Ranking of MBA schools. Ranking of MBA schools Document on completion of the program

MBA education at the Graduate School of International Business

MBA programs were reaccredited for a maximum possible period of five years by the decision of the International Accreditation Commission of the British AMBA Association in April 2012.

Over two decades, every tenth holder of an MBA qualification (Master of Business Administration) in Russia graduated from the Higher School of Business School, which has the status of Excellent Business School (international ranking Eduniversal.com, 2009,2010 and 2011).

The Graduate School of International Business has the status of the RANEPA School of International Level under the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the internal ranking of the RANEPA conducted in 2013. GSMB has traditionally been a national laboratory for innovation in business education. Rector L.I. Evenko is the founder of the Russian Association of Business Education (1990), its President (1996-2010), now its Honorary President.

Specializations: strategic management; financial management of the organization; marketing.

A generalist program that changes the idea of ​​business and personal effectiveness.

Teaches you to think, create and make the most of opportunities, and successfully manage a business of any size and profile in any country in the world.

The program is prepared in strict accordance with international standards and is accredited by AMBA to the maximum possible deadline- 5 years.

Differences and advantages

  1. Project-based learning.

    Deep integration with real business, applied educational projects, working with cases, attending master classes, students develop practical skills in solving business issues.

  2. International component.

    Foreign internships, communication with foreign colleagues and partners in the framework of master classes and seminars, training in English allow students to further successfully build and develop cooperation with foreign partners, expanding the boundaries of their own business.

  3. Personal growth.

    The program teaches you to think. Without giving ready-made solutions, we develop strategic thinking skills while Special attention focusing on the development of personal competencies and individual qualities managers. Leadership, self-presentation skills, conflict management, public speaking... Graduates of our school are professionals capable of successfully solving any problem.

  4. The widest range of elective courses.

    Adapting the curriculum to suit your needs career goals, each of our students has the opportunity to choose from more than 30 special courses covering all aspects of business.

  5. Author's business course in English.

    As part of the MBA program, our students take a unique course that allows them to freely communicate with business partners around the world. The discipline is taught by famous authors of methods: Ignatova T.N., Kuleshov V.V. and Yankovskaya N.B.

  6. Unique teaching staff who undergo annual certification and have mandatory consulting experience in various industries market. As well as experts and practitioners involved in conducting special courses and master classes.

Upon completion of the MBA program you:

  • You can take optimal solutions in conditions of multitasking and uncertainty
  • You will be able to fully control and effectively manage the work of the department/company entrusted to you
  • Develop strategic thinking skills that will allow you to take full part in the development or modernization of your enterprise
  • Develop your career potential both within the company and in the market as a whole
  • Become more successful in all areas of life

Program completion document:

  • Diploma of the Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Personal Certificate of the international association AMBA (Association of MBAs, UK).

Source: Finance Magazine

New research. “Finance” tells in detail about each school included in the TOP-10 of the ranking. Each of them has its own success story, its undoubted advantages, its own ambitious goals.

1. Higher School of International Business of the Academy of National Economy Rating “F.” - 119 points

Speaking about the leader of the rating, it is difficult to avoid the epithet “first” and superlatives. This is one of the oldest business schools in Russia, the first to develop a full-fledged MBA program in 1992, the only domestic one offering a full range of business programs: daytime, evening, modular, and the initiator of the creation of the Russian MBA League, uniting graduates of different business schools. GSMB Rector Leonid Evenko is the President of the Russian Association of Business Education, member of the CEEMAN and EQUAL councils. “We have very clearly defined differences from others, the main ones being the combination large sizes and the possibility of choosing for each student training according to an individual plan. We currently have 850 MBA students and offer over 70 elective courses (we are ranked 8th in Europe in terms of number of elective courses). Over 17 years of work in the business education market, GSMB has become the largest business school in Eastern Europe,” says Marketing Director Yuri Tazov. Every sixth MBA graduate in Russia graduated from this school. TO competitive advantages These include strict control over the quality of teaching work and an extensive English language program. The main assets of the school are many years of successful practice in training managers for leading Russian companies(their listing takes half a page), developed on the basis of domestic and foreign experience teaching methods, infrastructure of the Academy of National Economy, a strong composition of professors and practicing teachers. The most successful GSMB graduates: CEO trading network"The Seventh Continent" Galina Ilyashenko, General Director of the Demidovsky plant Inessa Smirnova, Head of Strategic Services at Microsoft (USA) Alexey Palladin, financial director"Rosno" Andrey Skvortsov.

