Corporate Department. Corporate governance. I. General provisions

I. General provisions

1. The Department of Corporate Governance, Pricing and Control and Audit Work in the Fuel and Energy Complex (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural unit of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation(hereinafter - the Ministry), providing support for the activities of the Ministry in the field of state property management, including corporate governance, financial and economic analysis in the sectors of the fuel and energy complex (hereinafter - FEC), the formation and implementation of a federal targeted investment program, conducting control and audit work, as well as in the field of territorial planning and site planning.

2. General management of the Department’s activities is carried out by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Minister).

3. The activities of the Department are directly supervised by the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy Minister), vested with the appropriate powers.

4. In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional and federal laws, decrees, orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders and instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2008 No. 400, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry, including this Regulation.

4. The main objectives of the Department are:

1) formation and implementation of a federal targeted investment program, provision in the prescribed manner of budgetary investments, budgetary allocations of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation of relevant state programs within their competence;

2) ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Ministry in terms of territorial planning, territory planning and placement of fuel and energy facilities, as well as participation in the formation of the Ministry’s position on issues of urban planning and land policy;

3) financial and economic analysis of the activities of fuel and energy companies, including issues promising development, internal efficiency and optimization of investment activities of subjects of natural monopolies and other organizations of the fuel and energy complex;

4) management of state property in the field of activity of the Ministry; 5) implementation of control and audit work.

5. The Department carries out its activities directly and (or) in interaction with other structural divisions of the Ministry and organizations subordinate to the Ministry.

6. The department has its own form.

II. Powers of the Department

7. The department exercises the following powers:

1) participates in the preparation of draft federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to the established scope of activity, development and approval of regulatory legal acts and legal acts of the Ministry in within the competence of the Department;

2) ensures the development and updating of territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation in the field of energy and federal transport (in terms of pipeline transport);

3) participates in the consideration and approval of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

4) carries out the preparation of draft decisions of the Ministry on the preparation of documentation on the planning of the territory intended for the location of pipeline transport and energy facilities of federal significance;

5) prepares draft decisions of the Ministry on approval of documentation on the planning of the territory intended for the location of pipeline transport and energy facilities of federal significance;

6) prepares proposals on issues related to the exercise of the owner’s powers in relation to federal property transferred to organizations subordinate to the Ministry, including: on issues of creation, reorganization and liquidation of federal state unitary enterprises, federal state treasury, budgetary and autonomous institutions administered by the Ministry; carrying out an analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, the main achievements they have achieved economic indicators, carrying out an analysis of the transactions they carry out, as well as approving the economic indicators of the activities of federal state unitary enterprises;

7) exercises control over effective management, use for its intended purpose and safety of federal property assigned to federal state unitary enterprises, federal state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry;

8) participates, within its competence, in the formation of state assignments for the provision of public services(work performance) federal government agencies, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry;

9) prepares for approval the development strategy and program of activity of federal state unitary enterprises in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also participates in the development of proposals for the development of fuel and energy complex organizations within the competence of the Department;

10) carries out financial and economic analysis of the activities of fuel and energy companies;

11) ensures that the position of the shareholder - the Russian Federation - is determined in the prescribed manner on certain issues, as well as coordination of activities on certain issues of representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation on the boards of directors and audit commissions joint stock companies;

12) organizes the work of the Ministry, within its competence, to manage federally owned shares of open joint-stock companies in the prescribed manner;

13) if necessary, forms, taking into account the positions of the structural divisions of the Ministry, proposals for candidates - employees of the Ministry, professional attorneys and independent directors for nomination as representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation in management and control bodies, other bodies of joint-stock companies, the shares of which are in federal ownership, joint-stock companies included in special lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as other joint-stock companies within the scope of activity of the Ministry, or in respect of which a decision has been made to use the special right for participation of the Russian Federation in the management of joint-stock companies (“golden share”);

14) forms the position of the Ministry on the issue of voting of representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation at meetings of boards of directors and general meetings of shareholders of joint-stock companies;

15) organizes work on issues of participation in the work of management and control bodies of joint-stock companies;

16) participates in the preparation of proposals on structural reforms and efficiency improvements government controlled in the fuel and energy complex, including improving the corporate governance system of integrated structures;

