Documents for opening a nursing home. How to open a private boarding house: business plan for a nursing home. Prospects for the development of palliative care for cancer patients in Russia

The modern pace of life takes up more and more free time. Everyone has elderly relatives who need care, attention and medical attention. Therefore, organizing a nursing home as a business is a very profitable and promising idea. This business is also attractive because it has virtually no competition in Russia, which makes it profitable even in conditions of the economic crisis.

Opening a nursing home as a business - where to start?

In Russia, the attitude towards such institutions for older people is somewhat biased. It is believed that sending old people to such institutions is not humane. This is a deep misconception. Modern private nursing homes have a high level of living comfort, interesting entertainment, as well as quality food and medical care. Qualified staff will always help disabled or elderly people receive proper attention and care.

Relevance of this business

Any elderly person in the Russian Federation can count on qualified medical care and attentive care. Relevance of this business very high: firstly, low competition, and secondly, there is no specific connection to the area. You can open such an establishment in any city or region. Hence, a private nursing home as a business is a very promising project.

Nursing home business plan

To make a profitable investment and open such a service from scratch, you will need some market analysis and clear planning. This will help minimize financial costs, significantly reduce time costs and avoid problems with current legislation. To do this you will need to develop ready business plan nursing homes with the following points:

  1. The prospects of the project as a whole and demand in the services market.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Specifics of the establishment.
  4. Total number of residents.
  5. Selection of rooms and places.
  6. Services.

Also, a financial clause should be included in the business plan: starting investments, all kinds of risks and force majeure situations. A clear calculation will reduce cash expenses and significantly help in opening a nursing home. Next, you should start preparing the necessary documents.

Opening instructions

This institution will be under strict surveillance government agencies and be taxed. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. An entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. You will also need to obtain a medical license. The next stage will be hiring personnel: required condition- this is the presence of medical education. Employees of the elderly care center must have the following qualities:

  • goodwill,
  • attentiveness,
  • sensitivity and patience,
  • honesty and friendliness.

The best option people will become medical education, as well as psychologists. It's a good idea to ask for recommendations from previous place work. The staff’s task is to make the elderly person’s stay in the institution comfortable.

Design issues

Next, you will need to resolve issues with the premises. His choice should be taken extremely seriously, because the number of potential residents will depend on the living conditions. The best option would be a former recreation center or sanatorium. It’s good if from the window of the building there is a beautiful view of the forest, river or field. It would be nice if there was a canteen with three or four meals a day. Availability medical office will only increase the rating of the establishment, because old people often get sick, and they simply need care.

Now the room needs to be equipped with equipment. To ensure a comfortable pastime for the elderly, it is better to make everything as cozy as possible and create a homely atmosphere. You will need to purchase:

  1. Beds with mattresses. A good choice would be beds with a position change function. When it comes to mattresses, it’s best to consider one with bedsore protection.
  2. Bathrooms. The first rule is that they must be safe. This is an anti-slip floor, preferably insulated. No sharp corners and easy movement.
  3. Handrails. Maximum amount handrails throughout the boarding house will ensure safety and ease of movement for elderly guests.
  4. Personnel call systems. It is advisable to equip each room with similar devices. This will allow you to immediately call staff if the guest needs help.
  5. Elevator. If the building is multi-story, it is required. After all, many old people are not particularly mobile, as are the disabled, who find it extremely difficult to move.

Interesting! A worthy analogue would be a multi-room apartment with all the amenities that can accommodate several guests. It also wouldn't hurt to have a 24-hour pharmacy nearby.

Positive aspects of business

Opening such an establishment has its advantages. These include:

  • enough quick payback project (from 1 year);
  • minimal risks;
  • low percentage of competition;
  • high demand for these services.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial project of this kind requires significant start-up investments. This includes renting premises, purchasing and installing equipment, costs public utilities And wages personnel. However, this does not prevent you from receiving net profit already in the first years of work.

Possible pitfalls

The main thing in this business is the reputation of the establishment. No one would send their elderly parents or grandparents to an institution with a bad reputation. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to make the guests’ stay comfortable and safe. This will ensure positive reviews and, as a result, a greater influx of potential residents. The qualifications of the staff are of great importance - a rude and indifferent employee will give bad publicity to such an establishment.


