Firebird on a branch with golden apples. Applique "fairytale bird". Application "Firebird Feather"

Knarik Muradyan

Target: teach children to correlate real and fairy-tale images, create appliqués the image of a fairy-tale bird, conveying its unusualness and brightness, using decorative elements.

Educational objectives: Reinforce the technique of cutting circles and ovals from squares and rectangles, thus transforming one shape into another.

Developmental tasks: To develop attention, visual control of hand actions, to give each child the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creative abilities.


Let's sit quietly next to each other,

A miracle enters every home

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted.

Along with wonder and fun

Magic comes to us

Carefully, carefully,

We shouldn't scare him away...

Teacher's story:

“People have always wanted to be happy. Since ancient times, they believed that there was an amazing bird beyond the seas and forests that carried happiness on its wings. And if you really want it, the bird of Happiness will definitely fly to them someday. It seemed to everyone that this bird must be unusually beautiful, and that a bright and warm light emanates from it, which can warm everyone - all people with its warmth. Everyone dreamed of meeting the bird of Happiness, so that it would bring joy, goodness and beauty into his home. But not everyone had a bird fly to them. She visited only that house where they loved each other, cared about others, worked with their souls and did not refuse to help the poor and sick. This is the bird of Happiness!” Guys, what kind of bird do you think? And I wonder what she is like, this bird of Happiness? Let's close our eyes, imagine and try to imagine what she might look like.

The teacher takes out a peacock feather.

- Open your eyes. What's in my hands? (children's answer)

-Whose feather is this? (children's answer)

– What kind of bird can you find such a feather in our time? (children's answer)

– In what fairy tale does it appear? (children's answer)

– Why do people call it “ Firebird"? (children's answer)

Firebird- the most beautiful of birds, thanks to its bright plumage. The image of the bird of Happiness and its description are found in many fairy tales. Where she appeared, everything blossomed and this made it sunny and beautiful.

(I show the children a portrait Firebirds.) This is what the bird looked like before. What a beautiful and bright tail she had.

Educator:- Guys, what fairy tale did we read that talks about Firebird?

Children:- "Tsar Maiden" "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

(Consideration Firebirds) Fine. Look at this Firebird. Why is a bird called in fairy tales Firebird?

Children: - Because she is bright, and her tail looks like a flame...

Educator: - Yes, this bird is colorful, it has unusual wings, a tail, and a crest.

Does it look like an ordinary bird?

Children: -Yes

Educator: - You guys correctly noticed that with all the diversity of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts. What body parts do birds have?

Children: - body, wings, tail, head, neck, legs, beak.

I invite you to dream up and create an image Firebirds like this, what you imagine. But before we get to work, we'll play with you.

Physical education minute

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)

And it's time to hit the road again,

We have a lot to fly. (The children stand up and wave "wings".)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land.

Now let's sit down at the tables. What do you see in front of you?

(children's answer - red and yellow colored papers, glue, scissors, a sheet of paper, pencils, and so on)

Independent work of children at tables (with musical accompaniment).

At the end classes organize an exhibition of paintings about Firebird - Bird of Happiness.

Guys, haven't you forgotten why we created such beautiful Firebirds? What was the most difficult thing for you? Whose bird's tail do you think is the most interesting and beautiful? Well done, everyone showed their imagination, tried.

Publications on the topic:

Fairy tale "Firebird" In a certain kingdom-state. Bright holiday. They are waiting for guests. They brought various gifts for the king for his anniversary. A feast is being prepared in the palace to bring them together.

Summary of an integrated educational activity for cognitive development and drawing in the senior group “Firebird, light up the forest!” Program content: To consolidate children's familiarity with folk art. Teach children to convey in drawing character traits fabulous.

Summary of an open lesson on artistic creativity in the senior group “Bird of Happiness” Goal: making a bird as a symbol of happiness, accepted in the folk culture of Russia. Objectives: Expand ideas about Russian folk culture;.

Summary of a recreational lesson in the senior group based on V. Suteev’s fairy tale “What kind of bird is this”? Summary of a recreational lesson based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “What kind of bird is this?” Objectives: Preserve and strengthen the health of children;

It’s our kindergarten’s birthday, and in connection with this significant day, I decided to make a firebird from origami. We make modules from different types of paper.

