Marketing packaging of business. Packaging the project. How long does it take for a business to pay for itself?

Exterior design products have always played an important role in trade. The brighter and more original the box for the product, the greater the chance that this particular product will be as soon as possible there will be a buyer. The less money the entrepreneur invested in the production and design of the box, the lower the cost of the product and the greater the operating profit. Two important tasks that packaging solves in business are: stimulating consumer interest and minimizing costs. Any entrepreneur who produces and/or sells consumer goods knows that he cannot do without high-quality and inexpensive packaging. Therefore, if you offer the market a suitable packaging material, you can make a good business out of this.

How can you make money on packaging?

In business, the term “packaging” has two main meanings: container, material or device for ensuring the safety of goods, as well as a service for preparing products for transportation, storage or use. Today on Russian market There are a lot of enterprises that make money both from the production of packaging material and from the pre-sale preparation of goods.

The packaging business most often works directly with traders and manufacturers. Only in rare cases end-user is the customer of packaging services. Perhaps the only segment of trade where the buyer orders special decoration and design of the goods is the packaging of the goods, and this can also be used as a...

The production of packaging materials is a business with large investments. Complex equipment, purchasing raw materials and searching for profitable orders - all this will require large investments. The start will cost the entrepreneur no less than 3 million rubles. And this will be a medium-sized enterprise.

In packaging production, the volume of products produced is very important. Today in Russia, in almost every region there is a large enterprise that produces huge quantities of cardboard, film, paper, etc. To compete with such companies, an entrepreneur must offer the market either cheaper products or original ones that cannot be produced on machines in large quantities.

It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of such products without loss of quality only by minimizing the cost of resources (fuel, electricity, water, etc.). This means that if in locality There is outlets and there is production, but there is no local packaging materials plant, and the regional one is not very close, then you can open your own small workshop for the production of paper and plastic packaging. The cost of local material will be lower due to minimum costs for delivery.

But before you start developing this idea, carefully study the market for raw material suppliers and the business of potential clients. If there are no raw material points nearby, and only network enterprises operate in the city, for which packaging is purchased centrally, then in this locality it will be very difficult to organize profitable production of packaging materials.

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Earning money from packaging services

A small and reliable business is the packaging of goods with its further packaging. A variety of this business is gift wrapping. The advantages of an entrepreneurial venture are that you do not need to invest a lot of money in the production base. It is enough to purchase ready-made packaging material and master simple packaging technologies for certain groups of goods.

Potential customers for such services may be large retail chains and retail outlets in city markets. Often, entrepreneurs, in order to sell a product, are looking for an opportunity to package it more attractively, or arrange it as a set with other products, and in these cases, the services of a packer will come in handy.

However, the merchants themselves will not look for packers, so the task of a novice entrepreneur is to independently offer their services, thinking through a variety of bright and inexpensive packaging and design options.

Gift wrapping is one of the easiest undertakings, one of the options. You can even learn how to decorate gifts correctly and effectively by watching videos with master classes. The costs of organizing such an enterprise will be insignificant. However, you should not count on high profits by engaging only in this type of activity.

Gift wrapping will be in demand among visitors to shopping and entertainment complexes. Find out which others will bring success to a modern entrepreneur.

Costs for a small production workshop

Estimated cost of the machine for production paper bags ranges from 50 to 70 thousand US dollars. One machine can produce products of different parameters from paper of different densities.

Production machine plastic bags costs from 30 to 40 thousand US dollars. This machine can also produce printed bags of several standards.

In addition to purchasing equipment for packaging production, the entrepreneur will also need to rent a workshop, equip a warehouse, provide production with raw materials and organize sales of products. All this will require a considerable amount. Read.

Service manufacturing process when working on two machines, a staff of 6-8 people can be used. Two operators, one supplier, one designer, one manager, accountant-administrator and two support workers. Wage for 8 employees – at least 200 thousand rubles. Rental of production space is about 60 thousand rubles per month. Thus, the amount of monthly costs (excluding the purchase of raw materials) will be about 300 thousand rubles.

