The concept of quality and effectiveness of government management decisions. The concept of quality and efficiency of management decisions Quality and efficiency of government management decisions

Organizational support management decisions requires a certain system of control over their implementation. Every manager strives to create a system that would give him the opportunity to monitor the quality of management decisions, especially the mechanism for their implementation and self-realization in the business behavior of employees.

The quality of management decisions depends on

How resistant are they to “failure” situations?

To what extent were they deformed by the mistakes of the performers,

How those defects that were spontaneously incorporated into the management decision when it was made, when it was difficult to foresee all its consequences, began to appear.

The quality of management decisions directly depends on the amount of processed information and the timing of the results.

The quality of management decisions should be understood as the degree of its compliance with the nature of the tasks being resolved in the functioning and development of production systems. In other words, to what extent does the management decision ensure further development paths? production system in the conditions of formation of market relations.

Factors that determine the quality and effectiveness of management decisions can be classified according to various criteria - both internal factors (related to the management and managed systems) and external factors (influence environment). These factors include:

    laws of the objective world related to the adoption and implementation of management decisions;

    a clear statement of the goal - why the management decision is being made, what real results can be achieved, how to measure, correlate the goal and the results achieved;

    volume and value of available information - for the successful adoption of SD, the main thing is not the volume of information, but the value determined by the level of professionalism, experience, and intuition of personnel;

    time for developing a management decision - as a rule, management decisions are always made under conditions of time shortage and emergency circumstances (lack of resources, activity of competitors, market conditions, inconsistent behavior of politicians);

    organizational management structures;

    forms and methods of implementing management activities;

    methods and techniques for developing and implementing management decisions (for example, if a company is in the lead - one technique, if it follows others - another);

    subjectivity of evaluation of the solution choice option. The more extraordinary the management decision, the more subjective the assessment.

    state of the control and managed systems ( psychological climate, authority of the manager, professional qualifications of personnel, etc.);

    a system of expert assessments of the level of quality and effectiveness of management decisions.

A management decision is an intermediate product of a manager’s activity; at the final stage it is transformed into a control action, which, in turn, serves as an element of this process. All management is structured into such components that interact with each other. Therefore, it can be defined as a system. Therefore, its quality is a set of relevant indicators of the process as a whole, elements and connections between them.

Since the management process is a system, the quality of the result is manifested through indicators of the characteristics of system properties.

    Quality level is assessed by the degree of their compliance with the standard indicator. Exceeding their values ​​is a high level, equality is normal, in other cases it is low. Technology quality level management activities is established in relation to the costs of performing functions, stages, procedures, etc., with the same result. The smaller they are, the higher the level of quality of work.

    The question is not how modern these technologies are, but to what extent they are costly. Indicators of characteristics of the property of integrity

management activities consist of the number of control actions and the ratio of costs for operational management and regulation to costs for strategic and tactical ones. A) Correspondence of the number of control actions to the needs of the enterprise (systems) is an important component of management quality. This indicator

has a dual meaning. On the one hand, their number must cover the needs of the system. But at the same time, as a result of a rational approach, they are purposefully minimized. The latter is clearly visible in the second indicator. b) It is determined by the ratio of the amount of labor (cost) costs for a certain period of activity for and regulation to the amount of similar expenses on strategic and tactical management for the same period. For example, after developing a scientifically based plan, the costs of preparing stage-by-stage target indicators and their further adjustment may be minimal. The lower the values ​​of this indicator, the higher the quality of management activities.

    Stability of the control process has an indicator of the number of initiative decisions related to their total number in a given period of time, for example, a year. High values ​​of the parameter indicate a low probability of crisis phenomena in the functioning of the enterprise. The degree of reliability is determined by a similar relationship for situational decisions. Large values ​​confirm the predominance of reactive control, which is the most unreliable.

    Controllability property in any system it is characterized by efficiency, dynamism, stability. Efficiency indicators are among the highest rated when establishing the level of quality of management activities.

