Effective marketing analysis tools. Marketing Tools: From the Classics to the Newest Ways Marketing Features and Tools

Note that marketing creates an opportunity for the exchange of information between business and customers. To do this, companies use various marketing tools to communicate important information, stimulate customer interest and motivate follow-up actions. To attract the target audience and build successful business You will need to use several tactics at once.

The key to success lies in understanding what marketing tools you need to achieve your goals.

Why are marketing tools so important?

The answer to the question is extremely simple and obvious - to increase your sales and increase brand popularity. But in order to choose the optimal toolkit, it will be necessary to take into account the current business goals, the marketing strategy adopted by the company, the behavior of the target market and the limitation advertising budget.

Practical tasks at the stage of choosing marketing tools:

  • Traditional media: such as billboards, banners, newspapers, magazines, television, radio and directories, and related processes for creating print advertising, commercials and press releases. The main focus is to reach a large number of people to ensure success. The advertising message should encourage people to think about the need to purchase. It is an expensive marketing tool, but traditional media remains the most reliable source of information.
  • Digital media. Modern computer technologies and software allows you to target potential customers. And what is very important, this type of communication is measurable and gives you the opportunity to quickly receive data for analysis. Digital marketing tools include: , mobile marketing, interactive banner advertising, mailings to e-mail and so on. One of the key components of success is the presence of web analytics, which provides information about the online activity and interests of your visitors, the geography of potential consumers and lists of queries (keywords). This is the most effective tool if you have the appropriate experience.
  • Social media. , forums and blogs are a separate subset of digital media. At the same time, the main goal of social media is to establish trusting relationships with target audience to increase engagement potential clients and identify their preferences and interests. This type of communication offers inexpensive tools with potentially high profits.
  • promotional elements: such advertising elements like brochures, Business Cards, press kits, business card sites. They are also equally important marketing tools. Some of these elements include a lot of detailed information and highlight distinctive features your business. This is how you provide consumers with contact information about yourself. Promotional elements contribute to brand awareness, but when using them, you must first of all consider the cost.


The proposed classification can be easily extended using other criteria. For example, on the direction in which information should flow - to the outside world or within the company itself. Internal marketing is also an important aspect marketing strategy. You may need to send various messages or detailed information to employees, shareholders and partners. The goals vary, but usually, internal marketing is an attempt to incentivize within a company to market new products to the outside world.

The main tools of marketing activities can be combined into a 4P complex (“four pi”)

Marketing mix - a set of marketing tools and methods that are used by an enterprise to achieve its market goals.

This set is often referred to as 4P ("four pi") - by the first letters of the following English words: product - product, price - price, place - place, promotion - promotion.

Managers use the product, price, place and system for the sale (distribution) of the product, communication and promotion of the purchase of the product as tools to influence target consumers, achieve the market goals of the enterprise. Target consumers, or the target market, is a set of those consumers who are of interest to a given enterprise, taking into account its market orientation, which are identified by the enterprise as potential buyers of its products.

In foreign theory and practice, it is the marketing mix, called marketing-mix, that is given Special attention, and it is most often considered in the form of the “four pi” principle, which is a combination of the following four components:

PRODUKT is a product, that is, a set of "products and services" of an appropriate level of quality that the company offers to the target market. The actual quality of the goods can be changed. Its image can also be changed through variations in advertising and marketing. The idea of ​​a product and how it is perceived can be changed through the use of different packaging.

PRICE - the price, the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive the goods. The price can be changed in the direction of both stimulating and reducing demand, which is clearly manifested in the action of the price mechanism.

PLACE - here: channels (methods) of distribution, that is, the organization of the structure of commodity circulation, thanks to which the product becomes more accessible to potential buyers. The availability of a product (and hence the effort that a customer has to make to purchase a product) can be changed by more or less wide placement of the product or by changing the distribution channels used.

PROMOTION - promotion (stimulation) possible activity firms to introduce their product to the target market, disseminate information about its merits and convince target consumers to buy it. The number and location of sales representatives can be changed. Advertising costs can be reduced, the content of advertising can also be changed. The audience that the advertisement affects can also be changed.

The marketing mix is ​​developed based on the results marketing research, which provide the necessary information about the macro- and microenvironment, the market and their own capabilities.