How long does it take for a business to pay for itself?

The average return on sales in this business is about 20%. To get 100 thousand rubles in profit per month, an entrepreneur must earn 500 thousand rubles. With the average purchase price of a package being 1 ruble, an entrepreneur needs to sell about 500 thousand units of products per month. The average attendance of a supermarket in a residential area is 1.2 thousand people per day. Thus, in order to reach the desired turnover, an entrepreneur must serve at least 10 supermarkets with good traffic. And then the 70 thousand US dollars invested in production will be able to pay off in 2.5 years.


Today the market offers customers a variety of packaging: carton boxes, jars of different sizes, barrels, pallets, etc. The production of each type of product can be organized by having start-up capital about 70 thousand dollars. But if you are a beginning entrepreneur, then it is better to enter the market with a product that is constantly needed by the market in large quantities. And having mastered the basic business processes, you can offer customers a more diverse range of products. Read also,

Why should a client choose you? After all, there is the same competitor, with the same services, there are no significant differences in price, and the quality seems to be similar. What creates the desire to contact you specifically? The answer is simple and complex at the same time - everything. Everything that shapes your image, everything that you are recognized for, everything that a client might like about you so that they can return to you again and not look for any other options. Now we will talk about business packaging.

What is packaging business

The image of your company is formed due to a whole set of factors that do not directly affect sales. After all, with her potential buyer can occur even when he is not going to buy anything, but some kind of weak idea begins to take shape just from hearsay. What can we say about when you start storming the market with various marketing enterprises, which are designed to either create your brand or increase profits.

It follows that the packaging of a business is what the consumer sees when they contact you. If we talk about Internet marketing, then this is the design of your marketing texts, selling texts, and so on. However, this is not entirely true, since the concept of business packaging is much broader. These are generally all manifestations of your business that a consumer can and does encounter.

Thus, business packaging includes:

  • Website, its design and usability;
  • Advertising;
  • Your company's activity on social networks;
  • Form style;
  • Job vacancy announcements;
  • with clients;
  • History of the company;
  • and other presentation materials;
  • The company’s activity at exhibitions and similar events.

As you can see, the packaging of a business includes everything that relates to it and with which the client interacts, and everything that your imagination can handle. From business card to your office.

How to properly package your business

Let’s figure out what the key to proper business packaging is, and what critical mistakes there are.

The right choice of target audience

You don’t need to try to please everyone, you won’t succeed anyway, unless you deal with products that everyone actually buys. The essence of proper packaging of a business is to give a potential client the feeling that he is in the right place, and so that as he gets to know you, he only becomes convinced of this. To do this, think about what is important to him and in what form he wants it to be presented.

Of course, this does not limit you at all, but if you want to expand your audience through other groups of clients, then it’s better to target them create different packaging: other design options, another email newsletter, with a change in the style of the letter or other accents in the selling texts, depending on what is more interesting to this segment.

Set yourself apart from your competitors

It is obvious. When there are many companies around with the same offer, the client can choose... any one. And completely randomly. Therefore, you need to offer something that others don’t have, or do it in a way that others don’t.

First of all, here we can, of course, talk about an individual attitude towards the client. Now these are the few things that can be competed with competitors, while all other differences are blurred. Study competitors and answer the following questions:

  • What are they selling?
  • How do they spread information about themselves?
  • What audience are they targeting?
  • Why can you trust them?
  • What are their main pros and cons?

And in order to provide an individual approach to the client, you need not only to focus on competitors, but also to work in order to understand when clients drop out, what they lack, and how you can stir up their interest at each stage.

Let them trust you

They will only buy from you if they trust you. This is an axiom. Is it so easy to earn trust? If the client is not contacting you for the first time, then no - he has experience interacting with you, so you should support him at least at the same level so that the client remains satisfied.