Gorokhova Tatyana Master class "Firebird" Dear colleagues, let me introduce you children's master class called "Firebird", which...

Lesson topic: Firebird

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the image of the fabulous firebird in art.

Lesson Objectives:

Subject:consolidate knowledge about the color wheel, primary and composite, cold and warm colors; to form ideas about the impact of color on the emotional sphere of a person.

Metasubject:continue to promote the development of imagination and the ability to stylize the forms of the animal world into decorative ones, the development creative imagination and fantasies in the process of performing a collective creative task.

Personal:develop interest and love for Russian folklore; cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for birds; broadening your horizons.

Lesson type: fantasy lesson.

Forms of student work : individual, frontal, group.

Equipment:slides, drawings, painting by V. Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”, unfinished image of the fabulous Firebird .

For the teacher:feather templates, sheets of paper, paints, brushes, glue, napkins, presentation.

For students: paints, brushes, napkins.

Musical series: bird voices.

Exercise:paint the feathers and stick them in the appropriate order on the image of the Firebird (team creative work).

1. Class organization.

2. Updating knowledge.

Guys, let's remember what we know about the color wheel. This will be very useful to us in today's lesson.

What are the main colors of the color wheel called?

What colors does it have and what colors does it not?

What two groups are colors divided into?

Label these colors in groups.

How can you get a composite color if there are only three primary colors?

If a painting or drawing is done in cool colors, what mood might it evoke in the viewer?

What if it’s warm?

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today I came to you for help. I thought for a long time about who I should turn to for it and decided that only you can help me.

What is the topic of today's lesson? You can answer this question by solving the riddle. Listen to it to the end and be careful.

In a wonderful country.

On Earth or on the Moon

The miracle bird has settled -

A real queen.

Surprisingly beautiful

Feathers, golden tail.

Sparkles with rainbow light.

And her name is (the children answer in unison) Firebird.

Well done! It is above the image of this amazing bird and we will work today in class.

This bird is not simple, it brings us warmth on its wings.

Folk artists loved to depict birds, because the arrival of birds in the spring always makes people happy, birds are the messengers of spring, they foretell the beginning of rural work and the onset of warmth.

In folk tales and beliefs, birds are a symbol of light, joy, happiness, and good luck.

Dawn in oral folk art often compared to a golden-winged bird, laying a golden egg every day - the sun.

Fairytale birds are very beautiful, smart and kind.

4. Work on new material.

Do you like fairy tales? I love them too. In what fairy tales did you meet the Firebird?
(“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess").

They say that the one who will find her feather, his most cherished wish will come true, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help.

The firebird livesin the thirtieth kingdom, in the Garden of Eden. Her feathers shine like gold in the sun or like a bright flame, her eyes resemble gems, she eats golden apples.

This beauty and radiance were captured artists and craftsmen.

It is found on products of Khokhloma and Gzhel painting,

on Zhostovo trays and boxes,

in Gorodets painting and Dymkovo toy,

in wood carving and embroidery,

they make it from straw, vines, wood chips,

metal and paper.

This image is so loved by the people that its image can even be seen in knitted items.

And, of course, in the paintings of artists. Viktor Vasnetsov in the film “The Flying Carpet”, Ivan Bilibin and Viktor Korolkov in illustrations for the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov.

What is it like for all artists? (beautiful, magical, fabulous, bright)

It was created by the popular imagination as a heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance also blinds the eyes, like the sun.

What a beautiful Firebird she is! It is not for nothing that among the people she was the embodiment of the radiant god of the sun, beauty and bright dreams.

So I wanted to draw the Firebird.

Inspiration came to me immediately, but, unfortunately, it left me just as quickly.

I was left with an unfinished masterpiece. And my bird is not alive at all.

(teacher shows a bird without feathers)

This is where your help is needed.

Let's bring our magical bird to life together.

Its beauty and fabulousness will depend on you.

And it will not be like any of the previous birds. She will be special.

In front of you are feather templates.

Please note that they are not the same for everyone. Some have small ones, some have a little more, and some have even more. I think that each of you will cope with the task.

