Sample regulations on personnel reserve for a museum. What does the personnel reserve provision include? Exclusion from the personnel reserve

"HR service and personnel management of the enterprise", 2010, N 2

Companies whose strategy includes entering new markets, developing modern products and services, and increasing market share consider training a personnel reserve as an investment in the future of the enterprise. Work with the personnel reserve is effective when it is based on the organization’s strategy and is built into the personnel management system. One of the main documents regulating work with the personnel reserve is the Regulation, which describes the goals and objectives, the system of selection and training of reservists, and responsibility officials.

Regulations on personnel reserve

When deciding how to fill vacancies in a company, an HR manager often faces a dilemma:

  • select external specialists and managers for the advertised vacancies or
  • use internal resource.

The second answer to this question involves the formation of a personnel reserve in the company.

The presence of a personnel reserve in an organization should maximally satisfy its needs for filling job positions of managers at various levels. The positive effect of working with a personnel reserve can only be achieved if the creation of a reserve is an integral part whole system working with company personnel. Thus, the implementation of a system for working with the personnel reserve is carried out on the condition that the company has developed and implemented a business assessment procedure and a personnel training system.

The main organizational document used in the process of forming a personnel reserve and working with it is the Regulation on personnel reserve, which sets out the basic principles and procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve, the range of responsibilities of officials responsible for the formation of a personnel reserve (see Table 1). It is also advisable to reflect in this document the issues of organizing work with the personnel reserve, the procedure for replenishing the personnel reserve and making changes to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the “reservists”. To obtain a complete picture of the current state of work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to provide a reporting system for responsible officials.

Table 1

1. General
The section defines the goals of personnel formation
reserve, for example:
- improving the quality of management training
- prompt replacement of key positions through
internal resources companies,
- maintaining the principle of continuity in management
The principles of working with the personnel reserve are formulated:
- selection of candidates for the reserve is carried out according to
their business personal qualities;
- transparency in the organization of work with reserves
2. Order
candidates for
enrollment in
personnel reserve
This section describes the procedure for creating a reserve.
The procedure for recording the assessment results and
certification, as well as criteria for enrolling applicants in
When selecting candidates for the reserve for specific positions
It is recommended to take into account not only general, but also
professional requirements which must be answered
the head of a particular department, workshop, etc., as well as
requirements for the candidate’s personal qualities
3. Organization
work with
The section defines the procedure for preparing
reservists (types of programs and training periods, budget,
assessment of learning outcomes).
For example, for the preparation of the reserve can be approved
three types of programs:
- general theoretical training,
- special program,
- individual program(practice, internship).
As a rule, the duration of training is one year, according to
after which assessment activities are carried out
reservists based on indicators such as performance
annual individual plan, implementation of the plan
internships, performance indicators, etc.
4. Distribution
when working with
Work on the formation and training of a personnel reserve
carried out through the interaction of the HR manager
service, psychologist, personnel training specialist,
managers structural divisions. Each of them
is responsible for a certain stage of work within its
competencies. General control and responsibility for
compliance with the procedures provided for by the Regulations is
HR Director

The regulations on the personnel reserve are prepared by the company's personnel service. However, the heads of key structural divisions can also be involved in the development of the document, for example, production department, sales department, financial management(to control the budget allocated for training “reservists”), etc. The concept of the Regulations must be discussed with the company management. The regulations on the personnel reserve are signed by the head personnel service and approved by the first head of the company. The regulations may contain approval visas from the heads of structural units who took part in the discussion of the document at the stage of its development.

  • How are candidates assessed?
  • What is the procedure for enrolling in the reserve?
  • How are reservists trained?
  • Who is responsible for working with the reserve?

Regulations on working with the personnel reserve for promotion to management positions at Zvezda JSC

This Regulation on working with the personnel reserve was developed with the aim of establishing uniform organizational principles for creating a system for training and forming a personnel reserve for promotion to management positions at Zvezda OJSC.

1. General principles of forming a personnel reserve

The main goal of forming the personnel reserve of JSC Zvezda is to create a corps of workers capable of ensuring continuity and succession of management in all areas and in all divisions of the enterprise. General provisions when forming a personnel reserve are:

  • objectivity in selection and enrollment in the reserve;
  • competence and professionalism;
  • equality of opportunity in professional growth;
  • responsibility of senior officials for the formation of the reserve and the quality of its training.

2. Requirements for the selection of candidates for inclusion in the reserve

The main criteria for selecting candidates for inclusion in the reserve are:

  • high level of professionalism;
  • motivation for creative innovative activity;
  • clearly expressed signs of socio-psychological maturity.

The selection of candidates for the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • professional competence, that is, appropriate education, experience, knowledge, skills in the work profile, the ability to analyze and make informed decisions and achieve their implementation, business culture, systematic professional development, orientation towards a future career;
  • organizational skills - the ability to manage subordinates, coordinate and control their activities, master modern management methods and techniques, the ability to exercise authority within job responsibilities, initiative;
  • responsibility for the assigned work - high demands on oneself and subordinates, commitment, critical assessment of one’s work and the team;
  • moral qualities - conscientiousness, efficiency, objectivity, socio-psychological and moral maturity, ease of communication with employees, communication skills, correctness, decency, attention to others.

3. Preparation of personnel reserve

Training plans for workers enrolled in the reserve must reflect this volume professional knowledge and the skills they need to work in a future position, taking into account their special education and work experience. These should include:

  • transfer of an employee who is in the personnel reserve to other vacant positions in order to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge;
  • performing the duties of a superior manager during his absence in order to gain experience in leadership work and acquire organizational skills;
  • obtaining additional education and advanced training in educational institutions;
  • internship at a higher position;
  • testing of knowledge to carry out instructions for resolving individual issues for the position for which the reservist is being trained;
  • participation in the preparation of draft decisions, meetings, hearings, meetings of governing bodies;
  • independent training in the profile of future activities.

4. Assessment of employees in the reserve, the procedure for reviewing and replenishing the reserve

The study of employees who are in the reserve for promotion to management positions is carried out throughout the entire time they are in the reserve.

An analysis of the composition of the reserve is carried out annually, and all employees in the reserve are given an assessment of their activities over the past year.

In the process of analyzing and assessing the reserve, the professional level of training of each employee, his work experience, age and other data are considered, his abilities and potential capabilities, ability to work with people and lead a team, and the degree of preparedness for promotion to management work are determined.

Reserve lists are updated annually. When reviewing the personnel reserve at the end of the year, it is analyzed, the preparedness of each employee is assessed, and a decision is made on the necessary replacements in the reserve.

In the event that persons in the personnel reserve reduce the level and results professional activity, and also due to the inconsistency of their qualities with the requirements for employees, they are excluded from the reserve.

5. The procedure for forming a personnel reserve

Candidates included in the reserve for nomination to a position must have:

  • higher professional education in the field of activity;
  • work experience at the enterprise (or organizations of the corresponding work profile) in the specialty, including, if necessary, in management positions for at least 5 years;
  • age - no more than 45 years.

The list of personnel reserves is approved by the general director of the enterprise.

6. Organizational support for working with the personnel reserve

Work with the personnel reserve is carried out by the Deputy General Director, chief specialists, and heads of structural divisions.

