Bed linen business where to start. How to open a bed linen boutique

It is known that people who know how to master a sewing needle have enjoyed universal respect since ancient times.

Handicrafts (such as sewing and embroidery) have always been important, since clothing is a basic necessity for humans, no less necessary than food or water.

Hence, it is not surprising that many entrepreneurs have chosen tailoring as a niche for doing business. Currently, a huge number of brands and brands offering their products to consumers. But it is very difficult to take your place in this area.

How to choose a profitable niche for business?

Today, the service market offers tailoring for both the general public and exclusive individual models for wealthy clients. In addition, we manufacture accessories and much more. There are millions of new and old ideas for entrepreneurs.

But if you rely not only on fashion trends, it becomes clear that in Everyday life Every person has one more very important place- this is his personal space for relaxation. Everyone knows the feeling of joy and peace experienced after a day of work on beautiful linens in your favorite bed. If you think about it, every person, regardless of gender and age, has several sets of bed linen. Therefore, clothing and food are not the only things people need in everyday life. Then it is logical to consider sewing bed linen as a business. Where to begin?

To organize any business, including sewing bed linen at home, a business plan is essential. But don’t rush to spend all your available funds. Before compiling it and detailed calculation of all expenses and income, you need to find out whether the production of bed linen is a quickly paying off business with high profits.

Profitability assessment

According to statistics, more than 50 million Russian families use up to seven sets of bed linen. Sales growth is growing year by year, averaging 25%. Russian manufacturers are the absolute market leaders. Almost 75% of consumers use their products. Türkiye and China are less popular among Russians. Expensive bed linen from Italian brands is purchased much less frequently, and even then most often as a gift.

It becomes clear that sewing bed linen for sale is very profitable. With high demand, this type of activity has little competition, which means that sewing bed linen as a business will bring good profit entrepreneur and will quickly pay off. Another advantage is that its organization requires a minimum of equipment.

Stages of organizing the production of bed linen at home

Producing bed linen at home does not require specific cutter skills. But when organizing larger-scale production, such specialists are needed. Sewing bed linen is a fairly simple type of manual labor.

All sets are made according to patterns established by European standards, which is why it compares favorably with tailoring, which is famous for its variety of models and sizes. The technology of sewing bed linen itself is simple. It can be divided into several stages: laying out patterns on fabric, cutting, sewing with processing of the edges of the product and wet-heat treatment of the finished sleeping set.

For entrepreneurs who decide to start sewing bed linen at home, a business plan can be calculated faster and much easier if you seek the help of specialists. But here you need to decide in what volume you are going to produce the selected products. Please note that the costs clothing industry production of bed linen on a factory scale differ significantly in the amount of financial investments.

Fabric selection

According to marketing research, Russian consumers, when purchasing bed linen, give the greatest preference to fabrics made from natural raw materials. These include cotton (calico), linen, silk and satin. Calico linen occupies a leading place in sales in Russian market. As you know, calico is a cotton fabric characterized by a very dense weave of threads.

This material is practical to use, since it is not subject to deformation during repeated washing, and the pattern applied to the fabric does not fade or fade during ironing and other wet-heat treatment. Calico, unlike other natural fabrics, practically does not wrinkle.

Bed linen made from cotton fabric is hypoallergenic and comfortable to use, and considering its low market value, then it becomes clear that this is the undisputed sales leader, and the demand for it is unlikely to decrease.

What determines whether your business will be highly profitable?

From social survey data it follows that more than half of Russian residents, when buying bed linen for personal use, give preference to domestic manufacturers. High demand and relatively little competition in this market segment allow us to confidently say that the production of bed linen is a business with quite large profits received in a short period of time. So where to start this highly profitable activity? How to sew bed linen for sale?

Required Documentation

First you need to register with the nearest tax office as an individual entrepreneur by filling out the relevant documents and selecting the necessary system taxation. It should be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business must be legal. After receiving a certificate of registration by the tax authority, you can begin purchasing the necessary equipment.

To sew bed linen at home, you must have household equipment - sewing machine, overcasting unit (overlocker) and ironing iron.

To establish a business with high profitability, you shouldn’t skimp on sewing equipment.

But that is not all. It must be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business at home and within a large enterprise has significant differences both in the preparation of documents in all required authorities, and in material costs for equipment and premises rental.

How to open a bed linen store?

Business related bed linen, at proper organization and preliminary analysis of the market and competitors will certainly be profitable. Bedding is in demand at any time of the year, regardless of the age and status of buyers. But, like any business, this type business requires careful preparation, because the idea of ​​​​selling bed linen is not new at all, therefore, in order for the business to be profitable and not have to be closed soon after opening, original ideas and unusual offers for customers are needed.

