What is the essence of professional activity? Basics of professional activity. Lack of a unified classification

A profession as a work activity has a certain structure (according to E. A. Klimov) (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Structure professional activity according to E.A. Klimov.

Goals of work, ideas about the final result of professional activity recorded in culture through samples of relevant work, their descriptions, and the formulation of general and special requirements for them.

However, not in every activity the model is set using job descriptions, state standards or related documentation. In many cases, such a “living example” of professional activity is a competent specialist, a recognized authority in his professional field. A young, novice worker strives to adopt not only specific labor actions this specialist, but also his style professional communication and behavior, as well as a holistic lifestyle even outside of work hours.

In addition, in many professions it is impossible to accurately and algorithmically describe the idea of ​​the final result of work. This applies primarily to managerial and creative professions.

It is necessary to distinguish between professional and labor activity and the goals of the specialist who will perform this activity while occupying this position. Provided that this workplace is vacant, the goals of the specified professional activity are objective and can be strictly fixed. However, at the moment when this place will be occupied by a specific specialist, the goals of professional activity become subjective, learned and accepted by this specialist.

Such discrepancies between objective and subjective professional goals can be both positive and negative. In the first case, the specialist carries out creative activity, creates something new and transforms his own professional sphere. And if before his arrival, the standards of work in a given profession were accepted within certain, specified boundaries, then as a result of the innovator’s activities, such boundaries expand with the emergence of new opportunities for other workers.

In the second case, if the mismatch between objective and subjective goals gives a negative result, the employee must undergo a vocational training course in order to “raise” the level of his own professionalism to the objectively specified requirements of the field of activity in which he works.

Subject of labor- this is a system of interconnected signs, properties of things, processes, phenomena, functions of both material and immaterial order, as if opposing in relation to a human specialist. In order to realize his own professional activity, he must change, transform the subject of work or create something new that was previously absent or has no place in reality. The subject of labor is recorded using documentation, organization of the workspace, etc. But it is not always possible to accurately describe the subject of labor.

For example, the subject of work may be a situation characterized by a certain level of information uncertainty. The bus driver makes a trip with passengers along a certain route. The subject of his work is certain sequences or “chains” of road situations, characterized by a high level of uncertainty. In pedagogical activity, the subject of the teacher’s work is primary classes it is the child, or rather the level of his development and upbringing. In the process of studying in primary school The teacher develops the child’s skills in spelling, counting, reading, and voluntary activities: attention, self-control, self-esteem. Consequently, the subject of work for the teacher is the child’s psyche, his personal, intellectual and emotional functions and processes.

Means of professional activity- these are material means of labor and immaterial auxiliary (external and internal functional) means of labor activity, with the help of which a person interacts with the object of his work in accordance with the goal, changes and transforms it.

Material means of labor- this is hardware for receiving, processing and transmitting information; means for carrying out practical actions in biological, technical, inanimate natural, sign systems, systems of artistic reflection of reality; manual, simple and mechanized means of labor; manually operated machines; automated, automatic systems, devices for controlling long, continuous processes.

External functional means of labor - These are expressive means of behavior and speech of a person as a subject of professional activity (specialist).

For example, in the work of a manager, announcer, or artist, these intangible means of labor are of great importance.

In addition, the body of a professional person can act as an external functional means of labor activity. Thus, for a sports coach, his body is a special, functional “tool” of work.

For a manager, the external functional means of labor can be a working team, a work collective, or a group of like-minded people at the same time as the subject and means of his organizational and managerial activities.

Internal functional means of labor are reflected in normative, instructional and methodological documentation characterizing this or that professional activity. Can act as an internal functional means of labor professional knowledge, abilities and skills, individual style of professional activity, image of “I” in the profession, professional self-awareness and professional self-esteem.

There is a complex system of relationships and interdependencies between external and internal functional means of labor activity. The following tendency of the relationship between these two factors appears: the less pronounced the external means of professional activity and the simpler they are technically, the more complex the system of internal means turns out to be, the higher the requirements from the profession for the level of education, qualifications, intellectual and emotional development worker, specialist, professional.

Professional duties often reflected in job description and prescribe the main forms of employee activity as mandatory, constituting the content of his professional activity.

System of rights reflected in regulatory documents adopted in the legislative system, and determines the rights of the employee in relation to healthy and safe working conditions, remuneration, opportunities for free training, use medical care, various forms of household assistance, participation in the life of the working team and work collective.