2. High school corporate governance ANH Rating “F.” -117 points

This is the doctor's brainchild economic sciences Sergei Kalendzhyan, who in 1996, after traveling through American and Canadian educational institutions I went to study at the Barcelona business school IIESE, saw it as an example of a dream school and decided to organize something similar in Russia. “From the very beginning, my school was different from others in that I relied not on Moscow, but on the regions. I wanted to help those people who stood firmly on their feet, but who lacked knowledge. Portrait of our student? A man of 33-43 years old, mostly with an engineering education, who achieved success through hard work, occupies a high position, but realized that with the methods he worked with before, he has no prospects,” says Sergey Kalendzhyan. Strength schools-corporate programs (adapting the MBA course to the needs of companies). The main principles are education, on the one hand, consulting, on the other, proximity to the practical needs of students, speed of implementation. Plus an extensive alumni association. And the first Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program in Russia. The most successful graduates: General Director of Severstal Anatoly Kruchinin, Deputy Head of the Department of Science and new technology Gazprom Tatyana Lobanova, Vice-Governor of the Primorsky Territory Evgeny Ovechkin.

3. Moscow International Higher Business School "Mirbis" Rating "F." -102 points

The school was organized in 1988 by an intergovernmental agreement between the USSR and Italy according to the Western style specifically for the MBA program. Today it is a multi-level educational institution offering a variety of services - starting from the preparatory department and higher education, completing doctoral studies. “We consider our students as learning partners, we focus not only on what we want and can give them, but on the fact that it should be perceived, in demand and not become outdated during the period of time that they are with us,” - Vice-Rector for Marketing Tatyana Ivanishcheva formulates. The pride of Mirbis is the first “Full MBA course” in Russia, highly rated by other reputable educational institutions. The two books published in this series are “Principles management decisions And Russian practice" by Tatiana Gaidaenko and “Microeconomics and macroeconomics - an analytical framework for solving business problems” by Irina Stankovskaya and Irina Strelets became bestsellers. They deserve special mention social program for the retraining of military personnel transferred to the reserve, which is already 14 years old. “We teach them economic literacy, business basics, and promote social adaptation. These programs come entirely at our expense. This is a difficult matter, but necessary,” says Tatyana Ivanishcheva. The most successful graduates of Mirbis: General Director of Oil Trade Company Denis Aristarkhov, Executive Director of Mobile Telecom Dmitry Nilov, Commercial Director Megafon company Sergey Beshev, director of information technology Alfa Bank Sergey Mednov.

4. Institute of Economics and Finance “Synergy” Rating “F.” -100 points

Synergy is the legal successor of a Russian-Italian joint venture that was engaged in retraining programs for managers of domestic companies abroad. Today "Synergy" offers a wide range of programs - from the first higher economic education to numerous MBA programs (specializations: strategic management, strategic marketing, financial management, business process management). “Each business school should have its own identity. Additional courses that others do not have are a sign of individuality and professionalism. The demand for the specialties we offer on the labor market is very important to us. In the future, we want to see our institute as a large educational and consulting center. There is a basis for this - serious scientific base and considerable practical experience,” says the Vice-Rector for educational work Svetlana Zhiltsova. The most successful graduates: director of the Vilar plant Evgeniy Val, head of department valuable papers Rosneft company Oleg Luchkin, Deputy Head of the Moscow Consumer Market Department Vladimir Slepak.

The history of VKS goes back 17 years. She has a specific profile - management and commerce and a pronounced international focus. “Our graduates work all over the world: in Germany, France, England, the USA. Those businessmen who are involved in international projects come to us,” notes the Vice-Rector for commercial work Igor Znamensky. All school teachers are from the system foreign trade, former students of VAVT. The strength of the school is its large selection of specializations (in addition to the traditional set, there is also such an exotic one as “Communication Management: Politics, Business and Government,” which trains businessmen who decide to go into politics). The most successful high school graduates: President of the Cherkizovsky Agroindustrial Complex Igor Babaev, Deputy General Director of MSS Mikhail Kosinov, President of the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rashid Ismagilov, General Director of Sovintsentr Sergey Tarachanov.

6. Business School of Management Technologies of the Institute for Personnel Retraining of USTU Rating “F.” -98 points

One of the main pleasant surprises of the rating is that an educational institution from Yekaterinburg entered the TOP-10. “The attitude towards regional schools and their programs is still cautious,” explains Elena Bespamyatnykh, head of the career development center, “because it is still generally accepted that in Moscow and St. Petersburg specialists are more knowledgeable and better prepared. But in the regions, schools have long been building their programs in close cooperation With foreign partners. And such alliances provide a completely competitive quality of education.” The listing and description of the programs offered by the Yekaterinburg school takes more than three pages, its history goes back 18 years, its Western partners are the University of Pierre Mendes France and the Academy of Lower Saxony - these and many other parameters speak for themselves. The most successful graduates: commercial director of Uralwestcom Sergei Gershtein, head of the legal department of Uraltelecom Svetlana Kuznetsova, general director of Komus-Ural German Pimenov.

