Wireless unlimited Internet to a dacha in the Moscow region and other regions. Wireless mobile Internet Wireless unlimited Internet for a country house

High speed internet firmly entered into our everyday life. But if in apartment buildings more or less large settlements There are usually no problems with access to the network, but in the private sector, not to mention remote villages and villages, wired Internet is a rare guest.

Therefore, when the need arises to deliver the Internet to private homes or remote parts of the city, it very often comes to the rescue wireless Internet. Although this option has certain disadvantages compared to wired Internet, sometimes it is the only reasonable solution.

- this is a real salvation for those who live in a private house and do not have access to wired Internet. In many cottage villages and country houses use exactly this method of Internet delivery.

How does wireless internet work?

Very often, in order to have high-quality wireless home Internet, you need to purchase a special device called a wireless modem. What is a wireless modem? In short, this is a device that allows you to receive and receive signals via networks mobile communications.

Using a wireless modem allows you to provide Internet not only a private house, but also any place where there is mobile communication. That is, if you travel somewhere outside the city, then using a modem you can always join a specific network and access the Internet. To use a modem, it is enough to purchase a SIM card from one of the operators providing similar services. For example, there is a very good wireless Internet “Beeline”, which allows you to use the Internet at a very good speed (for a wireless connection). In addition, we can note wireless Internet from Rostelecom and some other operators providing similar services.

Mobile operators usually offer Internet access at special rates, which you should pay attention to. Some tariffs provide a certain amount of traffic for a certain period of time, some provide payment for each megabyte or gigabyte of Internet used. In any case, before you start using wireless Internet, be sure to make sure that the tariff you need is set. If the tariff is not set, call the operator who can tell you about all the nuances of connecting this or that tariff plan.

For modern wireless Internet, it is best to use a GSM terminal. A GSM terminal is a special wireless modem capable of working with GSM networks. The main advantage of such networks and such modems is the very large coverage of the territory. On this moment GSM networks cover about 80% of the entire globe. Thus, there is a wonderful opportunity to transmit a signal from almost anywhere on the planet.

In addition to providing access ordinary users to the Internet GSM terminals are also used in many other areas:

  1. Monitoring moving objects. Allows you to organize surveillance of various objects, vehicles and individuals in motion. It is actively used in logistics systems, law enforcement agencies, in the fight against terrorism and in some other areas.
  2. Systems for monitoring and accounting of energy resources. GSM terminals make it possible to control the amount of energy resources consumed at certain facilities, therefore they are used in many public utilities, at various enterprises, in business and in many other areas.
  3. Telemetry. Used in modern “smart home” systems, it allows you to notify the home owner about the amount of energy, water, gas and other resources consumed.
  4. Vending. Actively used in trade to transmit data on the number of goods sold (for example, in vending machines and other similar devices).

These are not all areas where GSM terminals can be successfully used, but they are some of the most significant and obvious.

Types of GSM terminals

At the moment, these devices can be classified into two categories.

According to the interfaces used for connection, there are:

  1. USB modems. At the moment they are one of the most common. To provide access to high-quality wireless Internet, USB modems are very often used for computers. Typically, the USB interface is used to power such modems, but sometimes modems can use special additional connectors for power. Such devices can be used to work in almost all data transmission systems, including the mobile Internet.
  2. RS-232 terminals. Devices operating in the M2M data transmission system. Such modems are not used for mobile Internet.
  3. PCMCIA modems. They use EDGE technology in their work and can only be used for mobile Internet.
  4. Express Card modems. Just like PCMCIA modems, they use EDGE technology in their work and are used only for mobile Internet.

According to the technology used for the organization cellular communication, highlight:

  1. GPRS terminals. They make it possible to use GSM in various devices. Most often used in M2M systems, where they provide very good wireless communications.
  2. EDGE terminals. They have very good speed, as they use special high-speed protocols for transmitting information. They are actively used both to provide Internet access and to connect elements of the M2M system.
  3. 3G modems. They use even higher-speed protocols in their work than EDGE terminals.
  4. 4G modems. They provide the highest speed and highest quality connection available at the moment. In terms of speed, they outperform 3G modems by 2 times, and some versions can work 5 times faster.

Actually, in this way it is possible to produce a typology of modern GSM terminals, without which it is impossible to imagine wireless unlimited Internet. At the moment, 4G reigns supreme - these are the modems that can provide the highest quality and fastest access to the World Wide Web.

We think that after reading this article the question “how to connect wireless Internet?” won't confuse you. And if any problems arise in this direction, you can always contact a mobile operator specializing in this type of service, and all the nuances will be explained to you in as much detail and clarity as possible.

