New Year's business ideas, step one - provocation for success. Sale of blankets with sleeves. Organization of special events

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are only a couple of months left before the New Year, and I have not yet published New Year's business ideas, but a New Year's business can be very profitable and promising. In this article I will talk about how and what New Year's toys, New Year's gifts and services are best sold.

Classic New Year's business.

  1. Sale of Christmas trees is the most popular variety New Year's business. True, here it is necessary to highlight the sale of real Christmas trees, since the sale of artificial ones falls under the next category.
  2. Sale of New Year's toys includes the sale of artificial Christmas trees, Christmas tree decorations and decorations, as well as New Year's decor for home and apartment.
  3. Sale New Year's gifts - the most popular type of New Year's business. The competition here is intense.
  4. Sale of pyrotechnics is not only a New Year's, but also a general holiday business, which means the presence of a large number of highly specialized stores selling pyrotechnics.

As you can see, New Year's business in the classic form is not of particular interest, since it will be very difficult for newcomers in this niche to cope with competition. That is why I will share with you my ideas for implementing new and competitive business with an unusual approach.

Original New Year's business ideas.

So that you can immediately understand how you can make your New Year’s business more attractive, I advise you to remember such films as “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 2”. Yes, they don’t show New Year’s holidays, they show American Christmas, but people in our country want to see New Year’s holidays in exactly this light. Maybe it's the influence of American films, but I personally really love all the Christmas decorations, lighting and sense of wonder.

Now I will tell you what attracts me most about Western Christmas, and for one thing, you will understand what you need to sell in order to become competitive in the New Year business:

You can rest assured that with good imagination and a sense of style, your New Year's business will become special and stand out from the gray mass of New Year's shops. In order for you to finally understand what I’m talking about, I present to your attention a photo of my New Year tree.

Amulet-picture that brings good luck, money, success with women and breakfast in bed. How to use it is written in the group (click on the picture)!

And this is not the last surprise. Don't switch from our site! By the way, we didn’t believe in the amulet either, but as soon as we tried it, in general, everything worked and we will get it in the New Year;) If you know what we mean.

Let's return to our material.

Simple and tasteful. It's winter, you can do business in winter. Of course, there is not much snow now, but there will be someday. Therefore, we read and remember. 8 current ideas business for the winter.

Our strong point. When everyone was reprinting from each other how to make money on resale, we delved into China, drank tea, and revealed a topic that excites the minds of the entire reading population. At the same time, we still have tea and we still write that it’s like in China. We are burning new topics. Did not know? And all because they didn’t subscribe to .

Simple and clear ideas on how to become millionaires in Russia. No crime. Of course, you still won’t repeat these ideas, but even if you think about it, that’s already a plus.

The Christmas tree is a constant attribute of all New Year holidays. Some, especially superstitious ones, keep the Christmas tree at home until May so that good luck will visit them in all places. Therefore, the demand for spruce is stable. And growing is quite simple, so if a Christmas tree grows in the forest, why can’t you grow it on the balcony? You can. .

Naturally, you read not only the site, but also other similar sites similar to the site. You haven't gone crazy with cool ideas yet home business? Where from site to site, in the same words, but in different letters, they recommend that you open a framing workshop in the garage or some kind of large-scale production. What to do, not everyone has a garage and not everyone knows what it means to work with their hands. But, they write. That's right, that's the thing with the tongue, don't move the bags. In any case, if you have an empty garage, then you can always put a piece of butter, red caviar, dill, parsley on your piece of bread. Take two glasses of flour, three spoons of sour cream... oh, we’re not a culinary site. But, if you have a favorite recipe, share it in the comments, honor and respect for the best recipe.

Over the 10 years of our project’s existence, we have experienced not only several crises, but also competitive efforts in the field of our replacement. Let's be honest - it's rather weak. And not because we are cool, but because we know how to make a high-quality website, and not rewrite someone else’s. But why are we? Everyone will be given what they deserve.

We have selected 20 business ideas that have ever been published on our website. They refined them as best they could. And they offered it to you. Whether they worked or not - read for yourself. We said and wrote everything.

Happy New Year 2016!

