What to include in a cover letter for your resume. How to write a cover letter for documents. most common mistakes

Hello, dear blog visitors! In this material we will continue to consider issues related to employment, and the focus of our attention will be on a document that today is increasingly attached to resumes - covering letter. , we have already safely found out, but this is not the only thing on which your success depends: it is very important to know how to correctly write a cover letter for a resume (you will find an example of how to write an effective letter below).

Now that people are highly social mobility, strive to improve their living and working conditions, the transition of the working population from one organization to another is quite commonplace. Of course, citizens who are actively looking for work are interested in a potential employer choosing their candidate.

To successfully complete this life “quest” you need not only to have professional competencies high level, but also be able to inform the employer about this. A resume is used for these purposes. It is expected that in it you will competently and briefly present information about yourself, write where you studied, where you worked and do not forget to indicate what exactly you can do. In a resume, deviation from generally accepted standards is highly undesirable; it is simply a summary of basic information about you as a possible employee of the organization. As for the cover letter, you can write more detailed information in it, but, again, it is important not to overdo it, because how correctly this letter is written will depend on whether the person deciding on your employment will consider the resume you submitted .

From this article you will learn:

As many hiring managers admit, they regularly have to deal with a huge number of cover letters. Some of them are frankly “gray” and faceless, but sometimes this is better than an overly creative message to a potential employer. According to HR managers, inappropriate cover letter writing is why a large percentage of resumes that might seem worthy of consideration end up in the trash.

Do you want to know how to protect yourself from such a situation? Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules and tips for writing a good cover letter to an employer.

Why do you need a cover letter?

Compared to Western countries, the “fashion” for sending a resume appeared in our country relatively recently - previously, the selection of candidates for a vacant position began immediately with a personal interview, which wasted a lot of time, and it was inconvenient for both the applicant and the employer. The process has now been streamlined, and in most cases, HR will ask you to submit your resume in advance. In our age modern technologies, when there is a computer in almost every home, it couldn’t be easier.

However, not all citizens job seekers, make sure to include a cover letter with it. It is not always required, but it is highly desirable if you are applying for a position in top or middle management. Writing a good cover letter can help you impress an HR manager good impression and are more likely to get the vacancy you are interested in. At the same time, if it is carelessly formatted and poorly written, the letter will completely kill the interest of potential employers. In this case, it would be better not to write anything at all.

Alternatively, you can go to a job search website - you can do without it, but the likelihood that the employer will choose your profile from hundreds of applicants is extremely low.

Cover letter example

Before you do the irreparable and lose your dream job because you don’t know how to write a cover letter correctly, I suggest you look at a sample of its composition. This example reflects all the points that need to be reflected in this paper if you are interested in successfully getting a job.

When composing a detailed message for an employer, do not forget that you should adhere to a clear structure, otherwise the letter will be difficult to understand, and the person who studies it simply will not get to the description of your experience and remarkable professional skills.

  1. Greetings. If you know the recipient's name, best option- addressed to him. If you do not have such information, then contact the specialists of a specific department. Start it with a name or with the words “good afternoon”, “hello”, etc.
  2. Main part. Here you should indicate exactly what position you expect to get, why you are attracted to this vacancy, and then unobtrusively move on to points that you did not reflect in your resume, but would like to bring to the attention of the employer. For example, you can talk about projects you have worked on. The body ends with another mention of what motivates you to get this position.
  3. Parting. Add the phrase “Sincerely” to the letter and include contact information, even if it is already in your resume.

Please note that the entire cover letter essentially consists of clichés - words about motivation for a position, for example, are rather a tribute business etiquette, rather than something more. However, try to have something in it that can distinguish you from the gray mass and sway the employer in your direction.

To make your letter more effective, use the following writing tips. Perhaps it is thanks to them that you will be able to get your dream job!