Of course, every specialist should know regulations about your own work and use them skillfully. It is important to note that there is a certain relationship between the employee’s interest, activity and initiative, on the one hand, and the level of regulation of his professional activities, on the other. Namely: the fewer functions an employee has the opportunity to perform in the process of realizing his professional intentions and interests, the less attractive it becomes for him this profession. And vice versa, the more professional opportunities and freedom this work provides for him, the more interest and activity the professional can show.

Subject and social working conditions constitute the environment in the professional workplace. The first include vital (vital) and sanitary-hygienic conditions of work: temperature, humidity and air pressure, dust, noise and various sound conditions, various types of radiant energy, vibrations, ultrasounds, infections, the likelihood of physical and mental injury, dynamic loads.

Social working conditions - This social significance of a given profession, the socio-psychological climate in the workforce and in the organization (firm, bank, enterprise) as a whole, collective labor and professional traditions, corporate culture in a given professional field, system business interactions and norms business activity adopted in society in a given historical and economic period of its development.

The sphere of socially oriented, objective activity can be called professional. Depending on the target orientation and system of criteria, the subject of this area can be limited in different ways.

What is professional activity?

Let us highlight only the essential features that are obvious, and in the presence of which it makes sense to call the activity professional.

  • System of knowledge and experience. First of all, if we're talking about about professionalism, it should be based on awareness, certain skills and abilities, without the totality of which it is impossible to become a professional.
  • Conceptual system. It is impossible to relate a person to a subject area if he does not speak the professional language.
  • Methodology. The ability to apply acquired knowledge in reality.

To summarize: professional activity is a system of knowledge based on the experience of its application. Practice is, on the one hand, the result of development, and on the other, the basis for further growth.

Areas of professional activity

In order to classify areas, strict selection criteria must be specified. Otherwise, there is a risk of inconsistency in the study of a subject that is quite extensive. Let's take the most obvious postulates as a basis.

We can say that there is also a physical one. It is clear that physical work, even the roughest, requires intellectual resources, but is not limited to them.

Areas of professional activity:

  • humanitarian (goal - people);
  • natural science (nature);
  • social (society).

Professional activity is production or services in public spheres.

Goals and motives

Target - determined by time and space an idea of ​​the final result of the work. It can be personal and professional. Interests may coincide, and in this case there is a strong personal motivation for professional development. activities - This is the most important indicator in determining the qualification levels of specialists. If there is no understanding of the purpose and direction of activity, then it makes no sense to talk about professionalism. Even if the work is carried out in a narrow field of the subject environment, in this case the goal is limited in scope and is a stage for completing a deeper, fundamental task.

Psychology of professional activity is the science of the laws of human development in subject environment, which places great importance on goal setting.

A teacher’s goal, for example, may be for his students to win a regional Olympiad in a subject. Here both a personal goal and a professional one are combined, which is strictly determined by the subject of study and the amount of work. It is framed in time (the date of the Olympiad) and in space (regional level). The goal satisfies the ambitions of the teacher and the personal ambitions of the person who makes social important work and receives an appropriate reward for this.

Who can be called a professional?

Let's try to sort this issue out. A coach who knows from “A” to “Z” the rules and techniques that allow a swimmer to achieve high results, but does not know how to swim himself - is he a pro in his field? This is not an idle question; often in life we ​​see how a person teaches something to others without having personal results in practice.

This has become especially noticeable in the Internet era. A large number of participants in the virtual space have made it a rule to teach a mass of people in any field, arrogantly calling themselves professionals... Newly-minted speakers who retell well-known teachings are trying to win the laurels of “gurus” among the crowd of listeners. Is this a familiar picture?

On the other hand, consider a person who has good results in the subject environment. Anyone who produces a socially in demand product knows the craft. He cannot always explain how he does it, or outline the production process theoretically, but he produces the desired result in the best possible way. Is this person a professional in his field? The answer will be yes.

Therefore, the well-known expression “judge according to your deeds” takes place in this context. Practice in this case is the criterion of truth.

Types of professions

Professional activity is an area of ​​competence that is limited by the scope of application. For example, social sphere involves hiring a specialist with an appropriate training profile. Each of the spheres, in turn, includes a lot of narrow areas and professions.

A profession is an area of ​​activity limited by standards, which presupposes a certain volume, level of knowledge and skills. practical application. There is a world classifier of professions that describes them - there are more than nine thousand names in it. In Russia, a similar document contains seven thousand titles.

The areas of professional activity are those in which specialists work. The list of spheres is not static. From year to year, new areas appear and become unclaimed. This directly depends on the development technical capabilities society.

Levels of mastery of the subject area

A profession is a narrow area of ​​practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities for a specialist.

