What is the name of the world's largest oil pipeline. Pipeline transport: Russian oil pipelines. how the largest pipeline in the world was created

126. World pipeline transport

Along with rail and road, pipeline transport is one of the land modes of transport. However, while railways and roads transport both goods and passengers, pipelines are intended only for transporting liquid and gaseous products. Accordingly, they are usually divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines (pulp pipelines are of very little importance).

The development of pipeline transport is inseparable from the development of the oil and gas industry. Oil and product pipelines, along with the tanker fleet, are the main means of transporting oil and petroleum products over medium, long and very long distances. The same function is performed by gas pipelines in the gas industry. Both of them ensure bridging the territorial gap between the areas of production and consumption of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.

The history of pipeline transport, like the history oil industry, goes back to mid-19th century V. The first oil pipeline, only 6 km long, was built in the USA in 1865. Ten years later, the industrial center of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania was connected to the oil field by a 100-kilometer oil pipeline. In Latin America, the first oil pipeline was laid (in Colombia) in 1926, in Asia (in Iran) - in 1934, in foreign Europe (in France) - in 1948. Russian Empire the first product pipeline connecting Baku and Batumi was built in 1907. But widespread construction of oil pipelines began after the First World War, and gas pipelines - after the Second World War.

By the middle of the 20th century. the total length of pipelines in the world reached 350 thousand km, and in 2005 it exceeded 2 million km. Pipelines have been built and operate in several dozen countries around the world, but, as usual, the countries that are in the top ten according to this indicator are of decisive importance (Table 146).

Table 146


In addition to the ten leading countries, many other countries of the world have pipelines of considerable length, located in South-West, South-East Asia, North Africa, Latin America, as well as CIS countries.

Analyzing the location of oil and product pipelines, it can be noted that their largest systems have developed, firstly, in countries with large sizes production and domestic consumption of oil and petroleum products, and sometimes exporting them (USA, Russia, Canada, Mexico, as well as Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, etc.). Secondly, they have developed in countries with a pronounced export orientation of the oil industry (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Venezuela). Finally, thirdly, they were formed in countries with an equally pronounced import orientation of the oil industry (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). The longest oil trunk pipelines were built in the CIS countries, the USA, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Among the top ten countries in terms of gas pipeline length, the first seven positions - with a huge quantitative advantage - are occupied by economically developed countries. This is largely due to the fact that the construction of gas pipelines in China began relatively recently, while most developing countries if it exports natural gas, it is in liquefied form by sea. In turn, from those listed in the table developed countries The USA, Germany, France, Italy (to which we can add Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, etc.) have a pronounced consumer-import orientation, and Russia and Canada (to which we can add Turkmenistan, Norway, Algeria) have a consumer-oriented orientation. -export or export-consumer orientation. The longest gas pipelines operate in the CIS countries, Canada and the USA.

The density indicator of the pipeline network is used much less frequently than the density indicator of iron and highways. Nevertheless, it can be noted that in terms of the density of the oil pipeline network, the countries of Western Europe (especially the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Great Britain), the United States and the small oil-producing and oil-exporting states of Trinidad and Tobago (“world record holder” with an indicator of 200 km per 1000 km) stand out 2 territories), Brunei and Bahrain. The Netherlands and Germany are the leaders in terms of density of the gas pipeline network (275 km per 1000 km 2 of territory).

Let us now turn to the characteristics of the work, i.e., the cargo flows of global pipeline transport. At the end of the 1990s. the cargo turnover of the world's oil and product pipelines was approaching 4 trillion t/km, and that of gas pipelines - to 2.5 trillion t/km (it will probably be clearer if we say that the world's oil and product pipelines annually pump more than 2 billion tons of oil and its products ). All the same countries that were already mentioned above participate in this cargo turnover, but with an even greater predominance of two of them - Russia and the USA.

Pipeline transport has great development prospects associated with the constant increase in demand for oil and especially natural gas. The construction of main oil pipelines continues in different regions and countries of the world. The main center of activity in this regard is in Lately became the Caspian region. The construction of gas pipelines has become even more widespread. They are also built in many regions and countries, but if we keep in mind only the most important of them, then we should name first of all the countries of the CIS, Southeast Asia, China, Australia, and secondly - Western Europe, USA and Canada, North Africa and Latin America. According to data for 2001, a total of 85 thousand km of new pipelines were being built in the world.