  • Size matters. The letter should be small and read in literally 10-15 seconds. Abandon the favorite Russian tradition and refrain from writing down every project you've ever worked on, even if they have nothing to do with the job you're interested in. The information must be carefully selected, and then it will work in your favor!
  • Keep it in style. A cover letter is purely business documentation; accordingly, it should be in an official business style, without any liberties. An exception may be the case when you get a job in a company whose style involves more informal communication between employees - these are organizations from the IT sector, small companies, specializing in niche products, and so on. Then it would be quite appropriate to write an interesting and original letter in order to surely attract attention.
  • Dilute the patterns. It was already mentioned above that, in fact, the cover letter itself is a set of template phrases, however, it is these phrases that often kill the interest of employers in the bud. Thinking about ways to move away from tired wording without disrupting the overall style too much will benefit your writing.
  • Avoid repetitions. You should not describe your work experience in a letter - this information is already present on your resume, and the employer is unlikely to thank you for wasted time. In order to get an idea of ​​you as an employee, this will be enough for him once.
  • Write correctly! Even if your resume is beautifully and efficiently designed, and every letter in its text is verified, do not forget that errors and poor language in a cover letter can destroy all the bonuses that it can give. Most likely, the employer will not want to deal with an employee who cannot cope with such a seemingly a simple matter, like writing a letter, but at the same time, on several sheets, he convinces of his competence and ability to solve many problems. So before sending, take a little time to carefully check your spelling and punctuation - it definitely won’t go amiss!
  • Minor formalities. If you are sending a message via e-mail, do not attach it as a separate document, but place it in the body of the letter. On the contrary, it is better to attach your resume as a text file. If the letter is sent by fax, send it on a separate page before your resume.

So, dear readers, if you carefully read the recommendations for writing a cover letter for a resume and took them into account, your chances of getting the job you want increase significantly! Don’t forget about brevity, literacy and business style; everything else will be very easy to do.

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A cover letter is the first impression of you.

The cover letter is a secondary, auxiliary document to the submitted resume.

If you send your resume to foreign company with a big world name, then the requirements for compiling an accompanying document are quite high. The document must be drawn up on a separate sheet; all details, which, in particular, include the title, date of compilation, name and address of the recipient, signature - are affixed in accordance with the rules for drawing up business letters. If the information is sent by e-mail, then a cover letter, like a beautifully designed resume, should be attached in Word format.

A resume sent by E-mail to less pretentious companies can accompany the correct text in the body of the letter itself, without putting it on a separate sheet. Signature and contact information are required. Indicate a contact phone number where you can be easily contacted (preferably mobile).

A short version of the cover letter has the following structure: greeting, indication of the desired position (vacant position), source of information about the vacancy and willingness to come for an interview (all - 2-4 sentences).

Examples of cover letters:

The following cover letter option is also possible if you are sending your resume to recruitment agency not for a specific position, but “just in case.”

1. The name of the position (possibly two related or similar positions) for which the resume is being sent; It is also advisable to indicate from which source you learned about the vacant position(s); proposal of your candidacy.

2. A very brief, but accurate and informative summary of the resume, aimed at justifying the suitability of your professional and personal qualities the position for which you are applying.

3. Your readiness to work, give, and professional growth in the area specified in the vacancy, or better yet, within the walls of this particular company.

4. Willingness for a personal interview at the company, during which you will more fully present information about yourself.

5. Contact information.

A cover letter cannot be universal for all vacancies that interest you. Due to the fact that the addressees of the letter are different organizations, the text of the cover letter (as well as the PURPOSE column in the resume), in accordance with the vacancy for which the applicant is applying, should be slightly modified.

Modern employers are increasingly requiring applicants to provide a cover letter for their resume, usually containing 2-3 paragraphs. In this material we will analyze in detail how to draw up such a document.

You will learn:

  • Do I need to write a cover letter for my resume?
  • What are the benefits of a good resume cover letter?
  • How to format and send a cover letter to accompany your resume.
  • How to write a cover letter for a resume in English.
  • What not to write in a cover letter for your resume.
  • How does a resume cover letter influence HR decisions?

What information does a resume cover letter contain?

Documentary support of a resume or a response to a vacancy refers to additional information and are submitted by a potential candidate for a position in addition to the standard documentation about his education and work experience present in the resume. Most often, the employer views such information even before looking at the resume.

First of all, a short cover letter for a resume is a useful addition that corrects the image of the applicant. Its purpose is to highlight your skills and highlight how you will benefit the company as an employee.

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However, in practice, most applicants do not take advantage of the chance to win over the employer. Sometimes people are so doubtful of their capabilities that they cannot present their personal advantages favorably, for fear of seeming like a braggart or a deceiver. At the same time, about a third of Russians successfully practice this opportunity, hoping that a little accompaniment to their resume will increase their chances of achieving their goal. By the way, they are doing the right thing. Their judgment is completely justified, which is confirmed by the results of surveys of both novice recruiters and skilled headhunters.

