.

Take this method into service and run all emerging ideas through the prism of realism and harsh criticism!

It often happens that a sought-after Western business I just haven’t had time to get to our latitudes yet, and whoever can be the first to implement this idea in Russia can make good money from it. Look for business ideas from Europe, analyze them and implement the most successful ones!

Why are they interesting to us? business ideas from Europe? They attract our enterprising compatriots mainly with their novelty, creativity and uniqueness of the solution.

Of course, they need to be adjusted to our conditions - adapted. A businessman who managed to implement European ideas for entrepreneurship, you can be awarded the title of pioneer.

Let's look at those that will take root or have already taken root and are adapted to our mentality, geographical and economic conditions.

Protective liquid for surfaces "Ultra Ever Dry" . The essence of the action; water-repellent and dirt-proof function. Before using the surface, it is coated with this product. After use, they are removed, and the item or thing remains dry and clean. A very useful thing. Useful at work and at home.

This is not a common case among us. The niche is almost free - take it and do it for those who are interested.

"Bicycle rental by machine" . The innovation was introduced by the company in Amsterdam. To improve the bicycle rental service and the speed of the operation itself, which takes only 15 seconds, they installed rental machines. Where you rent a car for a couple of euros, and you can return it there or to another similar rental point.

This type of activity is called vending. There are almost no competitors in our country. The field for collecting fruits is wide and few people will interfere.

— The next innovation is use of snow for advertising purposes . A well-known London advertising agency called Curb has always been distinguished by its use of natural materials in its activities.

For the first time, Curb used winter wealth in an advertising campaign for the Extreme TV channel. About two thousand TV company logos were created in the snow. Residents immediately took notice of this innovation. An original approach to advertising brought results.

The result is that our winters will not let us go to waste. The main thing is imaginative thinking, imagination and, of course, clients.

— Another relevant winter type of income, rental of New Year's costumes. Quite a profitable business, although not very widespread due to its inconstancy. All year round You won’t make money from this business. But those who risked doing it do not complain and are happy.

- Became widespread in Europe cafe with menu designer . Having come to the establishment to eat, the client does not choose from the existing menu. And he is provided with a wide range of food products, where he selects the ingredients and composes his own dish. He can even take part in its preparation. Quite interesting, and not common among us. Many clients would use such a service.

Now let's consider business ideas from America, which have taken root in the territory of post-Soviet countries.

Car wash - the thing is not new. But ours highways always justifies itself. Because we don’t have them, and if you drive along them even in dry weather, you may not recognize your four-wheeled friend.

Covered with dust and dirt, it just begs to be washed.

– Employment agencies – took root in the CIS countries after the collapse Soviet Union, due to the invasion of continuous unemployment.

The essence of making money is finding specialists for employers interested in them. Income will come from the number of contracts concluded by the employer and the client.

To do this, you need to open your own office and equip it. Create a client base.

Business on vending machines , not new, also came to us from America. There are vending machines selling coffee, cigarettes, drinks, rolls, etc. You need to purchase one or more of these mechanisms. Rent space for them and install them. Should be installed in public places.

They will pay for themselves in a month, verified.

— Another thing that came to us from America is cleaning and restoration of pillows. Over time, the feathers become filled with dust, stretched with moisture, and foreign objects also get in there. The feather cap also wears out and needs to be replaced. So this type of income will always be relevant.

are not only born in the USA, but also in a number of other countries of the American continents. They came up with something interesting in Mexico and Argentina:

— On the Mexican island of Cozumel they created a unique underwater, oxygen bar Clear Lounge. It is located on a busy street in the form of a parallelepiped. Before diving, people undergo safety instructions. Having put on special helmets, to which special oxygen hoses are attached, they begin the dive.

Through an oxygen hose, the visitor can choose from ordinary air, improved quality air, concentrated oxygen with various aromatic additives.

The cost of visiting is 38 dollars, the time spent in the bar is from 20 to 30 minutes, the water temperature is always maintained at 31 0 Celsius. This is the only establishment of this type in the world. And also all technology is patent patent.

— Mexican Javier Lopez Ancona made his dream come true in 1999 called “Kinzania”. This park for children with adult life and developed infrastructure. Children do investigations, put out fires, conduct financial transactions, trade and much more. There are about 80 types of professions represented in the park. There is its own currency, “kizo,” which is issued by the customs officer at the entrance, that is, by the ticket attendant. And in order to replenish his wallet with local currency, a child needs to work hard. For this purpose, tools are issued, the form corresponding to a particular profession. Entrance is allowed for children from 2 to 15 years old. The profit from such an attraction can be said to be “amazing”, up to 35 million dollars.

