General recommendations for image formation and recommendations for image formation of the head of Oktant CJSC. What components make up a person’s image?

General recommendations for image formation and recommendations for image formation of the head of Oktant CJSC

The image a person presents to the world around him is often perceived by other people as a reflection of his level of self-esteem. Showing interest in self-improvement, expressed in the desire to gain a clear understanding of one’s own psychology or the desire to correct one’s self-presentation, shows that a person has reached a certain level of self-esteem, has matured as a person and has the potential for growth and improvement.

The ability to present oneself includes the ability to appreciate one’s own positive sides and understand what they are weak spots. What a particular person may perceive as a disadvantage is not necessarily so for others. For example, if two shy people meet, their shyness helps them to like each other. A person may be overweight and self-conscious about his size. But a plump person who takes his insecurities for granted, is healthy and cheerful, dresses with taste and realizes that he loves to communicate, can have a completely attractive image. Self-image is subject to all sorts of influences, and the strongest influence on it is exerted by parents and upbringing.

Another factor influencing the formation of a person’s self-image is life experience. Many people, having just once experienced the unpleasant experience of speaking in front of an audience, consider themselves completely unfit for public speaking. This can only be counterbalanced by a sufficient supply of self-esteem and awareness of one’s achievements.

If self-esteem is too low, improving the “external” image will only have a limited effect. In this case, the problem should be resolved with the help of a professional counselor, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

Self-esteem can be improved by working on your overall image. For example, if a person learns to overcome nervousness when speaking in public, others will notice his confidence and begin to react accordingly. The audience will be eagerly waiting to see what he has to say next. If a person cares about his appearance, others conclude that he respects and values ​​himself as an individual, and therefore is able to value others.

Work on creating an image should begin with setting a goal. Often the main task of a person who has decided to improve his image comes down to deciding why he needs it. The goal of a manager may be to increase influence over subordinates, improve the image of the department entrusted to him, or achieve success in certain negotiations. Depending on the goal, a decision is made on methods of image formation.

It is a common practice in the world to work with agencies or individual specialists - image makers. If the manager’s goal is global, it is possible to contact such an agency. To achieve a local goal, you can get by own funds. In Russia, the practice of working with agencies is not very popular and is just beginning to develop. It is more common to turn to private practitioners. However, when choosing such a specialist, mistakes are possible. Currently, many courses are being created to train so-called image makers. Most graduates of these courses are not. Typically, training in such courses comes down to the basics of cosmetology or etiquette. Despite the importance of these disciplines, the courses do not provide a holistic view of the image in general and the image of a leader in particular. Attention is paid only outside Problems. Experience shows that advertisements for enrollment in image-making courses are often given by ordinary cosmetic companies, trying in this way to increase their profits and attract new ones. sales agents. Perhaps these companies specifically use a new word for Russia in order to increase interest in them. A graduate of such courses can become a good agent for the sale of cosmetic products, but he is not yet a professional image maker. However, it is possible that in order to achieve the local goal of a particular manager, consultation with a graduate of such courses is sufficient.

If a manager decides that he will carry out work to improve his image on his own, this means that he must highlight the components of the image creation process, and then turn to specialists for each individual component. Probably this approach can give the maximum effect. In the process of identifying image components, it is important to avoid the mistake of excessive detail. It is necessary to remember the end goal and clearly imagine the result. Only then can the process of forming an image “in parts” bring real benefits.

Another important task for a manager who has begun work on shaping his image is the issue of adequately assessing the current situation. No person, by definition, is able to evaluate himself objectively. In order to obtain the necessary information, it is recommended to use several paths.

First of all, a person must clearly formulate his self-esteem, i.e. understand how he represents himself. Despite the obviousness of this fact, many people, including managers, do not even think about it. Many of them think that they do not have enough time for such activities. However, if a leader decides to change his image, he must evaluate what exactly he wants to change, what strengths and weak sides he has at the time of making this decision. Naturally, such an assessment will be subjective, but it cannot be otherwise. It is recommended that self-assessment be done in writing, since a person’s opinion of himself can be quite vague, and the written form of presentation requires the use of specific words. It is possible to use a tabular form, for example, with the following content:

Table 1. Example of a form used to conduct a self-assessment.

Qualities I have at the moment_________________

Qualities I would like to have___________________________

Ways to achieve the goal (briefly)___________________________


The form of the table may be different, for example, it may contain an assessment of qualities on some scale. If you have difficulties in self-esteem, it is advisable to consult a psychologist.

If a person cannot clearly formulate his idea of ​​himself (it does not matter whether it coincides with the opinions of others), then he will experience difficulties in the further process of image formation.

The next step is to use criticism constructively. It takes some courage to ask others to make critical comments. Many people prefer not to injure themselves with such a procedure. However, it is necessary to achieve the final goal.

It is advisable to find people who are sincerely interested for this purpose.

You should explain to them the desire to change any aspect of self-presentation and ask for help and advice. You should also ask the “assistant” to be specific and thorough.

