What is the EPUB format and how to open it. How to download books to iPhone without using a PC? How to open epub on iphone

The latest iPhone models have large enough screens that you can easily read a book on them. But when studying this issue, users are faced with the fact that they are constantly trying to sell them something. Either applications for reading books, or the books themselves, or something else.

Perhaps the simplest and most convenient application for reading books on iPhone is the standard iBooks application. With iBooks, you can buy e-books, read your own EPub or PDF books, and create electronic library cataloging available books. This application is free and pre-installed on iPhone, iPad and iPod.

If you want to read books through iBooks for free, you first need to download them to the iBooks app. To do this, you will need a computer with iTunes installed, as well as the books themselves in EPub or PDF formats, which you can download on the Internet.

To get started, connect your iPhone to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. After that, click on the device icon that will appear in the upper left corner of the iTunes window (screenshot below). This will take you to the iPhone settings.

After this, you need to go to the “Books” section. A link to it will be available in the left side menu of the program.

As a result, a page with a list of books on your iPhone will open. To download to iPhone new book just drag it to this list with your mouse. If the book format is supported, the book will automatically be downloaded to the iPhone’s memory and become available in the iBooks application.

After that, turn off your iPhone and check iBooks. If everything was done correctly, the downloaded books should appear in the application library.

How to read books for free using third-party apps

If the iBooks application does not suit you or you want to read books not only in EPub or PDF, but also in other formats, then you can use third-party applications for reading books. There are quite a lot of such applications, and you can easily find them in the App Store.

One of the most popular applications for reading books on iPhone is the application. This application is distributed free of charge and supports almost all popular e-book formats. In particular, Kybook supports EPUB, RTF, PDF, FB2, DJVU, CBR, CHM and other formats. In general, if you don’t know which book reading application to choose, we recommend trying Kybook first.

Once you have installed the book reading application, you need to load your books into it. To do this, you will again need a computer with iTunes. Connect your iPhone to your computer, launch iTunes and click on the device icon in the upper left corner (screenshot below).

After that, go to the “Shared Files” section.

As a result, a window with two lists will appear in front of you. On the left there will be a list of applications into which you can download files, and on the right there will be a list of files that belong to the selected application. Here in the left list you need to select an application for reading books (in our case it is Kybook).

And then upload books to the selected application using the “Add file” button.

As a result, the books will be loaded into the device’s memory and will become available in the interface of the selected application. Now you can read these books absolutely free using your iPhone.

Previously, the ease of using the iPhone as an e-reader was questioned due to the small diagonal of the device’s screen (3.5 inches on the 4th version), however, now this doubt has been “blown to dust” - more modern modifications have screens of impressive size (5 .5 inches on iPhone 6 Plus And 7Plus) and appropriate permission. Reading text from such a display is a real pleasure; It's no surprise that the popularity of e-books is rapidly declining.

To enjoy works of classical and modern literature, owners of Apple gadgets only need to know how to download books to iPhone.

Before you start downloading books to your device, check what format the text file is and whether the application you will use as a “reader” can handle this format.

Legendary iBooks only two formats are possible - ePub And PDF, however, the greatness of this “reader” is long in the past: Apple developers hopelessly ruined it, trying to give it a “modern” minimalist look and removing the main and most recognizable element - wooden shelves. Nowadays, iPhone users increasingly prefer alternative “readers”, such as KyBook, which are “omnivorous” in terms of formats.

If the reader format is within your capabilities, follow these instructions:

Step 1. Open the program iTunes and in the “Media Libraries” menu select the section “ Books».

Step 2. Click on the tab " File" in the top menu and find in the list of options " Add a file to your library».

Step 3. Through the window " Add to library» Locate the text file on your computer’s hard drive and download it. We will use file formats as an example PDF And ePub- other iTunes will reject.

Step 4. In the block " Media library" go to the section " PDF files" - here you will see that your file has already been uploaded to iTunes.

Files with the format ePub, will be displayed in the " Books».

Any of the text files in iTunes can be adjusted using a book editor - for example, upload a cover for a book or enter its title and author. To do this, right-click on the file and select “ Intelligence».

The data is written in the following form:

Step 5. Connect your iPhone to your PC via a USB cable or Wi-Fi and go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of a smartphone in the top panel iTunes.

Step 6. In the block " Settings" go to the section " Books».

Step 7. Check the box next to " Sync books».

Step 8. Select one of the options: " All books" or " Selected books" In the first option iTunes will download to the iPhone all the text files it stores; with the second, you can select some of them, and leave the rest in iTunes"for later". We decide to load only files in the format into the device memory. PDF.

In the drop-down menu " Books and PDFs» select the item « PDF files only» and check the boxes next to the sorted texts.