Nursing home business is a profitable business. Payback period with proper planning is from 1 year. The risks are minimal. It all depends on the cost of services, the qualifications of the staff, as well as the comfort of living of the elderly, their care and nutrition. An honest attitude towards guests and loyal prices will help make the business profitable and make a profit quite quickly.

hospice Vladimir

In the Welcome section to the question of how hospice stands for, asked by the author Vladimir Teplov, the best answer is I don’t know how it stands for, but it is:

Hospice (from English.

hospice) - medical institution, in which patients with a predicted unfavorable outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by ordinary “home” things, with free access to them for relatives and friends. Medical staff provides palliative medical care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc.

The word “hospice” came into English from Old French (“hospice”). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. e. designated resting places for pilgrims. The first hospices were usually

The word “hospice” came into English from Old French (“hospice”). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. e. designated resting places for pilgrims. The first hospices were usually located along roads along the main routes of Christian pilgrims. These were, in a certain sense, houses of charity for tired, exhausted or sick travelers. However, hospices also helped local residents. From in English the word found its way into other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

How to open a hospice

Hospice (from the English hospice) is a medical institution in which patients with a predictable unfavorable outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by ordinary “home” things, with free access to them for relatives and friends. Medical personnel provide palliative medical care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc. A minimum of doctors and a maximum of paramedical and junior medical personnel. The main purpose of staying in a hospice is to brighten last days life, to alleviate suffering. This is humane and, moreover, more economically profitable than treating terminal patients in a department setting intensive care. In the post-Soviet space, this problem has not been solved, since it still requires significant investments, obtaining a license to work with controlled drugs, etc.

Word " hospice" came into English from Old French ( "hospice") There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium (“hospitality”). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. designated resting places for pilgrims. From English the word came to other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

Basic principles of the hospice concept

The hospice provides care to terminally ill patients in the final stages of the disease. In the CIS countries, hospice care is provided mainly to cancer patients with severe pain in the last stage of the disease, confirmed by medical documents.

The primary object of medical, social and psychological care in a hospice is the patient and his family. Patient care is provided by specially trained medical and service personnel, as well as relatives of patients and volunteer assistants who have undergone preliminary training in hospices.

Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care to patients. Outpatient care is provided at home by teams from the hospice field service (“hospice at home”). Inpatient care, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, is provided in a 24-hour, day or night hospital stay.

The principle of “diagnosis openness” can be implemented in a hospice. The issue of informing patients of their diagnosis is decided individually and only in cases where the patient insists on it.

The entire range of medical, social and psychological assistance to the patient should be aimed at eliminating or reducing pain and fear of death while preserving his consciousness and intellectual abilities to the maximum possible extent.

Each patient in a hospice should be provided with physical and psychological comfort. Physical comfort is achieved by creating conditions in the hospital that are as close to home as possible. Providing psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

The sources of funding for hospices are budget funds, funds from charitable societies and voluntary donations from citizens and organizations.

Basic principles of hospice activities

Hospice services are free. You can't pay for death, just like you can't pay for birth.

Hospice is a house of life, not death.

Controlling symptoms allows you to qualitatively improve the patient’s life.

Death, like birth, - natural process. It cannot be rushed or slowed down. Hospice is an alternative to euthanasia.

Hospice is a system of comprehensive medical, psychological and social assistance sick.

Hospice - schools and support for relatives and loved ones of the patient.

Hospice is a worldview of humanism.

Prospects for the development of palliative care for cancer patients in Russia

The future development of palliative care is associated with the need to solve a number of problems of an organizational, scientific, medical, social and economic nature.