Sometimes others criticize a person’s ability to present himself completely involuntarily. For example, if interlocutors constantly ask to repeat what a person has just said, being unable to understand his speech, they are thereby criticizing one aspect of his method of self-presentation. If one woman unintentionally says to another, “I like your hair better when you have long hair,” she is also engaging feedback. Thus, involuntary critical statements from others are also subject to study in order to organize work to improve the image. It is recommended to consciously provoke others to make such statements, for example: “Do you think I speak too fast?”, “Do you think I should grow my hair back?” etc. At the same time, people should be encouraged to be sincere.

Usually second-hand criticisms of the type “they say that.” are not constructive. When analyzing such comments, you should understand what motives are behind them and whether they should be taken into account. However, in some cases it is worth paying attention to such comments.

The manager can conduct a survey among his employees. The questionnaire should not be directly dedicated to his image. Questions must be worded carefully to ensure that subordinates answer sincerely. You can place questions on attitudes towards the manager’s personality and management methods among others, for example, on improving product quality. When compiling such a questionnaire, it is also advisable to use the help of a specialist.

It is possible to use the expert assessment technique, an example of which is given above. However, when applying this technique, the help of a specialist is necessary.

The manager cannot use it independently, since in this case the answers will be far from reality (especially if this is a top-level manager).

Thus, the manager must determine for himself the purpose of creating an image, and, if possible, the final result (“ideal image”) and the initial basis for formation, i.e. the image in currently. After this, the process of creating an image is divided into its component parts, and ways to achieve the goal and its approximate time frame for each of the components are determined.

Planning is of particular importance in the process of creating an image. The importance of planning in the life of any person striving to achieve success is emphasized in the works of almost all authors. Without a rationally drawn up plan, achieving any final goal, including the desired image, is almost impossible. It is even recommended to highlight certain time, for example, a few hours on a certain day of the week, only to organize the planning process. This approach significantly saves time and makes work more efficient. Activities to improve image should be included in the work plan along with other activities. Depending on the goal, these activities can be actions to improve the external image (for example, visiting a hairdresser, cosmetologist, makeup artist), or actions aimed at improving the psychological component of the image (visiting a psychologist, taking courses, studying foreign language etc.). It is almost impossible to create an exhaustive list of activities; actions depend on the goal. If any image enhancement activity is planned solely for the sake of prestige (because that's what everyone is doing), it will not contribute to achieving the desired result. Any action taken by a leader (no doubt a busy person) must serve a specific purpose and be carried out absolutely consciously.

Forming an image is not a change in a person’s personality. This process cannot make one person completely different. Therefore, it is important for a manager to know the basics of psychology in order to be able to assess the psychological characteristics of one’s own personality and competently use one’s strengths and weaknesses. Understanding personality characteristics can help to understand the reasons for the existence of the created, original image. Knowing one's own strengths and weaknesses (for doing any job, since there are practically no advantages and disadvantages “at all”, with the exception of observing moral standards) is a significant advantage of every leader. This knowledge is the key to the correct application of advantages and avoidance of situations associated with the manifestation of shortcomings. This knowledge alone can help improve the impression made by the leader on others, which, in fact, is the image. On the other hand, knowledge of psychology allows a manager to correctly evaluate the actions of subordinates and shape their attitude towards themselves.

I believe that the image formed by Pavlov is generally positive and favorable. His subordinates respect him, his clients value him as a partner, his image and the image of the company are not “tarnished” by any scandal or negative reviews. However, in addition to general recommendations on image formation, which is relevant for any leader, Evgeniy Valentinovich would like to give several recommendations.

Firstly, as mentioned above, Oktant CJSC and its director did not appear in Lately on the pages of the Voronezh press. To improve the image of the company, Pavlov himself, and also as a publicity stunt, you can publish with brief description the type of activity of the company, its successes, experience in this market, and at the same time about its leader, who has been making every effort for the well-being of the company for several years. This would immediately improve the image of the head of Oktant CJSC in the eyes of existing and potential clients.

The second recommendation concerns directly Evgeniy Valentinovich himself and his communication. When characterizing the image above, it was said that a seemingly positive trait - polite and calm communication with his interlocutors - develops into a disadvantage. It is necessary to show a more lively interest in the interlocutor; in communication you cannot be excessively, emphatically polite, as this keeps the interlocutor at a distance and can cause distrust in him.

The fact that the company is small and its manager is closed is in in this case disadvantage. To eliminate it, you can recommend holding a corporate evening or going with the whole company to nature - in general, making it clear to employees that their leader is not alien to anything human.

Again, such an attitude towards his staff favorably characterizes the manager in the eyes of his partners.

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A person’s image consists of several components:

The external image of a person - clothes, hairstyle, accessories and other attributes (tattoos, piercings...) that can say a lot about you. Your clothes should say a few words for you before you open your mouth. You should also pay attention to personal hygiene issues - clean, trimmed nails; no dandruff on the head; fresh breath odor; a clean-shaven face (if you are a man) and appropriate makeup (if you are a woman), etc. A person’s appearance primarily affects his image. Always take care of yourself and your image, always remember what impression you make on people.

The facial image of a person - facial expressions, facial expressions, smile. Nothing reflects the feelings of a person’s soul more than his facial expressions (facial features) and gaze. Therefore, you need to know to what extent you master facial expressions, how much they express what you want to demonstrate.
Study your face, find out what happens to your lips, eyebrows and forehead when you utter phrases of varying emotionality (friendly, funny, cheerful, sad, tragic, contemptuous, etc.). Watch how your facial expressions change and whether they convey emotions corresponding to the phrases. A mirror will help you with this.