What is our task? (color these feathers, decorate them with beautiful patterns)

After the feathers are ready, what do we do? (we will decorate the bird with them)

What colors do we need to color the Firebird's feathers?

(Warm: red, yellow, orange...)

Why? (because she looks like fire, sun)

Of course, for its resemblance to fire and flame.

What color is the flame? (yellow, orange, red)

Let's compare real fire and the Firebird.

How are they similar? (the feathers of the tail look most like the flame of a light)

But before we start painting the feathers, let's feel like real birds.

5. Physical education minute.

Birds are flying

(walking in place with arms raised up and down to the sides (maintain posture).

The wings are making noise. (Lean forward, bending over, arms to the sides.)

They bend over the ground and shake their heads. (Turn head.)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proud. (Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silently (Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down. (Sit down, stay straight)

And now, with renewed vigor, begin to fantasize and create beauty.

Use a thin brush to apply patterns very carefully.

(completing the task)

If you have already done this, go up to the bird and attach the feathers.

Oh, what beauty! What a beauty!

This is exactly how I imagined her, and yours turned out even better. You have exceeded all my expectations.

Not only from beauty, but also from the warmth of your hands, she came to life.

6. Reflection.

Guys, how did you help the Firebird?

What new things did you learn with its help?

What are your impressions of today's lesson?

For all your imagination, for your rich imagination, thank you!

At the end of this lesson, I think that today you have become: Kinder in heart and warmer in soul.

Well done! Our lesson is over.


  1. Introduce the image of a fairy-tale bird in arts and crafts. To consolidate knowledge about the animal genre, about cold and warm colors.
  2. To develop decorative drawing skills with pencils and felt-tip pens. Develop visual memory, creative thinking
  3. To cultivate in a child a sense of beauty and the ability to creatively transform the forms of the real animal world into conventionally decorative ones.

Lesson equipment: for students - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, a sheet of paper, envelopes with colored squares (cold and warm colors).

Visual range: slides of real and fantastic birds, souvenirs, toys. Works by M. Vrubel “The Swan Princess”, Vasnetsov “The Sirin Bird”.

Literary series: puzzles.

Musical sequence: fantastic images from musical works on fairy tale themes.


1. Organizational moment.


1. Create a comfortable environment for working in the classroom.

2. Psychologically prepare students for communication.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

As soon as the teacher began to announce the topic of the lesson, a knock was heard, an incomprehensible noise, and a Karkusha bird doll (glove doll) appeared.

Oh, how I was on time! Hello guys! I heard that you know how to draw birds, so I brought you a big greeting from all our birds and a big request: to draw unusual, fabulous birds. We want to open an exhibition of drawings in our forest for the “Festival of Birds”, but our imagination is somehow bad, we can’t come up with anything new ourselves, we decided to turn to you with this request. Help us please!

Well, guys, can we help?

The topic of our lesson today will be: “Fairytale Bird”.

Doll “Karkusha”:

And I also brought you riddles about birds, so listen and guess

She doesn't sit still
Spreading news on its tail. (Magpie)

Flies at night
Go hunting
Can't see during the day
Yes, and I want to sleep. (Owl)

In winter there are apples on the branches!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

Wings for this rare bird
May be useful at sea
The bird rows its wings,
Lives at the South Pole. (Penguin)

This bird has
Beak like two spokes
The legs are long, like a compass
She walks on the water
Every now and then my nose gets wet. (Heron)

In the forest to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
“Hey, thrush, buddy!”
And signs... (Woodpecker)

Oh, and well done, you solved all the riddles!

Not only do we know the answers, but we also know how to draw these birds. Really, guys? (Yes!) What is the name of the genre in art where the artist depicts animals and birds? (Animalistic)

So, the topic of our lesson is “Fairytale Bird”. Since ancient times in fairy tales different nations The image of a bird is very often present in the world. He may be evil, he may be kind, but more often than not, the image of a bird brings happiness, light, and good luck to people. Remember and name fairy tales, cartoons where there is an image of a bird (children call: The Swan Princess - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Finist - the Clear Falcon”, “Firebird”, the Phoenix bird in oriental fairy tales, etc.)

And now we will look at the image of a bird in different types art.