What is a bed linen store?

A store specializing in the sale of bed linen is trade Organization, which sells sheets, bedding sets, pajamas, bedspreads and other bedding items. Not a single family, not a single person can do without bed linen or any other set. Every person has it in their home, at least in two sets.

Bed linen businessa good option for a novice entrepreneur, since the demand for it is constant, and crises and other negative economic phenomena are unlikely to have a strong impact.

The main disadvantage is that the market is overloaded with such supply. It's very difficult to come up with something original. If previously there were monochromatic colors of bedding sets, now not only the materials and colors are changing, but also sets appear in 3D format. Therefore, in the absence original ideas It will be difficult to gain a foothold in the market, because companies that have been operating for a long time displace newcomers quite quickly.

If the conditions are met, the business will begin to actively develop. And if we take into account the fact that bed linen is an excellent gift and customers often buy it for the holidays, then with a favorable location and flow of customers, the payback period will be less than a year. And under successful circumstances, even for six months, the profit will be equal to at least 300,000 rubles (minus taxes and other payments (rent, wage)).

Store format and assortment

If the market and competitors have been thoroughly studied and thoughts have appeared on the topic of the product itself, then it’s time to start choosing the assortment and format of the store. On this moment There are two most common options for opening a bed linen store: an online store and a regular one.

The online store is known to everyone for its minimal costs. For a more complete picture, you can view popular sites selling bed linen and analyze their policies. And then start creating your own. The main costs will be creating a website and advertising it. But they are minimal compared to a regular store.

If you choose to sell bed linen in standard stores, then you will have to spend money on the first initial stage on personnel, premises, equipment and advertising. The room must be spacious, because the sets are large and buyers must have the opportunity to take a closer look at the material, color, and size. There must be sufficient space for samples.

When choosing an assortment, it is necessary to take into account the demand for a particular set. Manufacturers are different: some produce exclusive and expensive bed linen, while others, on the contrary, for people with average incomes. The second option is preferable for any city.

The standard range includes the following products:

  1. Towels.
  2. Robes, pajamas, nightgowns, underwear.
  3. Pillows, sheets, blankets, pillowcases, blankets.

The products offered should be as diverse as possible. This is another condition for successful activity, which applies to material, color, format, and quality. Also, buyers should be able to buy products in different price categories.

What will it take to open a store?

To open your own store selling bed linen, First you need to calculate approximate costs. This amount will have to be invested at the initial stage. Considering that the premises must be quite spacious (from 30 - 50 m2), purchase of equipment (racks, cash register, shelves, cabinets) - 200,000 rubles, purchase of goods, renovation of the premises - 300,000 rubles, advertising, wages, settlements with suppliers and other expenses associated with business promotion - 400,000 - 500,000 rubles, then at least one million rubles must be available.

The next step is registration. A legal entity is subject to registration, and must also receive confirmation from the fire department and sanitary and epidemiological station that the premises fully comply with all requirements.

General questions about store organization

Room. In addition to the large space, it should be bright, cozy, ideally combined with the assortment and located in the right area. You can rent premises in a shopping center, which will be beneficial in terms of customer flow, or you can sell bed linen in a separately rented store. If you listen to the opinion successful businessmen, then it’s better to stay in a residential area.

But the store should not be located in the outback. It should be on the main street, in a crowded place. Still, pastel sets are not an impulse purchase. It's very rare that shoppers go grocery shopping and buy a pillow or blanket along the way. As a rule, they go after this purposefully. Therefore, the location in a residential area will be very advantageous. But when choosing an area, it is important to pay attention to whether there is an overabundance of similar stores. Additional competition is not needed at all.

Employees. For the first time, it will be enough to hire a qualified accountant who will deal with all monetary issues, calculations and financial transactions. Of course, you can do this yourself, but without special knowledge it is unlikely that you will be able to get the most complete picture reflecting all current activities. In addition to an accountant, you will definitely need sales consultants. Two people will be enough. You can also hire a cashier and a cleaner. For sales to go up, all personnel must have competent speech, neat appearance, the necessary knowledge.

How to attract customers and increase sales?

To sell bed linen profitably, you need to use marketing techniques. Even before the store opens, customers should be notified of the upcoming news. This can be done using booklets, flyers, and small advertisements. A large sign above the store, on which it will be written in large bright letters that it will open very soon, will not be superfluous.