17) ensures the development and implementation of a strategy for the privatization of state property;

18) prepares proposals for the draft forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

19) prepares proposals for the formation of lists strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies approved by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as lists of open joint-stock companies in respect of which the position of the shareholder - the Russian Federation - is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or, on his behalf, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

20) within the competence of the Department, participates in issues of state management of the use of atomic energy, including interaction with the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom in terms of recognition of subordinate organizations, as well as other organizations carrying out (planning to carry out) activities in the field, state regulation in which is carried out by the Ministry, suitable to operate a nuclear installation, radiation source or storage facility and carry out, on its own or with the involvement of other organizations, activities for the placement, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of these facilities, as well as activities for handling nuclear materials and radioactive substances;

21) participates in the formation and implementation of the federal targeted investment program, provision in the prescribed manner of budgetary investments, budgetary allocations of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation of relevant state programs within their competence;

22) organizes control and audit work in organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

23) ensures inspections of financial and economic activities and the efficiency of use of the property complex of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, effective and targeted use of funds federal budget aimed at implementing federal target programs, providing budget investments to open joint stock companies, as well as other inspections, the authority to conduct which is established by contracts (agreements) to which the Ministry is a party;

24) ensures activities contract service within the competence of the Department;

25) exercises other powers in the established field of activity within the competence of the Department.

8. In order to exercise its powers, the Department has the right:

1) request and receive in the prescribed manner from structural divisions of the Ministry, government bodies of the Russian Federation and authorities local government, as well as from organizations, regardless of their legal form, documents, reference and other materials necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the Department;

2) involve, where necessary, in the prescribed manner, to develop decisions on issues within the competence of the Department, structural units Ministries and organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as scientists and specialists from federal bodies executive power and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex organizations;

3) involve, in agreement with the heads of structural divisions of the Ministry, specialists from these divisions to prepare joint letters and proposals aimed at solving the problems established by these Regulations;

4) make, in the prescribed manner, proposals to improve the organization of activities of the structural divisions of the Ministry and organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

5) take part, within the competence of the Department, in the work of expert and working groups, coordination and advisory bodies created by the Ministry, as well as in the work interdepartmental commissions, working groups, meetings, scientific and practical conferences, round tables and symposia;

6) conduct correspondence in the prescribed manner on issues within the competence of the Department;

7) use in the prescribed manner information banks communication system data;

8) make proposals on conducting inspections of the activities of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, as well as on the forms of consideration of the results of inspections and measures to eliminate shortcomings identified during their conduct;

9) exercise other powers within the competence of the Department, as well as on the basis of orders and instructions of the Ministry.

III. Organization of activities

9. The Department is headed by the Director of the Department of Corporate Governance, Pricing and Control and Audit Work in the Fuel and Energy Complex (hereinafter referred to as the Director), appointed and dismissed by order of the Ministry.

10. The Director reports directly to the Minister, as well as to the Deputy Minister, who coordinates and controls the activities of the Department.

11. The Director bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks and powers assigned to the Department.

12. The Director has deputies, appointed and dismissed by order of the Ministry on the recommendation of the Director.

13. The structure and staffing of the Department are approved by order of the Ministry. The structure of the Department includes departments in the main areas of activity of the Department.

14. Director:

1) carries out direct management of the Department, bears personal responsibility for the state of executive discipline;

2) interacts (including correspondence) with structural divisions of the Ministry;

3) interacts (including correspondence) with structural divisions of other executive authorities, as well as organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

4) ensures the preparation in the prescribed manner of draft legal acts and other documents of the Ministry;

5) ensures the consideration of applications received by the Ministry, draft normative legal acts, other documents, as well as the preparation of conclusions on them;

6) makes proposals to the leadership of the Ministry for discussion at the board in the plans of the main organizational activities of the Ministry;

7) ensures consideration and signs responses to individual and collective appeals from citizens and organizations;

8) approves the Department’s activity plan and monitors its implementation;

9) distributes responsibilities among his deputies, and also determines job responsibilities Department employees;

10) approves the regulations on the departments that are part of the Department;

11) ensures the implementation of activities related to the performance of the state civil service, including submitting proposals for appointment and dismissal, temporary performance of duties, advanced training, rewarding employees of the Department and imposing penalties on them;