The kinetic image of a person – gait and posture, movements and gestures. People who walk with a pompous air, skipping or stooping, people with a shuffling gait make a negative impression. Also, you can make an unfavorable impression if you sit in a chair, slumped, or throwing your leg over the armrest, or in some other inappropriate position. Avoid excesses and excesses. Walk and sit straight, without tension. If your gait and posture are far from ideal, play sports, it will help.

The verbal image of a person is expressed in his voice, in his manner of speaking, in the style and turns of speech that a person uses, in his vocabulary (the same idea can be conveyed to the interlocutor in different words). The power of influence depends on the choice of intonation and the right word: use mainly words that emphasize your reliability and integrity, emphasize the words that are most important to you with your voice (a sudden rise or fall highlights a single word or a whole phrase well). Your speech should be reasoned, logical and persuasive, and it should promote thought.

A person’s mental image – worldview, principles, ethical guidelines, religious beliefs, social stereotypes. People can be divided into materialists and idealists, creators and destroyers, optimists and pessimists, those expecting miracles and non-believers, those who believe in the power of money or the power of relationships, etc.

The background image of a person is information received about a person from certain sources (for example, from the media, from acquaintances, partners, clients, etc.), this is “rumor” that runs ahead of you. It turns out like this - first you work for the image, and then the image works for you.

The material image of a person is the car you drive, the bed you sleep on, and the dishes you eat from. This is what the house itself looks like, the furnishings in it are tribal values, family albums, books, films, paintings on the walls. All this tells about your real image. Therefore, think before inviting guests into your home, whether your home can somehow change (spoil, improve or consolidate) the image that you have already created.

A person’s image consists of several components:

The external image of a person - clothes, hairstyle, accessories and other attributes (tattoos, piercings...) that can say a lot about you. Your clothes should say a few words for you before you open your mouth. You should also pay attention to personal hygiene issues - clean, trimmed nails; no dandruff on the head; fresh breath odor; a clean-shaven face (if you are a man) and appropriate makeup (if you are a woman), etc. A person’s appearance primarily affects his image. Always take care of yourself and your image, always remember what impression you make on people.

The facial image of a person - facial expressions, facial expressions, smile. Nothing reflects the feelings of a person’s soul more than his facial expressions (facial features) and gaze. Therefore, you need to know to what extent you master facial expressions, how much they express what you want to demonstrate.
Study your face, find out what happens to your lips, eyebrows and forehead when you utter phrases of varying emotionality (friendly, funny, cheerful, sad, tragic, contemptuous, etc.). Watch how your facial expressions change and whether they convey emotions corresponding to the phrases. A mirror will help you with this.

The kinetic image of a person – gait and posture, movements and gestures. People who walk with a pompous air, skipping or stooping, people with a shuffling gait make a negative impression. Also, you can make an unfavorable impression if you sit in a chair, slumped, or throwing your leg over the armrest, or in some other inappropriate position. Avoid excesses and excesses. Walk and sit straight, without tension. If your gait and posture are far from ideal, play sports, it will help.

The verbal image of a person is expressed in his voice, in his manner of speaking, in the style and turns of speech that a person uses, in his vocabulary (the same idea can be conveyed to the interlocutor in different words). The power of influence depends on the choice of intonation and the right word: use mainly words that emphasize your reliability and integrity, emphasize the words that are most important to you with your voice (a sudden rise or fall highlights a single word or a whole phrase well). Your speech should be reasoned, logical and persuasive, and it should promote thought.

A person’s mental image – worldview, principles, ethical guidelines, religious beliefs, social stereotypes. People can be divided into materialists and idealists, creators and destroyers, optimists and pessimists, those expecting miracles and non-believers, those who believe in the power of money or the power of relationships, etc.

The background image of a person is information received about a person from certain sources (for example, from the media, from acquaintances, partners, clients, etc.), this is “rumor” that runs ahead of you. It turns out like this - first you work for the image, and then the image works for you.

The material image of a person is the car you drive, the bed you sleep on, and the dishes you eat from. This is what the house itself looks like, the furnishings in it - family values, family albums, books, films, paintings on the walls. All this tells about your real image. Therefore, think before inviting guests into your home, whether your home can somehow change (spoil, improve or consolidate) the image that you have already created.


State educational institution higher professional education


Department of ETISU


on the topic: Etiquette and image of a leader

discipline: Ethics and culture of management

Blagoveshchensk 2011


1. Leader etiquette

2 Image of the leader

2.1 The concept of a leader’s image

2.2 Tools and methods for forming and developing the image of a leader




All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of a person towards whom they have an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of a person towards whom they have an emotionally negative attitude. Many individuals naturally have an attractive image and are endowed with charm. To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is based on their external appearance. However, the lack of external attractiveness should not interfere with the creation of a favorable image. Charm is not so much visual attractiveness, but completeness of trust, spiritual disposition towards people.

The image (from the English image - image) is usually understood as the formed image of a business person (organization), in which value characteristics and traits are highlighted that have a certain impact on others. The image is formed during a person’s personal contacts, based on the opinions expressed about him by others.