Professional activity is certain stages in the development of a specialist in a subject area. The specialty can be obtained at educational institutions at different levels, in centers, on courses, remotely and in other ways. The basics of professional activity are confirmed by a certificate, which indicates the level of knowledge acquired over a certain number of training hours and confirmed by the results of testing in a test or examination form. The specialty presupposes the presence of a sufficient amount of knowledge for practical application in the professional field of production.

Specialist, professional, expert

They often say “an expert in his field.” Behind this assessment is the recognition of a person’s competence in the area in which he practices. When they say about a person “he is a professional,” this is more than competence. This is already an expert level. This is not only recognition of competence in one’s field, but also the ability to transcend the boundaries of one’s own knowledge, the ability to make an evaluative judgment about the subject of activity in comparison with similar results in other specialized areas of activity.

Specialist, professional, expert are stages of mastering a subject area in any area of ​​socially significant activity.

Code of Ethics

Professionalism is not only a high level of expertise in one’s field. The ethical component is also a significant indicator of the quality of a specialist. This is especially true for humanitarian areas of professional activity aimed at serving people.

Code of Ethics - a set of rules, following which is prerequisite belonging to a professional environment. It contains norms as categorical instructions when performing functions by a specialist.

There are a number of professions for which compliance with the norms of the code of ethics is mandatory. These are areas of professional activity that in one way or another influence the life of a particular person. First of all - medicine, law, state security, education.

Ethics of professional activity is manifested in serving one's duty. Let's look at examples of this social phenomenon.

Service to the profession

Such an area of ​​knowledge as the psychology of professional activity suggests that service is often highest value person. This is confirmed by numerous evidence of devotion to duty. Sometimes a doctor is ready to find a way to cure a serious illness at the cost of his life.

Sacrificial heroism does not necessarily serve as a measure of professional duty. The Great Mechnikov made a number of discoveries in the field of medicine during his life, thanks to which prospects opened up in the creation medicines, helping people conquer death. His whole life is an example of ethical service to the people.

The writer Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was able, in conditions of the most severe censorship and punishment for the free expression of his civic position, not to change his principles.

He turned his voice into a written testimony of the era. Thanks to his willpower, desire for freedom, honesty and consistency in citizenship, the world received literary masterpieces, paid for at the cost of personal freedom.

The works “The Gulag Archipelago”, “Cancer Ward”, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” provide an assessment of historical realities through the eyes of a witness of that era.

These are living examples of service to the profession that have left humanity with an invaluable result that cannot be assessed.

The future belongs to professionals

In order to understand where it is possible to reveal your abilities in the best way, it is important to promptly realize your need for society. Assess the need for your personal resources and capabilities.
Therefore the choice professional path- one of the most important educational tasks of the education system as a whole.

The discipline “professional self-determination of students” has been officially introduced in educational institutions. Its subject is the study of the world of professions, the features of professional activity. The purpose of the discipline is to help students relate their abilities to the needs and demands of society.

In this case, the meaning of life is revealed to the person, he will feel in demand from society. His social reward will be corresponding. It is in this situation that they say about a person “he is in the right place.”

The concept of activity plays a key role in labor psychology as a scientific discipline, performing a number of important functions. Firstly, it is activity, or rather its main type, labor activity, that is the main subject of labor psychology.

Thus, the concept of activity performs a subject-forming function in relation to the psychology of work. Secondly, the concept of activity has not only psychological content, but is an interdisciplinary category, since activity is studied in many sciences (economics, sociology, philosophy, etc.). Because of this, through this category the knowledge of a number of sciences is synthesized, which makes it possible to highlight the integrative function of the concept of activity - the function of generalizing scientific knowledge. Thirdly, it is the psychological content individual activities is a kind of quintessence of everything labor process, and many of the most important psychological patterns are manifested in it most fully, clearly and holistically. In this regard, activity also performs an important methodological function, objectively acting not only as the main subject, but also as a unique means of studying the most important general psychological patterns. In “Fourth, activity has one more important feature: it is characterized by two sides: external (observable, explicit) and internal (hidden from direct observation, implicit), objective and subjective. They, although not identical in content, are nevertheless naturally interconnected, which makes it possible to reveal psychological content by its external manifestations and psychological research as a whole.

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scrap. Thus, the activity also performs a methodological function.

In order to form an adequate idea of ​​the content of the concept of activity, it is necessary to take into account some additional, also very characteristic, features of it. Yes, one of interesting features Most of the most important psychological concepts is that they are not only psychological, but have the status of general scientific concepts and even interdisciplinary categories. The category of activity, along with other fundamental psychological concepts - consciousness, personality, behavior, communication and others - is a vivid example of this. Activity is the subject of study of many sciences: philosophy, sociology, economics, engineering disciplines. IN general view activity is an individual form of existence of social relations; it characterizes the way the individual is included in existing system division of labor. This philosophical definition is concretized in a specific way in each science that studies activity, and the need to synthesize the knowledge obtained in it is designated as the principle of complexity in the study of activity. Psychology plays a key role in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of activity.

