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Greetings, readers of my blog site!

If you are reading this article, then you are seriously puzzled by the question - how to make money on Instagram from subscribers.

With the rapid growth of this social network Every day new ways of earning money appear. You must understand that the main principle of any kind online earnings is to create a flow of traffic. Where there is a large number of people, there is definitely money there. By gathering a target audience around you, you will receive not only fame, but also the opportunity to receive stable passive income. You can monetize traffic and followers on Instagram in various ways - from affiliate programs and sales to advertising placements. What ways can you make money from followers and where to start - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Earning money on Instagram

If you want to attract people’s attention, then it is important not only to use promotion methods, but also to be an interesting, creative and extraordinary person, share valuable information or mood with people, create truly effective, bright, memorable and intriguing content. For account promotion, high-quality, colorful and unusual photographs and their original presentation are of no small importance. If at first there were only photos from Instagram Everyday life people, now they are increasingly found in the same way as on VKontakte, jokes, quotes, recipes, advice, reflections, business products.

The choice of direction for account development is limited only by the flight of your imagination. The most important thing is to find your niche and your audience who will be interested in watching and reading it. Then your entries will bring maximum amount likes and get a great response from the public, and accordingly generate money. To promote your account, use mass liking, following, popular hashtags, official targeted advertising that is set up through Facebook, placing advertising posts on all available platforms, buying followers.

How much money can you make on Instagram?

Earnings largely depend on the number of fans, the promotion of the account, user activity, and the chosen methods of monetizing the page. You can easily earn from one to several hundred thousand rubles per month from Instagram subscribers. On average 1 advertising placement costs from 100 rubles. If you publish at least 2 posts a day, you can earn more than 6,000 rubles per month.

How many subscribers do you need to get to start making money on Instagram?

Opportunities for making money on Instagram, as in any other social network, depend on promotion, user traffic to the account, and the number of likes. How many subscribers do you need to collect to start making money on Instagram? The minimum number of followers depends on the chosen method of earning money. On the Plibber site you can start making money with any number of subscribers. The database contains an account with 293 subscribers and a post cost of 20 rubles. However, when choosing a suitable platform for posting, advertisers look not only at the number of participants, but also at their activity and advertising coverage. To receive the first orders, it is desirable to have at least 1000 subscribers.

Coupon services for making money from subscribers

  • - 10% of the coupon sold.

Referral systems for making money on Instagram

Share tips with your subscribers in the area in which you are an expert, and unobtrusively offer to follow a referral link. Your “fans” will not even guess that you are making money from them. As referral programs, you can choose anything - from coupon sites and training courses to services for SEO specialists. The most important thing is that the topic is relevant to your audience. For example, information products will work great in a business theme, services for booking hotels and purchasing air tickets in a travel theme, and discount coupons for the purchase of clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, gifts and other things in a women’s theme.

Here are examples of affiliate programs where you can earn money by attracting referrals:

  • - air tickets (rate 5%);
  • - Travel store (receive up to 3% of the cost of the paid tour) and others.

Affiliate programs in CPA networks

Participate in affiliate programs and receive a percentage of sales through CPA systems. By placing a photo with a referral link in the description to sell trending products, you can receive up to 30-40% of sales revenue. CPA networks are intermediary platforms that help advertisers find services that will attract traffic and increase sales. On such sites, specific targeted actions are paid - submitting an application, calling, purchasing, registering, etc. The publisher (webmaster, owner of the site on social networks) hosts promotional offer and gets paid for target action potential buyers. Instagram account owners will be able to choose a variety of offers for advertising that match the interests of the audience (products, applications, information products, entertainment, games, services, etc.). The most popular and trusted affiliate sites:

  • and others.

Earning money from Aliexpress

This method is perfect for those people who are considered style icons in the media, as well as bloggers. You will be able to place advertisements with an overview of purchases made on Aliexpress and referral links to products and receive up to 10-30% of the amount for which your followers buy goods. Partnership cooperation with Aliexpress is possible through intermediary CPA networks:

  • (rate 8.5%);
  • is an online platform that cooperates with top online stores (6% commission on completed orders). Here you can receive cashback (return of a percentage of your purchase).

