Profile service 43.03 01 where to work if. Institute of Social Communications. Cooperation with scientific institutions

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Work in the service is quite complex, but at the same time it allows you to get incomparable pleasure from the ability to guess the wishes of clients and successfully fulfill them. During the learning process, students become universal specialists who can lead own business, deal with organizational issues, financial affairs and at the same time have an excellent understanding of the psychology of relationships. The development of service services in our country makes it easy to find a good interesting work. Highly qualified specialists will always be in demand abroad, especially in those countries where the service is developed at the highest level.

Admission exams

Admission to a higher education institution for service training involves successful completion three exams, which in most universities are accepted in the form of Unified State Examination results.

The core exam is in mathematics, the second mandatory exam is the Russian language. The next exam may vary depending on the university. Most often, the choice is made between history, social studies, computer science and ICT. Some universities require passing an additional exam in a foreign language.

Brief description of the specialty

While learning service, students study the structure of service, taking into account the features of natural and social factors, get acquainted with the types of service activities and learn about the classification of services, consider how service is organized in a particular area, learn methods of studying consumer demand, study marketing and management, methods of promoting services, paying attention to the ethical and aesthetic components professional activity.

The most common bachelor's training profiles in this specialty are:

  • Service in trade;
  • Social and cultural service;
  • Service in the fashion and beauty industry;
  • Environmental service;
  • Transport service;
  • Real estate service;
  • Information service and others.

Large universities

The most famous educational establishments, graduating bachelors in specialty 43.03.01 “Service”:

Terms and forms of training

Most universities offer several forms of education for students, including full-time, part-time and part-time forms, each of which provides a duration of study of 4 years, 4 years and 6 months, 5 years, respectively. You can continue your studies in this specialty in a master's program, thereby providing yourself with excellent prerequisites for finding an interesting and well-paid job.

Subjects studied by students

Training in service activities involves the study of standard disciplines provided for any undergraduate degree, including economics, history, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, foreign languages etc.

Besides, Special attention is devoted to specialized disciplines that make it possible to prepare a highly qualified specialist who is fluent in his profession.

These disciplines include the following:

  • service activities;
  • professional ethics;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • sales technology;
  • information Technology;
  • restaurant service;
  • basics of communication theory;
  • technologies advertising activities and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

Based on the results of training, a service specialist must have the following knowledge and skills:

Who to work with

The place of work of a service specialist largely depends on his training profile.

However, the position in all organizations sounds the same - customer service manager, service specialist, administrator, etc. As a bachelor's career progresses, he may hold the position of facility manager, public relations specialist, or working with corporate and major clients.

Holding any of the above positions, a specialist must provide clients with the opportunity to receive high-quality services in their field. In other words, a service specialist organizes the activities of a company providing services, works on the formation and development of a client base, attracts new clients through various events and offers, and monitors the quality of services provided.

Most often, university graduates with a bachelor's degree work in restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, hairdressers, car service centers and various consumer services. Starting wage in this area is 25,000 rubles, but it can be increased due to a percentage of the number of attracted clients or due to a number of other bonuses.

Degree (qualification)– Bachelor

Program type: Academic bachelor's degree

Program profile: Entertainment Service Management

Types of professional activities: research, organizational and managerial, service.

Training period- 4 years.

Form of study– full-time

General characteristics of the area of ​​training

Currently, the service sector is one of the dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. The main task of modern service is to study the needs of clients, since it is the client who today decides which goods or services will be in demand in the market. The area of ​​professional activity of bachelors in the field of training 43.03.01 “Service” includes service processes that ensure the provision of services to consumers in entertainment industry organizations.


Graduates will be able to work as administrators, consultants, and specialists in working with commercial and corporate clients in any service sector organizations.

Direction 43.03.01 “Service” prepares practically universal specialists who are equally well versed in both business and the psychology of relationships, which guarantees the future specialist social mobility and allows him to easily comprehend the specifics of related specialties and professions.