Another common feature of the fundamental categories of psychology is that at first glance they seem quite clear and understandable, familiar and ordinary. A typical example of this is activity. Everyone understands what work, labor, occupation, etc. are. In fact, it turns out that the simpler a concept seems, the more complex it turns out to be in its real content.

Having clarified the specifics and main functions of the concept of activity as a psychological and general scientific category, let us move on to a more detailed consideration of its actual psychological content.

Currently, there are many different definitions of activity, including psychology. One of the most successful, according to the authors of this publication, is the following definition of activity: activity is a form of the subject’s active relationship to reality, aimed at achieving consciously set goals and associated with the creation of socially significant values ​​or the development of social experience. The advantages of this definition (there are many others) consist not only in its sufficient completeness, but also in the fact that it reflects the most important psychological properties of activity, so let’s consider it in more detail.

From a logical point of view, to define something is to bring what is being defined under some more general category, as well as indicate its differentiating feature. In the above definition, the more general category by which activity is defined is the general psychological concept of relationship. It is a synthesis of the entire system of human interactions with the world; includes rationalistic, emotional, interpersonal, and many other aspects. Maximum general character the concept of relationship, allowing one to overcome the shortcomings of rationalistic definitions of activity, simultaneously creates the basis for covering all its real aspects, as well as all varieties of activity, its types and even classes.

Activity is not only one of the forms of relationship, but it is also a very unique form of relationship. It has two main specific features. Firstly, this is a productive type of relationship, which by definition involves obtaining some result. However, it can be presented not only in the form of a product (product, value, etc.)> but also in the form of a person’s mastery of certain knowledge, skills, and other forms of social experience. Thereby this definition indicates the presence of three main types of activity: work itself, play and learning. Secondly, activity is a relationship that is regulated by a conscious goal as an ideal image of a future result. The goal acts as a system-forming factor of activity, that is, the main criterion for determining its content, structure and dynamics. And this is the most important difference between activity and forms of human activity (for example, from

pulsative, involuntary activity). The content of activity is determined not by human needs as such, but specifically by the goal (production of some kind of product).

’ etc.). That's why

Doesn't match

53 ?ll why does it work. The most important activity phenomenon arises - the phenomenon of discrepancy between a person’s needs and motives and the immediate goals of his activity.

The two considered specific features through which activity is determined make it possible to reveal the basic general psychological properties (attributes) of activity. On the one hand, these are the already noted properties of activity, productivity (effectiveness), awareness, and social conditioning. All of them are precisely the attributes of activity as such, since they are determined by its psychological nature and are preserved in all its types and forms. On the other hand, there are other, also most important general psychological properties of activity: -

objectivity - the focus of activity on the transformation or development of a certain “external* object in relation to the subject, which is allocated by him as the subject of his purposeful activity;


adaptability, i.e. the ability of an activity to undergo flexible restructuring and transformation when external and internal conditions for its implementation change;

- systematicity, according to this property, activity appears not as a side-by-side sum of its components, but as their organized integrity. In this case, it is especially important that activity as an integrity acquires such new properties that neither its individual components nor their simple sum have - the so-called systemic qualities of activity. It should be emphasized that activity is one of the most complex among currently known systems, due to which both its cognition and its study must be carried out on an adequate methodological basis - the principles of a systems approach. activity: the optimal proportion of external - objectified characteristics of activity and characteristics of its internal - actually psychological - content. This proportion is established on the basis of compliance with two most important general psychological principles. The first is the principle of the unity of the psyche and activity, according to which the external and internal components of activity represent an indissoluble integrity and must be mutually explained through each other. The second is the principle of a two-stage psychological study of activity. According to him, the analysis of activity should include two successive stages - analysis of its content and analysis of its psychological mechanisms. The first stage is associated with the characterization of the objective content of the activity, the second - with the analysis of the subjective, actually psychological content. These principles are currently a kind of imperatives and set the general direction for the study of any activity.

External characteristics of activity (primarily professional) are carried out through the concepts of subject and object of labor, subject, conditions and means of activity.

The subject of labor is a set of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject practically or mentally interacts in the course of activity.

Means of labor are a set of tools that can enhance a person’s ability to recognize the characteristics of the subject of labor and influence it.

Working conditions are a system of social, psychological, sanitary, hygienic and physical characteristics of activity.