Acquiring an attractive image is not an end in itself, but mastering it is a very significant personal and professional characteristic. The desire to cooperate with a specific person or company largely depends on the image. An attractive image is one of the factors determining business success.

Recently, more and more managers are realizing the need to work on their own image. Forming a positive image of an organization, person or product is one of current problems social and economic life of modern Russia.


Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and clothing). Etiquette, like communication, can be divided into business and informal. Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people related to their performance official duties. Unofficial (secular) etiquette regulates communication in the sphere of leisure and satisfaction of material and spiritual needs (when eating, selecting items of clothing, organizing celebrations, attending theater performances, concerts, sports shows, etc.).

A manager of any rank, especially the first person of an organization, upon entering an office building, must greet everyone he meets, be it a security guard, a cleaning lady who was somewhat delayed and did not have time to complete the cleaning by the beginning of the working day, and other employees. The manager who was the first to notice and the first to greet any of his subordinates is a very pleasant phenomenon, and the subordinate with whom the manager greeted first will experience feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the leader, which is the key to good work. If the manager is in his office, and a visitor enters the office, the owner of the office gets up, buttons his jacket (if it was unbuttoned, and this is allowed if the person is sitting) and leaves the table, greeting the visitor.

In this case, the owner of the office always shakes hands first (gender and age do not play a role).

You should not go towards the visitor with an outstretched hand - it looks comical.

Under no circumstances should you extend your hand across the table to shake hands - this is impolite. This rule applies not only to office space and not only for the manager, but for all employees and for all types of official situations, for example for business receptions, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.

The head - owner of the office usually invites the visitor to sit down. A seat facing or sideways to the window is considered more honorable, while the owner of the office usually tries to sit facing the door, since it may be necessary to briefly communicate with the secretary or any of the employees appearing at the door of the office; in this case, it is enough for the manager to make a mean but expressive hand gesture, meaning “I’m very busy.” If the owner of the office does not see the front door, the employee or secretary will have to go through the entire office and approach the manager to hear the same “I’m very busy.” And the whole situation risks looking ridiculous, and the manager himself may seem not very polite - both in relation to his employees and in relation to the visitor. Let us dwell on one small detail: it is accepted, even in an official setting, for a woman to enter the office as a visitor , do not indicate a specific place where she should sit. A woman can choose her own place; Note that most often this place is with your back to the window.

In this case, the owner of the office can say: “Please sit down where it is more convenient for you.”

The manager's personal contact essentially comes down to a conversation. Conducting a conversation requires the ability to express one's thoughts accurately, concisely, in an ethical manner and to be able to listen to the interlocutor.

A manager should not interrupt a subordinate or display so-called lordly manners. But the subordinate, in turn, is required to conduct a conversation only on the merits of the matter, without wasting the manager’s time.

In general, we can say that the ability to conduct a business conversation is mandatory for every employee; this is his direct job responsibility.

If during a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, for one reason or another, there are other employees in the office, they are advised to refrain from interfering in the conversation. If these employees are specifically called by the manager in order to explain a fact, they should participate in the conversation only when the manager asks.

Sometimes the manager wants to treat a visitor. Tea, coffee, and soft drinks are used as treats, but nothing more, since the manager’s office is not a place for a reception. Typically, tea or coffee is offered to the visitor a few minutes after the conversation begins. Baked goods (cookies, muffins) are rarely served, and if the secretary decides to serve confectionery, they should be such that there is no need to break or cut them, since this creates crumbs that both the visitor and the owner of the office do not know about. what to do.

The supply of tea and coffee is usually organized by the secretary, and served directly by the secretary or an employee specially allocated for this purpose. Usually the filing order is worked out once and for all, so practically no problems arise. Cups and a teapot (or coffee pot) are placed on a tray brought in by the secretary, the cup is filled 3/4 full and given to the visitor with the right hand, if circumstances do not prevent this, to the visitor’s right. The cup is also removed with the right hand and to the left of the guest. If there is more than one visitor in the manager’s office, a certain order in serving coffee or tea is observed: first to the female visitor, then to the male visitors, and then last resort- the owner of the office. Used dishes are removed in the same order. Sometimes visitors are located in the manager's office in such a way that it is difficult to maintain the required order of serving coffee. In this case, it is permissible for the secretary to leave a tray with cups and a coffee pot or with already filled cups on the table, in an accessible place, and visitors themselves take the cups from the tray. Usually this form of presentation is determined by the owner of the office, telling the secretary: “Leave the tray here, we will handle it ourselves.”

Another reminder to the manager, of the nature ethical standard: a leader must treat all his subordinates equally, and everyone must be treated equally. It is unacceptable to single out any of the subordinates from the general team - according to the principle of “favorites”, to whom everything is allowed: to be late for meetings without a good reason, to leave during a meeting, to be late for work and not receive comments, etc. Favoritism not only does not contribute to unity, mutual understanding, and cohesion of the team; moreover, it divides the team and causes unethical actions dictated by envy, mistrust, hostility, partiality, and an inadequate assessment of the situation.

It is also bad to “blame” all the flaws and shortcomings on one of the subordinates in the team, even if this person really has shortcomings in work or official behavior. Of course, such behavior will be assessed accordingly by the manager, but one cannot a priori see him as the culprit of all the troubles of the team.

