What fruits are in the UAE? What cannot and can be exported from the UAE. Let's look at the average prices for fruits in the UAE

You can buy dates in supermarkets, specialty stores or markets. Each place of purchase has its pros and cons.

Supermarkets have low prices, fruits are sold in packages, but the range is limited. The markets have an excellent assortment, prices are low, but there is a high chance of buying cheap and tasteless dates under the guise of an expensive variety. In specialized stores, tourists are not deceived; the assortment is gorgeous, but the prices are high.

First, look at the country of origin. There is no point in buying Egyptian or Iranian dates, which can be bought in Russia several times cheaper. Choose only fruits grown in the UAE or Saudi Arabia.

Third, it’s better to target a specific variety in advance.. Study what the fruits of this variety should look like, what color and size. There is no point in understanding all the varieties.

Fourth – ask for beautiful packaging. If you buy in a specialized store, then ask for branded packaging. In a self-respecting company store, this service is free. The gift will be more presentable in the packaging, and Russian customs will not have any questions.

Fifth - look at the collection date. The date palm harvest in the UAE begins in August and ends in November. Make sure you buy the latest harvest.

Sixth – appearance . Choose intact fruits with a symmetrical shape. There should be no defects on the skin. If a seller at the market places an obviously defective fruit, ask the seller to remove this fruit from your order.

If dates are sold on a branch, then this is only a plus, it is a guarantee that the fruits were not on the ground.

Bateel brand stores

Bateel stores are considered the best place to buy dates in the UAE. The Bateel company itself calls its stores the phrase “gourmet boutiques.” Here you can buy dozens of varieties and a wide range of sweets.

The sweets and cakes that are baked on site have become world famous. Business card Bateel brand became sweets made from dates with almonds inside and covered with chocolate glaze. Gift sets of sweets, dried fruits and cakes are popular among tourists.

Bateel is tasty, high quality, guaranteed, but expensive. For example, a kilogram of Majdool dates costs 135 dirhams here. If you find them in a supermarket, you can buy them 2-3 times cheaper.

Most big store Bateel in the United Arab Emirates is located in a shopping center.

Other date products

In the UAE you can buy several very exotic date and date palm products.

A very interesting product is syrup made from date palm sap. This is very similar to our birch sap. This is not an Arab national product, this syrup was invented in the Canary Islands. Used in cooking, most often for baking.

Interesting coffee mixed with date palm seed powder. The taste is unique, although it is unusual for Russian tourists. In the UAE, fragrant soap and kohl - eyeliner are made from date palm seeds.

It's hard to believe that just six or seven decades ago, most of the Emirates could attract only a few extreme travel enthusiasts. A few oases among the endless sands, whose population grew dates and grains, several cities built by the conquerors, coastal settlements of fishermen and pearl divers, nomadic tribes - this is how they were before the discovery of the richest oil deposits at the beginning of the last century.
In the past, the few Europeans who visited this country did not have the question of what to bring home? All they could find were items of national costume, traditional daggers and sabers, as well as carpets of various sizes.
Today, modern cities stand in the desert and on the coast, whose buildings most closely resemble pictures from science fiction films, and numerous tourists face a “serious problem” - choosing souvenirs and gifts from the UAE. Here you can still see beautiful traditional folk crafts, carefully preserved for posterity. But the majority are drawn to giant shopping malls with their abundance and diversity famous brands and tempting discounts.
Adding to this the celebrations that are held frequently and for any occasion, we get a real paradise for tourists and lovers of good shopping.