The internal characteristics of activity presuppose a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as operational

means of its implementation.

The property of systematic activity as the most generalized, integrative characteristic allows us to better understand the subject of its psychological study. Since activity is an extremely complex system, its mental regulation should be similar -

55 complex, complex, multidimensional. Because of this, the subject of psychological study of activity is not any private plan research and not even their totality, but, in essence, all psychological problems, but taken in its “activity dimension”. The psychology of activity is psychology as a whole, refracted through the specificity of the content and structure of activity, therefore the subject of the psychological study of activity is the psychological components that encourage, direct and regulate the activity of the subject and realize it in performing actions, as well as the personality traits through which this activity is realized .


Klimov EA. Labor psychology - M., 1998.

Leontiev AL. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M., 1975.

Lomov V.F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology.-M., 1984.

Rubinstein SM. Fundamentals of general psychology, - M., 1946.

Shadrikov V D. Problems of systemogenesis of professional activity. - M., 1982.

Self-test questions 1.

What are the main functions of the concept of activity in psychology?


What are the main psychological features of professional activity?


What are external and internal plans of professional activity?


What is the property of systematic professional activity?


What is the relationship between general psychology and occupational psychology in the study of professional activity?

Abstract topics 1.

scientific problem.

2 Basic psychological properties of activity. 3.

The relationship between psychology and other sciences in the study of activity. 1. The concept of professional personality development.

2. The main stages of becoming a professional 3. Age and biographical crises. 4. Psychology professional suitability personality and a specific form of learning and development. In his research, the author assigns significant importance to the process of professionalization at the stage of student learning, highlighting two main periods: educational-academic (1-3 years) and educational-professional (3-5 years). In publications by E.A. Klimov’s professional development is analyzed as a sequence of interconnected stages from professional self-determination to the full realization of the individual in professional activity. E.F. Zeer considers professional development as a sequence of interconnected time stages from the emergence of professional intentions to the full realization of the individual in professional work. The author defines the formation of personality as a continuous process of purposeful progressive change in personality under the influence of social influences and one’s own activity, which is carried out through a person’s interaction with others in the process of his activity. S.B. Elkanova, L.M. Mitina, L.F. Obukhova et al. consider the professional development of an individual in the context of the development of his personal, personal and business qualities, professional competencies and professionalism.

The formation of a professional begins with professional self-determination in accordance with the already existing professional intentions of the individual. The definition of oneself in a profession can be influenced by: the personality of a professional teacher, which creates interest in the subject being taught, the opinion of parents, relatives or acquaintances, the opinion of peers about the prestige of a particular profession. IN Lately School psychologists help determine a profession; as part of career guidance activities, they identify the orientation of the student’s personality. Despite the fact that career guidance is understood as “purposeful activity to prepare young people for an informed choice of profession in accordance with personal inclinations, interests, and abilities,” modern career guidance work lacks systematic and comprehensive measures when working with schoolchildren and their parents. The new conditions for enrollment in higher education institutions have shown a lack of professional self-determination among many applicants: the choice of diverse specialties and universities, the determination of a specialty during the application process, the preference for a specialty in accordance with the results of the Unified State Exam. The possibility of admission to budget places has recently been the dominant motive for applicants choosing non-prestigious specialties.

Getting a higher vocational education - necessary stage in the long process of becoming a professional. In the first years there is a transition from school forms of identity and educational activities to university ones. In the second half of their studies, students undergo self-development and form a system of professional activities. In the third year, students’ performance improves, an active position is formed in relation to the proposed educational material and a certain structure of intelligence takes shape. In the fourth and fifth years, professional skills are formed and readiness to enter an independent professional life appears. The most difficult is the first year of study, which is associated with overcoming the difficulties of entering a new social environment, establishing intra-group relationships, and adapting to new forms of learning.

The transition to a multi-level education system will contribute to the formation of a professional focused on constructive and creative work, aimed at obtaining high results in work. The variability of the multi-level education system allows the student, after receiving a four-year basic higher education, to continue studying, stop or temporarily postpone. Graduates who have received full higher education with a master's degree, you are given the opportunity to pursue professional development in any educational institution. It should be noted that modern graduates of higher education educational institutions in addition to professional literacy, they must have a high level of competitiveness, communicative competence and tolerance. personalization, minimal processes of formation, personalization in the profession leads to a deeper aggravation of educational

At the adaptation stage in professional activity, professional norms, requirements, and technologies are mastered. Personal professionalization is a productive process of development and self-development, a process of realizing oneself in a profession. activities and achieving the pinnacle of professionalism. Finding yourself in a team of qualified specialists, where initiative, creativity, exactingness, and integrity dominate, a novice specialist strives to meet high professional standards and requirements. Professional development of an individual involves constant improvement of qualifications and the search for ways to realize oneself in the profession. With successful professionalization, the individual enters the mastery phase. Having a wealth of experience, a professional can transfer skills, experience and knowledge to novice specialists.