12) ensures and, within the limits of its powers, controls compliance by employees of the Department with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service;

13) within the limits of his competence, gives binding instructions to employees of the Department;

14) attracts, if necessary, in the prescribed manner, to study issues related to the areas of activity of the Ministry, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

15) submits to the leadership of the Ministry candidates for employees of the Department for their inclusion in the relevant working groups, commissions, as well as for sending them on business trips;

16) on the basis of powers of attorney issued by the Minister (the person performing his duties), signs contracts and other documents of a civil legal nature on behalf of the Ministry;

17) holds meetings with representatives of state authorities, local government bodies and organizations on issues within its competence;

18) signs and endorses documents on issues within the competence of the Department;

19) ensures, within the limits of his powers, the protection of information constituting state secrets;

20) controls the use of technical means assigned to the Department and forms of the Ministry, within the limits of its competence, determines measures in the Department to prevent their unauthorized use;

21) exercises other powers in accordance with official regulations.

15. In the absence of the Director, his official duties are performed by his deputies in accordance with the distribution of duties.

16. To discuss the most important issues of the Department’s activities, monitor the implementation of work plans, documents and instructions from the leadership of the Ministry, as well as to exchange experience in the Department, operational meetings are held. Decisions made at the operational meeting are documented in minutes and are binding on Department employees.

17. The Department is transferred in accordance with the established procedure the relevant material and technical means necessary for the timely and high-quality execution of activities, the appropriate information data banks, communication systems and communications are used in the prescribed manner.

18. The Department carries out its activities in accordance with the plans of the main organizational activities of the Ministry and the work of the Board of the Ministry, orders and regulations of the Ministry, as well as the work plan of the Department.

19. Office work and measures to ensure secrecy in the Department are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of the Ministry.

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the Department of Corporate Governance of the Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 4, 2006 N 310 “On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Corporate Governance of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation” as invalid.

3. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister A.V. Popova.

about the Department of Corporate Governance of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
(approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2008 N 102)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Corporate Governance Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural unit central office The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry), which carries out the functions of the Ministry in the field of improving corporate governance, banking and insurance legislation, venture investment mechanisms, regulation of valuation activities, development of the financial market, legal and analytical support for the activities of development institutions, as well as functions for developing public policy and normative legal regulation in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial recovery of organizations.

The abbreviated name of the Department is DKU.

1.2. The Department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry and instructions from the leadership of the Ministry, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The Department carries out its activities in cooperation with other structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry, the foreign apparatus of the Ministry, territorial bodies of the Ministry, federal agencies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, their territorial bodies, as well as with organizations subordinate to the Ministry.

1.4. The structure and number of employees of the Department is established in accordance with the staffing table of the central apparatus of the Ministry.

1.5. Documentation, logistics and transport support for the activities of the Department, as well as social and welfare services for the Department’s employees are provided in the prescribed manner by the relevant structural units of the Ministry.

2. Authority

2.1. The Corporate Governance Department exercises the following powers:

2.1.1. Develops, with the participation of interested structural units of the central apparatus of the Ministry, and ensures the submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of draft federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, and other documents that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation, on issues within the competence of the Department.

2.1.2. In the area of ​​improving corporate governance and corporate legislation: Analyzes and monitors the development processes of corporate governance institutions. Prepares proposals for the development of state policy in the field of corporate governance and the development of corporate legislation. Within the competence of the Department, it promotes the formation of effective corporate governance practices, including the preparation of proposals, development of draft regulatory legal acts aimed at improving corporate governance standards in Russian business societies, including in the following areas:

Introduction of positive corporate governance practices in companies with state participation;

Promoting the development of a social reporting system for companies;

Raising awareness of the business community in the field of corporate governance. Carries out the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts, preparation of draft opinions and reviews for submission to the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of improving corporate governance to legislate effective mechanisms for the implementation of corporate procedures, including in the following areas:

Stimulating the effectiveness of decisions made by management bodies legal entities;

Distribution of competence between management bodies of legal entities;

Preventing conflicts of interest when making decisions by management bodies of legal entities;

Distribution of control rights between shareholders (participants) of business companies;

Raising awareness among participants in corporate relations;