Russia, inferior to the United States in the total length of pipelines, back in the early 1990s. far exceeded them in terms of cargo turnover of this type of transport. This advantage remained even later: after all, the cargo turnover of Russian oil and gas pipelines is 1850 billion t/km, or almost a third of the world’s. Russia's leadership is largely due to the fact that its pipelines are much newer and more modern due to the large diameter of the pipes and high blood pressure have much greater throughput. This applies to international pipelines that have been operating for a long time - the Druzhba oil pipeline and the Soyuz and Bratstvo gas pipelines, through which oil and gas are supplied to foreign Europe. And even more so to the recently commissioned Baltic Pipeline System (BPS), which gave oil access to the Gulf of Finland, as well as to the Nord Stream (on the Baltic Sea) and South Stream offshore gas pipelines under construction on the Black Sea. In the eastern direction, a grandiose construction of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline is underway, through which Russian oil will go to the markets of the Asia-Pacific countries and the United States. Thanks to pipes with a diameter of almost 1.5 m throughput This oil pipeline will produce 80 million tons per year.

The Langeled undersea pipeline has become one of the most risky projects in the gas industry. The structure is also the longest undersea pipeline in the world. So how was this unique project created?

discovery of deposit

One of the largest deep-sea gas fields, ORMEN LANGE, discovered in 1997, is located 120 kilometers off the coast of Norway. On an area of ​​40 by 10 kilometers and at a depth of 1.2 km, the deposits contain about 400 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas. It was believed that due to its remoteness, the deposit was inaccessible to humans.

The year was 1984. An ordinary research vessel carried out another study of the Norwegian Sea by scanning the seabed. Several thousand meters of film were shot, which ended up as dead weight in the archive. She remained there for another 6 years until Norwegian engineers from Norsk Hydro took charge of her. The most experienced geophysicists have conducted studies of seismic lines in the deeper part of the sea. They established in these data the presence of contact points of hydrocarbons with water. It was gas.

The information was kept in the strictest confidence until test drilling was carried out in the summer of 1997. Thus, geophysicists discovered the second largest deposit on the Norwegian shelf.

how the largest pipeline in the world was created

Since Norway does not lack natural gas, engineers offered the resources they found to countries experiencing mineral shortages.

Thus, the British government, being on the verge of a serious energy crisis, signed a contract to build a gas processing plant in the Norwegian village of Newhamn and transport gas 1,200 km to the English town of Easington via the world's largest underwater pipeline. Named after the Viking ship, the Ormen Lange gas field provided the United Kingdom with energy for 40 years.

The contract took 10 years and $10 billion to complete. During the construction of the project, many complex problems arose, the solutions to which can be considered ingenious. So, for gas production in this field, due to too great depth and stormy weather, all existing models of gas production drilling platforms were not suitable. The key was the decision to combine a typical drilling platform and a subsea conductor for drilling wells. The installation was called the “bottom guide platform”.

bottom guide platform

The bottom guide platform is truly the core production process. This is where the gas comes in, is collected and sent ashore to the processing plant in Newhamn. General management the complex is carried out from the control center 120 km away. In total, four bottom platforms have been installed at the Norwegian field, with the help of which about 70,000,000 cubic meters of gas are pumped daily from 24 wells.

ships and underwater vehicles that built the gas pipeline

However, getting a global find from the unfriendly hostile ocean floor is quite a difficult task. To accomplish this mission, the largest technical vessels in the world. Each is designed to perform specific deepwater construction tasks.

drillship West Navigator

Drilling 24 wells took six years, which was carried out by a special drilling vessel, West Navigator.

ship trencher Island Frontier

The roughness of the North Atlantic seabed forces engineers to create more and more types of special vessels that can solve this problem. During the construction of this pipeline, trenches had to be dug on slopes with different angles along the way. This task was easily accomplished by the modern Island Frontier trencher vessel, which uses two trench production methods. To make a trench in clay, a hybrid wedge-cutting trencher is used the latest model, capable of digging a trench 7 m wide and 5 m deep. It consists of four water cannons with a variable angle of inclination. A 4-ton water-jet propeller hovers above the bottom. It sets in motion a huge mass of water, directing it under high pressure to the bottom, clearing the trench of clay residues. This is followed by the BPL2 platform, which fills the trench with a protective layer of soil. A special device located above it transmits a three-dimensional image of the work being performed to the vessel in the control room. Operators use RAD to ensure that the trench is technically compliant.