How to make money by posting advertising posts and links on Instagram?

  • - the minimum cost of an advertising post on this site is from 30 rubles. Average prices, depending on the number of subscriptions and audience activity, range from 30 to 18,000 rubles.

Selling your goods or services

You can use Instagram to sell your own services and products. This theme is perfect for those who do handmade work, freelancers, private tutors, webmasters, information businessmen and all people who work for themselves. A well-promoted account will help beginning entrepreneurs find their first clients.

Selling a promoted Instagram account

Selling a promoted account is another way to make money from attracted subscribers. If you are a master at promoting accounts on Instagram, then you can make money from this by selling popular platforms.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we’ll talk about additional ways to make money on the Internet for beginners and pros, namely about Instagram and what methods actually work there.

From the article you can find out for yourself the following:

  • How to make real money on Instagram without investments and where to start?
  • What and how much do Runet bloggers earn?
  • What ways of earning money can you use for yourself?

Modern technologies are developing by leaps and bounds, and at the same time new options for doing business are emerging. Many readers are familiar with Instagram, but at the same time have no idea how much money is circulating there. In this article we will try to explain how to make money on Instagram and how profitable it is.

Is it possible for a beginner to make money on Instagram and where to start: TOP 5 tips

Instagram began to be actively considered as an additional source of income in 2015. Entrepreneurs realized how effective it is to show clients their products through photos and videos.

The popularity and advertising effectiveness of the social network is increasing every year. Unfortunately, novice entrepreneurs only grasp at the idea of ​​making money and quickly lose motivation. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you read our recommendations.

#1: Start with a promotion plan

Young businessmen are striving to make money on the Internet without investment. Passive income is one of the most attractive, but its development requires a lot of effort and time.

Any business requires financial investments. Practice shows that the more initial capital, the faster it will pay off. In addition to money, it is important to take care of drawing up a development plan. For social networks, it is usually called a content plan.

Start by developing a plan to promote your content. Please indicate in it:

  • Sources of profit (which partner do you want to contact);
  • How much do you plan to earn;
  • Blog topic;
  • What is the target audience(describe age, gender, purchasing power, etc.);
  • What topics need to be done (content plan);
  • What you need to spend on at the start;
  • Where and how to advertise your account.

Everyone needs this plan. Write down the points in as much detail as possible for yourself. The more clarifying factors are created, the easier it is to develop in the future.

#2: Optimize your media content

If viewers do not want to watch publications, then partners will stop paying. the main task on Instagram to interest the viewer and keep his interest in further publications.

Communicate with your audience and find out what interests them more. You can track trends using likes, comments and other activity. An excellent indicator is considered to be 50+ likes and 3+ comments from 1000 subscribers.

Optimization involves increasing user activity. This is achieved by various methods, some of them:

  • Improved image quality;
  • Using SEO optimization (, signatures etc.);
  • Creating new ideas for promotion;
  • Mailing of letters;
  • Competitions with prizes;
  • Communication with the audience.

#3: Follow the statistics

To notice the productivity of innovations, you need to keep statistics. The following services are great for this:

These applications allow you to analyze promotion performance using graphs and statistics.

#4: Follow Instagram and Advertiser Rules

To avoid getting banned, strictly follow the Instagram rules and fulfill your obligations to advertisers. These 2 recommendations are quite simple, but many violate them and spoil their reputation. The result is loss of profit.

The simplest example is a shadow ban. You get it for:

  • Stealing other people's photographs;
  • Nude private parts;
  • Violence;
  • Promotion of weight loss;
  • Sharing your profile with others;
  • Low quality photo.

There are restrictions on promotion; if you exceed the limit of likes, subscriptions, comments per day (1000 pieces), you get a ban. You can view the terms and conditions on the official website. Or in the Settings section of your smartphone app.

No. 5: Don’t chase money, quality and reputation come first

Some of the readers came to this page to find a way to get rich quick on Instagram. Unfortunately, there is no easy money. Try not to chase the profitable one in the first steps.

