Moscow Humanitarian University (Moscow State University). Electronic library EBS Legal services for teachers

Modern library- digital library. The university provides free access to the electronic catalog of the Moscow State University library and several electronic library systems: “Book Fund” and IPRbooks.

If you do not have time to work in the reading room, you can find the book you are interested in on one of several electronic library sites. You can read electronic publications anywhere and at any time; they take up little space: you can store tens or hundreds of thousands of books on your computer.

Become a reader of the Book Fund and you will have the opportunity to take as many as 133 thousand books on the road at once. So many books can fit in your mobile phone or e-book. To access them you need to log in to the Knigafond system. Authorization cards can be obtained free of charge in the library reading room (3rd building, 2nd floor).

Create your own virtual library shelf: choose lectures, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, collections of articles, training modules, expert comments, primary sources, teaching materials on the website - in your specialty.

Use the text processing capabilities:

· Note-taking: creating an unlimited number of your own notes, containing both quotes from books and own recordings;

· Quoting: copying a quotation from a book into an outline with automatic creation exact bibliographic reference to the publication and page;

· Bookmarks: creating tags that allow you to quickly find the necessary pages of a book;

The database of the electronic library system IPRbooks (ELS IPRbooks) contains more than 7,500 publications - textbooks, monographs, journals in various areas of training of higher education specialists, and other educational literature.

The main collection of the electronic library consists of books and magazines from more than 200 leading Russian publishing houses that supply literature for the educational process to the market. The IPRbooks electronic library is systematically updated and replenished with new, modern and popular publications, while the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the library are constantly being improved.

All textbooks and additional literature are available to an unlimited number of IPRbooks EBS users online 24 hours a day.

EBS IPRbooks is intended for students, graduate students, teachers, researchers and practitioners seeking to gain knowledge from high-quality and licensed sources.

EBS IPRbooks - the ability to conveniently work with electronic publications, use special services for libraries that allow you to analyze, take into account electronic publications, systematize your work, saving time and money.

EBS IPRbooks is a reliable platform for posting publications in in electronic format, which allows you to receive an official publication in electronic form and earn money from your publications (electronic publication is confirmed by a certificate).

You can get a login/password for using IPRbooks in the library reading room (3rd building, 2nd floor)

EBS IPRbooks is an electronic library in all fields of knowledge that fully complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

This is a modern resource for obtaining quality education, providing access to educational and scientific publications necessary for teaching and organizing the educational process in our educational institution.
EBS IPR BOOKS combines the latest information technologies and educational licensed literature designed for different areas of study, with the help of which you can get necessary knowledge, prepare for seminars, tests and exams, complete necessary work and projects. EBS teachers will find IPR BOOKS useful when compiling curricula and RPD, preparing and conducting classes, obtaining information about new publications of colleagues.

The content of the EBS IPR BOOKS is presented by publications of more than 600 federal, regional, university publishing houses, research institutes, leading teams of authors, the content of which complies with the requirements of federal educational standards. EBS IPR BOOKS contains exclusive publications not presented in other resources.

Among the undeniable advantages of the EBS IPR BOOKS are the speed and ease of searching and filtering publications, advanced functionality, modern and convenient services for users, including for inclusive education, high adaptability of the system, and an attentive approach to each reader.
Working with the system is possible both online and offline.
Access is provided:

  • from the MSUU electronic catalog -
  • from the territory of MSUU without registration,
  • Personal registration is possible at the MSUU Library (in person or by @-mail).

Working with the IPR BOOKS EBS is also possible from mobile devices (you can download the IPRbooks Mobile Reader application on the App Store or Play Market). Instructions for working with EBS are available on the website in the user’s personal account. video instructions are also available

The “Legendary Books” section contains publications from past years that, due to the age of publication, limited circulation, or other reasons, have become inaccessible, although their quality is often much higher than that of modern textbooks. You will see not only educational publications, but also classic scientific works, as well as translations, including pre-revolutionary ones. Here, in the “Read in the Original” series, unadapted original texts classics of science, world literature, as well as English originals of such documents as the Treaty of Lisbon, the UN Charter, etc. Books are open at any time to all readers. These publications can be used to work with primary sources and in scientific work and when learning languages...