— In Argentina, the publishing company Eterna Cadencia found a solution in stimulating readers to read books and buy new ones, the so-called "disappearing book" It is printed with a special ink that disappears from the pages when exposed to light after 2 months. The publication is released from the publisher in sealed packaging.

Let's pay attention to new business ideas in America, which can be implemented with us:

— Providing pet care services . Many people keep animals at home. And due to the nature of their work, they have no time to care for their pets. To do this, they use special services for transportation, walking and caring for animals, and they pay very decent money.

Hotels for the same ones pets. Everyone knows what a business trip is, and it sometimes drags on from one day to several. A person who keeps a dog or cat at home can safely hand over his pet for “storage” to this institution and go about his business. A pet taxi service is also available. The cost of these services is considerable. This can also be done in our big cities.

Mobile hotel is a van or bus converted into a hotel room with all amenities; bedroom, bathroom, toilet shower, kitchen, etc. Designed for people who value their time and money. A hotel on wheels is always at hand, whether you are relaxing on a beach by the sea in your own country or abroad. The profit from such a business is approximately 60% of the investment.

"Scent to order" creation of customized perfumes. Each person's sense of smell is different, and smells are perceived differently. This approach to the customer was proposed by the company « Tijon". Activities in this direction will be profitable and popular especially among women.

— Nowadays, it’s probably difficult to find people who don’t have at least a simple mobile phone, not to mention tablets and smartphones.

All these technical gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, and have the ability to discharge at the wrong moment. This problem was first solved in New York in 2015 by installing gadget charging stands on the streets.

Racks should be installed in crowded places; shopping centers, shops, cafes, cinemas, bus stops public transport, restaurants, snack bars, etc., having previously agreed with the owners or management of the establishments for the right to install.

For us, this problem is very relevant. And for those who put this into practice, it will be profitable, since there are practically no competitors in this direction.

— And in Canada they came to help for housewives . As we know, new and improved kitchen appliances appear every year. And also smart, with the ability to perform several functions simultaneously or sequentially without human intervention.

Someone has the opportunity to buy them, and the kitchen is cluttered, so there is nowhere to turn around later. Others have nothing, but another time it would be useful. And in Toronto they found a solution to these two problems by organizing "Kitchen library" Now any housewife will allow her “beloved” to get creative in the kitchen. The library bank contains not only amateur devices, but also professional ones. The cost of a yearly subscription is $50. Fines for careless behavior with equipment and rendering it inoperative are also withdrawn. Mechanics are given for use for a period of 5 days, and electronics for 3 days. Such a “library” would very quickly take root with us and pay off well.

— The original idea was brought to life by two Canadians, creating a service « Flatter Me » . The essence of the service is to offer odes of praise to a person over the phone. The service justified itself, turning out to be quite in demand.

His task is to bring the “ordered individual” out of despondency and lift his spirits. Companies use this service to motivate employees and activate their performance at a certain time.

All calls are made by the creators themselves, without any call centers. The cost of one call is $5, lasting from 30 seconds to a minute. You can order 4 per month for 10 USD.

The implementation of such a service in our conditions is more relevant today than ever. There would be enough clients for several years to come.

are formed on the basis of the multinational population. On their culture, centuries-old traditions, the specifics of life and religious views and beliefs. As a result of this symbiosis, interesting and sometimes extravagant ideas are born.

Let's start getting to know them:

— It is known that the population of the United States ranks first in obesity in the world. The reason for this is their great love for fast voodoo.

And to combat the heavy weight of employees, many corporations and companies began to involve their employees in sports at work, without leaving your place of work . The bottom line is that you are hired as an individual trainer and enter into an agreement with a company to provide fitness services. Each such contract brings a good profit. The advantage is that you don’t need to rent a room for training. This brings good savings of your hard-earned money.

A good idea was implemented in the USA. This packing things people who are moving but want to spare themselves the boring pleasure of packing and unpacking boxes and bags of things.

Some businessmen in the United States have made a good fortune from tourist trips to the filming locations of famous films and TV series.

“The people of the states are terrified of all sorts of secrets and classified information, not without the participation of the special services, and at the same time they are still distrustful. But there were enterprising people who managed to make money from it. So called "secret destroyers", they come to the frightened owner of secret documents and use a paper cutting tool to scrap them. The cost of such pleasure is approximately from 10 to 100 American rubles.