Pay primary attention to the quality of publications, and then evaluate potential profit. Companies will be more enthusiastic about making a profitable deal with an interesting and unconventional Instagram blogger than with a guy/girl who is only looking for profit.

Major bloggers who are now famous have achieved their heights due to the quality of their material and good reputation. And those who want quick money (black PR and hype) quickly lose popularity.

How much can you earn on Instagram with 2000, 10000 or 20000 subscribers?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The price per post consists of:

  • Quality of publications;
  • Advertising effectiveness;
  • Viewers' ability to pay;
  • Account promotion (number of views);
  • Special requirements of the advertiser.

With 2 and 10 thousand signatories, you shouldn’t expect particularly large fees. But with 20,000, you can consistently receive up to 5,000 rubles per month. With 50 thousand subscribers, you can sell from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per month. Much depends on the ability to pay of the audience.

  • Ksenia Sobchak - from 250;
  • Olga Buzova - 200;
  • Katya Klap - 100;
  • Alena Vodonaeva - 70;
  • Anastasia Volkova - 50.

These are amounts for just 1 photo with information about a commercial product. A couple of publications and a million in your account.

How do bloggers make money on Instagram and how?

Large sums of money are circulating on the social network. A logical question arises, How do you make money on Instagram?. The bulk of the income comes from advertising other people's products. In addition to goods, you can advertise cafes, restaurants, clubs, cities, festivals, etc.

As an option. The popular athlete maintains his own Instagram, where photos and videos of his training are regularly posted. And periodically (1-2 times a month) the character gets a stylish T-shirt. He does not directly talk about the purchase, but the company logo is clearly visible in the photograph. The user is interested in the brand and orders a jacket.

How to make money on Instagram: TOP-8 ways to earn money without investment

The peculiarity of the earnings of public figures (bloggers, fashion models, athletes, etc.) is that they can remain in the shadows for a long time and not recoup their expenses. Their salary directly depends on popularity and fame.

No. 1.

Selling your goods and services

If a blogger has a hobby or main occupation, then a social network can become an additional source of traffic. This method is used by freelancers and companies. They periodically post the results of their work or interesting thoughts, and as a result, they attract future clients.

The popular motivational blogger wears his company's clothes all the time. He doesn’t directly hint at this, but at the same time, the brand’s icon and its ideologies fit neatly into the theme of his video. This is an example of advertising your products.

No. 2. Product advertising One of the most famous and

effective methods

. When an account is well known, it builds part of its income on advertising. For example, once a month a girl will go to a beauty salon with a 50% discount, and from each new client who pays for the services she will receive a portion of the profit.

In the early stages, the instablogger is unknown to anyone, so he often needs the help of affiliate programs. In essence, this is the same point 2, the only difference is that you often have to look for an affiliate program yourself and work on their terms.

Some offers from affiliate networks. These sites contain hundreds of affiliate programs at once:

  • Tlight;
  • Adcombo.

In addition, almost all brands offer an affiliate program. All you have to do is go to the product website and write to the company with your proposal for cooperation.

No. 4.

Administration of other people's accounts

As a rule, when a business begins to gain momentum, it is necessary to hire additional employees. You can find some Instagram blogger and offer him your services to administer his account.

  • The task consists of the following actions:
  • Regular creation of posts;
  • Statistics analysis;
  • Communication with subscribers;
  • Comment filtering;
  • Creation of new ideas;
  • Search and cooperation with advertisers;

Photo/video editing. The main task is to maintain the quality of the content. You can find a similar job on freelance exchanges

. You can also get hired as an employee from your friends or personally write your offer to the instablogger by email.

No. 5.

