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The art of ancient people is a seemingly strange source of inspiration today, among modern technologies, numerous, almost daily discoveries and innovations. No, we are not talking about ancient Egypt, Greece, Scythians, Sumerians and Mayans, we are talking about what happened before the heyday of these civilizations. About the Stone Age, its most ancient part - the Paleolithic.

This is a wonderful time when the craft of processing materials, making household items, tools, jewelry, and decor was just born. The same craft that we continue today. In our country there are many Paleolithic burial sites in which ancient objects were discovered. Most of them, of course, are connected with everyday matters - obtaining food, the main source of which was hunting. But there are also decorations, or rather, details of jewelry - beads, pendants, elements of necklaces. It is difficult to say what role jewelry played then: insignia, hierarchy, and the emerging class division. Paleolithic jewelry is primarily necklaces and piercing elements. Details - beads, pendants and other elements - were made of stone, bone, horn, fangs, shells.

At the Paleolithic site of Afontova Gora in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, bone discs of a conical pendant and animal teeth with holes were found, made by a master who lived about 30 thousand years ago.

"Beads and pendants." Afontova mountain.

Bone in those days was the most popular material that required deep processing; only holes were made in shells and fangs. By their shape and appearance, you can determine which animal teeth and bones were popular - first of all, these were mammoths, wild donkeys and rams, cave bears, rhinoceroses, large fish, ancient species of wolves and big-horned deer. At the Paleolithic site of Denisova Cave in Altai, elements of a necklace made of elk teeth were found. The age of the “work” is estimated at about 50 thousand years.

Elements of a necklace made of moose teeth. Denisova Cave.

Stone Age people gradually honed their skills, and sometimes real masterpieces were discovered during excavations at sites, like these wonderful bone disks, about 25 thousand years old, discovered at the Sungir site in the Vladimir region.

Slotted discs. Mammoth tusk. Sungir

It is difficult to say whether these particular discs were used in jewelry, but that does not make them less beautiful. The lines of ancient jewelry are extremely simple, they were dictated by nature itself, full of ideas for inspiration and much more complex forms, many of which were beyond the power of the ancient master to realize.

But years, centuries and millennia passed, during which discoveries were made and obstacles were overcome on the way to these more complex forms. Evidence of this was found at the Paleolithic sites of Malta and Buret in the Irkutsk region. These finds, 19-25 thousand years old, perfectly illustrate the evolution of craftsmanship.

"Swimming Birds" Pendants. Malta Age - 19-23 thousand years

"Flying Birds" Pendants. Malta. Age - 19-23 thousand years

Among Paleolithic finds, female figurines, the so-called “Paleolithic Venus,” are very common, which does not seem to relate to the topic of our story. But during excavations at the Malta and Buret sites, the following is discovered:

Female figurines (“Venus”). Pendants. Malta and Buret. Age - 19-23 thousand years

Were all these items components of jewelry or perhaps used for some other purpose? How exactly did ancient people wear jewelry? These are complex questions to which there is unlikely to be a clear answer. The wearing of jewelry by people in the Paleolithic is fully confirmed by rock paintings and human remains of that period.

The remains of a boy and the jewelry buried with him. Malta. Age - 19-23 thousand years

Boy's decoration. Malta. Age - 19-23 thousand years

A huge breakthrough in the future was the use of metals both for the manufacture of tools and as a material, the discovery of more and more new colorful pigments, the use of clay firing, and the improvement of techniques visual arts. Which gave rise to an extraordinary flourishing of crafts and the emergence of great ancient civilizations. And the primitive art of the Paleolithic continues to attract with the simplicity of its lines, and I would like to pay tribute to the hard work and resourcefulness of the ancient masters, the progenitors of the most beautiful type of human activity - creativity.

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Education March 3, 2014

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What role did decorations play?

Raw materials for jewelry

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Jewelry of ancient people

Necklace made of walrus bones and teeth

Natural decoration

Brightly colored pebbles, smooth shells, fish bones, pieces of horn, wooden sticks, seeds and nuts were all used as decorations by Stone Age people. These were necklaces and pendants, and then beads. Beads made of baked clay, semi-precious stones with holes (they were made with sharp stones or drilled using a bow drill) were strung on a narrow strip of leather or rope made from plant fibers. They decorated not only the neck and chest, but also the hands - they wore bracelets made of bone plates, often with ornaments applied to them. Women used horn combs.

Body painting

Among the methods of decoration was painting the bodies in different colors. This was often done during ceremonies and rituals. We see echoes of this today among the aborigines of Australia and the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands, for example in Papua New Guinea. Face and body painting still accompanies ceremonies there. Australian Aborigines paint themselves with colorful clay, applying different patterns on their faces and bodies. It is interesting that, for example, lining the eyes black, coloring the lips, i.e. all the elements that we now consider makeup and use in decorative cosmetics had no decorative meaning, but were a way of scaring away evil spirits and protection.