If the client is new, then he has absolutely no reason to trust you. This is not surprising: go to other people’s sites and see how much information there is that is frankly inconsistent with reality, and even more so dubious. Starting with product descriptions and ending with reviews and company history. Therefore, you need to provide proof of your competence and quality. These could be cases, examples of work, a lot of presentation options, etc.

Provide only honest information to your clients, even if it does not always reflect your best side.

No need to sell right away

Essentially, this relates to the previous point. Any sales without preliminary communication with the client, without a smooth approach to the transaction, will work much worse. Don’t forget: you have not yet earned the client’s trust so that you can immediately and without preamble announce the price and demand money from the client.

The sale is preceded by a lot of work to awaken buyer interest. Turning to the example of landing pages, we can remember where customers are required to enter their contact information, in return for which they will receive a nice free bonus. Don’t be intrusive and offer to buy when the client is ready for it.


Business packaging is a comprehensive concept that reflects the whole range of means through which you come into contact with customers. Accordingly, they serve different tasks, some will increase your recognition, others will contribute to sales growth, but all of them need to be considered in the system to achieve maximum results. Of course, business packaging should be done as soon as you start your business so that nothing is missed, but adjustments will happen during your busy activities as you discover what works best.

Do not miss:

Marketing agency GoodPromo is launching a 6-week online course “Marketing and Conversion”, where entrepreneurs can independently package and upgrade their business key tools marketing and sales. The head of GoodPromo, Alexander Gural, talks about the course.

Alexander, tell us right away what business packaging is?

Packaging is how your potential customers perceive you. Do they have a desire to contact your company and subsequently buy a product/service from you? I recommend watching a five-minute video about packaging and why you should take the course.

On this moment, 98% of businesses in Ukraine have no packaging at all, or it is very weak.

On the Internet, for example, the impression of a company is formed by its website. The website is the face of the company; it is the first and main step from which your potential clients begin to interact. And now almost every company has a website, but how selling is it? It is no longer enough to just have a website. If we are talking about doing business on the Internet and about sales, then the site must sell.

Today the battle for the client’s attention, for every click, is off the charts! In a market oversaturated with competitors, all channels are used by everyone at once and the fight for consumers can only occur on the supply side.

My marketing agency has been specializing in the development of such high-conversion selling sites for more than 2 years - these sites are called landing pages (capture pages), and this is our key direction.

The task of such a site is to convey the necessary meanings as accurately as possible to a specific target audience and motivate visitors to leave a request on the website or call your company. The main thing is to get contacts of a potential client, then it’s a matter of technique and sales skills.

It is packaging that has enormous potential for increasing sales - 200-500%. While if you “tighten up” contextual advertising, get +20-30%.

When your client goes to Google or Yandex and writes in the search what interests him, then only on the first page search engine will see from 10 to 20 offers various companies. But he will only buy from one company. It turns out that the remaining 19 companies will not receive any money, but spent money on advertising. Often in every competitive market there are 1-2-3 companies that accumulate all the clients - everyone else is content with crumbs.

Tell us about your experience in packaging businesses.

I have devoted more than 9 years to Internet marketing; in 2014-2015, I personally advised and developed strategies to differentiate from competitors and take a leading position in the market for more than 1000 entrepreneurs from absolutely different areas activities. We have launched more than 100 projects in these two years. We work with companies that are already No. 1 in their business, and those who just want to become.

In 95% of cases I communicated with company owners. This gave me the opportunity to run through many businesses in completely different niches, to determine key indicators that affect sales and strengthen them.

What does the course program include?

The program includes the development, upgrade and implementation of key marketing and sales tools in the participant’s business. The program consists of six blocks:

  1. Profitable landing page (high conversion site)
  2. A catchy commercial offer, a company selling presentation (marketing kit)
  3. Loyal email marketing
  4. Selling video
  5. CRM system, IP telephony
  6. Effective sales scenarios

As a result, after completing the course, the entrepreneur will have a business equipped with all the key tools that will allow him to differentiate himself from competitors and take a leading position in the market.