On the very first day of work, promotions and discounts are a must. The vast majority of buyers of bed linen and related products are women. Psychologists have found that women are more susceptible to all kinds of discount offers. This means you need to constantly organize sales days and advertise your store (it is not necessary to use television or magazines). It could be public transport, and the Internet. Customers should find out about a new store with a good selection. If there are customers, there will be large sales volumes.

The bed linen business has its advantages and disadvantages. Aspiring entrepreneurs with no previous experience may find it difficult at first to gain a foothold in the market due to the sheer number of competitors. But having in your baggage a certain strategy and ideas on how you can attract customers and how you can surprise them, you will definitely be able to achieve significant success and take a high position among competitors.

Today, many people who want to start their own business are interested in questions about how to open a bed linen store. Are such products in demand? How to create a constant influx of buyers? What does a successful business plan for a bed linen store look like? Are there additional sources of income? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many beginning businessmen.

Is selling bed linen profitable?

In fact, bed linen is a thing that hardly anyone in the home can live without. This is why an inexpensive bed linen store is a great idea for creating a profitable business.

Naturally, underwear is not an essential product, and people do not buy it very often. However, with the right approach and organization of sales, a store can generate good income.

After all, in addition to private homes, there are also hotels, hospitals, health centers, recreation centers and a host of other places where bed linen is needed often and in large quantities. In addition, it can be a wonderful gift for almost any occasion.

And if you are planning to create your own business, then first you will need a clear business plan for a bed linen store. Even before the opening, you must understand all the details and consider all possible options for the development of events.

How to open a bed linen store? We prepare the necessary documents

Of course, in order to obtain a trade permit, you first need to formally register with the tax service. IN in this case it's best to open up as individual entrepreneur. If you open own business Together with a partner, you can form a limited liability company.

As in any other store, first you need to check the sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as the fire department. They must provide confirmation that the premises you rented (or purchased) complied with all necessary standards.

Where is the best place to rent a room?

If you are interested in the question of how to open a bed linen store, you should know that location plays an important role. It is best to rent space near a large supermarket or in a shopping center - in these places there are always a lot of buyers who can come to you.

In addition, a retail outlet can be opened in or near the market. The central, lively part of the city is also suitable, because there are always a lot of people here. This does not mean at all that if you open a store, for example, in a residential area, it will not become profitable - it’s just that in such cases it will take much more time to create a sufficient influx of customers.

On the other hand, do not forget about competition. If your chosen location already has one or more similar stores, then you should consider moving it, as this may affect your profits. But even in such cases, you can win by paying more attention to the range, features of your enterprise and decent service.

How to set up a store?

When choosing a suitable room, you should pay attention to its area. Of course, some lingerie stores are very small.

But remember that your clients should feel comfortable and comfortable in your place. In addition, you will need a small separate room for staff, as well as a place to store goods.

As for the design, you shouldn’t be too zealous here. A light, warm shade of the walls and good lighting will be enough.

Of course, you can decorate your store with subtle decorations, such as artificial flowers, a few indoor plants, photos of your bedroom and/or the products you sell. If you are going to offer clients pajamas and nightwear, then it is advisable to supply several mannequins that would demonstrate the most successful models.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about shelves, racks, tables and other necessary furniture intended for displaying and storing goods - a competent business plan for a bed linen store should include all these points.

How to choose a product range?

Of course, every novice businessman is interested in the question of how to sell bed linen. For trading to be successful, it is necessary to provide the buyer with a wide choice. Remember that, most likely, your customers will be people with different income levels, so the store’s assortment should cover all categories of the population.

Let your store offer both cheaper options and expensive, sophisticated bedding. Also take care of the variety of materials (for example, offer customers sheets made of cotton, silk, etc.) and colors (many customers select linen by color). Your store should stock both complete bedding sets and individual items such as pillowcases, sheets, etc.

If you are interested in how to open a bed linen store and make it profitable, it is worth expanding your assortment. You can sell not only linens, but also towels (in different sizes, colors and qualities), pajamas, decorative pillowcases, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins, bathrobes, tea towels, etc. During the winter months, it is wise to stock your shelves with blankets and throws.

Some businessmen try to stand out from their competitors by selling unusual products. This is a rather risky move, which, however, can bring additional income. If you don't want to take any risks, you can purchase several unique bedding sets, such as black silk sheets or leopard print sets. In addition, you can offer customers a service for ordering lingerie - if you do not have the required color or size in stock, you can provide the client with a catalog and promise delivery of the selected product in the near future.