Bracelets and earrings

These patterned shell and baked clay decorations were made between 2300 and 1750. BC. Their homeland is the city of Harappa (now the territory of Pakistan). During archaeological excavations, not only these jewelry were found there, but also numerous shops that sold them.

Warrior headdress made of boar tusks, necklace made of shells


Spiral patterns and other geometric patterns have been known since Neolithic times; they were used to decorate stones, tools and weapons, and burial chambers. Ornaments were also applied to the body. Perhaps that’s when the tradition of tattooing began. Over time, the ornaments began to bear distinctive features of some kind, acquired a sacred meaning, and then elements of art.

Decorations of warriors and hunters

The head and neck of a warrior from the Indonesian islands are decorated with wild boar tusks and a necklace of shells and animal teeth. Perhaps, like Stone Age people, these decorations were considered protective and magical and, according to ideas, endowed the hunter and warrior with the strength and courage of the animal to which they belonged.


History of jewelry. Start

The history of jewelry goes back many millennia. Putting on chains, earrings, rings, bracelets every day, have you ever wondered how and why all this appeared? No? Try to answer the question: “What did people wear first - clothes or jewelry?” Correct answer: decorations.

Ancient people "clung" to themselves various items, which were found during the search for stones for tools. Of course, not just any pebbles and twigs were suitable for decoration: only rare and beautiful, from the point of view of primitive man, specimens were selected. Our ancestors considered all surrounding objects to be alive, and those that were distinguished by special perfection were higher beings endowed with magical powers. This belief gave jewelry the status of amulets. Talismans made from animal horns, teeth and bones were supposed to bring good luck and happiness. And the more difficult it was to catch and kill the beast, the more valuable the amulet made from its remains was. Jewelry made from more accessible materials: shells, fruit seeds, flowers, was worn not only on the arms and neck, but also on the legs and waist. Some were permanent, others were intended for rituals and holidays. The most ancient beads found by archaeologists, beads made from shells of sea mollusks with a hole for a cord, date back to 100-135 thousand years old.

Our ancestors treated objects with respect and did not allow themselves to put on jewelry just like that, without thinking through its meaning and significance. In primitive society, they were amulets, talismans; from them, like a passport, one could “read” about the owner’s age, sexual maturity, occupation and position in the clan hierarchy. Decoration acquired its purely decorative function much later. And men were the first to decorate themselves, not women, as one might think.

What kind of jewelry did our ancestors prefer?

Piercing is a very ancient way of decorating the body. It is believed that piercings appeared ca. 10 thousand years ago in Africa, and was originally an identification mark. Fellow tribesmen could find out the status, age and other “data” of a person by a pierced part of the body, and neighbors could find out about belonging to one or another clan. The most common was lip piercing. Many tribes in Ethiopia still pierce their lips and put rings through them. Ear piercings have in the past signaled puberty. This type is still quite popular today due to the relative ease and safety of the puncture. In Ancient Egypt, belly button piercing was only allowed for very privileged upper class people. Nose piercings were first performed by the Bedouins in the Middle East ca. 4 thousand years ago, and the size of the nose ring corresponded to the degree of wealth of the family. Aztec shamans of Central America pierced their tongues because they believed it would help them better appease the gods and establish a connection with them.

Earrings are probably the most popular jewelry of all times. Primitive “mods” inserted wooden sticks, shells, carved plates and even pebbles, sometimes quite large, into pierced earlobes.

The Egyptians began wearing earrings in the 4th millennium BC. e., and they were predominantly female decoration. Among the ancient Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, as well as among the Arabs, Persians, and Indians, wearing two earrings was a sign of wealth, and those who stood at the lowest social level - slaves, concubines, gypsies - wore one.

In Eastern Europe, earrings appeared around the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. In the countries of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, the tradition of putting on earrings for girls, which have been considered a talisman since ancient times, has been preserved to this day, immediately after birth.

IN different countries earrings varied quite a lot in shape, symbolism and ornaments. However, almost all ancient peoples have jewelry with elements in the form of flowers, fruits, birds, animals and insects.

The ring is a symbol of immortality and infinity, power and love, and has been an attribute of marriage since ancient times. The first rings were made of thick wire and worn on the fingers and toes; later the custom arose of tying rings to the hands. In primitive society and up to the Middle Ages, a ring primarily indicated belonging to a particular clan and the degree of power of its owner, served as a mark and only in last resort was a decoration.

In Ancient Egypt, rings were worn to emphasize status. Every day after the morning toilet, a man, preparing to leave the house, put bracelets on his wrists, a ring on his finger, and a necklace on his neck. A pendant made of jasper or carnelian on a long cord gave his appearance a special respectability. In this outfit the Egyptian led business meeting and appeared in in public places.