By joining the general congratulations, we want to say - don’t worry, everything will be fine. In life, in love, in business. The main thing is to believe and work. In a crisis, not only talents appear, but also opportunities to make money from these talents. Believe in yourself while others think they are leaders. It's easy to overtake the leader, because when overtaking you look forward, and he looks back. Don’t be timid - read the site for our updates and don’t lose heart! We are always with you!

Don't forget that your talisman is waiting for you at the beginning of the article!
With love, KHOBIZ.RU

P.S: Where did we get 49 business ideas? Just count - 8 current winter business ideas, in the cycle about China there are more than 5 ideas, 10 ways to make money in Russia, growing spruce - 1 piece, 5 business ideas in the garage and 20 business ideas for the crisis and import substitution. Total more than 49 business ideas! The main thing is to read everything carefully.

New Year's holidays are the best time to make money. People are waiting for gifts and are ready to give gifts to their loved ones and acquaintances. Your services will be very useful when organizing a holiday and on vacation during the winter holidays.

It's no secret that the New Year is just around the corner. And this month allows you to make good money if you know how. Various are collected here. Let's look at them.

1. New Year's tree sale

There is a lot of competition in this field, since this is the most popular business at this time. Both real and artificial Christmas trees are in demand. But each product requires its own attitude.

In the city, artificial Christmas trees are sold at almost every turn. In underground passages, crowded places, near houses. The result is a huge range of goods for every taste and color. The most popular in this regard are Christmas trees from Denmark. And here everything depends on the integrity of the suppliers. Sometimes the birthplace of such a Christmas tree is really Denmark, but there can also be fakes. Online stores are also not lagging behind in this field. For busy people this is just a godsend. The most successful advertising option is in elevators, since these places are often visited by people. More details in our business idea.

2. Christmas trees for rent

There are also both real and artificial spruce trees here. If you are dealing with an artificial option, then you can do things differently. Or sell them to the city administration and they will be placed in squares. Or rent out to entrepreneurs for offices and, of course, homemade spruce trees, which are also in great demand.

When naturalness comes first, a certain risk arises. Our main goal is that after they have been in use, they can be collected and recycled. It doesn’t matter whether it will be used for firewood or for construction needs - it’s more important to justify the costs.

3. Driver's trees

Taxi drivers and other drivers can implement another business idea on Christmas trees. Here it is important to find a supplier of small Christmas trees that will fit comfortably in the salon. Or even on the roofs of cars. It looks very original. Of course, with the right approach, this business can justify itself well. Online stores can also help here.

4. Toys and decorations for Christmas trees

Relevant every year. However, there is a lot of competition here too, and therefore you need to be able to present yourself in an original way. Or push on low price, but see for yourself here.

5. Symbols of the New Year. Various souvenirs

2011 is the year of the Rabbit. Symbols of white and fluffy rabbits will be sold everywhere. Various souvenirs and trinkets in the form of this fur-bearing animal. Of course, many people get caught up in shopping and here it is necessary not to yawn. You can install a machine for getting toys. Older people probably remember these Soviet devices. Throw in 15 kopecks and get it for your health! Such a miracle can be filled to capacity with rabbits and I don’t want to get it!

6. New Year's souvenirs from corporations

Continuing the previous topic, we take a rabbit, label it “Euroset” or “Gazprom” - there will be buyers. Naturally from the relevant organizations.

7. Sweets

No New Year is complete without sweets. It's important to stock up on this product and you're in the game.

8. Fireworks, sparklers, fireworks

Everything is clear here without words. The people demand spectacles!

9. Visits of Father Frost and Snow Maiden to the house

If you are active enough and can easily tolerate large doses of alcohol, this kind of income is for you. Specially, at your request, we published the business idea “”.

10. Matinees and other New Year’s celebrations

You can hire actors, presenters, musicians and go to the people with the holidays.

11. New Year's costumes, handmade

12. Rental of New Year's costumes

It’s similar to Christmas trees here. Same principle. It is easy for children and adults to choose different options. And again, advertising is the engine of trade.

13. Animals want a holiday too

You can make costumes for animals according to Western trends. Here the main market is nurseries, as well as a wealthy clientele who can afford it.