Encyclopedic reference: a bed linen store is a trade organization specializing in retail sales sheets, bedding sets, bedspreads, pajamas, nighties and other bedding.

The demand for bed linen seems constant and independent of crises and production declines. However, before opening your own bed linen store, you should carefully study the market - there are regions where, due to an overabundance of offers, it is extremely difficult to achieve success in this niche. Our article will help you make a decision and create a solid foundation for a stable business.

Step by Step to Creating a Profitable Bedding Store

Step one: preparing the legal and material base

As with other retail outlets, registration is required to open a bedding store legal entity or individual entrepreneur, as well as confirmation from the SES and fire supervision that the selected premises meets existing requirements.

The optimal solution for such point of sale- a small pavilion at a manufactured goods market or a room in a large shopping center. A good option is a bed linen store in a residential area.

Bed linen and bedding are bulk products. To effectively present the existing assortment, will you need at least 15 m? retail space. You also need space for storage and utility rooms.

Pay attention to the interior - a pleasant atmosphere should reign in the store, because you are selling not just household items, but elements of home comfort.

Step two: we form an assortment

To correctly formulate an assortment and understand whether a bed linen store will be profitable, research the preferences of the consumer audience. Experienced entrepreneurs warn that it is difficult to “unwind” on bed linen alone; it is better to diversify the assortment with pillows, blankets, towels, and bathrobes.

By offering products of different brands and price categories for sale, you will provide your store with the interest of a wide range of customers. The economy segment - the basis of the assortment - can be formed from domestically produced bed linen (from Ivanovo or Yegoryevsk cotton fabrics) and inexpensive products from China. Calico or satin bed linen from Turkey - optimal choice for the middle price category. “Luxury” sets are the newfangled ultra-step or silk from Italy, France or Spain.

As the experience of most owners of such retail outlets shows, there is no point in offering customers only what seems high-quality and beautiful to you personally - determine empirically the most popular models and colors and focus on them. Analysts have calculated that in order to bring a small store to a profitable level, you need to sell at least 4 sets per day.

Step three: looking for suppliers

It only makes sense to contact wholesalers if you plan to start with small purchases. But even then, the prospect of reaching manufacturers directly should be considered. The easiest way is to organize deliveries from Ivanovo or from others Russian manufacturers. Gradually you will be able to reach international market, purchasing bed linen, towels, bathrobes and other products from factories in Turkey, China, and other countries.

Where can I get money?

Knowing the cost of rent and the amount of investment in the first batch of goods, you can calculate how much it costs to open a bed linen store. Entrepreneurs with experience advise not to be afraid of loans - with a markup of 50% on domestic products and 100% on linen from China and Turkey, an average store can pay for itself in 6–12 months.

Underwater rocks

A decline in sales may occur not due to a crisis or low season, but due to fashion changes. In order not to lose profits, carefully monitor changes in consumer tastes and promptly update your assortment.

Let's sum it up

You can enter the bed linen market with small investments. With proper organization of supplies and trade, this business can bring stable income. Advantages - quick payback, constant demand. Disadvantages - high competition, difficulty in determining leading positions.

Bed linen is one of the most popular products on the market. A wide range of different products, from sheets to blankets, allows you to open stores with a large number of positions, different manufacturers and prices. In addition, such a product is one of the most popular gifts, which is also important, because as you know, there is never too much bed linen in a house.

In this article we will look at how to open a bed linen store in your city, find out what you need to focus on and how to make a profit.

The main advantages of such a store:

There are various manufacturers on the modern market. Domestic and Chinese goods are in greatest demand; sets from Europe (Italy, France, etc.) are less in demand. 85% of products sold fall into the cheap and medium segment of bed linen. If we talk about classification, it can be designated as follows:

  • low price segment - up to $30;
  • middle price class – $30 – $80;
  • elite sets – from $80 and above.

There is no point in buying luxury bed linen, but it is more likely to be done by those people who care about the brand. Our and Chinese manufacturers are working towards the low and medium price segment.


For official trade bed linen, you will need to fill out a number of documents and obtain permission from inspection services.

Here is a list of what you will need:

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia this is code 52.41.1. For Ukraine – code 51.41.0.
  • recruit staff.
  • enter into a lease agreement for the premises.
  • have quality certificates for the goods on hand.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.
  • obtain work permits from the SES and fire service.

This is the basic documentation necessary to run your business. But to be sure that all the paperwork is completed correctly, we advise you to contact an experienced lawyer for qualified assistance.


If you consider selling bed linen as a serious business, then in order to be successful you need to be very careful about choosing a suitable retail location.