Improving the system of organizational and legal forms of legal entities that satisfy the various interests of entrepreneurs;

Increasing the efficiency of mechanisms for protecting the rights of shareholders, creating a system for preventing and effectively resolving corporate conflicts. Prepares proposals and prepares draft opinions and reviews to improve the legal regulation of the creation, activities and liquidation of business entities of various organizational and legal forms, including in the field of:

Legislative regulation of procedures for reorganization and liquidation of commercial organizations;

Increasing guarantees for the protection of rights and legitimate interests investors in the implementation of procedures for reorganization and liquidation of organizations;

Increasing the efficiency of decisions of management bodies of legal entities on the eve of and during reorganization and liquidation. Develops proposals and prepares draft conclusions and reviews to improve the legislative support for the functioning of integrated corporate structures, including in part:

Creatures whole system regulation of integrated corporate structures;

Regulation of the creation and activities of subsidiaries and dependent companies, and separate divisions legal entities;

Improving the principles of taxation of integrated corporate structures within the competence of the Department. Takes part in the preparation of proposals and participates in the development of state policy on improving the taxation of legal entities within the competence of the Department. Participates in the development of proposals for the procedure government regulation activities of legal entities (business entities), including on issues of licensing, control and supervision of the activities of legal entities, antimonopoly regulation, attraction to administrative responsibility legal entities. Organizes the preparation of proposals for the development of state policy in the field of corporate governance in organizations in which the state acts as a participant (member) or founder within the competence of the Department.

2.1.3. In area financial statements Russian organizations: Carries out analysis and monitoring of the development of the accounting and reporting system of enterprises in Russia and in foreign countries. Develops measures aimed at improving the information disclosure system Russian organizations investors, creditors and others interested parties in the corporate governance system, develops proposals to improve the quality of financial reporting of organizations. Participates in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field accounting and financial reporting. Develops proposals to improve the system management accounting in organizations. Participates in the development of proposals to improve legal and organizational mechanisms internal and external audit financial reporting of enterprises and the formation of an independent audit institution within the existing competence. Participates in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of auditing activities within the framework of existing competence.

2.1.4. In the field of regulation of valuation activities: Monitors law enforcement practice on property valuation issues in Russia and foreign countries. Develops proposals to improve the system for regulating valuation activities, develops and ensures the submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of normative legal acts that define the procedure for interaction between government bodies on issues of property valuation. Provides development and approval federal standards assessments. Develops requirements, conditions and procedures for attracting independent appraisers for government needs. Develops regulatory legal acts regulating issues of valuation activities in relation to various objects of valuation, types of value, grounds for valuation, as well as the examination of valuation reports and the procedure for its implementation.

2.1.5. In the field of development of the financial infrastructure of the economy: Monitors and analyzes socio-economic processes in the field of financial markets and submits relevant materials to the quarterly reports of the Ministry. Participates in the development of regulations on the development of financial markets, eliminating imbalances in the development of the financial sector. Participates in the development of forecasts for the development of the financial sector for the short, medium and long term. Participates in the development of regulations to eliminate administrative restrictions and develop competition in financial markets. Participates in the development of proposals to improve regulatory legal framework regulating the activities of credit institutions, the institutional development of the credit system, including non-bank credit institutions. Participates in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of insurance and proposals on issues of regulation of the insurance market. Participates in the preparation of proposals for the development and legal support of collective investment institutions. Participates in the examination of draft regulatory legal acts implementing financial policy states. Participates in improving the legal regulation of infrastructure, institutions and instruments of the securities market. Interacts with Russian credit and financial organizations, primarily with those whose management bodies include the leadership of the Ministry, as well as with other organizations with state participation. Participates in the development of concepts and strategies for the development of these organizations, provides organizational, technical and analytical support for the participation of the leadership of the Ministry in the activities of these organizations. Participates in the development of proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of integration processes in Russian financial markets. Participates in the activities of working groups on banking and financial cooperation as part of the Russian parts of intergovernmental commissions on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries. Carries out development of proposals in the field of development and legal support housing mortgage lending systems.