— Due to the crisis not only in the world, but also in the United States, many small construction companies became bankrupt. Against this background there appeared "independent foremen" with specialized education . They control the construction process, carry out complex calculations, control the purchase of materials, and also monitor the quality of the work performed.

In principle, this type of entrepreneurship has been implemented in our country for a long time. Only there are those who haven’t really learned how to build, but they are better at stealing than anyone else.

— Very interesting organization production of women's jewelry for babies . This decision killed two birds with one stone - teething babies can gnaw on them calmly, and mothers don’t have to worry about getting hurt or choking.

Quite promising in our conditions.

— Denim pants, that they can charge mobile devices . For the USA, the topic is quite real and popular. But for residents of the CIS countries it is doubtful; a tiny part of the population will be able to shell out a few hundred bucks for such a gadget.

They fascinate with their novelty and extravagance. The French are not lagging behind in their new solutions:

— The French company Pixglass, proposed a unique approach to selfies, created photographing mirror . For those who like to take pictures of themselves, this is probably the best gift for “selfists.”

The mirror has a built-in camera and Wi-Fi module for transferring files between devices.

According to the creators, their brainchild will not only be in demand for individual use, but also in fitting rooms of clothing stores, ateliers, and dance halls. But one problem is the protection and confidentiality of photos of customers and visitors.

— A unique hotel project was implemented in Paris "Hotel of the Seven Deadly Sins" (Vice Versa Hotel). The hotel is seven storeys. Each floor corresponds in its interior design to each sin. Clients are unobtrusively assigned to numbers according to their status, financial capabilities, and their interests and psychological inclinations.

Now let's turn our attention to Italy. The Italians have always been distinguished by their practicality and energy, and let’s look at their new products in the business field:

— Stationery manufacturing company "Favini" suggested new technology for the production of paper from various organic wastes ; fruit, grains, nuts, seed waste, due to their pressing. This mixture for paper production consists of 30% organic matter, which reduces wood consumption.

Quite a practical innovation for implementation in the CIS countries, but there is plenty of such waste.

— In Italy there is strong competition among cities in tourism sector. To attract tourists, they can’t come up with anything. So the small town of Volterra did not stand aside, by organizing a restaurant in the prison. The prison itself is located in the Fortezza Medicea fortress with a five-hundred-year history.

You must reserve a table in advance; upon arrival for dinner, your passport will be checked, you will also be asked to leave your bags and mobile phones at the entrance and will be subject to a personal search. You will eat from plastic dishes for safety reasons, only chefs have an exception.

The cost of such a dinner will be 25 euros. Now the prison supports itself.

In this section of the article we will give a general overview of what small business ideas in Europe popular. A person with really good entrepreneurial acumen always pays attention to current ways of introducing a business;

ICT technologies - if you are good at computer technology, you know how to create software. You can implement your startup in this direction.

Network sales using the Internet . To do this, you need to open an online store. But before that, decide what category of goods you will sell, also create long-term plan development. Pick up potential clients, which over time you can turn into permanent ones.

— Professional builders have always been valued. If you feel like a professional construction industry, that means you are here. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to cheat.

Eco - business includes recycling of waste, as well as recycling of the same paper and plastic. This area brings in pretty good money.

Furniture manufacturing a worthy niche to start a business. The main thing is that they have a professional understanding of this field, and that the design has always been novel and creative. Plus the products were always of high quality.

At the end of the article, we looked at five destinations that are very popular in Europe today. Choose one of these niches and move forward to success. But, what if you have your own interesting and original idea and are confident in it, start implementing your brainchild. And finally, “Forward to the Stars.”

Wisdom has also been added to the main personality traits of a successful businessman. Work experience allows us to understand the essence of the laws of development and prosperity of certain market segments. However, there comes a point when competition in the main areas of business is so high that you have to borrow ideas from other countries.

The desire for European standards and the American way of life, the flooding of the Russian market with Chinese products are pushing people to look for ideas for implementing new areas of business in their country. Innovative products and services make it possible to occupy niches that are still free, in which only a few work today.