Deputy General Directors bear personal responsibility for the quality of the reserve and the growth of its professional potential.

The Deputy General Director for Personnel Management coordinates the activities of all services for working with the personnel reserve, prepares proposals for training, advanced training and retraining of workers enrolled in the reserve, and is engaged in scientific and methodological support for work with the reserve.

Structure of the Regulations

The Regulations on the personnel reserve include a section on the goals and objectives of working with reservists, which are formulated taking into account the company's strategy. The Regulations describe the procedure for selecting employees for the personnel reserve and organizing work with reservists. A separate section may formulate the area of ​​responsibility of company officials involved in working with the personnel reserve.

The Regulations on Personnel Reserve may also contain other sections. For example, an independent section of the Regulations may include a description of the process of budgeting expenses for the formation and training of a personnel reserve. But the section on responsibility when working with the personnel reserve, on the contrary, may be missing. In this case, the degree of responsibility of all participants in the system of working with the personnel reserve is indicated in relation to each stage of the technology.

The regulation may contain various attachments - document forms: an individual employee work plan, an assessment sheet, a report form, etc. In parallel with the Regulations on the personnel reserve, it is advisable to draw up a List of positions subject to reservation.

The development of the Regulations on the personnel reserve is necessary step work on building a system for the formation and training of a personnel reserve in the company. In this case, the following key conditions for successful work with reserves must be taken into account:

  1. Support for work with the personnel reserve from the company's senior management.
  2. Motivating reservists to learn and achieve high results.
  3. Taking into account the characteristics of corporate culture and established management practices when choosing forms and methods of training reservists.

G. Pogodina

Director of Human Resources

Iveco company in Russia

about personnel reserve

1. General Provisions

1.1. Work on training the personnel reserve of the Alpha organization (hereinafter referred to as the organization) is carried out in accordance with the developed and approved personnel policy.

1.2. Goals of personnel reserve training:

    improving the quality of training of the organization's management;

    increasing the level of general and special training of organization employees applying to fill vacant management positions.

1.3. Inclusion in the organization's personnel reserve provides for:

    training according to a specially developed program;

    completing internships;

    development of an individual development plan;

    independent work aimed at solving specific problems of the organization.

1.4. Principles of forming a personnel reserve:

    objectivity (assessment of professional and personal qualities and results of professional activities of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve is carried out collegially on the basis of objective assessment criteria);

    enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with personal abilities, level vocational training, results of professional activity and on the basis of an equal approach to candidates;

    voluntariness of inclusion and presence in the personnel reserve;

    transparency in the formation and work with the personnel reserve.

1.5. The basis for inclusion in the reserve is an order from the head of the organization.

1.6. The procedure for enrollment in the reserve is determined by these regulations.

1.7. Responsibility for working with the reserve lies with the HR Director.

2. The procedure for forming a personnel reserve

2.1. The formation of the personnel reserve is carried out by a commission created on the basis of an order from the head of the organization. The order defines:

    • composition and head of the commission;

      structure of the personnel reserve;

      persons responsible for working with reserves in departments of the organization;

      procedures used in the formation and work with the personnel reserve.

2.2. The composition of the personnel reserve is determined by the commission based on:

    • staffing table(at least one reservist for each leadership position);

      proposals from members of the commission on the formation of the reserve;

2.3. The criteria for inclusion in the reserve are determined taking into account the requirements of the organization and the requirements of the position for which the reservist is being trained. Criteria for inclusion in the reserve:

    • education;

      length of service in the position and in the organization;


      working (professional) achievements;

2.4. The basis for inclusion in the reserve is compliance established criteria and the candidate's consent.

2.5. Sources of reserve formation:

    • promising employees of the organization (age up to 40 years);

      Young professionals;

      line managers and middle level managers.

2.6. The reserve list is approved by the head of the organization.

3. Organization of work with reserve

3.1. The commission, together with the organization’s personnel service, develops a plan for working with the reserve, which includes:

    reserve training plan;

    internship plan for reservists;

    terms and forms for summing up the results of the annual reserve preparation cycle.

3.3. Based on the results of the annual training program, the commission evaluates each reservist according to the following indicators:

    implementation of the annual individual plan;

    performance indicators;

    assessment of the immediate supervisor;

    indicators characterizing the growth of professional qualification level;

    implementation of the internship plan;

    the quality of the report prepared as a result of the internship, or the project completed as a result of the annual training program.

4. Responsibility for working with the personnel reserve

4.1. The HR Director is responsible for:

    for the presence of the required number of reservists in the organization’s personnel reserve;

    for planning work on the selection, training and formation of a personnel reserve;

    for organizing PR events to promote the personnel reserve program.

4.2. Department heads are responsible for:

    for providing information necessary for planning work on the selection, training and formation of a personnel reserve;

    in case of appointment of a reservist to a position - for providing a workplace.

4.3. The Marketing Director is responsible for preparing and implementing PR activities to promote the talent pool program.

4.4. The commission for working with the personnel reserve bears the responsibility determined by the Regulations on the commission for working with the personnel reserve.

4.5. The person responsible for working with the reserve in the unit is responsible for fulfilling the duties assigned to him in accordance with the job description.

5. Making changes

5.1. This provision is open to amendments taking into account the practice of working with the organization’s personnel.

5.2. The organization's HR director is responsible for making changes.

More details in the System materials:

To make it easier to work with the personnel reserve, we suggest studying the recommendation “How to organize the personnel reserve of an organization.” We hope the information in it will help you create your own unique position on working with the personnel reserve.

How to organize an organization's personnel reserve.

Purpose of the reserve

The personnel reserve is created for the purpose of:

    ensure continuity in management;

    increase the level of employees’ readiness for changes in the organization;

    motivate employees;

    increase loyalty to the organization;

    reduce the level of staff turnover;

    save financial and time resources when recruiting, training and onboarding key employees.

Responsible for the reserve

Often, responsibility for creating a personnel reserve and working with it is assigned to the head or ordinary specialist of the personnel service, while this employee can specialize only in working with the personnel reserve or combine it with other tasks of the service. Large organizations can create a special department for personnel training and development, whose tasks include working with the personnel reserve.

To achieve high results in working with the reserve, it is necessary to involve the immediate supervisors of candidates and reservists, as well as middle managers, in this issue to obtain the necessary information and recommendations. While the main decision on the promotion and relocation of personnel is made by the top management of the organization.

Stages of creating a reserve

To create a personnel reserve you need:

Reserve positions

To identify key positions that require priority formation of a personnel reserve, it is recommended:

    determine the staffing level of structural units, to do this, make an analysis organizational structure and staffing of the organization;

    determine what positions are planned to be created in the organization in the next one to two years, to do this, study strategic goals organization development and management plans;

    identify the highest priority leadership positions in terms of their contribution to business results and the prospects for vacating a position, to do this, ask the organization’s management to make an expert analysis of leadership positions and give an opinion;

    identify managers of retirement and pre-retirement age (i.e., the most critical management positions in terms of the urgency of preparing a reserve), to do this, make an age analysis of the current management of the organization.

Number of reservists

For more information on how to create a job profile, see.