Thus, becoming a professional is based on two main concepts: professionalization and professionalism. Professionalization is the formation of specific professional qualities personality. A professional is a specialist in a certain field of work.

The process of professionalization can be viewed in four directions:

1. As a process of his socialization - the individual’s assimilation of his social norms, transformation of social experience, acceptance social role, attitudes, adaptation to a certain social environment.

2. As a process of personality development, i.e. as a specific form of activity, a holistic, natural change in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the subject of labor. Professional development consists primarily of developing in a person certain professional abilities and professional skills.

3. As the professional self-realization of an individual on the path of life, during which professionalization occurs through self-knowledge, self-education and self-realization.

4. As a form of personal activity, in terms of work activity.

Age and biographical crises.

In the process of professionalization, crisis phenomena occur that can cause a slowdown in the professional development of the individual. The first crisis that arises during early adulthood is associated with the final transition to adulthood, with entry into a professional team. The difficulty may lie in lack of confidence in one’s abilities, in a rigid routine working day, in complex relationships between employees of a professional team, and may also be associated with the complexity of professional activities.

The next crisis may occur after 4-5 years of work, which may coincide with the “30th anniversary” crisis and arises as a result of dissatisfaction with personal needs (a salary increase, an increase in status, etc.). This crisis can manifest itself in negative emotions, decreased professional interest, or work overstrain.

The normative crisis “midlife crisis” (40-50 years) in professional activity is often perceived as an opportunity for the last breakthrough in achieving the desired professional level and is often accompanied by an increase in the pace of work, additional stress, which can result in overstrain, overwork, apathy, depression or psychosomatic diseases.

The next regulatory crisis, the “pre-retirement crisis” (55-60 years), is associated with the end of professional career, the lack of equivalent replacement by other types of activity, a natural decrease in the functional capabilities of the body, and concomitant diseases.

Professional activity is associated with the possibility of biographical crises that can change the subject’s self-esteem and self-esteem. This is, for example, a “crisis of unfulfillment,” which is associated with a subjective underestimation of the results of the life path traveled or with fear of a low assessment of the subject’s achievements by representatives of the social environment. Another biographical crisis is the “crisis of emptiness,” which arises as a result of a weak connection in the consciousness of the subject of the past, present and future. It manifests itself in experiences, in the absence of specific goals and objectives. And finally, the third biographical crisis is the “crisis of futility,” which is associated with the uncertainty of plans, projects, ways of self-determination, self-realization, etc.

Stages of professionalization:

I. Pre-professional development

1. Pre-game stage (from 3 years old)

2. Stage of play (preschool childhood 3 – 7 years)

3. Mastery stage educational activities(7-12 years old)

II Development during the period of choosing professions.

4. Stage of option (period of conscious preparation for life, work,

planning a professional path, choosing a profession).

III Development during the period vocational training and further development of a professional.

5. Vocational training stage (from 15 to 23 years old)

6. Stage of professional adaptation (from 17-21 to 24-27 years)

7. Stage of professional development (from 21-27 to 45-50 years)

8. Stage of realization of a professional (from 46 to 65 years old)

9. Decline stage (over 61-65 years).

The success of professional activity depends on a person’s performance, which is determined by personal qualities and physiological state.

The dynamics of performance changes throughout the day and throughout the week.

During the working day: the subject of labor is most effective after the first hour of work, during the next 2-3 hours, after lunch the decline and rise occurs in an hour, the next two hours and again the decline by the end of the working day.

During the week: a slight rise on Tuesday, maximum performance on Wednesday and then a gradual decline in performance in the following days.

The professional reliability of a labor subject is the level of reliability, error-freeness and timeliness of his work operations when interacting with equipment and other employees. Reliability is determined by the individual’s individual characteristics, work experience, professional qualities, and positive orientation toward professional activity.

The functional reliability of a subject of labor is the property of a person’s functional systems to ensure his dynamic stability in performing a professional task for a certain time and with a given quality.