Options for ideas from America

  • Selling unique cases for stylish and ordinary car models. This device protects against ultraviolet rays, precipitation and mechanical damage. Buying such a cover will cost a number of car enthusiasts less than repairing the hood or changing headlights. Russian entrepreneurs can try to buy such cases in the USA and resell them at home.
  • Construction of unique garages is unlikely to be as popular as in America. This niche in the Russian market is occupied, and the buildings are very diverse. There are also plenty of companies involved in individual design and design.
  • Food truck moving around the city, very popular in the United States. The variety of food and accompanying performances by artists to brighten up customers' expectations attracts the attention of Americans. These vans are very popular in Washington. Whether anyone will be able to organize such a “nutritional and entertainment” business in Russia is a moot point. Strict sanitary and hygienic rules and huge competition in the field Catering made the demand for such services minimal.
  • Idea "taxi for animals" suitable for wealthy residents of large cities, more precisely, for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The task is to accompany the animals to a specified location, in particular to a veterinary clinic.
  • Personal consultations, popular in the USA, are unlikely to be in demand among Russians. Our people are more confident in themselves and usually don’t need anyone’s advice. The exception is lawyers, but this niche is so densely occupied that inexperienced beginners have nothing to do here at all.

You can learn some more interesting methods of earning money from the following video:

Options for ideas from China

  • Work according to requests— resale of goods at low cost if you make purchases via the Internet. The cost of products in China is 50-60% lower than analogues in our markets. The advantage of a resale business is that in China you can find any product that is in demand in Russia - from ballpoint pens to medical and industrial equipment.
    Nowadays, small businesses are actively developing in Russia, which requires new types of equipment for their own production of construction goods, clothing, and household items. China is the most mobile country in introducing any new products.
  • Opening a salon selling popular Chinese goods with the placement of the store’s website on the Internet. Need to organize courier service and postal delivery. Many citizens of the Russian Federation are embarrassed to go to cheap Chinese eateries. Selling small items online can bring good income to the store owner. Purchasing can also be done online. There is no need for large investments in this business.
  • Organization of sales of piece goods. The essence of the idea is to purchase wholesale quantities of goods and package them in separate containers. The price will depend solely on the recognition of the product. If you manage to create a brand, then the initial cost can increase 2-5 times.
  • Sale of gadgets is already being actively implemented in Russia, but the market niche is still not tightly filled, there is always room for innovation. New phones and software versions appear every day, replacing each other. Car recorders are popular. Their independent purchase in China will cost half the price of analogues offered by local wholesalers. With phones, the percentage of sales will be less, but they are often replaced.
    There is good demand for seasonal new items - sunglasses, sports and leisure equipment, as well as various electronic trinkets. All of these devices are good for inexpensive gifts to friends and acquaintances. There are many options here. The main thing is not to overdo it with the purchase of large quantities of goods, since the demand for these products is spontaneous.

Options for ideas from Europe

  • Rubber production paving slabs opens up considerable prospects. The ability to find clients is important. There is no high level of competition in this segment yet. The business profitability level is approximately 40%. Rubber tiles have many advantages over analogues:
    • long service life - up to 20 years;
    • high resistance to fading and cracking;
    • no slip;
    • low cost ( crumb rubber For the base, you can get them from old, disused car tires).

    Equipment required to start production: molds, vulcan press, dryer and dyes.

  • Restaurant with calorie counting. This idea, with the number of calories indicated next to each dish on the menu, can be supplemented and developed further. For example, a person who has broken a calorie record can be given a bottle of champagne or a glass of wine.
  • Snow advertising, which has found application in England, is unlikely to be appropriate in Russia, where there are posters and posters on every corner. It’s worth a try if winter next year pleases Russians with snow. Law enforcement officials can ban this business in its infancy.
  • Unlimited taxi rides for a monthly fee. The high cost of gasoline and the insatiable desires of Russians will ruin a businessman who ventures into such a business in the first month. The investment is unlikely to pay off. Increasing taxi rental fees will scare away rare customers. The downside of the service is that it only operates within the city and is provided exclusively on an advance payment basis.
  • Pizza in cup shape. The Russians liked the national Italian dish. And if you cook what has become one of your favorite snacks in edible cups, filling them with a variety of fillings, this can turn out to be very convenient and popular.
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables who have lost their external attractiveness. A huge number of supermarkets have appeared in Russia, where customers themselves choose the products they like. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits of the correct shape, without cracks or spots. All the rest are sent to the bottom drawers, where they continue to rot. If you conclude a lucrative contract with the directors of hypermarkets, you can open profitable business for processing fruits and vegetables into juices, dried fruits, soups and salads. Sales can be organized with the permission of the administration at the places where raw materials are purchased.