At the first stage, it is advisable to use the existing finite fund of urban oncology hospitals, which will allow, in a short time and without large financial costs, to create a network of palliative care departments to improve the quality of life of patients in need. At the second stage, along with the existing palliative care departments, the construction of hospices will be carried out. On the third stage - (as hospices are put into operation) - expand the functions of palliative care departments to multidisciplinary units of the system palliative medicine, in which patients with various forms of chronic diseases (neurological, endocrinological, pulmonological, etc.) in the terminal stage of development will receive the necessary assistance, i.e. patients whose specialized treatment has already exhausted its capabilities and/or is impossible due to the severity of the patient’s general somatic condition. As a result, the system of palliative care for cancer patients created in Russia can be used as a model of palliative medicine service, the basis of which is territorial centers of palliative medicine.

2.1. Opening of a hospice. Hospice Regulations

The hospice provides assistance to patients in the Central District of the city.

The organization of the work of the PMH is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on this institution, approved by the Moscow Department of Health and which is the fundamental document for the organization of the work of hospices in Moscow, including the First Moscow Hospice. Below is full text this position.

1. General Provisions

1.2. The hospice is created in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

1.3. Officials and hospice staff are guided in their activities by legislation Russian Federation and this Regulation.

1.4. Hospice is legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, round stamp with its name, corner stamp with the name of the institution, forms.

1.5. The hospice operates in accordance with the Charter and on the basis of a license obtained in the prescribed manner.

1.6. A hospice can be a clinical and educational base for medical educational institutions and research institutes.

1.7. The hospice acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration, and arbitration courts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. The hospice carries out state measures for mobilization preparation in accordance with current legislation and regulations Moscow Government.

1.9. In order to implement state, social, economic and tax policies, the hospice is responsible for the safety of documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer of documents to state storage.

The hospice provides services to the population of the assigned area, numbering up to The capacity of the hospice is determined by the number of beds.

2.2. The selection of patients for hospice is carried out by hospice doctors based on:

– the presence of terminal cancer, confirmed by medical documents from the referring institution;

– presence of pain syndrome that cannot be relieved at home;

– the presence of socio-psychological indications (depression, reactive states, conflict situations at home, inability to care for the sick).

2.3. Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care to patients, which, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, can be provided in the form of intermediate forms - day hospital, field service.

2.4. Providing psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

2.5. Medical care and qualified care for patients in a hospice are provided free of charge. Subsidies (payment) from relatives or patients are prohibited.

2.6. The hospice does not engage in commercial or other activities that contradict its charitable nature and violate the principle of equal access to the institution and equal opportunities for medical and social care for all incurable patients.

2.7. The hospice provides medical, social and legal protection for patients registered with the hospice.

2.8. Hospice provides social protection for hospice staff.

2.9. The hospice carries out organizational and methodological work on primary training of personnel: doctors, nurses medical workers, junior medical staff, volunteers and training relatives in patient care skills.

2.10. Structure and staffing table hospice approves chief physician hospice, based on the number of the assigned contingent and the volume of medical and social assistance provided (within the limits of the wage fund).

2.11. The hospice provides organizational, methodological and practical assistance to institutions and specialists on palliative treatment issues, takes part in meetings and conferences on topical issues palliative treatment.

2.12. Hospice provides:

– emergency medical care;

– specialized medical care;

– selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic and symptomatic therapy;

– qualified medical and social assistance to patients, provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to the patient and his relatives;

– nutrition, including dietary, in accordance with medical recommendations and the wishes of the patient;

– organizing and conducting supportive palliative treatment of incurable patients;

– organizing the necessary advisory assistance;

– carries out the development and implementation of new methods of palliative treatment and patient care into practice;

– analyzes the effectiveness of the medical and social activities of the hospice;

– carries out mobilization preparation and civil defense activities;

– carries out operation and repair of hospice property;

– maintains statistical and accounting records and provides reports on the activities of the hospice in the prescribed manner.

3. Hospice objectives

– formation new form medical and social security, based on the compassionate and humane attitude of the public and the state towards the problems of incurable cancer patients;

– increasing the availability of hospital services medical care terminally ill patients and improving medical care at home;

– providing socio-psychological assistance to patients and their relatives, training relatives in the skills of caring for seriously ill patients;

– ensuring the selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic therapy;

– organizing the necessary advisory assistance.