14. Selling snow

Everything is very simple. There is not snow everywhere, which means our task is to sell it where there is none.

15. New Year's wishes on the Internet

The point is to make a website where various wishes for the New Year will be described. Then friends or relatives come there, see what is written and buy. It is important to find your market and properly cooperate with various social networks. Everything is in your power. The main thing is that such a portal will continue its life after New Year’s Eve, which means it will be possible to use it on any holiday.

16. Room decor

Everything is simple and easy here. We decorate the premises according to the customer's requirements. You can hire an experienced designer, then his fee should be higher, but so should your earnings.

17. Writing scripts for the New Year

The point is simple: I wrote the script, sold it, and so on. If you have a rich imagination, get started!

18. Desk for the New Year

Making a New Year's screensaver or screensaver is not that difficult. They can be sold for SMS.

19. Gift wrapping

No comments.

20. Delicacies for the New Year

Rare products for the New Year - if you can arrange their supply - it's in the bag!

21. Russian Santa

The main demand will be from foreigners and migrants.

22. Advertising

23. Ringtones and ringbacks

This is obvious - ringtone for SMS has long become a common service.

24. Taxi for the New Year

Perhaps the most relevant type of income for Russians who especially celebrated. Like these ones new year business ideas that you can implement!

25. Individually designed Christmas trees

Here, the hand-made option comes first " Hand Made" You can sell such a product in the following ways:

  • Custom design. First, the customer selects the design of interest, and then it is made by hand.
  • Ready to eat.

In this case, all products are manufactured in advance for a wide variety of designs, which are then sold. It is best to combine these two options. Buyers are mainly wealthy customers and firms. Of course, this business requires a rich imagination and skillful hands. You can sell a couple of these trees to large shopping centers. This is both a joy for the people and an advertisement for the product. You must provide your contact information.

New Year's time- holiday time, which opens up huge opportunities for winter business. Investors and entrepreneurs, not used to sitting idle, are seizing these opportunities and do not miss their chance to make money during the winter holidays. During this period, any entrepreneur can receive high profits by trying himself in the New Year business. This type of seasonal income may not be limited to playing the roles of Father Frost and Snow Maiden or renting out your apartment or house in a village in which no one lives for the New Year holidays. Taxi services are also popular on New Year's Eve - prices almost double during this period.

So, don’t waste a lot of time - adopt any of the ideas suggested below and get ready to spend the holidays to your advantage.

1. Production and sale of New Year cards

When the New Year holidays are approaching, many people buy New Year cards and give them to their friends, relatives, and colleagues. Since the beginning of winter, the postcard trade has boomed every year.

If you have a creative streak, you can easily master the production of greeting cards with my own hands. They can be developed either manually or using a computer, and subsequently put up for sale. High-quality handmade cards will be in great demand and cost much more than those mass-produced in factories. If you are not at all creative, you can simply buy cards in batches at a wholesale price and sell them at retail. Also on postcards you can write a message for children from Santa Claus or any other fairy-tale character at the request of the customer.

2. Selling sweets

Almost everyone loves holiday treats, so a great New Year's business idea would be to sell New Year's cakes and original homemade cookies. If you are good at cooking and have taken some time to advertise, you will have a steady stream of orders. You can work with one or two skilled chefs who will bake you enough sweets if you don’t know how to cook yourself, or, again, buy factory-made baked goods wholesale and sell them retail.

3. Packaging and sale of fruits

The advantage of this business is that you don’t need to cook the food yourself - you can beautifully decorate a gift basket for men, women and children, put a variety of fruits and sweets from the nearest supermarket in it - and the New Year’s goods are ready - you can deliver such baskets to order or sell office workers at an increased price. Such a basket can contain both food and tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks or flowers, including those made from sweets.

4. Sale of Christmas tree decorations, gifts and souvenirs

For many, the first association that comes to mind when mentioning New Year and Christmas is a tree and gifts. Every year, during the New Year holidays, millions of different gifts, Christmas tree decorations, souvenirs, home decorations and other things are purchased, which buyers bring from holiday travel or purchase at the nearest store. Calendars, photo albums, printed mugs along with bags of tea or coffee, sweaters and T-shirts, hats, always sell well. Jewelry, cosmetics, kitchen utensils, carnival costumes and masks, and of course Christmas trees and Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations can be made by hand and not necessarily from glass, and if you are lucky and your toys are ordered by a certain company, you will put the logo of this company on the product for advertising purposes and can earn even more from such an order!