In principle, there are quite a lot of such indicators. They provide a multilateral assessment of the effectiveness of the management process. a) Management is the main function of the management subsystem, the quality of activity of which in its pure form is difficult to determine. The work of managers at an enterprise is assessed based on the results of its functioning. Currently, for most organizations, the integral indicator of performance is net profit, for non-profit enterprises - the volume of production or provision of services. Based on this, how key performance indicator (criterion for its evaluation) for the control subsystem, the ratio of quantities should be used net profit

(volume of income) to the costs of management activities for the period of time under consideration. The level of quality is again established by comparison with benchmarks. Analysis of the value of this criterion alone does not provide a complete picture of this characteristic. It is also necessary to study the trends in changes (growth, fall) of profit and the magnitude of its intensity, which to a greater extent characterizes the effectiveness of management.

A comprehensive set of criteria for the effectiveness of the management system is formed taking into account two directions for assessing its functioning:

    according to the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the established goals of the production and economic organization;

    according to the degree of compliance of the process of system functioning with the objective requirements for its content of the organization and results.

The criterion for effectiveness when comparing different options for an organizational structure is the possibility of the most complete and sustainable achievement of the final goals of the management system at relatively lower costs for its operation.

The indicators used in assessing the effectiveness of the management apparatus and its organizational structure can be divided into the following three interrelated groups.

    A group of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the management system, expressed through the final results of the organization’s activities and management costs. When assessing effectiveness based on indicators characterizing the final results activities of the organization , as an effect caused by the functioning or development of the management system, volume, profit, cost, volume can be considered, capital investments product quality , implementation timing new technology

    and so on.

    A group of indicators characterizing the content and organization of the management process, including the immediate results and costs of managerial labor. Management costs include current costs for maintaining the management apparatus, operating technical equipment, maintaining buildings and premises, training and retraining of management personnel. A group of indicators characterizing the rationality of the organizational structure and its technical and organizational level. The structures include the level of centralization management functions

, accepted standards of controllability, balanced distribution of rights and responsibilities. b) Stability indicator

determine the quality of the process from the point of view of the monotonicity (predictability) of changes in the trend of its characteristics and the permissibility of deviations of their values ​​from the average values. The trends in the development of these characteristics in a given enterprise in comparison with other similar organizations, as in the case of performance indicators, should be taken into account when considering quality parameters.

The quality of management activities also includes relevant data on its elements and the connections between them. The influence of the quality of connections, their effectiveness, is manifested in the consistency of the control actions of specific management functions, and within their strategic, tactical, operational and regulatory components. Basically, only a qualitative assessment can be given here.

It is difficult to talk about the quality of control action. One of its indicators is effectiveness. The value of this parameter is manifested through the degree of change in the intensity of the characteristics of a particular process in the system, after exerting a control influence on it. But the control process is continuous, control actions follow one after another, overlapping each other and, in most cases, it is difficult to determine the magnitude of their influence. It is even more difficult to establish the effectiveness of management action, since it is necessary to calculate the cost of the management decision and the costs of bringing it to the performers. The latter is practically impossible to do, since it is difficult to identify the part of the costs of the control mechanism that should be attributed to a given control action.

In turn, the quality of management influence is composed of the levels of perfection of the technology for its provision and management decisions. The quality of the technology for providing control influence is not assessed by quantitative values, unless directly by the efficiency of the enterprise, the degree of labor intensification, etc. It depends on the effectiveness of the management mechanism and its use, which can be established mainly at the level of expert assessments.

The quality of a management decision has three components:

    the effectiveness of the idea embedded in the management decision, its scientific and technical level;

    quality of technology for preparing and developing management decisions;

    quality of labor of workers management decisions.