In Ancient Greece, members of the nobility wore rings as a sign of high class status. In ancient Rome, special permissions were issued to wear rings. Thus, Emperor Septimius Severus in 197 AD. allowed warriors to wear rings: they helped archers pull the bowstring, and massive rings with stone inserts enhanced the blow in hand-to-hand combat.

The exchange of rings between the bride and groom, which sealed the oath of eternal fidelity, had the meaning of legal confirmation of the marriage.

The bracelet carries the same symbolism as the ring. Initially, the bracelet was a purely masculine item. During the Neolithic period, men tied a strip of leather over their wrist, thus the hand could withstand a greater load when throwing a spear, and this avoided a number of injuries. The bracelet was also used by ancient people as a talisman. It was made from animal bones and teeth, wood, rope, stone, etc. Primitive people endowed the bracelet with mystical properties and used it in rituals, using it to ward off evil spirits. The oldest bracelet found in Russia is dated to be 45-50 thousand years old. It was discovered during excavations in the Denisova Cave in Altai.

With the development of metallurgy, jewelry appeared from copper, then from bronze, and among the upper classes from gold and silver. Kings and priests could wear one or several narrow and wide bracelets on the wrist and forearm, and the Egyptians also decorated their ankles. Warriors' personalized bracelets were symbols of courage, honor and bravery. In the East, jingling bracelets have long been an indispensable attribute of dances.

IN Ancient Rus' the bracelets were called “sleeves” and “hoops”, they were decorated precious stones and pearls, gold chains were inserted into them, and the clasps were decorated with enamels. The pattern and color of the bracelet, as a rule, was combined with the entire ensemble of clothing and emphasized the owner’s affiliation with power.

The oldest necklaces found are more than 100 thousand years old and were once the shells of sea mollusks strung on a cord.

The first of the neck decorations were pendants and pendants; they were made from animal teeth or stones and worn as amulets, endowing them with magical properties. And the more amulets there were, the more protected their primitive owner felt, the more happiness and good luck he “shone.” This is how beads and necklaces appeared.

As soon as people learned to process metal (about 8 thousand years ago), bronze jewelry appeared in the form of hoops made of a thick wire rope without a clasp, with ends close together or overlapping each other. They were worn in different countries either by women or men, or both. By this time different types Neck ornaments have already acquired a certain meaning, and their role has been fully formed.

Among the ancient Egyptians, neck decorations were designed to protect the heart, which was considered an extremely important organ. Their very shape - a circle - was personified with the solar disk of the god Ra. Wide chest decorations, called “pectoral” (from Latin pectus - chest) with images of events from the life of Isis, Horus and Osiris, were worn only by pharaohs and members of royal families. The value of jewelry has always been determined by its rarity and difficulty of production.

It wasn't just the Egyptians who had pectorals. In 1971, a gold pectoral from the 4th century BC was found in Ukraine. e., which belonged to the Scythian king. The uniqueness of this find is not only in its antiquity, but also in the amazing skill with which it was made: on its semicircular crescent-shaped surface, figures of animals and people in different poses form a wonderful openwork pattern; they are cast from gold with incredible precision and artistic taste.

In Rus', mainly beads and necklaces (from the common Slavic gerlo meaning “throat”) became widespread, which were made from enamels arranged in complex patterns and set in gold, decorated with precious stones in high crowns and pearls. Before the birth of a child, the family council decided what jewelry he should wear and from what stone. When a child was born, a thread with beads or beads was put on him. As a person grew older, his jewelry became more numerous, and their number spoke about his well-being and position in society.

One of the most popular materials for making neck jewelry was glass, which was valued on a par with jewelry stones, so you can often see it in the same jewelry with sapphires and emeralds. The oldest glass bead was found in the Thebes region of Egypt; it is about five and a half thousand years old. With the advent of various processing techniques, glass became extremely common and spread from Egypt to other countries. Roman glassblowers made each bead from several bundles of glass different color, creating a complex pattern, inscription and even a portrait.

A brooch is a piece of jewelry that has changed more than others over its history. When primitive man first put on something more than a loincloth, he had the need to fasten this clothing. The thorns and thorns of plants, and then the curved sharp bones that replaced them, were the first to perform this function.

The earliest known fibula brooches (from Latin fibula - “hairpin, clasp”) made of metal were found in Central Europe and date back to the Bronze Age (XXXV-XI centuries BC). They were similar in structure and appearance to modern pins and had an exclusively functional purpose.

Analogues of pin-needle brooches, ending in a metal ball (often inlaid with precious stones or glass), were in use among the ancient Egyptians. In Ancient Greece and Rome, brooches became widespread, since clothing most often served as just a rectangular piece of fabric, which was folded in half and fastened on the shoulders. Women wore brooches on both their upper and “lower” clothes, while men only wore them on their upper clothes, pinning the fabric on one shoulder with them.

Scandinavian and Celtic ancient brooches were distinguished by the fact that they consisted of two separate objects. A crescent- or circle-shaped bow held a needle, which was used to pierce fabric or skin.