  • Promotion of other accounts
  • Starting your own business on Instagram is one of the most difficult stages. As a rule, the initial promotion takes quite a lot of time. To speed up this period, businessmen hire people who will expand their subscriber base. Their functions include:
  • Content optimization;
  • Search for new subscribers;
  • SEO optimization;

Partnership with other bloggers;

Increased activity (likes, comments, replies). Many of the novice Instagram bloggers use. This is one of the simplest and fastest promotion methods. At first, this is forgivable and even useful, but later you need to get rid of dead accounts. It is important for an advertiser that his products are advertised as usefully as possible. If he sees that out of 100,000 subscribers, only 10,000 viewed the advertising post, then he will eventually refuse the service. Cheating is useful in the first stages, but do not order bots. At best, the number of purchased subscribers should not exceed 10% of

common base

spectators. No. 6. Become a fashion model

This applies specifically to Instagram, but Kristina Pimenova . She receives money for photography, and posts some of her work on Instagram. With her photographs she attracts new customers to collaborate with her.

No. 7.

Selling promoted accounts This option is somewhat similar to purchasing ready-made business

. The user does not need to spend a long time recruiting subscribers; instead, he buys a ready-made account on a given topic and continues to develop it.

  • On the Internet you can find different stores with similar offers, some of them:
  • Instaline;
  • Salegroups;
  • Accmarket (accounts-sale);
  • Trade-groups;


No. 8.

  • For schoolchildren and clickers (likes and subscriptions)
  • The last option is the least profitable and. Earnings are based on likes and subscribers. We go to one of the promotion exchanges and get a job as an employee:
  • Vktaget;



You need to like, comment and subscribe to users. For each action they pay from 0.5 to 10 rubles. If you try, you can earn up to 100 rubles per day. We recommend using this method to users who cannot find themselves in another niche.

Schoolchildren will not be given complex work, but they will be able to work a little through clicks and simple actions. You sit on Instagram and also get paid for it. Not a bad offer.

Conclusion + Video In this review, we looked at how to make money on Instagram. This is not such a difficult job and everyone can try themselves in this field. It’s enough to create an account and think over a plan for its development. Income directly depends on the promotion of your account, and if you try, then in a couple of months you can get your first income of 5,000-10,000 rubles. Look

short video

The amount of earnings on this social network, which, by the way, has more people than on Odnoklassniki and Facebook, varies from 100 rubles to 60,000 rubles per month - depending on what area of ​​activity you choose, how seriously you engage in it and how much time you devote to work. Personally, I know people who make very good money on Instagram simply by uploading funny videos and.

1. Earning money on Instagram, methods and level of payment

Who can make money on Instagram? A very pressing question, especially for users who have a rather vague idea of ​​​​the Internet and are only “probing” the possibilities of stable income. Instagram allows you to work both on a trial basis (for beginners) and to the fullest (for experienced freelancers).

There are several popular ones on Instagram that are used by people with varying levels of experience and professionalism. So, schoolchildren make money from likes - this method is only suitable for earning money “for a chocolate bar.” Serious freelancers, with a wealth of knowledge and a solid portfolio, sell their services by setting their own pricing policy - the more authoritative and well-known the performer, the more customers, the higher the price.

Showbiz “stars”, politicians, famous bloggers feel the best in terms of earning money on Instagram - they don’t even need to strain to earn money (and a lot of it) - advertisers line up to get a place on the page famous person with several tens of thousands of subscribers. The level of earnings is appropriate: hundreds of thousands of rubles. “Stars”, however, prefer to take in dollars.

We will analyze all these methods and consider them in more detail a little later. And now - information for beginners.

2. How to earn real money on Instagram for a newly registered user

Let’s say you firmly decided to start making money on the Internet, and you chose Instagram as your starting platform for making money - immediately after registration, you should think about where to get subscribers, and only then how to earn real money on Instagram.

Without a certain number of subscribers, any attempt to make money will be in vain; five people (parents, siblings, a neighbor with a dog) do not count, since the audience must be diverse, and its number must meet the requirements of advertisers or partners.

In addition, the audience must be active - regularly visit your page, watch updates, comment, otherwise the page will be “dead” and uninteresting to either guests, subscribers, or advertisers.

With well-chosen and constantly updated content and if you have at least one hundred subscribers, you can already count on earning money. This situation allows participation in, you just need to learn how to sell the product correctly - that is, offer it convincingly. Depending on the type of product and interest rate On one client you can earn 200-600 rubles per purchase.