It is quite difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of an idea, as well as the quality of any type of creativity, using objective criteria. No matter how good the idea is, due to the imperfection of the technology for translating it into a management decision, its quality may turn out to be low. The same thing will happen if the quality of specialists’ work is low. However, there is a certain connection between the levels of reality of the idea and the quality of work. Typically, in the process of developing a management decision, its level is considered by a group of experts in one of the procedures at the stage of finalization, coordination and approval of documents. You can also try to identify the level of quality of a management decision using the criterion of the ratio of the value economic effect from implementation to the costs of its preparation and development. Naturally, this is not exactly an indicator of efficiency, since the costs of implementing a management decision are not taken into account, but it can be used as an evaluation criterion. You just need to decide which indicators correspond to a high level of quality of a management decision, as well as a low one. The difficulty lies in the problem of selecting benchmarks for each of these solutions. However, if some decisions are repeated quite often, then it is possible to establish such data for them.

Analysis of indicators allows us to assert that the assessment of the level of management quality is based on a multi-parameter basis, taking into account the influence of each of them on it.



Appendix 2

Management efficiency is one of the main indicators of management excellence, determined by comparing management results and resources spent on its achievement. The effectiveness of management can be assessed by comparing the profits received and the costs of management. But such an elementary assessment is not always correct, since the result of control is:

· not always expressed as profit;

· leads to direct and indirect results; the immediate result hides the role of management in its achievement; profit often acts as an indirect result;

· can be not only economic, but also social, socio-economic, political, socio-psychological, etc.

Assessing the effectiveness of a government management decision is understood as a set of models and methods for studying and measuring actual results government activities or programs that have been completed or are under implementation.

Criteria, based on the values ​​of which the results are assessed government controlled, there are quantitative and qualitative.

Criteria and assessments are used to improve decision-making, reporting systems and government processes themselves, the quality of which can be assessed in accordance with the needs, desires and resources of society. Wherein It is possible to distinguish two measurable components of public administration activities: technical efficiency and economic efficiency. The technical efficiency of public administration is determined by the degree to which the set goals are achieved, taking into account public interests. It reflects the compliance of public administration with the requirements external environment taking into account the impact it has on the state of society, and is related to quantitative and qualitative indicators, important characteristics which are their efficiency and regularity.

The economic efficiency of public administration is defined as the ratio of the cost of volumes of services provided to the cost of volumes of resources attracted for this purpose. Economic efficiency reflects internal position affairs in the public administration system, its own activities.

Until recently, for characterization economic efficiency management at the state level, among others, a general indicator was used - national income (newly created value) for a specific period of time, at the industry level - an indicator of labor productivity, at the enterprise level - profit.

One of the well-known approaches to assessing management effectiveness is to use the concepts of “efficiency in a broad sense” and “efficiency in a narrow sense.” Efficiency in a broad sense is understood as the result of activity achieved through the work of the entire team (including management staff). In a narrow sense, efficiency reflects the effectiveness of management activities themselves. In one sense and another, general indicators and a system of private indicators of economic and social efficiency are used to characterize efficiency. The sequence of calculations within this approach is shown in the diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Calculation scheme for assessing management efficiency

To assess the economic efficiency of management in a broad sense, the following general indicators are used:

Resource efficiency Cost efficiency

There are a lot of private indicators of the economic efficiency of the work collective (more than 60). Among them: profitability, turnover, return on investment, capital intensity, capital productivity, labor productivity, growth ratio wages and labor productivity, etc.

General indicators of social efficiency in a broad sense can be:

– degree of order fulfillment;

– share of sales volume, etc.

Particular indicators of social efficiency are:

– timeliness of order fulfillment;

– completeness of order fulfillment;

– provision of additional services;

– after-sales service, etc.

Economic efficiency of management () in the narrow sense is characterized by the following indicators:

Summary indicator

Partial indicators:

– the share of administrative and management expenses in the total costs of the enterprise;

– the share of the number of managerial employees in the total number of employees at the enterprise;

– controllability load (the actual number of employees per one employee of the management apparatus), etc.

General indicators of social efficiency in the narrow sense are:

– the share of decisions made at the suggestion of employees of the work collective,

– the number of employees involved in the development of management decisions.