First of all, HR specialists choose the most informative resumes, where they can glean the necessary information before meeting with the respondent. This allows them to pre-filter unsuitable individuals to save valuable time during the interview.

From the total mass of applicants, personnel officers single out those who can present themselves. It is believed that people who know how to present their professionalism, who are able to win over and convince others, can present the company on the market with honor. In addition, out of several thousand (over 600) interviewed personnel officers admitted that they do not consider resumes without a cover letter.

What are the benefits of a good resume cover letter?

In addition to adhering to the high business standards that the applicant adheres to, supporting his own resume with an accompanying message will be useful to him in achieving several significant goals, such as:

  • demonstration of skills writing(the template structure of a resume does not allow, so to speak, to show off eloquence and construct beautiful phrases);
  • emphasis on motivation (which is important for people changing their field of activity or not very experienced in the chosen niche);
  • presentation of your advantages, especially useful for this organization (in the resume, information about this is contained in the general block along with skills and experience);
  • individualization of attitude to job search ( standard view your resume will allow you to send it unchanged to each company, but the text of the cover letter for your resume will confirm your interest only in the desired organization);
  • showing your interest in the company, searching for information about it and the attractiveness of the data received.

No matter how impeccable your resume is, the company is interested in a loyal, highly motivated employee who will work for its advancement, unlike simple specialist with qualifications. It is this fact that the cover letter will highlight.

  • How to write a resume and create a positive image with an employer

How does a resume cover letter influence HR decisions?

The domestic company HeadHunter, which specializes in online recruitment, found in a survey of employers that 36% of them agree to reject an applicant’s resume if his cover letter is not formatted correctly.

There has been a persistent trend when HR department employees submit only 20-40% of resumes with an attached cover letter. A quarter of the interviewed recruiters involved in personnel selection confirmed that a resume with an introductory message is quite rare. Cover letters are most important for top positions: approximately 17% of enterprises do not familiarize themselves with the documents of applicants for the position of a top manager if the necessary file is not available. However, for most other vacancies, HR managers consider a cover letter to be an added advantage.

Employers show interest in the reasons for choosing a company and the degree of motivation of the candidate to work in this particular company. vacant position(80%). More than half hope the applicant's cover letter clearly articulates his value to the organization (53%). Over 60% of HR officers agreed that the optimal cover letter should consist of 3-5 phrases.

The majority of managers believe that the most appropriate style for a cover letter is business. At the same time, 15% of HR managers allow the use of a conversational style of presentation, and 17% of this audience do not consider style to be a important factors. Approximately 29% of employers welcome emotional turns of phrase and emoticons included by applicants in the texts of cover letters. The shortcomings noted by many recruiters include: grammatical errors (56%), template phrases (53%), incompetence in styles business letter+ display of familiarity (49%), verbosity (38%) and unclear formulation of thoughts (35%). Almost all HR specialists (91%) say that an illiterate cover letter for a resume is unacceptable.

Find out from the resume of the manager who will “explode” the company’s sales

How to recognize candidates from their resumes who will bring profit to the company? Use a method that allows you to recognize from a short description the character and qualities of the person described by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

Expert opinion

Andrey Kolesnikov,

CEO PowerLexis company, St. Petersburg

To interest an employer, you need to give him a compliment.

To receive a call for an interview and to successfully complete it, the applicant needs to win the favor of the interlocutor. And the most effective way to do this is a pleasant compliment. However, it needs to be thought out, made targeted, and not standard. The employer you are applying for should make sure that you are familiar with the direction of their company, see interesting prospects here, and are going to defend your personal opinion. The recipient of your letter will easily distinguish real passion from a string of stock phrases, and therefore will undoubtedly be friendly towards you.

We once received a cover letter for a resume in which the applicant clearly wanted to win our favor. Here's what it said:

"Dear Sirs! In the activities of your company, there is undeniable respect for responsibility towards clients, high quality products and degree of decision making. I will be very happy to work in your team to increase overall profits." This person was not even invited to an interview, since his application could easily have been addressed to any other company. Obviously, he sent this template to everyone. PowerLexis, by the way, does not produce goods at all, but provides services.