If the shortcomings of a subordinate are not directly related to the work, the manager should treat them tolerantly and encourage other team members to have the same attitude; This will help prevent possible conflict and split in the team. Thus, a competent, knowledgeable, talented leader is quite democratic in dealing with his subordinates, but knows how to keep the necessary distance, without turning tolerance into familiarity and familiarity, does not allow rudeness, arrogance, is not hypocritical, but also does not show tactlessness.

It is necessary to say a few words about the ethics of a leader’s behavior during a business meeting. The meeting should start exactly at the appointed time, without waiting for those who are late, since compliance with the rules of the meeting, including its start time, is a sign of respect for those present.

The style of the meeting is extremely businesslike; the manager should not propose issues for discussion that are not listed on the agenda or deviate from the regulations. You cannot “put pressure” on subordinates - participants in the meeting, imposing this or that decision on them.

Democracy, brevity, efficiency, precise adherence established order- in a word, compliance by the manager with these requirements will ensure the ethics of the business meeting.

The manager conducting the meeting should also not constantly look at wrist watch. This leaves a depressing impression on the participants, who may feel that they are wasting management's time. It is necessary to have a wall clock in the room where the meeting is held. If this is not the case for some reason, and you need to keep track of time, you should take off your wristwatch and, putting it in front of you, look at it as needed.

It is unethical for a manager to interrogate a person who is late for a meeting about the reason for his lateness. There is no need to interrupt the progress of the meeting for this; and the latecomer should not have to explain the reason. Business man won't be late, but if it does happen, there's obviously a good reason for it. However, after the meeting, it still makes sense for the manager to find out what caused the subordinate to be late, or at least make a reprimand to him. And from an ethical point of view, being late for a meeting by the manager himself is completely excluded. A manager should constantly monitor himself in contacts with subordinates, remembering that each subordinate is not only a performer of certain official functions, but also an individual with his own interests, personal goals, and his own opinion about his work and its value and quality. A leader must treat every subordinate with respect and strengthen his faith in himself, in his abilities, in his creative potential.

Good manners and others necessary qualities, ethical behavior and actions of a leader are always “in sight” of subordinates. The way a leader behaves, sooner or later all his subordinates will behave the same way. Practice shows that even if in a group headed by a given leader there is an employee who has his own, individual style of behavior, after some time the standards of behavior of the leader and other team members will prevail over his personal standards.

Particular attention should be paid to the etiquette of a senior manager, i.e. the first person of the organization. Head of the organization (president, CEO, rector, chairman of the board) is the face of the entire organization. By his appearance, manner of behavior, by the degree to which he fulfills the requirements business etiquette judge the entire organization; one small, but unfortunate detail in behavior, one, even insignificant, but unethical act, can spoil the impression of others about the organization as a whole. Therefore, the protocol group of the organization, no matter how numerous it is, and the leader himself, who is the first person of this organization, do not have the right not to pay attention to external appearance. Clothing, manners, behavior, external manifestation of mood - everything must be impeccable. Note that in most cases, a person’s clothing determines his status, and since the status of the first person of the organization is the highest for a given company, he is allowed and even recommended the appropriate attributes of his position: expensive accessories, a more confident and decisive manner of behavior, etc.

Managers of all ranks should take into account the specifics of communication with representatives of funds mass media. It is advisable for managers, especially the first persons of the organization, when dealing with journalistic circles, to carefully monitor their answers to questions, not allowing certain words to be distorted, and firmly and resolutely suppress the desire that arises among some journalists to turn any message into a certain " fried" fact. This is difficult, especially since the leader simply does not have the right to demonstrate unethicality and immorality, which manifests itself, for example, even in such a seemingly innocent thing as litany? chmopipnal coloring of statements or the assumption of slang expressions in speech, even if it is “departmental” jargon.

So, if a low-level or middle-level manager has an increased demand in moral terms, then from the first person the ethical demand has such a high level that “mere mortals” cannot even see this bar from below!


2.1 The concept of a leader’s image

The personality of a leader plays a very important role in business. Often the company as a whole is judged by personality. Therefore, the problem of image formation is becoming increasingly urgent for managers. The image of a leader contributes to solving many problems of the organization, helping to implement effective management.

The word image (from French or English image) literally translated into Russian means “image”, “appearance”. This term can apply to a large number of objects and phenomena that are perceived by people in one way or another and leave a mark on their consciousness. These may be individuals, some social groups, organizations, goods wide consumption, trade marks etc. In relation to the personality of the head of the company, this concept can be interpreted as follows: image is a holistic, consistent image of the leader in the minds of others, corresponding to the goals, norms, values ​​accepted in the target group, and the expectations placed by group members on the leader. Several keywords this definition allow us to distinguish between the concepts of image and style, which are often synonymous for the average person.

The first of them is “holistic”. It means that the structure of a leader’s image includes not only his appearance(hairstyle, clothes, accessories, etc.), but also everything on the basis of which others form an opinion about a person. This may include the leadership style, the general personality of the leader, his communication and interaction skills, manner of speaking, etc.

The second key word is “consistent.” It should be understood that the external manifestation of the image must correspond to the internal state of a person. The concept of congruence, i.e., the correspondence of some image elements to others, is most suitable for describing this side of the image.