Information support

To eliminate resistance from the organization’s personnel to the implementation of the personnel reserve program, use the principles of information support for the personnel reserve training program presented in. At the same time, use a variety of sources of informing employees, for example:

    meetings with employees - holding personal meetings with employees, informing them about the goals and objectives of the personnel reserve training program;

    printed materials - publications in the corporate newspaper, on bulletin boards, information booklets;

    electronic materials - newsletters on e-mail, announcements on the corporate website, creation of a special section on the internal website, etc.

It's also important to cook information material on the development and implementation of a personnel reserve program at all stages of its development, namely:

    on preparatory stage(about the goals and objectives of the program);

    at the implementation stage (about the launch of the program and its functioning);

    at the final stage (about the results of the program over the periods).

Development of regulations

The regulation on the personnel reserve of the organization describes the main goals and objectives of the personnel reserve, the mechanism for the development of reservists, allows you to structure all stages of the personnel reserve program, fixes the areas of responsibility of the program participants, determines their rights and responsibilities. The provision emphasizes the importance of working with the organization’s reserve and the seriousness of the organization’s management’s intentions regarding the development of its own personnel.

First, draw up a draft Regulation on the organization’s personnel reserve.

    how to organize the assessment of candidates for the reserve;

    what is the procedure for enrolling in the reserve;

    how and within what timeframes the training of reservists is carried out;

    who is responsible for working with the reserve.

Agree on the draft regulations with those responsible for working with the personnel reserve (heads of departments, mentors, leaders of the organization) and the head of the organization. Make the agreed changes to it and formalize it on the organization’s letterhead. After this, approve the agreed position with the head of the organization or other authorized person authorized to approve this document.

Methods for nominating candidates

There are three main ways to nominate candidates for the reserve:

    nomination of an employee by his immediate supervisor;

    nomination of an employee by a superior manager (through one or more organizational levels);

    employee self-nomination.

Search and assessment of candidates

Once candidates have been nominated for the reserve, identify their management potential and readiness to undergo the training program. To do this, carry out a selection procedure with them, which is recommended to be divided into two stages: preliminary and main selection.

During pre-selection, check the candidate’s formal compliance with the requirements for enrollment in the personnel reserve, for example, by age, length of service in the organization, absence of disciplinary sanctions, work performance, etc. Enter the results of the verification in a special questionnaire for the candidate in the personnel reserve. Complete the form in .

Next, with the candidates who passed the first selection, conduct a full analysis of their business and development potential. Carry out the assessment in accordance with the drawing up. It is recommended to use the following assessment methods:

    Evaluation of the training result

    To identify reservists with a high level of readiness to fill vacant leadership positions, conduct comprehensive assessment quality of training of reservists. To do this, it is recommended to:

    • assessment of production results, to do this, check how the labor productivity and performance of the reservist has changed based on the results of training (increased, decreased, remained unchanged);

      assessment of the results of completing the general training program and individual development plans, for this purpose, clarify how much professional and managerial qualities reservist in comparison with the indicators of the primary assessment (during selection);

      evaluation of results project work, to do this, find out what results were obtained as a result of the implementation of development projects, determine the contribution of the reservist to achieving the result.

    In doing so, use the following assessment methods:

      analysis of the reservist’s production results and achievements;

      receiving feedback from the reservist’s mentor;

      re-evaluation of the reservist by analogy with the evaluation at;

      analysis of the results of project activities.

    For more information about the tools and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the reservist development program, see.

    Based on the results of assessing the quality of training of reservists, make a decision either to reward successful reservists who have demonstrated an increase in performance and increased the level of development of professional and managerial competencies, or to exclude the employee from the reserve.

    What are the possible problems when working with a personnel reserve?

    The following are distinguished: typical mistakes when working with personnel reserve:

      work with the reserve is carried out without proper management support solely under pressure from the personnel service and (or) the personnel training department;

      financial restrictions do not allow the use of a number of areas of training for reservists that have proven themselves in the practice of other organizations;

      the reserve for filling management positions (list of reservists) is compiled formally;

      there is no procedure for forming a reserve and making decisions on inclusion in the reserve. Work with reservists is carried out outside the plan and system;

      vague criteria for selection into the reserve. Subjectivity prevails among managers submitting lists of reservists;

      there is a practice of appointing non-reserve employees to positions for which reservists apply, or inviting outside employees;

      there is no clear system of responsibility for work on the formation of the reserve, for working with the reserve;

      there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists. The personnel service carries out an expert assessment of reservists without the participation of their immediate supervisors.

    Planning further work

    After a positive assessment of the readiness of reservists, it is necessary to consider options further actions, For example:

      if there are open targeted vacancies in the organization, consider candidates for replacement from among the successful reservists;

      plan and organize for the reservist when entering a new position;

      If there are no open targeted vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, schedule promising employees.

    That is, as a result of all the previously performed work on the creation and development of the reserve, it is necessary either to realize the goals for which this reserve was created, or to develop additional measures to retain valuable employees in the organization.

    With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Galina Tsimerman,

    expert of the personnel reference system "System Personnel"

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1. General Provisions

1.1. Regulations on the procedure for forming a reserve and working with persons included in the reserve municipal service in the mayor's office of the city of E (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Municipal Service in Russian Federation", the regional law "On municipal service in the Vologda region".

1.2. These Regulations determine the procedure for forming the municipal service reserve in the mayor's office of the city of E and the procedure for working with persons included in the municipal service reserve.

1.3. The municipal service reserve (hereinafter referred to as the personnel reserve) is a list of persons who comply or are capable of complying as a result of additional training qualification requirements for municipal positions of the municipal service for which a personnel reserve is formed (hereinafter referred to as the reserve municipal position), as well as persons who have terminated their powers or been dismissed from the municipal service in connection with the liquidation of the body local government or downsizing.

1.4. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out for the following purposes:

Improving activities for filling municipal positions of the municipal service in the mayor's office (hereinafter referred to as municipal positions);

Improving the quality of municipal employees of the mayor's office;

Timely satisfaction of the staffing needs of the city mayor's office;

Increasing the motivation of citizens to enter the municipal service.

Work with the personnel reserve is carried out for the purposes of:

Increasing the level of motivation of municipal employees for professional growth;

Improving the results of professional activities of municipal employees;

Increasing the level of professional training of municipal employees;

Reductions of municipal employees upon taking office.

1.5. Principles of forming a personnel reserve:

Objectivity (assessment of professional and personal qualities and results of professional activities of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve is carried out collegiately on the basis of objective assessment criteria);

Enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with personal abilities, level of professional training, results of professional activities and on the basis of an equal approach to candidates;

Voluntariness of inclusion and presence in the personnel reserve;

Glasnost in the formation and work with the personnel reserve.

1.6. The following types of personnel reserve are formed in the office of the mayor's office of the city E:

Promising personnel reserve;

Personnel reserve for filling municipal positions;

Personnel reserve from among persons who have terminated their powers and been dismissed from municipal service.

1.7. The personnel reserve includes persons who have not reached the age limit for holding a municipal position in the municipal service in accordance with the law.

1.8. The personnel reserve is formed annually based on the results of relevant selection events, taking into account the forecast of the current and future needs for personnel in the mayor's office of the city of E.

1.9. The personnel reserve is drawn up in the form of a list of persons separately for each type in accordance with clause 1.6. of this Regulation. The decision to add to the personnel reserve and exclude from it is formalized by order of the city mayor's office.