By registering in the system, the teacher receives:

  • information about all textbooks on your disciplines published by the Urayt publishing house;
  • free personal full-text access to textbooks in your disciplines in your personal account in the electronic library;
  • the right to use practical materials from textbooks and workshops for work at seminars and lectures;

Universal reference and information full-text database of periodicals. IVIS LLC is one of the largest Russian companies printed periodicals, books, electronic databases data from periodicals and other information resources.

IVIS is the official partner and exclusive distributor American company East View Information Services, Inc. in Russia. Among the company's products informational resources from various regions of the world: Russia, CIS, Eastern Europe, countries of the Near and Middle East, South and East Asia.

List of periodicals available by subscription in 2019-2020 (including an archive for previous years):

  1. Bulletin of State and municipal government
  2. Bulletin of MGIMO University
  3. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11. Law
  4. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 6. Economics
  5. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 25. International relations and world politics
  6. Economic issues
  7. State and law
  8. Housing and communal services: journal of the manager and chief accountant (archive)
  9. Journal of Economic Theory (archive)
  10. Healthcare
  12. Creative Economy
  13. Leadership and management (archive)
  14. International life
  15. Management in Russia and abroad
  16. Management and business administration
  17. Management and quality methods
  18. Moscow Journal of International Law = Moscow Journal Of International Law
  19. Municipality: economics and management
  20. Tax disputes (archive)
  21. Non-profit organizations in Russia (archive)
  22. Law and management. XXI Century
  23. Legal Issues in Healthcare
  24. Municipal management practice (archive)
  25. Applied computer science (archive)
  26. Management problems (archive)
  27. Problems of economics and legal practice
  28. Region: systems, economics, management
  29. Russian newspaper
  30. Russian economy: forecasts and trends
  31. Russian Economic Journal
  32. USA - Canada. Economics, politics, culture
  33. Apartment building management
  34. Finance

Editions are available in full, in accordance with printed version. You can view individual issues of magazines, an archive for previous years (even if the magazine has ceased to exist or its subscription has expired). There is a full-text multi-aspect search for publications, the ability to save and print individual articles.

Access is provided:

  • without registration from MSUU computers (including via university wi-fi),
  • 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world after registering with the MSUU Library (in person or by @-mail).

Login and password for remote access to journals are provided in the NI&EB sector of the university.

Aktion Media Group is the leader Russian market specialized and professional periodicals. Aktion-Media CJSC and the media group’s subsidiaries publish magazines and newspapers that have long been known and loved by readers - Glavbukh, Uchet. Taxes. Law”, “Russian Tax Courier”, “Personnel Affairs”, etc.

The Aktion-MCFER company produces 112 printed and electronic professional publications, 17 reference systems, 5 online services and more than 20 distance courses. The company's products are used by more than 500 thousand accountants, lawyers, personnel officers, financiers, managers, employees of educational, medical and government institutions.

The MSUU Library subscribes to electronic journals:

  • HR Director
  • Tax disputes
  • Occupational safety in questions and answers
  • Legal Issues in Healthcare
  • Municipal management practice
  • Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
  • Apartment building management

Access from any computer connected to the Internet. Login and password are provided in the NI&EB sector of the university.

On March 12, 2020, another online conference took place with the University of Sheffield. The conference was attended by students of groups MO101-111 and ZR 101-111 of the Faculty of Economics, Management and international relations under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Kolosova V.V. The theme of the conference was stereotypes about Russia and Great Britain. The Russian and British systems of middle and higher education. Students from Sheffield spoke about their experience of interning in hotels, theme parks and at world resorts.

March 10, 2020 in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the rector of the Moscow Humanitarian University, Professor I.M. Ilyinsky, was awarded the Jubilee Medal “75 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War 1941-1945."

Congratulations to Igor Mikhailovich on his well-deserved award!

You serve as an example of Honor and Dignity, personifying the best traditions and ideals of your generation.

We wish you further success on your difficult Path.

Moscow State University team

Awarding a scholarship named after S.S. Phil for students of the Faculty of Law

On March 5, in the auditorium named after Sergei Fil, a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, the best students of the Faculty of Law were awarded diplomas and commemorative booklets entitling them to receive a scholarship in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per month, which was established by the Gazpromenergoholding company in memory of the former deputy General Director company, graduate of the Faculty of Law Sergei Sergeevich File.