Unusual things are especially in great demand: unusual alarm clocks, heated socks and slippers, snuggy robes that will make you feel warm and cozy. Inexpensive items sell well, so try to reduce the prices of your goods - then you will attract many more customers. However, for an additional fee you can offer souvenir packaging. Most buyers will happily agree, and you may end up selling the item at a very competitive price.

Snuggy robe

On video: Aroma Christmas decorations-gifts

5. Production and sale of toys for children

New Year's holidays are always a joy for children. In fact, children's toys are the best-selling product during the New Year period. This business is easy to start because children's toys are quite cheap, but selling them can be very profitable. If you have the appropriate skills, you can get into handicrafts and make toys for sale yourself. In the future, this idea may well develop from a New Year’s business into permanent income.

6. New Year's catering

Who doesn't love a New Year's feast? Perhaps there are very few such people. At the same time, not everyone likes to stand at the stove and cook a festive dinner on a holiday. And some people simply don’t have enough time for this. Therefore, the food delivery service will be in demand during the New Year holidays - it is easier for people to order food at home than to cook everything themselves. You can also please your customers with a special New Year's menu. Also, if you know how to cook deliciously, you can offer clients to cook meals at their home or deliver a menu prepared by you personally. In addition, there are people who, due to medical reasons or personal beliefs, adhere to various principles food: separate, vegetarian, vegan, dietary and others. For these, you can organize delivery of special dishes to your home or office.

On video: Diet food delivery

7. Gift wrapping

Not only the production and sale of gifts are in demand during the New Year. You can make good money by making beautiful packaging and then wrapping New Year's gifts, or even by simply reselling gift wrapping to sellers of New Year's souvenirs.

8. Organization of special events

If you are a musician or choreographer, you can easily earn a considerable amount of money during the winter holidays by organizing holiday concerts or participating in special events. If you are an actor, you can organize costume performances, matinees, and carnivals. Even if you don’t have the talents described above, you can organize holiday concerts for your familiar musical group or arrange matinees and find clientele for familiar actors. You can involve sand show specialists or firemen - fire lords.

On video: The best niches in seasonal earnings

9. New Year's online store

If you are a blogger with a large contingent of readers, you can earn New Year, selling various things and advertising various New Year products online. Alternatively, you can sell your own items that you don't use - have a yard sale. If you look around the house - in the garage, in closets, on bookshelves - you will probably find many things in excellent condition that you have not used for many years and could simply sell.

And guess what? There are probably a lot of people who desperately need exactly those things that you might even throw away. It is easy to find buyers for any item on the Internet, payment is made by card, and private postal services can be used to deliver goods to buyers.

10. Sale of fireworks and salutes

How to make money in winter, on New Year and after it, by selling all kinds of pyrotechnics - fireworks, salutes and firecrackers? That's right, in every family or group, on this magical night, sparklers are lit and fireworks are released into the cold night sky.

  • Business organization

If you plan to make money by selling pyrotechnics only during the winter holidays, then you do not need a license. The main permitting document for trade will be a permit local Administration state fire service- UGPS. Such a document is issued to those persons whose retail outlet is located in a separate building or in mall Upstairs.

The main advantage of your point of sale will be its location. This could be a small store in the city center, or next to the Christmas tree market. You can also locate yourself near a large supermarket.

Advertising can be a neon sign or a sign decorated with bright electric garland. You can write about your range on the Internet. Remember also that the winter holiday season is short, it is important to have time to sell all the goods. It must be of high quality and with relevant documents.

  • Where to buy fireworks?

Before you think about the premises in which you will sell pyrotechnic products, you need to find a supplier of this product.

You can also purchase products - fireworks, salutes, firecrackers, sparklers, etc. from partners from China, but you should pay attention to the inscriptions on the packaging: if there are instructions for use and a description of the product in Russian without errors, this means that the product has passed all stages of verification and is not a cheap pirated fake.