1.10. The organizational, coordinating, methodological and control functions for the formation and work with the reserve of municipal employees are performed by the department for work with personnel and issues of awarding the municipal service department and organizational support for the activities of the city mayor's office.

1.11. In order to ensure control and accounting, a “Reserve Specialist Card” (Appendix 3) is issued for specialists enrolled in the municipal service reserve, which is stored in the department for human resources and award issues according to the rules for maintaining and storing documents containing the employee’s personal data.

2. The procedure for forming and working with a promising personnel reserve.

2.1. A promising personnel reserve is formed from among senior students of educational institutions of higher education vocational education(Further educational institutions), studying in a specialty that coincides with the specialization of municipal positions, and who have passed the appropriate qualifying events.

2.2. Preliminary selection of candidates for the promising personnel reserve is carried out through special selection events.

The types and forms of selection events are determined by the specialists of the department for work with personnel and issues of awarding the municipal service department and organizational support for the activities of the mayor's office.

2.3. Structural units of the mayor's office, before August 1, develop and submit to the specialists of the department for work with personnel and award issues a plan for introductory practice in the relevant structural unit of candidates for the promising personnel reserve.

A general plan for working with candidates for the promising personnel reserve is developed by specialists from the HR and Award Department for each academic year and is approved by the head of the city mayor’s office until September 1 of the current year. The plan includes mandatory introductory training for candidates for the promising personnel reserve in the structural divisions of the city mayor’s office.

2.4. Selection into the promising personnel reserve from among the candidates for it is made on the basis of feedback from the managers of the introductory practice of candidates for the promising personnel reserve, as well as the results competitive events plan for working with candidates for the promising personnel reserve. The review from the head of the introductory practice of a candidate for a promising personnel reserve must contain a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of recommending a candidate for inclusion in the promising personnel reserve.

2.5. The composition of the promising personnel reserve with the distribution of persons included in it according to the structural divisions of the city mayor’s office is approved by a resolution of the city mayor’s office before June 1 of the year following the recruitment of candidates, based on the submission of specialists from the department for human resources and award issues.

2.6. Persons included in the prospective personnel reserve may be enrolled in the personnel reserve to fill municipal positions in the manner established by these Regulations.

Inclusion in the personnel reserve for municipal positions is grounds for exclusion from the promising personnel reserve.

2.8. Persons included in the prospective personnel reserve, when deciding on appointment to a municipal position as a result of a competition, ceteris paribus, have an advantage over other competitors, with the exception of competitors included in other types of personnel reserve.

3. The procedure for forming a personnel reserve

to fill municipal positions.

3.1. The personnel reserve for filling municipal positions of the municipal service in the mayor's office is formed from the number of:

Municipal employees;

Managers and specialists of city enterprises and institutions;

Persons included in the promising personnel reserve;

Persons who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service;

Persons who took part and did not win competitions for filling vacant municipal positions, but showed high results during the competitive selection (hereinafter referred to as applicants for filling municipal positions).

3.2. The personnel reserve for filling municipal positions may include persons who meet the qualification requirements for a reserve municipal position, have the necessary business and personal qualities and have shown high results in their professional activities.

3.3. From the persons included in the prospective personnel reserve, a personnel reserve can be formed to fill junior and senior municipal positions in the corresponding specialty they are receiving or have acquired.

3.4. The formation of a personnel reserve to fill municipal positions includes the following stages:

Drawing up a list of municipal positions for which the specified personnel reserve is formed;

Compiling a list of candidates for the personnel reserve to fill municipal positions;

Assessment and selection into the personnel reserve for municipal positions;

Drawing up and approval of a list of persons included in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions.

3.5. The list of municipal positions for which a personnel reserve is formed to fill municipal positions is compiled by specialists from the department for human resources and award issues.

It is mandatory for the city mayor's office to form a personnel reserve to fill the main, leading and senior (with the exception of the adviser and assistant to the city mayor) municipal positions in the municipal service.

3.6. Compilation of a list of candidates for the personnel reserve for filling the main, leading and senior municipal positions (hereinafter referred to as the list of candidates) is carried out by specialists of the department for work with personnel and award issues, based on proposals from the deputy mayors of the city, heads of structural divisions of the mayor’s office, recommendations of certification and competition commissions .

For one municipal position, no more than three candidates can be submitted to the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions from among the persons specified in clause 3.1. of this Regulation.

Proposals for inclusion of a person (persons) in the list of candidates for the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions are sent to the department for work with personnel and award issues annually before May 1 of the current year, with the necessary attachments accompanying documents(see Appendices 1, 4).

Every year, before May 1 of the current year, the heads of structural divisions of the mayor's office conduct an analysis of the personnel reserve for municipal positions in their department, assess the activities over the past year of each person enrolled in the reserve, his readiness to fill a vacant position, and make a decision on whether to leave him in the reserve or to exclude him . At the same time, new candidates are being considered for inclusion in the personnel reserve. The procedure for replenishing the reserve remains the same as during formation.

3.7. If there are no candidates or candidates for a specific municipal position are recognized as not meeting the requirements established by these Regulations, a personnel reserve for filling municipal positions for this municipal position is not formed.

3.8. The composition of persons included in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions (according to the approved list of municipal positions) is approved by a resolution of the city mayor’s office annually before June 1 of the current year, based on the submission of the department for human resources and award issues.

3.9. Persons included in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions not in the current calendar year may be included in the personnel reserve for filling this municipal position in subsequent years.

3.10. Persons included in the personnel reserve for municipal positions may be excluded from its composition during the current year on the following grounds:

When applied disciplinary action, for the entire period of its validity;

If you refuse to undergo retraining (requalification) and (or) advanced training;

When brought to criminal or administrative responsibility;

When expressing in a personal statement a desire to be excluded from the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions;

In case of refusal to fill the corresponding vacant municipal position.

The decision to exclude a person from the personnel reserve for a municipal position is made by the mayor of the city upon the recommendation of specialists from the department for personnel work and award issues, agreed upon with the head of the relevant structural unit of the mayor’s office.

3.11. Appointment to a municipal position of persons included in the personnel reserve for filling a specific municipal position is carried out in the event of a vacancy for this municipal position in accordance with the Regulations of the city mayor's office.

3.12. When deciding on appointment to a municipal position based on the results of a competition, persons who are in the personnel reserve for filling this municipal position, other things being equal, have an advantage over other competitors.

4. The procedure for forming a personnel reserve from among persons who have terminated their powers and (or) been dismissed from municipal service.

4.1. The personnel reserve from among persons who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service includes:

Persons dismissed from municipal service due to the liquidation of a structural unit of the city mayor's office or due to staff reductions (hereinafter referred to as reduced municipal employees);

Persons who held elective municipal positions and terminated their powers due to the expiration of the established term of office (hereinafter referred to as persons who filled elective municipal positions);

Persons who filled municipal positions of the municipal service and terminated their powers due to the expiration of the established term of office of persons who filled elective municipal positions.

4.2. Specialists of the department for work with personnel and award issues, within a month from the date of dismissal of the persons specified in clause 4.1 of these Regulations, form a list of persons included in the personnel reserve from among municipal employees who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service, and forwards it to the city mayor for approval.