Availability of home wireless Internet was last modified: May 11th, 2016 by MaximB

Thanks to a large number base stations of cellular operators, you can use the mobile Internet almost throughout the entire Moscow region. However, due to the small size of the antennas built into modems, smartphones and tablets, the speed and stability of the connection is often unsatisfactory.

Our company offers to install wireless Internet, which in all respects will be comparable to a cable connection. Our equipment allows us to receive and amplify even weak signal from remote towers. This opportunity is especially relevant for holiday villages and small villages.

Our specialists will not only install and configure the equipment, but also select the most suitable one for you. cheap tariff. The SIM card is issued on the spot, so you don’t even have to get to the operator’s office.

We are engaged in connecting mobile Internet in Moscow and the entire Moscow region. Although it is technically easy to install Internet in the capital, many wireline providers often impose very unprofitable tariffs. Businessmen working in Moscow especially often face this problem.

You can use all our services mobile operators. Therefore, there is always the opportunity to choose best rate depending on your needs. To make a connection, just call the phone number listed on the website or send an online application.

Our connection option is the most profitable because it allows you to visit websites without restrictions and download files of any size. In addition, you get the opportunity to watch videos and TV shows in high quality. With the help of our fastest Internet in Moscow, you can also play online games and communicate with the whole world for free.

Our technicians will not only connect computers to the network, but will also help install a wireless signal (Wi-Fi) throughout the house and personal plot. The router and high connection speed allow you to use just one inexpensive mobile tariff on all home or office devices.

If you live outside the Moscow region, you can install high-speed Internet from our company yourself. To do this, simply order special equipment from our company. Included in the package detailed instructions and a SIM card that provides Mobile Internet all around Russia.

Wireless Internet is connected in cases when wired connection either unavailable, or does not provide adequate quality, such as ADSL, or is prohibitively expensive (tariffs or wiring). So, we will look at the 5 main types of wireless Internet, their features, pros and cons.

1. Wi-Fi bridge

Popular option wireless connection is the organization of a Wi-Fi bridge between the connection object and the Internet source (emitter), which in turn is connected to the network by wire. It is worth noting here that important feature is the organization of the source, i.e. installation of equipment that will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal. If in principle everything is clear with the receiving side, then problems may arise with the transmitting side. As a rule, Wi-Fi transmitting equipment is installed in high-rise buildings at a maximum height to avoid possible interference in Wi-Fi transmission signal. Such an object still needs to be found, negotiated with the owners, with the HOA, with management company etc., if necessary, coordinate the installation of the emitter with other organizations (firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations, TV crews, electric companies, etc.). Next, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment, as well as adequate protection against theft and burglary. In addition, an important condition is the choice of a private Wi-Fi range for organizing the channel. The standard 2.4 GHz band, especially in high-rise buildings, is heavily loaded, which leads to noise on the airwaves and, accordingly, a decrease in signal quality and Internet speed. The use of the 5 GHz band is regulated by the State Radio Frequency Commission (GRKCH), accordingly you need to obtain permission and register the receiving and transmitting equipment. There are also specific Wi-Fi bands such as 3 GHz, 6 GHz, however, difficulties can arise in them too. First of all, with equipment, because... It is not always possible to find receivers, transmitters, antennas and other equipment for specific ranges. In addition, you need to understand that the higher the frequency, the worse the signal permeability and, accordingly, the range of the system. Thus, in the case of solving all organizational problems, as well as the presence of an initial wired channel, with Wi-Fi organizations bridge, you can get a fairly high Internet speed at the site. The distance from the transmitting to the receiving device can reach 10-15 km (in case of line of sight).
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbps)
➕ Stability (the connection does not depend on other users, since the channel is exclusive)
➕ Low subscription fee(similar to tariffs for wired Internet, since in fact this is what it is from the point of view of the provider)
➖ High price for installing equipment (30-80 thousand rubles)
➖ Difficulties in organizing a channel
➖ In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the SCRF, large fines with dismantling of equipment are possible
➖ Limited use (only in cities, because you need a source of wired Internet and high-rise buildings to install transmission equipment)

2. Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet, as well as satellite television and satellite communications, have been used for quite a long time. The main and, in fact, the only advantage is accessibility and independence from location. Satellite Internet can be installed in the mountains, on an island, in a forest, in a remote village. Wherein modern equipment It’s also quite easy to set up, roughly similar to satellite TV. However, there are also significant drawbacks.
➕ Availability ( Satellite Internet can be installed almost anywhere)
➕ Independence (except perhaps only from weather conditions)
➖ High cost of equipment (20-40 thousand rubles)
➖ Low speed (average 5-10 Mbit/s)
➖ Absence of completely unlimited tariffs
➖ High subscription fee (up to 5 thousand rubles per month)