This is why it is so important to have as many subscribers as possible, and if you do not have a significant number of acquaintances who are ready to follow you on all social networks, consider, as an option, services for increasing subscribers, just do not get carried away too much so that your profile does not get banned. It’s better, of course, to spend money on real PR, for example, you can order advertising on other popular pages.

2.1. Making money on Instagram from likes is not difficult, but not very difficult either

Many people call likes for a ruble earnings for schoolchildren - no special skill or effort is needed, such actions are called work only conditionally, the level of “salary” is the same as for any unskilled labor.

Nevertheless, making money on Instagram from likes remains quite popular - it is used not only by children to replenish their pocket money, but also by serious adults. True, they do not work for a ruble or five, but for the opportunity to promote their own page in order to earn substantial money from it over time. Proposals for the mutual exchange of likes can be found in the comments on almost all popular pages.

As for the material side, there is an opportunity to earn 100-200 rubles per day. Suitable for schoolchildren. If you are interested in how to make money from likes on Instagram, you can ask them - children are experts on this topic.

2.2. Earning money from selling your own services and goods

Individuals and legal entities for the purpose of making public commercial offers, and not just post a photo “for beauty and admiration.” People who understand how information is an effective tool use it to successful sales and searching for customers. And on this social network you can find hundreds of thousands potential clients who are ready to become real.

You can earn two average monthly salaries (or even more) on Instagram:

  • (text authors);
  • photographers;
  • lawyers;
  • designers;
  • webmaster;
  • programmers;
  • sellers of physical goods (handmade specialists, dropshippers, and those who sell their own items or items from stock come here).

Not only individuals are looking for how to make money on Instagram; companies operating in various fields are registered on the social network - from beauty salons and online stores to car dealerships and restaurants.

The principle of operation is simple - take pictures of your products and post them on Instagram, accompanied by short but succinct advertising posts. Of course, pages need promotion - those same likes for which they pay a few rubles, advertising on more popular pages and the services of authors who can create convincing selling text - on Instagram you can find both a performer and an employer.

2.3. How to make money from advertising on Instagram

When an account has reached a certain level of popularity and a certain number of subscribers - not bots, but real people (out of 50,000 subscribers, only 1000 - 2000 are real, and they are the most valuable to you, since their presence and activity directly affect your earnings), you can seriously think about how to make money from advertising on Instagram.

Just above, I mentioned “stars” of various sizes, whose accounts do not lack either subscribers or advertising. How to get several reliable advertisers to an ordinary person? There is one scheme in social networks - the more visitors and subscribers, the higher the chance of interest to the advertiser. I will not say that both “star” and ordinary accounts are equal to this scheme (after all, they are not equal in the number of fans-subscribers), but many people from my circle of acquaintances earn between 5-7 thousand rubles from advertising.

2.4. Become an admin and promote other people's accounts

Promotion Specialist - new profession, which will always be in demand. There is no such specialty in any university yet; you can learn it on your own and, best of all, for short term- one of my friends mastered the basics of promotion in a month and a half, now she has taken three accounts on Instagram - earnings on each are about 20 thousand per month, in total - 60 thousand.

The essence of the work is to place unique or non-unique (taken from Internet catalogues) photos and pictures, write postal messages, conduct advertising campaigns, promote your account in all white ways.

2.5. Making analogue photos

The method is very original and in demand, but it is not suitable for everyone, but only for photographers, provided they have special printing equipment.

The essence of the work: many account owners or subscribers of popular pages dream of posting their most successful photographs or images of their idols in a regular traditional photo album (as well as on a T-shirt, on a cup, on magnets, on a wall or desk calendar), so why don’t you fulfill them dream? For a certain fee, of course.

Advertising your services posted on Instagram will attract customers, you will complete the order and send it by mail or through a delivery service. It’s simple – the customer is happy, and the money is in your e-wallet.

2.6. Promoted Instagram page - alternative work, alternative income

Hired work in times of crisis is not stable - a person can be fired, laid off, or sent on leave at his own expense, so alternative income becomes a necessity. Owners of well-promoted accounts feel more confident in the face of a crisis and a tough employer, who, before the onset of difficult times, had already started making money on Instagram and perceive the social network as a source of additional finance - a kind of financial cushion.