The best places for shopping and exciting experiences

If you are interested in quality shopping, then it is better to stay in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. But even if you go to any other emirate, you will not be dissatisfied - visiting local shopping centers and markets will bring only pleasant emotions.
The Emirates retain the Eastern love for live bargaining between seller and buyer; choosing a product at any market or small shop, you can significantly reduce the price by haggling.
Echoes of the old tradition persist even in the most modern super-malls - it is worth checking whether they have a best fixed price or a last fixed price. Almost always, the buyer receives the desired discount, albeit not as large as that offered by market traders.
When in Abu Dhabi (port) or another free trade zone, be sure to visit the duty-free shops. The largest duty free at Dubai Airport.
Advice for those who want to get more new experiences - visit any of the huge oriental bazaars. In Sharjah, the Gold Souk is worth a visit if you like jewelry from precious metals. A walk through the Textile Bazaar will be no less interesting. There are two in Abu Dhabi large markets- Fish and Green. For carpets, it is better to visit Mina Port Road, a large carpet market.
Although the first place, according to many tourists, remains with Dubai. It is difficult to resist the charm of cozy little shops, the variety of assortments of giant shopping centers or the fabulously festive atmosphere of oriental bazaars. Those who know how to bargain and are able to derive particular pleasure from this process will not only have fun, but also make many profitable purchases.
At markets (or "Souks"), tourists can expect increased attention from persistent traders who are ready to promise anything - from incredible discounts and gifts to a kind of "discount" for future purchases. Sometimes a discount with active and skillful bargaining can reach up to half of the initially named cost of the item.
Another advantage of the Emirates is that no one here will spoil the client’s mood with a sour expression, even if you have reviewed and tried on a lot of things and leave without making a purchase. But you still won’t be able to leave without some new clothes.
If the trip falls during the Shopping Festivals period, this promises a 40-80% reduction in prices for absolutely all goods. They occur in one of the spring months and last about 30 days. The state is trying to support this practice and festivals are held in almost all emirates. Airlines allow you to increase the amount of baggage you carry. Prices for hotel accommodation are reduced.


What especially attractive things can you expect in the UAE? Almost everything, from high-grade gold bullion to adorable little rugs.

Gold in the UAE

For jewelry you need to go to the Gold Souk in Dubai. Suffice it to say these two magic words any taxi driver and you will be taken directly to him. Located in the Deira region, it is recognized as the oldest among all the markets in the UAE. His The actual founders are considered to be traders from India and Iran, who opened their shops in the 40s of the 20th century. Today there are about 300 shops and shops. The style of jewelry is most often typical of the East - the price is the massiveness of the products, bright, catchy, large stones. It is impossible to find elegant, elegant jewelry with a simple and strict design here. Although, many of our compatriots like this style.
Jewelry is not the only thing that tempts visitors to Gold Souk. Here you can buy coins, dishes made of precious metals, and boxes with fine inlay. Typically, gold from 18 to 22 carats is used in products. In the more familiar version for us, this is 875 sample. High-end jewelry can be chosen with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. There are real pearls. Those that are cheaper often use cubic zirconia, agate or garnet. Stones and pearls can be found without settings.
It is possible to order jewelry according to your own sketch or from a catalogue, it will take no more than a week. You can buy the chain you like not only by weight, but also by length. In the second case, the cost of the lock and its fastening is added to the price.
There will not be much difference in assortment and prices between the two parts of the market - Old and New.
In Damas stores, certificates are included with jewelry.

Khanjar - an ancient weapon of the Arab East

Despite their commitment to all the benefits of modern civilization, the residents of the Emirates continue to make their famous khanjars according to ancient models. These crooked blades successfully outlived their Western counterparts. They are valued, treasured and even worn on special occasions. holidays, albeit without removing it from its richly decorated sheath.
Khanjars trace their history back to the ancient curved swords of India. But the masters brought a lot of new things into them, creating unique edged weapons that have lived for many centuries.
A real dagger cannot be cheap - the magnificent steel of the blade and the luxurious handle, covered with gold and precious stones, even look expensive. But such a weapon can be a delightful gift for men who love weapons.

Hookah or pipe

Another men's souvenir is smoking pipes. In addition to the “miduah” made of baked clay, there are wooden ones, similar to those beloved by Sinbad the Sailor.
The choice of hookahs is even greater - from small souvenir ones to models suitable for practical use. Finishes and dimensions determine the price. If you plan to use a hookah, then it is preferable to have a glass container. It is advisable to check the tightness of all connections. Hookahs are sold in any store, a good choice pipes at the Fish Market.
You can add different types of flavored tobacco to pipes and hookahs.