He studied at the Faculty of Law between 1997 and 2002, and graduated with honors. Upon completion of training, he went to work at RAO UES of Russia and worked his way up from a first category specialist to Deputy General Director of the largest energy company within the structure of Gazprom - Gazpromenergoholding.

In memory of him, the company equipped a computer classroom and established 5 “Path to Success” scholarships of 10 thousand rubles each.

The dean of the Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor T.A. spoke to the students. Soshnikova.

She spoke about Sergei Fil's years of study at the Faculty of Law, about his successes in studies, sports, and in the social life of the faculty, and wished the students good study and success.

The vice-rector for educational work ON THE. Mikhailichenko.

Scholarships received:

1. Anastasia Evgenievna Vinogradova - 4th year student, studying with excellent marks, takes an active part in the scientific life of the Faculty of Law

2. Gaidukova Alina Denisovna – 3rd year student, good and excellent student, group leader, chairman of the student council.

3. Gromovik Vladislav Yurievich - 3rd year student, is a good and excellent student, takes an active part in the scientific life of the Faculty of Law

4.Zhidkova Kristina Viktorovna, 4th year student, is a good and excellent student, takes an active part in the scientific life of the Faculty of Law

5. Elizaveta Nikolaevna Serezhenkova - 4th year student, excellent student, takes an active part in the scientific life of the Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is proud of its graduates and is grateful to Gazprom Energoremont for supporting legal education.

Masters of Hospitality

Students of the Moscow Humanitarian University Irina Bukina, direction of preparation “Hotel Management” and Lazareva Anna, direction of preparation “Tourism” took part in All-Russian competition"Masters of Hospitality" The competition is held by the presidential platform “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” as part of the implementation of the federal project “Social Elevators for Everyone” national project"Education".

Successfully completed the remote stages.

1. “Self-presentation and creativity.” Irina Bukina presented a video “New directions for tourist development of territories in the Russian Federation using the example of the Taman Peninsula,” Anna Lazareva presented a video “Cruise tourism resources in Russia.”

2. “Knowledge of history, culture and mastery of the basic concepts of industry professions.” Testing.

3. “Project culture.” Presentation own projects in the semi-finals of the “Masters of Hospitality” competition on February 26-27, 2020 in Tula.

Irina Bukina was among the 118 contestants who showed the best results at the remote testing stage and presented their projects related to the hospitality industry. Irina, in the face-to-face stage of the semi-finals of the competition, presented the project “Development of a business model of an agricultural estate and tourism service programs for the wine-growing territory of the Taman Peninsula”, and performed individual and group analytical tasks. According to the results feedback and expert assessments was awarded a Diploma.

In the photo, Irina Bukina is next to the Head of the “Masters of Hospitality” competition, Evgeny Malygin.

A scientific and practical conference with international participation “Legal support of social justice in the context of digitalization” was held at the Faculty of Law

On February 19, 2020, the 12th All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, dedicated to World Day social justice.

The co-founders of the conference were: Moscow University for the Humanities, the International Union of Lawyers, the Moscow Lawyers' Union and the Association of Law Universities.

Information support for the conference was provided by ConsultantPlus.

On November 26, 2007, the UN General Assembly, in resolution No.˚A/RES/62/10, invited member states to carry out activities in the interests of social development and celebrate February 20 as a holiday in order to increase efforts in eradicating poverty, ensuring employment, decent work, gender equality.

World Social Justice Day began to be celebrated in 2009. Since that time, the Faculty of Law of Moscow Humanitarian University began to hold international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to this date, at which representatives of the UN Information Center, the ILO Bureau, famous scientists in the field of philosophy, history, economics, government studies, jurisprudence gathered and discussed actual problems, aimed at achieving social justice, peace and cooperation.

Taking into account Russia's transition to development digital economy, the theme of the conference was “Legal provision of social justice in the context of digitalization.” The challenges of digitalization in 2020 have become main theme all scientific research conducted at Moscow University for the Humanities.