stone paver Tertnes

During the laying of pipes, due to the unevenness of the seabed, so-called free spans are formed. As a result, the unsupported part of the pipe may break under its own weight and cause a gas leak. In this case, to level the bottom where the route passed, the free space was filled with gravel using the TERTNES stone-laying vessel. The gravel is supplied to the seabed using an elastic pipe. Process control and accuracy is achieved by creating three-dimensional model production site.

floating crane vessel Thialf

To install the bottom platforms in place, a real giant was needed - the Dutch heavy-duty self-propelled crane vessel THIALF. The cost of chartering the largest floating crane with a total lifting capacity of 14,200 tons is 500 thousand dollars per day.

pipe-laying vessel LB 200

The pipe-laying work on the longest pipeline in the world was carried out by the self-propelled pipe-laying vessel LB 200. In fact, it is a large floating assembly line. Moreover, the installation process that has begun cannot be stopped either because of bad weather or because of an accident. The pipes must be supplied continuously and in the order in which they are to be connected and laid on the seabed.

The LB 200 lays pipes with a diameter of 12 m. Each of them is covered with an 80 mm thick concrete coating before laying. The concrete coating prevents the pipe from floating to the surface. To maintain continuity of the schedule, 4 km of pipes need to be laid per day. On the inner decks, 370 people work, welding new sections of pipeline every 6 minutes.

The first stage of laying pipes is to bevel the edge of the pipe at an angle of a vertical plane with a weld mark for the main line. Then two 12-meter pipes are welded into a single link. After this, the 24-meter pipe goes to welding stations rotating around the main axis, where they are welded to the main pipeline. Of course, each seam is carefully checked for defects. The pipe joints are then wrapped for better waterproofing and covered with foam to protect against mechanical damage. The final stage is laying the pipe on the seabed.

To continuously move the pipelayer vessel forward, it uses a very unusual form of propulsion - a movement with anchors, which is called a "werp". Thus, the LB 200 vessel moves with the help of 14 anchors placed around it. Anchors are moved by special ones. Carrying out a well-oiled operation, the pipe-laying vessel travels more than 100 km per month.

The construction of the Langeled pipeline was a giant leap for subsea construction. The technological innovations used during its creation will be further used in the development of previously inaccessible deposits.

The implementation of one of the world's largest projects was made possible thanks to the hard work of thousands of people, and hard work ensured that the program was completed on time. Gas is now continuously transported from Norway to England via the world's longest undersea pipeline.

Pipe with hot sulfur

41 kilometers of liquid sulfur: this foul-smelling substance is enclosed in a pipe and driven through the Rocky Mountains, from a field where sulfur is obtained from natural gas, to the nearest train station. Under normal conditions, sulfur is solid, so it is distilled at a temperature of 120−130°C.

The Druzhba main oil pipeline system includes 8.9 thousand kilometers of pipelines (of which 3.9 thousand kilometers are in Russia). The oil pipeline starts in Samara and goes through 9 regions of Russia to Europe. It transports crude oil to Belarus, Poland, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania in the north and to Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary in the south.

Longest gas pipeline

The West-East gas pipeline is 8,407 kilometers of pipe carrying natural gas from Central Asia to China.

Longest undersea pipeline

The Nord Stream gas pipeline is the longest underwater gas pipeline in the world: its length is 1,224 kilometers.

Ammonia pipeline

Part of the world's largest ammonia pipeline passes through Russia. It starts in Tolyatti and ends in the Odessa port. Its length is almost 2500 kilometers.

Alcohol pipeline

The only distillery in the world is located in the state of Florida in the USA. This is 135 kilometers of pipe with ethyl alcohol inside. The problem with this method of transporting ethanol is that, unlike oil and gas, it is highly corrosive and corrodes pipes. In addition, alcohol that is transported to be used as fuel more oil and gas suffers from accidental water entering the pipe.

Trunk oil pipelines have entangled planet Earth like a web. Their main direction is not difficult to determine: from oil production sites they are directed either to oil refining sites or to tanker loading sites. It is for this reason that the task of transporting oil has led to the creation of a large network of oil pipelines. In terms of cargo turnover, oil pipeline transport has far surpassed railway transport in terms of transportation of oil and petroleum products.