You can also learn more about packaging from the video from my master class:

Who is your course suitable for?

This is a program for entrepreneurs who want to increase their sales without investing additional investments into advertising, but only through strengthening marketing and sales tools.

The program is also designed for those who are just starting their own business or are launching new project and wants to be sure that it will launch successfully and easily find its first clients.

The course will be useful for both marketers and specialists who are responsible for sales in the company.

What's the highlight of the course?

Together with the course participants, I will be packaging my second business - Positive Space (creative design of work and home spaces). You can see how I do it and model it for your business.

Nowadays, packaging has a huge potential for increasing sales, and the company that now packs well will be able to stand out in the market and gain a strong competitive advantage, and in the long term - for 1-2 years, or even more.

The site has a special offer for readers: when communicating with the manager, say the secret word AIN and receive a 50% discount.

Noticed a mistake? Select it and click Ctrl+Enter to let us know.

Why does one bottle of water cost 15 rubles, and another 50? And this is not just a difference of 35 rubles, this is a whole threefold increase in cost.

Moreover, in most cases, water is no different from each other. Competitors have the same depth and collection location, but the cost varies like the Bitcoin rate.

Lifetime Challenge

Nowadays, the word “packaging” is used in 3 cases. Each of them is radically different from each other.

Therefore, before I get to the heart of the matter, we will define the main concept, which I will talk about further, and which will remain a topic for other articles.

  1. Physical packaging is the visual presentation of a product in which it is received by the end consumer (for example, a candy box).
  2. Business packaging is the combination of all meanings into a visual and technical part to present the company from the right angle.
  3. Franchise packaging is the combination of all meanings and calculations into a visual and documentary part for presentation to the franchisee.

In our material we will talk about point No. 2 and partly about No. 1, since it also relates to the main topic.

And I’ll say right away, most of businesses are not only poorly packaged, they don’t even understand what it is.

If this is your case, although, as they say, “there is always something to improve,” then it is recommended that you not only read this article from cover to cover, but also make it your life’s task.

Important. It is common to say that packaging for business is only about the Internet or generally concerns only websites. But that's not true. These words imply a huge number of business elements.

Just in case, but already in simple language, business packaging is everything that the client sees and interacts with during his journey from the first contact with you to the purchase ().

Moreover, in some businesses they not only greet you by their “clothes,” but also escort you by them. Therefore, we must always and everywhere look brand new. After all, the advantages of good “ appearance” are obvious:

  1. It will be clear that the product is suitable;
  2. All objections will be eliminated at the first stages;
  3. A positive attitude will be formed;
  4. The perception of information will be simplified;
  5. You will be remembered and not forgotten.

All this will lead either to an immediate purchase or to the first step in your direction. But this is provided that you do the packaging correctly and comprehensively.

After all, you won’t be able to make a first impression a second time. And changing it in case of failure is also a whole dilemma.

Therefore, some businesses find it easier to rebrand than to try to save a drowning person.


8 Key Elements

When I talk about business packaging, I actually mean a lot more than one action.

The business consists of 8 global parts, which are logically divided into separate categories.

Each of them must be approached separately because they have the greatest weight in the client’s decision making.

1. Product

At the head of any business is... No, not the owner, but the product. It is for your product or service that customers come first.

Your product solves their problem or gives them an emotion. No one buys a solution for the sake of a solution, there is always an end goal.

Therefore, product packaging must be approached with special care, we have already mentioned this in our article about.

Here we are working on both the aforementioned physical packaging and properties.

That is, we are working on: technical characteristics, functions, warranty period, content, related materials and dozens of other details.

The most interesting thing is that it is all these details that create your product, without which it would look different and perhaps would not be in demand at all.

Example: Apple's Macbook laptop, an ideal product for studying packaging (as are all products of this brand).

Every detail is thought out to the smallest detail, although everything is quite simple. But here everything is like in cooking, the point is no longer in the dish, but in the sauce with which it is served.