3.2. In accordance with these tasks, the hospice is entrusted with:

– creation of a service of volunteer assistants providing free care for patients at home and in hospitals, training them;

– communication with religious organizations of all faiths for the performance, if necessary, of religious rites during the period of stay in the hospital and at home;

– communication and active work with charitable organizations, both domestic and foreign;

– communication with other hospices, both domestic and foreign;

– communication with authorities social protection population;

– communication with the media.

4. Hospice structure

1. Reception department.

2. Hospital beds.

3. Day hospital.

4. Field service.

5. Administrative and economic service.

6. Support Services(sterilization room, pharmacy, disinfection unit, laundry, catering department).

5. Hospice property and finances

5.2. The source of formation of property and financial resources hospice services are:

– city health care budget;

– other sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. When exercising the right operational management The hospice is obliged to:

– use property effectively;

– ensure the safety and use of property strictly for its intended purpose;

- prevent deterioration technical condition property. This requirement does not apply to deterioration associated with standard wear and tear of property during operation;

– carry out capital and Maintenance property;

– charge depreciation charges on the worn-out part of the property.

5.5. The property of the hospice, assigned to it under the right of operational management, may be seized either in whole or in part exclusively in the following cases:

– during liquidation or reorganization of a hospice;

There's no doubt that the world gradually “aging”. Unfortunately, there are almost no large families left where children honor and respect older people, and grandchildren gather around them and willingly listen to their stories.

The younger generation today does not want to take full responsibility and care for their parents or grandparents. This sad truth may be a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to make money and at the same time improve the living conditions of older people.

Providing a warm, family atmosphere should be the main goal if you are looking to open a nursing home for seniors. Remember that different life circumstances lead to the fact that someone wants or needs to use your services, and we should not exclude the possibility that one day we could all find ourselves in a similar situation.

In order to implement this new business idea, you need to calculate and evaluate what costs you may incur while doing this business. The question of the size of the house and the number of patients determines the number of employees who will work in your boarding house. So, for example, to take care of 15 patients you will need two nurses, two nannies, two cooks and a cleaner who will work in shifts. Additional expenses will be required to ensure regular visits to the doctor, who must come once a week for a routine examination, as well as in case of emergency calls.

As for the monthly rate that guests or their relatives will have to pay, this is a strictly individual matter. The client's health status and some personal wishes (for example, a special diet) must be taken into account.

On average, at this moment, prices vary from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles per month. Naturally, the price of boarding a person who needs constant care will be higher. There are also exclusive boarding houses in which the cost of stay is estimated at 80,000 - 100,000 rubles per month.

When calculating the cost of this project, you must also consider fixed costs:

  • Communal payments
  • Food
  • Medicines
  • Employee salaries

Don't forget about the additional costs associated with a special diet for sick patients (and there are quite a few of these among older people). There are also many more additional fees, such as property taxes, garbage collection, janitor services, etc. In addition, large expenses will be associated with the purchase of medicines and hygiene items (including diapers).

Running a nursing home is a busy business and must be constantly monitored. You will be required to visit the boarding house at least two or three times a week to deal with administrative issues, as well as regularly interview patients and get their opinions on the functioning of the facility. Elderly and lonely people (they will be your clients) need attention and communication, and you should keep this in mind when opening a nursing home.

Therefore, when choosing employees, pay close attention to how much the person you are going to hire is able and willing to establish friendly contact with older people. For each new employee it is worth installing probation. During this time, you will be able to check his qualifications and understand whether he is suitable for this position.

A very important issue is the psychological preparation of employees. You must understand that your guests will be elderly, sick people with different personalities. Conflicts will periodically arise in the boarding house, and to resolve them it will be necessary professional approach and patience. A lot of conflicts between older people can be resolved by talking with residents or simply listening to them.