Step 9. Click on the button Synchronize" and wait for all 5 synchronization steps to complete.

If your iPhone doesn't have any iBooks, nor any other “reader”, iTunes will notify you that you will not be able to read books and will prompt you to download iBooks.

iPhone users should know that currently you can only download iBooks on iOS 10.

To the unfortunate owners iPhone 4 And 4S you will have to look for alternative options. If this application is already installed on your iPhone, then you will find the downloaded files inside it.

How to download a book to iPhone via Safari?

There is another way to download books to an Apple gadget, but it will only work if you have a stable Internet connection. You can download literature for free through the built-in browser Safari- you need to act like this:

Step 1. Open your browser Safari.

Step 2. Enter in the address bar the address of any site that provides the ability to download books for free in suitable formats. Lots of options:

We will try to download from Etextlib.mobi.

Step 3. Using the site search engine, find the book you need.

Step 4. On the book description page, click on the download link in the format ePub.

Step 5. Browser Safari prompts you to save the file to iBooks- This is what you need. Click " Open in iBooks».

Image: lisovskiyp.com

Wait for the download to complete and enjoy reading your favorite literature!

How to download books via cloud storage?

This method is relevant, say, for students who need to download a teaching manual to their phone, which has a format that is inaccessible to iTunes. To implement this method, you will need to download an alternative “reader” from the App Store (in the example we will use KyBook) and create your own account on one of the cloud services (we have Yandex.Disk).

Upon completion preparatory actions follow the instructions:

Step 1. Upload the text file to cloud storage from your computer - use the " Download».

The service will notify you that the download is complete with the following message:

Step 2. Open KyBook On your smartphone and on the main screen, click on the pencil icon.

Step 3. Scroll down and go to the block " Cloud storage».

Step 4. Click on the " Yandex Disk" An authorization window will open:

Step 5. Enter your Yandex account login and password (the data you used when creating the Disk) and click " To come in" A message appears confirming that Yandex. Disk connected

Step 6. On the home screen KyBook Click the checkbox to exit editing mode.

Step 7. Select " Yandex Disk", and you will have access to all text files contained in the cloud storage.

Step 8. Select the file you need and click on the download button (with the down arrow). You don't have to worry about the format - as already mentioned, KyBook works with any text files.

Once the download is complete, the file will be available for reading in the “ Downloads».

Other ways to download books to iPhone in the required formats

You can use the following mobile applications to download the book:

Litres. This mobile app downloaded from the App Store completely free of charge and allows you to download and place the book directly on your shelf iBooks. Disadvantage of the application Litres thing is free books quite a few and they all belong to classical literature. To download modern prose, you have to pay, and the price electronic version commensurate with the paper price.

Bookmate. Bookmate is a very successful and also free utility for downloading books to an iPhone. A unique advantage of this program is synchronization between several devices: you just download the book to your iPhone, and it will appear on other Apple devices that you own. In addition, functionality Bookmate includes a small social network, which will allow you to communicate with reading enthusiasts who have similar tastes to yours - this is also a plus of the application.

iBooks. The Apple app also has its own store - if you want to get to it, click the " Shop» (« Store") in the upper left or right corner (depending on the application version).

Image: applestub.com

The main advantage of the store iBooks lies in sorting by book format. There is no doubt whether a particular text file is suitable for iPhone - in the store iBooks There are text files of only 2 formats: ePub And PDF.


It is easier for foreign users to download a book to their gadget - they can buy it directly from iTunes Store, rather than searching all over the Internet. Russians iTunes Store is also available, but in Russian there are only Apple manuals and low-grade literature devoted to self-improvement.

However, Russian Apple users have their own advantages: they can receive books for free by simply downloading them on specialized sites directly through Safari. Abroad, free distribution of electronic literature is unacceptable - this contradicts the tenets of the law on copyright protection.

Apple products are simple and easy to use and understandable to almost everyone, even novice users. Therefore, downloading books to iPhone and iPad is actually not difficult. This can be done in three different ways at once, which will be discussed below.

Easy to use for reading general program iBooks, so we will consider download options based on it. For example, we will download the book “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald onto the gadget.

Method 1: Download via computer

The standard book format for Apple products is ePub.

To download a book via a computer, you must first download it in the required format to your PC. Next, open the iTunes program installed on your computer and select the “Books” section there.

After synchronization, the publication you downloaded will appear in iBooks on your iPad or iPhone. Sometimes it can be inconvenient to connect your device to a computer, so there are also options to download directly from the tablet or phone itself.

Method 2. Download using the liters application

This utility is quite convenient, since right in it you can find and place a book on your iPhone directly on the shelf in iBooks. First you need to download the liters application itself on the AppStore. This program is absolutely free.

After you have downloaded the application, enter the name of the book you need in the search and download it.