The profitability of this type of business can reach about 30 percent if you draw up a business plan correctly. The amount of daily revenue can be up to 10,000 rubles per day.

11. Service “Photographer for the New Year”

A good photographer or photo studio owner can make good money not only on Valentine's Day, Christmas or accompanying weddings. If you are good photographer and you have professional or at least semi-professional photographic equipment, then this type of New Year’s income is for you. There will be good demand for such a service - think for yourself.

For the New Year, the photographer will take cool photos for you as a souvenir.

Most of those people who spent the holidays very stormy regret that very little photo and video materials were preserved after the holiday - there was simply no one to act as a professional photographer during the party.

And the point here is not that the participants in the celebration cannot remember the events of New Year's Eve. Just in any case, it was fun, interesting and positive. In order not to lose such vivid memories, you can invite a photographer who will photograph the most interesting moments throughout the evening and record videos.

It is also very important for girls to look attractive and graceful in photographs from such events, and a not very sober friend will not always be able to take a beautiful, correct photo.

Such a service can be expensive - after all, you will be celebrating a holiday with strangers and will not drink alcohol when everyone around you is having fun and relaxing. But all your efforts will pay off handsomely - when you receive the long-awaited reward. However, it is worth noting that you should not speculate on photographs and demand double payment for them from those who did not take them very well - this will discredit your reputation as a photographer, and do not expect any more profitable orders. It is better to immediately delete frankly bad pictures or try not to take them.

Besides, how do you New Year's photographer, you can offer the party participants you accompany a discount on a winter photo shoot, or give some participants of the celebration their photos, especially carefully processed by you in a graphic editor.

12. Nanny for children and pets during the New Year and Christmas celebrations

Many people for long periods New Year holidays They want to go abroad or away from the boring, bustling city. Some of them can afford to leave their children and pets to their parents or other relatives. But what about those who do not have such an opportunity? In addition, hotel services for dogs are quite expensive, especially for periods such as holidays.

If you have a spacious country house or you live in a large apartment, and your family and neighbors will not mind the appearance of a small zoo or “ kindergarten", then this business is for you!

What does it take to become a nanny?

  • Free space.
  • Love for animals and children.
  • Advertising.
  • Pet food of different brands and qualities.
  • Solid knowledge of caring for pets and children.
  • A medical and sanitary record book that is in complete order.

You can also become a Snow Maiden nanny on New Year's Eve for a child or several children from one particular family. Of course, such a service will cost clients a lot, but who else can free them from the dull sitting at home with a baby or just a small child - instead of having a great time on the holiday?

13. New Year's designer

You can also provide a service for decorating your home, office or car for the New Year. You can also offer a service for decorating costumes for new year party– revive old shoes or a dress and give it a carnival flavor.

If you are the owner of a car repair shop, or know how to paint with an airbrush, you can engage in New Year's car tuning services: decorate private cars or cars in a taxi service, for example, with New Year's surroundings.

Decorating the home or office of overly busy and wealthy people can very well replenish the family budget on the eve of the holiday. It is during the period from December 20 to December 30 that such services will be most in demand.

Having watched enough films about beautiful life, our fellow citizens strive to get at least a little closer to the ideal of a good life and also want to decorate their premises or yard with multi-colored garlands, lights, figurines of deer and Santa Claus in a sleigh.

How to start a home decorating business for the New Year?

You will need a minimum start-up capital. What should you do first?

  • study the assortment of New Year's paraphernalia and purchase materials in advance, while they are not too expensive;
  • find good suppliers and buy New Year's decor elements from 1 supplier - it can be cheaper and faster;
  • draw up a price list in which you must include the cost of decorative elements in the price of the design service;
  • on a specially created website or group on VKontakte or others in social networks;
  • engage in active promotion of a website or group in advance so that people can sign up for a home or office decoration service in advance (it is better to do this from the end of October);
  • take care of the availability of construction equipment - you can purchase it, or you can rent it or hire an employee who will have everything you need in stock;
  • in addition, it is worth thinking about where you can buy the missing elements that your client may want to see in the decor;
  • if you are not an expert in the field of electricity, it is better to hire such a person - this will help avoid very serious mistakes during fire-hazardous decoration objects and will eliminate the possibility of fire. It is also necessary to insure your civil liability.