2.1.6. In the field of developing state policy in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial recovery, as well as preventing bankruptcy of enterprises (organizations): Monitors and analyzes the practice of applying regulatory legal acts in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial recovery of enterprises (organizations), as well as in the field of legislation on enforcement proceedings within the competence of the Ministry. Prepares proposals for the development of state policy in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial rehabilitation of enterprises (organizations). Participates in the development of proposals to improve legislation on enforcement proceedings within the competence of the Ministry. Participates in the development of proposals for legislative regulation of debt settlement mechanisms. Prepares proposals for legal regulation, improvement current legislation, in particular, develops draft regulatory legal acts for submission to the Government of the Russian Federation, prepares draft opinions and reviews in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial rehabilitation of enterprises (organizations), including in the following areas:

Insolvency (bankruptcy) and financial recovery financial organizations, enterprises (organizations) of the real sector of the economy, absent debtors, individuals, as well as other categories of debtors;

Participation of the Russian Federation, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities as creditors and as owners in bankruptcy cases and bankruptcy procedures;

Activities of arbitration managers and self-regulatory organizations of arbitration managers;

Cross-border insolvency. Develops a procedure for selecting by the body authorized to represent in bankruptcy cases and in bankruptcy proceedings claims for the payment of mandatory payments and claims of the Russian Federation for monetary obligations, self-regulatory organization arbitration managers when submitting to arbitration court applications for declaring the debtor bankrupt. Reviews requests related to activities federal body executive power authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to represent in bankruptcy cases and in bankruptcy proceedings demands for the payment of mandatory payments and claims of the Russian Federation for monetary obligations. Reviews documents related to the application of measures to prevent bankruptcy of strategic enterprises and organizations. Organizes ongoing analysis financial condition and solvency of strategic enterprises and organizations.

2.1.7. In the field of analytical and legal support for development institutions: Carries out the development of proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of development institutions. Organizes the review of strategies and plans for the activities of development institutions. Interacts with Russian development institutions, primarily with those whose management bodies include the leadership of the Ministry. Participates in consideration of issues related to the creation innovation infrastructure within the framework of public-private partnership. Coordinates the Ministry's activities related to the organization of the activities of OJSC Russian Venture Company. Coordinates the activities of the Ministry related to the organization of activities of the OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. Participates in the development of the concept and development strategy of this organization, provides organizational, technical and analytical support for the participation of the Ministry’s leadership in the activities of this organization.

2.2. In order to exercise powers in the established field of activity, the Department has the right:

2.2.1. Request from other structural divisions of the Ministry that are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of territorial bodies, foreign apparatus, organizations and federal agencies information and materials necessary to exercise the powers of the Department.

2.2.2. Involve, with the consent of the heads of structural divisions of the Ministry, employees of these divisions to prepare draft regulatory legal acts, as well as to develop and implement activities carried out by the Department in accordance with the functions assigned to the Department.

2.2.3. Develop proposals for scientific research corporate governance problems, on other issues within the competence of the Department, carried out on orders from the Ministry. Participates in the formation of an order for conducting applied applications on a competitive basis economic research, ensures control over the intended use of allocated funds and evaluates and accepts the results of work performed.

2.2.4. Use in the prescribed manner government systems communications, including government ones.

2.2.5. Use in the prescribed manner the information databases of the Ministry, as well as databases of other government bodies, local governments, public associations and organizations.

3. Organization of activities

3.1. The department is headed by a director, appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

3.2. The Director has deputies who are appointed and dismissed by the Minister on the proposal of the Director of the Department. Other employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed from office by the Deputy Minister in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities between the Deputy Ministers, upon the proposal of the Director of the Department.

3.3. The Department includes departments in the main areas of activity.

3.4. Director:

3.4.1. Manages the activities of the Department and bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Department.

3.4.2. Monitors and takes the necessary measures to ensure that the Department complies with the deadlines established by the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Regulations of the Ministry for the execution of orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Ministry.

3.4.3. Reports to the leadership of the Ministry on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.4.4. Signs, within its competence, documents relating to the activities of the Department.

3.4.5. Represents the Ministry on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry in government bodies and Russian organizations, as well as in institutions and organizations of foreign states and international organizations.