It is also legitimate to evaluate the effectiveness of individual management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control (the work of individual divisions of the management apparatus). For this purpose, a set of indicators is also used that reflect the specifics of activities for each managerial function. For example, the planning function evaluates the degree of achievement of set goals (planned objectives); by organizational function - equipping the enterprise with modern technological equipment, staff turnover; according to the motivation function - the methods used to influence the team (reward, punishment, their ratio); by control function - the number of violations of labor, technological discipline, etc.

When analyzing the effectiveness of public administration special meaning plays a social effect. Russian sociologist G.V. Atamanchuk subdivides the social efficiency of public administration in general and the activities of bodies state power in particular three types:

1. Overall social efficiency. It reveals the results of the functioning of the public administration system (i.e., the totality government agencies and the objects they manage). Types of criteria for overall social efficiency:

– the level of labor productivity, correlated with world parameters for its corresponding types;

– the rate and scale of growth of national wealth, calculated in the UN methodology;

– level of national well-being of people’s lives per capita and with a breakdown of income various categories, as well as in comparison with standards developed countries;

– orderliness, safety and reliability of social relations, their reproduction with increasing positive results.

2. Special social efficiency. It characterizes the state of organization and functioning of the state itself as a subject of managing social processes. The criteria for this type include:

The expediency and purposefulness of the organization and functioning of state- control systems s, its large subsystems and other organizational structures, which is determined through the degree of compliance of their control actions with the goals. It is necessary to establish legislatively what goals each government body should implement and, upon achieving them, evaluate the relevant leaders and officials;

Standards for time spent on solving management issues, on developing and passing through any management information;

The style of functioning of the state apparatus;

Regulations, technologies, standards that every manager and civil servant must follow;

The complexity of the organization of the state apparatus, resulting from its “fragmentation”, multi-stage nature and abundance of managerial interdependencies;

Costs of maintaining and ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus.

3. Specific social efficiency. It reflects the activities of each management body and official, each individual management decision, action, and relationship. Among the criteria we can highlight such as the degree of compliance of the directions, content and results of the management activities of bodies and officials with those parameters that are indicated in legal status(and competence) of the body and public office; legality of decisions and actions of public authorities and local government, as well as their officials; reality of control actions.

Assessing the effectiveness of certain government programs (economic, social or cultural development) is possible using the following indicators: the volume of work performed and activities carried out, correlated with expenses; implementation of officially established standards for the consumption of goods and services; the level of satisfaction of the needs and requests of the population for certain services and necessities of life, which is recorded, in particular, by surveys of the population and analysis of complaints and suggestions from citizens; dynamics of growth of budget allocations, etc.

In practice, management effectiveness is most often determined by analytical or expert methods based on a comparison of the values ​​of a set of indicators (signs). There are several main types of public administration assessments:

· evaluation of the implementation process;

· evaluation of results;

· impact assessment;

· assessment of economic efficiency.

The task of assessing the effectiveness of a public management decision is to assess:

· management activities of government bodies and public sector enterprises;

· policies pursued by government agencies;

· implementation of government programs;

· consequences of the policies pursued and the implementation of government programs.

The choice of assessment type and assessment methods depends on management goals, the interests of the organization or stakeholder group, socio-political conditions, the availability of necessary resources, and much more.

To determine estimates, as a rule, evaluation studies are carried out, which are divided into two groups: scientific and traditional forms.

Scientific forms involve conducting research using various scientific methodologies and techniques for studying social, economic, and political processes. Their use brings good theoretical and practical results, but requires a lot of time and large financial costs. When conducting scientific research The following methods are used:

· opinion polls(questioning and interviewing);

· observations (open and hidden);

· expert assessments;

· modeling;

· formation of control groups;

· conducting experiments, etc.

Traditional forms of assessing the effectiveness of public management decisions are represented by political or administrative control and are the results of parliamentary hearings, reports of managers and control commissions, state audits, etc.

