Professional standard of the head of an educational organization. The professional standard of the head of an educational organization accepts proposals. Why is a professional standard of the head of an educational organization needed?

Professional standards for teachers 2017year - a new phenomenon in Russian labor law. Let’s see what exactly the state plans to implement in this area and for which teaching professions professional standards will apply from the beginning of 2017.

Goals of introducing the professional standard for teachers by the Ministry of Labor

Since June 2016, Russia began introducing professional standards - documents detailing the level of qualifications that each of the workers listed in them must have. As of May 2017, standards have been approved for more than 35 areas of activity - and the first place among them is the education sector.

The reason for the introduction of professional standards by the Ministry was the unsatisfactory situation that prevailed in determining the qualifications that workers should have in those areas to which the state pays Special attention. The norms in force before the adoption of professional standards are only advisory in nature and are not always applied in practice. In addition, some of the descriptions of professions in the field of education were approved more than 20 years ago and simply do not correspond to the current situation.

The state and the president personally see one of the ways to correct the current situation as the approval of universally binding standards for those who work in the pedagogical field. The introduction of professional standards for teachers will solve several issues at once:

  1. Determine exactly what qualifications a teacher should have.
  2. Provide the necessary training for future workers in this field.
  3. Notify educators of the requirements that will apply to them.
  4. Involve teachers, educators and professors themselves in raising the level of education in Russia.

General characteristics of professional standards for teachers

Overall professional standard teaching staff is a document on which depends:

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  • the ability of a particular person to work in the teaching field;
  • wages;
  • procedure for calculating length of service;
  • determining the amount of pension;
  • planning a career as a teacher.

In a word, the professional standard of a teacher is a document that not only establishes the basic requirements for a teacher’s qualifications, but also gives general definition activities carried out by this employee.

In general, the professional standard is a framework document and, if necessary, is supplemented by requirements approved in the regions, taking into account local characteristics. Besides, internal standards educational institutions can also contain Additional requirements to a teacher.

Draft professional standard for teachers in 2013, professional standards for teaching staff in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

The development of professional standards for teachers began long before the date of their planned implementation. The first approved project in this area was general professional standard, defining the profession - “Teacher”. It was adopted in December 2013.

This document establishes a list labor functions for teachers, educators and professors, divided into several categories:

  • preschool education (for children under 7 years old);
  • primary education (grades 1-4);
  • basic education (grades 5-9);
  • secondary (up to 11th grade).

In this case we're talking about about teachers working in the field general education, which every child in Russia has the right to count on. Vocational education is described in separate regulatory documents.

In 2014, no professional standards for teaching staff were adopted, but in 2015, the Ministry of Labor approved 3 professional standards at once:

  • for educational psychologist;
  • teacher working in the field additional education(both children and adults);
  • teacher involved in vocational training.

Since July 2016, professional standards have become mandatory, but an exception has been made for teachers - for representatives of this profession, the mandatory use of professional standards is dated January 1, 2017.

Content and structure of the completed professional teacher standard

All professional standards are developed according to a single layout, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147n dated April 12, 2013. According to this order, professional standards for any employees, including teachers, must consist of the following parts:

  1. general characteristics professions. It indicates exactly what the profession is called, what specific activities are carried out by the workers engaged in it, as well as its classification according to OKVED and OKZ.
  2. Functional map. This section describes those functions that are included in teaching activities.
  3. Characteristics of labor functions. Here, each of the generalized labor functions (in fact, areas of activity) is described in detail, indicating the requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. It also describes the knowledge, skills and specific types of actions that a teacher, educator or teacher performs.
  4. Information about the developing organizations.

The specific content for each of the professional standards depends on what specific teaching profession it was compiled for.

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The professional standard of a teacher will become mandatory from January 1, 2017, but the introduction of the professional standard of a manager educational organization postponed for now.

The reason for the delay is that the competencies of the heads of kindergartens, schools, colleges, and universities vary significantly. It is difficult to establish uniform requirements for the heads of such different educational organizations. However, the development of the professional standard for the head of an educational organization continues.

It will include general information about the position and a description of the manager’s job functions, as well as the requirements for education and experience that the manager must have.

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The professional standard of the head of an educational organization accepts proposals

  • 3402
  • 17.02.2017

The FIRO website presents the current version of the professional standard “Head of an educational organization”, modified based on the results of comments received from the expert community and federal bodies executive power. Comments and suggestions are accepted.

The need to develop a professional standard for managing an educational organization (preschool educational organization, educational organization, professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education, organization of additional education, organization of additional vocational education) is caused by many factors. In particular, project management methodology has become widespread in recent decades in the management of educational organizations. However, the work of many managers today is based on an intuitive level within the framework of the so-called “manual control,” says the explanatory note to the document.

The need to develop a professional standard for the head of an educational organization is related to the requirements of Article 51 Federal Law No. 273-FZ, which determines that candidates for the position of head of an educational organization must have higher education and match qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books for the relevant positions of heads of educational organizations and (or) professional standards.

Currently, the requirements for the qualifications of heads of educational organizations are described in two sections of the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees (EKS), while the description of positions is exemplary in nature, which makes it difficult to use, as in the field labor relations, and in the field of education.

In contrast to the qualification characteristics presented in the EKS, professional standards describe activities, not positions, and, accordingly, establish requirements for education and work experience necessary to perform general labor functions (GLF) and labor functions (LF) included in them, and not to occupy a particular position.

The problem of professional standards is not new to international practice, the document notes. Analysis of Russian and international professional standards of similar professional activity showed that in the USA and most European countries, a professional standard is understood as a detailed description of the measurable requirements for the results and quality of performance by employees of their functions within a specific type of professional activity (profession), expressed in terms of competencies. For example, in the USA there are three types of professional standards: code professional ethics, which contains ethical guidelines, a code of qualification standards, which contains guidelines regarding the experience and level of education required for the job, and a code of professional standards, which contains specific instructions for performing a particular job. A prime example of occupational standards governing levels of achievement are the UK's National Qualifications for Vocational Education and Training (NVET), which provide framework qualifications for all occupations and industries.