List of services provided

Actually, all the work of nursing home staff comes down to meeting the immediate needs of its residents, namely:

  • Comfortable stay
  • Nutrition
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Ensuring daily hygiene

Care services, namely:

  • Providing assistance with basic life activities
  • Necessary help in resolving personal issues

Social support services:

  • Stimulating interest in participation in occupational therapy
  • Effectively increasing the social activity of building residents
  • Providing for religious and cultural needs
  • Providing conditions for the development of self-government among residents of the house
  • Encourage the creation, maintenance and development of contacts with families and the local community
  • Encourage the desire for self-service and moral assistance to other boarding house guests, especially those of a therapeutic nature, if the conditions for such independence are met
  • Ensure safe storage Money and values
  • Ensure the rights of home residents to access sources of information (TV in the common room and free wi-fi)

In addition, it is important to provide your guests with nutritious and regular meals, at least three times a day. You must make sure that the menu is balanced and provided with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Also, everyone in need should be provided with additional and dietary nutrition recommended by a doctor.

Each meal must be dispensed within 2 hours, except that the last meal must not be dispensed later than 18:00. You must also ensure access to basic food and drink 24 hours a day. It is very important to note that we will have residents who need care and feeding.

In addition to ensuring daily hygiene procedures and regular meals, you will have to equip residents with a library and provide access to the daily press (newspaper), as well as make it possible for residents to familiarize themselves with nursing home laws at any time.

In addition, you must entrust the manager with responsibility for organizing holidays, celebrations and from time to time organize the participation of your wards in city cultural events. You should also provide opportunities for contact with a chaplain and participation in religious practices as requested by the resident.

Ensure that the wards are in constant contact with the director of the house on certain days of the week and place this information in an accessible place. And finally, you have to organize a funeral for a deceased resident of the house.

When opening a nursing home, you first need to think about the need to provide skilled care and maintain the health of older people. It may be worth choosing a specific focus for your boarding house. Since providing good care will require significant financial investment, you will find it easier to help others suffering from similar problems than to do everything at once.

You can adapt the house, for example, only for bedridden patients or for those suffering from senile dementia. In both cases, patients will need the help of qualified personnel and special treatment.

A boarding house can provide shelter for older people for a few days (for example, while the family goes on vacation) or for any length of time.


The first thing we thought about when we decided to open a nursing home was: who is our the target audience? We commercial structure, and that's it. It is not the elderly people themselves who turn to us, whom we then care for, but their children or grandchildren. So before starting construction, we described each group in detail potential consumers who may be keenly interested in our service and will perceive it not as a bargain with conscience, but as an opportunity to get out of a difficult family situation.

For the holiday

After college, I worked at a city rehabilitation center for six years and remember very well what happened on December 31 in the department. Having received a referral for planned hospitalization, many brought relatives almost to the sound of the chimes in order to safely leave the city for New Year holidays. Some people waited for this turn for many months. When opening a nursing home, we understood perfectly well that they would bring our relatives while we were leaving on vacation or on a business trip. These people need our service.

"Burned" by nurses

I also came across people from this group more than once when I worked in neurology. After being discharged from the hospital, a person needs care, and a nurse appears in the house. This experience is not always positive. Sometimes an elderly person did not have a good relationship with a caregiver. There have been situations in my practice when, after some time, the family was surprised to learn that a 90-year-old grandfather had married the nurse who cared for him, who immediately made property claims to the family. And a stranger in the house is always a difficult story.

People living outside their home country

These are also those who many years ago left for permanent place residence abroad, leaving here then still young parents, and people who came to St. Petersburg, whose parents remained in another state (for example, in Belarus) or at the other end of the country. Those who have lived abroad for many years have long ago formed the idea that placing a relative who has become helpless in a boarding house is not a shameful act, but rather provides him with a certain quality of life. This category potential clients also not in any “revisions” life values"I didn't need it. They saw a similar way to solve the problem in other countries and were aware that if they find a worthy place in our area, this at this stage would be just a manifestation of their concern. In the summer, when Michurinsky was still undergoing renovations, a family who had lived in England for many years came to visit us. We talked for a long time with a woman who wanted to place her very elderly relative, who lives in St. Petersburg and suffers from Alzheimer's disease, with us. She was then under the supervision of a nurse who came several times a week. It was not possible to transport an elderly person to another country, or to organize her life in a city apartment, given that she could no longer manage the household herself. Our center became a way out of a difficult situation for the family.