For those who are still wondering whether or not it is worth spending their time on Instagram and whether it would be better to get a job as a loader in the nearest supermarket, I advise you to register on a social network - you will always have time to become a loader, in addition, the types of earnings can be combined.

Once again, to make money on Instagram from advertising, you need to have a popular and visited page with thousands of subscribers. The more diligently and quickly you promote your account, the faster you will start making profit from it.

3. Especially for you - step-by-step instructions for promotion

  1. Determine and develop the subject of the account, and create a rubricator for the convenience of visitors. Use a topic that is relevant; it should arouse interest among the majority of visitors and be designed to attract the target audience.
  2. Smoothly increase the number of followers, do not refuse to like other people’s photos and share links in exchange for likes and comments from other users.
  3. Constantly update the information to ensure smooth operation of the page, but do not rush to extremes, either publishing 20 photos at a time, or abandoning updates for several days. Create a publication schedule. The optimal amount of news is 2-4 per day.

Promoting a page is not difficult, you will understand this yourself when you start working on your account seriously. Many experienced Instagrammers, by the way, strongly advise: a promoted page on a social network is a prospect, an asset, if you like, a launching pad, which can eventually develop into a more serious and profitable business.

And one more official figure (just don’t think that I’m trying to persuade you to register on Instagram) - there are currently more than 300 million registered users on the site. This is for reference and analysis of how many of your subscribers may be among them...

Well, that's all I have for today. I wish you good luck in any case and under any circumstances.

Social networks created for communication between people from different countries, are now actively used as advertising and trading platforms. Instagram is no exception. Some users earn millions from it. Let's figure out how to achieve such success?

Where to begin?

Registering an Instagram profile takes just a few minutes. The main thing is to know exactly why you need it. Running your own blog is interesting, but how to make it profitable?

For TV stars and pop music, this is not a problem; people themselves subscribe to their accounts in order to keep abreast of the events in the lives of their favorite performers.

Regular users they won’t promote their page without attachments Money for advertising and promotion specialist services.

All bloggers are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Microbloggers with less 100,000 subscribers. Beginning businessmen cooperate with them and pay with advertised products or services.
  2. Bloggers with more 100 thousand followers. Serious companies work with them and pay in cash.

Earnings depend entirely on the number of subscribers:

  • 4 – 10 thousand people. – from 500 to 1000 rubles. ($8 – 16) for 1 post;
  • 20 – 30 thousand – from 2000 to 5000 ($32 – 80);
  • 50 – 80 thousand – from 10 to 30 thousand ($160 – 481);
  • popular - over 100,000 ($1,604).

For a blog to continually grow in popularity, it must meet certain criteria:

  1. High-quality unique content.
  2. Constant promotions.
  3. Actual information, providing expert assessment on the blog topic.
  4. A topic of interest to a large number of people.
  5. Studying the basics of SMM and fashion trends.
  6. Chat in the comments.

Top 10 topics for promotion

A novice Instagram user must correctly assess his capabilities and determine the topic of the blog.

The table shows the most popular destinations:

You need to be well versed in the chosen topic and be able to talk about it beautifully.

Account monetization

Anyone can earn money on INSTAGRAM.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Place advertisements on your page.
  2. Become a brand representative on social networks.
  3. Promote the accounts of other users.
  4. Printing and sale of photographs.
  5. Online store.
  6. Using the services VKtarget, Twitter, etc.

Subscription revenue

To make money from their popularity, bloggers use several ways:

  • participation in marathons;
  • subscriptions to other users;
  • mutual PR;
  • conduct free webinars, competitions and quizzes;
  • paid advertising campaigns and etc.

The second method is to promote the accounts of other users, for which they carry out the same events, as well as:

  • they offer services in Direct, where they pay 1,500 rubles for 10 new subscribers per day;
  • post reviews of other people's profiles with similar topics for money or mutual advertising.