Next keywords can be combined into a common block that characterizes the corporate culture of the organization: “goals”, “norms”, “values” and “expectations” of the target group - in this case, a team of subordinates.

These terms take the concept of image beyond the personality of the leader and force us to look at the problem from the point of view of the organization as a whole. In its most simplified form, this means that the image of a leader as a holistic and consistent image must correspond to certain characteristics organizational culture. There are quite strict ideas about what kind of leader should be in an organization with a particular type of corporate culture. So, for example, a patriarchal culture requires a leader who would play the role of a father, a caring patron, a relationship-oriented person who delves deeply into the problems of subordinates and shows an active interest in resolving them, no matter what area it concerns.

In an entrepreneurial culture, the optimal image for a leader is the image of a successful businessman with the largest number external signs of success: expensive things (cars, watches, Haute Couture clothes, etc.), large quantity current affairs, meetings, conferences, negotiations, etc. A similar correspondence exists for other types of organizational culture, as well as for various types management teams.

Thus, the main goal of image formation is to model the way a leader is perceived by subordinates, in which he organically fits into the system of expectations of subordinates, corresponding to the existing type of corporate culture.

2.2 Tools and methods for forming and developing the image of a leader

A manager should begin working on creating his image by setting a goal. Often the main task of a person who has decided to improve his image comes down to deciding why he needs it. The goal of a manager may be to increase influence over subordinates, improve the image of the department entrusted to him, or achieve success in certain negotiations. Depending on the goal, a decision is made on methods for forming and developing the image.

Then a modern manager must decide whether he will manage with his own funds or resort to the help of specialists. It is a common practice in the world to work with agencies or individual specialists - image makers. If the manager’s goal is global, then it is possible to contact such an agency. To achieve a local goal, you can use your own means. In Russia, the practice of working with agencies is not very popular and is just beginning to develop. It is more common to turn to private practitioners. However, when choosing such a specialist, mistakes are possible. Currently, many courses are being created to train image makers. Most graduates of these courses are not. Typically, training in such courses comes down to the basics of etiquette. Despite the importance of these disciplines, the courses do not provide a holistic view of the image in general and the image of a leader in particular. Attention is paid only to the external side of the problem.

If a manager decides that he will carry out work to improve his image on his own, this means that he must highlight the components of the image creation process, and then turn to specialists for each individual component. Probably this approach can give the maximum effect. In the process of identifying image components, it is important to avoid the mistake of excessive detail. It is necessary to remember the end goal and clearly imagine the result.

Another important task for a manager who has begun work on shaping his image is the issue of adequately assessing the current situation. No person, by definition, is able to evaluate himself objectively. In order to obtain the necessary information, it is recommended to use several ways.

First of all, a person must clearly formulate his self-esteem, i.e. understand how he represents himself. Despite the obviousness of this fact, many people, including managers, do not even think about it. However, if a manager decides to change his image, he must evaluate what he wants to change, what strong and weak qualities he possesses at the time of making this decision. Naturally, such an assessment will be subjective, but it cannot be otherwise. It is recommended that self-assessment be done in writing, since a person’s opinion of himself can be quite vague, and the written form of presentation requires the use of specific words. It is possible to use the following tabular form (Table 1).

Table 1 – Example of a form used when conducting a self-assessment

The form of the table may be different, for example, it may contain an assessment of qualities on some scale. If you have difficulties in self-esteem, it is advisable to consult a psychologist. If a person cannot clearly formulate his idea of ​​himself (it does not matter whether it coincides with the opinions of others), then he will experience difficulties in the further process of image formation. The next step is to use criticism constructively.

It takes some courage to ask others to make critical comments. Many people prefer not to injure themselves with such a procedure. However, it is necessary to achieve the final goal. It is advisable for this purpose to find people who are sincerely interested. You should explain to them the desire to change some aspect of self-presentation and ask for help and advice. You should also ask the “assistant” to be specific and thorough.

It is worth paying attention to compliments addressed to you. Some compliments make you doubt the sincerity of your motives. The most effective compliments are those with which a person internally agrees and which receive confirmation from other sources.

Sometimes others criticize a person’s ability to present himself completely involuntarily. For example, if interlocutors constantly ask to repeat what a person has just said, being unable to understand his speech, they are thereby criticizing one aspect of his method of self-presentation.

Typically, second-hand criticisms such as “they say that...” are not constructive. When analyzing such comments, you should understand what motives are behind them and whether they should be taken into account. However, in some cases it is worth paying attention to such comments.

The manager can conduct a survey among his employees. The questionnaire should not be directly devoted to its development. Questions must be worded carefully to ensure that subordinates answer sincerely. You can place questions on attitudes towards the manager’s personality and management methods among others, for example, on improving product quality. When compiling such a questionnaire, it is also advisable to use the help of a specialist. It is possible to use the expert assessment technique. However, when applying this technique, the help of a specialist is necessary. The manager cannot use it independently, since in this case the answers will be far from reality (especially if this is a top-level manager).

Thus, the manager must determine for himself the goal of the image development strategy, and, if possible, the end result (“ideal image development strategy”) and the initial basis for formation, i.e. the image currently available. After this, the process of creating an image is divided into its component parts, and ways to achieve the goal and its approximate time frame for each of the components are determined.