To determine the professional suitability of a subject of labor, at the first stage, the main professional qualities are identified; at the next stage, I carry out psychodiagnostics of these qualities in subjects of labor. Vocational selection is a set of measures aimed at identifying individuals who best meet the requirements of a particular specialty in terms of their individual qualities. A large arsenal of tests and psychodiagnostic interviews are used as methods used in professional selection. According to the method of obtaining information, psychodiagnostic methods are divided into objective - standardized tests (tests) and clinical methods focused on understanding and interpretation - conversation. In standardized methods, a quantitative approach predominates, while in clinical methods, a qualitative approach predominates. Methods used in professional selection must meet the requirements of validity, reliability and differentiation. The validity of a technique refers to how accurately it measures. The reliability of the technique is determined by the consistency of the results after repeated uses. The differentiation of the methodology means that each method should be aimed at assessing a specific mental function or their combination. When classifying professional qualities, I use the division into the cognitive abilities of the subject of labor; diagnostics of special abilities, personality traits, self-awareness, motivational sphere, emotionality.

An important role in the effectiveness of the subject of labor is played by the correct choice of profession, work activity, which is most appropriate for the individual due to his individual characteristics. Therefore, assistance in choosing is important future profession, i.e. career guidance work. Vocational guidance is a system of activities to familiarize oneself with the world of professions and assist in choosing a profession in accordance with the desires, inclinations and interests of a person, taking into account his abilities. Professional self-determination is the choice of profession based on analysis and assessment internal resources subject of labor.

The process of professional self-determination consists of the following stages:

1. the emergence and formation of professional intentions and initial orientation in various fields of work;

2. professional education how to master the chosen profession;

3. 3professional adaptation - the formation of an individual style of activity and inclusion in the system of production and social relations;

4. self-realization in work - fulfillment or non-fulfillment of those expectations associated with professional work.

Career guidance work should be carried out among high school students by a psychologist, class teacher, and representatives of various educational institutions. Career guidance presupposes the presence of a system of measures aimed at developing and implementing recommendations for professional self-determination. This:

· psychological study of professions – professionography, psychography, justification professional requirements to the subject;

· professional education – development of interests, inclinations, abilities, personal qualities V various types activities (cognitive, communicative, gaming, educational and labor);

· vocational education – ensuring the formation of knowledge about the world of professions and the conditions for making the right choice, informing about the methods and conditions for mastering a profession.

· Professional consultation – a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical measures for the study and assessment of a person’s abilities and functional capabilities;

· Professional adaptation– a person’s adaptation to professional, social and psychological factors of work.


Professional activity - what is it? Professional activity: areas, goals, types, features

December 18, 2014

The sphere of socially oriented, objective activity can be called professional. Depending on the target orientation and system of criteria, the subject of this area can be limited in different ways.

What is professional activity?

Let us highlight only the essential features that are obvious, and in the presence of which it makes sense to call the activity professional.

  • System of knowledge and experience. First of all, if we are talking about professionalism, it should be based on awareness, certain skills and abilities, without the totality of which it is impossible to become a professional.
  • Conceptual system. It is impossible to relate a person to a subject area if he does not speak the professional language.
  • Methodology. The ability to apply acquired knowledge in reality.

To summarize: professional activity is a system of knowledge based on the experience of its application. Practice is, on the one hand, the result of development, and on the other, the basis for further growth.

Areas of professional activity

In order to classify areas of specialized knowledge, strict selection criteria must be specified. Otherwise, there is a risk of inconsistency in the study of a subject that is quite extensive. Let's take the most obvious postulates as a basis.

We can say that there is intellectual and physical labor. It is clear that physical work, even the roughest, requires intellectual resources, but is not limited to them.

Areas of professional activity:

  • humanitarian (goal - people);
  • natural science (nature);
  • social (society).

Professional activity is the production of a socially significant product or service in public spheres.

Goals and motives

A goal is a time- and space-defined idea of ​​the final result of work. It can be personal and professional. Interests may coincide, and in this case there is a strong personal motivation for professional development. Goals of professional activity - This is the most important indicator in determining the qualification levels of specialists. If there is no understanding of the purpose and direction of activity, then it makes no sense to talk about professionalism. Even if the work is carried out in a narrow field of the subject environment, in this case the goal is limited in scope and is a stage for completing a deeper, fundamental task.

The psychology of professional activity is the science of the patterns of human development in a subject environment, which attaches great importance to goal setting.

A teacher’s goal, for example, may be for his students to win a regional Olympiad in a subject. Here both a personal goal and a professional one are combined, which is strictly determined by the subject of study and the amount of work. It is framed in time (the date of the Olympiad) and in space (regional level). The goal satisfies the ambitions of the teacher and the personal ambitions of the person who does socially important work and receives an appropriate reward for this.

Who can be called a professional?

Let's try to sort this issue out. A coach who knows from “A” to “Z” the rules and techniques that allow a swimmer to achieve high results, but does not know how to swim himself - is he a pro in his field? This is not an idle question; often in life we ​​see how a person teaches something to others without having personal results in practice.