4.3. Legal status municipal employees specified in clause 4.1. of this Regulation, is determined in accordance with current legislation on municipal service and regulations of the city mayor's office.

4.4. Municipal employees included in the personnel reserve from among those who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service are in the personnel reserve until they re-enter the municipal service at the city mayor’s office, but not more than one year.

4.5. Municipal employees specified in clause 4.1 of these Regulations are included in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions in the manner established by these Regulations. Their inclusion in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions is the basis for exclusion from the personnel reserve from among persons who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service.

4.6. Persons included in the personnel reserve from among persons who have terminated their powers and (or) dismissed from municipal service, when deciding on appointment to a municipal position based on the results of a competition, ceteris paribus, have an advantage over other competitors, with the exception of persons in personnel reserve for filling municipal positions.

5. Organization of work with the personnel reserve

5.1. Theoretical and practical training of persons included in the personnel reserve is an integral part of the system of training and retraining of personnel that has developed in the city administration and is provided for when forming the city budget.

5.2. Training of persons enrolled in the personnel reserve is carried out according to an individual plan (Appendix No. 4), which must provide for specific measures to ensure that the person enrolled in the reserve acquires the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, deeper development of his character future work, development of organizational leadership skills.

In the individual training plan (Appendix No. 4) for persons enrolled in the personnel reserve, the following forms of work can be used:

Teaching the basics, modern methods and methods of organizing management, economics and legislation;

Resolving individual issues related to the position profile;

Performing duties in a position for which he is in the reserve;

Participation in conferences, meetings, seminars, working groups, organizing committees in order to become familiar with the latest achievements in areas of knowledge and gain practical skills in accordance with the specialization of the municipal position for which he is in the reserve.

5.3. Municipal employees enrolled in the personnel reserve to fill a municipal position have the right to priority assignment for advanced training and retraining at the expense of the budget.

5.4. Deputy mayors of the city, the head of the mayor's office, and heads of structural divisions of the mayor's office supervise the individual training of candidates enrolled in the personnel reserve.

The heads of structural divisions of the mayor's office draw up individual training plans (Appendix No. 4) for persons included in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions in their department, monitor their implementation, and make an annual conclusion on the possibility or impossibility of recommending a candidate for filling a vacant municipal position.

5.5. Department for work with personnel and issues of awarding the municipal service department and organizational support for the activities of the mayor's office:

Organizes the study federal laws, regulatory legal acts of higher authorities, resolutions of the city mayor’s office by persons enrolled in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions,

Ensures that they have an individual training plan,

Prepares, if necessary, draft orders of the city mayor’s office on sending municipal employees for training (retraining), advanced training,

Makes proposals for improving work with the personnel reserve.

5.6. General management of work with the personnel reserve is carried out by the head of the mayor's office, who bears full responsibility for the formation and training of the reserve; sets tasks for the heads of structural divisions of the mayor's office to organize work with the reserve and exercises control over their implementation through the department for work with personnel and award issues; hears reports from the heads of structural divisions of the mayor's office on work with the reserve, evaluates its condition and effectiveness.

6. The procedure for the participation of persons in the personnel reserve for filling municipal positions in filling positions in the municipal service

6.1. Persons included in the reserve for filling municipal positions have an advantage when hiring for a vacant municipal position if, at the time of filling the position, they have the necessary professional and other qualities defined for this municipal position. Hiring is carried out in accordance with current legislation.

6.2. Persons included in the personnel reserve have the right to submit an application to participate in the competition for filling a vacant municipal position in the municipal service of the city mayor's office in the absence of restrictions provided for by the Regulations on the competition for filling the vacant municipal position of the municipal service in the city mayor's office.

Appendix No. 1

I approve


“_____” _________________ 200 g.

reserve list


(structural subdivision)

Name of the full-time position
FULL NAME. candidate for position
Date of Birth
Education (which educational institution and in what year you graduated, specialty)
Place of work, position and date of appointment

Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations “On the procedure for forming a reserve and working with persons included in the municipal service reserve in the mayor’s office of the city of E”

Knowledge, experience
Professional knowledge


Skills for solving typical problems

Additional knowledge and skills (training in courses, participation in seminars, availability of other professions and specialties)

Knowledge of the regulatory framework, work standards

The ability to highlight the main thing



Making decisions
Fast decision making



Information links, contacts
Using specialist knowledge

Communication skills

Ability to use information sources

Personal characteristics
Labor efficiency

Loyalty to the organization


Correct behavior

1. does not have sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities) and does not strive to acquire them;

2. does not have very deep knowledge (skills, abilities);

3. has sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities);

4. has good knowledge (skills, abilities);

5. has deep knowledge (skills, abilities), and can provide comprehensive advice on many issues.

Mark the box (Ö) according to the candidate’s level.

Appendix No. 3

to the Regulations “On the procedure for forming a reserve and working with persons included in the municipal service reserve in the mayor’s office of the city of E”

(structural subdivision)

Reserve specialist card
Reserve position

I. Personal information

(filled out by HR specialist)

1.1. Surname
1.2. Date of Birth
1.3. Education


(specialty in education, name educational institution, year of ending)

____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
1.4. Position to be filled
1.5. Date included in the reserve
1.6. Positions filled during work in the mayor's office

End of work
Job title

III. Preparation

(to be filled out by the specialist’s manager)

3.1. Theoretical preparation

Educational institution
Name of training course
Duration of training

3.2. Practical training

Name of preparation stages
Supervisor's mark on completion

____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

(brief information about the results of preparation)


departments ___________________

(date, signature)

IV. Conclusion
(to be completed annually by the specialist’s manager)

Appendix No. 4

to the Regulations “On the procedure for forming a reserve and working with persons included in the municipal service reserve in the mayor’s office of the city of E”



(head of structural unit)

"____"_____________ 200__g.

Individual training plan

enrolled in 200__ in reserve for the position:

(Job title)

Head of department __________________

(date, signature)

KNOWLEDGE ___________________

I offer an approximate position on the personnel reserve of a small or medium-sized business.
The regulation is part of the regulatory framework governing the processes of personnel training and development in the company, and contains links to other local regulations. For efficient work this provision You also need to have a package of templates (applications) available.
At the request of the customer, I adapt this document to the requirements of your company, including the development of templates for working with the personnel reserve (appendices to the regulations).
I will also develop as a separate project regulatory framework your company's learning and development processes, including assessment processes.



XXX companies

AND ABOUT. Surname


Regulations on the personnel reserve of the company "ХХХ"

I. General provisions.

II. Stages of personnel reserve preparation.

III. Preparation of personnel reserve program participants.

IV. Assessment of the level of training of reservists.

I.General provisions

2. The purpose of training the personnel reserve is:

  • planned and unscheduled replacement of key personnel, incl. managerial positions;
  • implementation of the company's supply of personnel to implement its strategy;
  • ensuring continuity of the production process.

3. The owner of the business process for training the personnel reserve is the company’s training center. The key participants in the process are department heads and employees participating in the personnel reserve training program (reservists).

4. When training reservists, the training center uses the following training methods without interruption from the main production activity.