Family psychotherapy

When we conceived the project, I asked my colleagues, specialists in various fields of medicine, for their opinions about it. A confidential conversation with a good friend of mine, a psychologist, changed a lot in my understanding of the problem of older people. He has been involved in family psychotherapy for many years. I remembered his phrase: “Sometimes you need to separate a family in order to save it.” Already when we opened, I realized how right he was. All the examples he gave passed before my eyes more than once like “living pictures” literally within a month, while I was answering calls myself. Successful men who brought their elderly mothers from the outback, and they do not fit into life in a big city or into the life of elite cottage villages. And if there is also a conflict with the daughter-in-law... The guys themselves are nervous, families are often on the verge of collapse, mothers and grandmothers are torn out of their usual way of life. Everyone needs to be given a break so that the family can collect their thoughts and decide how to move forward. Explaining to grandma that no one abandons her is the job of the family. Sometimes, together with these men, the heads of such families, we selected the words to say to our wife or elderly mother. We are not talking about the fact that for the sake of peace of mind of young family members they are trying to exile old people. Grandma is simply given the opportunity to live outside the city with a cat, beds, dill and parsley. As a rule, our proposal “unloaded” the situation and no one felt sacrificed.

Be in public

When we were working on the “grandfather’s garden,” I often received calls from people who had cancer patients in their family. Not those who needed consultation with an oncologist, but those whose relatives, having undergone certain interventions for cancer and having completed the necessary courses of chemotherapy, found themselves in a stable condition at home. And they began to feel depressed - they were completely in their illness. What to do? I was lucky enough to meet the head of the psychotherapeutic service of our Institute of Oncology and I heard many right words from her. It is very important for these people to be in public, to talk to someone, they need a team. Such people are also clients of our center.

Adult children

We thought about this group of potential clients when the center was already operating. Parents called whose children suffering from Down syndrome had already grown up. They asked if it was possible to bring such a person to us during the holidays. Discussing this topic with a person who worked in a similar center for the elderly in Germany, I became convinced that this was also our target audience. Families understand the essence of our offer - they want to be calm about their child. In addition, such guests willingly help others.

Problems bordering on psychiatry

A huge number of people call us, where in families there is an elderly person with certain manifestations of senile disorders of memory, intelligence, associated with deep atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease. This is also a special group about which I talked a lot with fellow psychiatrists. It is difficult to ensure the quality of life of an elderly person with such disabilities in the format of a working family. And the life of the family itself, forced to constantly think about the safety of the life of an elderly person, is a special story. In most cases, people called who urgently needed help (I’m not talking about the medical aspects of the problem). There are probably a million more situations that have been or will be told to me. Each one is about an individual person. Each one is a request for help. Those who are simply looking for an opportunity to sell off a relative are in the minority. But what attracts attention: almost everyone pronounces the first phrases in an apologetic tone. And only when they hear that they are being spoken to without judgment does the tone change. I devoted a whole post to the problem of internal readiness for service only because only after analyzing the situation, we were able to figure out how we would explain what kind of service we offer. And how we do this is in the next post.

Many people are faced with the issue of caring for elderly relatives. Not everyone has the opportunity to devote enough time to the elderly. Full time job, household chores take up all your free time.

Elderly relatives require attention, care, and, most often, constant medical supervision. Therefore, modern nursing homes are great option for permanent, comfortable living for elderly people.

In this article we will talk about how to open a private nursing home.

This business is quite attractive in terms of profitability and low competition. Therefore, it is profitable even in a crisis.

Business plan for a nursing home

Before starting a business, it is worth determining the level of competition. If, for example, you live in small town, and there is already a nursing home in it, then most likely your business will not be profitable. After all, a relatively small part of the population uses the services of shelters for elderly relatives.

If you live in a big city, then opening a private home for the elderly makes sense. And this business idea can become profitable if you approach its organization correctly.

How to open a home for the elderly and disabled? What is needed for this?

Elderly people require proper care and attention. It is private nursing homes that can provide elderly people with care, interesting pastime and excellent comfortable conditions accommodation.

Unfortunately, in our country the attitude towards shelters for the elderly is negative; many believe that sending relatives to such institutions is inhumane. But this is a misconception; in fact, everything is not so. Modern nursing homes are well-equipped premises for living, staffed by excellent qualified staff who will provide care and special treatment to each resident.