And here is an example of a letter confirming that the author has studied the history of the company well: “... I am interested in this vacancy because narrow specialization companies. I am convinced that now, in times of fierce competition, this is the most The best way gaining high market positions..." We immediately highlighted this message and invited the applicant for an interview. Conclusion: If you don't know anything about compliments, don't try to use them.

Basic requirements for writing a cover letter for a resume

When writing a cover letter for your resume, adhere to the following rules:

  • maximum conciseness of business style, “spreading thoughts through the tree” is inappropriate here (optimal reading time is no more than 10 minutes, the length of the letter should fit in A5 format);
  • capacity: the information contained in the letter should be the most important for the employer, since “water” that increases the volume reduces the candidate’s “points”;
  • style: business information is presented in business style with a clear structure and understandable constructions, not clogged with subordinate clauses of speech, with the exception of familiarity and excessive emotions (the latter are possible for organizations of a narrow focus, for example, creative ones, but they are rare on the market);
  • individual approach: a light, lively style of presentation should be woven into the rules of office work, you need to write as if you were conducting a dialogue with a recruiter;
  • uniqueness: do not forget that your message should stand out among other similar letters, while your uniqueness should not go beyond the company’s conditions;
  • relevance: do not use unnecessary information that your potential employer does not need;
  • specifics: any information becomes significant and reliable due to numerical values ​​(numbers, deadlines, percentages, number of projects, etc.);
  • Recommendations: Most likely, you will be asked to present them at the interview, but when you get ahead of the recruiter's wishes, your resume will become stronger.

What to write in a cover letter for your resume

  • The address to the addressee is mandatory and must contain the name and patronymic personnel worker. Here you need to observe maximum politeness and tact: “Good afternoon, Irina Petrovna! Please discuss my candidacy..."
  • A link to the source of the vacancy announcement is a sign good manners, so it’s better to tell the employer where you saw information about hiring specialists (bulletin board, newspaper, website). In some cases, you can personally indicate the intermediary: “A.I. Petrov, a long-time partner of your company, told me about the advertised vacancy...”. In addition, here you need to mention the name of the vacant position, adding that you did similar work in another organization.
  • The main content of a cover letter for a resume. In this part it is enough to indicate the circle of personal professional interests, and then offer services to the employer. You can add your own brief description without using common clichés. The best option will be the presentation of its strengths, which will further benefit the common cause in your position.
  • Demonstration of a desire to work for the benefit of the company and grow professionally within its walls. This is an additional point that can be inserted into the main content if necessary.
  • Indicating contact information and promising a quick response to an invitation for an interview. By including a telephone number in the cover letter for the resume, the applicant greatly simplifies the tasks of the HR specialist of the employing organization, because the HR specialist can immediately call him if the content of the message has evoked favorable emotions among management.
  • Gratitude. A high-quality resume application should end with one of the phrases: “Thank you for your attention (or your time)”, “Thank you in advance for the phone call” and others.

You need to think about what the recipient wants to see accompanying the resume in order to write exactly this phrase. If the advertisement for an existing vacancy mentioned extensive work experience, this should be emphasized. In some cases, employers want to see an employee with similar qualifications for a certain position, without any exceptions. Therefore, listing other skills would be incorrect. This also applies to other requirements mentioned in recruitment advertisements.

How to design and send a cover letter for your resume

In accordance with standard rules, a cover letter for a resume should be written:

  • on a separate A5 sheet if you are sending your resume on paper;
  • V in electronic format, if documents are sent to the company’s e-mail address;
  • the name and address of the recipient, his details, title, date - everything must be formatted according to the rules of office work for official letters.

As a rule, a cover sheet is attached to the resume, which is confirmed by its name. In this case, generally accepted formalities must be observed, namely:

  • when sent in printed form, the accompanying letter is drawn up on a separate piece of paper or a special form;
  • at electronic form When sending, the accompanying text is entered in the message field, and the resume is attached as a separate file, and the subject of the message should be “Resume for the vacancy...”.

There are other known ways of delivering a cover letter to an employer:

  • before submitting your resume (thereby “checking” the organization’s mail, preparing the ground, maintaining interest);
  • immediately after sending it (to clarify some details, an additional reminder about yourself, to encourage an invitation to an interview);
  • after the interview (often, with equal chances of success, any additional action can sway the employer to your side, and this step can be a tactful and appropriate response to the vacancy).