Slide show: “Image of a bird in art”

In art, the image of the bird of happiness can be found in embroidery, wood carving, folk crafts of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, Mezen painting, etc. And how many interesting images of birds you will find in folk toys: here is a turkey in a Dymkovo toy, and here are birds - whistles in a Filimonov toy. Guys, pay attention to the elements of painting in folk toys. What elements of painting do folk artists use? (large and small circles, diamonds, ovals, wavy lines, dots, strokes, etc.). And this is the image of a bird with a girl’s face - the Phoenix bird.

Is it possible to attribute the image? fairy bird to the animalistic genre? (The image of a fairy-tale bird can only be partially attributed to this genre, since the bird is invented and decorative).

2. Stage of checking students' understanding of the material.

When working on the task, we will need to remember about warm and cold colors, about contrast. I suggest you play the game.

Game in pairs “Pick a color”


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about warm and cold colors.

2. Be able to select different combinations of colors and shades.

On the table the children have squares of warm and cold colors, as well as shades.

Exercise: choose from two colors.

1 - contrasting color combination (cold-warm)

2 - delicate color combination (cold and warm pastel combinations)

3 - evil color combination, sad (cold colors)

The guys show the most successful options to the whole class.

Exercise: come up with an image of a fairy-tale bird, and not just depict it, but convey the character of the bird, its mood.

What kind of character can a bird have? (Good, evil, gentle, rude)

What about your mood? (Sad, happy, sad)

To convey a cheerful and kind bird, what colors should we use? (Warm, bright)

What colors are best for the angry bird? (Cold, mixed with black)

When drawing a bird, be bolder, you can take, for example, the body of a bird, and the head of a crocodile with sharp teeth and the tail of a magpie (you can show this on the board so that the children can fantasize more boldly and not repeat the images they see).

In which part of the sheet will we place the drawing? (In the center of the sheet)

Using circular movements of their hands, the children show the location of the drawing on the paper.

3. Work on the task.

As the task progresses, the teacher monitors the children’s work. As the students complete the task, they bring their work to the exhibition stand.

Cleaning workplaces.

4. Summing up the lesson.

The guys' works are presented at the stand

Karkusha praises all the guys, admires their work, notes the most unusual works, original ones, distinguished precisely by their fabulousness. Karkusha thanks the guys for responding to her request - to make drawings of a fairy-tale bird for a forest exhibition, and invited all the guys to join them for the holiday.

5. Reflection.

And now we will return to our colored squares. Think carefully before you take action. If you liked the lesson and it was very interesting for you to work, take a warm-colored square, and if you were bored and uninterested in the lesson, take a cool-colored square.

6. Homework.

Karkusha asks the children at home, together with their parents, to come up with a small crossword puzzle about birds for the forest newspaper.

So our lesson has come to an end. Karkusha is very pleased with your drawings, and I am very pleased with you. You did a great job today and your drawings turned out great. Thank you. The lesson is over.

Lesson notes

By fiction and applications with drawing elements on the theme: “Firebird» in the preparatory group

Program content:

  • Introduce children to the technique of shading and shading with colored pencils and felt-tip pens;
  • teach children to combine applicative and artistic elements in one artistic image;
  • teach children to convey the characteristic features of a fairy-tale bird.
  • continue to master the artistic technique of “overlay” when creating an applied multi-color appliqué;
  • develop the need to share your impressions with the teacher and children;
  • involve children in speech and play interaction;
  • promote the development of aesthetic feelings;
  • to cultivate in children an emotional attitude towards the image;
  • develop creativity and imagination;
  • cultivate a love for the artistic word.

Preliminary work:
- examining: peacock feathers; illustrations of the peacock “Birds of Happiness”, illustrations for the fairy tale “Firebird”, fairy-tale birds, illustrations for the book by S.Ya. Marshak “Old Man – One Year Old” Vasnetsov V.M.; conversation about fabulous birds; reading Russian folk tales; watching the cartoon “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Ershova P.P.

Materials and equipment:

  • sheets of paper A 4; for the background, tinted A3 sheet; scissors,

glue, glue brushes, napkins, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, pencils, peacock feathers; text of V. Nabokov’s poem “The Pen”; text of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Princess Maryana and the Firebird”;

Progress of organized educational activities.

1 part.

