Business plan for heated floors. Business idea: we install electric floors. Do I need a business permit?

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Business related to construction has always been and will be a promising niche. Companies leading construction activities, are developing very quickly and gaining a client base, because services of this kind are in great demand.

The construction business can be divided into two branches. The first is the production business building materials, this type in most cases requires considerable financial costs for equipment and rental space. The second branch is a business providing services in the construction sector, such as covering roofs, erecting fences, repairing inside buildings, installing heated floors. It is the latter that will be discussed further.

Subspecies construction business for the installation of heated floors, is associated with the service sector and is the most cost-effective. Even a person who is not particularly versed in construction can master the installation of floors, and the price for one square meter of installed floor is attractive - it is approximately six hundred rubles. What is required to install the floor?

There are three types of installation of heated floors:

  1. Mounting the resistance cable (first of all, this type requires a tie).
  2. Installation of a strip floor with infrared heating (in this case, installation does not require a screed).
  3. The third method is thermostats, consisting of a glass fiber mesh and a carbon rod (mounted on top of the tile).

Before you begin installing a heated floor, you need to study the room very carefully, and also compare the client’s budget with the prices for certain installations. Let’s say, if the customer’s budget is small, then the option with a thermostat can be crossed out, since it has a higher cost compared to other types of installation of heated floors.

This leaves two options: resistance cable and strip flooring. In this case, you need to inspect the room, and if the ceilings are low, then the second option is more suitable, and if high, then the first, since screeding the floors in the room will reduce the height by another 2-3 centimeters.

The first steps to success in the business of installing heated floors

Before starting a business in the installation and insulation of floors, you need to study this type of activity from A to Z. So that in the future, during the work process, there will be no questions about how and what to do, which installation option to use. Learning the theory and skills of editing does not require so much time, as it is easy to master.

As for capital investment, the business will not require any special financial costs. What will you have to spend money on? A truck, wrenches, a hammer drill, wages for hired workers (if any). All kinds of additional expenses.

Also, don’t forget about registration individual entrepreneur and collection necessary documents, payment of taxes and advertising costs. You can advertise your business in a variety of ways. mass media, such as: newspapers, the Internet, groups in in social networks, dedicated to the city where the work will be carried out, also if you have available finance, you can use television advertising.

Expansion of the underfloor heating installation business

The cost of installing 10 squares will cost about 12,000. Next, you need to subtract everything from this possible costs during installation, you can get about six thousand in net revenue. After the business begins to generate money and recoups the initial investment, it is worth thinking about expanding it, namely, starting to produce heated floors and installation materials.

It is better to buy materials for production from local and regional dealers, so as not to pay large sums for delivery. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the material.

Quality plays a big role in this business, the higher the quality, the more customers, revenue and positive feedback. Enterprises engaged in both production and services are considered highly profitable.

A new level of business on heated floors

After reaching the production level, and this is a high status in the construction industry, it is worth taking advertising seriously. If previously there was enough local media and advertising on the Internet, now advertising with a wider audience is needed.

You will definitely need a company website; you can create it yourself or entrust it to a web studio, but in both cases you will have to pay for its promotion in search engines. You can also create an online store and supply heated floors to other regions, which will significantly increase your income, but this will require considerable expenses.

As for the business services sector, there is also no need to stand still, carrying out installation only for private homes. Floor insulation is also required large enterprise, such as large farms. A large barn can be either 100 or 150 square meters. meters, which will allow you to earn from 60 to 120 thousand net profit at a time.

On average, approximately 350 thousand rubles will be spent on purchasing equipment, paying labor, advertising and paying taxes. This figure is the entrance ticket to the floor installation business.

If installation is carried out in 5-10 square meters per day, then per month it will be about 200 sq.m. This is approximately 150,000 per month, if you subtract from this all the waste during production, you will get somewhere around 100 thousand rubles. net revenue.

In this case, the payback for the entire project will be 3 months. In the future, as was said, it is worth starting to expand the business to production. And the main thing to remember is: “The customer is always right.”

You can see the rest of the business ideas on our website here: . Don’t forget to subscribe to our VK group so that we can timely convey our business ideas and business plans to an interested audience.

Traditionally, our apartments are heated by central heating. In addition, there are oil radiators and split systems, which in certain cases are considered a source of heat. Recently, electric fireplaces have become popular. However, a worthy alternative to central heating is considered electric heated floors.

For the first time, warm floors, and indeed electric heating with high-resistance conductors in the West, were used in hotels. Back in Soviet times, our tourists who visited abroad were surprised that “their” bathroom mirrors did not sweat, and that it was warm under their feet. However, soon home owners also liked electric heat, especially in Scandinavia.