The components of the marketing complex are: product policy, communication policy (promotion of goods on the market), marketing (distribution) policy, pricing policy and personnel policy Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Finpress", 2008.- 656s.

A useful property of the marketing mix is ​​the controllability of the elements. The marketer can manage each element with the aim of the required impact on demand, choose the most promising combinations of elements. The success of the marketing mix is ​​due, in part, to the fact that it combines four types of marketing strategies.

The main goal of developing a marketing mix is ​​to ensure sustainable competitive advantages for the company, gaining a strong market position. The marketing mix is ​​an operational activity, each component of which is the result of a deep economic analysis and commercial calculations are often based on economic and mathematical methods. To this we add the important role of mushrooms and marketing intuition, which in some situations is decisive. It is difficult to rank the components of the marketing mix according to their importance for the successful commercial activity of the company, since the achievement of the set goals is possible subject to the effectiveness of each of the four "p". However, the product and product policy almost always affects the nature and characteristics of the other components of the marketing mix.

When developing a commodity policy, the main problems are:

Innovation (creating new products or updating existing ones),

Ensuring the quality and competitiveness of goods,

Creation and optimization of the product range,

Solving trademark issues

Creation of effective packaging (for relevant types of products),

Analysis of the life cycle and its management.

Communication policy is a set of ways to promote a product to the market: Public relations (PR) - public relations, advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, specialized exhibitions. PR is a commercial communications firm, a long-term effort designed to create and maintain good relations and understanding between the firm and its public. Advertising as opposed to PR - commercial activity, any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services of a specific customer Khrutsky V.E., Korneeva I.V. Modern Marketing: handbook for market research: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics.-528s.

Sales policy - the main task in developing marketing policy- selection of a product distribution channel (sales channel) and decision-making on a sales strategy. The choice of a marketing channel is associated with the question of the method of marketing - through intermediaries (indirect marketing), without intermediaries (direct marketing). The distribution channel is, in essence, the way the goods move from the producer to the consumer. Along the way, merchants or individuals assume (or transfer) ownership of the product before it is sold to the consumer.

There are three types of strategies:

Mass marketing is a marketing strategy for consumer goods of daily demand intended for a wide range of buyers.

Exclusive sales - organized as the distribution of new products, which are positioned as exclusive expensive models.

Selective marketing - involves optimizing the number of resellers in such a way as to provide the required market coverage and at the same time control the work of the wholesaler or retailer.

Pricing policy as a component of the marketing mix is ​​developed taking into account the goals of the company, external and internal factors, influencing pricing, the nature of demand, the costs of production, distribution and sale of goods, the perceived and real value of the goods, the policies of competitors, etc. The development of a pricing policy includes setting the initial price for the product and timely price changes by bringing them in line with changing market conditions, the company's capabilities, its strategic goals and objectives.

Among the environmental factors influencing the pricing policy of the company, the main ones are: the actions of the government, participants in the distribution channels, the reaction of consumers, the policy of competitors.

With a high degree of competition, prices are regulated by the market, price wars force weak firms out of the market. If competition is limited, then the degree of firm control over prices increases and market power decreases. Consumers influence both in terms of price elasticity of demand and behavioral characteristics, which is very important for targeted marketing.

Costs prevail among internal factors, and not all of their components are under the control of the company. With an increase in costs, price policy can be helped by other components of the marketing mix: narrowing the range due to unprofitable goods or their individual modifications, upgrading goods, repositioning them, and reducing the degree of differentiation.

Reducing costs does not always have a favorable effect on pricing policy.

Consider the methods of marketing activities. Specific methods include:

1) segmentation;

2) forecasting;

3) planning;

4) positioning;

5) method of situational analysis.

Market segmentation is one of the functions in the system of marketing activities and is associated with the implementation of work on the classification of buyers or consumers of goods that are on the market or displayed on it. After dividing the market into groups of consumers and identifying the opportunities for each of them, the company must evaluate their attractiveness and select one or more segments for development. When evaluating market segments, two factors must be considered: the overall attractiveness of the segment, as well as the company's goals and resources. When choosing target segments, company leaders decide whether it will focus on one segment or several, on a specific product or a specific market, or on the entire market at once. The offer of one product to one segment - concentrated segmentation - is more often used small firms who seek to gain an advantage over their competitors. Expansion of market segments, i.e. Offering one product to multiple segments allows the firm to expand the market for the product. By offering several products to one segment, i.e. resorting to assortment segmentation, they usually use related products. In differentiated segmentation, several different products are offered to several segments.