Eastern spices

To visit the East and not bring back aromatic herbs and spices from there means not only breaking a small tourist tradition, but also depriving yourself and your family members of extraordinary pleasure. What can be purchased at spice markets should not even be compared with the seasonings sold in our stores.
Spices can be bought in almost any store, but if you want to enjoy all the delights of oriental exoticism, then it is best to do this at the special spice markets available in each emirate. Such as Spice Souk in Dubai. It is located in the Old Market of Deira.
Everything here is the same as in the old days - the noise of the market, spicy aromas, canvas bags filled with spices, from where an attentive merchant will pick them up to weigh them for you. Here you can learn a lot of useful information about storing seasonings, their use, and making delicious mixtures.
The only difficulty awaiting here is the large selection. To the whole list of seasonings familiar to all Europeans (coriander, cinnamon, saffron, peppers, barberry, cumin) are added those used mainly in the East - orchid root, black lemon, Somali incense and various herbs.
You can often see fresh, “under-dried” spices; they will have to be brought to normal state, leaving it for some time in a slightly open box or in a paper bag. The finally dried ones can be transferred to airtight containers, each variety in its own.
Prices here are the same as in supermarkets or a little higher. In addition to spices, you can buy coffee and tea at the market.

Coffee and everything for making it

Arabs are considered true experts and connoisseurs of this noble drink. They know how to cook it especially tasty, although some types may seem a little unusual for tourists due to the added cardamom.
You can see many varieties of coffee. You will find an amazing variety of roasts, mixes and even different grinds. Coffee lovers will remember this luxury for a long time.
In addition to bags of beans and ground coffee, you can take home a beautiful Turk with Arabic ornaments. Turks of any size and from will be on sale different materials. But it’s better to stick with copper, as it makes coffee especially tasty.
If you already have a Turk, then take a closer look at the dalp, which is the name of a traditional Arabic coffee pot with an elongated spout. They will also be everywhere. The price depends on the size, material and fineness of finishing. Copper dalpus are considered the best.
Don't like coffee, but want a practical oriental souvenir? Then be sure to take a closer look at thermoses made in the form of coffee pots. Arabs store cold drinks in them.


The fruits of date palms found in our stores do not allow us to get an accurate idea of ​​how tasty a real ripe date can be. Staying in the UAE will correct this gap. More than 20% of all date palms grow in the country - approximately 120 varieties out of the known four hundred, and their fruits are everywhere here.
But such diversity cannot be found either in Egypt or in any other Eastern country. It is customary here to use additives for ordinary, “pure” dates - honey, chocolate, nuts, pistachios and much more. There is also jam and dates in syrups. Don't miss out on the opportunity to try all this sweet abundance. They are sold everywhere, but visit specialty stores to find the best sweet souvenirs. The most commonly purchased packages are blue "Arabian Delights". A layer of delicious chocolate hides dates “stuffed” with almonds. A 150-gram package costs about $7.5.
Remember that the export limit for dates is up to 7 kg.

Oriental sweets

Those who have visited eastern countries will be happy to try their favorite sweets. Although there will be slight differences in the recipes, the pistachio baklava, Turkish delight, nougat and sorbet will not disappoint.
Among the local desserts, we can recommend Umm Ali, served to honored guests and the festive table. It can be called bread pudding. The dough, soaked in plenty of rose water or fruit syrups, strewn with raisins, nuts and dried fruits, will not seem cloying, like many other desserts.
The pudding with the exotic name mechalabia is also worth trying, if you don’t have anything against rose water and petal jam.
For traditional sweets, you will have to go to small shops or spice markets. Be prepared to try a lot of desserts - there is too much choice.
Among the large specialized stores, we can mention the famous Dubai Candylicious. For 1000 sq.m. There are sweets, cakes and pastries, but there are few traditional sweets there.
But there will be a good selection in the Iranian Sweets chain stores. Most products can be purchased by weight. A great opportunity to buy a little bit of everything - to try.
An original sweet souvenir will be a set of chocolate palm trees and camel figurines in a beautiful box.
Some tourists like acacia honey; it is sold in small jars.
We can advise you to take a “sweet tour” - an excursion to the places where sweets are made with the obligatory tasting.