On behalf of the University leadership, the conference participants were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor A.V. Kostina

In her speech, she noted the relevance of the problems discussed at the conference and emphasized that digitalization is certainly a step forward in the development of the Russian economy and all spheres of state and public life, however, at the same time, new challenges and threats are emerging in ensuring human rights to preserve personal data, to personal and family secrets, the secret of correspondence. There is still a lot of work to be done in these and other areas of ensuring human rights, including by specialists in the field of jurisprudence.

On behalf of the International Union of Lawyers, the conference participants were welcomed by Deputy Chairman of the Union A.N. Peskov, who is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Sports Law Association.

He also drew attention to the relevance of the conference topic for modern Russia, emphasizing that it is still difficult to achieve social justice in our state, taking into account the unacceptable stratification of the people: almost 20 million people live below the poverty line, and some leaders large companies They receive wages of several million rubles a day. But the state and the President of the Russian Federation have set the task of fighting poverty, a number of measures have been planned to improve the living standards of the population, including increasing the minimum wage, which should not be lower than the subsistence level, systematic indexation of pensions and wages, increasing child benefits and a number of other measures.

In his speech, he also spoke about the activities of the International Union of Lawyers, about the plans outlined by the Union for 2020, about cooperation with the Moscow Humanitarian University and its Faculty of Law, and wished creative success to the conference participants.

On behalf of the Moscow Union of Lawyers, the conference participants were greeted by the acting Chairman of the Union, M.V. Vilkhovsky.

He emphasized the relevance of the conference topic, spoke about the plans of the Moscow Union of Lawyers in defending the rights of residents of the capital, and about cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Humanitarian University. Maxim Vladimirovich Vilkhovsky teaches at the faculty, dean of the Faculty of Law T.A. Soshnikova is a member of the Presidium of the Moscow Union of Lawyers, the Union helps students when they pass various types practice, assists in the employment of graduates of the faculty. In 2020, the Moscow Lawyers' Union celebrates its 30th anniversary, and M.V. Vilkhovsky invited conference participants to gala event dedicated to this anniversary.

The conference was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the Central European Academy of Science, Literature and Art (Sorbonne, Paris) T.A. Soshnikova.

With a report on the topic “Issues of social justice in the context of the UN Agenda in the field of sustainable development» Deputy Director of the UN Information Center M. A. Melnikova spoke to the conference participants. She spoke in detail about the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development and described the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), among which the main goal is the eradication of poverty! States recognize that measures to eradicate poverty must be taken in parallel with efforts to increase economic growth and solving a number of issues in the field of education, health, social protection and employment, as well as combating climate change and protecting the environment.

The scientific discussion was opened by Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. M.V.˚Lomonosova M.N. Marchenko, who is currently part of working group on the preparation of proposals to amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation.”

He emphasized that the proposed amendments to the Basic Law of the country are aimed at achieving social justice. Members of the working group, political parties, and the population of Russia have already proposed more than 500 amendments, but most of them do not need constitutional enshrinement. “We are setting the foundation, the basis on which the walls should be built, on many issues can be adopted federal laws or laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to include all legal regulation in the Constitution, and it is not necessary. The main thing is that it retains the unshakable foundations enshrined in Chapters 1, 2 and 9 of the current Constitution of Russia,” noted M.N. Marchenko.

On behalf of the Association of Law Universities, the President of the Association, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at Moscow University spoke at the conference. S. Yu. Witte, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation S.N. Baburin.

The Association of Law Universities has been cooperating with the Moscow University for the Humanities for many years, which celebrated its anniversary in December 2019 - 75 years of its activity as a higher education organization. In connection with this date, S.N. Baburin awarded Certificate of honor University, which was presented to him by the dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor T.A. Soshnikova.

Baburin S.N. made a report “The principle of justice in integration constitutionalism”, he is a supporter of the adoption of a new Constitution and believes that the main task The fundamental law of the country is the gathering and integration of the Russian people. According to the speaker, the principle of justice should also be reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, precisely in its first chapter, which cannot be changed now.

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department labor law and rights social security Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL), scientific adviser Faculty of Law, Moscow Humanitarian University, Chairman of the Moscow Society of Labor Law and Social Security Law K.D. Krylov dedicated his speech to improving international legal regulation progress towards social justice. He drew attention to the new initiatives of the International Labor Organization as one of the leading UN organizations in the field of legal regulation of the future of work, preventing violence in the workplace, overcoming inequality in the world of work, achieving decent work and employment.