To receive you need to competitive advantage, each company must find its own ways to differentiate products.

Differentiation - the process of developing a number of essential features of the product, designed to distinguish it from competitors' products. market supply can be differentiated in five areas: product, services, personnel, distribution channels, image.

Forecasting is one of effective tools general improvement of planning and management. The forecast is always a pre-planning stage of work and, moreover, the basis of one of the variants of the marketing program and plan, since its purpose is to give the most probable alternative paths for the development of the event under study for a given level of knowledge and the prerequisites laid down in the forecast. Making a decision in this regard is nothing more than a reasonable choice of one of the most probable forecast options.

It is obvious that there can be no opposition between a plan and a forecast. Forecasting is an integral scientific and analytical stage preceding planning, making a reasonable planned decision.

The commodity market forecast must meet the following requirements:

1) reliability, scientific validity, consistency, taking into account factors that may have an impact in the future;

2) reproducibility and evidence, i.e. obtaining the same result when re-development of the forecast, including on the basis of other methods, including subjectivity;

3) the alternative nature of the forecast with a clear formulation of all the hypotheses and assumptions underlying it;

4) verifiability of the forecast, i.e. availability of a reliable methodology for assessing the reliability and accuracy of the forecast in order to organize its correction;

5) clear and precise language of formulations, understandable for persons directly making decisions, which does not give rise to conflicting interpretations;

6) the planned nature of the forecast. The forecast must be timely and serve the purposes of improving management.

When developing a business plan within the framework of marketing, a special role is played by sales analysis and sales volume management, which underlies the management of production and sales of products. The following sales market research methods are used here.

Heuristic methods forecasting based on averaging information obtained by interviewing specialists.

trend forecasting by piece goods or groups of similar goods Dichtl E., Hershgen H. Practical Marketing: Textbook / Per. with him. A.M. Makarova; Under the editorship of I.S. Minko. - M .: Higher School, 2007. - 255 p.:

N=N current *t, (1)

where t is the growth rate, which is found from the expression:

t=N current /N prev, (2)

where N current - the value of the indicator of the current year, N pre - the value of the indicator of the previous period.

Trial Marketing when a small batch of goods is produced, the sale of which is studied possible demand.

An important task of forecasting is to determine the pace and moment of transition to the next phase of the development of the cycle. To solve it, the whole system of conjunctural symptoms is needed, which will allow us to give a quantitative description of the dynamics of the transition from one phase of the cycle to another. This is the hardest part of the forecast.

Marketing planning in various organizations carried out in different ways. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, the organization of planning. So, the range of marketing plan content for various companies different: sometimes it is only slightly wider than the plan of the sales department. Individual organizations may not have a marketing plan at all, as an integral document. The only planning document for such organizations may be a business plan drawn up either for the organization as a whole or for individual areas of its development. In general, we can talk about the development of strategic, usually long-term plans and tactical (current), usually annual or more. detailed plans marketing.

A strategic (long-term) marketing plan, developed for 3-5 years or more, characterizes the current marketing situation, describes the strategies for achieving the goals and those activities, the implementation of which leads to their achievement.

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of the organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections: executive summary, current marketing situation, hazards and opportunities, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, action program, marketing budget and control.

Annotation for leadership - the initial section of the marketing plan, which presents brief annotation main goals and recommendations included in the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it.

Hazards and Opportunities - A section of a marketing plan that identifies the major hazards that a product may encounter in the marketplace. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. complications arising from unfavorable trends and events that, if not targeted by marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the viability of the product or even to its death.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activities in specific markets. Usually goals try to express quantitatively. However, not all of them can be defined in this way.

The marketing strategy includes specific strategies for target markets, the marketing mix used, and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and emerging products, pricing, promotion of products, bringing the product to consumers, and should indicate how the strategy responds to the dangers and opportunities of the market.