Main oil pipeline is a pipeline intended for transporting commercial oil from areas of their production (from fields) or storage to places of consumption (oil depots, transshipment bases, tank loading points, oil loading terminals, individual industrial enterprises and refineries). They are characterized by high throughput, pipeline diameter from 219 to 1400 mm and excess pressure from 1.2 to 10 MPa.

The leaders among pipeline transport operators are Russian company OJSC "Transneft"(its enterprises have the world's largest oil pipeline system - more than 50,000 kilometers) and a Canadian enterprise "Enbridge". According to experts in the United States, oil pipeline systems have reached their optimal level, and therefore their construction will be frozen at the current level. The construction of oil pipelines will increase in China, India and, strange as it may seem, in Europe, since there is a total diversification of supplies there.


The longest pipelines, other than the European continent, are in Canada and are directed to the center of the continent. Among them is an oil pipeline "Redwater - Port Credit", whose length is 4840 kilometers.


The United States is the world's largest producer and consumer of energy. Oil is the main source of energy for the United States, and now supplies up to 40% of the country's needs. The United States has a very extensive oil pipeline system, especially densely covering the southeast of the country. Among them are the following oil pipelines:

- an oil pipeline with a diameter of 1220 mm, designed to pump oil produced at the Prudhoe Bay field in northern Alaska to the port of Valdez in its south. Crosses the state of Alaska from north to south, the length of the oil pipeline is 1288 km. Consists of crude oil pipeline, 12 pumping stations, several hundred kilometers of supply pipelines, and a terminal in the city of Valdez. Construction of the oil pipeline began after the 1973 energy crisis. The rise in oil prices has made it economically viable to produce it in Prudhoe Bay. Construction faced many challenges, mainly the very low temperatures and difficult, isolated terrain. The oil pipeline was one of the first projects to encounter permafrost problems. The first barrel of oil was pumped through the pipeline in 1977. It is one of the most protected pipelines in the world. The Trans-Alaska oil pipeline was designed by engineer Egor Popov to withstand an earthquake of up to 8.5 magnitude. It was laid above the ground on special supports with compensators, allowing the pipe to slide along special metal rails horizontally for almost 6 m, using a special gravel cushion, and 1.5 meters vertically. In addition, the laying of the oil pipeline route was carried out using a zigzag broken line to compensate for stresses caused by soil displacement during very strong longitudinal seismic vibrations, as well as during thermal expansion metal The pipeline's throughput capacity is 2,130,000 barrels per day.

Main oil pipeline system "Seaway"— a 1,080-kilometer pipeline transporting oil from Cushing, Oklahoma, to the terminal and distribution system of Freeport, Texas, located on the Gulf Coast. Pipeline is an important link transportation of crude oil between twooil regionsin the United States. The pipeline went online in 1976 and was originally designed to transport foreign oil from Texas ports to refineries in the Midwest. Oil was pumped in this direction until 1982, when a decision was made to transport natural gas through this pipeline, but in the opposite direction - from north to south. In June 2012, oil was pumped through the pipeline again. The oil pipeline capacity is 400,000 barrels per day. The second line of the pipeline was commissioned in December 2014 and runs parallel to the first line "Seaway". The capacity of the second line is 450,000 barrels per day.

Pipeline "Flanagan south" put into operation in 2014 and has a length of 955 kilometers, crossing the states of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. The pipeline transports oil from Pontiac, Illinois, to terminals in Cushing, Oklahoma. The pipeline system has seven pumping stations. Pipeline "Flanagan south" provides additional capacity needed to deliver oil to refineries North America, and then through other oil pipelines on the US Gulf Coast. The pipeline capacity is approximately 600,000 barrels per day.

Pipeline "Spearhead"- a 1050 kilometer oil pipeline with a diameter of 610 mm, which transports crude oil from Cushing (Oklahoma) to the main terminal in Chicago (Illinois). The oil pipeline capacity is 300,000 barrels per day.

The first main oil pipeline with a diameter of 1000 mm in the United States was built in 1968 to transport oil from St. James (New Orleans) to Patoka (Illinois). The length of the oil pipeline is 1012 kilometers. Oil pipeline capacity "St James" - "Treacle" 1,175,000 barrels per day.