When planning your walks, don't forget about visiting fruit markets. There you can try exotic fruits. Some people take with them mangosteens, which are similar to our garlic, but have a completely different taste. You can buy arugula, mint, natural juices from guava or mango. Don't give up nuts and fresh dried fruits.
For lovers of delicacies, we can recommend canned camel milk. The taste is a little specific, but quite pleasant.
There are many natural sauces on sale. In addition to our well-known Tabasco and soy, it will be interesting to try fish and oysters. There are many others, it all depends on taste preferences.

Arabic incense

Cosmetics from the UAE

In addition to regular cosmetics, you can purchase medicinal cosmetics in the UAE. One such product could be a package of MISWAK toothpaste with miswak tooth tree extract. Since ancient times, the peoples of Africa have chewed the root of this beneficial plant to clean and strengthen their teeth. Modern research has confirmed the content of a lot of useful substances in it. Today there is no need to look for and chew the roots - all the most useful ones are extracted and added to toothpaste.
Body care products and decorative cosmetics can be found in any specialized department of shopping centers. In addition to high-quality powder, lipstick and cosmetic pencils from famous brands, you can choose from Arabic products. Natural henna is used to dye hair and add it to masks and scrubs. There are many different natural oils (cosmetic, essential, massage) - grape seed, rose, alma, cassia, etc. Eye contour pencils - kajal - are popular as souvenirs.

Perfume UAE

When buying any Arabic perfume, you should remember that alcohol is not used in their production, only oil base. They are durable, but such perfumes should not come into contact with clothing - it will be difficult to get rid of oil stains.
In addition to the usual perfumes of popular brands in different price categories (but not lower than $80 / 100 ml), you can see Arabic ones in stores. Would you like to have special flavors prepared just for you? This is done in small shops and perfume markets. Prices for such perfumes are usually 10-20 dollars per bottle. The assortment of Carrefour, Al Ghurair City is interesting.
Pay attention to Swiss Arabian products with an extensive palette of fragrance oils. Interestingly, among them there are very exact “copies” of fragrances from well-known brands in Europe. Beautiful bottles, affordable prices, durability make them a wonderful gift.
Tip: It is advisable to smell the selected oils or oil perfumes - some purely oriental aromas can be heavy and harsh for European tastes.


In the nomadic past of the desert inhabitants, these animals were the basis of life and a guarantee of the survival of the tribe. Today they have lost their importance, but continue to be of great value. Images of camels are found everywhere and remain among favorite souvenirs. Inexpensive figurines made of wood, plastic, metal and ceramics can be bought everywhere. Prices are related to the material and quality of workmanship, ranging from $3 to $80 on average.

Sand souvenirs

The UAE has a completely unique local souvenir associated with the peculiarities of the state. These are glass vessels filled with seven layers of sand. Each layer has a different texture and color, corresponding to each of the seven Emirates.
Craftsmen lay out patterns of multi-colored sand in a bottle or ball, creating beautiful pictures. The master can even write the name you ordered in Arabic or English.
There are also Seven Sands - framed pictures made from seven layers of sand.