You can give the client the right to choose: the client can buy New Year’s decorations from you, which you will use in decoration, but this will cost him many times more, or he can rent them - this will be more profitable for both you and him. But no matter what option you choose, remember that it is better to buy high-quality garlands (including outdoor and LED) and New Year's lights once than to listen to the client's complaints and re-install failed light bulbs.

How to plan a work schedule in this business:

  • December 20-30 – decoration;
  • January 14-20 – dismantling of decor.

This type of business is good because you have free time to relax or engage in other, no less profitable, activities.

The idea of ​​decorating houses and trees with garlands.

Also, you can earn money not only during the New Year holidays, but also after them!

So, there is an opportunity to receive income not only before the holiday, but also after it ends.

Disposing of Christmas trees is perhaps the saddest part of this time of year. In most cases, the tree is simply thrown into the trash. But it is quite possible to use the wood of outdated Christmas trees. For example, as excellent spruce firewood for lighting stoves. This, whatever one may say, is more useful than just throwing them in a landfill.

The essence of the idea is as follows. First, the entrepreneur organizes advertising campaign, organizing an event to get rid of these trees. A lot of people gather for the event.

You can arrange additional attractions and hire animators. It won't require you to invest much and you can even charge a small entrance fee. By collecting Christmas trees during this event, you will have an impressive supply of firewood that can be sold to residents of private houses heated by wood stoves.

New Year and post-New Year business can be very diverse; it is not limited to the ideas listed above.

Here are a few more simple business ideas, which is the right time to implement after the New Year holidays:

  • Reselling New Year's gifts that for some reason did not fit or were not liked.
  • Provide cleaning services for offices and apartments after the holiday.
  • Dismantling of New Year's decorations in private homes, offices, individual enterprises, or in the city on the streets.
TOP ideas

Not everyone loves New Year. There are a huge number of people in the world who shake with rage at the mere sight of Santa Claus’s beard. “The Anti-New Year Club” is a wonderful opportunity to boycott a hated holiday in the company of like-minded people. There are many options for events, ranging from a parody of the Alcoholics Anonymous club - with seating in a circle and stories about hatred of the New Year and the collective destruction of holiday attributes, to a co-working space that ignores the Chimes.

Chocolate truck

The idea of ​​a Christmas truck that “brings happiness” can be borrowed not only from Coca-Cola, but also from Cadbury, the famous chocolate brand. This truck, called The Cadbury Christmas Grotto, traveled around the UK in December 2015, bringing joy to children across the country. Inside it is a real sweet paradise of chocolate and candies, from which the creators even managed to make a fireplace and furniture.

New Year's pedicabs

Not everywhere New Year always means snowdrifts, an ice skating rink and building a snowman. For places like this interesting idea There will be New Year's pedicabs decorated in New Year's motifs. The rickshaw driver usually dresses up as Father Frost or Santa, charges much more for services than a regular taxi driver, but is not in a hurry, constantly laughs and makes passengers laugh.

Ice bar-restaurant

An ice bar is not a new idea, but it never fails to delight visitors. The walls, the bar counter, the floors and even the dishes are made of ice... When you get to such a place, it’s easy to forget that you need to place another order. Therefore, many ice establishments may charge only for admission, including the cost of the drink for the "sugar". Residents of megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg are most familiar with ice establishments, where ice bars can even be ordered for corporate events. But restaurants are less common; one of the most famous ice restaurants is located in Dubai.

Driver's trees

While many store owners are racking their brains over what else to decorate their windows to attract customers, other enterprising individuals come to them themselves. In particular, small Christmas trees are successfully sold to drivers before the New Year. Moreover, these can be either real trees, which can be conveniently placed in the salon, or aromatic Christmas trees that are placed on the mirror.

New Year's quest

Almost two weeks of general idleness do not pass only sitting at the table - the population needs to have fun and go out with their children. IN Lately Seasonal New Year's quests have become popular. This could be a search for temporary New Year gifts, riddles based on famous fairy tales and winter-themed cartoons (like “ Snow Queen", "Ice Age" and so on). The advantage of the idea is its versatility: it can be a professional quest in an quest room, an “off-site” quest ordered for a party or corporate event, as well as your own free scenario for entertainment with the family.