(Children stand in a semicircle)
The teacher reads to the children V. Nabokov’s poem “The Feather”:

Little green, nimble grandchildren
Leshy punished in the forest:
Along the black branches, along the jagged ones,
It's hot - the bird will flutter in the evening;

You'll catch her, little darlings,
And a cage of moonbeams
Take the night from the housekeeper,
Yes, so that Koschey does not see.

Far from the lingonberry thicket
Slay your prey
Find a brick house
In an overseas foggy land.

Leave it on the doorstep:
There a meek exile lives, -
He loved forest roads
And free green people."

So grandpa is the devil on spruce
He whispered, and in the evening,
The trunks rang like strings,
And something flashed in the forest.

It loomed, beat, glittered.
The grandfather groaned and ruffled his feathers...
“Dear ones, the nobles have flown away
Zhar is a bird of colorful nets.”

But in the morning, like a living flame,
On my dusty threshold
There was a fire feather lying
With colored elongated eye.

Children, look at this feather. Whose do you think it is? (peacock, exotic bird)
- That's right, guys! What fairytale bird does the peacock remind you of?
(Heat - bird)
– Do you know why people call her “Firebird”?
(because she is beautiful, bright, her feathers burn like fire)

Everything is correct, now listen to my story about the fabulous Firebird.

"Firebird - fabulous bird , character Russian fairy tales. The Firebird's feathers have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold.

The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden, in a golden cage. At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring. Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail; brought into a dark room, it will replace the richest lighting. Over time, such a feather turns into gold. To catch, Firebirds use a golden cage with apples inside as a trap. You can’t catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage.”
“The image of the Firebird was one of the people’s favorites. A peasant will make a bird out of wood chips or pine shingles, hang it on a thread from the ceiling and admire it. Looking at her, the peasant believed that as soon as such a bird would fly to his region, spread its wings, fluff its tail, and all over the free world the snow would melt, the grass would turn green, and the trees would be covered with leaves. After all, birds have long been considered by people as harbingers of spring and warmth. With their loud chirping they drove away the forces of darkness from the earth. And people sincerely believed that birds bring joy and happiness.”

What fairy tale did you and I recently read about the firebird?
-Who was the story about? (about Princess Maryana)
- How did the Firebird appear in the fairy tale? (lightning struck the titmouse)
Listen carefully to how the fairy tale talks about transformation.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Princess Maryana and the Firebird.”
The bird soared into the sky, and the cloud was even higher, but then it rolled like thunder and struck the bird with lightning - bang! The bird turned over, canary feathers fell from it, and suddenly the bird grew six golden wings and a peacock tail. A bright light came from the bird throughout the forest. The trees rustled and the birds woke up. The night mermaids jumped into the water from the shore.
And the animals shouted in different voices:
- Firebird, Firebird!!!

All children love fairy tales and colorful dreams. Let's guys make our Firebird with you. Look how different they are Firebirds, each artist depicted it in his own way. What do they have in common, let's see? (they all have beautiful, colorful tails). You and I will make a Firebird from our palms. Before you lies everything you need for our work. First we need to redraw our palms on a sheet of paper, cut them out, beautifully, brightly color them - these will be the feathers of our Firebird, when all the feathers are ready we will collect them into a beautiful tail. and now I suggest you get started.

Part 2.

Individual work with children:

a) ind. demonstration on the material of the teacher;

b) additional consideration;

c) advice, reminders, clarifications

- Guys, I see everyone has finished working with feather palms, let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute:

In one of the fairy tales, the firebird taught the sultan to play the game “The Sea is Troubled.” Let's play this game too.

The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Marine figure, freeze.

We rested a little, and now we will finish the work we started.

(we make a collective application: we collect our palms into the fabulous Firebird)
Part 3.

Guys, let's hang our fairy-tale bird on the easel and see how beautiful the Firebird turned out to be.
(We place the work on an exhibition easel).
Look, as if a real Heat - a bird from a fairy tale - has flown to us. Now she will live in our group, give us her songs, tell us fairy tales. And then the children in our kindergarten, like Princess Maryana, will no longer cry, because every sleep hour the Firebird will fly to them, sit on the bed, tell fairy tales, and the children will have beautiful, fabulous dreams.