Textiles and national clothing

Textile products in the Emirates highest quality. It is difficult to resist buying products made from natural silk, cashmere, and cotton. Wonderful things are made from camel and sheep wool.
For those who are interested in sewing, advice to pay attention to fabrics and accessories. It’s better to go to Dubai Mall or Deira City Center for them.
Arafatkas, a men's headdress made of checkered fabric, are unlikely to be worn outside the UAE, but continue to be popular gifts.
Shawls made from pure cashmere or with the addition of a small amount of silk seem delicate and soft. No woman will refuse them. Their prices are higher than for shawls and stoles made of wool and cotton.
National clothing is also in demand. These things allow you not to experience discomfort on the hottest days and do not hinder your movements.
Women's abayas and shaylas, men's kanduras and khutras are on sale in a wide variety. Modest home and everyday outfits give way to beautifully embroidered ceremonial outfits made from expensive fabrics. If you couldn’t find something suitable from ready-made clothes, you can order tailoring in your size and from a certain fabric.
Bed linen sets, clothes in oriental style for the home and other textiles will delight you for a long time upon returning home.

Fur coats in the UAE

Our compatriots often bring fur coats from the Emirates. Here you will definitely find a fur coat that can meet the highest demands of capricious ladies. Prices vary widely - from inexpensive Chinese to luxurious products from famous fur companies. In specialized centers they will try to select the length, model of a certain style and the fur itself for the client.


All these purchases can be easily fit into your suitcases; this will not work with furniture made of wicker or solid rosewood or walnut. But this is not a reason to refuse to visit Souk Madinat Jumeirah or furniture sections in malls. It's not hard to find quality and stylish upholstered furniture. But you will have to send purchases by container. Shipping by sea costs two to two and a half times cheaper than air transportation.

Cushions and carpets from the UAE

In all oriental fairy tales, characters bask on numerous soft pillows, and the feet of beautiful odalisques are silently glide across fluffy patterned carpets. Bring some colorful tales of the East into your everyday life. The quality of Arabic carpets is recognized everywhere. A variety of colors, patterns and sizes allows you to choose what you need. Carpets self made, especially silk ones, come at a higher price. You can also find wonderful things among the factory ones.
There are no fewer pillows on sale than carpets. Different fabrics, colors and padding, even the shape of pillows can be different. In this abundance you can find a real highlight for any interior.
For example, for open glass doors of a terrace or balcony, there are triangular retaining pads filled with sand.

Phones in the UAE

It is very profitable to purchase the latest models of iPhones and iPads here - all the new Apple products appear on sale here for a long time earlier than in Russia and more low prices. The same applies to other electronic gadgets. They come with an international guarantee that eliminates many problems in the event of a breakdown.
Prices household appliances slightly lower than in Russia, but completely different build quality. True, in Lately Chinese counterfeits have even made their way here. It is better to be careful when purchasing so as not to get another fake.

Cars from the UAE

The car market in the UAE is famous with positive side. Here potential buyer"for export" offer many special benefits and convenient conditions. And the choice of cars of any class offered by companies can shock anyone. Another plus is complete reliability at all stages of purchase and paperwork.

Nice and inexpensive little things

If purchasing a car, furniture and other expensive “souvenirs” is not part of your plans, then you can put together a whole collection of cute and inexpensive gifts for friends and acquaintances.
This long list may include charming silk bookmarks, coasters for mugs, computer mouse pads stylized as oriental rugs, small plates with Arabic designs, rosary beads made of natural stones, small sets of spices, trinkets or jewelry made of shells and corals. It's hard to give up the almost magical "Aladdin's lamps", chests with patterns and little boxes. You can take home miniature replicas of Dubai's most original buildings and delight your children with remote-controlled toys.

Prohibited for export

United Arab Emirates distinguished by a strict attitude to compliance with its laws and customs rules. Therefore, you should not spoil the memories of a wonderful holiday in this country by violating them and hoping that an attempt to export something forbidden will go unnoticed.
Items prohibited for export include:
- wild animals;
- seeds and fruits of palm trees;
- everything that may have historical and cultural value.
All jewelry, silverware and carpets purchased on a trip must have receipts. Products priced up to $250 will not be taxed.
There is no tax free or VAT here.

The United Arab Emirates is one of the incomparable holiday destinations not only for those who are attracted by the exoticism of the East. An amazing country where commitment to ancient traditions and pride in its past coexist with the desire for the latest achievements of civilization.