A program of action, sometimes simply referred to as a program, is a detailed program that shows what needs to be done, who should carry out the orders received and when, how much it will cost, what decisions and actions should be coordinated in order to fulfill the marketing plan.

Three types of marketing programs can be distinguished:

· the program of transfer of the enterprise as a whole to work in the conditions of marketing;

· a program for certain areas of the complex of marketing activities, and, above all, a program for the development of certain markets with the help of certain goods;

· the program of development of separate elements of marketing activity.

In the opinion of domestic marketers, the programs of entering the market with certain products are of the greatest interest to business leaders.

Usually, the program also briefly describes the goals that the program activities are aimed at achieving. In other words, the program is a set of activities that must be carried out by the marketing and other services of the organization so that the chosen strategies can achieve the goal of the marketing plan.

Marketing budget - a section of the marketing plan that reflects the projected values ​​of income, costs and profits. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are detailed in this budget.

In practice, various methods are used to determine the marketing budget; Let's look at the most common:

1) “Funding from Opportunities”. This method is used by firms focused on production, not marketing.

2) The "fixed percentage" method is based on the deduction of a certain percentage of the previous or expected sales volume. This method is quite simple and often used in practice Bagiev GL, Tarasevich VM, Ann H. Marketing: Textbook for universities; Under the general editorship. Bagieva G.L.-M.: Publishing house "Economy", 2007.-703p..

3) The maximum spending method assumes that you need to spend as much money on marketing as possible. With all the apparent "progressiveness" of this approach, its weakness lies in the neglect of ways to optimize costs.

4) The method of accounting for the marketing program involves careful accounting of the costs of achieving specific goals, but not in themselves, but in comparison with the costs of other possible combinations of marketing tools.

Section - control - characterizes the procedures and methods of control that must be implemented to assess the level of success of the plan. Measurement of the success of the plan can be carried out for the annual time interval, and quarterly, and for each month or week.

All of the above sections characterize both strategic and tactical plans, but the main difference between them lies in the degree of detail in the development of individual sections of the marketing plan.

Marketing planning is increasingly being used by many firms in the Russian Federation, although it meets many opponents. There are cases when enterprises, having adopted this powerful tool of the market economy, subsequently abandoned it. There is a perfectly logical explanation for such facts. The fact is that the system of planning in general and strategic planning in particular is not subject to blind copying, which was observed in most cases. Any enterprise has individual characteristics, Related organizational structure, values, technology, personnel, scientific potential, etc. Thus, in order to achieve maximum economic effect, an organization needs to adapt its existing marketing planning system to the environment in which it operates.

After determining the target market segment, the company must study the properties and image of competitors' products and evaluate the position of their product in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its product. Product positioning is the way in which consumers identify a particular product by its most important characteristics.

In practice, product positions are determined using positioning maps, which are a two-dimensional matrix of different pairs of characteristics.

A number of positioning strategies are used in order to form and fix certain perceptions in the minds of consumers, for example, positioning based on certain product advantages, positioning by competitor, positioning by product category, etc.

Positioning is based on associative links between the product and product characteristics or other positioning factors. Successful companies tend to maintain a clear differentiating advantage and avoid sudden changes in their market position.

Naturally, positioning cannot be associated with consumer deception and misinformation; it can come off once, after which the manufacturer will face failure and loss.

Properly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective marketing mix development.

Substantial benefits for marketing management and results monitoring economic activity enterprises can provide a so-called situational analysis. Its purpose is to provide the management and heads of individual departments with a “photo portrait” of the situation in which the enterprise is at the time of the analysis. The situational analysis covers the entire activity of the enterprise in a complex and should ultimately lead to the setting of new goals, the assessment of ways to achieve them, decision-making, the development of appropriate strategies, etc.

Situational analysis - exclusively effective method control over the position of the enterprise in a competitive market (Appendix 1). Well-tested, it will allow management to get rid of illusions and take a sober look at the true state of affairs in the enterprise, outline new ones, promising directions development of the main economic activity, including in foreign markets Yasheva G.A. Marketing Efficiency: Methodology, Estimates and Results //Practical Marketing. - 2001. - No. 5. - S. 9. . If an enterprise has branches, representative offices or an agent commercial network, including abroad, then a situational analysis according to a complete or slightly modified program should also be carried out by the heads of the distribution network.