This has become especially noticeable in the Internet era. A large number of participants in the virtual space have made it a rule to teach a mass of people in any field, arrogantly calling themselves professionals... Newly-minted speakers who retell well-known teachings are trying to win the laurels of “gurus” among the crowd of listeners. Is this a familiar picture?

On the other hand, consider a person who has good results in the subject environment. Anyone who produces a socially in demand product knows the craft. He cannot always explain how he does it, or outline the production process theoretically, but he produces the desired result in the best possible way. Is this person a professional in his field? The answer will be yes.

Therefore, the well-known expression “judge according to your deeds” takes place in this context. Practice in this case is the criterion of truth.

Types of professions

Professional activity is an area of ​​competence that is limited by the scope of application. For example, the social sphere involves hiring a specialist with an appropriate training profile. Each of the spheres, in turn, includes a lot of narrow areas and professions.

A profession is an area of ​​activity limited by standards, which presupposes a certain volume, level of knowledge and skills in their practical application. There is a world classifier of professions that describes them - there are more than nine thousand names in it. In Russia, a similar document contains seven thousand titles.

Areas of professional activity are subject areas in which specialists work. The list of spheres is not static. From year to year, new areas of work appear and professions disappear that become unclaimed. This directly depends on the development of the technical capabilities of society.

Levels of mastery of the subject area

A profession is a narrow area of ​​practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities for a specialist.
Professional activity is certain stages in the development of a specialist in a subject area. A specialty can be obtained in educational institutions of different levels, in centers, courses, remotely and in other ways. The basics of professional activity are confirmed by a certificate, which indicates the level of knowledge acquired over a certain number of training hours and confirmed by the results of testing in a test or examination form. The specialty presupposes the presence of a sufficient amount of knowledge for practical application in the professional field of production.

Specialist, professional, expert

They often say “an expert in his field.” Behind this assessment is the recognition of a person’s competence in the area in which he practices. When they say about a person “he is a professional,” this is more than competence. This is already an expert level. This is not only recognition of competence in one’s field, but also the ability to transcend the boundaries of one’s own knowledge, the ability to make an evaluative judgment about the subject of activity in comparison with similar results in other specialized areas of activity.

Specialist, professional, expert are stages of mastering a subject area in any area of ​​socially significant activity.

Code of Ethics

Professionalism is not only a high level of expertise in one’s field. The ethical component is also a significant indicator of the quality of a specialist. This is especially true for humanitarian areas of professional activity aimed at serving people.

A code of ethics is a set of rules, adherence to which is a prerequisite for belonging to a professional environment. It contains norms as categorical instructions when performing functions by a specialist.

There are a number of professions for which compliance with the norms of the code of ethics is mandatory. These are areas of professional activity that in one way or another influence the life of a particular person. First of all - medicine, law, state security, education.

Ethics of professional activity is manifested in serving one's duty. Let's look at examples of this social phenomenon.

Service to the profession

Such a field of knowledge as the psychology of professional activity suggests that service is often the highest value of a person. This is confirmed by numerous evidence of devotion to duty. Sometimes a doctor is ready to find a way to cure a serious illness at the cost of his life.

Sacrificial heroism does not necessarily serve as a measure of professional duty. The Great Mechnikov made a number of discoveries in the field of medicine during his life, thanks to which prospects opened up in the creation of medicines that help people conquer death. His whole life is an example of ethical service to the people.

The writer Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was able, in conditions of the most severe censorship and punishment for the free expression of his civic position, not to change his principles.

He turned his voice into a written testimony of the era. Thanks to his willpower, desire for freedom, honesty and consistency in citizenship, the world received literary masterpieces, paid for at the cost of personal freedom.

The works “The Gulag Archipelago”, “Cancer Ward”, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” provide an assessment of historical realities through the eyes of a witness of that era.

These are living examples of service to the profession, which left an invaluable result for humanity, the social effect of which cannot be assessed.

The future belongs to professionals

In order to understand in what professional environment it is possible to reveal your abilities in the best possible way, it is important to promptly realize your need for society. Assess the need for your personal resources and capabilities.
Therefore, choosing a professional path is one of the most important educational tasks of the education system as a whole.

The discipline “professional self-determination of students” has been officially introduced in educational institutions. Its subject is the study of the world of professions, the features of professional activity. The purpose of the discipline is to help students relate their abilities to the needs and demands of society.

In this case, the meaning of life is revealed to the person, he will feel in demand from society. His social reward will be corresponding. It is in this situation that they say about a person “he is in the right place.”