To be fair, in Russia there are many skeptics of this type of heating, they say, it is expensive and harmful. Such fears are not unfounded, especially when we're talking about not branded products. Meanwhile, this type of home heating has good prospects, thanks to the fact that leading manufacturers have equipped electric floors with “smart automation,” which has made it possible to sharply reduce energy consumption while maintaining comfortable warmth. Thus, the business of installing electric floors got a “second wind.”

Reasonable arguments about safety

Electric floors are believed to be harmful and this perception is holding back the advancement of the electric floor installation business. But is it? And what should we answer to skeptics who would like their floors to be warm, but are afraid of radiation? “The level of absolute safety of electromagnetic radiation and permissible thresholds, as they say, are two big differences,” says electrical equipment expert Igor Melnikov. - A magnetic field intensity of less than 0.2 microtesla (µT) is considered absolutely harmless to human health. Meanwhile, hygienic standard 2.1.8 of November 10, 2007 allows for schools - 5 µT, and for residential buildings - 10 µT.”

At the same time, the values ​​of the electromagnetic field of heating cables, for example, DEVI - 0.03-1.5 µT. Here we are talking about single-core circuits, while in two-core electric floors the intensity of the magnetic field is even lower.

“The reduction in radiation occurs due to the fact that a second power core passes through the two-core heating cable and the electrical flows, going as if towards each other (step 5 cm), dampen counter “oscillations,” explained forum member Foxius on the forum [email protected] . - In a thin “warm floor” (heating mat), counter “oscillations” are damped due to the close arrangement of adjacent turns (5 cm pitch). The electromagnetic radiation of an electric floor is less than the geomagnetic background of the Earth, and is 1.3 µT for a single-core “warm floor”, and 0.25 µT for a two-core “warm floor.”

Sergei Novozhenov, a specialist at the Useful Electricity company, in particular, commented on the situation with rumors about the dangers of electric floors: “In the underground, electromagnetic radiation can reach 150-200 µT, even a TV produces 2 µT. Understanding these electromagnetic field levels that we experience in different circumstances means actual safety electric floors. In other words, when convincing clients, I draw parallels: from the point of view of infections, a world without viruses and bacteria is harmless. This is 0.2 microtesla (μT) for the magnetic field. But we live in an environment where there are enough microorganisms, the main thing is not to allow the pollution threshold to be exceeded, which is dangerous for infection.”

Where to install electric floors?

You often hear from different people and even read in the media that electric floors are prohibitively expensive to operate. “Yesterday, a friend called and said that she wanted to install electric floors, but changed her mind, saying that her friend received such a bill that she simply fell into a state of shock. - Viktor Vasiliev, a master installer of electric floors from St. Petersburg, says. - I went to this apartment and found that floors were installed throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment. When I asked why heat the parquet under the sofa, the hostess did not answer.”

Indeed, heating wires need to be installed where there is open space and with a deviation of 20-30 cm from the boundaries of walls or furniture. Measurements showed that in a standard one-room apartment there is not much free space: in a room with an area of ​​18 m2 - about 4 squares in the middle; in the kitchen - about 1.5-2 m2 near the sink and table, in the bathroom - 0.5-0.7 m2. And that's not it! Why heat the floors when they are warmer by more than 2 degrees at the level of an adult’s head, provided that the average temperature in the room is not lower than 20 °C.

“If you install smart automation, then electricity consumption will decrease by 50-60% and will be only 50 kWh per month per square meter of area per month,” says Sergei Novozhenov, “and this saves from 700 to 1000 rubles per month.” According to the businessman, in high-rise apartments, electric floors are better than water ones: firstly, because floor heating from a heating plant is prohibited; and secondly, alternative heat is needed precisely in the mid-season, when thermal power plants are not yet operating, or during periods of their breakdown.

Secrets of the profession

Hundreds of films have been made and thousands of articles have been written about how to install electric floors, so there is no need to repeat it. As a rule, the wires are filled with cement or other screed, a substrate is laid on top if we are talking about laminate, or tiles are laid. But what should those who have already done a major screed do? “In this case, you should use Devidry electric floor heating, which is simply laid on a screed under laminate, carpet or wooden floors,” explains Victor Vasiliev. - These Devidry heating mats are 8mm thick, however, you need to install a control system that has a “27 degree heating” function.

“This business overlaps with apartment renovation,” writes forum member LISIK, “although it requires certain knowledge. In order not to heat the ceiling of the lower neighbors, you need high-quality thermal insulation from below the wires. It must be taken into account that foil insulation may crumble in a cement screed after a few years. In the same time extruded polystyrene foam- is expensive and raises the floor by at least 3 cm. The goal is not to simply make electric heated floors, but to make them your calling card.”