Business registration

Before you start this activity, you need to formalize all the nuances in accordance with the law. First, you should register with the tax service as a legal entity.

To run this business you need a medical license. To do this, you must have employees with appropriate education. Or the owners themselves must have a medical education confirmed by a diploma.

Premises for opening a private nursing home

Choosing a room is a responsible task. For a shelter, a room, for example, a former recreation center or sanatorium, is suitable. The area should be large; it is also desirable that the boarding house be located in a quiet, environmentally friendly place, because old people love peace and a beautiful view from the window.

One or two people can be accommodated in one room, no more. Old people should be comfortable so that they feel at home.

There must be a large dining room. It is best to have 3-4 meals a day.

Bathrooms. You can equip separate bathrooms in each room or make a shared toilet and shower on the floor. I recommend the first option, it will be more comfortable for older people.

Mandatory availability medical office. Elderly people often get sick, so your shelter should have solid medical care and care.

It is also desirable to diversify the gray everyday life of old people. Organize a dance studio, it will have a positive effect on general state. You can also equip a living room for spending time together.

Staff for a private nursing home

Elderly people require attention and constant care, so it is worth choosing staff very responsibly.

If you are planning to open a private nursing home, then it must be modernly equipped for the comfort and convenience of its guests.

Particular attention should be paid to personnel selection. It is important that the people who will care for the elderly are patient, honest, friendly, friendly, sensitive and attentive. Under no circumstances should you be rude or upset older people, always fulfill their requests, and do everything to make the residents feel comfortable.

Also pay attention to the education of your employees. It is advisable to select people with medical education and psychologists.

Equipment for nursing home

It is very important to provide elderly people with comfortable living conditions, as close as possible to their home environment.

  • Beds. Buy special beds with a position changing function, this will provide the vacationer with a comfortable sleep;
  • Mattresses. They must have the function of protecting against bedsores. This is important, because people with disabilities often live in boarding houses;
  • Bathrooms. Equip bathrooms and toilets according to all rules. The floor must be anti-slip and insulated. Also, bathrooms should be equipped with everything necessary for comfortable carrying out all procedures, because many old people cannot move independently;
  • Handrails. Be sure to install special handrails around the entire perimeter of the premises for safe movement around the boarding house;
  • Elevators. Mandatory presence of an elevator. It is difficult for elderly people to move up stairs, especially since disabled people can live in the boarding house;
  • Emergency personnel call system. Be sure to equip special alarm buttons in guest rooms, as well as in bathrooms. Old people may often need help, so they can always get it on time.

In addition to all this, it is necessary that there is a 24-hour pharmacy on the territory of the nursing home, because old people often get sick. Read more about this on our portal.

Entertainment for the elderly

Organizing leisure time for residents of a nursing home is a responsible matter that cannot be neglected. Despite their advanced age, old people, like children, want to have fun. Therefore, organize a variety of entertaining courses for them. For example, checkers and chess tournaments, watching entertaining TV shows. Abroad, frequent dance schools located on the premises of nursing homes are very popular. You can adopt this interesting idea. Here, you will find detailed.


It is very important to correctly build an advertising concept. This is necessary in order to attract customers. You can place advertisements in the media or on the Internet. It is also advisable to create your own website, which will indicate the address of the nursing home, prices and living conditions. You can additionally provide a photo.

How to register parents or relatives into a nursing home?

In order for people to be able to live in your boarding house, you will need to provide a package of necessary documents:

  • Application from close relatives;
  • Copy of passport, SNILS, INN;
  • For disabled people - a certificate of assigned disability group;
  • A certified copy of the medical record and insurance policy;
  • Additionally, you need to sign a material and household inspection report and internal regulations.

Payback periods and costs

  • Rental of premises and repairs;
  • Purchase of necessary equipment;
  • Costs for registration and obtaining licenses;
  • Staff salaries;

Approximately opening a private nursing home will cost you from 100 thousand dollars.

But after a few years, you will recoup all costs and receive your profit from the business.

I wish you success!