The UAE is a multifaceted and very interesting country. The young state, which has created all the conditions for its guests, is becoming increasingly popular. Lovers of luxury go there for oriental chic, active tourists for an extraordinary pastime, and gourmets for exquisite Arabic cuisine.

United Arab Emirates. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paolo_rosa/

However, in addition to Arab national cuisine, there are also cuisines from other countries. The combination of large and small European cafes and restaurants with local oriental flavor will delight even the most experienced tourist.

Some tourists compared their trip to the UAE to a trip to a fairy tale. To feel the spirit of the East, you need to try the cuisine of this country at least once.

Peculiarities of UAE cuisine

Apparent freedom should not mislead the traveler. The UAE is a Muslim country, so all life here is influenced by Islam.

For example, you should be aware of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan), in which you are allowed to eat only after sunset and before sunrise. During this period, restaurants usually open only after dusk, particularly after 8 pm. In 2013, Ramadan will fall from July 11 to August 9.

There are restrictions on pork consumption in the UAE. You won't find pork in regular restaurants. If you are not Muslim and want a pork chop, you will have to find a specialty restaurant that will prepare it for you.

Street food

It is better to start getting acquainted with the national cuisine of the UAE on the street. Numerous tents and small cafes offer a variety of snacks and small full meals. All dishes purchased on the street are mostly wrapped in Arabic bread - lavash, which has a flat shape. But another type of bread is also common - pita (round buns).

Pete. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mosaica/

One of delicious dishes with bread is called Manakish. This is melted cheese with olives and herbs, which is wrapped in pita bread or pita bread. It is sold hot, and after the manakish has cooled down, it is eaten with your hands.

Manakish. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chiragnd/

And this is an Arabic dish called “Falafel”. It is popular not only in street cafes, but also on every family table in the Emirates. Tender chickpea puree balls are dipped in flour and fried in olive oil. To decorate and make it even more appetizing, falafel is served on fresh lettuce leaves or wrapped in pita bread.

Falafel. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/65633948@N00/

The world-famous Shawarma (shawarma) came to us from the East. It is sold in literally all countries, and each has its own name and filling. You won’t find shawarma without meat in the UAE, but in other countries they can wrap just vegetables in lettuce leaves.

Shawarma shop. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edmundito/

In a real Arabian Shawarma, chicken is fried and wrapped in pita bread with vegetables (tomatoes, lettuce, garlic and cucumber), olive oil, pepper, and paprika are used.

For Shawarma lovers who have already tried this dish in other countries, it will be interesting to try the Arabic version.

Spices in the UAE

If you try a dish that is unfamiliar to you, be sure to take into account local culinary traditions: in the UAE they add very large quantities of seasonings to food. Both in fashionable restaurants and in a small tent on the street, the food will be equally spicy, generously seasoned.
The most commonly used seasonings are coriander, cinnamon, sesame, cumin, chili pepper, and curry.

Spices at a bazaar in the UAE. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elsa11/

The variety of spices presented in the Arab bazaars is amazing, and you can try them all before you buy them. Moreover, you will be treated to something you didn’t even plan to buy.

Meze appetizers

In the East it is not customary to rush. Both conversation and eating begin from afar: therefore, before the main course you will be offered several appetizers: vegetable salads, eggplant caviar (mutabbal, babaganush), pies with cheese or meat, nut and garlic pastes, corn and wheat porridges.

Arabian Meze. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/riwayat/

All this will be served to you on a large platter, divided into cells. These small portions are meze. By the way, some restaurants serve vegetables in meze for free.

Fish in the UAE

The UAE is washed by the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs; when visiting this country, you will feel like you have arrived in a maritime power.

There is a huge variety of fish dishes here. Many restaurants rely not on meat, but on seafood. They have a popular buffet system, where the fish lies on special tables in ice. In other establishments you can find aquariums in which your potential, as yet, live “dinner” swims.