Over time, decorations have changed. Gradually, the aesthetic function replaced the magical one. The story about the long and fascinating history of jewelry will continue in subsequent articles.


The metal from which primitive people made jewelry was of natural origin

The period of primitiveness in the history of mankind is a very harsh time. It was a real test for people, survival and further development directly depended on their activity. Nevertheless, even in these conditions, people strived for diversity, albeit in a primitive form.

What role did decorations play?

When trying to understand and comprehend the life and aspirations of primitive people, one must keep in mind that the level of knowledge of that era was at a very low level; all the actions of people were connected, according to their ideas, with numerous good and evil spirits. The latter could harm people. And to protect themselves from their deceit, people used various magical rituals. Even primitive jewelry had exclusively utilitarian properties of protection from evil creatures, the evil eye and other negative phenomena that abounded among people.

People did not immediately learn to use metal for their needs, but if you carry out periodization, then everything will become clear. The Stone Age is conventionally divided into three stages: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic. It is clear that the basis of all products was stone, turning point became the Eneolithic, when people gradually mastered the skills of copper processing. And although it is softer than stone, it is nevertheless malleable and makes it possible to give it almost any shape. Therefore, the metal from which primitive people made jewelry is best suited for making products. In addition, many traditions endowed copper with magical properties of repelling all kinds of evil spirits.

Raw materials for jewelry

The jewelry of primitive people does not pretend to have exquisite aesthetics of form and decoration, although highly artistic products are also found. Of course, the place of residence of ancient people was a priority, because it was this that determined appearance person. According to the legends of many peoples, one of the sacred metals is gold, from South America to Eastern Europe, it is considered a frozen embodiment of sunlight, capable of dispersing the darkness in which evil spirits hide. Therefore, the metal from which primitive people made jewelry included gold nuggets; in the absence of these, copper was widely used. Many burial mounds in our country are replete with such decorations.

The inability to use alloys of various metals during the late primitive period led to the use of native ones: copper, gold and silver. Accordingly, in different places there was more of this or that metal, which was used for decoration. In general, primitive inhabitants tried to use it very sparingly, but this did not apply to tribal leaders; they even used metal jewelry in their burials as a talisman in the other world.

Variety of primitive jewelry

The jewelry of ancient people varied in form and quality. However, in all parts of the Earth, hand and ankle bracelets can be found in burials; they also played a magical role and protected people from wounds to which these particular parts of the body are most susceptible. Whatever the metal from which primitive people made jewelry, it always had to bear traces of magical influence. It could be a variety of writings, images, geometric shapes. It is noteworthy that modern tribes of the Amazon have interchangeable sets of jewelry for different occasions, which differ in both shape and images printed on them. It is on these tribes that ethnographers and other researchers test their guesses and assumptions, since among them the pristine attitude towards nature and the world, characteristic of all people of antiquity, has been preserved.

The metal from which primitive people made jewelry also showed their social status. A wide variety of metal jewelry indicated the high position of the person wearing them.


How did primitive people decorate themselves? | The world around us

Some of them were worn for special occasions. Many of the movable jewelry made from the teeth of predatory animals, snake skin, bunches of medicinal herbs, and ostrich egg shells became amulets. Which, according to the beliefs of primitive people, protected them from illness and gave them courage and strength.

The shapes of jewelry have not changed much since ancient times; what changed most was the material and manufacturing technique. They wore jewelry on the neck, arms, fingers, and lower back. They were shaped like a hoop, a belt, rings, or a necklace.

When there was no room left for jewelry on the human body, people began to make holes in the nose, ears, lips, teeth, cheeks and other parts of the body. Earrings were put into the ears, sticks, feathers, flowers and rings were put into the nose.

At first, with the help of jewelry, a person tried to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. After primitive religious beliefs appeared, body decoration acquired magical significance. As social relations became more complex, jewelry became a badge of distinction. From them one could find out what place a person occupies in society. For example, a headdress made of multi-colored parrot feathers or a necklace with a sperm whale tooth could only be worn by the leader of the tribe.

Primitive people attached a lot of importance to jewelry. Sometimes a woman would spend several years stringing tens of thousands of shells onto a belt for her husband. The indigenous people of Australia went on dangerous journeys that threatened their lives just to get ocher for body painting. In Australia, a loin ornament that consisted of 300 white rabbit tails was highly valued.

Nature gave people a lot of material for decoration: shiny shells polished by sea water, bright fruits and plant stems, animal teeth, bones, fur, feathers. People also used pearls, corals, and sometimes human mandibles to make bracelets.

Representatives different nations They understand beauty completely differently. What is beautiful to some may seem ugly to others. In Africa, around 1879, rich beauties of the Makaraka tribe wore more than 16 kilograms of iron from which jewelry was made. There were more than 60 bracelets on the arms and legs alone. In addition, about eight heavy hoops made of iron were worn around the neck.