Variants of ideas from Japan

The Land of the Rising Sun offers many original ways of investing, but not all of them are applicable or appropriate in Russian conditions:

  • Divorce ceremony for a nominal fee. There is nothing like this in Russia. Is it worth organizing similar business? You can try the idea as other services of banquet halls and restaurants. Perhaps decent people will want to part ways gracefully and find out all the pressing problems among their loved ones. Perhaps such an event will serve both spouses as a good lesson for the future. And friends and acquaintances will have no basis for gossip.
  • Manufacturing of coolers. Applying them to the skin in hot weather reduces body temperature, making stuffiness easier to bear. Considering the hot summer in Russia, this idea is worth trying. The price of a can will be approximately $60. This cost may not be affordable for the average population, but there will definitely be clients vacationing in hot countries and at their own dacha.
  • Making 3-D masks– production is expensive, but if a distribution channel is found, it is very profitable and profitable. The mask, made of high-quality material, is worn on the face and is completely invisible. The business has been partially implemented in the Russian Federation, but the quality of the products leaves much to be desired.
  • Practiced in Japan hotels intended for unmarried girls. In a limited and calm environment, they prepare themselves for married life. Such an idea is inappropriate and somewhat outlandish for Russia. However, you can use the idea to organize a version for couples who want to get married in the near future. Most likely, such a service will be in great demand if the price of a room for lovers is lower than the daily rental of apartments in Russian cities.
  • One book store. There is no such practice of selling one printed publication for a certain period of time in Russia yet. Often, buyers visit bookstores simply out of nothing to do, without even expecting to see the long-awaited book there. The new Japanese trend is not to overwhelm the reader with a large sentence, but to introduce him to a specific publication or topic. Perhaps this method of sales will be of interest to certain circles of consumers book products. The most important thing is timely, targeted advertising. You can work according to requests.

No one can give 100% probability that a business idea will bring fame and fortune to its creator.

However, at the same time business ideas from Europe attract entrepreneurs with their “freshness” and originality.

Using the example of their “foreign” colleagues, they have the opportunity to observe the implementation of the plan, its strengths and weaknesses, customer perception.

You can learn from other people’s experience and adapt other people’s ideas to Russian realities of life.

Moreover, the level of competition in this situation will be absent or so minimal that it will be possible not to pay special attention to it.

After all, owning your own business in the European way is, as a rule, something innovative that has not been implemented before.

An entrepreneur who implements business ideas from Europe is both a pioneer and a follower.

Therefore, this article offers a number of bright and unusual options own business.

All of them exist successfully in Europe, but are not yet represented in Russian-speaking countries.

Who knows, maybe you will be the one to implement one of them in Russia?

1) Scary business idea: letters from the other world

Where else could such a terrible idea for a business appear if not in the UK - the homeland of many famous creators of detective and horror books.

Its essence is that clients can send messages to family and friends after death.

Of course, having prepared in advance with the help of a special service.

The client can create up to 100 messages, indicating when and to whom they should be delivered.

The creators believe that their business idea will make it easier for the loved ones of the deceased to cope with his passing.

But considering that you can even attach photos and videos to the “last note,” it is possible to use them for other purposes.

For example, to convey the last will.

Of course, in conditions of absolute secrecy.

Can such an idea take root here?

Why not.

In the meantime, she receives numerous positive reviews from users.

True, this is a little strange fact.

After all, they can check his work only after death...

2) How do they do business cleanly in Europe?

“If you cannot be the first in a certain area, invent a new one in which you will become the first.”
Dan S. Kennedy. How to succeed in business by breaking all the rules

The importance of maintaining perfect hand cleanliness is especially well known to pedantic housewives and, of course, doctors.

Especially for the latter, an innovative PullClean device was created, which is gradually finding its place in Europe.

It appeared, like the previous business idea, in the UK.

The essence of PullClean is that this device allows you to quickly and easily disinfect your hands with a special substance.

What is its innovation, you ask?

The fact is that PullClean is built into the door handle.

Thus, every time you open the door, a person has the opportunity to return the cleanliness of their hands to normal with a light second press.

After all, door handles are one of the main places where germs accumulate.

That being in a hospital can even be dangerous.

That's why the creators have high hopes for their business idea and its spread in Europe.

Indeed, in addition to practical benefits, PullClean creates a special reflex: open the door - disinfect your hands.

There is also potential for the development of this business idea in our country.

After all, PullClean can be used not only in public hospitals, but also in private clinics, in some types of industries and even in public toilets!

3) Business idea from Europe: eco-friendly living

Many people have begun to pay closer attention to environmental issues.

