Service food. Catering in the office. Corporate catering - photo

We are sure that the most important thing in corporate catering is variety, benefits and meeting expectations. How lunches are organized at the enterprise is a choice for management.

Corporate catering in the canteen

This could be a canteen where corporate meals are prepared and where people have lunch. As a rule, it makes sense to open a canteen if the company’s staff exceeds 200 people. The company helps in organizing canteens in Moscow and other cities of Russia. This type of corporate catering has its own characteristics:
high speed maintenance, high cross-country ability,
limited menu, depriving visitors of the right to choose,
the need for premises for cooking and staff on a permanent basis.

There are also legal subtleties in the organization of corporate canteens, in particular with the preparation of documents (certificates, permits, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and others). You can learn more about how to open a canteen at an enterprise from experts. We'll tell you, help you, and come visit.

Corporate catering in nearby cafes

Another option is to attract nearby restaurants and organize them into a so-called corporate catering network.

You visit all the cafes near your office, try the business lunch in each, choose the ones you like and sign a contract with them for corporate catering. Employees receive daily or monthly lunch vouchers, eat healthy, are healthy and happy. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

The company has partners whose restaurant chains cover many districts of Moscow. With our help, it is easier to negotiate the cost of a business lunch for employees and get a discount.

Corporate lunch delivery

True, even in the case of an agreement with a cafe there are some nuances. An employee left for lunch and returned an hour and a half later hungry. Why? I went to an exhibition at a nearby gallery. Or to the cinema. Or shopping. There is a solution to the problem of personnel leakage during the lunch break - food delivery to the office.

Corporate catering companies are presented on the website. Order today, lunch delivery tomorrow. In addition, friendship with and partners allows us to organize nutritious meals for employees at off-site events and exhibitions, which is more convenient than searching for canteens and cafes with reasonable prices and quality of food in an unfamiliar place.

The very concept of “corporate catering” arose when large international corporations appeared. An employee who works in an office in Barcelona belongs to the international staff of the corporation, which means he may need to travel to other offices of the company. Wherever he comes, to Moscow or Berlin, the company undertakes to provide him with accommodation and food. This is how the first international corporate catering organizations appeared, among which the well-known Frenchman Sodexo. Let's see together with how the catering of international corporations is organized in Moscow?

1. IBM Corporation

History of the legendary American company IBM began in 1911 with the production of scales, cheese slicers, and punching machines. Today Big Blue, as the giant is also called, has about 500 thousand employees and offices in more than 20 countries. The organization of corporate catering at IBM enterprises in many offices is in French Sodexo company, a global leader in employee meals. Sodexo has been operating since 1966, the company came to Russia in 1993 and this moment has its representative offices in 18 cities of the country. An IBM employee is given a card containing an amount of money equal to the established food subsidy. He uses it to pay at Sodexo canteens. It is impossible to cash out this money, so it is safe to say that most employees use this corporate catering system. The size of the subsidy at IBM does not depend on the employee’s position; everyone receives the same amount. Judging by the reviews, many employees of the Moscow office of IBM like the quality of food offered by the French company.

2. HP Corporation (Hewlett-Packard)

The no less recognizable HP brand appeared 20 years after IBM. The company was founded in 1939 by Stanford University graduates William Hewlett and David Packard. The company's first product was low-frequency generators. As of 2010, HP had more than 300 thousand employees. In Russia, HP has 11 offices; in neighboring countries the company is represented in Minsk, Kyiv, Almaty, Baku and Astana.

The Hewlett-Packard office is located in one of the large business centers of Moscow, where during the working day you can have a snack in one of five cafes, have lunch in the canteen, or walk to the huge shopping center, which is located next door. There are many options for purchasing lunch at different prices. This may be why HP management decides to provide food subsidies in addition to wages employee. The subsidy amount is the same for all employees. Thus, the organization of corporate catering in Hewlett is to compensate for the cost of lunches. The HP office has a coffee area with vending machines with chocolate, cookies and a large assortment of coffee or tea. There is also a microwave for those who bring lunch from home, and tables with chairs.