Such women had a special servant who carried a jug of water behind the mistress, with which from time to time he watered the jewelry, which was hot in the sun. Children who were one year old should have already gotten used to carrying heavy weights; bracelets were put on their feet.

The Brazilian Botocuda tribe had a very interesting decoration. Its representatives inserted discs into the lower lip and ears. First, after making a small hole in the lower lip, a wooden stick called a carnation was inserted there. Gradually it was replaced by mugs made of cottonwood, the size of which increased in diameter.

There is nothing more changeable in the world than fashion. It has an impact not only on shoes, clothes, makeup, but also on jewelry. Fashion creates a standard of beauty, but we must not forget that jewelry should be in harmony not only with clothing, but also with the person himself..


How to make a primitive man costume with your own hands

What do people know about primitive man? In fact, quite a bit. It is known that he lived in caves, hunted mammoths, used a club as a weapon, and dressed in the skins of killed animals.

Having even such fragmentary knowledge about the first people, you can make an excellent costume of a primitive man with your own hands. For a child in kindergarten, for a holiday, for a performance at school or a performance in the theater - the outfit will suit any thematic event.

Costume parts

How to make a primitive man costume? Before you start assembling your outfit, you need to decide what the suit will consist of.

The clothing of the cave people was simple - torn skins with jagged edges, roughly brushed with pieces of leather or sinew, or belted with leather thread. They replaced pajamas, “business attire”, and an evening suit. For very cold seasons, another skin could be stored, which was used as a cloak or cape.

The jewelry was the same for everyone - animal bones that were tied to hair or strung on a thread like beads. The belt could be decorated with bones.

As additional accessories bandages were applied to the forearms and shins.

Most main attribute- club. Both women and men had it. The only difference was in the size of the weapon - men, as stronger representatives of the tribe, were entitled to a larger club than a woman's. Consequently, the costume of a primitive man for a boy and a girl is made in the same way, only the baton will be of different sizes.

Hair is the final part of the outfit. Soap and shampoo were not yet known to our ancestors; accordingly, the hairstyle on the head was vaguely similar to a neat modern hairstyle. To create a complete look, you will need a wig.

So, the suit will consist of:

  • basic clothing;
  • capes;
  • belts and jewelry;
  • batons;
  • wig;
  • bandages.

Basic clothing

Our ancestors dressed in the skins of captured animals. Therefore, the color must match and be similar to natural leather or fur. Fabric of any quality is suitable for this purpose. The color is brown, leopard or brindle. You should not opt ​​for shiny fabrics; they are not very appropriate for this purpose. But felt, velor, artificial suede are just that.

Models may vary. The simplest option is a winding with a knot on one arm.

The work will require about 1.5 fabrics.

The material is folded in half to form a rectangle. On the side where the fold is, the middle is outlined. This can be done by eye; the suit does not have to be perfect and symmetrical: primitive people were far from high fashion. The middle is also located along the long side of the rectangle. The points are connected to each other and the fabric is cut. It turns out that a triangle was cut out of a large rectangle.

Where the fabric on the fold remains connected will be the shoulder. The side that has become short must be sewn using classic thread and a needle. Or you can be original by connecting parts of the outfit using coarse stitches. For the second option, you need to use nail scissors to make holes in the fabric on both sides, and then use a knitting thread of a suitable color or a thin cord to tie the halves together. You can do this crosswise - like lacing on sneakers, or you can thread it through each hole. Which method to choose depends only on the imagination of the master.

Simple option

The second option is the simplest. In a piece of fabric folded in half, a hole is cut in the middle on the fold side for the head. There is no need to sew anything: the clothes are belted - and that’s it. A DIY primitive man costume for a boy can be considered almost ready!

Well, an option for summer cavemen is a loincloth. A piece of fabric is cut into strips of different widths. The main strip, equal to the circumference of the hips, acts as a base; the remaining flaps are hung on it.


The cape is made from the same fabric as the main part. But you can choose any other texture; dense material is best.

For a cape, you can make holes in the upper part of the fabric, thread a cord through them and use the cord to tie it around your neck. An easier option is to tie the two ends of the cape in a knot and throw it over your head.

Belt and decorations

The costume of a primitive man is decorated natural materials- bones and bandages.

To make bandages on the arms and legs, you need to cut 4 strips of fabric, 2 of which are equal to the circumference of the forearm above the elbow, and the other 2 are equal to the circumference of the leg below the knee.

Strips of fabric are hung on strips of fabric using the same principle as for a loincloth. This decoration is tied in a knot directly on the arm or leg.

The costume of a primitive man is decorated with bones. You can easily make them yourself from polymer clay. Similar accessories are also sold in handicraft stores - beads in the shape of bones and teeth are easy to string on a thread and convenient to use.