The effectiveness of government management decisions can be assessed using special management models - “business models”. In business models, assessment is determined not only by functions, but also by the processes associated with them, since it may turn out that all functions are clearly defined and distributed among government employees, and the process itself is “broken.” Therefore, it is very important to “prescribe” all management processes, indicating the moments of decision-making in them.

Business modeling in public administration, just like business modeling in other areas of activity, includes three stages (Fig. 1):

1) organizational modeling;

2) modeling of business processes;

3) quantitative modeling.

The first stage consists of a functional and structural model of the government body. The functional model answers the question: what?, or what functions does the public authority implement, and the structural model answers the question who?, or who exactly implements the functions specified in the functional model. The organizational model has hierarchical structure and can be presented in three types of documents: “Regulations on organizational structure", "Regulations on departments", "Regulations on job descriptions".

At the second stage, the functional model is transformed into a process model: individual functions are presented as a sequence of interconnected business processes, reflecting their cause-and-effect nature, which is carried out by determining input and output parameters for each function. At the same stage, the structural model is transformed into a role model. The process model answers the questions: what, to whom, when?, thereby determining what role a certain position (a civil servant in a certain position) plays in the process. A system of process and role models is a process-role model of a government agency that answers the questions: what, who, to whom, when?

At the third stage of business modeling, the selected business processes are described quantitatively if they allow such a representation. A quantitative business process model answers the question: how much?

Rice. 1. Stages of business modeling

This approach to assessing the effectiveness of government management decisions makes it possible to automate it based on the support of modern computer programs. A “paper version” of business modeling is also possible, which requires a lot of labor.

Business modeling represents an integrated sequence of steps and is designed to allow government authorities to create and support these business systems themselves.

Assessing the effectiveness of government management decisions can also be carried out on the basis of creating a quality system in government bodies - a set of organizational and technical measures necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of standards, contracts, etc.

Note that assessment is included as one of the stages in planning, development and decision-making. In Russia, assessing the effectiveness of public administration is a relatively new area, although in practice its elements have long been used in government bodies. Currently, the task is to comprehensively implement assessment studies of management decisions in all government bodies at all levels.

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Department of Social Management

Discipline: Management decisions

On the topic: Assessing the effectiveness of government management decisions

Tyumen 2007


Management decision - a developed and adopted, formally recorded project social change. Therefore, every management decision is an act of implementing management influence, a means of expression and a way of regulating management relations in specific historical conditions and the social environment.

A public management decision is a conscious choice made by a subject of public administration to have a purposeful impact on social reality, expressed in official form.

Meanwhile, there is a broader concept of a state decision - this is the authoritative will of the state, which takes on an officially expressed form, being enshrined in existing state acts issued by a state body or official in accordance with its competence and within the limits of the powers granted.

The adoption of a state decision is traditionally considered as a stage of a volitional act performed by a subject endowed with state powers when choosing one of existing opportunities in achieving the expected result of the planned actions. Thus, a government decision is, as a rule, an ideal model of the future, which contains information given by the subject of power about the desirability and necessity of what should be fulfilled.

The social nature of management decisions of government bodies is that they affect not the natural or technical environment, but people. The purpose of their stimulating influence is to mobilize people for the practical (material) transformation of social reality. The main content of this management process is the volitional influence of managers on the managed. If the activity of preparing and making management decisions is always spiritual, then the activity of implementing these decisions is mainly material, no matter how social sphere it was not implemented. The execution of management decisions is the practical, and therefore the material side of management activity, since it is in the process of organizational and as a result of practical activity that the social norms contained in management decisions are “materialized”, translated into real physical actions (relations, processes, results) under the influence of the control subsystem on the controlled one in order to transform it into a new qualitative state. However, management decisions can have a dual nature, since they can be directed both externally - to the managed subsystem, and internally - to the managing subsystem. But at the same time, the qualitative specificity of management decisions lies in the transformation and stabilization of the managed social object.