3. Google Corporation

Google appeared in Russia in 2005 and, according to rumors, will soon withdraw all of its technical staff outside our country. Meanwhile, it is the largest global leader in the field of Internet products and services, employing more than 50 thousand employees and even more freelancers. The Google office in Moscow has long become a legend. Firstly, thanks to the design of the premises, especially meeting rooms in the style of the metro, Russian fairy tales and films. Secondly, thanks to the Samobranka canteen, where food is completely free for employees. They stand on the tables different types cereal and muesli. You can come and grab a freshly squeezed juice with a sandwich. The organization of corporate catering in the Moscow office of Google is aimed at employees leading healthy image life. In the Lukomorye light snack area, snacks, crispbread, and candy bars with stickers are freely available different colors. The green color of the sticker indicates a dietary product, yellow indicates a more satisfying composition of the food, and red indicates density and calorie content.

Global corporations certainly care about their employees. However, not every company can offer its employees a completely free canteen. In case of a small team size the best option Organization of corporate catering is the delivery of lunches to the office. It is cheaper and more convenient for management, but no less tasty and nutritious for subordinates. Ask the staff what they think about this.

Organization of corporate catering is an issue that is relevant for most large and small companies, business centers, schools and universities. Do you need to create a corporate canteen, cafe, buffet or set up?

Place 1 request on the CaterMe website and receive up to 7 personal offers in 30 minutes. Specialists will organize corporate catering for a company in Moscow for any number of people: they will prepare and deliver food, set tables, and rent out dishes, furniture and textiles.

Organize corporate catering for a company in Moscow with CaterMe

Our specialists will organize corporate catering in a format convenient for you. The choice of service option depends on the available space, necessary equipment and the staff of the enterprise.

  • Dining room. All dishes are prepared on site. Catering requires equipment and free space.
  • Buffet. Set meals are prepared by a catering company or restaurant and delivered to the location. A distribution line is being installed at the enterprise. The food is heated before being served.
  • Food delivery to the office. Ready food delivered to your location in thermal boxes. One-time orders and long-term cooperation agreements are available.

Now, to organize corporate catering in Moscow, you don’t need to call restaurants and catering companies and compare terms of service and menus. All offers are on one site. It's convenient, efficient, and profitable.

Advantages of the Energy of Taste restaurant holding when choosing catering services:

1. Reliability(we will not be blown away by receiving cash, as often happens now, through bankruptcy proceedings). We stand strong on our feet! That is why we have been working since 2005 and are still in the process of development, opening new horizons, mastering new directions. This allows our clients to feel in good hands;

2. Personnel decides EVERYTHING! The entire team is highly qualified specialists in their field, true masters. We can guarantee that we do not attract foreign labor without medical records, relevant education, experience and qualifications! This allows our clients not to fear for their health.

3. We conduct and carry out all processes ourselves without contracts and on a turnkey basis! This allows our clients, when contacting us, not to run around different companies and, accordingly, save your time, effort and money.

4. Individual approach to each client! We do not chase long rubles and fulfill orders for every taste and budget! We offer both individual and time-tested programs! This allows our clients to feel comfortable, firstly, not to pay extra, even if they have no intention of saving, secondly, and in the case when there is neither time nor desire to deal with approvals, simply trust us by choosing one of the standard programs in- third.

5. We use only fresh, natural, high-quality and proven products that meet the necessary safety certificates!

6. This allows our clients to be cheerful, healthy, effectively solve assigned tasks and when coming home to still be active, pay attention to family, their friends, find strength for hobbies, hobbies and active recreation! It’s not for nothing that they say: “You are what you eat!” We treat our work with trepidation, respect and love!

7. We pass on our positive energy to our clients, and this is worth a lot in our difficult life today, believe me! We respect, value and love our clients!

8. And this, I must say, is mutual! What could be better than friendly and mutually respectful relations in our time?! Honesty and openness

9. . We do not take on projects that we cannot complete flawlessly! That's why our clients trust us from the first meeting! We are not afraid to let the client down!

10. In order for our clients to have the opportunity to get to know us and evaluate the quality of our products, before concluding an annual contract, we are ready to bring lunches for testing at any time! This is why our clients immediately decide to cooperate - because it’s delicious! We periodically hold promotions ! This allows our clients to use the savings in one more way priority direction

11. and in general, there is no such thing as too much money! We have our own high-quality imported equipment