3. Radio channel

Internet radio is essentially similar to a Wi-Fi bridge, but the carrier channel does not use the widespread IEEE 802.11 standard, but some alternative or specific one. In principle, any data can be transmitted over a radio channel, including the Internet. WiMAX, AirMAX and others are often used.
High degree security
➕ Potentially high speed, but depends on implementation by specific provider
➕ Low cost of equipment due to ready-made kits from providers
➖ High subscription fee
➖ Extremely low coverage area
➖ Equipment specifics

4. Wireless optical communication channel (BOX)

Internet transmission over an optical wireless channel (not to be confused with optical fiber) is similar to a laser beam. There is a beam transmitter and there is a beam receiver, they must be in line of sight without interference. Data transfer speeds can reach 10 Gbit/s. However, in practical implementation, such technology is extremely rare when connecting end objects. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment and the complexity of channel implementation.
➕ 100% channel security
➕ High speed up to 10 Gbps
➕ Connection stability
➖ Extremely high cost of equipment (from 100-150 thousand rubles)
➖ To organize Internet access, an initial wired channel is required
➖ The need for line of sight and absence of interference between the transmitter and receiver

5. 3G/4G/5G Internet (public networks)

By far the most popular and in-demand method of wirelessly connecting to the Internet is using 3G and 4G LTE networks of cellular operators. Such networks in our country are offered by both the Big Four operators (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2), and local operators such as Vainakh Telecom, FreshTel, Letai, etc. The undeniable advantage of this method of connecting to the Internet is the versatility of the equipment, due to which you can connect Internet is available almost everywhere, except for the most remote areas, mountains, far north, taiga, etc. However, there are few consumers in these areas. In densely populated areas, operators are actively developing 4G LTE networks and are starting to implement 5G, because... It is these technologies that promise many advantages, primarily high speed and connection stability.
➕ High availability (about 90%)
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbit/s in LTE-Advanced networks, on average about 20-50 Mbit/s)
➕ Unlimited Internet (for BIT.ONLINE subscribers)
➕ Low cost and versatility of equipment
➕ Use various networks 3G/4G for connection
➖ Difficulty in self-installation and configuration of equipment

The BIT.ONLINE company specializes in connecting wireless Internet in 3G and 4G LTE networks of Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2 operators. We offer completely unlimited tariffs, high-quality equipment, installation, configuration and turnkey installation. Our experienced specialists will measure the signal of various operators and select necessary equipment and connect the Internet to as soon as possible. Call ☎️ 8-800-707-72-44 .


Fiber optic providers are not available in all corners of the Moscow region. Even technical feasibility It is possible to connect cable Internet to the dacha at your address; the cost of connection can be colossal (50 - 150 thousand rubles). Many people wait like gas - for years. At the same time, the price declared by the company in practice often turns out to be much lower.


This type of connection is relevant for remote areas of Russia where there is no coverage by mobile operators. In the Moscow region, the choice in favor of this option is not optimal: equipment with installation costs from 20 thousand rubles, and unlimited tariffs are very expensive: 5-6 thousand rubles at a speed of 4-5 Mbit/sec.

Cons of mobile

At first glance, the simplest and most obvious solution is to buy a modem in a communication store from mobile operator MTS or Beeline inexpensive. However, this device is only relevant within the city. IN rural areas It’s good if you can check your e-mail, and you can forget about watching the video.

The modem from the communication store works well only at addresses with a strong signal. In rare cases, this device allows you to fully use the original one. If your needs are broader than simple verification Email, this option will not suit you.

Our advantages

The solution to all your problems. By using our services, you get high-speed, stable service in a sparsely populated area at an affordable price the very next day. Everything happens only after checking the speed and your consent to installation. 24/7 tech. support seven days a week will help solve all your questions if they ever arise. You can take advantage of the full range of additional services: static IP, video surveillance, IP

In the era of all kinds of online technologies, high-quality Internet for the home has become as integral an attribute as a roof or a fence. Even more: if a broken fence (as a rule) does not interfere with organizing a cultural holiday with friends at the dacha, then the lack of Internet in the house can significantly spoil the mood of all the inhabitants of this hacienda.

And in this article we will look at which Internet connection is best for your home, and what criteria should be followed in such a difficult issue.

Which home Internet is better to connect: choice without choice

With the current level of technology, the question of which Internet can be connected in a private home, it would seem, should not disturb the minds of technically unprepared users: choose optimal tariff and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. In fact, the ability to connect to the Internet directly depends on the user’s location, and in particular, on the presence of various communication networks in the area.

By the request “connect the Internet”, most users only mean laying a network cable into a private house. However, this formulation of the question is incorrect: first of all, you need to decide on the optimal connection method to the world information network, and only then choose which Internet provider is best to connect to, its range of services, tariffs, etc.