Animal fangs or bones are made from white polymer clay, previously kneaded in the hands. After heat treatment (manufacturers write the rules for working with clay on the packs), holes are made in each workpiece, then the resulting parts are strung on a thread or a strip of leather. Such decorations can also be strung on the ends of the strips from which the loincloth for the arms and legs is made.

The caveman is often depicted with a bone in his hair. In order to make such a decoration for a boy, you will have to stock up on a hair hoop and a glue gun or a long thread. A drop of glue is applied to the hoop and a large bone is attached. And you can simply tie this accessory tightly with a thread. A bone tied directly to the hair will look best, but this will require skill, since boys usually have short hair.


The costume of a primitive man is completed by a headdress. The easiest way to buy a wig with matted hair is at a specialty store. Making such an accessory yourself is no more difficult than tying a knot in a headband.

You can make an excellent fake hair from a hoop and a tuft of felting wool. You will need to carefully glue strands of brown wool to the hoop in several layers. The workpiece is decorated with a bone, which is tied to the strands exactly in the center.

Task No. 13. Fill out the outline map “The most ancient farming region”

1. Paint over the oldest farming area

2. Write the names of the rivers - Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus, Ganges

Task No. 14. Fill in the missing words

Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western Asia more 11 thousand years ago.

The first pet is dog.

Then people domesticated and tamed other animals, for example: cow, sheep, goat, pig

Task No. 15. Fill in the missing words

A new craft - metal processing - appeared in Western Asia near 9 thousand years ago.

The first metal from which people learned to make tools was called copper.

Jewelry was made from metals such as gold Silver.

Task No. 16. Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive farmers and cattle breeders”

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the highlighted diagonal cells you will read the name of an activity that arose from gathering, providing people with plant food

Horizontally: 1. Metal from which primitive people made jewelry. 2. A gift brought by primitive people to spirits and gods. 3. The first metal from which people learned to make tools. 4. A request that people made to the gods and spirits. 5. Making linen and woolen fabric from threads. 6. An activity that arose from hunting, reliably providing people with meat food. 7. Making threads from animal hair or plant fibers. 8. A plowing tool that replaced the hoe. 9. An image of a spirit or god (usually made of wood, clay or stone). 10. Several tribal communities living in the same area

Task No. 17. Find errors

One student was a great inventor. He wrote an essay about the first farmers and cattle breeders. Here it is:

“The time of harvest has come. Relatives with sickles came out into the grain field. With their rough faces with flattened noses and heavy jaws protruding forward, they resembled monkeys.
Three women staged a competition to see whose sheaf would be larger. The youngest one won - her bunch of barley stalks with ears was the largest.
- Not fair! - noted the leader of the clan community, a black-haired guy who was watching the work. “You have an iron sickle, but they have copper sickles.”
Here, in a paddock next to the field, sheep and goats bleated alarmingly. They broke the fence and ran into the forest. The wolves wouldn't eat them! How to return fugitives? There were no dogs in the village - in those days they had not yet been domesticated. But soon people became scared too. A herd of mammoths was moving straight towards the village. A little more and they will trample both the field and the huts. One of the relatives thought of setting the injury and brushwood on fire: the acrid smoke made the mammoths turn around, and they bypassed the village.”

There are no less than five historical errors in this essay. Find and describe them

a) when agriculture arose, people already had the appearance modern man, b) the clan community gave way to the neighboring one, c) only the elder could be the leader of the community, d) the first farmers used sickles made of flint, they learned to process copper much later, e) iron was not known at that time, f) the dog was domesticated by humans long before the advent of agriculture, g) mammoths had become extinct by that time


1. Conclude how people’s lives changed with the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding

2. How do you understand the word “progress”? What changes in the life of primitive people were, in your opinion, progressive?

Progress is improvement in the process of development.

Time count appeared

3. Why, in your opinion, did inequality among people appear?

Because everyone counted the year in their own way

The jewelry of ancient man initially carried not only an aesthetic meaning, but also a mystical one. After all, they were often used as amulets and amulets.

It is possible to highlight products from precious metals, because the mining of gold, silver or copper spoke of human evolution.

The Slavs, for example, had a whole pantheon of gods, mainly personifying the forces of nature, and therefore jewelry was closely related to this theme.

Here are five of the oldest jewelry found in Rus'.

Unique Scythian treasure.

In the Shpakovsky district of the Stavropol Territory, archaeologists discovered Scythian jewelry dating back to the 4th century BC. The find is considered the most valuable in Russia over the past 50 years. Scythian jewelry includes bracelets, rings and other jewelry. The fact that the gold survived is a real miracle, since the mound had already been robbed several times. Scientists cannot yet say for sure who the jewelry belonged to.

Chuvash jewelry. decoration Scythian Chuvash treasure

In the Vurnar region of Chuvashia, archaeologists found jewelry that is more than 2 thousand years old. Elements of amulets, beads, brooches, as well as pieces of fabric were found in the dump. In addition, scientists were able to recover some of the human remains from the burial, which were preserved due to contact with chest, neck and head bronze jewelry.