Oil pipeline system "Keystone"- a network of oil pipelines in Canada and the United States. Supplies oil from the Athabasca oil sands (Alberta, Canada) to US refineries in Steele City (Nebraska), Wood River and Patoka (Illinois), from the Texas Gulf Coast. In addition to synthetic oil and molten bitumen (dilbit) from the Canadian oil sands, light crude oil is also transported from the Illinois Basin (Bakken) to Montana and North Dakota. Three phases of the project are in operation - the fourth phase is awaiting US government approval. Section I, supplying oil from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Wood River and Patoka, was completed in the summer of 2010 and spans 3,456 kilometers. Section II, the Keystone-Cushing spur, was completed in February 2011 with a pipeline from Steele City to storage and distribution facilities in the major Cushing, Oklahoma, hub. These two stages have the potential to pump up to 590,000 barrels per day of oil to Midwest refineries. The third phase, a branch from the Gulf Coast, opened in January 2014 and has a capacity of up to 700,000 barrels per day. The total length of the oil pipeline is 4,720 kilometers.

Oil pipeline system "Enbridge" is a pipeline system that transports crude oil and molten bitumen from Canada to the United States. The total length of the system is 5363 kilometers, including several tracks. The main parts of the system are the 2,306-kilometer Enbridge section (Canadian section of the highway) and the 3,057-kilometer Lakehead section (US section of the highway). The average throughput capacity of the oil pipeline system is 1,400,000 barrels per day.

Pipeline "New Mexico - Cushing"— length 832 kilometers, throughput capacity 350,000 barrels per day.

Pipeline "Midland - Houston"— length 742 kilometers, throughput capacity 310,000 barrels per day.

Pipeline "Cushing - Wood River"— length 703 kilometers, throughput capacity 275,000 barrels per day.

Largest foreign oil pipelines Diameter, mm Length, km Year of construction
Enbridge oil pipeline system (Canada, USA) 457 — 1220 5363 1950
Keystone oil pipeline system (Canada, USA) 762 — 914 4720 2014
Oil pipeline "Kazakhstan - China" 813 2228 2006
Oil pipeline "Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan" (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye) 1067 1768 2006
Tazama oil pipeline (Tanzania, Zambia) 200 — 300 1710 1968
East Arabian Oil Pipeline (Saudi Arabia) 254 — 914 1620
Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline (USA) 1220 1288 1977
Trans-Arabian oil pipeline "Tapline" (suspended) (Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) 760 1214 1950
Seaway oil pipeline (Cushing - Freeport, USA) 762 1080 1976
Oil pipeline "Chad - Cameroon" 1080 2003
Spearhead oil pipeline (Cushing - Chicago, USA) 610 1050
St. James-Patoka oil pipeline (USA) 1067 1012 1968
Central European Oil Pipeline (suspended) (Italy, Germany) 660 1000 1960
Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline (Iraq, Türkiye) 1020 — 1170 970
Hassi Messaoud – Arzu oil pipeline (Algeria) 720 805 1965
Flanagan South oil pipeline (Pontiac - Cushing, USA) 914 955 2014
Oil pipeline "Ejele - Sehira" (Algeria, Tunisia) 610 790 1966
South European Oil Pipeline (Lavert - Strasbourg - Karlsruhe) 864 772
Oil pipeline "Saliaco - Bahia Blanca" (Argentina) 356 630
Latin America

New oil fields have been discovered in Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico. Now these states are fully provided with energy resources, the supply of which is ensured by such oil pipelines as "Sagliaco - Bahia Blanca" in Argentina, 630 km long, oil pipeline "Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte» in Brazil with a length of 370 km, as well as an oil pipeline "Sicuco - Coveñas" in Colombia with a length of 534 km.


Europe has large oil and gas reserves. Of the countries that are members of the European Union, 6 are oil producers. These are Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Romania and the Netherlands. If we take the EU as a whole, it is the largest producer of oil and ranks seventh, as well as second in terms of its consumption in the world. The proven oil reserves of the EU countries at the beginning of 2014 amounted to 900 million tons. One of the largest highways - South European Oil Pipeline, which transports oil from the port of Lavert to Karlsruhe via Strasbourg. The length of this oil pipeline is 772 km.

Pipeline "Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan", designed to transport Caspian oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The oil pipeline was put into operation on June 4, 2006. Currently, the oil pipeline pumps oil from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field block and condensate from the Shah Deniz field. Oil pipeline length "Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan" is 1768 kilometers. The oil pipeline passes through the territory of three countries - Azerbaijan (443 km), Georgia (249 km) and Turkey (1076 km). The throughput capacity is 1.2 million barrels of oil per day.