3.4.6. Together with the HR Department, civil service and personnel management: Carries out work on the formation personnel reserve, selection, placement and use of personnel in the Department. Makes proposals for changes staffing table Department, on the appointment, transfer and promotion of employees of the Department, extension of their terms of stay in the state civil service. Organizes work on training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the prescribed manner. Organizes the work of the Department's certification commission. Monitors timely assignment class ranks, passing probationary period newly hired employees of the Department. Submits, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to the leadership of the Ministry on encouraging employees of the Department, including the conferment of honorary titles and state awards, as well as on the application disciplinary sanctions to the employees of the Department. Makes proposals for sending employees of the Department outside the territory of the Russian Federation and throughout Russia on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.4.7. Distributes responsibilities among his deputies, approves regulations on departments of the Department, as well as job regulations employees of the Department.

3.4.8. Ensures that employees of the Department comply with official discipline in accordance with the Service Regulations of the central apparatus of the Ministry, controls the timely, high-quality and effective execution of tasks and instructions by them.

3.4.9. Ensures record keeping in the Department in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry.

3.4.10. Ensures that employees of the Department comply with the secrecy regime when working with documents, as well as organize work to protect information constituting state secrets and restricted information managed by the Department or received by the Department from other bodies and organizations.

3.4.11. Submits the Department's work plans and a report on their implementation for approval to the leadership of the Ministry.

3.4.12. Issues orders within the competence of the Department.

3.4.13. Enjoys other rights and performs other duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and decisions of the leadership of the Ministry.

3.5. During the absence of the Director of the Department, his duties are performed by one of his deputies based on the order of the Minister.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2008 N 102 “On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Corporate Governance of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation”

Our company has built an effective corporate governance system, which not only reflects our development strategy, but also implies mandatory compliance with ethical and legal standards in all aspects of our activities. When implementing the strategy, the NefteTransService group of companies is guided by the principles of responsible business management and maintaining a positive business reputation. Possessing complete and reliable information about the company, shareholders take an active part in management by making decisions, including at regular general meetings of shareholders.

Relying on corporate values, we strive for sustainable development of our business, which is based on high operational and financial indicators, respecting the interests of clients, employees and business partners, and Social responsibility and environmental protection.

The company develops a risk management system in proportion to its needs, the volume of tasks to be solved and available resources, organizational structure And corporate culture. Risk management involves rational use capital, assessment of overall capital requirements and its optimized distribution, ongoing analysis of the effectiveness and appropriateness of decisions made in the context of possible risks.

Strictly following the anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation, NefteTransService additionally implements its own procedures that provide additional mechanisms for maintaining anti-corruption control and compliance with business ethics standards.

Andrey Sharonov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors management company"NefteTransService" in 2014. Also included in the Observatory PJSC council VTB Bank, is a member of the Board of Directors of PJSC Sovcomflot, PJSC NOVATEK, president of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

From 1996 to 2007, he worked at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation as head of department, deputy minister, and state secretary. In 2007 – 2010 was managing director and chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Investment company Troika Dialog, headed the investment banking department.

In 2010, he served as deputy mayor for issues economic policy in the Moscow Government. From 2013 to 2016 he was the rector of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

He graduated from the Ufa Aviation Institute and the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, and is a candidate of sociological sciences.

Vyacheslav Aminov has been a member of the Board of Directors of the management company NefteTransService since 2010, and previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC NefteTransService (2008 - 2010).

Vyacheslav is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Interregional Postal Bank CB (since 1998), President of the Russian Modern Pentathlon Federation (since 2009) and Vice-President of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon (since 2011).

Previously, Vyacheslav Aminov held various financial and legal positions: Advisor to the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (1996 - 2003), Advisor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Volga Federal District (2008 - 2011) and Advisor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Central Federal District (2011 – 2012).

Vyacheslav Aminov graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Vadim Aminov joined the Board of Directors of the management company "NefteTransService" in 2010; previously he was a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC "NefteTransService" (2008 - 2010).

Previously, Vadim Aminov headed the Interregional Postal Bank CB (1998 - 2010), on whose Board of Directors he has been a member since 2011. In 1991 - 1997. occupied executive positions in the groups “Gradient” and “Tandem”.

Graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy.

Alexey Likhtenfeld joined the Board of Directors of the management company NefteTransService in 2010; previously he was a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC NefteTransService (2008 - 2010).