Macbook laptop from Apple

2. Processes and technologies

If you are an ordinary reseller of goods, then you still have something to show in terms of process and technology.

Even if it is not your production, the client will be happy to look at it. As well as on the delivery process, on technologies and equipment during development, raw materials and materials, and so on.

All this usually remains behind the scenes. But in vain, because the more you show such details, the higher the level of trust will be.

In the case of services, everything is still much more interesting, because a service differs from a service only in process and technology, but the result is actually the same.

Therefore, feel free to show what knowledge you rely on, what stages of work you perform, what you will never allow in the process, or why everything looks the way it does.

Example: a dental center does teeth whitening using Zoom technology, new to the market.

And since the cost is not the lowest, and people are afraid to test new products on themselves once again (after all, teeth are like hair, they won’t grow back), the company decides to film a presentation of the entire procedure in order to dispel fears and justify pricing.

3. Offer

When we have told the client everything about the product and our company, we make him an offer orally or in writing.

In it we tell you what he will finally get for his money, how to pay him, what the sale or delivery will look like, what his benefits are and the final result after the acquisition.

It is in these tools that we invest everything we offer to the client. And even if you have the coolest product in the world, but poor packaging of the offer, this is tantamount to selling silently.

Example: when selling our “ ” service, we constantly received unsatisfactory results from what we sent. commercial offer to purchase.

The solution was obvious - to repackage our offer into KP. Everything was changed, even the design.

The result is an increase of 10%. According to customer feedback, the “Why us?” blocks were especially useful. and “What will they end up getting” (screenshot of this section below)

Example result

4. Team

My father (he is 60 years old) has worked in management positions in big companies numbering 1000-2000 people.

And from childhood he conveyed to me the idea “The main thing is people.” Moreover, this idea is applicable both in life and in business.

But since we are talking about the second, the result of this phrase is that you need to pack your team.

First of all, show who works for you, then tell us about each department, and even better, the person.

The client wants to see who will advise him, what education he has, what credentials he has, what experience he has and even his hobbies.

The latter is not a joke; on the contrary, such things establish a more personal contact, and buying from a “friend” is always more pleasant than from an inanimate robot.

Example: the book publishing house “MYTH” gave its couriers badges with the original position “Top-Top Manager”.

Thus, even an ordinary delivery employee became more attractive in the eyes of customers and always brought a smile upon the first contact.


5. Founder

A sore subject for many owners. But statistics show impressive results when the owner of a company is also its face.

I am sure you have noticed that this is exactly the practice implemented in our company.

True, sometimes it reaches the point of insanity: “If Nikita wants us to work with his company, then let him call.” Of course, it’s not difficult for me, but you also need to understand that I’m not me without a team.

But just place yourself on home page A website or brochure is not enough. You must be dressed from head to toe like James Bond.

Example: the well-known rapper and businessman Timati packaged himself with “pathos” sauce.

And therefore, when launching any project now, thousands are drawn to it, because they want to be (or seem) more status. His burger shop alone is worth it, there are constant queues like at McDonald's.

Moreover, if we dig deeper, we will see that this is an ordinary high-quality establishment, which can be competed by many. But the owner's packaging played a role.


6. Experience

This is the part that, like technology and processes, remains left behind. This is because we are not used to sharing our successes publicly.

Our the main task so that the client is satisfied. But if you look at it from a different angle, you will understand that you need to brag, in in a good way this word.

You can present your experience packaging in different ways, this could be by displaying logos or photographs of your clients.

Example: when choosing a leasing company, potential clients very carefully study everything about each possible partner.

But since there are many offers on the market and little time, long texts are not read.

Therefore, our client packed information about himself into a short summary through 6 indicators. The time for studying is minimal, and the digestibility of information is maximum.

Brief summary

8. Place

An office, a sales or exhibition hall, production - all these are sites where the client also makes decisions.

You need to pack each of your spaces both from the point of view and from the point of view of aesthetic perception.