“This is the same quality of life standard as heated seats in a car,” says Sergei Novozhenov. - In any case, where there are tiles, it is necessary. As doctors say, “keep your feet warm and your head cold.” According to the expert, this business can be successful if you conduct competent self-PR and have a good understanding of innovation.”

The business of installing electric heated floors has every reason to be successful, of course, if you conduct explanatory work, carry out high-quality installation and keep up with the times.

The post has been changed:

Installation of heated floors

Regular readers of my blog will probably remember that I have repeated more than once that three types of goods will always be in demand among consumers. These are: food, clothing, and shelter. Probably, ever since the first people on the planet began to live in caves, they sought to make their home more comfortable, gradually improving their living conditions. And, of course, for the most part, the concept of comfort should include the convenience of your stay. In our country, the main territory of which is in a temperate climate, this is heating. Business in this area will always be relevant. And today I invite you to get acquainted with another business idea from this category - installation of heated floors.
Once upon a time, the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov told his soldiers words that later became popular: “Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.” After 2 centuries, doctors fully confirmed the truth of these words, especially paying attention to the last point. By the way, ancient Chinese healers also said that most diseases begin with the feet. Conclusion: if you want to be healthy, walk on a heated floor. The benefits of having such a floor both at home and in the office are difficult to underestimate - a healthy indoor microclimate has a beneficial effect on everyone.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 100,000-200,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: no limits
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: from 3 orders

When building houses in our country, builders usually limit themselves to centralized heating, so additional conditions You can only get comfort with your own money. Installation of heated floors has been in great demand lately - people have become more concerned about their health and the health of their children. And therefore, companies involved in the installation of heated floors receive orders almost all year round.

Types of heated floors

There are currently 3 categories of heated floors widely used in construction:

  • Mermen
  • Electrical
  • Film

Let's take a closer look at each type.

The appearance of the first heated floors was disputed between Ancient Rome and Korea. In Rome, hypocausts were made under the houses of rulers, wealthy citizens, and in baths - air channels connected to stoves, from which hot air came. Approximately the same underfloor heating device was used in the homes of ancient Koreans. They called it “ondol”.

The heat source here will be pipes made of polypropylene or metal-plastic (the so-called mini-circuit), connected to the central heating system, through which heated water circulates, giving off heat to the surrounding space. Layed on the floor over the entire area of ​​the room (usually installers leave approximately a distance of 10-20 centimeters from the wall), the pipes are filled with cement or concrete screed, on top of which a “finishing” floor is laid. Thus, the water floor will last exactly as long as the building itself lasts, or until the owner decides to change the heating system.

Usually they install heated floors under laminate, or install heated floors under tiles - tiled, ceramic, marble, or granite. You can also combine convenience with beauty and add a self-leveling floor on top of the water floor.

But this is a completely different business idea, which you can find out about at this link.

Advantages of water heated floors

  • To begin with, it must be said that each of the heated floor systems is selected and installed, taking into account the wishes of the customer, the allocated budget, the area of ​​the room, and some of its other features. By the way, water heated floors are ordered most often, so I put it in first place.
  • After installation, a water floor requires practically no additional costs.
  • The heating temperature of such a floor is regulated by the central heating system, i.e. is a low heating system, which in turn limits the excessive saturation of the air in the room with positively charged ions - another plus for health.
  • Installing a water heated floor is the safest option from the point of view of environmental and sanitary-epidemiological considerations.

A more efficient use of room space is achieved due to the absence of heating radiators.

There are fewer disadvantages of a water floor and they consist mainly in obtaining permission to install such a floor, the high cost and difficulty of installing it.

In this case, the floor contour, consisting of a thin heating cable, is also laid on the floor of the room, and a screed is poured on top.

  • Advantages of electric heated floors
  • Easy installation, which consists of laying the cable on the floor and connecting to the electrical network.
  • Fast heating and independence from the central heating system. If it suddenly becomes cold in the summer, then apartment buildings the heating will not be turned on, while the owner can turn on the electric floor at any time.
  • High accuracy of room temperature control. Electric floor control allows you to set the temperature at the owner's request.

There are fewer disadvantages of this gender. The most significant of them is increased energy consumption. However, now many systems have begun to be equipped with electronics that turn off the heating when the temperature reaches the required indicator. In addition, before installation, it is necessary to check whether the general electrical network in the room can withstand such a load.

Separately, it should be said about rumors that the electric floor emits radiation harmful to the human body. None of this is true. Firstly, the cable's shielding braid reliably suppresses electromagnetic pulses. Secondly, a person is surrounded by so many electrical appliances (TV, computer, kettle, microwave oven, mobile phone), without which he literally cannot do an hour, that “sin” after that on the electric floor would be simply inappropriate.