To conduct a situational analysis, the enterprise accumulates information from:

government sources;

Industry and regional information centers;

International information centers;

Periodical press, materials of exhibitions, conferences;

Surveys of contact audiences;

other sources.

Situational analysis at the enterprise is carried out by direct examination of the enterprise, assessment of the technical and economic level of departments and jobs, preparation of materials to identify goals strategic development firms. Questions of situational analysis should be formulated in the following areas: markets; products; "mirror" of the new product ( general characteristics, market characteristic, production characteristic, market test of the product); buyers; internal and external environment; competition and competitors; marketing goals; marketing program; organization of marketing; prices; commodity circulation; organization of trade; formation of demand and sales promotion; package; service.

The main objectives of the marketing synthesis stage are:

Determination of the goals of the strategic development of the company, arising from the results of the situational analysis;

Evaluation of the company's strategic development goals in terms of market conditions and ensuring the company's survival;

Decision making for strategic planning. This or that strategic decision can take place on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the most significant goals. It is necessary to involve the most qualified employees of the company in the development of strategic decisions. Their work can be organized according to the principle of "brainstorming", which makes it possible to obtain more reliable forecasts of the possible consequences of upcoming strategic decisions. The main tasks of strategic marketing planning are:

1) promotion of marketing strategies to achieve the chosen goals;

2) choice of preferred strategy;

3) making decisions on the development of tactics for long-term development.

So, for the effective functioning of an enterprise, the achievement of its commercial success, a coherent system of economic actions is required, which is called marketing, the study of high-quality organization and the implementation of marketing functions. The enterprise is obliged to produce competitive, consumer-oriented goods, services and sell them in as soon as possible with good service and low cost.

But even in the production of competitive goods, it is necessary to rationalize the sale of products in order to create a favorable image of the enterprise, faster sales of goods, reduce and optimize distribution costs, which make up the bulk of the company's expenses. The most important criterion for the success of the company is the size of its profits. Without making a profit, the further functioning of the enterprise is impossible. An essential role in increasing the profit of the enterprise is played by the reduction of distribution costs, which are reduced by rationalizing the entire work of the company, through various marketing activities. Therefore, the system of actions within the framework of marketing, along with strengthening positions in the market, increasing the competitiveness of goods, is aimed at improving circulation, reducing its costs and rationalizing the sale of products.