Secrets of the Firebird

In different parts of our world there are legends about amazing animals and birds that no one has ever seen, but whose descriptions are strikingly similar.

In different cultures, the image of the Firebird acquired its own details and shades. Among the Slavs, the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) is a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak’s feathers are reddish), wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal.
It reaches the size of a peacock.
The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage.
At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights.

The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality.
The Firebird has a healing singing; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak.
There is a blinding light around her. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring.
Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail, brought into a dark room; it will replace the richest lighting.
You cannot catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage.
The fallen feather retains the properties of the Firebird plumage for a long time. It glows and gives warmth. And when the feather goes out, it turns into gold.

And only then, so that the luck and happiness that the Firebird bestows would not leave them, people began to make amulets and amulets, and paint dishes with her bright images.

According to a Russian fairy tale, each of her feathers “is so wonderful and bright that if you bring it into a dark room, it shines as if a great many candles were lit in that chamber.” The golden color of the Firebird and its golden cage are associated with the fact that the bird flies from another (“thirtieth”) kingdom, from where everything that is painted golden comes from. The Firebird can act as a kidnapper, in this case becoming closer to the Fire Serpent: she takes the mother of the hero of the fairy tale “far away.”

A comparative analysis suggests an ancient connection between the Firebird and the Slovak “fire bird” with other mythological images embodying fire, in particular with Rarog, the fire horse-bird.

Firebird - fairy bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, is usually the goal of a hero's search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision.

Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only the kind youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. The firebird is also the prototype of peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixes.

The firebird feather is a subject of Russian folk tales, known for its magical properties. Who hasn’t read or listened to the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, who found the firebird’s feather, as a child? It was with this discovery that his adventures began.

Many different fairy tales are associated with the firebird and his feather, which eventually became legends. More famous, perhaps, is the only fern flower. It can also be noted that our firebird is clearly a relative of the phoenix - a firebird from European legends and fairy tales.

According to descriptions from fairy tales and illustrations to them, the Firebird resembles a peacock, and the feather of the Firebird also resembles a feather from a peacock’s tail. The firebird is also the size of a peacock, while the phoenix is ​​described as the size of an eagle.

They say that you can catch a firebird only with bait - a cage with golden apples inside. Since not only the found feather is the fire of a bird, but also its entire plumage burns with fire, you cannot grab such a bird with your bare hands, you will instantly get burned. So Ivan had to lure her into the cage and put a bag on her so that the heat wouldn’t reach her hands.

Also, according to legend, the firebird guards the fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala, when it blooms only once a year, and many young people go into the forest to look for it.

Fire feather firebird
According to the well-known fairy tale, Ivan the Fool found the feather of a firebird in the forest on a stump when he passed by at night. This feather glows in the dark, burns as if it were glowing with fire. At first, Ivan even decided that it was a fire burning in the darkness of the night, but, coming closer, they saw a feather of unearthly beauty.

According to some descriptions, this feather is golden, like all the plumage of the firebird, some talk about the red, orange, yellow and even crimson color of the feathers of the firebird. Someone mentions that the firebird glows with silver and gold, and its wings are fiery, which once again proves the connection between the firebird and the phoenix. In books, the heat of the bird and its feathers are usually drawn in red and orange.

Properties of firebird feather
The feather of a firebird can illuminate any, even the darkest room, so that at night it will be light in a way that is not possible on the clearest day. If you remember the fairy tale, this is how the king’s servant noticed that Ivan the Fool had a firebird’s feather, immediately reporting this to his master.

According to legends, over time, the feather of the firebird stops glowing and burning with fire, hardening and turning into gold. Having found several of these feathers, you can get quite rich, if only you knew where to look.

They also say that with the help of the firebird's feather you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden feather attracts the gold stored in the earth.

The heatbird feather retains the properties of the heatbird plumage for a long time, until it becomes golden. And besides the fact that it glows brightly, it gives warmth. Apparently, not so much that you could get burned with it, since Ivan the Fool took it with his bare hands, but enough so that you could warm up from it. This is a pretty good hot water bottle.

Somehow I accidentally came across an article in which, referring to a Slavic legend, it was said that when the gods saw that people walk the earth without loving anyone and were destroying themselves with the coldness of their hearts, they sent a magical fire of love in the form of a bird to the earth - Firebirds.