Central European Oil Pipeline- a suspended crude oil pipeline that crosses the Alps along the route Genoa (Italy) - Ferrara - Aigle - Inglstadt (Germany). The oil pipeline was put into operation in 1960 and supplied oil refineries in Bavaria. The oil pipeline closed on February 3, 1997 due to environmental problems and high remediation costs. The length of the oil pipeline is 1000 kilometers.


One of the oldest domestic oil pipelines - "Friendship". The system of main oil pipelines was built in the 1960s by the USSR enterprise Lengazspetsstroy to deliver oil from the Volga Ural oil and gas region to the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. The route runs from Almetyevsk (Tatarstan) through Samara to Mozyr and branches into northern and southern pipelines. The northern one passes through Belarus, Poland, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania, the southern one – through Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. To the main oil pipeline system "Friendship" includes 8,900 km of pipelines (of which 3,900 km are in Russia), 46 pumping stations, 38 intermediate pumping stations, the tank farms of which hold 1.5 million m³ of oil. The operating capacity of the oil pipeline is 66.5 million tons per year.

There is also an oil pipeline BTS-1, which connects the oil fields of the Timan-Pechora, West Siberian and Ural-Volga regions with the seaport of Primorsk. The goals of building the Baltic pipeline system there was an increase in the capacity of the oil export pipeline network, a reduction in oil export costs, as well as the need to reduce the risks of oil transit through other states. The oil pipeline's throughput capacity is 70 million tons per year.

The largest oil pipelines in Russia Diameter, mm Length, km Year of construction
Oil pipeline “Tuymazy – Omsk – Novosibirsk – Krasnoyarsk – Irkutsk” 720 3662 1959 — 1964
Oil pipeline "Druzhba" 529 — 1020 8900 1962 — 1981
Oil pipeline "Ust-Balyk - Omsk" 1020 964 1967
Oil pipeline "Uzen - Atyrau - Samara" 1020 1750 1971
Oil pipeline “Ust-Balyk – Kurgan – Ufa – Almetyevsk” 1220 2119 1973
Oil pipeline “Alexandrovskoye – Anzhero-Sudzhensk – Krasnoyarsk – Irkutsk” 1220 1766 1973
Oil pipeline “Usa – Ukhta – Yaroslavl – Moscow” 720 1853 1975
Oil pipeline "Nizhnevartovsk - Kurgan - Samara" 1220 2150 1976
Oil pipeline "Samara - Tikhoretsk - Novorossiysk" 1220 1522 1979
Oil pipeline "Surgut - Nizhny Novgorod - Polotsk" 1020 3250 1979 — 1981
Oil pipeline "Kolmogory - Klin" 1220 2430 1985
Oil pipeline "Tengiz - Novorossiysk" 720 1580 2001
Oil pipeline "Baltic Pipeline System" 720 — 1020 805 1999 — 2007
Oil pipeline "Baltic Pipeline System-II" 1067 1300 2009 — 2012
Oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean" 1020 — 1200 4740 2006 — 2012

Everyone knows the oil pipeline BTS-2 from the city of Unecha in the Bryansk region to Ust-Luga in Leningrad region, designed to become an alternative supply route Russian oil to Europe, which will replace the Druzhba oil pipeline and will avoid transit risks.

ESPO(piping system "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean") - an oil pipeline running from the city of Taishet (Irkutsk region) to the oil loading port of Kozmino in Nakhodka Bay. Pipeline construction ESPO has already been recognized as unique in a number of indicators, such as length (4740 km), working conditions, unique concern for the environment and an unprecedented synergistic effect for the regional economy. Its main goal is to encourage oil companies to develop fields in Eastern Siberia and diversify oil supplies by connecting large consumers in the Asia-Pacific region. Geopolitical factors also played a role - a number of laws in European countries that were aimed against dependence on Russian oil. In such a situation, it is best to look for new markets in advance.

Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)- the largest international oil transportation project with the participation of Russia, Kazakhstan, as well as the world's leading production companies, created for the construction and operation of a main pipeline with a length of more than 1.5 thousand km. Connects the fields of Western Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Karachaganak) with the Russian coast of the Black Sea (Southern Ozereevka terminal near Novorossiysk).