The list of the most attractive places includes:

  • well-promoted shopping centers that accommodate married couples.
  • manufactured goods markets with a large number of visitors.
  • Shopping centers in residential areas.

It is worth noting here that from the format shopping center The price segment of the goods sold will also depend.

The area of ​​the room must be from 15 sq.m. and higher. Still, the assortment provided at such points is quite voluminous and you need to somehow present it beautifully to visitors.

To open a bed linen department, you will also need a special retail store equipment. Usually it consists of several structural elements.

  • racks with shelves.
  • glass showcase.
  • exhibition stands.
  • racks and hangers. In case of selling sleepwear.
  • coffee table with a catalog of products to order.
  • cash machine.
  • furniture for the seller's workplace + office equipment.

An important point is the design of the room. Here you need to use light structures and light colors, since the atmosphere in the department should be associated with sleep and home comfort. Pay special attention to the lighting of display cases and shelves. Product presentation needs to be given attention special meaning, combine different colors, design stands with discounts, etc.

Product range

Even at the initial stage of drawing up a business plan for a bed linen store, it is important to analyze the competition and understand which product items are selling well, and what it is better to refrain from buying at the start. Usually when opening a retail outlet start-up capital limited, and I don’t want to buy goods that will then gather dust on the shelves. We can make one recommendation. You can go to the most popular online stores selling lingerie and look through the category, trending or popular products. Having written out the main positions, you will ultimately have a general picture of what is currently in demand on the market and these models will definitely be popular.

If we consider the popularity of materials, they can be placed in the following order: cotton, linen, satin and silk. These materials are sold differently depending on the season. For example, linen bedding works better in summer, but terry linen in winter. Based on this seasonality, you can plan your assortment.

The second point when compiling an assortment for a store is the company and country of manufacture. We have already written above that domestic and Chinese products sell well because they charge a price. But you should also have foreign brands in your assortment, for example Turkish or European underwear.

Also pay attention to this hot commodity like baby bedding. People buy it all the time, and here, too, you need to ensure a good selection.

Your task is to ensure that a customer who enters your store can choose the item that interests him. And this is ensured by the availability of goods of various price segments and varied designs.

In addition to the main category of goods, you can add: pillows and blankets, sleepwear, towels, home perfumes and other related products.


The choice of supplier will determine how much you will earn by opening a bed linen business. There are many suppliers, and almost all of them are intermediaries from factories, with their own markup on the goods.

When purchasing domestically produced goods, it is best to go directly to the manufacturing plants. This way, you can get a good discount and avoid intermediaries and set a competitive retail price tag.

If we are talking about European brands or Chinese products, then you cannot do without intermediaries and you will have to work with them.

When concluding a supply contract, stipulate the terms. For example, if you buy large volumes of goods in the future, can you count on a discount?


Advertising is the engine of sales. This market segment is no exception. In addition to the walk-through shopping center and a bright sign, you can use other sales methods, for example, distributing leaflets, banners and advertisements in the media.

If you work in a large city, then it is quite possible to sell bed linen online. You can start such a business by publishing offers on bulletin boards and in in social networks. In the future, you can create an online store and use search engine promotion and contextual advertising.

Conduct promotions, issue cards regular customers with discount. These methods work well and will ensure that customers return to you again and again.

How much money do you need to start?

When making calculations for a bed linen store, you need to take into account absolutely all costs in order to really understand when your investment will pay off cash and you will start earning money.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment – ​​$3000 – $3500
  • paperwork – $200
  • corporate identity – $180
  • starting purchase of goods – $8000 – $1000

In addition to starting investments, in your business plan, indicate the monthly costs of maintaining this business.

Monthly expenses:

  • rent for the premises - $15 - $20 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $25
  • taxes – $120
  • salary – from $250 per seller.
  • advertising – $90
  • replenishment of product range – from $2000
  • unplanned expenses – $150

To save on start-up capital, you can buy used equipment. But here it is important to look at his condition. Also, at first you don’t have to hire a seller and work on your own. This will reduce the cost of running a business.

How much can you earn?

Let's start with the fact that the average markup percentage in this business is about 50% - 60%.

You can sell 5 – 20 items per day, with an average receipt of $30. We get about $75 minus the purchase price. About $2250 per month. Subtract monthly expenses - $1000 - $1100 net income.

Conclusions. Selling bed linen is enough promising business idea, but you need to carefully study the competition and, first of all, rely on the cheap product segment. Connect various advertising methods, including online sales.

Do you have experience in this niche? We look forward to your feedback and advice in the comments below.