The effectiveness of the managed object, including the state management decision, is considered as the main criterion for management effectiveness. The problem of efficiency is an integral part of the use of managerial potential, i.e. the totality of all management system resources. Managerial potential appears in material and intellectual forms: in the form of costs and expenses for management, which are determined by the content, organization, technology and volume of work to implement the relevant management functions; the nature of managerial work; management efficiency, i.e. the effectiveness of people’s actions in the process of the organization’s activities, in the process of realizing interests, in achieving certain goals.

It is advisable to consider the effectiveness of public management decisions as the effectiveness of the functioning of the system and management process, as a result of the interaction of the managed and control systems, i.e. integrated result of management components. Efficiency shows the extent to which the management body realizes its goals and achieves planned results.

Thus, management efficiency is one of the main indicators of management improvement, determined by comparing management results and resources spent to achieve them. At first glance, management efficiency can be assessed by comparing the profit received and management costs. But this approach is simplified and does not give accurate results, since the goal of governing government influence is not always profit. In addition, evaluating efficiency based on the profit received hides the role of management in achieving the final result. The result of public administration can be not only economic, but also social, socio-economic, while profit often acts as an indirect result. Another difficulty arises in the fact that management costs cannot always be clearly identified.

The concept of "efficiency" government decisions" can be considered as the effectiveness of developing a solution and the effectiveness of implementing management decisions, which corresponds to two stages of the management decision-making process. Each of them can use its own approaches to assessment and performance indicators.

State efficiency in general view- the effectiveness of something (production, management, labor). In economic theory, two types of efficiency are distinguished: economic and social. Economic efficiency is characterized by the ratio of the obtained result to the costs.

Social efficiency expresses the degree to which the demand of the population (consumers, customers) for goods and services is satisfied.

Most often, efficiency is assessed at a qualitative level and is expressed by the dynamics of volume and quality indicators: product production, turnover, production and distribution costs, profit and others, reflecting the dynamics of productivity growth. At the same time, as a rule, stage-by-stage efficiency (development and implementation of solutions) is not highlighted.

Despite all the difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of managerial work, theoretical, methodological and methodological techniques for assessing the effectiveness of individual activities have been developed to a greater extent than management as a whole. Thus, there are known methods for assessing the effectiveness of introducing new technology, automated systems management, etc.

Until recently, to characterize the economic efficiency of management at the state level, among others, a general indicator was used - national income (newly created value) for a specific period of time; at the industry level - an indicator of labor productivity; at the enterprise level - profit.

One of the well-known approaches to assessing the effectiveness of public administration is to use the concepts of “efficiency in a broad sense” and “efficiency in a narrow sense.”

In a narrow sense, the effectiveness of government management decisions reflects the effectiveness of management activities themselves. In one sense and another, general indicators and a system of private indicators of economic and social efficiency are used to characterize efficiency.

To assess the effectiveness of public management decisions in a broad sense, generalized indicators are used: Among the private indicators: profitability, turnover, return on investment, capital productivity, labor productivity, the ratio of wage growth and labor productivity, etc.

General indicators of social efficiency in a broad sense can be: the degree of fulfillment of consumer orders; share of the company's sales volume in the market, etc.

Particular indicators of social efficiency include: degree technical equipment managerial labor, timeliness of order fulfillment, completeness of order fulfillment, provision of additional services, turnover of management staff, qualification level personnel, etc.

Evaluating the effectiveness of decisions is approached from the position of practice - the criterion of truth. It is difficult to disagree with this, although, on the other hand, scientifically based draft decisions may be ignored in practice for various reasons. And this phenomenon, unfortunately, is not so rare in economic life. It is no coincidence that, for example, the opinion has become established that users are afraid of modeling as a method for developing solutions, since sometimes the level of modeling methods exceeds the level of knowledge of decision makers. Obviously, over time, the complexity of the practical use of economic and mathematical methods will lose its significance, which is facilitated by the widespread computerization of the management sphere.