For the use at the operational level of activities aimed at creating the advantages of the enterprise in competition, marketing tools are used; which consists of pricing, communication, product policy, distribution policy. The price of products in market conditions is determined by various factors and is calculated on the basis of internal costing or is set by the enterprise by the market situation (supply and demand). The price calculation is based on unit cost and profit. However, the sale at such a price is possible only if it is acceptable to the consumer. Therefore, before the start of production, it is necessary to determine the demand trends in a particular market (segments) and set the prices that consumers will agree with. The decisive factor for setting the offer price is the structure of the market. It is determined by the competitive situation in the market. Therefore, it is especially important to take into account the reaction of competitors to establish or change the price. Analysis of the critical sales volume allows you to answer the question of what is the minimum amount of products that the company must sell so that the turnover covers the costs and the company does not suffer losses. The analysis is based on the ratio of production costs and constant variables. Diverse consumer groups in the market place different demands on products. For example, consumers with low profits prefer products that connect high quality With low prices; consumers with high profits pay more attention to product quality. A decisive factor for the success of products in the market is the subjective perception by consumers of the objective benefits of products. To draw the attention of a potential buyer to a product, inform him about the benefits of the product and encourage him to buy is the task that advertising solves. Advertising costs are increasing every year. Advertising is turning into the dominant instrument of influencing the increase in demand, especially in markets where there is no longer price competition. In order to purposefully use advertising as a communication tool between an enterprise and a potential buyer, it is necessary to determine the consumer groups to which advertising will be directed. The content of advertising, its design should be in such a form that the buyer understands that he can satisfy his individual needs with this particular product. The main advertising means are: television and radio advertising; advertising events (exhibitions, fairs); ads in newspapers and magazines; brochures; advertising posters; illuminated advertising. Advertising media can only reach the target consumer group through the advertising medium. The choice of advertising product and media can be made by analyzing the media, taking into account the advertising budget. Enterprises also use additional communication tools: - public relations, which are aimed at improving the image of the enterprise not only among consumers, but also among the environment (suppliers, authorities, funds mass media), - for this, press conferences, visits to the enterprise, etc. are held; - sponsorship, i.e. the activity of an enterprise that improves its image by encouraging certain persons or organizations of cultural, sports or social sphere. - product development; - entering the market (the need for significant investment); - slow growth in sales volume (no or insignificant profits); - growth (increase in sales due to a high degree product popularity; revenue growth by reducing costs per unit of output); - market saturation (stabilization or reduction of demand due to the exhausted market potential; change in primary demand for demand associated with the replacement of goods; transition of some consumers to more modern products of competitors; investment of profits in the development of new products); - recession (increasing decline in sales volume, displacement of products from the market). Industrial products have a variety of life cycles: products that are by no means associated with everyday demand, and everyday products have very long life cycles; and prestige goods are short. To determine the development time of new products, it is necessary to know the life cycles and inherit them. Late development of a new product can lead to loss of the market. New Product that appeared on the market should have significant differences compared to competing products, and satisfy the consumer as much as possible. Decisive in this case is the subjective perception of the properties of the product by the consumer. Therefore, introducing products on the market, it is necessary to establish criteria for consumers to evaluate (from a subjective point of view) products that are already on sale. By comparing the evaluation of competitors' products with the ideas of buyers about the ideal product, one can obtain information about the necessary objective and subjective properties of the product that will be needed, introduced on the market. A significant role, in addition to the consumer value of products, is played by its assessment in a social context. The policy of product promotion decides on the way to promote products manufactured by the enterprise to the consumer. It contains all the activities necessary to provide the consumer with products in the right quantity and quality at the right time and in the right place. When deciding in favor of a certain distribution route, the long-term use of this channel is meant. That decision can only be made in coordination with other marketing tools. Decision-making in the field of product promotion policy consists in choosing a system, form and distribution channel.

The sales system can be: own (realization by the manufacturer of his own products through the trade branches of the enterprise); associated with the enterprise (a system of trade under contracts, a system of franchises, that is, sales are carried out by other enterprises that are legally independent, but economically dependent on a particular enterprise); and not related to the enterprise (economically and legally independent sales companies). The sales form shows whether sales are carried out through sales organizations that are related to the enterprise, or through outside organizations. Marketing can be done through direct deliveries to end consumers or through indirect deliveries (through a wholesaler or retail). Optimal use of marketing tools is possible only with constant market research. As a result, information on demand should be obtained (market potential, market size, purchasing power in different regions, definition of consumer groups, seasonal fluctuations in demand); about the offer (the presence of competitors, market segmentation, competing products and their properties, competitors' offers, image); about the possibility of using marketing tools and their effectiveness (elasticity of sales prices, advertising and its cost in the media, knowledge of the press). Sources of information for market research can be information obtained in primary research, and information as a result of repeated research. In the first case, consumer surveys, observation of consumer behavior, experiments (tests with products, price tests, advertising tests) are used to collect information. In the other, information is taken from materials (internal and external sources) that already exist. These include a variety of statistical data, reports, materials of chambers of commerce and industry, research institutes, industry institutes, foreign trade banks, consulting services, foreign trade information bureaus, etc. In addition to traditional sources of information, interactive databanks are gaining more and more importance. The most famous data sellers are DIALOG, DATA-STAR, GENIOS, STN and FIZ-Technik. To present data and increase their information content, a number of analytical statistical methods have been developed (regression analysis, discriminant analysis, determination of statistical parameters). Marketing is an intermediate link on the way of information between the enterprise and the consumer. If marketing, using appropriate methods and tools, correctly interprets the signs that characterize market processes, products oriented to the needs of the consumer will enter the market.