In 1999 – 2011 Alexey Likhtenfeld worked as vice president of CB Interregional Postal Bank, a member of the Board of Directors of which he has been since 2005. He also served as advisor to the president of JSC AK Transnefteproduct (2002 - 2007).

Alexey Likhtenfeld graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit and is a member of the Presidium of the Union of Railway Operators.

Iosif Bakaleynik joined the Board of Directors of the management company NefteTransServis in February 2013. Previously, he was an advisor to the chairman of Renova-Management AG, as well as the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Renova Holdings.

Held the position of deputy general director, then - General Director, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Vladimir Tractor Plant. Also from 1997 to 2003, he was the first vice-president and member of the Executive Council of the Tyumen Oil Company.

Company management

Artem Polyakov was appointed to the position of General Director of NefteTransService in February 2015. Previously, from January 2012 to September 2014, he held the position of General Director of PJSC Arcelor Mittal Krivoy Rog, and was also a member of the Group’s Management Committee and vice- President of the ArcelorMittal group.

In 2007 – 2011 was the General Director of the sugar division of the Rusagro group of companies. In 1999 – 2007 successively held the post of director for strategy and business development of the CIS countries, later - the post of executive director of the division in Ukraine and Russia of the French holding Lafarge, a world leader in production building materials. From 1994 to 1997 he worked at OJSC Karelsky Okatysh: first as a financial officer, and from 1996 as general director.

From 1987 to 1992 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. Graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, as well as the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy. Received an MBA degree from the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Olga Petrova was appointed to the position of First Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance in February 2014.

Previously, in 2012 – 2013, she held the position of Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of United Grain Company OJSC.

From 2009 to 2012, Olga Petrova worked at Rusagro Group of Companies LLC as financial director.

Before joining the Rusagro group, she held the position of financial director and director of accounting and audit at Unimilk (part of the DANON Russia group).

Has experience in the banking sector: 8 years in various financial positions in a number of large banks in the country (from 1994 to 2002).

Olga graduated with honors from the Omsk Technological Institute with a degree in accounting and auditing.

Marina Yakhina was appointed to the position of First Deputy General Director for Production and commercial activities in February 2018

Previously, she held the position of Deputy General Director for Commercial Activities (March 2015 – January 2018), Head of the Commercial Department (2012 – 2015), and headed the Directorate for Commercial Operations of Universal Transportation of NefteTransService in 2011 – 2012.

Has significant experience commercial work in various areas, including in the field of railway transportation. From 1999 to 2012, she worked in senior positions in the companies OJSC Transnefteproduct, CJSC TNP-Transcom, as well as in the Moscow representative office of the Swiss company TELF AG.

First higher education Marina received her second degree in 1995, graduating from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and her second degree in 2006 from the Russian Academy of Railways.

Yulia Loschakova was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Strategy and Development in February 2016.

General seniority Yulia has been in the field of railway transportation for more than 15 years. Before joining NefteTransService, Yulia worked at the Federal Freight Company, where since 2011 she held leadership positions, including the post of Deputy General Director for Strategic Development.

Previously, from 2004 to 2011, she was in the state civil service in Federal service on tariffs, successively holding positions from deputy head of the department for regulating tariffs for freight transportation to deputy head of the Department of Transport Regulation.

She graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Transport with a degree in economics and enterprise management (railway transport).

In 2010, Yulia Loschakova was awarded the title “ Honorary worker price and tariff regulation authorities."

Sergey Popov was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Operations in April 2016.

Previously, since August 2015, he held the position of Head of the Operations Department at NefteTransService.

Has successful experience in a number of largest companies– railway transport operators: JSC PGK and LLC UVZ-Logistic. Before coming to commercial structures Sergey worked in the carriage industry of JSC Russian Railways, where he worked his way up from an ordinary employee to the head of a structural unit.

Graduated from Moscow State Transport University.

Andrey Chernikov was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Transportation Organization in April 2016.

In 2015, he held the position of head of the transportation organization department in the NefteTransService group of companies.

Andrey began his career in our company in 2010 as a project manager for the transportation management department; in 2011, he headed the universal transportation department.

Has significant experience working in the structures of JSC Russian Railways, including the Traffic Control Directorate of the Moscow Railway railway. Graduated with honors from the Far Eastern State Transport University.