Currently (2016) for a private home there are three fundamentally different ways to connect to the Internet:

  • - cable connection to the global information bank;
  • - “mobile” connection using 3G and 4G technologies;
  • - satellite Internet connection in the private sector.

At the same time, it is impossible to unequivocally answer which Internet is better here: each type of connection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at each connection type home internet in details.

Which wired Internet is better to connect?

“Wired” types of Internet include:

  • - connection using a network cable (twisted pair);
  • - fiber optic connection;
  • - connection via coaxial (television) cable;
  • - connection via telephone line.

However, despite the solid “assortment”, it is quite simple to decide which Internet connection is best for a private home: the “best” option would be to connect using fiber optics or (if this technology has not yet “reached you”) via a network cable.

A communications network based on twisted pair and optical fiber is present in almost all cities of the country, and most large providers provide such services.

- When connecting to the Internet via twisted pair, Ethernet network technology is used (based on TSP/IP protocols). Here, to create an Internet connection, the company’s specialists stretch a cable from network equipment provider (switch) to your home.

Thus, the user receives a dedicated line with high quality and the speed of information transfer.

However, over large sections of twisted pair, the signal weakens, and accordingly, the speed of the Internet connection is significantly reduced. Thus, if the switch is located more than 100 meters from your home, you must install additional equipment (or use a different cable).

When using wired Internet network cable Can:

Connect to the computer directly (when using the Internet only on this PC);

Connect to your home router (to connect several user devices to the Internet at once).

- The problem of signal attenuation is solved by the use of optical fiber. However, not every user has the money to connect it: not only the fiber itself is expensive, but also all the network equipment used (media converters, SFP modules, routers and switches with optical connectors).

Internet speed when connected via fiber optic is very comfortable.

So, if over a 4-core twisted pair (at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the equipment) you can achieve a maximum of 100 Mbit/s, over an 8-core twisted pair - up to 1000 Mbit/s, then over optical fiber the Internet speed easily reaches 1000 Mbit/s at any distances.

However, 10 Mbit/s is quite enough for household use, so organizations use the Internet via fiber optics more often than the general population. Indeed, in addition to the high cost of connecting to the Internet, the monthly subscription fee also increases proportionally, which is charged even when the equipment is “downtime”.

As for the tariff plan, the Internet here is usually provided unlimited, and the cost of services depends on the limited speed of the Internet connection.

Internet for a summer residence: which is better?

Optics and twisted pair are, of course, good. But what kind of Internet is better to connect in a village to which these communication networks have not yet “reached”? Yes, and it’s expensive to pull optical cable going to some remote place for the sake of a dozen potential subscribers is irrational.

And here other “proven” communication technologies come to the rescue: for example, in the private sector you can connect to the Internet via a coaxial cable ( cable TV) And telephone cable(here depending on the “needs”: both a dial-up connection and a leased line).

Such Internet can be installed in almost any private home: the subscriber has a modem installed that distributes the Internet using one of the network technologies:

- through tv cable- By DOCSIS technologies. On average, the reception speed here can be 42/38 Mbit/s, the upload speed is 10/9 Mbit/s, however given speed is allocated for the entire channel, so if in the private sector several subscribers are “sitting” on the same cable, the speed will vary depending on the load on the line.

- via telephone cable using network ADSL technologies, Dual-Up and ISDN (Dual-Up and ISDN connections were once also used, but now these technologies are outdated). In theory, speed ADSL connections can reach 24 Mbit/s, but in practice these figures are achieved extremely rarely: the real “quality” of telephone lines affects.

However, all other things being equal, an ADSL connection will not be the worst solution to the question of which Internet to connect to in a private home. Still, a cable connection to the worldwide information network is much more stable than its wireless counterparts.

Which wireless Internet is best to connect to at home?

In addition to a cable connection to the electronic web, you can also connect to the Internet in a private home using wireless technologies.

The most accessible and popular here is mobile connection to the information network using 3G and 4G technologies, provided by various cellular operators.

This is a “universal” Internet that can be connected even in villages and remote villages: cell phones (like GPRS modems) or specialized USB modems are used here as network equipment

The advantage of the mobile Internet is that the user can move freely within the operator’s radio broadcasting boundaries. However, such a connection is extremely unreliable, and the cost of traffic here is much higher than with a “classic” cable connection.

If you need to connect the Internet at your dacha, far from civilization, where even cellular telephone often turns out to be “out of reach”, then only a satellite dish can help in this undertaking.

The purchase and installation cost of such equipment will hit your pocket hard, and many online applications with such home Internet will be inaccessible - satellite connection"problems" with signal delay: you can high speed download large amounts of data, but Skype and online cinema will be slow.

And this option should be decided only if it is not possible to connect some kind of better internet to your home.