7. Business School of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Rating “F.” -94 points

It is the youngest school in the top ten, but it has seven decades of experience as a respected institution traditionally strong in areas such as international economics and law. That is why the school is distinguished by a powerful teaching staff, most of whom are well-qualified business consultants. Over the course of five years, the school has developed several specializations in the MBA program - “International Business”, “Marketing”, “Finance”, “Corporate Management”. In 2005-2006, a joint MBA program will be opened with the Hochschule Bremen (Germany). Among the successful graduates is Olga Strelova, Head of the Treasury of RAO UES Russia.

8. High school financial management Rating "F." -93 points

The main difference between the school and others is its focus on a specific professional niche. It trains financial managers and business consultants in the field of finance. "Being structural unit ANH, VSHFM, in fact, is a specialized business school with an annual turnover of $3 million, with an average number of students just under 1 thousand people,” says the dean of the school, Elena Lobanova. Fundamental principles: relevance, forethought, partnership. Successful graduates: General Director of Evrazholding Management Company Alexander Frolov, Deputy General Director of MGTS Nikolay Savlukov, General Director of Aton Company Alexander Kandel.

9. Institute of Business Administration and Business of the Financial Academy Rating “F.” -89 points

The institute was founded in 1999. It is obvious that this is a school with enormous potential: this is evidenced not only by the deservedly famous name of the parent university, but also by cooperation with European schools, a strong student body, most of which are top managers, and experience in developing corporate MBA programs. Next up is accreditation in an international organization (a package of documents is being prepared) and the organization of an alumni association (in the process of formation). Once that's done, the schools in the top five will have a tough time of it. The most successful graduate of the institute is Timur Mychelkin, Development Director of Teletrade.

10. Master's Training Institute MESI Rating "F." -80 points

Over the six years of its existence, the institute has managed to do a lot: firstly, to develop an MBA program in 6 specializations (General, “ Strategic management", "Information Management", etc.) and 8 master's programs, 20 trainings, 30 seminars in the field of personal qualities of a manager, group formation, personnel management and many other aspects. “The main asset of the school is its teaching staff, who have skills in working with adult audiences and extensive experience in business consulting. We are guided by the following criteria when selecting teachers: professionalism in their field, availability of original textbooks and cases, ability to work interactively, internships in Russian and foreign companies,” comments scientific adviser MBA program Eleonora Virgiles. Among the graduates is the General Director of the Federal trading house Victor Drozdovsky.

  • Career and Self-development


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Graduate School of International Business is educational institution with a unique history and destiny. The school was established on September 22, 1988 Resolution No. 1106 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The development of the school took place quickly and rapidly. In 1992, the school introduced the first MBA programs in Russia to the market.

The school was guided not only by internal demand, but also followed international standards quality. The school has worked actively for international recognition and in 2007 received accreditation from the Associaton of MBAs, UK (AMBA). Full compliance with international standards was confirmed in 2012 for a five-year (maximum) period.

At the beginning of 2010, the school had a full range of business education programs: MBA, EMBA, MBA+Master's programs, professional retraining and advanced training.

Since 2010, the educational environment began to actively change, new schools, programs, and teaching formats appeared. GSMB decided to take a break from its work to rethink the market environment and product line.

Since 2014, the GSMB faculty and administrative team began an active search for a new format that would combine ease of learning, program flexibility, affordability, quality of content, and student involvement in educational process and experience in meeting international standards.

In the fall of 2017, the School resumes its work in a completely remote format. GSMB, together with colleagues, has developed a fundamentally new product line: Mini MBA, Intensive MBA and Professional MBA, and has streamlined the process of recording and regularly updating educational content - courses.

The Graduate School of International Business is the first business school to introduce distance learning with the effect of virtual presence in the classroom.

Now listeners can fully experience themselves in an audience as part of a group of 30 people. This principle allows teachers to feel free and convey, in addition to the semantic component, also the emotional one, which increases the involvement of students and, as a result, the assimilation of the material increases by 10-15%. Teachers from the Russian University of Economics are actively involved in the implementation of the project. G.V. Plekhanov, Institute of Business and Business Administration, Moscow Technological University, Moscow State University and Moscow state institute

international relations

At the same time, GSMB is now an independent, not affiliated with any educational institution or structure, a unique business school of a new generation.

Develop with us!

MBA ratings are compiled based on reviews from respondents who have already received an MBA diploma. Surveys are conducted by magazines and special rating companies. After analyzing the received questionnaires, a rating of business schools is compiled.

The mission of MBA programs is to prepare managers focused on the rapid development of their future career. Graduates are people with leadership qualities, strategic thinking and analytical skills, capable of effectively managing in the areas of municipality, business, government, and education. Such personnel are a valuable find, generating development and expansion of the entrusted business.

A decent level of MBA education, according to the rating of education for business, can be obtained in the Russian Federation. According to WDay.ru, the following ranking of Russian MBA schools is presented.