  • Training at the training center - obtaining theoretical knowledge for the target position at the company's training center.
  • On-the-job training - obtaining practical skills for a target position in the workplace under the guidance of a mentor.
  • Developmental assignments - solving work tasks aimed at developing the professional and personal competencies of an employee within the target position.
  • Participation in projects - formation project teams from among reservists and other employees to achieve production goals for the target position.
  • Temporary replacement - temporary performance of official duties of a colleague/superior manager.
  • Self-training - independent acquisition of knowledge for a target position in accordance with the general or individual training program for a reservist.

5. In the final assessment of participants in the personnel reserve program, the training center uses the assessment methods specified in Section II, paragraph 4 of the Assessment Regulations.

6. The training center provides regular information about the progress of the personnel reserve training program by posting information on the corporate portal.

II. Stages of personnel reserve preparation

The training center organizes and carries out training of the personnel reserve in the following stages.

1.Identification of target positions for reserve training.

2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position.

3. Creation of target position cards.

4. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

5. Assessment of candidates for the personnel reserve.

6. Securing a mentor.

7. Training of participants in the personnel reserve program.

8. Monitoring the effectiveness of training of reservists.

9. Assessment of the level of training of reservists.

10. Summing up the results of the training program for reservists.

11. Planning further work with the personnel reserve.

12. Retention of promising employees.

1. Determination of target positions for reserve training

The list of target positions for training the personnel reserve includes all vacant positions that arise for various reasons (for example, maternity leave, upcoming dismissal, creation of new divisions, introduction of new functionality).

The list of target positions for preparing the reserve for the current year is approved by the company's management.

When determining target positions for reserve preparation, the Position Appointment Matrix is ​​used.

2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position

For each target position, at least 2 reservists must be trained.

3. Creating target position cards

In the absence of a target position card, the position card (Appendix 1 to the Regulations on Internal Training) must be developed by the head of the unit for which training is carried out under the personnel reserve program.

4. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve

Nomination of candidates to the personnel reserve is carried out in three ways:

1) nomination of an employee by his immediate supervisor;

2) nomination of an employee by the company management, HR director, training center;

3) employee self-nomination.

The selection is carried out in 2 stages:

1) preliminary selection - selection based on compliance with formal requirements;

2) main selection - evaluation of candidates.

The purpose of the pre-selection is to assess the candidate’s formal compliance with the requirements for enrollment in the personnel reserve.

Requirements for enrollment in the personnel reserve:

  • The age of the candidate for the reserve is at least 25 years.
  • Work experience in the company - at least 1 year.
  • No disciplinary sanctions during work.
  • The result of the assessment based on the results probationary period and/or planned assessment in the current position - at least 4 points (80%).
  • High performance of the employee for the period (previous + current year) in the current position - at least 4 points (80%).
  • Availability professional achievements(previous + current year) in the current position.

5. Assessment of candidates for the personnel reserve

The purpose of the main selection is to assess the potential (professional and personal qualities) candidate in accordance with the position card for each position.

The training center organizes a routine assessment procedure for employees whose candidacies have been pre-selected for inclusion in the personnel reserve, in accordance with the Assessment Regulations.

The results of the preliminary and final selection of candidates for the personnel reserve are documented in the selection card for the personnel reserve (Appendix 1).

As a result of this stage, a final list of participants in the personnel reserve program is formed.

6. Securing a mentor

Each participant in the personnel reserve training program is assigned a mentor from among more experienced colleagues or senior managers. The work of mentors is regulated by the Regulations on Mentoring.

7. Preparation of personnel reserve program participants

The purpose of training participants in the personnel reserve program (see. section III of this Regulation) is to increase their professional and personal competencies for successful work in the target position. The training center, together with the heads of departments, is developing the following training and development programs for participants in the personnel reserve program.

  • Development of a general training program for reservists (Appendix 2 Form 2). Goal: obtaining and developing knowledge, skills, competencies applicable for all target positions.
  • Development of an individual training and development plan for each reservist (Appendix 2 of forms 3-5). Goal: training a reservist to meet the requirements of the target position, taking into account his individual characteristics.

The general training program is developed for a period of at least 1 month, an individual training and development plan - for at least 2 months. The general training program and individual training and development plan are agreed upon with the HR director and company management. The training center independently selects methods for training program participants (see section I, paragraph 4), in accordance with the goals of the position and individual characteristics employees.

8. Monitoring the effectiveness of reservist training

To evaluate the completion of the personnel reserve training program, the training center holds regular intermediate meetings of reservists and their mentors with the heads of the department for which the employee is being trained, heads of the personnel service, and company management. If necessary, adjustments are made to the general training program and the individual plan for training and development of the reservist.

9. Assessment of the level of training of reservists

Upon completion of the personnel reserve training program, the training center conducts a comprehensive assessment of the level of training of reservists / implementation of the program for the development of professional and personal competencies (see Section IV of these Regulations).

At the end of the program, the reservist provides feedback on the results of completing the training program (Appendix 4 to the Regulations on Internal Training) and submits the completed questionnaire to the training center. The information received from reservists as feedback is used to improve the process of training the personnel reserve in the company.

10. Summing up the training program for reservists

Based on the results of assessing the level of training of reservists, decisions are made on:

  • the reservist’s readiness to occupy a vacant target position;
  • exclusion from the reserve of employees who have demonstrated a decrease in performance indicators and/or lack of progress in the development of professional and personal competencies;
  • conducting additional training on skills and competencies, in which the reservist received a score below 3.5 (70%);
  • encouraging successful reservists who have demonstrated an increase in work performance and an increase in the level of development of professional and personal competencies.

Result of the stage: reservists with a high level of readiness have been identified to fill vacant target positions.

11. Substitution vacant positions participants of the personnel reserve program

If there are open target positions in the company, candidates for replacement from among the successful reservists are considered and they are appointed to the position.

Within 2 months after transfer to a new position, the training center, if necessary, adapts an employee trained under the personnel reserve training program to new position.

Adaptation to a new position is carried out using the following methods:

  • assigning a mentor from among colleagues/superior managers to the reservist;
  • consultations on general program preparation and individual training and development plan;
  • conducting additional training.

12. Retaining promising employees

If there are no open target positions at the time of completion of the reservist training program, measures are taken to retain promising employees in the company.

The retention program for promising employees who have successfully completed the personnel reserve training program includes the following retention methods:

  • extension functional responsibilities employee, area of ​​responsibility and level of decision-making;
  • inclusion in project teams;
  • independent project management as a project manager;
  • organizing temporary replacements for managers (during vacation, business trips, illness, etc.);
  • the opportunity to become a mentor for less experienced employees;
  • salary supplement;
  • provision of additional social benefits.

When choosing a retention method, the individual needs of the employee are taken into account.

The result of the stage: promotion of trained reservists to vacant target positions, preservation of the company’s personnel potential by retaining promising employees in the personnel reserve.

1. For employees who have successfully passed the selection for participation in the personnel reserve program, a Training Card for the personnel reserve program is drawn up, which includes the following documents:

III. Preparation of personnel reserve program participants

  • General information about the employee (Appendix 2 Form 1). To be completed by the lead training manager 2 days before the start of the training program;
  • Training plan at the training center (Appendix 2, form 2). Compiled by the lead training manager 2 days before the start of the training program;
  • On-the-job training plan (Appendix 2 Form 3). Compiled by the mentor on the first day of the training program. The on-the-job training plan includes: training activities, developmental assignments, participation in projects, temporary substitutions;
  • Plan for entering the position (Appendix 2 Form 4). Compiled by the immediate supervisor or head of the unit on the first day of implementation of the training program;
  • Self-preparation plan (Appendix 2 form 5). Compiled by the lead training manager on the first day of the training program.