1. Abdrakhimov G.R. Speech at the international scientific and practical conference "Effective public administration in modern conditions". Collection of conference materials. Astana, 2003.

2. Atamanchuk G.V. Public administration (organizational and functional issues). - M., 2004. - 296 p.

3. Vorontsova G.V. Main directions for assessing the effectiveness of management decisions. Bulletin of SevKavSTU, Series "Economics", No. 2 (13), 2004. - P. 12-15.

4. Zerkin D.P., Ignatov V.G. Fundamentals of the theory of public administration. - M., 2003. - 240 p.

5. Pikulkin A.V. Public administration system. - M., 2003. - 337 p.

6. Utkin E.A., Denisov A.F. State and municipal government. - M., 2003. - 414 p.

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When characterizing the quality of a management decision in the methodological literature, the concepts of quality and efficiency are often confused. Considering the decision-making process as the sequential execution of two interrelated functions, it is necessary to highlight two modifications of the management decision:

1) theoretically found solution;

2) a practically implemented solution.

Thus, the concept of “quality of management decision” should be applied to the first case, and the concept of “effective decision” should be applied to the second position. Therefore, the quality of a management decision must be assessed without waiting practical result, still at the stage of its adoption.

Efficiency of management decision– the degree of achievement of results per unit of cost by implementing the solution. Resource efficiency obtained as a result of the development of

implementation of management decisions in the organization.

Quality of management decision– the degree of compliance of the parameters of the selected solution alternative with a certain system of characteristics, satisfying its developers and consumers and providing the opportunity effective implementation.

Quality characteristics:

1. Scientific validity b decisions are determined by the degree to which both the patterns of functioning and development of the management object are taken into account, as well as the trends in the development of the economy and society as a whole.

Scientific Validity Factors

a) taking into account the requirements of basic economic laws;

b) knowledge and use of development trends of the management object;

c) the availability of reliable, complete and scientifically processed information;

d) the presence of education, qualifications and special knowledge in the decision-maker, including knowledge of decision-making theory.

2. Timeliness of decision making– this is the need to overcome and mitigate emerging contradictions within a certain time frame. Essentially, this is a requirement to respond to the situation in a timely manner. Even the best decision, designed to produce the greatest economic benefit, may be useless if it is made late. Moreover, in this case it can cause some damage.

3. Consistency of the solution reflects the need to coordinate it with previously decisions taken. Particular decisions that complement each other must be consistent: firstly, each manager, when making a decision, must align his goals and interests with the interests of the organization; secondly, one should distinguish between internal and external consistency of decisions. Internal consistency - compliance of solutions with goals and means of achieving them, as well as compliance with the complexity of the problem being solved and methods for developing a solution. External consistency refers to the continuity of decisions, their compliance with the strategy, goals of the organization and previously made decisions

4. Adaptability(flexibility) of the solution takes into account the time factor. It is known that the solution is temporary, which is equal to the cost of the problem situation being solved, and beyond this period the solution can turn into its opposite. It is necessary to manage in such a way that there remains a certain freedom to choose decisions in the future, when the situation changes. The disadvantage of many solutions is that they do not take into account the need for such adaptation and are overly rigid.

5.Reality solution reflects the need for its development taking into account the real capabilities and objectively determined potential of the solution. In other words, the organization’s material capabilities and resources must be sufficient to effectively implement the chosen alternative.

6. Competence of managerial decisions: it must be made by someone who has the authority and legal right to do so.

7. Controllability of management decisions means that it is necessary to evaluate the deviation of the actual result from the planned, expected one.

At the stage of making a management decision, management faces a difficult choice: which of the proposed alternatives to organizational change is the most effective and justified for the current situation in the company.

Optimizing a solution is the process of searching through many factors that influence the result. Optimal solution- this is the most effective solution of all alternative options selected according to some optimization criterion.

Operational problems should be solved using, as a rule, simple, heuristic methods.