Marketing orientation requires that proposals for the release of new products, bringing these products to buyers and influencing buyers through the quality of the goods should be concentrated in one hand - the marketing director and his staff. The main activities of the marketing director and his staff are: - conducting market research (analyzing market situations, developing recommendations for choosing the most profitable market, obtaining information about real buyers in the enterprise market, studying trends in market prospects and forecasting sales volumes, recommendations for developing market strategies); - development of recommendations from the image of the enterprise; - conducting and coordinating the marketing activities of the company's managers regarding the design of goods, their production, sale and prices; - constant analysis of the effectiveness of decisions, orders and technologies; - determination of the impact of consumer characteristics of new products on the decision of buyers to purchase them; - definition of stages life cycle goods and timely development of recommendations regarding the withdrawal of goods from production and export; - coordination of the work of subdivisions of the demand service and the sales network; - control over the activities of the enterprise, which affects the decision of buyers to purchase its products; - consideration of budgets and personnel policy all marketing departments.

At enterprises with a centralized management structure, marketing activities are carried out by the marketing service. It can be organized in different ways: - organization "behind the functions" is most appropriate when there are few goods and markets in the enterprise. Foreign markets and manufactured goods are treated as a certain homogeneity. To work with them, it is enough to have specialized departments: market research, production planning and marketing, sales and service management, demand services; - organization "for the types of goods" is appropriate when the enterprise has a diverse range of goods that needs specific conditions for production, marketing, and service. With such an organization, groups are formed in departments that deal only with "their product". And with respect to this commodity, a functional organization is established. The main disadvantage of such an organization is the duplication of research and marketing networks through the desire for independence by the management groups. At the same time, the marketing director must ensure more effective communication between group leaders and ordinary employees; - organization "beyond the territories" is profitable in the presence of a wide range of goods in each of the selected regions and minor discrepancies between their consumers. Such an organization makes it possible to take into account the specifics of the consumption of goods in each of the regions. The marketing service coordinates the activities of the departments in market research, advertising, planning, providing production with the necessary raw materials and materials. The Marketing Department is headed by a Marketing Manager. He carries out general management of marketing activities and is responsible for the following areas of the enterprise's activities: market research; development of a product marketing program; determining the price of products; implementation of advertising; sales organization; transportation of goods; development of new types of products and modernization of traditional products. At an enterprise that carries out foreign economic activity, a specialized department is created, which is subordinate to the marketing service. He coordinates the activities of departments related to the implementation foreign economic activity. To manage marketing means to create services for collecting information, conducting market research, organizing advertising, sales operations and services in such a way as to ensure maximum effect (profitability, sales volume, etc.) at optimal marketing costs. The most common such structures are: functional orientation, product orientation, regional orientation, segment orientation. The functional orientation of the structure is appropriate with a small variety of goods that are sold by the enterprise, and a small number of markets. Managers (there are usually five of them) are subordinate to the director, marketing director (deputy head of the enterprise from marketing), divided in functions and responsibilities (see Fig. 3).

The flows of movement of initial and control information are clearly defined, the relationships are understandable and do not give grounds for competition between managers.

As the range of goods expands, the geography of markets becomes more complex (up to seven per person), there is a real danger of insufficient attention to certain goods and markets. The functional structure will be turned into a commodity one. The product orientation of the structure lies in the fact that for each product or group of similar products a special marketing manager is assigned (see Fig. 4). With such a marketing organization, employees are specialized and are able to coordinate the effort well in terms of the overall goals and objectives of the firm. The disadvantage of this orientation is the presence of functionally overlapping subsections.

Regional orientation is similar to the structure of product orientation, however, the division is taken not by goods, but by markets. This orientation is suitable for in large numbers sales markets and a small range of products. It allows you to study in depth the specific needs of buyers in each region; take account of regional features in advertising, marketing, development appearance etc. it has inherent disadvantages similar to those of product orientation (see Fig. 5). The desire to minimize the disadvantages and take advantage of the product and regional orientation leads to a segment (purchasing) organization of the marketing service.

The segment orientation of the structure (aimed at the buyer) is that each marketing manager is responsible for working with a certain segment of potential buyers, regardless of the geographic location of the segment (Fig. 6). But with such an orientation, the specialization of employees for individual goods is complicated, they are required to be universalized. An integrated approach to marketing management consists in a comprehensive consideration of three problems - production, needs and sales. Possible options for decisions made on this basis are compared with each other according to the maximum of the criterion "efficiency / cost or "surplus / vitrati" based on the analysis of four indicators: the contribution of the marketing service to the total profit of the enterprise, the profit received on investment in the field of enterprise management, the ratio sales expenses to the profits received and the part of the market that belongs to the enterprise.