Vakhtang Shapakidze was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance in June 2015.

Previously, since October 2011, he held the position of head of the corporate governance department of Management Company NTS LLC.

Before joining NefteTransService, Vakhtang worked in the energy sector for a long time - from 2007 to 2011 he served as director of legal issues JSC "United energy company", in 2004 - 2007. was Deputy General Director for Legal Issues and Corporate Governance of CJSC Regional Energy Service.

From 1999 to 2004 he was engaged in advocacy.

In 1999, Vakhtang Shapakidze graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Volgograd State University, in 2010 - MBA program at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

He is a candidate of legal sciences.

Management of risks

"NefteTransService" pays great attention to risk management issues to provide a reasonable guarantee of achieving the target indicators provided for financial plan, mission and goals of the organization.

Risk management is carried out by specialists at all levels of the company, whose powers and responsibilities are distributed and enshrined in unified corporate documents.

Despite the effectiveness of the company’s risk management system, management is continuous operation to improve it taking into account changing external factors, as well as for the purpose of development best practice and risk management methodologies.

Anti-corruption policy

The anti-corruption policy of NefteTransService defines a unified approach to the implementation of the requirements of Article 13.3 Federal Law dated December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and is aimed at ensuring compliance with anti-corruption legislation by the company’s management and employees.

This document reflects NTS's commitment to the principles of conducting open and honest business and maintaining the company's high business reputation.

Functions corporate secretary At PJSC Aeroflot he serves as the executive secretary of the Company’s Board of Directors. The Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors acts on the basis of the Regulations on the Board of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot.

The Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors of PJSC Aeroflot also heads the corporate governance department. The activities of the Corporate Governance Department are regulated by the Regulations on the Corporate Governance Department of PJSC Aeroflot.

Born in 1977. In 2001 he graduated from the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship. He defended his PhD thesis at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. He has been working for Aeroflot PJSC since 1998. He worked his way up from a legal adviser in the group preparing and systematizing legal acts of the Company administration to the director of the corporate governance department.

As the executive secretary of the Board of Directors, he is responsible for organizational and information support for the work of the Board of Directors and General meeting shareholders of the Company, ensures control over compliance by authorities and officials Company rules and procedures for corporate governance established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and internal documents Companies.

Corporate pr -department

Corporate PR department is a structural unit of the company, which is a department, division, department dealing with public relations issues, establishing communications with authorities and management, target audiences, means mass media, as well as internal communications.

Company managers are paying more and more attention to PR issues, but often work in this direction is not systematic, and for occasional, one-time events they resort to the services of specialized agencies. The lack of a PR service or corporate PR department can be explained by a lack of funds, however, as a rule, the role of PR in increasing the competitiveness of a company is simply underestimated. Meanwhile, a corporate PR department has a number of advantages compared to agencies hired to conduct one-time events. Existing on a permanent basis as part of the company, the corporate PR department has a staff of employees - company employees who are well aware of the company’s activities “first-hand”, understand production specifics, technologies, the internal corporate communications system, interact with the company’s management and top managers making strategically important decisions. At the same time, the corporate PR department is always “at hand” - if necessary, both management and other structural divisions of the company can contact its employees without delay, and the presence of such internal communications further contributes to increasing the level of their competence. The maintenance of a corporate PR department costs the company less than agency fees, and the level of efficiency of its work due to its “integration” into the company structure is much higher.

Corporate The PR department, in the course of its activities, deals with the following issues:

Developing an image and strengthening the company’s positive business reputation in the eyes of the public and company employees;

Establishment and development of company communications with government agencies And public organizations, investors, target audiences;

Support marketing strategy companies, assistance in promoting brands;

Interaction with the media (organization of meetings, interviews, press conferences, briefings, press tours, etc.);

Preparation of speeches by company executives at ceremonial, business and image events;

Preparation and implementation, if necessary, annual meeting shareholders ( information materials, speeches, script of the meeting itself);

Preparation and execution corporate events and shares (internal and external), release of corporate press;

Organization and holding of fairs, exhibitions, presentations;

Corporate The PR department also maintains a “chronicle” of the company - a corporate history that is part of the positive image and business reputation of the company - periodically published in the form of a colorful book.