Today China consumes 10 million barrels of oil per day, although it produces only 200 million tons per year. Because the own resources there is little in the country; every year it will become increasingly dependent on imported oil and gas. To solve this problem and for its own purposes, Russia built ESPO-1 with a length of more than 2500 km. It runs from Taishet to Skovorodino, and its throughput capacity is 30 million tons per year. Construction of the second part to the port of Kozmino (Pacific coast) is currently underway, while deliveries are carried out by rail. Oil is supplied to China via the Skovorodino-Daqing highway section.

Thanks to the construction of the second string of the pipeline, the ESPO-2 project envisages an increase in throughput to 80 million tons per year. It is planned to launch in December 2012.


Pipeline "Kazakhstan-China" is the first oil pipeline for Kazakhstan that allows direct import of oil abroad. The length of the pipeline is about 2,000 kilometers and extends from the Caspian Sea to the city of Xinjiang in China. The pipeline is owned by the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and oil company Kazakh KazMunayGas. The construction of the gas pipeline was agreed upon between China and Kazakhstan in 1997. The construction of the oil pipeline was carried out in several stages.

Near East

South Iran Oil Pipeline 600 km long, it is laid to the Persian Gulf and is an exit to world oil markets.

Pipeline "Kirkuk-Ceyhan"— a 970-kilometer oil pipeline, the largest oil pipeline in Iraq, connecting the Kirkuk field (Iraq) with the oil loading port in Ceyhan (Turkey). The oil pipeline consists of 2 pipes with a diameter of 1170 and 1020 millimeters, with a throughput capacity of 1,100 and 500 thousand barrels per day, respectively. But now the oil pipeline is not using all its capacity and in fact about 300 thousand barrels per day pass through it. In many places the pipes are in need of significant repairs. Since 2003, on the Iraqi side, the work of the oil pipeline has been complicated by numerous acts of sabotage.

Trans Arabian oil pipeline— A 1,214-kilometer, currently inactive oil pipeline that ran from Al-Qaisum in Saudi Arabia to Saida (oil loading port) in Lebanon. It served as an important part of the world oil trade, American and intra-Middle Eastern politics during its existence, and also contributed economic development Lebanon. The throughput capacity was 79,000 m 3 per day. Construction trans-Arabian oil pipeline began in 1947 and was carried out mainly under the leadership American company Bechtel. It was originally supposed to end at Haifa, which was then under the British Mandate of Palestine, but due to the creation of the State of Israel, an alternative route was chosen through Syria (Golan Heights) to Lebanon with a port terminal at Saida. Pumping oil through the pipeline began in 1950. Since 1967, as a result of the Six-Day War, part of the pipeline that passed through the Golan Heights came under Israeli control, but the Israelis did not block the pipeline. After several years of ongoing disputes between Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon over transit fees, the appearance of oil supertankers, and pipeline accidents, the portion of the line north of Jordan ceased operation in 1976. The remainder of the pipeline between Saudi Arabia and Jordan continued to transport small volumes of oil until 1990, when Saudi Arabia stopped supplies in response to Jordan's neutrality during the first Gulf War. Today, the entire line is unsuitable for oil transportation.

Russian oil pipelines are one of the key components of the fuel and energy sector of the country's economy. Today, the Russian Federation has an extensive network of oil product pipelines of varying importance. Pipeline transport connects the territories of most subjects of the Federation, and also serves for the export of hydrocarbons and their processed products.

Pipeline classification

Pipelines are divided according to their purpose:

  • Local connections connect facilities within the field, oil and gas storage facilities, and oil refineries.
  • Regional pipelines have a length of several tens of kilometers. They connect oil fields with the main station, with oil loading (loading) points for water or rail transport, and with a main pipeline.
  • Main - pipelines with a length of over 50 km, pipe diameters from 200 mm to 1400 mm and above. The distance over which products can be supplied through such pipelines is measured in hundreds or thousands of kilometers. Pumping is carried out not by one, but by several located along the pipeline route. Depending on the petroleum product being pumped, the main pipeline is called an oil pipeline (pumping crude oil), a product pipeline (petroleum products), a fuel oil pipeline, a gasoline pipeline, a kerosene pipeline, etc.

Main pipelines operate continuously, their short-term stop is possible in the event of an accident, repair or planned replacement of parts.

Development of oil pipelines in Russia

The history of the development of pipelines in Russia is integrally connected with the development of the oil industry. In 1901, the state produced almost half of the world's total oil production. With the increase in volumes of raw materials, the question of its transportation increasingly arose. To reduce congestion railways and reducing the cost of transportation, the economic feasibility of constructing pipelines was justified.