And since then she has been flying around the earth and spreading the fire of love.
Happiness is for the one who manages to catch her, but a hundred times greater happiness is for the one whom the Firebird honors as her master. After all, the Firebird is more like the molten metal from which it most likely consists. You can catch it only with mittens, it’s very hot - you can get very burned. To whomever she submits of her own free will, she will give her beneficial warmth all her life. But as soon as she feels indifference, she will immediately fly away - she cannot stand it, and it’s easy to kill her... Put her in a cage and she will die. Her fiery body will cool down and instead of hot love there will be a cold piece of gold in the cage...

Such a beautiful legend. It's a pity that I was never able to find the original.

The Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the link between the divine plan and the implementation of the plan, reminiscent of divine creation and the rebirth of life. Phoenix is ​​the soul of Osiris, it is the hope of overcoming the path of the dead. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is written: “Like a phoenix I will pass through the regions of the other world.”

The Greeks, who took the story of the Phoenix from Egypt, believed that the life of the Bird is cyclically connected with world history and depends on the course of the planets (the Sun, Moon and other planets return to their “previous” places). The Stoics, in support of this, said that the world, like a Bird, dies and is born in fire, and there is no end to this transformation.

The Iranians knew another name for this bird - Simurgh. The bird had the gift of foresight, but its nature was dual, containing “good” and “harmful” halves.

In Sufism, the Simurgh symbolizes the Perfect Man, who has knowledge of the Divine Essence. This Entity, like the legendary bird, cannot be seen.

In the early Christian apocrypha of Baruch it was written about the Bird: “This is the keeper of the world... If it were not for covering | the fiery vision | the sun, then neither the human race nor all creation on earth would have been alive from the heat of the sun."

The Chinese fiery Feng Huang was one of the four sacred creatures, and symbolized immortality, perfection and generosity. The appearance of such a bird, even in a dream, meant a turning point in a person’s life, the need to perform a significant act or the birth of a child endowed with special talents.

Alchemists medieval Europe The Phoenix was considered a symbol of rebirth, the completion of the “Great Work”. For them it also meant purifying and transforming fire, the chemical element sulfur and the color red.

The description of the Bird is very similar for different peoples. “The air was colored with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful sounds came from the feathers and wings of the bird, nice smell..." - this is what was said about the wonderful bird Simurgh in an Arabic treatise of the 13th century. "There's another one there sacred bird,...and her name is Phoenix,” wrote Herodotus. “Her appearance and appearance are very reminiscent of an eagle, and her feathers are partly golden, partly red.” “The cinnabar bird, the substance of flame,” “its color pleases the eye, its crest expresses righteousness, its tongue is sincere,” the Chinese said, referring to Feng Huang, the ruler of the South. The fire bird, the Slavs believed, meaning the Firebird, you can easily get burned on its plumage. Each feather glows like many candles, and is sharp, stronger than damask steel. And she herself shines with either blue or crimson light.

“O Atum-Khepri, you shone [in the form of] Benu on the eternal Hill of Ben-Ben...” - these are the words of the ancient Egyptian Hymn about the creation of the world. Not created by anyone, the original bird flew over the waters of the ocean until it finally made a nest for itself on Ben-Ben Hill. Or maybe it was not Benu at all, but the beautiful white goose Great Gogotun, who laid an egg on the same hill from which the sun god was born? However, many peoples tell stories that a bird took part in the process of creating the world. It is unlikely that people knew exactly who created the world, but the image of the dazzling bird remained in myths and legends, and the obelisks on the memorial hill near Heliopolis shone, reflecting the sun.

If you try, according to surviving legends, to restore the history of the fabulous Firebird, or as it is more often known, the Phoenix, then you can tell the following legend.

The beautiful Bird with dazzling plumage existed from the very beginning of the world, dying and being reborn in the purifying flame at the turn of the eras. She herself sacrificed herself, and each time, again rising from the ashes, she turned her gaze beyond the earthly boundaries, through the stars, to the world of pure light, to where the immortal gods were once born, and where she went in those three days while her body turned to dust, and her soul became free. The bird knew what was, what is and what will be, and yet it preserved the world in which it had built its nest. People who heard about the Bird believed that, like her, they also had an immortal soul that only changed shells.