Selling photos from your account is another great way to earn money from subscribers who are happy to buy pictures of their products.

For likes

When looking through photos and posts, social media users almost intuitively mark the ones they like. Now you can make money from this simple action. Of course, you won’t get rich from this, but as they say, a penny for a penny will make a ruble.

There are special sites for this:

  1. Qcomment.
  2. CachBox.
  3. VKtarget and others.

They register and complete simple tasks - likes, shares, short comments. It’s better to create a new Instagram profile and work through it so that the main one is not blocked. Payment for such work is no more 100 rub. ($1.6) per day. The cost of one action ranges from a few kopecks to 1 ruble.

On public pages

When increasing subscribers up to 100 thousand people, the cost of one post is 1000 rub. Up to 20 publications are posted in 1 month, earnings reach 20,000 rub.. ($321).

A public administrator makes good money, especially if he leads not one, but several projects at once.

He creates high-quality posts, posts photos and promotes his profile.

They pay for it from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. ($160 – 642) per month.

Additional permanent income is generated partnership programs with referral links. They place advertising banners on their website.

From the earnings of users registered by invitation, you will receive from 25 to 30%.

Profits from publications

If the user has a large number of subscribers - over 100 thousand., advertisers who notice his account offer to post their videos and posts on his page.

From this moment the real earnings begin:

  • on advertising in stories;
  • for an advertising post or video;
  • for working as a permanent representative of the brand on social networks.

Important Factors for customers:

  • user status;
  • subscriber activity;
  • no bots.

The more likes there are in the feed, the more likely it is that people will go to the advertised page. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

A large number of PR posts repels not only customers, but also ordinary users.

Who are the Weiners?

Weiners are people who make short, humorous videos about the lives of ordinary people. To create one story, you need a team of like-minded people and modern video technology. It takes one video from 10 to 15 thousand. ($160 – 241).

Their payback depends on the number of subscribers and views.

Earnings from video blogs on Instagram:

Number of users

thousand people

Income for 1 publication, thousand rubles. Profit in $
to 10 0 +
10 – 50 1 – 5 (barter)
50 — 100 5 – 10 (barter) up to 160
100 — 200 10 — 20 160 — 321
200 — 300 up to 20 321
300 — 400 up to 30 481
400 — 500 from 25 to 40 401 — 642
1 – 3 million from 50 to 150 802 — 2406
5 million 200 — 250 3208 — 4010
10 million 300 — 500 4812 — 8019

Remuneration for account promotion specialists

Contrary to the popular belief that schoolchildren can do this work, real SMM specialists have extensive knowledge in marketing and PR. They audit the user profile, create quality content and conduct advertising campaigns within the allocated budget.

Minimum income specialist - from 30 to 42 thousand rubles. ($481 – 674). Maximum revenue is from 60 to 110 thousand. ($962 – 1764). A freelancer offering his services can charge up to $200 .

But a serious site requires daily systematic work.

In different cities of Russia, specialists receive:

  • Moscow – 50,000 rub. ($802);
  • St. Petersburg – 40,000 ($642);
  • Yekaterinburg – 32,000 ($513);
  • Nizhny Novgorod – 28,000 ($449);
  • Volgograd – 24,000 ($385);
  • Voronezh – 23,000 ($369).

By hiring a professional, the user ensures that his account has a large number of subscribers and many offers for advertising.

Stellar Profits

Famous personalities make money from their popularity. Their incomes are:



Revenue for the month, rub. Profit per 1 post (RUB) Earnings per 1 publication, $
Alena Esipova 391000 500000 25263 401
Anastasia Volkova 500000 1000000 50000 802
Alena Vodonaeva 500000 600000 14000 235
Ksenia Borodina 600000 7400000 200000 3208
Ksenia Sobchak 4400000 250000 4010
Kate Clapp 500000 100000 1604
Irina Gorbacheva 1000000 30 – 50 thousand 181 — 802

Known to a wide range of viewers, TV star and singer Olga Buzova posts 2 advertising posts + daily stories in 1 day. Due to its popularity, most recently it received for 1 publication $3.4 thousand.