This floor operates on the principle of infrared heating. A special film is spread on the floor of the room, in which conductive elements that emit infrared radiation are mounted. Reflecting from the lower shielding layer of the film, it goes upward, providing maximum heating effect. The pros and cons of such a floor are almost the same as an electric one.

How to organize a business

To open a business installing underfloor heating, you need to have a good understanding of all these technologies yourself. That is why I told you in such detail about each type of such flooring. This business idea does not require large expenses for its implementation, which makes it accessible to everyone. You can do the installation of one type of heated floor or all varieties. When installing water heated floors you will need:

  • Adjustable wrenches and wrenches
  • Sander
  • Soldering iron for polypropylene pipes
  • Hammer
  • Pipe cutting machine
  • Metal-plastic cutter
  • Water level

For installation of electric and film floors:

  • Pliers, screwdrivers
  • Electrical tape, PVC pipes

As you can see, the set of tools is small; many men have most of the tools. The most important thing in this business is work experience, which will serve not only for high-quality order fulfillment, but also for self-promotion.

Another important point is the staff. To install a water floor, it is better to have a plumber on staff, and to install an electric floor, an electrician. Two or three people in a team will be enough to bring the business to a decent level. After which you can think about expanding the business and attracting additional forces.

Advertising is the engine of business

There is no need to invent anything new - use “traditional” methods.

The demand for such a service as installation of heated floors in residential and office premises obvious. This is not bad for a promising profitable business. There is a need to attract experienced specialists who can provide quick, high-quality service.

Installation of warm water floors

Exist different types warm floors, but the most popular and popular is a water floor. To install a water floor, a concrete method is used, when the system is laid as a flooring. Floor heating pipes are filled with concrete mortar, which allows the heat to be distributed evenly. When starting to install the floor, it is necessary to perform zoning, which is planned taking into account the size and configuration of the room. This will allow the screed to high temperature expand evenly without cracking. A thermal insulation layer is laid on top of the concrete layer, which will retain heat, thanks to which the heated air will go up to heat the room. Any high-quality material is suitable for the insulating layer, it can be polystyrene foam, polystyrene, polystyrene foam. The insulating layer should have a thickness of about 30 mm and good density. A welt tape laid around the perimeter will prevent the concrete screed from expanding. At the next stage, reinforcing mesh with dimensions of 150x150 mm is laid. You can lay two layers of mesh, which are placed over and under the pipes. When selecting one layer of mesh, the pipes are located on top.

Depending on design decisions, pipes can be laid in different ways. When choosing a method, the size and shape of the room in which the heated floor is planned to be installed is taken into account. The required laying interval is selected, the step of which is 75-300 mm.

The pipes are secured to the wall surface using plastic clamps. At the location of the joining seam, it is covered with protective corrugated material, which will help protect the pipe from mechanical influences.

Pipe laying, methods

There are known methods for laying pipes in the form of a single or double snake, or in the form of a spiral in the usual version and with an offset center. For a small room, laying in one loop will be enough, and for large areas, laying a double loop. For installation, it is better to opt for polyethylene and polybutene pipes, which are transparent, flexible and resistant to corrosion. Such pipes have a reasonable price (1 m2 - up to 70 rubles). To lay 1 m2 you will need 3 meters of pipe, the cost of installation is up to 250 rubles.

To check, the heating system is subjected to pressure testing, which will allow the pipes to be checked for leaks. Such a check will help identify all shortcomings and damage, if any, that arose during the installation process. Then, adhering to a certain temperature regime, it is necessary to pour the concrete screed, while maintaining the pressure in the system during the day at 4 Bar. The screed mortar is prepared from a mixture of concrete or cement with sand. The height of the screed above the floor should be 30 mm. It will take several days for the screed to dry completely, after which the system is filled with water, first cold, then heated.

Heated floor covering

There are many options for flooring, but for a heated floor you need to choose the right material for it. As a floor covering best option, it is better to use tiles. When choosing a parquet board or laminate, you need to take into account their properties that ensure heat conduction.

When installing heated floors, it is reasonable to use the services of experienced specialists. But with a limited budget, you can do such work yourself. Having gained sufficient experience installing heated floors, you can find clients who need one, thereby providing yourself with stable work and income. The repair industry will always be promising in terms of organizing a business that will always be profitable and relevant. People will always be looking to upgrade or upgrade something, such as installing underfloor heating. To organize a business installing heated floors, you need to know all the subtleties and nuances of this matter in order to choose the optimal installation option for the customer.