  • A graduate of the direction 43.03.01 “Service” can hold the positions of administrator, manager, consultant, assistant, tour guide, customer service specialist in the following institutions:
  • Shopping and entertainment centers,
  • Cultural and leisure centers and clubs,
  • Exhibition centers and art galleries,
  • Fitness clubs;,
  • Beauty Salons
  • Houses of Culture,;
  • Travel companies
  • Hotel complexes;,
  • Commercial organizations
  • Advertising and information agencies,

Post-sales and service organizations.

Description of the main educational program Students in this direction study economic disciplines in depth - marketing and management, fundamentals entrepreneurial activity . Students also study disciplines aimed at developing organizational and management skills, become familiar with the basics of advertising and promotion of goods and services, learn to build client relationships, and diagnose service objects. As part of the psychological block, students study professional ethics

In addition to theoretical classes, students of the direction 43.03.01 “Service” prepare presentations and term papers, carry out marketing and sociological research, go on excursions to cultural, leisure and tourist centers of our republic.

For this direction, a combination of traditional and innovative technologies training, including developing skills in teamwork, interpersonal communication, decision making, leadership skills (conducting group discussions and projects, analysis business situations, holding role playing games, trainings), teaching disciplines in the form of proprietary courses according to programs compiled on the basis of the results of research from scientific schools of the university. IN educational process The use of online seminars is widely used.

Educational standards, curricula and discipline programs are posted on the official website of the university in the sections:


In order to study modern relevant technologies in the service sector, students of the direction have the opportunity to undergo internships in the following enterprises and organizations of the republic:

Professional activities:

Bachelor in the field of study 43.03.01 “Service” is prepared for the decision professional tasks in accordance with the selected basic and additional types professional activity:

Research activities:

  • Development of elements for optimizing service activities;
  • Participation in consumer demand research;
  • Needs monitoring;
  • Participation in research into the psychological characteristics of the consumer, taking into account national, regional and socio-demographic factors;
  • Participation in the research and implementation of quality management methods, standardization and certification of products and services, and the formation of client relationships;

Organizational and managerial activities:

  • Participation in planning the activities of a service enterprise;
  • Participation in organizing the contact area for servicing consumers;
  • Selection of optimal service processes that meet consumer needs, organization of the process of providing consumer services. Including taking into account social policy state, development of client relations;
  • Assessment of production and non-production costs to support the activities of service enterprises;

Service activities:

  • Carrying out examination and (or) diagnostics of service objects;
  • Selecting the necessary methods and means of the service process;
  • Generalization of the required version of the service process, selection of resources and tools, taking into account consumer requirements;
  • Providing services to the consumer, including taking into account the social policy of the state, developing client relationships.

Opportunity to study in an accelerated bachelor's program:

Form of study– correspondence;

Training period– 3.5 years;

Level of previous education– SPO and HPO;

Previous education profile- doesn't matter.

Opportunities to participate in regional, national and international events

Students of the direction 43.03.01 “Service” take part in the Annual Scientific Student Conference and other scientific events held in our republic:

  • All-Russian scientific conference “Regional tourism: experience, problems, prospects”, Izhevsk;
  • All-Russian scientific conference “Current trends in social communications: history and modernity”, Izhevsk;

Staffing of the educational process

The graduating department in the direction 43.03.01 “Service” is the Department of Cultural Studies and Management in Culture. The teaching staff of the department is 5 people, of which 1 is a doctor and 2 are candidates of science. Teachers of the department conduct active scientific and

methodological work

, constantly improve their skills. The only corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in our republic, Doctor of Historical Sciences Napolskikh V.V., who is a recognized world authority in the field of Finno-Ugric mythology and linguistics, works at the department. Classroom and logistical support of the educational process

Currently, the Institute of Social Communications has a material and technical base that ensures all types of training (lectures and practical classes) for students provided for electronic publications basic educational literature in the disciplines of the basic part of all cycles. The Additional Literature Fund contains official, reference, bibliographic and specialized periodicals.

In the educational process, students have the opportunity to use the resources of the Web portal of the integrated information and analytical system.