How to write a cover letter for a resume without work experience

It is not difficult for a person with extensive professional skills to interest a potential employer. But for a young specialist with a brand new university diploma or an employee changing his or her field of activity for the first time, this is not easy to do.

To motivate a recruiter to read your resume, it is important to spark their curiosity by writing a high-quality resume cover letter, a sample of which should contain the following elements:

  • a respectful greeting (if you know the name of the recipient of your message, make the greeting targeted);
  • the source where you found the vacancy (newspaper, online resource, person who recommended the vacancy);
  • a professional resource that you could offer the company. If you have no work experience, you need to identify other advantages that set you apart from your competitors.

The advantages may be:

  • agreement to a long probationary period;
  • readiness to learn and career growth in this profession;
  • consent to irregular work hours and business trips;
  • specialized education and additional training courses;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • other skills related to the upcoming activity.
    1. contact information (it is appropriate to once again leave your personal contacts not only in the resume, but also in the accompanying message).
    2. farewell (short and polite).

How to write a cover letter for a resume in English

Today, finding a decent job with a high salary is becoming a pressing and difficult problem to solve in our society. The state of the labor market requires from applicants not only developed skills to work in their specialty; sometimes employers present Additional requirements. Among them, the most common is knowledge foreign languages. Practice proves that employers give maximum preference to such people when hiring.

Very often, when filling available vacancies, management puts forward requirements for candidates for a position to write and provide a cover letter, which is translated from English as “covering letter.” To find a profitable job, it is no longer enough to send an employer a simple resume. It needs to be supported by the specified addition.

Let us remind you that the cover letter belongs to the category of business correspondence and is attached to the resume with other documents.

  1. Introduction

In order to interest a potential employer in your letter, and ultimately in your own candidacy, you should “hook” the employer from the first line, and more specifically, from the introduction. Therefore, we advise you to approach writing this part of the message with full responsibility.

  • If you have mutual acquaintances with a possible employer, it is useful to mention this in order to gain his favor and trust:

Recently I met Ann Brown, who I know from my childhood, from your main company and she recommended me to write to you my resume-letter. She knows about my talents in programming area and considers me a good candidate for an IT-specialist vacancy.

(The other day I met Ann Brown, a friend of mine since childhood, and now an employee of your company, who advised me to send my resume here. She is familiar with my successes in programming and is sure that I can fully count on a position as a programmer in the company you head).

  • Briefly and clearly state your achievements in professional field, emphasizing nuances that may be of interest to the employer. You need to write about those skills that will be useful in the potential position that the applicant wants to occupy.
  • You can start with the original question and then, in the process of drawing up a cover letter for your resume, gradually answer it, intriguing the employer to read the entire text.
  1. How to arouse an employer's interest with a question

The catchy question formulated at the beginning of the cover letter, in combination with its English version, can be formulated as follows:

Are you looking for an expert of the sales-market area who has sales records for a few different companies and a highly developed professional talent?

(Do you need a sales pro who has broken all records in this field in a number of companies at the same time, who has the highest skill?)

In the introduction, you don't need to waste time on detailed description search for this vacancy and its interesting aspects for the applicant. Just mention its name in the subject line of the email.

  1. Main content

The second part of the cover letter provides an explanation of why the candidate seeks to get into this particular organization in order to occupy the declared position. Without praising, you need to list the real advantages of this position and, between the lines, transparently hint at your professional talents as a potential employee. Additionally, it is not superfluous to show a positive attitude towards the company’s products or professionals who work in this service sector. All information must be reliable.

As an example of a cover letter in English, the following texts can be given:

  • “I would like to have a job in your company because...” or “I would be glad to get a position in your company because...”.
  • “While I worked in another firm, I always want to be a part of this company...” or “During all the time I worked in the previous company, I tried to get into yours...”.
  • “I am very interested in this vacancy, as...” or “I am very interested in this vacant position, as...”.
  • “I see that your company is in a process of development and that you`re planning to lauch a few new projects. Will I become a part of them?" or “I noticed that your company is growing steadily and you are starting a number of new projects. Do I have a chance to take part in them?