The most ancient women's jewelry.

In Denisova Cave (an archaeological site in the Altai region) a part of a stone bracelet was discovered, which archaeologists found in the same layer where the remains of an unknown type of people were located (it is assumed that these people lived about 40 thousand years ago). Scientists say that, judging by its age, the bracelet is the oldest female jewelry known to date.

There is a hole on the bracelet through which, according to scientists, a string with a bead was threaded. Researchers believe that the trinket most likely belonged to some noble person and was a symbol of prestige. What struck scientists most was that the archaic species of people had a high level of culture. According to archaeologists, the bracelet is difficult to manufacture, it has neat holes and, apparently, a technology comparable to a modern machine was used for drilling.

Venetian treasure.

The treasure was discovered in the Bryansk region, in the valley of the Desna River. In total, the “black diggers” pulled out 150 objects from the ground - the treasure includes several sets of bronze jewelry, both women's and men's, including those related to horse harness. Among them are head crowns, torcs, breast chains, brooches (clasps for clothing), bracelets, pendants, glass beads dating back to the 3rd century AD. Just at this time, the first Slavic settlers, whom Byzantine chroniclers called “Veneti,” began to penetrate into the territory of modern Russia from the west and south. A significant portion of the bronze objects are decorated with engravings or champlevé enamel decoration - opaque glass, predominantly red in color - such decorations have already been found in the burials of Slavic leaders from the Baltic Sea to central Russia.

Self-expression was also very important for ancient people, and this meant not only jewelry, but also clothing.

A person’s appearance has always been one of the ways of self-expression and self-awareness, determining the individual’s place in the world around him, an object of creativity, a form of expression of ideas about beauty. The most ancient types of “clothing” are painting and tattooing, which performed the same protective functions as clothing covering the body. This is evidenced by the fact that coloring and tattooing are common among those tribes that even in our time do without any other types of clothing.

Body painting also protected against the influence of evil spirits and insect bites and was supposed to terrify the enemy in battle. Make-up (a mixture of fat and paint) was known already in the Stone Age: in the Paleolithic people knew about 17 paints. The most basic: white (chalk, lime), black ( charcoal, manganese ore), ocher, which made it possible to obtain shades from light yellow to orange and red. Body and face painting was a magical rite, often a sign of an adult male warrior and was first applied during the initiation rite (initiation into adult full members of the tribe).

The coloring also had an informational function - it informed about belonging to a certain clan and tribe, social status, personal qualities and merits of its owner. A tattoo (a pattern pricked or carved into the skin), unlike coloring, was a permanent decoration and also denoted a person’s tribal affiliation and social status, and could also be a kind of chronicle of individual achievements throughout life.

The hairstyle and headdress were of particular importance, since it was believed that hair had magical powers, especially the long hair of a woman (therefore, many nations had a ban on women appearing in public with their heads uncovered). All manipulations with hair had a magical meaning, since it was believed that life force was concentrated in the hair. A change in hairstyle has always meant a change in social status, age and social and gender role. The headdress may have appeared as part of a ceremonial costume during rituals among rulers and priests. Among all peoples, the headdress was a sign of sacred dignity and high position.

The same ancient type of clothing as makeup is jewelry, which originally performed a magical function in the form of amulets and amulets. At the same time, ancient jewelry served the function of indicating a person’s social status and an aesthetic function. Primitive jewelry was made from a wide variety of materials: animal and bird bones, human bones (among those tribes where cannibalism existed), animal fangs and tusks, bat teeth, bird beaks, shells, dried fruits and berries, feathers, corals, pearls, metals

Thus, most likely, the symbolic and aesthetic functions of clothing preceded its practical purpose - protecting the body from the influences external environment. Jewelry could also serve an informational function, being a kind of writing among some peoples (for example, among the South African Zulu tribe, “talking” necklaces were common in the absence of writing).

The beginning of the manufacture of jewelry, in my opinion, is directly related to the development of man, because often knowledge about jewelry helped in the manufacture of tools.

Already in the Stone Age, people began to wear all kinds of jewelry. It happened that in the warm season all the clothes of ancient people were replaced by various decorations. Their primitive people could carry several kilograms on themselves.

It is difficult to name a material that people would not use to make beads, necklaces, and rings. Beads were a particularly common decoration among ancient people.

Primitive man, who had stones, bones and mollusk shells at his disposal, tried to use all these things to make jewelry. At first, pebbles, animal teeth, and various shells were simply collected together and strung on thin branches.

Ancient people wore beads on their necks, arms, and legs. Massive bunches of beads decorated the waist. Many African tribes carved beads from ostrich egg shells and painted them in various colors. Amber beads were common in Europe.

Initially, even metal began to be used to make jewelry, and only after studying its properties did they begin to make metal tools. Primitive tribes began to carve bracelets and rings from ivory.