True, this path also has its drawbacks. In this application, not all books are free to download, but only classic works, and not all of them. The second disadvantage is that this application does not store all the books, that is, you may not find what you were looking for. Therefore, we move on to the third and probably the most convenient option.

Method 3. Download from the Internet

This method is that any book can be downloaded from the Internet and uploaded to the iPhone directly into iBooks. It is quite simple and you can complete all the steps in just a few moments. To begin, you should open Safari or another browser installed on your device. Then you need to enter a query into the search.

After that, click on one of the links that your browser gives you and open the site. There you will be asked to download the book in several formats. It should be remembered that the format that is suitable for iOS is ePub. We choose him.

After this simple operation, you will be asked which program you want to open the file in. Select iBooks (as shown in the screenshot), and the book immediately opens in the library.

Thus, downloading material for later reading to an iPhone or iPad is quite simple and free, using one of the proposed methods.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For some, it will be more convenient to download via a computer or laptop (especially if you have a MacBook), others will use an application, and others prefer downloading via the Internet.

We only note that from the point of view of time costs, the latter method significantly outperforms the previous ones.

If this article was useful to you or if you still have any questions, please write a few words in the comments, feedback is important to us!

For many users, the iPhone replaces the reader: thanks to its compactness and high quality images reading books from the display of this device is very comfortable. But before you can begin immersing yourself in the world of literature, you must download the desired works to your phone.

You can add works to your Apple device in two ways: directly through the phone itself and using a computer. Let's consider both options in more detail.

Method 1: iPhone

Perhaps the easiest way to download e-books is using the iPhone itself. First of all, here you will need a reader application. Apple offers its own solution for this case - iBooks. The disadvantage of this application is that it only supports ePub and PDF formats.

However, the App Store has a large selection of third-party solutions that, firstly, support many popular formats (TXT, FB2, ePub, etc.), and secondly, have an expanded range of capabilities, for example, they can switch pages using keys volume, are synchronized with popular cloud services, unpack archives with books, etc.

When you have acquired an e-reader, you can proceed to downloading books. There are two options here: download works from the Internet or use the application to purchase and read literature.

Sometimes it’s much easier and faster to use special applications for searching, purchasing and reading books, of which there are many in the App Store today. For example, one of the most famous is LitRes. Using his example, we will consider the process of downloading books.

Method 2: iTunes

E-books downloaded to your computer can be transferred to your iPhone. Naturally, this will require the help of iTunes.

Option 1: iBooks

If you are using the standard Apple app to read, then the e-book format should be ePub or PDF.

If you like the minimalism of the standard iBooks reader, but don't like fixed indents in texts and limited format support, you can try eBoox. This program is just as airy and easy to use, but at the same time reads FB2, MOBI and others popular types files not available in iBooks. In addition, eBoox gives you more control over the visual side of the text: adjust the indentation to suit your needs.

The only thing eBoox may be missing is synchronization of reading positions, bookmarks and other metadata between devices. The program is free.


  • Supported formats: FB2, EPUB.

The Bookmate application is a convenient reader with basic text display settings. You can adjust the side padding, font size and type, line spacing, and background color. Moreover, Bookmate is also a social service with book recommendations and a library with . A very interesting combination.

Despite having an internal book store, Bookmate allows you to upload your own texts for free. The service automatically synchronizes data between different devices and platforms. As for file compatibility, the reader is limited to only the most popular formats.

3. PocketBook Reader

  • Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, PDF, DJVU, TXT, FB2.ZIP, CHM, HTML (basic), CBZ, CBR, СBT, RTF.

The PocketBook reader cannot be called minimalistic, but it is unlikely to confuse you with a large number of settings and functions. In addition to the typical options, you get control over auto-scrolling and paging zones. There is a quick export of words to Google, Wikipedia and a built-in . You can include reading aloud. It is very convenient to change the text scale by pinch.

PocketBook supports synchronization between devices via Dropbox. In addition, the application has a built-in ReadRate recommendation service, where you can view reviews, ratings and other information about books. Support for DJVU, a popular illustrated book format, deserves special attention. The application is available without advertising and for free.

4. KyBook 2

  • Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, RTF, PDF, DJVU, MOBI, AZW3, CBR, CBZ, CBT, MP3, M4A, M4B.

It seems that this monstrous reader can boast of all the settings and functions that could be useful when reading from a mobile device. Changing interface themes, managing headers and footers, sorting downloaded books according to different criteria, connecting various dictionaries, speed reading mode - that’s just small part everything that is in KyBook 2.

Not every reader needs such an arsenal, but if you like customization, you can try this program. KyBook 2 is available free of charge for a month, after which some functions are disabled. You can unblock them and at the same time remove ads for 299 rubles.