After this, personal qualifications are described with a full indication of work experience and professional qualities, so that the employer sees in the candidate a future employee of his company, bringing benefit, profit and interested in its growth. The wider the list of effective characteristics of an applicant for a vacancy, the higher his chance of making a proper impression on the employer.

  1. Description of character traits in a cover letter

How to add your positive traits to your resume cover letter? An example in English might look like this:

  • “Even in a stressed situation I try to keep the balance” or “I am always balanced, even in a tense situation.”
  • “I would be happy to have a chance to work with you” or “I would be happy to get a chance to work with you.”

The accompanying message should motivate action. It must be written in such a way that immediately upon reading the employer understands that this is an experienced and responsible candidate, an employee striving to achieve results, capable of selflessly working for the common good of the company.

  1. Cover letter design

The key principle of composing a real cover letter is a personally written text. It is strictly forbidden to copy or rework someone else's version.

A letter of this type must have a generally accepted format and contain the following elements:

  • introduction (a single paragraph of no more than 500-600 characters without spaces);
  • listing the reasons for applying to the company - several paragraphs in the form of a bulleted list, explaining the reasons for the applicant’s choice of this particular position (the length of the text should not exceed 1,800 characters);
  • information about professional experience, backed up concrete examples, with application option own projects and works (approximately 3,200 characters);
  • the final part with the applicant’s contact information (about 400 characters).

When composing the text of a cover letter for your resume, you should adhere to the style of business correspondence. Using specialized vocabulary that corresponds to the vacant position for which the candidate is competing dramatically increases his chances of arousing the employer’s interest and becoming an employee of the organization.

Mentioning recent company events and showing genuine interest in the company's activities gives the applicant the opportunity to gain the employer's sympathy and encourage him to feedback. The most important thing is to do everything sincerely, otherwise the position will go to another applicant, not you.

Before sending a formal cover letter to an employer, be sure to re-read the cover letter in English a couple of times, checking for grammatical errors. If desired, you can use professional translator services.

  1. Correct address to the addressee

At the very beginning of the accompanying message in English there is an address to the addressee, which should begin with the words “Dear,” that is, “Dear.”

If the letter is sent to a man, the phrase Mr is used, for a woman - accordingly, Ms (without specifying marital status).

When the applicant knows the employer well, you can use the phrase Dear Mike, and if, on the contrary, you have never seen him, it is better to address him correctly by his last name - Dear Mr Berkley.

  1. Expression of interest in a position

The level of your interest in the vacancy is conveyed by a description of professional skills and experience. In this way, the candidate presents himself, that is, he first gets acquainted with the employer, describing his skills and business qualities

In addition, if you know someone who is an employee of this company, mention them. But, of course, with their consent. A cover letter for a resume is prepared in different versions. Here's an example in English to describe your own parameters in a cover letter:

“With my management skills and understanding of your business, I can immediately begin to work in this position...” or “With my leadership skills and orientation in the directions of your company, I am ready to immediately begin my duties.”

Hint that you really hope for an answer by using the following phrase: “I look forward to hear from you.”

  1. How to present your competence

“Thank you for your attention. I"m waiting for a possibility to talk to you why I could work in that vacancy. Please contact me..." or "Thank you for your attention. I hope to have the opportunity to talk with you personally and explain why I am suitable for this position. I'm waiting from you calling or answering by email...".

  1. How to end a cover letter

As a rule, at the end of the message there is a short wish and the name of the author. Focus on the example of the English version of the final part, which can be formulated as follows: “Best regards, Elena...” or “All the best, Elena.”

  1. Spell check

Errors made in the text can create an unfavorable impression on the manager of the future employee and discourage further reading. Therefore, it is worth checking the text grammar once again using special programs. It is necessary to check the correct placement of words in sentences: in Russian, phrases can begin with the use of any words, but English provides special rules that determine the order in which sentences are constructed.

Spell checking is required if you are writing a cover letter for your resume yourself and without a translator. Take your time when writing the text. It is better to think through each sentence several times, because the correctness, conciseness and literacy of the message will influence the opinion of the author and the possibility of his employment in the chosen organization.

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What not to write in a cover letter for your resume

1. Don’t show off your career ambitions

Try not to use expressions like “I want to work where I can use my skills and advance my career.” Such a pompous statement is more likely to scare off the employer than to delight him. In addition, a preparatory familiarization with the work of companies will allow you to deal only with those who are trying to promote their employees professionally. So don't waste the recipient's time by insisting on privileges before you've proven your abilities.