Seafood restaurant in the UAE. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/asimchoudhri/

One of the most popular lunch dishes is Briki. This is a dish of fish (sometimes minced lamb) or shrimp fried in the finest puff pastry. Bricks are made from dough in the shape of triangles and served with lemon slices and herbs.

Arabian Brick. Photo: promotunisia.com

Another, no less interesting fish dish is the famous Al Madruba, boiled salted fish. During cooking, spices and flour are added. Al Madruba is served with a sauce that emphasizes its unusual salty taste, which is why this fish is especially popular.

Fish is also prepared in a hundred other ways: dried, made into fish kebabs, fried on the grill. And they are certainly seasoned with delicious sauces, hot seasonings and fresh vegetables, which make them even tastier and more refined.

Seafood in the UAE. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/josephchan749/

Other seafood is also popular - lobster, shrimp, crab, barracuda, tuna, khamur - sea bass. You can even find shark on the menu.

Meat dishes

Chicken, lamb, veal, lamb... A wide selection of meat products that will satisfy any gourmet. Meat in this country is mainly consumed in the form of kebabs, and sometimes several types of meat are combined in one serving.

Cooking meat on the grill. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/abhisheksrivastava/

“Lamb kebab” - this is what is written on the menu in Arab restaurants. Often there are no explanations or names, so you can only hope that this is the kebab you were looking for. However, if you are in the United Arab Emirates, then you do not need to worry about the quality of meat and excellent taste.

Kebab. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/redwackyworm/

The meat is always fresh and tender. Especially lamb, which is beaten in advance and marinated for several hours in lemon juice. Then they are fried without using fat, add a lot of spices and serve with a suitable sauce. Once you try this dish, you will forever remember what real kebab is.

Biryani is a national Arab dish. Everyone who has ever been to the UAE has probably tried it. Local chefs not only cook Biryani excellently, there are restaurants specializing in it.
This is a rice dish with meat (chicken, lamb), vegetables or fish. Be sure to have a large amount of spices, which are fried in a frying pan first. Place meat (fish, vegetables) cut into strips on fried spices, and rice on top.

Biryani with mutton. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29412850@N05/

For this dish, they take a certain type of rice - basmati, because of its long and thin grains. Sometimes pistachios and raisins are added to Biryani, as well as cloves. In general, this dish is similar to pilaf, so it will not seem exotic.


The UAE, as one of the eastern countries, is rich in sweets and various spices. Pistachio puddings, raisin bread pies, cheese pies, honey donuts, dates, date honey, custard donuts, halva, Turkish delight... It's too much to list.

Arabic sweets. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/guuleed/

This is the largest sweets store in Dubai, which is famous far beyond the country's borders. Its area is about 1000 square meters. meters.

Shop Candylicious. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/47391741@N04/

But unfortunately, national sweets are not represented there. Mainly sweets from different countries world, and from the local - only fresh Dubai cakes.

If you want to buy real oriental delicacies, you have a direct route to the bazaar. In sweet shops, tourists are no longer surprised when they buy kilograms of local delicacies to take home as souvenirs.

Dates are very beneficial for the digestive system, so they are eaten several times a day. For example, dates with almonds are served for breakfast and offered to guests with tea in the evening. To do this, remove the seeds from the fruit and put almonds in their place. People with a sweet tooth eat dates with honey, chocolate and butter.

Dates with almonds. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexander/

Umm Ali (omm ali) is a festive Arabic dish. It is served as a dessert for tea on a weekend or prepared for important guests. This bread pudding is soaked in fruit syrup or rose petal water, and large nuts, raisins and dried fruits are added.

Umm Ali dessert. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bakingobsessions/

Umm Ali is one of the oriental delicacies that is most popular among tourists.

While Umm Ali pudding is one of the least sweet dishes in the UAE, pistachio baklava is one of the sweetest. To prevent an excessive sweet taste from remaining in your mouth, wash it down with tea.