There lived a magical Bird far, far away, at the very edge of the earth. No one knew where exactly. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others that she built it in the middle of the endless desert, in the thirtieth “other” state, perfect and far from worldly vanity. Many trials and dangers lay in wait on the path of those who dared to go on a search, for any path to a creature that contains the fire of the original creation is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, it was necessary to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Destruction and Death. And one could try to walk this long path along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves, or one could do it in one’s heart, overcoming and changing oneself.

Rarely did mortals see the beautiful Bird in all its glory. For this to happen, peace and harmony had to reign on earth. Only a desperate daredevil with pure thoughts, guided through life by a dream, could see her, having overcome many trials. It is not for nothing that the Bird was sometimes called the Firebird, because heat, fire is creativity, creation, and “burning.”

She was the perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw her, even from afar, became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of divine radiance that surrounded the Bird also fell on the person, endowing him with what he wanted most in his heart: talents, skills, happiness. And now the man who received the gift from the Bird himself carried a reflection of the magical light.

The Legend of the Firebird

Believe it if you want, check it if you want.
If you want, listen, if you want, hear.
But the matter was overgrown with reality,
and what did not happen are fables.

Only in one distant kingdom,
heavenly state
Once upon a time there were beautiful maidens -
they are all such needlewomen,
your article is bright and beautiful,
beautiful souls with beauty.
Only with people who knew them
seemed like a bird of paradise,
a burning bird of fire,
the light of the soul illuminating the world.
That's why they were all called Firebirds,
casting out all unclean things,
that's why all people don't just
songs birds of paradise now to hear.
But a fiery bird awaits everyone,
what you can’t take with your hand, don’t touch,
where the goblin didn’t even go,
There is one tree true to life,
a beautiful bird sits there,
bursting with heat and a wondrous voice
gives the traveler sweet peace
and burns away everything that is wrong in him.
It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach the Tree on your own,
dark forces do not let people in,
guarded from the eyes of strict guards
by decree from above heaven.
For a long time there have been escorts there
were that they knew
go around like dark thickets
and the steep mountains are impassable.
But only worthy and lucky
could lead to the Eternal Tree,
so that when you meet that bird-maiden
The fire stopped burning her.

That's the whole wonderful tale.
Those who were obedient should feast for that.
for good, for health, and for Glory
live, but don’t get upset!!!

Crimean legend about the Firebird
A long time ago, peace, joy and prosperity reigned in our region. Overseas guests came with strange gifts, they were welcomed by local residents, and taken to see the wondrous wonder - the Firebird.

That bird was of extraordinary beauty: every feather on it glowed and shimmered, and it shone in the night like the bright sun. The Firebird flew in every night to feast on the rejuvenating apples that grew at that time on our fertile land. Having eaten, she began to sing angelic songs in a heavenly voice. The guests listened to healing singing and admired such a rich region and its kind inhabitants.

Year after year passed, and somehow Greed sailed from across the sea with one ship. She went into people's huts and whispered evil intentions in their ears.

The neighbors began to quarrel with each other, looking for richer guests so that they could get the best and richest gifts. Dark thoughts entangled their heads, fierce envy settled in kind hearts. People became greedy, angry and inhospitable, they began to slander and often stamp their feet in anger.

And the earth hardened, turned into stones, and dried up without human love.

As a result, the apple trees with their plump apples dried up, and there was no one to care for them. And magic apple trees never grow on earth where brother does not shake hands with brother and where discord reigns between people.

The wonderful Firebird stopped flying for her favorite delicacy. The last apple fell from the branch, the grains fell into the cracks of the earth, and did not sprouted again.

So they still lie there, waiting for the soil to become soft and caring again. And the land will be better only if kind and good people begin to live on it.

As people again begin to coexist in love with each other, stop envying and making evil plans, so the earth and nature will answer them in the same way. And then the seeds of the rejuvenating apple tree will sprout, and the Firebird will begin to fly to us again. And again, overseas guests will come with gifts to look at the wondrous wonder, listen to angelic songs, and will praise our wonderful, prosperous land.