IV. Assessment of the level of training of reservists

1. The criteria for passing the personnel reserve training program are the following:

  • results of on-the-job training;
  • execution results key tasks from the Induction Plan;
  • self-training results;
  • attitude to work/ Feedback from a mentor and superior manager;
  • results of completing assessment tasks during assessment activities.

2. The leading training manager creates a package of materials for assessing the level of training of the personnel reserve:

  • general information about the employee (Appendix 2 Form 1);
  • training plan at the training center with results (Appendix 2, form 2);
  • on-the-job training plan with results (Appendix 2 Form 3);
  • plan for entering the position with results (Appendix 2 Form 4);
  • self-study plan with results (Appendix 2 form 5);
  • attitude to work (Appendix 2 form 6);
  • results of completing assessment tasks (Appendix 2 Form 7);
  • final evaluation sheet for the position (Appendix 2 Form 8).

3. The reservist successfully completes the personnel reserve training program upon receiving an overall assessment score of at least 4/80%.

4. Evaluation activities based on the results of completing the personnel reserve program are carried out by an evaluation commission and consist of the following sections:

  • general information about the company ( electronic test);
  • theoretical knowledge of the position (written or electronic test);
  • functional responsibilities for the position (written or electronic test, interview with the immediate supervisor);
  • work in corporate systems(practical task);
  • motivational coefficients/KPIs (electronic test, interview with the immediate supervisor);
  • professional skills (assessment event with solving cases and practical tasks).

5. The results of completing assessment tasks are documented in assessment sheets (Appendix 2, Form 7).

6. The results of the personnel reserve training program and the decision of the evaluation commission are formalized in the final score sheet by position (Appendix 2 Form 8). The decision of the evaluation commission is signed by all members of the evaluation commission.

7. The results of the personnel reserve training program and the decision of the evaluation commission (Appendix 2 Form 8) are presented to the General Director. The General Director makes the final decision on completing the personnel reserve program.

8. If, during the period of training under the personnel reserve program, it is revealed that an employee does not meet the requirements of the target position, the immediate supervisor for the planned position draws up a memo about the reservist’s non-compliance with the requirements of the target position. The memo is agreed upon with the HR director and submitted for consideration to the general director.

9. During the period of training under the personnel reserve program, an employee may refuse to participate in the program.

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about working with personnel reserve

branch of OJSC ""

    General provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure and methodology for forming a personnel reserve, the principles of selecting candidates for the reserve, as well as planning and organizing work with the reserve branch of OJSC "." (hereinafter referred to as the branch).1.2. In these Regulations under personnel reserve is understood as a group of managers and specialists with the ability to management activities who meet the requirements of a position of a particular rank, have passed selection, systematic targeted qualification training and have achieved positive results in production activities.1.3. The personnel reserve of the branch is formed separately for the following positions: heads of structural units of the branch, chief engineers, and heads of structural divisions, heads of workshops, chief accountants, head of the Department, heads of departments and services of the branch. 1.4. The purpose of working with the personnel reserve:

    increasing the level of selection and placement of management personnel capable of working effectively in modern conditions;

    replenishment of management personnel with highly qualified employees;

    creating a real prospect for professional and job advancement of employees;

    timely filling of vacant positions;

    shortening the adaptation period for newly appointed employees to the position of manager.

1.5. The main tasks of working with the personnel reserve are:

    identifying employees with organizational potential and creating conditions for their further professional and managerial growth;

    organizing professional training and developing management skills for candidates;

    timely submission of proposals for the use of workers included in the reserve.

1.6. Basic principles of forming a personnel reserve:

    relevance of the reserve - the reserve is formed for specific positions, the need to fill these positions is real;

    suitability of the candidate for the position and type of reserve;

    reserve prospects - potential ratio career growth with the productivity and level of competence of the specialist;

    personal responsibility of managers at all levels for the promotion of an employee to the reserve and his training;

    voluntariness of inclusion and presence in the personnel reserve;

    objectivity (assessment of professional and personal qualities and results of an employee’s professional activity when included in the personnel reserve is carried out collegiately on the basis of objective assessment criteria).

1.7. Sources of personnel reserve:

    senior employees of the directorate and structural divisions;

    chief and leading specialists;

    specialists who have appropriate education and have proven themselves in production activities;

1.8. Work on the formation of a personnel reserve is carried out by the Human Resources Department together with managers at all levels and under the leadership of the director. – director of the branch.1.9. The decision to add to the personnel reserve and exclude from it is formalized by order of the director - the director of the branch, based on the decision of the personnel commission.

2. Structure of the personnel reserve

2.1. When forming a personnel reserve, two groups are determined: Group A (operational reserve)– candidates for certain positions who are ready to work in these positions in currently or in the near future (within a year). Group B (strategic reserve)– young employees with leadership qualities, who in the future can occupy leadership positions in the branch.2.2. Distribution into groups is made on the basis of candidates’ compliance with the requirements for the position at the time of assessment of their personal and business qualities. 2.3. The same employee can be in both the operational reserve (as the most acceptable candidate for filling a position at lower levels of management) and in the strategic reserve (if it is possible for him to fill a position at higher levels of management through a series of intermediate appointments).

3. General principles selection of candidates for the reserve

3.1.The selection of the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with the business and personal qualities of employees:

    compliance with the competencies for this position, availability higher education, ability to learn and update knowledge;

    age limit:

Group A– 45 years for all categories of positions: Group B– 40 years for heads of structural divisions of the branch, chief engineers, heads of structural divisions, chief accountants, 35 years for heads of workshops, heads of departments, 30 years for heads of departments and services of the branch.

    Work experience in a managerial position in this area ( to form an operational reserve) at least 5 years for those applying for the position of head of a structural unit, head of a structural unit, chief engineer, chief accountant; for those applying for the position of Head of the Department, at least 3 years. To candidates for the reserve positions of heads of departments and services group A and to candidates for the formation of a strategic reserve ( group B) There are no requirements for work experience in a managerial position.

    Communication experience and willingness to cooperate, skills in establishing interpersonal communications, support interpersonal relationships, the ability to conduct horizontal and vertical business negotiations.

    The desire to become a leader, the employee’s motivation for self-improvement and career development are the most important criteria for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve.

3.2. For these positions in the reserve there must be at least 2 candidates who meet the requirements. 3.3. Only employees of the branch are included in the reserve. In exceptional cases, in agreement with the management of OJSC "." Candidates from other branches may be included in the reserve list.

    The procedure and methodology for forming a reserve

4.1. The formation of the reserve is carried out by the Personnel Department under the leadership of the director of the branch on the basis of Action plan for the formation of a personnel reserve for the branch(Appendix No. 1). 4.2. The process of forming a personnel reserve for the branch includes the following stages:

    analysis of reserve requirements;

    compiling a list of positions for which a personnel reserve is formed;

    creating a list of candidates for the reserve;

    assessment and selection into the personnel reserve;

    creating a reserve for specific positions.