In the hot Emirates, of course, you are constantly thirsty. There you will always find natural juices from all kinds of fruits, as well as their mixtures. In the stalls on the streets where fruit juice is squeezed, there are usually at least 5-8 types.

Coffee shop in the UAE. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nidserz/

Coffee in the UAE is a ritual. There are so many coffee shops in cities that you won’t have any difficulty finding them even with eyes closed- by smell. Locals visit coffee shops at least once a day.

To ensure that guests relax with a cup of coffee, local coffee shops make every effort. A good establishment will definitely have twilight and an atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Arabic coffee. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miemo/

The most popular coffee in the UAE is the light Arabian variety. Its main feature is that it is brewed from unroasted coffee beans.

They also drink tea, but less. Mainly after a heavy meat lunch or dinner. It is served in special tea cups. Green tea, mint and sage, which have calming properties, are common.

You will not see alcohol for free sale in this country. Not even in every hotel you can drink a glass of wine or a glass of beer. Alcohol in the UAE is sold only in hotels that have a license to sell alcohol.

Non-alcoholic beer in the UAE. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drytimes/

However, for a country like the UAE, the availability of alcohol is not that important. The antiquity of traditions and the richness of Arab culture will inspire you for a long time to make other journeys and further searches for the unknown.
In the Emirates, you will try dishes rich in healthy spices, plunge into the magical, tranquil atmosphere of Arab coffee shops, and see more sweets in the bazaars than you have ever seen in your entire life.

For you, we have revealed only one side of this multifaceted state, now all that’s left is to see and experience it live. Have a nice trip, bon appetit!

Keep in mind that you can export everything from the United Arab Emirates, but then you will have to import it through Russian customs. But here the rules are stricter.

Don’t forget, there is also Russian customs

The total weight of goods imported into the Russian Federation should not exceed 50 kilograms. The total cost should not exceed 10,000 euros. Read about what exactly tourists bring in our article “”. We will talk in detail about the transportation of these items through the customs of the UAE and Russia.

Electronics and household appliances

The customs of the Russian Federation allows the free import of items for personal use. That is, if you buy one laptop in the UAE, you can transport it freely, but if you buy two laptops, then customs may have questions.

If you are bringing one fur coat or an expensive leather jacket, there will be no questions; if you are carrying three fur coats, then the customs officers will stop you, and talking about how you bought fur coats for your girlfriends will not help.

In any case, keep all receipts for large purchases, they will be useful in controversial situations.


You can export any products from the UAE and in any reasonable quantities, but you can import them into Russia with restrictions.

The first limit concerns products of animal origin - 5 kilograms per person. Animal products include a popular gift from the UAE - and dairy products. In the same category: any meat, fish and seafood, sausages and deli meats.

Any food products of animal origin should only be ready for consumption. No fresh camel meat, oysters or lobsters, all this can be confiscated at Russian customs.

In addition, such products must be in their original packaging, otherwise they may be confiscated. If you are planning to bring camel meat, then take it canned or dried in original packaging. Or take risks with fresh.

The second restriction is on the transportation of plant products “with phytosanitary risks” - up to 5 kilograms per person. This includes any fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, including the most popular gift from the UAE - dried fruits.

Roasted coffee beans, any sweets and candies can be exported from the UAE and imported into Russia without restrictions. However, remember the limit of 50 kilograms and 10 thousand euros, and all this must comply with the concept of “for personal consumption and non-commercial use”.

Some other gifts

The situation with spices is complicated, because they can be mistaken for some prohibited substances. Buy spices only in packages, otherwise you risk falling under suspicion. Similar to (Arabic household incense), it can be mistaken for something illegal. Try to buy bakhur in a package that will say that it is exactly bakhur.

Is it possible to export shells?

Hookahs and tobacco, including hookah

Export of tobacco or hookahs from the United Arab Emirates is free. At Russian customs there will be no complaints about the hookah, but only 250 grams of tobacco can be imported.

Happy shopping in the UAE, and read our useful articles about this country ( links below).