Cooperation with scientific institutions

The Department of Cultural Studies and Management in Culture cooperates in the scientific and educational sphere with the Udmurt Institute of Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Udmurt branch of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Telephone: (3412) 916–210, 916–035

Fax machine: (3412) 916–211

Address: 426034, Izhevsk, st. Universitetskaya, 1, building 4, room 517

VKontakte page.


Bachelors in this area are prepared for service, production, technological, and organizational and managerial professional activities. Students are taught:

  • carry out examination and diagnostics of service objects;
  • select the necessary methods and means for the service process;
  • provide services to consumers taking into account social government policy;
  • develop regulations for the service process in accordance with customer requests;
  • be able to select materials, equipment and tools;
  • control the quality of service;
  • implement and use Information Systems in the professional field;
  • organize a contact zone for consumer services;
  • plan the activities of an enterprise providing services to consumers;
  • take part in the formation of relationships with clients;
  • evaluate non-production and production cost items to support activities;
  • develop elements for optimizing the provision of services;
  • participate in research of client preferences and needs;
  • research psychological characteristics consumers, taking into account national-regional and socio-demographic factors.

Who to work with

With a bachelor's degree, specialists work as administrators in shopping and entertainment complexes, restaurants, beauty salons and other establishments in the service sector. Graduates who are fluent in public speaking can work as teachers in educational institutions. Some find their calling in the profession of a tour guide. Other bachelors get jobs as assistant secretary or manager. Begin career they can from the position of a commercial agent. As the qualifications and level of knowledge improve, a bachelor can apply for the post of leader of a group of commercial agents.

The level of education

Higher - Bachelor's degree

Entrance tests / Unified State Exam

1. Mathematics (profile);
2. Russian language;
3. Social studies


Duration: 4 years
Budget places: 25
Special quota of places: 3
Target quota of places:
Off-budget places: 5
Price: 83,000 rub. in year


Duration: 5 years
Off-budget places: 25
Price: 25,000 rub. in year

Admission deadlines

Full-time budget form:
June 20 - July 25 (07/13 based on open source software)
Full-time extra-budgetary form:
June 20 - August 28 (08/22 based on open source software)
Extra-budgetary form:
June 20 - September 19 (4.09 based on open source software)

Institute of Transport, Service and Tourism (Vorotynets) Program description
The program is focused on training specialists in the field of management of a hotel complex and other accommodation facilities, catering establishments, and excursion organizations. Bachelors who have successfully completed the program in the “Service” direction are in demand in socio-cultural, cultural, entertainment, leisure centers, tourist complexes, private leisure companies, sanatorium-resort and recreational complexes. Qualification of a bachelor of service (profile “Socio-cultural service”) makes it possible to work in cultural and leisure activities, museum and excursion management, EVENT management, tourist animation, organization corporate events, as well as in the tourism and hospitality industry. Sociocultural service is a large segment of services aimed at meeting the needs related to the social, cultural and spiritual needs of people.

Professional disciplines
Organization and planning of the activities of service enterprises;
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship;
Hotel service technology;
Business planning in sociocultural activities;
Animation activities in sociocultural services;
Organization of consumer services for catering organizations;
Professional ethics and etiquette;
Service activities;
Information technologies in service;
Service management;
Marketing in service;
Speech communication in the service sector;
Technologies and methods of health services;
Museum studies and organization of excursion activities.

Practice databases
Cruise company Vodohod LLC;
Cruise company LLC "Gama";
LLC "Fisherman's House";
Recreation center "Volga";
MBU DOOC "Volzhsky Bereg";
LLC "Kalitka M7";
LLC Hotel "Volna"

Positions held
Account Manager;
Waiters, administrators, bartenders;
Office Manager;
Additional education teacher;
Head of the Department of Educational Work;
Director of the Children's Health Center;
Head of the Laboratory of Recreational Tourism;
Teacher of disciplines in the enlarged group of specialties “Service and Tourism” at the technical school

Interesting Facts
Gafurov A. – Team-leader “Avani Deira Dubai Hotel”, Dubai UAE;
Fedorova N. – specialist in the management of culture and tourism of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the ATU Gagauzia, Moldova