To enhance the effect, you can arrange everything with and connect (smell and sound).

The site needs to be packed not only internally, but also externally. You need to show your clients how cool you are before they come to you personally. This can be done through a photo shoot, video or 3D tour.

Moreover, experience shows that not only buyers, but also potential employees have a positive effect on preliminary study of their future place of work.

Example: manufacturer metal products I installed HD webcams in my workshop and displayed their broadcasts on my website.

Now, when a client gets acquainted with a company for the first time, he looks at the cameras and understands that the supplier is really large, reliable and stable.

Cameras in the workshop

4 layers of packaging

Business packaging consists of 4 layers, which are also process steps.

If you are doing this for the first time, then you need to act consistently, otherwise mixing them will lead to 100% failure of the mission.

And as usual, before starting the whole process, you need to determine your or. I’ll say for the thousandth time, without knowing who your client is, you don’t know what, where and when.

Also, before you start, you need to collect everything that you have in the company into one array.

To do this, you must ask yourself and your team several hundred questions about each element of the package. Here you pull out everything you have into a single text document.

To make it easier for you to get started, keep a list of basic questions for business packaging ->

That’s right, the meanings themselves have no value if you don’t understand where and for what purpose you will place them.

To make it easier to understand the following information, I suggest you imagine that you are packaging your business into a (one-page website).

  1. Semantic layer. You build a structure and sequence of blocks, where further in each part you write semantic messages.

    Which must be communicated to the client at this site. This is a kind of draft that you understand, but the client still doesn’t understand well.

  2. Marketing layer. You stretch the muscles onto the resulting skeleton: correct texts, promotions on , .
  3. Visual layer. We bring our prototype to life through images, videos, icons and graphics.

    Each visual part should be in harmony with the marketing layer so that the information is easier to assimilate, and its effect is enhanced through complex interaction on the subconscious.

  4. Technical layer. Everything that makes your instrument possible for comfortable learning.

    On the Internet, for example, this means correct layout, loading speed, and display on all browsers. And offline this is already size, weight, print quality, paper thickness.;

    We choose the one that most fully reveals the essence, distinguishes you from competitors and affects a greater number of senses and human perception of information.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Returning to the topic of bottled water. Manufacturers always depict pristine lakes, beautiful forests and excellent weather on their labels - this is all that the buyer wants to see.

    And from a packaging point of view, this is an excellent solution that is constantly increasing the company's market share.

    But the most interesting thing is that, for example, the Alp-Sky company, with the same art on the label, is in fact produced in the industrial zone of the Caucasus.

    This is not to say that you need to lie, but to the fact that people often do not go into detail when they see “delicious” packaging.

    I also want to return to the words “A lifelong task.” Packaging a business is an endless job, as the world changes, and you evolve, your product improves, new employees appear, experience increases, and your sales floor grows.

    Therefore, if you expect to do it once and forget it like a bad dream, then this is not the song. But it will be possible to say for sure that each time the amount of work will be less and less.

Before we move on to the question of how to create your own franchise, let's figure out why this type the activity is so popular. So, franchise packaging - what is it?

Franchising is a direct and fairly fast path to progress in promoting and expanding business, increasing income.

But, before you start racking your brains over the question: “How to register a franchise for your business?” you need to make sure that the franchise offer will be relevant and in demand.

Where to start packaging a business into a franchise?

Subject to some nuances of the business model, these include:

  • business area assessment;
  • possibility of highlighting Money to launch a franchise;
  • determining the profitability of the business in other cities and regions;
  • availability of franchising for buyers - this applies to both financial side business and simplicity documentation and simplifying difficulties at other stages.