2. Don't talk about salary

This should not be done even when in one of the paragraphs of the advertisement the employer asks you to indicate your previous salary. Why? Employers need this data to filter out applicants who are either very expensive or not very experienced, which previously prevented them from receiving more money. Information about previous income will only reduce your chances of success. What to do? Complete your resume cover letter magic phrase, precluding further questioning: “My salary was negotiable.”

3. Don't mention why you left your previous job.

Sometimes people feel the need to explain what made them last so long (or so long) in their previous jobs. This is not worth doing. It’s better to prepare answers to all sorts of questions about your work experience in advance and save them in case of an interview during the reception. Do not indicate in the accompanying message facts that are likely to make the employer wary.

Typical mistakes in every second resume cover letter

Let’s name the most common shortcomings that can spoil the impression and even “cut off” all chances of success when discussing a resume.

Error 1.Stereotyping

Template, hackneyed phrases written “as a carbon copy” have a detrimental effect on the content of your letter. If, upon reading, the employer decides that you are stamping them for distribution to various organizations, then your candidacy will probably remain unnoticed.

Error 2.Violation of business style

Of course, originality is good, but not in this case. IN business correspondence Humor is also inappropriate if it does not correspond to the corporate culture of the employer's company. Informal and unceremonious appeals can be harmful to the author. Do not use jargon, emoticons, “non-statutory” punctuation, etc.

Error 3.Common phrases

Try to exclude such convenient but meaningless expressions, such as “I am a qualified (responsible, stress-resistant) employee”, “I learn quickly”, etc.

All epithets must be supported by facts, arguments, and figures. For example, you don’t need to write “I am a knowledgeable specialist,” you should say “I have devoted more than ten years to this field.”

Information about the experts

Andrey Kolesnikov, General Director of PowerLexis, St. Petersburg. PowerLexis - consulting company, specializes in developing technologies for winning audiences through “live” business presentations. PowerLexis offers clients the development of concepts for presentations of products, services, projects, companies; development of a corporate style and presentation design standard; consultations and analysis of presentations. Clients: Microsoft, Uniastrum Bank, Baltika OJSC, Baltic Customs Agency, Informtekhnika group of companies, Beltel, Spetstrust No. 2 group of companies, etc.

When sending your resume to an employer or intermediary (for example, a recruitment agency), it is advisable to support it with a cover letter.

A well-written letter will attract interest and can serve as a starting point for further personal contacts. It is advisable to write a cover letter according to generally accepted standards. Your letter should be short, but at the same time it should attract attention and be able to show your value to the position for which he is applying.

It is customary to send a covering letter to: specific person in the company you want to join.

Most often, a cover letter is written in three to four paragraphs.

First, they write about the source from which you learned about the vacancy, as well as the position for which you are applying.

  • State the purpose of your letter.
  • Next, write about your experience and qualifications.
  • Prove to the potential employer that your candidacy is ideal for this vacancy.
  • Interest the person who will read your letter.
  • Briefly describe the successes of your work activity.
  • Make a connection between your previous experience and the employer's requirements.

At the end of the letter you should indicate your further possible contacts with the employer: calls for a personal meeting, a visit to the organization, etc.

And be sure to thank us for spending the time to review your resume.

Now let’s look at writing a cover letter using a specific example.

Cover letter for manager's resume

Hello, Svetlana Vladimirovna!

From an advertisement in the newspaper “Work and Personnel,” I learned that your company has a vacancy for “Advertising Space Sales Manager.”

I really hope that you will be interested in my candidacy for this position.

On this moment I hold the position of advertising project manager at advertising department agency "Pushkin and Co."

My responsibilities are:

  • search potential clients to place commercial information on media offered by the agency,
  • development of proposals,
  • conducting transactions,
  • interaction with other departments of the company,
  • working with contractors,
  • as well as maintaining the existing customer base.

My experience in presenting products, collecting interesting information about a possible client and negotiating skills with managers at any level allowed me to achieve significant results.

I even received the title - best employee of the year.

I have carefully studied the scope of responsibilities, as well as the requirements for this vacancy, and I believe that my work experience and my skills will allow me to achieve significant results, increase the profit of your company, and I will have the opportunity for further growth professionally and financially.