  1. The Institute of Business and Economics of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation leads the MBA ranking of schools. Training: 18-24 months. Founded in 1992 in conjunction with the University of California. When entering the institute, you must pass three American language tests, which can be prepared in three preparatory courses. 16 out of 21 disciplines are taught by professors from the University of California in English. language. All assignments, presentations, and written work are completed in English. language.
  2. State University of Management (SUM) – an opportunity to study PR and advertising management, marketing personnel management. Leading university in the field of management education. Operating since 2007
  3. Graduate School Management (GSOM) is a department of the State University. She managed to acquire a decent reputation among colleagues and companies. The school is taught by university professors.
  4. Moscow Business School, providing MBA Start through an intensive distance learning course. Master classes, meetings and business games are organized for students at the MBA club. It is possible to attend business breakfasts at a round table.
  5. Institute of Master's Training. Based on MESI. The university is over 75 years old. It is a leader among higher economic schools in Russia. Considered the best in terms of equipment technical devices, quality educational programs. There is an opportunity to master two specialties at once. They teach in the following specialties: economics, management, computer science, law, psychology, finance, linguistics.
  6. Graduate School of Business, Moscow State University. Lomonosov. It occupies a position in the ranking of the hundred best business schools in the world and in the top 40 European business schools. Managers and business leaders who want to increase their knowledge are trained here.
  7. Faculty distance learning created by the Moscow Institute of International Business together with the MBA online company. MIMB is one of the first MBA schools. Appeared in 1998.
  8. Moscow International Higher School of Business MIRBIS appeared in Russia in 1988 thanks to the Russian Academy of Economics and the Society economic research"NOMISMA" of Italy, who are the founders of the MIRBIS Institute.
  9. The Institute of Business and Business Administration is a representative of the oldest business schools. The school is taught by the best professors, including world-famous ones: Isaac Kalderon Adizes – consultant curricula IBDA. The MBA program has international accreditation.
  10. The School of Management of the University of Antwerp is a Belgian school. It has existed for more than 150 years. In 1959, the MBA program first appeared. Graduates work in the world's best companies. Training is provided for specialists in international management and strategic finance.

MBA rating for Moscow

  1. The Institute of Business and Economics of the Academy of National Economy is a pilot MBA program in the Russian Federation. Created by Californian state university. 500 students graduated, 20% of whom received honors degrees.
  2. Graduate School of International Business of the Academy of National Economy. Highest adaptability of training, 27 thousand graduates, international accreditation, GSMB accreditation.
  3. "MIRBIS" (Institute). A modern branch with the right for the applicant to choose the form of study. Short-term qualification courses are conducted, prof. retraining, master classes, corporate programs, bachelor's degrees, advanced training.
  4. Higher School of Corporate Management of the Academy of National Economy. HSKU ANKh crowns the list of reputable specialized schools and awards the qualification “Master of Business Administration”. The training is two-year, full-time, part-time, and evening.
  5. Higher Commercial School of the Ministry economic development and trade Russian Federation. Provides mobility of education, has an impeccable profile reputation, and trains senior managers.

Ranking of business education in the world

  1. Harvard Business School (HBS) is one of the most prestigious educational institutions with the strongest teaching staff. Founded at the beginning of the last century, it managed to become a leader in Business Administration.
  2. London Business School (LBS) has a short history, but with an annual intake of 35 graduates from almost every country.
  3. The Wharton School of Business is one of the colleges of the University of Pennsylvania. The Faculty of Finance is considered the pride of the school. Having received a bachelor's degree, a graduate already has access to leading investment corporations.
  4. Insead Business School (considered the Harvard of Europe). The sense of leadership through a global lens is the main difference from other business schools.
  5. Columbia Business School in New York is synonymous with the word “wealth and well-being.” It’s difficult to get in, but upon graduation, graduates are welcome on Wall Street.
  6. Graduate Business School at Stanford University - quality education, excellent opportunity for a fast-paced career.
  7. The Navarra Business School (IESE, Spain) combines humanism with innovative research on a global scale. The school places the main emphasis on personality and professionalism.
  8. Sloan Business School (MIT, USA) is research-oriented innovative technologies and techniques, after studying which graduates make a career in the field of IT technologies.
  9. The Chicago Booth School of Business is a true forge for Wall Street. Quality, variety of strong programs, financial and economic management - all this opens the door to the most impenetrable investment companies.
  10. California Business School Berkeley is famous for its innovative approach to creating professionals who can express and prove their position on an issue and make quick and innovative decisions.

Principles for compiling ratings

The rankings of MBA programs were based on information provided from the schools themselves. The survey involves school graduates who completed the full-time full-time program; the number of respondents is more than 9,000 people.

  • income after three years;
  • salary growth before and after MBA school;
  • justification for investing in an MBA school;
  • academic performance, teaching staff and student body.