In Russia, the trend is not yet as popular.

But many business ideas from Europe are built around this area.

Every conscious citizen strives to live in a way that does not harm the environment.

One of the most pressing and major problems is waste.

A new invention – “Ooho” – will help partially deal with it.

It is a transparent capsule with drinking water inside.

What makes this business idea unique?

First of all, the fact that the capsule can be biodegradable without any consequences for the environment.

And most importantly, you can eat it!

Yes, you got it right.

Ooho is a stylish, safe and edible water transfer container.

In Russian-speaking countries, where simple waste sorting is difficult to implement, such a business idea from Europe is unlikely to have a chance of success.

But it has great potential in the future.

After all, the ideas of eco-life are little by little beginning to conquer the minds of Russians.

Finally, here is a diagram of waste production by the average citizen:

4) Business idea from Europe: a few more words about garbage...

One of the significant waste items is organic waste.

As a rule, unlike paper or glass, organics are not sent for secondary production.

Business idea from Europe, about which we're talking about, consists of processing vegetables and fruits into juices.

Not simple, but not beautiful enough to put on display.

Indeed, in Europe such a situation is impossible as in the countries of the Russian Federation, when beaten, rotten and simply ugly products are on display along with the rest.

Except that sometimes they are sold at a discount.

In the UK, one of the supermarkets (Sainsbury’s) decided that throwing away fruits and vegetables for being unsaleable is wasteful.

That's why they started making soups and juices from them.

They also created a department where products that look far from canonical are sold at a 30% discount.

5) Business idea from Europe for the confused

How often have you run out of the house and couldn't find your keys?

Of course, this situation is familiar to everyone.

And you could avoid it again if you used smart Estimote Beacons stickers.

This business idea originated in the USA.

Smart stickers are special beacons that can be attached to any surface.

They contact mobile phones and transmit the necessary information to them.

The example of losing your keys is just a small everyday situation in which this wonderful business idea can come in handy.

In Europe, such navigation is used to help blind people navigate space.

Beacons also make it easier to navigate in stores.

Estimote Beacons themselves are, of course, patented.

But Russian entrepreneurs should pay attention to the principle of operation.

After all, if such a business has appeared and is developing in Europe, it means that the population has a need for it.

6) A wonderful pot originally from Europe

This business idea from Europe, created by Seunbing Yeung, cannot but be considered as very promising.

He invented a special design for a pot for indoor plants.

At the bottom there is an ordinary pot in which a flower grows.

But at the top there is a nice cloud, which is a water reservoir.

The trick is that its holes allow liquid to pass through in very measured doses.

Now you can eliminate the problem of irregular watering of plants - the process will happen automatically.

An excellent solution for those who often travel on business or simply forget to keep an eye on their green “pets”.

Russian housewives have a whole range of ways to regulate watering.

But no one will refuse something so simple and stylish!

7) A godsend for parents from Europe

In search of a successful business idea from Europe, entrepreneurs should pay attention to products for children.

After all, every parent wants their child to have the best.

A Swedish business idea that is now gaining popularity in Europe is Tinitell.

The most basic of all mobile phones, made in the form of a bracelet.

It is designed so that young children can contact their parents if they are not yet ready to use a smartphone for this purpose.

Perhaps in Russia such a business idea has a greater future than in Europe.

After all, in addition to the inconvenience for the child, we have two more arguments against buying a smartphone: wearing regular phone It’s dangerous, and besides, a child can quickly break it.

And the video below talks about another business idea from Europe,

which will make life easier for many car enthusiasts:

8) Please, a package of wine!

Wine is one of those alcoholic drinks, which even doctors recommend taking in minimal doses.

Although few people actually follow this recommendation to improve digestion or sleep quality.

Be that as it may, busy people will appreciate a business idea from Europe - wine in doy bags.

They hold exactly a glass of wine - just as the doctor ordered.

Down with unnecessary snobbery!

Consumers get the opportunity to forget about the corkscrew and sip wine from the bag on the go.

Whether a business idea has the right to be implemented in the Russian Federation is a controversial question.

Perhaps we should consider such packaging for another alcoholic drink?

Just because an idea took root abroad and brought fame and fortune to its creator, doesn’t mean it will work for you too.

Many factors have to be taken into account: different advertising campaign, demand for goods on the market, consumer readiness for innovation, mentality.

But if you are ready to make up detailed business plans and analysis of the market situation, business ideas from Europe can be a treasure trove of great ideas for you!

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