4.3. When analyzing the need for reserve, the enterprise's need for management personnel in the near future is established, the number of management employees released as a result of changes in the management structure, who can be used for management activities in other areas, the actual number of trained this moment reserve, approximate percentage of departure of individual workers from the reserve. 4.4. To form a list of candidates, employees of the branch are informed about the beginning of the competitive selection of candidates for the reserve for management positions. All employees are familiarized with the requirements for candidates for inclusion in the reserve. Those wishing to take part in the competition fill out Statement(Appendix No. 2). The application is signed by the employee himself, his immediate supervisor and is submitted to the Human Resources Department within a month from the date of announcement of the competition.4.5. After the closing date for accepting applications, the Human Resources Department makes a preliminary selection of candidates for the reserve based on maximum restrictions (education, age, work experience) and analysis of information about the candidate. The preliminary list of personnel reserve for promotion is agreed upon with the Security Department of the branch.
      When creating a reserve list, the following methods are used:
    analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, job requirements, descriptions and assessments of the workplace, certification results; evaluation of results labor activity(encouragements, opinions of managers and specialists of related departments).
The most significant factors and criteria when forming a system of qualities for promotion to a leadership position should be:
    work motivation- interest in professional problems and creative work, the desire to broaden one’s horizons, focus on the future, success and achievements; professionalism and competence- educational and age qualifications, work experience, level of professional preparedness, independence in decision-making and the ability to implement them, the ability to negotiate, argue one’s position, defend it, etc.; personal qualities and potential capabilities - high degree intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, accessibility, authority, tact, communication skills, organizational inclinations, emotional stability.

    The following methods are used to evaluate candidates:

    Questionnaire (assessment of a candidate’s qualities is carried out using questionnaires in which the evaluator’s name is not indicated). Managers receive assessments of their qualities from their superiors, managers at the same level, and from their subordinates. The number of experts must be at least 6 people. Ordinary employees receive assessments of their qualities from employees and work colleagues, as well as from their immediate supervisors (the desired number of experts is from 3 to 6 people.);

    testing; interviews to identify aspirations, needs, motives of behavior.

    When forming a list of candidates for the reserve, the following tasks are sequentially solved:

    comparison of candidates for one position and selection of the most suitable for work in this position; determination of strategic and operational reserve.
All employees included in the preliminary list of candidates for the reserve are interviewed by a personnel commission, where the candidate’s application and the results of an assessment of personal and business qualities are presented. Based on the results of the interview, the personnel commission makes a decision on recommending the candidate to the operational or strategic reserve.
    The decision to include employees in the reserve is made by the current director. - director of the branch based on the conclusion of members of the personnel commission.
4.10. If there are no candidates or candidates for a specific position are recognized as not meeting the requirements established by these Regulations, a personnel reserve for filling positions for this position is not formed. 4.11. For each position level there is a separate List of candidates for the reserve ( Appendix No. 3). For the positions of heads of structural units of the branch, a list of candidates is compiled separately. 4.12. Lists of candidates for the reserve are approved by the current director. – director of the branch. 4.13. After approval of the reserve lists, all candidates are notified of their inclusion in the personnel reserve. 4.14.Approved personnel reserve lists are the main source for appointing employees to management positions.4.15. After a year after the formation of the reserve, the composition of the reserve is reviewed by the personnel commission and replenished (in the manner prescribed by these Regulations) in the process of analyzing the placement of management personnel and specialists, as well as assessing their activities and certification. 4.16. Persons included in the personnel reserve for the current calendar year may be included in the personnel reserve for subsequent years, subject to a positive conclusion from the personnel commission on the results of their implementation of the individual candidate training plan for the reserve candidate.

5. Preparation of personnel reserve

5.1. Work on training the personnel reserve is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist from the reserve for independent activities at a higher level. 5.2. For specialists included in the reserve to fill positions in this unit, the heads of structural units draw up ANDindividual training plan for a year (Appendix No. 4) . The individual plan provides for specific measures to ensure that the specialist acquires the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and better masters the skills of the upcoming activity. 5.3. The individual training plan is signed by the employee himself, his immediate supervisor, agreed with the superior manager and the Head of the Human Resources Department and approved by the current director. – director of the branch.5.4. Individual plans (depending on the reserve group) may provide for the following forms of training:

    training in the advanced training system, obtaining a second higher and professional education, etc.; involvement in solving production, technical, economic issues related to the profile of the position; studying the basics of management organization and Russian legislation; analysis of the causes of shortcomings in the organization and development of proposals for their elimination; internship in a position for which you are enrolled in the reserve; temporary replacement of managers for the period of their vacations, business trips, etc.; visiting other organizations to study positive experience; participation in the preparation, conduct and work of conferences, seminars, meetings, working groups, organizing committees, technical studies; participation in cultural events.
5.5. The Human Resources Department develops guidelines on methods and forms of working with the reserve, monitors the availability of an individual training plan for reservists, makes proposals for improving work with the personnel reserve. 5.6. The Legal Department organizes methodological and advisory assistance in the study of federal laws and regulations.

    Control over work with the personnel reserve

6.1. The materials accumulated in the process of studying, characterizing the employee in the reserve, are taken into account by the Human Resources Department. 6.2. Systematic control over the implementation of individual plans is carried out by the immediate supervisor and the Human Resources Department.6.3. Every year, at a meeting of the personnel commission, an analysis of the placement of management personnel, as well as the state of the reserve for promotion, is carried out. The activities of each candidate enrolled in the reserve over the past year are assessed and a decision is made to retain him in the reserve and further promotion.6.4. Each reservist draws up a report on his work for the year and submits it to his immediate supervisor, who in turn prepares a report to the personnel commission on the quality of the employee’s implementation of the individual development plan. 6.5. Persons included in the personnel reserve may be excluded from it during the current year on the following grounds:
    imposition of a disciplinary sanction for the entire period of its validity; refusal to undergo retraining (requalification) and (or) advanced training; low certification results; bringing to criminal or administrative liability; expressing in a personal statement a desire to be excluded from the personnel reserve; unsatisfactory results of their implementation of the individual training plan for the reserve candidate; dismissal; change in direction of activity; deterioration of health; reaching the age limit; refusal to fill the corresponding vacant position.

    Appointment to office

7.1. When appointed to a leadership position preemptive right have candidates from the operational reserve of the branch. 7.2. If a key position is vacated and there are no candidates to fill it from the operational reserve, candidates from the strategic reserve list are assessed according to the following parameters:
    the candidate’s readiness, taking into account the results of the individual training plan; authority in the organization.

    Final provisions

8.1. Issues not regulated by these Regulations may be resolved in separate orders (instructions) of the director. - director of the branch based on the decision of the personnel commission. 8.2. This provision is mandatory for use in all structural divisions of the branch. 8.3. Changes and additions to these Regulations, as provided by the head of the HR Department, are agreed upon by the personnel commission and are introduced into the Regulations on the basis of the order of the director. - director of the branch.
Public report

APPENDICES: 1)Report General Director OJSC "Orenburgenergosbyt" about procurement activities for 2005 (by type of activity). 2) Report of the General Director of OJSC Orenburgenergosbyt on procurement activities

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  • Document

    1.1. These Regulations, developed in accordance with the Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2005 No. 1295 and current legislation, define the status and responsibilities of a young specialist of the West Siberian