Forming an image is not a change in a person’s personality. This process cannot make one person completely different. Therefore, it is important for a manager to know the basics of psychology in order to be able to assess the psychological characteristics of one’s own personality and competently use one’s strengths and weaknesses. Understanding personality traits can help understand the reasons for the existence of the created, original strategy. Knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses (for performing any work, since there are practically no advantages and disadvantages “at all”, with the exception of observing moral standards) is a significant advantage of every leader.

This knowledge is the key to the correct application of advantages and avoidance of situations associated with the manifestation of shortcomings. This knowledge alone can help improve the impression made by the leader on others, which, in fact, is the image. On the other hand, knowledge of psychology allows a manager to correctly evaluate the actions of subordinates and shape their attitude towards themselves.

In this regard, it is also advisable to consider ways to save working time.

A good illustration of this principle is the practice of US President Dwight Eisenhower, who considered all cases based on two criteria: importance and urgency. Based on this, he placed all his affairs in the cells of a simple matrix shown in the figure

1. Type A tasks, being urgent and important, must be solved immediately. Tasks of type B, as important, but not too urgent, require attention and determination of deadlines, without which they at some point risk turning into tasks of category A. It is advisable to delegate tasks of type B to subordinates or specialists, since these things must be done urgently , but they are not too important. The manager may forget about type D tasks. The trap that most managers fall into is that they deal mainly with things of category D and C and fail to cope with things A and B. This often happens because things of type D and C are easier to do and their results are obvious, which psychologically strengthens person.

Figure 1 – Eisenhower Matrix

A manager needs to learn to distinguish “important” from “urgent”; the implementation of the Pareto Principle will help him in this. According to this rule, 20% of vital matters are equal in importance to 80%. Conversely, 80% of what you do has only 20% payload. This rule applies to all aspects of business and personal life (Figure 2).

Figure 2 – Pareto principle

A manager can also use a daily time tracking card developed by A. Gastev to track his time. In Figure 3 we present a fragment of A. Gastev’s personal time card, developed by him back in the twenties. It starts for one day. On the left side of the card the type of activity is recorded, on the right, on a scale of one cell - 30 minutes, the time when and for how long was performed is noted this type activities. Testing on a large group of people showed that Gastev’s cards continue to be one of the best tools for monitoring one’s time.

Table 2 – A. Gastev’s daily time card

The process of time tracking using A. Gastev’s cards is divided into several stages. The first stage is to keep track of time for one week, during which time the “code” column is not filled in. In the “Type of activity” column, the type of work, rest, etc. is recorded. The time during which this type of activity was performed is noted on the right side of the card by coloring the cells. Time scale – 0.5 hour/cell. You should round up to 15 minutes, using half of one cell for this purpose. At first, it is advisable to keep records every hour; filling out the card either retroactively or in advance is not allowed.

At the end of the first week, for ease of analysis, it is necessary to give each type of work and rest its own code, which in some way reflects their character. You should not use letters for the code; they are less memorable.

Combine similar types of work under one code, but do not try to reduce all types of activities to 3–4 codes. Their optimal number is 15 – 20. For example:

After the codes have been generated, they must be entered in the appropriate column of the accounting cards. Now everything is ready for analysis.

In Figure 3 we present a fragment of time analysis using Gastev’s cards. On the left, in the vertical column, activity codes are written. The horizontal line gives the time scale, which is also taken as 0.5 hour/cell. Then, the data from the accounting cards is transferred to the graph for analyzing the results of time tracking, with the days separated by vertical lines, as shown in the figure, and the number of the month is placed above the horizontal lines showing the duration of a given type of activity (work, rest). This order makes it easier to decipher the analysis results in the future.

Figure 3 – Fragment of time analysis using Gastev cards

Leaders view distractions as part of their job. Table 3 provides examples of distractions and ways to solve problems.

Table 3 - Distractions and solutions to the problem

Distractions Solution



– The manager should not check email unnecessarily;

– The manager should disconnect from the system

immediate message transmission

Requests for information

– Persons to whom the manager entrusts matters must have necessary information and powers;

– The manager must respond in a timely manner

to requests from necessary persons

Unscheduled visitors

– The manager may say that he is busy and

set a meeting time or inform

what time does he have;

– The manager can hang a reception clock on the office door


– The manager may not respond to

unscheduled calls;

– The manager must call and answer

calls at a certain time;

– A manager should call people before

lunch or before the end of the working day, this

will reduce talk time

You should also take into account 7 time management methods that guarantee high productivity. More precisely, these are ways proper organization own thinking. We'll call them "7R" because the name of each one is on English language starts with R.

The first “R” is Resistance. Every time a manager experiences difficulties at work or encounters failure, he becomes upset. In this situation, the manager, instead of forcing events, should engage in analysis.

The second “R” is Reevalute (revision, re-examination of the situation). Every time you encounter a reaction, you need to re-examine everything that is happening.

The third “R”, which gives the greatest efficiency, is Reorganization. A manager needs to constantly reschedule his work to get more done and get more of the most important things done. The manager must be prepared for reorganization.