The first main oil pipelines in Russia with a total length of 1147 km were built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and connected fields in the vicinity of Baku with the initiative to build the first product pipeline belonged to D.I. Mendeleev. The plan was implemented in 1906. The product pipeline, 831 km long, with a pipe size of 200 mm and 13 compressor stations, was the largest in the world at that time and supplied kerosene from Baku to Batumi for subsequent export.

In the pre-war years, the main flows of oil and petroleum products occurred in the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus and the Volga basin. The oil pipelines Grozny-Tuapse (649 km, diameter 273 mm), Ishimbay-Ufa (169 km, 300 mm) and product pipelines Mangyshlak - Samara and Ust-Balyk - Almetyevsk were put into operation.

Oil pipelines in Russia (then the USSR) received a new round of development in the post-war years. The peak occurred during the period of rapid development of oil production and refining in the Volga-Ural basin and the development of fields in Siberia. Main pipelines of considerable length with a diameter of up to 1200 mm were built. Thanks to some of them (for example, Surgut - Polotsk), Siberian oil began to be supplied to the central regions of Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states.

Advantages of pipeline transport

Oil and gas pipelines in Russia received the most intensive development in the second half of the 20th century. Today, in terms of volume and specific gravity of transported hydrocarbons, pipeline transport is steadily replacing railway and waterways for transporting oil and petroleum products. The main advantages of oil and gas pipelines are:

  • Significant pumping range, uninterrupted operation, significant throughput, minimal losses.
  • Wide range of viscosity of pumped petroleum products.
  • Stable operation in different climatic zones.
  • Possibility of constructing pipelines in almost any area.
  • High level of mechanization during construction.
  • Automation of process control systems.

The main disadvantage of pipeline transport is considered to be the rather large capital investments at the construction stage.

The largest oil pipelines in Russia

  1. Baku - Novorossiysk - oil pipeline for pumping Caspian oil to the port of Novorossiysk.
  2. Balakhany - Black City is the first oil pipeline in Russia, commissioned back in 1878. The pipeline connects the Balakhani oil field and oil refining facilities in the vicinity of Baku.
  3. Baltic pipeline network. Design throughput capacity is 74 million tons of oil per year. Connects the seaport of Primorsk with oil fields in Western Siberia and the Ural-Volga region.
  4. Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean - a pipeline connecting the Siberian fields with the Kozmino loading port near Nakhodka. The operator of the oil pipeline is JSC AK Transneft. The length of 4188 km makes it possible to export Russian oil to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region and the USA.
  5. The Druzhba oil pipeline is the world's largest trunk pipeline system, built to supply oil and petroleum products to the socialist states of Eastern Europe. Currently in use for export to Europe.
  6. Grozny - Tuapse is the first Russian main oil pipeline of medium diameter, built at the beginning of the twentieth century to transport Caucasian oil to the Black Sea coast.
  7. The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) links the fields of western Kazakhstan with a terminal on the Black Sea coast near Novorossiysk.
  8. The Murmansk pipeline with a capacity of 80 million tons connects the oil fields of Western Siberia and the seaport of Murmansk.
  9. Surgut - Polotsk is an oil pipeline connecting with Belarus and further the Baltic countries and Poland.
  10. The only heated main oil pipeline of its kind is Uzen - Atyrau - Samara.

Export through oil pipelines

Currently, Russian oil pipelines account for 84% of oil exported outside the country. The remaining 13% comes from rail transportation and 3% from water and river transport. JSC AK Transneft is the only oil pipeline operator in Russia. It accounts for 97% of all transported oil produced in the country. The length of the company's pipeline system is more than 217 thousand km, which connects the main oil production regions in Russia with sales markets in Europe. From the total transport system 46.7 thousand km are oil pipelines and 19.3 thousand km are oil product pipelines.

The main Russian oil pipelines involved in exports:

  • Baltic oil pipeline, throughput capacity - 74 million tons per year;
  • Pipeline system "Druzhba". One of the branches of this highway goes to Poland, the second to Slovakia. Total throughput capacity - 90 million tons;
  • Black Sea oil pipelines - 43 million tons.

Most promising direction for the development of Russian oil exports is East Siberian, due to the brisk growth of oil consumption in China.