Heuristics is a set of research techniques, a technique for asking questions and solving them; a method of teaching using leading questions, as well as the theory of such a technique.

Heuristic methods are based on principles (requirements and rules) that determine the strategy and tactics of decision makers when solving poorly defined and uncertain problems. They stimulate creative (imaginative) thinking in the decision-making process, allow you to generate new ideas, the use of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of solving management problems.

Heuristic methods include:

1.Group work methods

a. Brainstorming method. It allows you to identify and compare individual judgments, a range of ideas for solving a problem, and then make a decision.

b.Method key issues. Asked questions serve as a stimulus for the formation of strategy and tactics for solving a problem, develop intuition, form thinking algorithms, guide a person to an idea for a solution, and encourage the correct answers.

c.Method of free associations. This method and the technology for its implementation take into account the peculiarities of the activity of the human brain, which develops new ideas when new associative connections arise. So, if group members propose a word or concept, then it can become the basis for establishing associative connections.

d.Inversion method. When searching for an idea, a solution to a problem can often be found by changing the direction of the search to the opposite, contrary to the prevailing traditional views dictated by logic and common sense. Often in situations in which logical techniques and thinking procedures turn out to be fruitless, the opposite solution alternative is optimal. A classic example of inversion is the invention of the rocket by K. Tsiolkovsky. He decided that he had invented a cannon, but a flying cannon, with thin walls and releasing gases instead of nuclei.

d.Method (method) of personal analogy. When solving problems (problems), sometimes the object under study, the laws of operation of which are unknown, is replaced with a similar object with already known properties. Typically, direct analogies, subjective analogies, symbolic and fantastic analogies are used.

e.Nominal group method. Used for searching the best options problem solving.

19. Power and management as specific foundations of state activity. State ow part in the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, implemented. on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial, and the bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power are independent. The essential character is the performer. authorities stood out 2 key points: power and execution. The defining elements of the essential characteristics of state executive power include the following: 1) social purpose -consisting in the execution of general instructions, i.e. decisions of representative, presidential and government authorities; 2) exercise of executive power through a system of special executive authorities; 3) volitional impulses in the process and as a result of the implementation of management activities as a special and specific type of government activity and the main form of implementation of executive power.

All types of government activities can be divided into 3 groups according to their place in the system of implementation of state power, content and forms of expression. Generic consolidated forms- carried out by state legislative and executive bodies. and the judiciary, usually called branches of government. Species specialized forms- derived from three generic branches of state power (implementation of prosecutorial power, activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and his apparatus, bodies of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and others). Functional forms- content, which are specific functions various law enforcement and other government bodies carrying out investigation, inquiry, operational-search activities and other functions in established areas of jurisdiction. State administration as the main determining form of implementation will perform. power and type of government activities has a number of signs: 1) reflecting the essence and social purpose of public administration, is V practical organizing character; 2) his continuous and cyclical nature, which is objectively determined by continuity social production and consumption in the broadest sense of the word; 3) executive-administrative nature -attribute reflects the characteristics of the executive activities of government bodies and their officials according to practical implementation general requirements and regulations of laws and acts of presidential power. State entities management are physical and legal entities(organizations) that manage or participate in management as subjects of management relations. Objects - represent various aspects of the administrative and legal status of citizens and their public associations, as well as various aspects of the activities of socio-cultural and other institutions, enterprises and their associations.

State process management as the most important component of the characteristics of its structure includes the following elements:

Functions of public administration – specialized in their object orientation parts of a unified management process as an activity that ensures the solution of goals and objectives facing management entities.

Forms of government represent decisions and actions of government bodies and their employees documented in a certain way.

State methods management characterize the means and possibilities of organizing influence of managing subjects on managed objects and subordinates (methods of persuasion, coercion, stimulation, etc.).

Governance style as an integral part of the substantive characteristics of the management process, it expresses its personal aspects, reflecting the sociocultural, intellectual, professional, characterological and other traits and characteristics of the personality of the managing subject.