The fourth “R” is Restructuring. It implies that you need to spend as much time as possible doing the 20% of your work that has the most impact. high value, and as little as possible by everyone else. Restructuring allows you to get more and more valuable work done.

The fifth “R” is Reengineering. This is a constant simplification of the work process, a constant search for ways to do your work easier and faster. It is advisable for the manager to make a list of all stages of the work process. For example, the first stage is a phone call, then setting up an appointment, meeting with potential client etc. The manager must do full list steps and try to shorten the list. The second stage of reengineering is to transfer all low-value tasks to other people.

The sixth “R” is Reinventing. You need to think about what you like to do and try to “reinvent” yourself.

The seventh “R” is Regain control. A leader needs to control himself, take full responsibility, not indulge himself and not blame others.

Planning is of particular importance in the process of creating an image. The importance of planning in the life of any person striving to achieve success is emphasized in the works of almost all authors. Without a rationally drawn up plan, achieving any final goal, including the desired image, is almost impossible.

This approach significantly saves time and makes work more efficient. Activities to improve development strategies should be included in the work plan along with other activities.

Depending on the goal, these activities can be actions to improve the external strategy (for example, visiting a hairdresser, cosmetologist, makeup artist), or actions aimed at improving the psychological component (visiting a psychologist, taking courses, learning a foreign language, etc.) . It is almost impossible to create an exhaustive list of activities; actions depend on the goal. If any image improvement activity is planned solely for the sake of prestige (because everyone is doing it), it will not contribute to achieving the desired result. Any action taken by a leader (no doubt a busy person) must serve a specific purpose and be carried out absolutely consciously.

The manager should use workday planning tools. Recommended planning tools: “keep in mind”; to-do list; mind map; secretary; "mop method"

“Keep in mind”, this method should be used when there is only one task for the day. Or on weekends or on vacation. When the results are not so critical and the density of cases is low. The advantages of the method are that it is easy to apply; nothing additional is needed except the head. But there are also disadvantages: limited to only one task; risk of losing, forgetting tasks; there is no way to objectively evaluate “what I wanted/what I achieved.”

To-do list and mind map. These are two structurally different ways of presenting information on paper. Table 4 provides comparative data for each instrument.

Table 4 - Comparison of to-do list and mind map

Secretary. Its advantages are that it can radically make life easier. But there are also disadvantages: expensive; requires time to select a suitable secretary and introduce him to the specifics of the job.

"Mop Method" The essence of the method is to make a to-do list and periodically determine priorities, completing only the important ones. The advantages of the method are that it is the most quick tool leading to success. No wonder it was valued at 25 thousand dollars. The disadvantages are: difficult to use in office work mode; requires high motivation to tackle “uninteresting” tasks first.

It is possible to use a functional matrix. This method clearly represents the main functions and stages of responsible people.

The 5W2H method is good for building and developing an image. In accordance with this method, called 5W2H - an abbreviation for the English words what, why, where, when, who, how, how much. These questions are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 – Tabular interpretation of the 5W2H method

Aspect 5W2H Description
The essence of the subject What (what)

1.What needs to be done?

2. What is being done?

3. What should be done?

4. What else can be done?

5. What else needs to be done?

Staff Who (who)

1.Who does this all the time?

2. Who is doing this currently?

3. Who should do this?

4. Who else could do this?

5. Who else should do this?

Accommodation Where (where)

1.Where should this be done?

2. Where was it made?

3. Where else can this be done?

4. Where else should this be done?

5. Where should this be done?

Subsequence When

1.When should this be done?

2. When was this done?

3. When should this be done?

4. When else can this be done?

5. When else should this be done?

Rationale Why (why)

1.Why does he do this?

2. Why should this be done?

3. Why do it here?

4. Why this should be done?

5. Why is it done this way?

Method How (how)

1.How should I do this?

2. How is it done?

3. How should this be done?

4. Is it possible to use this method in

somewhere else?

5. Is there another way to do this?

Expenses How much (how much)

1.How much does it cost now?

2. How much will it cost after


We reviewed the most well-known methods. There is not a single universal technique that could immediately cover all aspects of the problem under study. All managers in their activities must use methods and tools for forming and developing an image. After all, image is the key to the success of a modern manager.

Thus, the above tools and techniques will allow modern managers to develop their effective image.

norm etiquette tool image leader


The personality of a leader plays a very important role in business. Often the company as a whole is judged by personality. Good manners and other necessary qualities, ethical behavior and actions of a leader are always “in sight” of subordinates.

Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothing). Etiquette, like communication, can be divided into business and informal.

At all times there were and are people with different attitudes to etiquette. This attitude depended and depends on the upbringing, education and development of the moral needs of the individual, which presuppose the presence of a desire for a moral attitude towards oneself on the part of others and the same desire to treat people morally. Good knowledge and compliance with etiquette standards is one of the components of an attractive image.

Image is a holistic, consistent image of a leader in the minds of others, corresponding to the goals, norms, values ​​accepted in the target group, and the expectations of group members for the leader.

The problem of image formation is becoming increasingly urgent for managers. The image of a leader contributes to solving many problems of the organization, helping to implement effective management.

The main goal of image formation is to model the way a leader is perceived by subordinates, in which he organically fits into the system of expectations of subordinates, corresponding to the existing type of corporate culture.


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