The well-known international lawyer, candidate of legal sciences, professor of the department of international and European law at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation B.M. Ashavsky drew the attention of those gathered to the importance of establishing the principles of the rule of law at the national and international levels to ensure social justice. Russia cannot fail to fulfill the obligations of international treaties that it has signed and conventions that it has ratified. Discussions about the priority of international law over the Constitution of the Russian Federation stem from a misunderstanding of some representatives of society. Russia is a sovereign state; it will never ratify an international act if it contradicts the Constitution. But since Russia has signed this act, it is impossible not to implement it, the speaker emphasized.

A very interesting, original report entitled “Principles of justice and legality as the basis for the implementation of the “good governance” model” was delivered by Doctor of Law, Professor High School Rights of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University named after M.S. Narikbaeva (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) I.˚U.˚Aubakirova. She believes, and it is difficult to disagree with her, that government should be aimed at the common good. At the same time, the fundamental requirement of such management is reliance on justice and legality, which are intended to serve as measures of its quality and human-centeredness.

A young scientist, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of Synergy University, a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Moscow Humanitarian University R.S., spoke at the conference. Osin (in the center of the photo).

The topic of his speech was called “Constitutional reform: goals and significance for the Russian state and society (socio-political aspect).” In his opinion, the Constitution needs to be reformed, but the ideas of socialism must prevail in it.

A total of more than 50 people spoke at the conference, representatives of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Republic of Belarus, the Lugansk People's Republic, students, undergraduates, and graduate students.

Except plenary session The work of three sections was organized. The section of universities that are part of the Association of Law Universities was headed by the President of the Association S.N. Baburin

The section “Indicators of Social Justice” was led by N.V. Kolotova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Human Rights Sector of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting of the youth section was led by Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty of Law of Moscow Humanitarian University O.˚D.˚Maksimova and Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Social Branches of Law of Moscow Humanitarian University, Professor of the Department of Law Academy of VEGU Chechulina A. A.

When summing up the results of the conference, its participants expressed gratitude for the well-organized conference and the opportunity to participate in such an important scientific event.

The library of the Moscow Humanitarian University was founded in 1945. She provided library services to Komsomol workers who came to the Central Komsomol School for professional development courses.

In 1969 the library became university library Higher Komsomol school. The library's collection included educational literature in Russian and foreign languages. The fund of Russian-language literature amounted to 148,571 copies, the fund of foreign literature - 77,682 copies per 37 foreign languages. The library provided educational literature to students of the faculties of history and communist education, Komsomol work and social sciences.

In 2004, due to an increase in the number of students and the fund educational literature the library received new premises in building No. 11. Currently, the library is located in buildings No. 3 and No. 11. Educational literature is located in building No. 11. On the second floor of building No. 3 there is reading room, where there are workplaces equipped computer equipment with Internet access, there is a subscription to scientific and additional literature, a collection and processing sector and a scientific and bibliographic department.

Library and Administration information technologies The electronic library system (ELS) of Moscow State University has been created and is constantly being updated, which is part of the electronic information and educational environment (EIOS) of the university to ensure individual unlimited access for students to electronic educational resources and provides the opportunity to access electronic educational publications specified in the work programs of the disciplines. The structure of the ELS consists of sections: search, book supply, periodicals, library systems.

In the "Search" section The library's electronic catalog has been posted. To download full texts, you must log in to your personal account. The works of teachers are posted on the basis of concluded agreements for the transfer of a non-exclusive license for electronic works.

Section "Book Availability" provides work with electronic publications included in the work programs of disciplines and the ability to switch to external resources(EBS) to educational literature texts. Creation personal accounts and work with full texts is possible on EBS websites with which cooperation agreements have been concluded, after additional authorization subject to compliance with the rules for using the systems. In chapter " Library systems» provides links to EBS websites with which contracts and operating instructions have been concluded, as well as conditions for registration in the systems.

Chapter " Periodicals» includes a list of archives of journals available in the library collection and third-party systems in areas (specialties) implemented at the University.