Even in the Stone Age, it was a fair remark that “beauty requires sacrifice.” Primitive people dared to pierce their ears and nasal septum, into which plugs were inserted. They were made from bamboo sticks or from the teeth of certain animals, such as pigs. Later, precious stones were worn in the nose and ears.

Among some primitive tribes it was customary to pierce the lower lip and insert wooden disks into it.

Decorations made from various feathers were popular among ancient people; they decorated hairstyles and clothes.

Ancient people believed that all kinds of jewelry not only made them attractive, but also protected them from the influence of evil spirits and brought good luck. Often jewelry became amulets of primitive people, who were attributed magical powers. They could heal or, conversely, bring evil spirits to their enemies.

It’s interesting that ancient people loved to “twirl” in front of the mirror just as much as we do. At first, the role of a mirror was played by the smooth surface of the water or a well-polished sink.

And with the discovery of metal in the 3rd millennium BC. e. people had the first metal mirrors. They were of low quality, and the image in them looked distorted. Only thousands of years later people learned to make glass mirrors. However, their production was too labor-intensive, and glass mirrors were made very rarely, preferring to look into the clean, calm surface of the water.

Unfortunately, we have very little information about those times and can only guess about many things, because we can only guess the exact meaning of certain decorations!

Ancient times were marked by rather difficult times. The meaning of human existence came down to not dying and finding a way to exist. Despite all the complexity of that period of history, man tried to somehow decorate himself.

The role of jewelry in ancient times

Having begun to understand the life of primitive man, it immediately becomes clear that people did not shine with knowledge, basically everything they did was for spirits, both good and evil... Evil spirits could cause harm, therefore, to protect against them rituals were held various types. Jewelry, in turn, was made not for beauty, but as amulets and amulets that protected against damage, various creatures and other events.

Material used for decoration

The jewelry that ancient people created was not beautiful and elegant, but rather rough and sloppy. The type of jewelry was greatly influenced by the place where primitive man lived.

  • The main metal for creating jewelry was gold; it was considered a sacred metal, which, according to legend, was associated with the light of the sun that delivers from darkness.
  • If there was no gold, then copper could be used to create it; quite a lot of such jewelry is found during excavations.
  • Bronze was also often found in jewelry.
  • In addition to metals, they were used various stones, wood, and animal bones.

A very harsh time. This was a real test for people; survival and further development directly depended on their activity. Nevertheless, even in these conditions, people strived for diversity, albeit in a primitive form.

What role did decorations play?

When trying to understand and comprehend life and aspirations, one must keep in mind that the level of knowledge of that era was at a very low level, all the actions of people were connected, according to their ideas, with numerous good and evil spirits. The latter could harm people. And to protect themselves from their deceit, people used various magical rituals. Even primitive jewelry had exclusively utilitarian properties of protection from evil creatures, the evil eye and other negative phenomena that abounded among people.

People did not immediately learn to use metal for their needs, but if you carry out periodization, then everything will become clear. conditionally divided into three stages: It is clear that the basis of all products was stone, the turning point was the Eneolithic, when people gradually mastered the skills of copper processing. And although it is softer than stone, it is nevertheless malleable and makes it possible to give it almost any shape. Therefore, the metal from which primitive people made jewelry is best suited for making products. In addition, many traditions endowed copper with magical properties of repelling all kinds of evil spirits.

Raw materials for jewelry

The jewelry of primitive people does not pretend to have exquisite aesthetics of form and decoration, although highly artistic products are also found. Of course, the place of residence was a priority because it was it that determined a person’s appearance. According to the legends of many peoples, one of the sacred metals is gold; from South America to Eastern Europe it is considered the frozen embodiment of sunlight, capable of dispersing the darkness in which evil spirits hide. Therefore, the metal from which primitive people made jewelry included gold nuggets; in the absence of these, copper was widely used. Many burial mounds in our country are replete with such decorations.

The inability to use alloys of various metals during the late primitive period led to the use of native ones: copper, gold and silver. Accordingly, in different places there was more of this or that metal, which was used for decoration. In general, primitive inhabitants tried to use it very sparingly, but this did not apply to tribal leaders; they even used metal jewelry in their burials as a talisman in the other world.

Variety of primitive jewelry

The decorations varied in form and quality. However, in all parts of the Earth, hand and ankle bracelets can be found in burials; they also played a magical role and protected people from wounds to which these particular parts of the body are most susceptible. Whatever the metal from which primitive people made jewelry, it always had to bear traces of magical influence. It could be a variety of writings, images, geometric shapes. It is noteworthy that modern tribes of the Amazon have interchangeable sets of jewelry for different occasions, which differ in both shape and images printed on them. It is on these tribes that ethnographers and other researchers test their guesses and assumptions, since among them the pristine attitude towards nature and the world, characteristic of all people of antiquity, has been preserved.

The metal from which primitive people made jewelry also showed their social status. A wide variety of metal jewelry indicated the high position of the person wearing them.