Exchange of unwanted gifts

The idea of ​​exchanging unnecessary gifts came to Russia from Europe. To get rid of your twentieth shower gel or ill-fitting sneakers, today you can go to a social network and find something to replace it. Many enterprising individuals are trying to start some online services and mobile applications for exchange and even organize stationary points accepting unnecessary gifts, but not many people manage to monetize this idea.

Sale of blankets with sleeves

Have you heard the statement that all innovations and inventions are due to laziness? The first blankets with sleeves appeared in December 1997, when one of the American students at the University of Maine simply got tired of pulling his arms out from under the blanket to switch the TV. Then he made holes in the blanket, and then sewed the sleeves to them. And, as they say, away we go. Blankets with sleeves appeared in the homes of every sixth American family, and then triumphantly “strode” across other countries and continents. The general “Oblomovism” continues today, when laptops, tablets and smartphones have replaced the TV remote control.

Cosmetics made from discarded Christmas trees

If in Russia it is customary to throw the New Year tree into a landfill, and for another month it, along with its “friends,” flaunts in the trash cans, then you almost never see such a picture abroad. For example, in Sweden, Finland and Austria, discarded Christmas trees are used for heating and the production of fuel briquettes and compost, Canada extracts anti-flu medicines from them, Germany and Denmark make furniture, and France makes a line of natural cosmetics using raw materials from recycled Christmas trees.

Penguin rental

Penguins have begun to appear on television screens so often that more and more people want to have this funny creature as a pet. But caring for a penguin is quite troublesome and expensive (), so most people may prefer to rent a penguin for a period of time, for example, during the New Year holidays. There are indeed offers on the topic of “renting penguins” on the Internet, but mostly we're talking about about life-size puppets and costumes.

Delivery of artificial snow

Snow is perhaps the most main attribute New Year, and for many people this holiday is simply unthinkable without it. But if nature is unable to help in any way, there are many ideas for buying and selling artificial snow, for example, snow made from viscose or polymer powder. The first option molds well and holds its shape, the second one flows beautifully and plans beautifully. Today it is not difficult to buy and deliver artificial snow. There are a lot of offers on the Internet in various packaging (from 50 g to 8 kg of powder), depending on the scale of the customer’s event, which are usually decorators of parties and theatrical productions and organizers of sports competitions.

New Year's clothing store for animals

In their love for pets and their desire to constantly be touched by them, the owners are ready to go to great lengths, and even more so they will want to dress up their pet in a New Year’s fur coat or hat. Therefore, it is not surprising that their New Year’s collections appear not only in ordinary clothing stores, but also in pet stores and online stores selling pet supplies. With good advertising and promotion on social networks, you can try to sell your handmade products to order with almost no investment. Another option is to open a seasonal point of sale in public walking areas, where you can offer your products to all the cold dogs.

Eco-friendly linen made from Christmas trees

Another way to use discarded Christmas trees and pine trees from the French. Organic Lingerie decided to make organic underwear from viscose from recycled trees. The eco-fabric is called Pine Viscose - that is, viscose based on natural pine. Interestingly, lingerie is made for both women and men.

Summer New Year department store

Trading of New Year's goods can begin not only a month and a half before the start of the holidays, but also in... August. So, in 2015, the first to prepare for Christmas was the Selfridges department store from the UK, which began a pre-holiday campaign 143 days before Christmas, as if mocking the entire pre-holiday race retail. The design is made for tourists who come to London in the summer and want to take home unique souvenirs. There are, I must say, a ton of them here - more than 50 thousand, not counting Christmas trees, garlands and firecrackers. All the glass trinkets, for example, are designed specifically for the store by Hungarian glassblowers.

New Year's beauty salon

Today, in order to surprise someone with your hairstyle, you need to try hard, so there will always be a demand for hairstyles like those shown in the photo. And for any hairdresser or beauty salon on New Year's Eve, providing services for creating holiday hairstyles is also a wonderful opportunity to stand out among an endless number of competitors.