The main goal of opening a franchise business is to make a profit and promote the company. That's why, you should decide on the concept of the offer for buyers:

  1. If the company is little known, then the franchise must be packaged so that the main focus is on the low cost of royalties and lump sum fees.
  2. If the company is well-known, but there is not enough money for its development, then it is worth selling a franchise with a high lump-sum fee and minimal royalties.
  3. When the company is well-known and has enough funds, but development is not proceeding at the desired pace, provide in the franchise agreement a minimum lump sum and quite large royalties, this will attract more buyers.
  4. Large, well-known companies If you have great financial resources and a sufficient number of potential clients, it is worth launching a VIP franchise. This option provides for excessively high royalties and a lump sum fee; they organize it to increase prestige and obtain ready-made business solutions.

In order for an enterprise franchise to be successfully sold, contribute to development, and not spoil the company’s reputation, it is worth thinking through every step and calculating whether it is enough own funds to organize this business model.

Now that you know the fundamental principles of a franchise, how to create one is the next topic we will cover in this article.

Starting a business

How to become a franchisor? The most important thing that an entrepreneur should know is that you cannot launch a franchise if the company does not have its own officially registered trademark and logo.

Their registration requires certain costs, which amount to more than 100,000 rubles.

In addition, registering a trademark with official authorities is not a quick process - the process can drag on for a period of six months to a year.

It is also impossible to open your own franchise business cheaply - if an entrepreneur has only a couple of hundred thousand rubles at his disposal, then the idea should be abandoned, since the startup costs will significantly exceed this amount. Carefully evaluate the company's financial capabilities, before you package your business into a franchise, so that you don’t have to retreat halfway or spoil the reputation of the company and yourself as a businessman.

How to create your own franchise?

There are no small details when developing the concept of a franchise offer - it is important to think through every detail. So, to attract customers, you should develop a special sales offer that will be unique and different from those offered by competitors operating in a similar business area.

It wouldn’t hurt to get first-hand advice from a person who is already selling franchises.

How to open a franchise from scratch? Be sure to analyze your competitors’ offers, study their criteria and features, in particular:

  • how much does a franchise cost - what is the lump-sum fee and royalties;
  • what amount is invested;
  • is training of personnel and management carried out and if so, on what terms (free of charge, at the expense of the company, or for an additional fee);
  • how the business plan is drawn up and what is the expected payback period;
  • what else is included in the package of services provided.

List of required documents

What is needed for a franchise? You won’t be able to start a franchise yourself if you haven’t collected a complete package of documentation.

This is necessary both for official registration and in order to attract customers.

Required documents include:

  1. A well-developed enterprise concept, with a description unique offers and conditions.
  2. Franchise agreement. But before you offer it potential clients, make sure that absolutely everything is provided. To do this, consult several law firms(preferably those specializing in franchises), and only after all ambiguous and controversial issues have been eliminated, approve the document.
  3. Financial plan - it should reflect both costs and projected income as clearly and transparently as possible.
  4. Permits from government agencies(These may include Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection and others - it depends on the specifics of the company being promoted). Naturally, the entrepreneur must be registered with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur or entity, what you need to get information about.
  5. Permission from local authorities authority to conduct business, and in writing, otherwise the business will be illegal.

To conclude an agreement with a franchisee, you will need a standard package of documentation (in addition to these documents, others may be required, the list of which may vary depending on the specifics of the business):

  • proposal concept;
  • standards developed for the network;
  • legally competent contracts;
  • management manual;
  • working documentation of the manager (franchisee questionnaire, business plan, short and full terms and conditions proposals, franchise presentation, answers to the most common questions).

Now that you know how to franchise your business, we'll give you useful tips and recommendations to help avoid difficulties.

To create a truly profitable, marketable, original and profitable franchise, you should approach the matter with the utmost care.

Packaging your business into a franchise requires special attention and so as not to miss a single one important detail, pay attention to the advice of professionals:

To start it successful franchise own business, an entrepreneur must be able to think strategically, see the model of the network as a whole, and at the same time imagine the specifics of the activities of each employee.

Of course, compete with large networks, who have been working in the field of franchising for a long time, not simply, but with sufficient investments, a competent approach and proper organization business, packaging a business into a franchise is quite possible.